Central Dauphin School District

Central Dauphin School District

Chambers Hill Elementary School

Steven Epstein - Principal

From the Principal’s Desk

April 1, 2007

Dr. John Scola – Superintendent Richard Miller – Assistant Superintendent


From April 24th through May 4th, students across Pennsylvania in grades 4, 8, and 11 will take a Science PSSA Assessment. This year, the assessment is considered a “Field Test” and will not count towards schools’ and districts’ AYP results. However, in subsequent years it will. A reminder, that during this PSSA exam, no educational trips will be approved.

If you would like to review information regarding this assessment, you may access it from the Pennsylvania Department of Education website.


| 2006-2007 |

|[pic] 2006-2007 Science Assessment Handbook [pic] |

|[pic] Science Assessment Glossary [pic] |

|[pic] Science Assessment Glossary [pic] |

|2005-2006 |

|  |

|[pic] 2005-2006 Grade 4 Science Item and Scoring Sampler |

|[pic] 2005-2006 Grade 8 Science Item and Scoring Sampler |

|[pic] 2005-2006 Grade 11 Science Item and Scoring Sampler  |

Vocabulary Words of the Month

One major item, which impacts all other areas of learning, is knowledge of vocabulary. One way Chambers Hill Elementary is trying to address this “issue” is to discuss one vocabulary word a day. The word, with its meaning, synonyms, antonyms, an example, non-example, and sentence is provided to the school during morning announcements. Teachers and students are encouraged to utilize the word throughout the day. An accumulation, or gathering, of each word will be placed on the walls in the cafeteria. It is not expected that all students will learn all words. However, with the constant repetition and reinforcement, we hope knowledge is gained. The following is a list of words that will be addressed via morning announcements. We encourage you to reinforce these words at home, too.

• Alter

• Approximate

• Conclusion

• Consistent

• Differentiate

• Discriminate

• Exaggerate

• Feature

• Formulate

• Infer

• Intent

• Logical

• Notation

• Oppose

• Perspective

• Procedure

• Recall

• Relevant

• Standard

• Tone

• Unique

Supporting Academic Progress at Home – Some Helpful Hints

Making School a Priority (from Home & School Connections)

With Spring upon us, it can be hard to keep children focused on learning. What can you do to make school a top priority for your kids? Keep these simple ideas in mind – They’re useful at any time of the year.

Make Attendance #1 - Let your youngsters know that unless they are sick, they must go to school. Try to schedule routine dentist and doctor appointments after school hours. If possible, take family vacations during school breaks. Tip: Give awards for perfect attendance each month. Try “Job Well Done” certificate or a coupon good for a night of bowling or a movie.

Show you Care – Want your children to know that you’re interested in their learning? Talk about school activities and projects. Attend as many school events as you can. If homework and after school activities conflict, speak up: “I know you have baseball practice this evening, but homework comes first. After you finish, I’ll take you to practice.”

Keep it Upbeat – Try to set a positive example for your children, even when your own day has been difficult. Instead of saying, “I had a hard day at work. I’ll never get my project done,” try, “Work was hard today, but I made some progress on my project.” If you show a positive attitude about your work, your youngsters may feel better about their own.

Helpful Reminders!!!


The Board requires that school age students enrolled in district schools attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws. The educational program offered by the district is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress.

Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in district schools during the days and hours that school is in session, except when the building principal excuses a student for temporary absences when receiving satisfactory evidence of mental, physical, or other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause the student’s absence. (See Board Policy 204)


Tardiness is the late arrival (signed-in) to school without proper cause on or before 11:45 am for elementary.

Accumulated/habitual tardiness to school will result in disciplinary measures. Please refer to the CDSD Calendar on page 32.

Early Dismissal

Elementary students physician/dental appointments may be considered an excused absence. Written notice from parent/guardian is required to permit the early dismissal. A written excuse is required upon the return of the student. This excuse may be provided by the physician/dentist or the parent.

Students who leave for an early dismissal before 11:45 pm for elementary will be recorded as a half day absence unless they return with a note. Any student who leaves school for a period of time longer than two (2) hours and forty-five (45) minutes in the middle of the school day is to be recorded as a half day absence.

Public Announcements

Public announcements of school closings, delayed school openings or early school dismissals will be made over the following stations.

Television: WGAL 8, UPN 15, WHP 21, WHTM 27, WITF 33, WPMT Fox 43

Radio: WHP 580, WRVV – 97.3, Bob-94.9, KISS 99.3, WLAN 96.9, WNNK-104, WTCY-1400, WTPA-93.5, WWKL-92

School Closings

Should there be an occasion when weather or some other emergency necessitates a school closing, the following guidelines will be followed:

1. 1. Notice of a school closing will be announced over local radio and television stations and posted on the district website.

2. 2. It is important in an emergency situation to keep telephone lines open. Please do not call the school office, homes of school officials or the Transportation Center.

Parents should have a plan in place for your child in case of an early dismissal.

Delayed School Opening

Should there be an occasion when weather or some other emergency necessitates a delayed opening of school, the following procedures will be used:

1. 1. Notice of a delayed school opening will be announced over local radio and television stations and posted on the district’s website.

2. 2. The announcement that “the opening of Central Dauphin School District will be delayed one (1) hour” indicates that the school staff and all pupils (both transported and walkers) are to arrive at school one (1) hour later than the usual time. On such a day, afternoon dismissal will occur at the regular time.

3. 3. Same for two (2) hours.

4. 4. In the event of a two (2) hour delay, the following Modified Kindergarten schedule will be in effect:

AM Kindergarten – Arrive 10:45-11:00 a.m.

Dismissed 12:45 p.m

PM Kindergarten - Arrive 1:45-2:00 p.m.

