Short Answer Questions - Cengage



1. List the four goals of business communication and explain how to achieve each.


The four goals of business communication are (1) receiver understanding, (2) receiver response, (3) favorable relationship, and (4) organizational goodwill. Goal 1 can be achieved by analyzing the receiver and by using the you–viewpoint. Goal 2 can be achieved by asking for the response and by assisting the receiver in giving it. Goal 3 can be achieved by using positive wording, by stressing the receiver’s interests and benefits, and by doing more than is expected. Goal 4 can be achieved by message content and actions that reflect favorably on the quality and dependability of the company’s products.

2. How do formal and informal communication differ with respect to (a) planning, (b) directional flow, and (c) purpose?  


Formal communication is planned, flows vertically or horizontally along the chain of command, and is business related. Informal communication may be planned or unplanned; may flow vertically, horizontally, or through a network; and may be for work-related or personal purposes.

3. What is serial communication? What can senders and receivers do to minimize potential problems in serial communication?


Serial communication is a type of communication in which message flow involves three or more people (A to B to C, etc.). Senders can minimize problems by keeping messages simple and requesting feedback. Receivers can minimize problems by taking notes and repeating the message.

4. Describe how to analyze a receiver.


Message senders should analyze receivers in four areas: (1) Knowledge—education, experience, and vocabulary level; (2) Interests—concerns, needs, and motivations; (3) Attitudes—values opinions, biases, and viewpoints; (4) Emotional Reaction—happy, neutral, or angry.

5. Explain how word choice can be a barrier to effective communication.


Word choice can be a barrier to communication in the following ways:

|• |Words that are technical or difficult may be misunderstood; words that are too easy may insult the receiver or |

| |cause him/her to lose interest in the message. |

|• |Words may have connotative or denotative meaning(s) that cause misunderstandings. |

|• |Idioms may pose problems, especially for receivers whose first language is not English. |

|• |Inferences and implications may be inappropriate or incorrect. |


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