
Subject: Dine Studies Grade: Fourth Grade Title: RugLearning Objective: Name the significant colors and designs of a Ganado rug pattern.Days: 5 day lesson.Goals:Students will be able to introduce the Ganado red as an imported color.Students will be able to identify specific location known for the rug.Students will be able to name the significant colors and designs of a Ganado rug pattern.Objectives:I will be able to name the significant colors and designs of a Ganado rug pattern by creating my Ganado rug poster.Materials:ENO board, Internet, rug poster, graph paper, markers, crayons, color pencils.Illustration: Teacher made illustrationsWorksheets: Vocabulary work sheet- Diyog7-(rug), Aghaa’-(Wool), {ich77’-(Red), {izhin-(Red), {igai-(White), L0k’aa’ Niteel-(Ganado)Introduction:Day 1. Teacher will introduce topic using pair share activity.Day 2. Teacher will introduce literature article and academic vocabulary Day 3. Teacher will introduce a Din4 rug poster.Development:Day 1. Students will develop a pair share writing response relating to target question.Day 2. Students will complete a graphic organizer related to Ganado rug design.Day 3. Students will develop a project related to Ganado rug design.Day 4. ReviewPractice:Students will practice reciting the academic vocabulary in Din4 Bizaad.Students will practice writing skills after pair share partner activity.Students will practice note taking skills during development of a graphic organizer.Accommodations:Work in small group (pairs) Provide visuals, manipulatives related to topicNote taking assistanceUsing student/peer tutorChecking for Understanding:“Thumbs up”, On the spot checks, performance base rubric assessment. Closure:Daily closure will be to review the vocabulary words and the Student friendly objective. ................

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