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Name: ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Summer Math Calendar

Entering 2nd Grade

Directions: Return the completed Math Calendar to your teacher when you return to school. Attach ALL your work together.

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|1 Count by 2s to 20. Write the |2 Get permission to go outside. Look|3 Count the number of pennies, |4 Find and count all the cylinders |5 Count by 10s to 100. Write the |

|numbers as you say them. |for things shaped like a rectangle. |nickels, and dimes in your mom's or |in your home. Don't forget to check |numbers as you say them. How many |

| |List as many as you can. |dad's pocket. Which coin is there |the kitchen. |tens does it take to make 100? |

| | |more of? | | |

|8 What are five different ways you |9 What number comes after 11? |10 Draw a clock to show where the |11 Count by 5s to 100. Write the |12 Write and solve a story problem |

|can make ten? |Before 27? Before and after 46? |hour hand points to 9:00. |numbers. |to add 16 and 20. |

|15 Draw to show 66 three different |16 Write a story problem about 11 |17 Use your hand to measure the |18 Draw two rectangles. Draw lines |19 Draw two squares. Draw lines to |

|ways. |oranges and 37 peaches. |length of your bed. How many hands is|on one rectangle to show equal |show fourths. Color a fourth of the|

| | |it? |parts. Draw lines on the other |first square. Color the second |

| | | |rectangle to show unequal parts. |square to show a whole. |

|22 Draw a picture of a house made |23 Draw ten frames and counters to |24 Write as many number sentences as |25 Use words, pictures, or numbers |26 Count 12 in four different ways. |

|from shapes. Write the shape names |show how to solve 14 - 7 = ___. |you can that have 14 for an answer. |to show how to find the unknown |Use words, pictures, and numbers. |

|you used. | | |numbers for 8 + ___ = 17 and 17— 8 =| |

| | | |_____. | |

|29 Count back by 100s. Begin with |30 Have someone count how many times| | | |

|900 and go back to 100. Write the |you can jump on one foot in one | | | |

|numbers. |minute. Double this number. | | | |

Name: ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Summer Math Calendar

Entering 2nd Grade

Directions: Return the completed Math Calendar to your teacher when you return to school. Attach your work to this card.

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |1 Draw a rectangle and a triangle. |2 How many different ways can you |3 Write four related facts using the|

| | |How many sides does each have? How |use pennies, nickels, and dimes to |numbers 7, 9, and 16. Use pictures |

| | |many corners does each one have? |make 25₵? to make 50₵? Record all |to show how the number sentences are|

| | | |the ways. |related. |

|6 Find all the cubes you can in your|7 Use a grocery receipt your mom |8 Use different colors to draw 3 |9 Draw two rectangles. Draw lines |10 List as many triangles and |

|home. Remember to search your games |saved for you. Circle the most |lines that are different |on one rectangle to show equal |quadrilaterals you find in your |

|and toys. |expensive item in red. Circle the |lengths. Then write 3 sentences |parts. Draw lines on the other |bedroom. |

| |least expensive item in blue. What |comparing their lengths. |rectangle to show unequal parts. | |

| |is the difference? | | | |

|13 List the months of the year in |14 Draw a clock to show the time you|15 I have 16 stickers and my brother |16 What number comes after 16? |17 Draw a picture of your family |

|order starting with January. |woke up. Name the time. |has 9. Who has more? |Before 30? Before and after 57? |from shortest to tallest. Label |

| | | | |each one. |

|20 Ask 10 people their favorite |21 Jen is 53 inches tall and Deb is |22 Show different ways you can make |23 I’m 7 years old and my sister is |24 Find 3 different ways to make |

|color. Organize your data in a |48 inches tall. Who is taller? How |$1.00 using nickels, dimes, and |11. Who is younger? How much |$1.50 using nickels, dimes, and |

|table or graph. |do you know? |quarters. |younger? Show your work. |quarters. Draw to show your work. |

|27 Find the age of all the relatives|28 Find as many ways as you can to |29 A packet of gum has 5 pieces in |30 My fact family is 7, 3, and 10. |31 Roll 2 number cubes. Add the two|

|that live with you. Arrange the |make 15 using 3 addends. Use |it. How many pieces of gum in 3 |What are 2 addition and 2 |digits to find the sum. Do this 20 |

|ages from youngest to oldest. |pictures or numbers to show your |packets? 5 packets? Show your work.|subtraction sentences you can make |times. What sum did you get the |

| |work. | |using these numbers? |most often? |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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