Chapter 12 Reading Guide: Patterns of Heredity

Chapter 12 Reading Guide: Patterns of Heredity

Section 12.1

1. A pedigree is _______________________________________________________. It is a diagram made up of ______________________________________________________________________________________


2. Draw the symbols for the following individuals in a pedigree:

|Female |Male |Parents |Siblings |

| | | | |

|Affected Male |Affected Female |Carrier female |Carrier Male |

| | | | |

3. What is a carrier? ________________________________________________________________________


4. What type of alleles cause most genetic disorders (recessive or dominant)?______________________

5. Fill in the chart about the following recessive human diseases:

|Recessive Disease |Who gets it & how common is it? |What causes it? |Treatments? |

|Cystic Fibrosis | | | |

| | | | |

|Tay-Sachs | | | |

| | | | |

|Phenylketonuria (PKU) | | | |

| | | | |

6. How many recessive alleles does a child have to inherit to show a recessive disease (1 or 2)? _______

7. How many dominant alleles does a child have to inherit to show a dominant trait (1or 2)? _______

8. List 2 dominant traits: a) ______________________________ b) ______________________________

9. Huntington’s disease is a ________________________________________________________________. It results in a ____________________________________________________________________________. No effective ____________________________________________.

10. Predict the chance of a child having Huntington’s disease is one parent is heterozygous for the disease and one parent is unaffected. Show the parent genotypes, the punnet square, and the answer.

Section 12.2

11. Mendel’s experiments are often referred to as ___________________________________ - inheritance controlled by ____________________________________________________________________________. However, many inheritance patterns are ______________________________________________________.

12. Describe incomplete dominance: ___________________________________________________________


13. In incomplete dominance a red snapdragon flower (RR) and a white snapdragon flower (R’R’) would produce what color of flowers? ________________________ (Do the punnett square)

What is the genotype of the offspring? _______

14. Describe Codominance: ___________________________________________________________________


15. With codominance inheritance, a black chicken (BB) and a white chicken (WW) would produce a chicken with what color of feathers? ______________________ (Do the punnet square)

What is the genotype of the offspring? _______

16. Only _______ alleles can exist in an individual cell but ______________ alleles for a single gene can exist in a population.

17. Describe multiple alleles: _________________________________________________________________.

18. Give an example of multiple allelic inheritance from the book: ___________________________________.

19. An individual’s gender is determined by what pair of chromosomes? __________

20. XX is a __________ (gender) while XY is a __________ (gender).

21. What are sex-linked traits? ________________________________________________________________


22. In fruit flies, eye color is sex-linked. What would be the genders and colors of the eyes of the following fruit flies?

| |XRXR |XRXr |XrXr |XRY |XrY |

|Gender | | | | | |

|Eye Color (red/white)| | | | | |

23. What is polygenic inheritance? _____________________________________________________________


24. What are some external factors that affect gene expression? ______________________________________


25. What are some internal factors that effect gene expression? ______________________________________


Section 12.3

26. What is sickle cell anemia? _______________________________________________________________


27. What type of inheritance causes sickle cell anemia? ___________________________________________

28. Blood type is governed by _________________________________________.

29. What are the four blood types? ____________________________________________________________

30. What are the three alleles for blood type? ______________________.

31. What are two sex-linked traits in humans? ________________________ and ______________________.

32. Why is hemophilia more common in males than females? ________________________________________


33. What type of inheritance is skin color? __________________________________

34. How many genes control skin color? ___________________

35. Having an extra or three chromosomes instead of two is called? _______________________

36. Having one chromosome instead of two is called? ________________________________

37. Trisomy 21 is another name for the disorder known as _______________________________________.


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