Founding Fathers: The Making of a Nation

Founding Fathers: The Making of a Nation

Additional Notes

1.) The kelegates had the great charge of saving the _________________.

2.)Who came 11 days early to the Constitution Convention with a plan? _________ based on the ________ as a whole. Name some key individuals that did not attend. why didn’t they come?

3.) who is the modern day icon compared to James Madison? _____________

4.) Who was Jefferson’s Protege?_______________

5.) Who was the figurehead at the Constitutional Convention?

6.) Name some key individuals did not attend. Why didn’t they come?

7.) Who introduced the Virginia Plan?

8.) What was Alexander Hamilton’s radical proposal concerning the Executive Branch?

9.) Who was the “voice of reason” in the Convention?

10.) What were Patrick Henry’s views on the Constitution? What must the Constitution absolutely have?

11.) Which state becamse the 9th state to ratify the Constitution?

a. Why was this significant?

12.) True or False ? The Anti-Federalists largely voted for George Washington for president.

13.) Who was the most unhappy about Washington’s electoral victory? Why?

14.) Why did Washington run again?

15.) What did Hamilton get the USA out of?

16.) What did Hamilton confess in the newspapers about?

17.) Which famous Founding Fathers died on July 4th, 1826?


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