New Providence School District / Overview

Global Warming:Myth or Inconvenient Truth?IntroductionGoalsQuest Global WarmingPollutionEco Carbon FootprintRecyclingThinning OzoneGreen EnergyDebate HYPERLINK "" Mentor TextVisual ImagesIntroduction:Global Warming. T.V, internet, and magazine articles report on it and our parents discuss it over dinner, but is it a myth or an inconvenient truth? Over the course of the year, you will research and read critically to determine for yourself whether global warming is something to be feared or a political platform for politicians.GoalsBy the end of this course you will be able to:Critically examine a topic from multiple points of viewForm, and express in writing, an evidence based opinionUse evidence to debate a current eventIdentify elements of persuasive writing, and utilize them to write an evidence based argumentFormulate research questions, conduct research through note taking, and cite sources used throughout the research processQuest:The president has created a task force to explore the topic of global warming and ways to reduce global warming if it is found to be a threat to our environment.Over the course of the writing mod you will research global warming and critically analyze the validity of information you read and view. You will then compile your research to present and defend your findings on global warming in a debate against other researchers. This debate will greatly influence the President’s global warming initiative.Global Warming Threat of melting ice: data on rising temperatures: of tomorrow sing about planet change: Defense Fund explains earth warming up:’s student guide to climate change: Argues the debate is not over about global warming: to ‘debunk’ global warming, with links to winning kids’ entries: Defense ad about consequences of global warming: PollutionPreventing illegal dumping by tracking trucks: ‘Keep America Beautiful’ PSA: Role of satellites in tracking pollution:’ ecology corps describes various kinds of pollution: ideas about fighting air pollution: quality – history and what to do about improving it: Geographic review of causes of air pollution: Carbon Footprint Compute your ecological footprint: World Wildlife Federation top ten ways to reduce eco footprint decides to cut its carbon footprint: suggests US reduce carbon footprint before pressuring others: Pelletier claims carbon footprint is a myth: Dense explanation of carbon footprint: of carbon footprint: put pressure on companies to reduce carbon footprint: An article about recycling: “Recycling-Chemistry Can” news clip that argues recycling is the “lazy” way of saving our planet An article on the problems with plastic and attempts to create eco-friendly plastics article that argues recycling is a waste of time, money and energy on the benefits of recycling arguing if recycling is worth the trouble and cost cons of recycling Efforts to recycling, including pros and cons Recycle Roundup Game Video gone to waste because trucks not separating trash it’s beneficial to recycle Thinning OzoneDescription of what the ozone is, and effects of ozone depletion: Space Agency satellite photos of holes in the ozone layer: ozone and bad ozone: the damage to the ozone started: is the ozone hole? Geographic article on thinning ozone layer: fact sheet and video interview with arctic explorer on recovery of ozone layer: Green EnergyThe pros and cons of solar energy: article on one negative effect of alternative energy sources, from Fox News: Geographic video on alternative energy: article about President Obama’s promotion of clean energy: article about urban farms:·bate??NounA formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.VerbArgue about (a subject), esp. in a formal manner.Synonymsnoun.??discussion - dispute - argument - disputationverb.??dispute - discuss - argue - deliberate - canvassView a middle school debate: ImagesVisual images can be just as persuasive as words. “Read” the visual images below to see what persuasive techniques are used. ................

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