Four Types of Reflective Questions

Four Types of Reflective Questions

“Right There”

(Students are asked to respond at the literal level)

Questions begin with: who is, where is, list, what is, how many, when did, name, what kind of, when is…

“Think and Search”

(Students are required to think about how the information relates to other ideas in the text)

Questions begin with: what caused, contrast, retell, how did, explain, find two examples, for what reason, compare…

“Author and You”

(Students are required to have read the material to understand what the question is asking) Questions are very specific to the particular piece of text: Do you think Cloning is worth continuing the research and should it be used?

“On My Own”

(Students are able to answer these questions on their own without reading the text) Questions examples include: What did you know about cloning before reading the text?


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