Dismissed 3:45 p.m.

No lunches will be served to kindergarten students. Kids Klub will not be available on 1hr. or 2 hr. delays or early dismissals.

Please refrain from calling the school office or the Transportation Center

Admission to the Elementary School Building

Children are admitted to the school building fifteen (15) minutes prior to the beginning of classes. Parents are asked to cooperate in having their children arrive during this fifteen (15) minute period. Pupils transported by school bus will be admitted to the building upon arrival. Kindergarten children who ride in private cars should be picked up promptly at dismissal time.


Upon entering any district building, all visitors must register in the office and obtain a visitor’s badge.

Parent/Guardian Visitation

The administration and faculty of Central Dauphin schools wish to support home/school cooperation. In order to make your visit to school more profitable to you and to us, and safe for all students, we ask:

1. Please schedule your visit in advance. A phone call to the principal’s office will alert all staff of your presence.

2. Special education classroom visits are scheduled through the respective special education supervisor.

3. 3. If you desire a conference with a teacher, make an appointment through the office. Classes will not be interrupted for this purpose.

Pupil Visitation

1. Pupils from other school districts are not encouraged to visit the Central Dauphin schools.

2. Pupils from the Central Dauphin School District are not encouraged to visit other schools or schools within the district.

3. Younger brothers or sisters shall not be brought to the school to visit.

Appearance and Dress

Students have the right to govern the length or style of their hair, unless the length or style of hair causes disruption of the educational process or constitutes a health or safety hazard.

Students have the right to wear such clothing or apparel as they choose, unless such clothing or apparel distracts from the educational program or constitutes a health or safety hazard. Students have the responsibility to keep themselves, their clothes and their hair clean. Where the lack of cleanliness constitutes a health hazard, appropriate restrictions or limitations upon the student’s participation in the regular instructional program, or discipline, may be imposed. Clothing or products displaying drugs, alcohol, tobacco or sexual innuendo are not permitted.

It shall be the responsibility of the building principals to exercise fair and consistent judgment in determining when violations have occurred.

Educational Trips

Pupils will be permitted to take an educational trip and /or participate in educational activities, in accordance with district procedures. Parents must obtain the proper district request form from the school office in advance of the planned trip or activity. No educational trips will be approved during PSSA testing dates.

Educational trips are not to exceed five (5) days. Three (3) excused absences (occasions) will be permitted for educational experiences that provide enrichment, placement opportunities or acceleration in those areas identified within the school curriculum and/or encourage or reward individual achievement or special skills. The pupil is an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the event and will provide documentation of his/her involvement upon returning to school. Parents must receive approval from the principal prior to taking an educational trip or activity.


Homework is considered a fundamental part of the learning activities for students in the Central Dauphin School District.

Homework assignments should be related in a meaningful way to the classroom instruction and reasonable in time requirements. A minimum of homework should be assigned in primary grades with increased amounts as necessary up through the grades. No more than an hour should be need for homework. If you have questions regarding your child’s homework, contact your child’s teacher.

Parents are encouraged to obtain homework and school assignments if their child is absent from school.

Medication Policy and Procedure

Before any medication may be administered to or by any student during school hours, the Board shall require the following

1. The written request of the parent/guardian, giving permission for such administration

2. The written order of the prescribing physician, which shall include the purpose of the medication, dosage, time at which or special circumstances under which the medication shall be administered, length of period for which medication is prescribed, and possible side effects of medication.

Emergency Care and Illness

There is a health room in each school. The school nurse or the health room aide provides emergency care for illness and injuries occurring in school while the pupil is under jurisdiction o the school.

Treatment of injuries or illnesses occurring at home is not the responsibility of the teacher or school nurse. Please do not send a child to school if he/she is ill. If he/she has had a fever, he/she should remain at home until his/her temperature has been normal for twenty-four (24) hours.

Notification of Any Changes

The school should always be notified of any change in home or work telephone numbers. If an emergency situation should arise, valuable time can be lost in trying to locate a parent. It is highly recommended that you have a family physician and list his/her telephone number as well.


A nutritious breakfast and lunch are served daily (if school opening is delayed, breakfast is not served). Monthly menus are available from your school office, homerooms, cafeteria or on the website at .

All students will be given free or reduced lunch applications at the beginning of the school year. It is important the application is submitted as soon as possible. All children in the family may be submitted for the lunch program on the same form. Parents will be notified as soon as possible regarding the status of qualifications.

The Central Dauphin School District provides nutritious meals at nominal prices which are as follows for elementary students:

Student Breakfast: $1.00 Student Lunch: $1.65

Reduced Breakfast: $ .30 Reduced Lunch: $ .40

Point-of-Sale Accounts

Cashiers can provide balance information to students or parents as requested. Cash or checks made payable to the school your child attends are accepted.

Students will be assigned a PIN (Personal Identification Number). Students may not share their PIN numbers with other students.

Parents/guardians will be able to go online and access their account history. They will be able to make deposits directly into their child’s account.


The Central Dauphin School District shall provide transportation for students as determined by the School Board. The building assignment of all pupils in grades kindergarten through twelve shall be according to the legal residence of the parent or legal guardian and transportation shall be provided accordingly. If the legal residence is located within a designated walking area, transportation will not be provided, unless the pupil attends a latchkey program recognized by the school district and whose facilities are located in the area that qualifies for transportation service.

One change in transportation, for reason(s) other than a residence change, shall be permitted in a school term providing the change is permanent, seating space is available, the new stop lies within the same building attendance area and no additional mileage is added to the bus route. The permanent change will be for transportation to and from the same location a.m. and/or p.m., Monday through Friday; provided, however, that the a.m. location need not be the same as the p.m. location.


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