Study Guide for Science Final

Study Guide for Science Final

Complete the following to help you prepare for the upcoming final exam.

1. How are mass and weight different? (three ways)

2. Using water as an example, describe the three states of matter.

3. Identify the three different subatomic particles.

4. How are compounds and mixtures different?

5. What holds atoms together in a molecule?

6. What is an element?

7. All elements are composed of extremely small particles called?

8. What is gravity?

9. What is the tendency to resist any change in motion is called?

10. What happens when unbalanced forces act on an object?

11. What is a physical change? Give an Example.

12. What is a chemical change? Give an example.

13. What term refers to the process by which individuals better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce?

14. What force keeps the planets orbiting the sun?

15. The transfer of energy through empty space is called?

16. In Science, a push or a pull is called?

17. The pull of gravity you feel on the Earth is a direct result of what property of the Earth?

18. Draw a diagram showing the position of the Sun, Earth and moon during a solar eclipse.

19. What phase would the moon be in during a lunar eclipse?

20. What are the two biggest factors producing the Earth’s seasons?

21. Diagram the position of the Earth and Sun during the summer in the northern hemisphere.

22. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere when it’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere?

23. What is the main reason that tides occur?

24. Why is it necessary to add a day to the calendar every 4 years?

25. What does the theory of continental drift state about the position of the landmasses?

26. List 4 pieces of evidence for plate tectonics.

27. The transfer of heat between two substances that are in contact is called?

28. What effect does the Earth’s rotation have on the planet?

29. What type of plate boundary occurs at the mid-ocean ridges?

30. Determine the density of a cube with a mass of 50 grams and a volume 25 cm³. Would the object float in water? Why or why not?

31. What is the thickest layer of the Earth?

32. Where is the Earth’s crust the thinnest?

33. How are the offspring of asexual reproduction different from the offspring of sexual reproduction?

34. What is the difference between an organism’s genotype and its phenotype?

35. What are factors that control traits called?

36. How does a geneticists use a pedigree?

37. What information can be determined using a Punnett square?

38. How do sedimentary rocks typically formed?

39. List the four main layers of the atmosphere.

40. How are the layers of the atmosphere classified?

41. In what layer of the atmosphere does weather occur?

42. What is responsible for absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays in the atmosphere?

43. Climates are classified according to what two major factors?

44. What is the primary source of energy for the water cycle?

45. List four types of condensation.

46. Name the frozen form of precipitation that occurs during summer thunderstorms.

47. Why do areas in the middle of continents generally have more extreme differences in temperature than areas near the coast?

48. The average, year-to year conditions of temperature precipitation, winds, and clouds for an area is known as?

49. A class conducts an experiment to determine the best color to paint a solar water heater that they plan to build. For their experimental test, the students have four identical cans. They paint one black, one green, one red, and one white. Each can is filled with 500ml of 22⁰C water, and is allowed to sit in the sun for two hours. Which color can will have the greatest increase in water temperature?

50. The heating of the atmosphere due to an increase in CO2 is typically called?


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