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| |Program Studi : Program Studi : Magister Ilmu Agama Islam (PMIAI) |

| |Konsentrasi: Filsafat Islam |

| |Versi/revisi: 00/00 |

|Nama Mata Kuliah |: |LOGIC (LOGIKA) | |Tgl / Dosen |: | (1/9/2008) / : Ir. Hussein Heriyanto / Dr. Muhsin Labib |

|Kode Mata Kuliah / SKS |: |SM1CM02 / 2 | |Berlaku Mulai |: |Gasal (1) 2008-2009 |

|Silabus/Deskripsi singkat |This course is presented to introduce the importance, definition, subject matters, history, scope, and benefits of logic for scientific enterprise and life of human being in |

| |general. |

|Tujuan Pembelajaran |The students can understand the purpose why they study logic |

| |The students can describe the subject matters of logic, particularly traditional logic |

| |The students are able to explain the division of knowledge into conception (tasawwur) and assent (tasdiq) |

| |The students know the way of making definition of terms |

| |The students know the kinds of proposition along with the laws of opposition |

|Kompetensi Umum |The course will start by narration in such a way that the students do not study logic in an isolated world or in a backward way but in the way that they must know logic in our own |

| |age along with its problems and criticism. Bringing up actual and contemporary issues, the course will be enriched by daily life examples and illustration |

|Tugas dan Penilaian |Absensi (10%). |

| |UTS (30%). |

| |UAS (40%). |

| |Makalah & Presentasi (20%). |

|NO |Sub Kompetensi |Pokok Bahasan/ |

| | |Topik |

|9 |Argument |The description and explanation of types of argument (deduction, |

| | |induction and analogy) |

| | |The explanation of syllogism as a most famous type of deductive |

| | |reasoning |

| | |The exposition of two types of syllogism (categorical and hypothetical)|

| | |The delineation of inductive reasoning |

| | |The explanation of analogy |

| | | |

|Dipersiapkan oleh : |Diperiksa oleh : |Disahkan oleh : |

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|Hussein Heriyanto, M.Hum |Ahmad Y. Samantho, S.IP, MA |Dr. Kholid Al-Walid |

| |Kepala Biro Akademik Program Paska Sarjana, |Ketua Program Studi, |

|Tgl. September 2008 |Tgl. September 2008 |Tgl. Oktober 2008 |


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