Mrs. Moore's Lesson Plans February 4-8-2008


November 26-30, 2018

** Plans are subject to change based on difficulty and schedule changes throughout the week.

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|9:00-9:05 |Flag Salutes |United States and Oklahoma flag |Salutes, Patriotic |Songs, and the |School Creed. |

| |Objective.: To identify | | | | |

| |the | | | | |

| |Flags and understand | | | | |

| |The etiquette of its | | | | |

| |Use. | | | | |

| 9:05-9:30 |Name Practice | Name Practice | Name Practice |Name Practice |Name Practice |

| | | | | | |

| |Opening | | | | |

| | | |Opening |Opening |Opening |

| |Objectives: Print |Opening | | | |

| |Awareness, Vocabulary, | |Objectives: Print |Objectives: Print | |

| |Comprehension |Objectives: Print Awareness, |Awareness, Vocabulary, |Awareness, Vocabulary, |Objectives: Print |

| |Listening skills |Vocabulary, |Comprehension |Comprehension |Awareness, Vocabulary, |

| |Objectives: Observe daily |Comprehension |Listening skills |Listening skills |Comprehension |

| |Weather, seasons, |Listening skills |Objectives: Observe daily |Objectives: Observe daily|Listening skills |

| |appropriate clothing |Objectives: Observe daily |Weather, seasons, |Weather, seasons, |Objectives: Observe |

| | |Weather, seasons, appropriate |appropriate clothing |appropriate clothing |daily |

| |Calendar Binders: |clothing | | |Weather, seasons, |

| |Months of the year | |Calendar Binders: |Calendar Binders: |appropriate clothing |

| |Counting by 1’s and 5’s |Calendar Binders: |Months of the year |Months of the year | |

| |Birthday’s |Months of the year |Counting by 1’s and 5’s |Counting by 1’s and 5’s |Calendar Binders: |

| |Graphing |Counting by 1’s and 5’s |Birthday’s |Birthday’s |Months of the year |

| |Tally marks |Birthday’s |Graphing |Graphing |Counting by 1’s and 5’s|

| |Poetry |Graphing |Tally marks |Tally marks |Birthday’s |

| | |Tally marks |Poetry |Poetry |Graphing |

| | |Poetry | | |Tally marks |

| |Common core-.1,2 | | | |Poetry |

| |PassMathStandard-1;2, | | | | |

| |2;3,4,7, 4;1d,2b, 5;2 | | | | |

| |PassSmallMotor-1;2 | | | | |

| |PassSocialStudies-1;1,2,3,| | | | |

| |4, | | | | |

| |PassOralLangSpeaking – | | | | |

| |2;1,2 3;1, | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |RWSR | | | | |

|9:30-10:15 |P.E. |Math |Math |Math |Math |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|10:15-10;30 | Snack | Snack |Snack |Snack | |

| | | | | |Snack |

|10:30-12:15 |Literacy Centers |Literacy Centers |Literacy Centers |Literacy Centers |Literacy Centers |

| |Reading |Reading |11:30-12:00 |Reading |Reading |

| | | |P.E. | | |

|12:15-12:20 |Bathroom |Bathroom |Bathroom | |Bathroom |

| |Wash Hands |Wash hands |Wash Hands |Bathroom |Wash Hands |

| |Read a Book | | |Wash Hands | |

| | |Read |Read | |Read |

| |Shared Reading | | |Read |Shared Reading |

| |Objectives: Print |Shared Reading |Shared Reading |Shared Reading |Objectives: Print |

| |Awareness, Vocabulary, |Objectives: Print Awareness, |Objectives: Print |Objectives: Print |Awareness, Vocabulary, |

| |Comprehension |Vocabulary, |Awareness, Vocabulary, |Awareness, Vocabulary, |Comprehension |

| |Listening skills, |Comprehension |Comprehension |Comprehension |Listening skills, |

| |Identifies parts of a |Listening skills, |Listening skills, |Listening skills, |Identifies parts of a |

| |book, following words from|Identifies parts of a book, |Identifies parts of a |Identifies parts of a |book, following words |

| |left to right, distinguish|following words from left to |book, following words from|book, following words |from left to right, |

| |between letters and words |right, distinguish between |left to right, distinguish|from left to right, |distinguish between |

| |RWSR |letters and words |between letters and words |distinguish between |letters and words |

| | |RWSR |RWSR |letters and words |RWSR |

| | | | |RWSR | |

|12:20-1:20 |Lunch | | | | |

| |And |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |

| |Recess |And |And |And |And |

| | |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1:20-2:10 |Ice-Alphablocks |Ice-Alphablocks |Ice-Alphablocks |Ice-Alphablocks |Writing | |

| |Writing |Writing |Writing |Writing | | |

|2:10-2:15 |Clean-up/walk |Clean-up/walk |Clean Up/walk |Clean-up |Clean up/walk |

|2:15-3:05 |Specials | Specials |Specials | |Specials |

| |Indian Culture | |Music |Get Ready to go home |STEAM Lab |

| | | | |2:30 Dismiss | |

|3:05-3:30 | | | | | |

| |Get Ready to Leave |Get Ready to leave |Get ready to leave | |Get ready to leave |

| |Read |Read |Read | |Read |

|3:30 |Dismiss | Dismiss |dismiss | |Dismiss |

• Math Centers

• Fun Addition

• Count, Add, Write

• Playdough

• Count up to 20

• Corn

• Slate math on ipads

• What’s for dinner Pattern Blocks

• unifix cubes

• Magnets

• Literacy Centers

ABC: sight word

Writing: November writing in K

Math: ABC writing

Book Buddies:”My Colorful Turkey”

Art:Turkey puppets

T.V.: Making words

Listening: “Thanksgiving for Emily Ann” by Teresa Johnson

Library: Thanksgiving words

Sand: ABC sort

Objectives: Develop skills necessary for work and interacting with others. Participate in age appropriate activities that will allow for a wide range of developmental interests and abilities. To provide hands-on learning for the children.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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