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Name __Period_ AP BiologyDate_RAVEN CHAPTER 7 GUIDED NOTES: HOW CELLS HARVEST ENERGYDefine the following termsautotrophs heterotrophs digestion catabolism aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration fermentation In what bonds is the chemical energy stored in fats and in carbohydrates?How is energy stored in chemical bonds?Identify some activities the cell uses ATP for.Explain why ATP is such a “high energy” molecule.How does ATP drive endergonic reactions? How does ATP function in “coupled reactions”?Explain how ATP synthase produces ATP.Briefly distinguish between the two methods of producing ATP in respiration:substrate-level phosphorylation aerobic respiration List the four stages of cellular respiration: List two classes of prokaryotes that utilize anaerobic respiration and explain what molecules they use as electron acceptors (instead of oxygen). STAGE 1: Glycolysisoccurs where? starts with? produces? yields how much ATP? produces ATP through what process? Why is glycolysis thought to be one of the earliest of all biochemical processes to have evolved?STAGE 2: Oxidation of Pyruvateoccurs where? starts with? produces? yields how much ATP? If the body has enough ATP, what is the fate of acetyl-CoA?STAGE 3: The Krebs Cycleoccurs where? starts with? produces? yields how much ATP? produces ATP through what process? What is the major function of the Kreb’s cycle?Define each of the following:oxidation reduction What are the roles of NAD+ & FAD+2 in respiration?STAGE 4: The Electron Transport Chainoccurs where? starts with? produces? yields how much ATP? produces ATP through what process? What is the final electron acceptor in the Electron Transport Chain?Describe the role of the Electron Transport Chain. What happens to the electrons and H+?What is chemiosmosis and how is it generated?Explain why respiration is considered exergonic.What is the main reason energy is harvested in stages in respirationWhat happens to most of the energy released during cell respiration?What is the theoretical ATP yield of aerobic respiration? …the actual yield? Explain why they differ.Identify examples of each of the following feedback mechanisms in aerobic respiration:negative feedback positive feedback Write the summary equation for cellular respiration:Where did the glucose come from? Where did it go? Where did the O2 come from? Where did it go? Where did the CO2 come from? Where did it go? Where did the H2O come from? Where did the ATP come from? What else is produced that is not listed in this equation? Label the diagram.What is the fate of these other organic molecules when they are used as fuel molecules:proteins fats FermentationAlcoholic fermentation converts glucose to Alcoholic fermentation is utilized by what organisms? Lactic acid fermentation converts glucose to Lactic acid fermentation is utilized by what organisms? Big Picture Thought QuestionsWhy do we eat? Why do we breathe? ................

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