#14: February 28, 2016

#14: February 28, 2016

Third Sunday of Lent

Mass Intentions

Monday, February 29

7:00 am +Craig Cockson


5:30 pm +Petrina Riccobono


Tuesday, March 1

7:00 am +Bob & +Bernice Brown MB

8:30 am +Beverly Bomar


5:30 pm +Doris Durkan


Wednesday, March 2

7:00 am +Fohl Family


8:30 am +Mike Gasnick


5:30 pm +Alvin J. Siemek, Jr.


Thursday, March 3

7:00 am Jaxen & Dettmer Family ME

8:30 am +Deb Vana


5:30 pm +Kelly Malone


Friday, March 4

7:00 am +Marvene Gubbels


5:30 pm +William Campbell


First Saturday Mass, March 5

7:00 am +Matthew Kuhfahl


Saturday Vigil Masses, March 5

5:00 pm +Vickie Davis


7:00 pm +Pat Crampton


Sunday, March 6

7:30 am +Phyllis Paulsen


9:30 am +Erwin Krumel


11:30 am St. Pius X Parishioners


Please Pray for

Our Sick

Blythe Kubavec, Peg Grasso Rita Brock

Jimmy Grasso Iris Oswald

Our Deceased +Burnie Moxham

+Richard G. Conry brother of Dorothy Insolera

Calendar Club Winners

February 21st February 22nd February 23rd February 24th February 25th February 26th February 27th

2217 Melody Phelps 1826 Sr. Rosalie Riccobono 1568 Kerry Foland 1366 Bev Funk 1050 Matthew Hoover 1127 Jennifer Ross 2345 Helen Flemmer

From your Pastor's Desk

Fr. Mike Eckley

A few times in talks or in homilies here at St. Pius X I've told the story of when I heard Fr. Richard Rohr speak at the Kateri Conference (a Catholic, Native American Conference) in Albuquerque, NM. His words come to mind today as I reflect on the First Reading from the Book of Exodus. We hear today the familiar story of Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush. God is sending Moses back to His people enslaved in Egypt. Moses asks, "But when I go to the Israelites and say to them, `The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' if they ask me, `What is his name?' what am I to tell them?" God responds, "I am, who am." In the Hebrew, `I am, who am' is translated as Yahweh. Fr. Rohr related a recent conversation he had with a physicist who was also a rabbi. They were talking about the change in the Catholic Missal translation of the Mass and how they had taken out the use of the work Yahweh in Catholic prayers and songs. This was done in deference to our Jewish brothers and sisters who do not utter the Holy Name of God. It has long been the understanding of the Jewish people that God's Name is so sacred that it should not be spoken. Instead of speaking it, where the word `Yahweh' appears in Sacred Scripture people would instead use the word `Lord'.

The physicist/rabbi went on to explain that from his study it is not that the word `Yahweh' should not be spoken but that in fact, the word cannot be spoken. It cannot be spoken because it is not a word, it is a sound. It is a sound that is made by a person breathing. Try this sometime when you are alone. Open your mouth slightly and keep your lips, teeth and tongue still. Start to breathe in and out deeply. As you do so, be attentive to the sound of your breath. As you do this, you may recognize that as you breathe in you will hear `Yah' and as you breathe out you will heat `Weh'. Putting them together, you get `Yahweh'.

His point is that the ancient people of Israel understood the presence of God was always with them. Their own life breath was a sign of God's presence. Just as the Lord breathed His breath into Adam and Adam came alive, so too we are alive because of the presence of God in our lives.

God is always with us. At times we can start to think that God is distant from us. We may face difficult times or we may have misfortune happen and start to think that God has abandoned us. This is a natural reaction. We hear this in today's Gospel reading. Jesus challenges the people of His time and ours about this mindset. He uses two examples, Galileans who were killed by Pilate and a group of 18 people in Siloam who were killed when a tower fell on them. Jesus is clear that these things did not happen because God had abandoned them. Yet he uses them to call people to repentance. The Lord is never distant from us. As long as we have breath, He is with us. We just need to come back to him.

Catholic Charities Raffle: Catholic Charities Irish Fest is Saturday, March 19th. As part of the evening they have a raffle drawing. The Grand Prize is $10,000. Tickets are 1 for $50; 3 for $100; or 8 for $200. Since I'm a member of the Catholic Charity Board I have plenty of tickets to sell. Contact me if you would like to buy one or more. I'll have them available until March 19th.

Discussions with the Pastor: You are invited to come and visit with an idea, concern, question, or if you would just like to talk. Feel free to come alone or with others. This week I will be available in the Multipurpose Room/Library just off the Narthex of the Church on Tuesday, March 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm and Saturday, March 5th from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. I'm also available by appointment in the office. Call the parish office to set up an appointment

On the Cover




Archbishop George Lucas will conclude

our Parish Mission with a particularly

apropos perspective on mercy, "Jesus, please see the sign up sheet in the

the Face of the Father's Mercy." Join narthex. We would like to get several

Archbishop Lucas on Monday, February adorers for each hour, especially for the

29th at 7:00 pm in the church.

overnight times.

Refreshments will be served at 6:30 24 Hours for the Lord Schedule:

pm and after the presentation.

Friday, March 4th

Hospitality provided by the Women's

Noon 24 hour opening Mass

Organization. Music provided by

12:50-3:00 SPSL students

members of the Alleluia Choir with Barb 3:00-5:00 Adoration

Shell accompanying.

