Homilies & Reflections

Homilies & Reflections




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Homilies and Reflections for Cycle B

Homilies and Reflections for Cycle B Featuring Rob Bell, James

Martin, S.J, Jan Richardson and Richard Rohr, O.F.M. Edited and

Compiled by Deacon Jim Knipper Some of the finest homilists come

together to build a compilation of sermons and homilies for Cycle B

in the liturgical year. This book, second in a series, breaks open the

Sunday and Holy Day readings in order to provide insight, warmth,

humor and spirital food for the reader. Under the moniker of the ¡°Hoilists for the

Homeless,¡± these contributors make it possible for proceeds of every book to be

donated to charities who focus on clothing those in most need.



Hungry, And You Fed Me:

Homilies and Reflections for Cycle C

Featuring James Martin, SJ & Richard Rohr,

OFM. Edited by: Deacon JIM KNIPPER

Some of the finest homilists come together to

build a compilation of sermons and homilies

for Cycle C in the Liturgical Year. Hungry and

You Fed Me breaks open the Sunday readings

in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and

spiritual food for the reader.



Rev. William J. Bausch

Joel Blunk

Doug Cordes

Rev. Dr. David A Davis

Michael Doyle

Meredith Gould, Ph.D.

Boxed Set - 3 Books


And You Clothed Me:

Homilies and Reflections for Cycle A

Featuring Rob Bell, James Martin, S.J.,

Jan Richardson and Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

Edited and Compiled by Deacon JIMKNIPPER

Some of the finest homilists come together to build

a compilation of sermons and homilies for Cycle A

in the liturgical year. This book, second in a series,

breaks open the Sunday and Holy Day readings

in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for

the reader. Under the moniker of the ¡®Homilists for the Homeless,¡¯

these contributors make it possible for proceeds of every book to be

donated to charities who focus on clothing those in most need.


Rev. Paul A. Holmes

Deacon Greg Kandra

Deacon Jim Knipper

Michael Leach

Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Fr. Richard G. Malloy, S.J.

Brother Mickey O¡¯Neill McGrath

Rev. Carol Howard Merritt

Rev. Penny A. Nash

Msgr. Walter E. Nolan

Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

Fran Rossi Szpylczyn

From No to Yes The title to this book of homilies, "No to Yes" reflects the age-old beckoning to conversion.

These 72 new homilies are drawn from everyday headlines and voices that range from the inspirational to the

challenging, with a distinct thematic bias towards the conflict of culture and faith. The homilies are filled with Fr.

Bausch¡¯s hallmark story telling; the more I preach the more I am convinced of their importance. Research has shown

that stories form our lives for better or worse. Those stories that grapple with the deep questions - God, suffering,

loneliness, and death - produce the myths we live by, myths that give us humans living on a decaying star some

sense of identity, community, meaning and purpose. That is why we are a storytelling people and stories, unlike the

"facts-only" one-dimensional statements our age favors. Stories have their own flexible, shape-shifting meanings that

challenge, and often upend each era. A recent study of former Catholics has identified poor preaching as the second

single most common complaint for why they stopped attending church. Clearly people want words that reflect where they are,

that deal with matters they must face every day, and words that help them name their spiritual longings. As Christianity declines,

at least here in the West with the Catholic Church hemorrhaging most severely of all, there is a need for reaching out to those who

have left organized religion but who have not necessarily abandoned the quest for spirituality. Part of that outreach must begin with

preaching the word of God whose aim, in the words of a Pope Francis¡¯ book title, makes "Walking with Jesus" more inviting, more

approachable. Hopefully this volume of new homilies may help. SHOP HERE

Toll Free: 800-268-4449 Phone: 416-690-4777 Fax: 416-690-5357


Prices subject to change without notice.


Author William Bausch Many of the faithful are asking, "Am I a Christian if I don't believe everything the Church

teaches?" Silently or openly, people today are frequently replying in the negative, especially numerous former

Roman Catholics. The old official answers, rigidly formulated and imposed in an age with different political

and philosophical backgrounds, are now, for such Christians, simply mystifying and obsolete, dreadfully out of

touch. There is no doubt that dogma, official teachings, and the meaning of the Bible need reformulation as the

Church regroups after a terrible pandemic. Bausch makes no suggestion that such new approaches in teaching

the faith must compromise or be tailored to fit secular dominance, but rather be reformulated in the wider context

of (1) newer understandings of biblical times with their penchant for storytelling and flexibility and (2) modern

epiphanies regarding artificial intelligence, black holes, other worlds, genetic manipulations, and other scientific

revelations. Bausch's aim is not to discredit the Bible, but to reset it. His hope is to provoke better answers-and, as you will

discover, "provoke" is the right word! - SHOP HERE


Authors Jim Knipper and Richard Rohr After its first, successful and award winning book series of homilies and

reflections for the three liturgical cycles, Clear Faith Publishing is thrilled to launch its new series! So, once again,

some of the finest homilists have come together to build a new compilation of homilies and reflections beginning

with Cycle B of the Liturgical Year. A Stranger and You Welcomed Me breaks open the Sunday and Feast Days

readings in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for the reader. Under the moniker 'Homilists

for the Homeless, ' the gift of these preachers makes it possible for proceeds from the sale of every book to go toward

charities that welcome the stranger in our lives? - SHOP HERE

Same Contributors as Homilies and Reflections on previous page

Flor Mc Carthy SDB

Resources to enrich celebration and nourish preaching at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.

Since it first appeared, Flor McCarthy has listened closely to the comments and advice of priests who used this book. As a result, this

new revision of New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies contains a lot of new material, including new homilies. There are two additional

major improvements.

The first of these is a better Scripture Note focussed on ensuring that they convey the essence of the readings. Flor McCarthy states:

¡®Unless we understand the message of the Scriptures, we really have no right to be preaching.¡¯

The second improvement concerns parts of the Mass such as the Introduction, the Confiteor, the Prayer of the

Faithful, which are now more closely related to the particular feast (or Sunday) that is being celebrated. The aim is to

capture the ¡®flavour¡¯ of that feast, and to convey something of its meaning and spirit. They

contain a good mix of comfort, inspiration, and challenge.

New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies, year C by Flor McCarthy (Revised and Expanded

Edition) - SHOP HERE

New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies, Year B (Revised and Expanded Edition)


New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies, Year A - SHOP HERE

Liturgies for Weddings

Flor Mc Carthy SDB

Liturgies for Weddings is the latest book from a priest well

respected for the support he provides to fellow-priests

in their roles as celebrants and preachers. Liturgies for

Weddings will be of great help to celebrants as it provides

ideas, suggestions and forms of preaching and of praying

they will find helpful. It is also a book which a couple might buy for

themselves ¨C as a boost to their confidence and to that idealism which is a

perennial source of hope for the world. A line-drawing by Pauline McGrath

op precedes the text of each liturgy. Sister Pauline is an artist who is involved

in a spirituality centre where she teaches art as an aid to meditation.


Funeral Liturgies

Flor Mc Carthy SDB

A greatly revised new edition

of a work which, when it first

appeared in 1987, was acclaimed

as ¡®a real God-send ...a welcome

abundance ... Every circumstance

and condition is considered.¡¯

Among the extensive revisions and improvements is

a major addition - the inclusion of Committal Services

allowing for use either at the graveside or at the

crematorium. SHOP HERE

Toll Free: 800-268-4449 Phone: 416-690-4777 Fax: 416-690-5357


Prices subject to change without notice.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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