5:00-5:30 Rosary

24 Hours for the Lord: Pope Francis 5:30-6:00 Mass

is asking the world-wide Church to set

6:00-7:00 Stations of the Cross

aside 24 hours on March 4th and 5th as

7:00 pm-Midnight Adoration

a special time of prayer with the Lord. Saturday, March 5th

One of the main features of our

Midnight-7:00 am Adoration

participation in the 24 hours event here

7:00 am Mass

at St. Pius will be opportunities for

7:30-11:30 Adoration

Eucharistic adoration in the Church. To

11:30-Noon Benediction and closing

sign up for one of the adoration times,


Rev up your physical and spiritual life this Lent! The Health Ministry committee is sponsoring Jerusalem Journey, a 6-week walking program that will take us as a parish from Omaha to Jerusalem. Sign up this weekend and the weekend of March 5th and 6th at the Health Ministry table in the narthex. Prizes will be awarded weekly drawn from each week's participants. Get your passport now!

The St. Pius X Women's Organization will host a Movie Night on Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. We will view Tender Mercies starring Robert Duvall. This movie was chosen in relation to Pope Francis' declaration of the Year of Mercy. Invite anyone you would like. Bring a snack or beverage to share if you wish. For questions, call Colleen at, 554-1768 or email cdmomaha@.

Summerfest will be on the first Sunday of June. We will be having a meeting in the parish center on March 3rd at 7:00 pm and everyone is invited to attend and bring their ideas! We had a fabulous year last year - our best ever. Lets see, if as a parish, we can beat the goal of $35,000 this year!! We look forward to seeing everyone on March 3rd.

Events this Week

Sunday, February 28 9:30am Mass Rite for First Eucharist 9:30am Sunday Preschool (Rm. KB)

12:30pm Youth Group (P4) Monday, February 29

9:15am Tai Chi (PC) 7:00pm Parish Mission Speaker

Archbishop Lucas 7:00pm RCIA (MPR) Tuesday, March 1 10:00am Bible Study (P1) 1:00pm Shawl Ministry (P2/P3) 6:00pm Parish Council Exc. Mtg(P5) 6:30pm AA (Sch. Cafeteria) 7:00pm KofC Mtg. (P2/P3) Wednesday, March 2 6:00am Parish Read (MPR) 9:15am Tai Chi (PC) 12:00pm Parish Read (MPR) 4:00pm Human Needs (P3) 6:30pm RE Class (School)

Thursday, March 3 6:30pm Prayer Group 7:00pm Grade 1 & 3 Musical (Gym) 7:00pm Summer Fest Meet (P2/P3) 7:00pm Liturgy Core Team (MPR)

Friday, March 4 24 Hours for the Lord 10:30am Mass at Maplecrest

5:00pm Pasta Friday (PC) 6:00pm Stations of the Cross (C) Saturday, March 5 24 Hours for the Lord Dusting Disciples Crew #5 - Cuellar 7:00am First Saturday Mass 7:30am Respect Life Meeting (MPR) 9:00am Lenten Morning of

Reflection (P2/P3) 2:00pm Wedding (C) Sunday, March 6 9:30am Sunday Preschool (Rm. KB)

St. Pius Parishioners age 55 and up, please join us for our Annual St. Patrick's Day Luncheon on Thursday, March 10th. Mass will be at 11;00 am followed by an Irish lunch. Paul Siebert from Merry Makers will be entertaining and educating us with Irish Music and explanations and trivia. Deadline for registration is March 7th Cost is $12 per person. Pick up our flyer in the kiosk.

Colon cancer is preventable, treatable, and beatable! FREE colon cancer screening kits will be available after all the Masses the weekend of March 5th and 6th. If you are over 50, stop by the health ministry table in the narthex and pick up your kit. Polyps and colorectal cancer don't always cause symptoms. That's why screening is so important--colon cancer screening saves lives. For questions, call Margaret Hoarty at 402-553-7547.

St. Pius X/St. Leo School

Joyce Gubbels, Principal

We want all of you in our parishes to beautiful music by the students under

Roncalli Catholic High School ?

know how much the St. Pius X / St. Leo the direction of Sr. Jeannine. Amber Grace Staley, Jolie Williams and Jessica

School students enjoyed the special Grunder, the liturgist at St. Leo, also Sekyra;

Masses that were offered for our 60th played the flute.

Creighton Prep ? Daniel Deras,

Anniversary as a school.

The highlight of the time, though, Conor Gregg, Sam Raabe and Owen

This Mass was to have been held at was when the students were able to Morrow;

St. Leo the Great Church during Catholic shake the hand of Archbishop Lucas.

Marian High School ? Maggie Peklo,

Schools Week, but due to a couple of This was such a thrill for them.

Duchesne Academy ? Darby

snow days, this event had to be

Students in grades 5 through 8 also Campbell.

postponed. We were able to have

experienced the same at their 10:30 am We were very pleased with these

these wonderful Masses on

Mass offered by Archbishop Lucas. We scholarships as we only have 64

Wednesday, February 17th.

all felt so blessed on this day.

students in 8th grade so 17.2% of the

We thank Fr. Craig, the pastor of St.

students received scholarships.

Leo the Great Parish, for conceiving this High school scholarship day was held on

idea and then making it possible for all Tuesday, February 9th.

*** If you have children in grades Pre-

of the students to be brought by bus to We asked the 7th and 8th graders Kindergarten (3 and 4 year olds) to

St. Leo the Great Church.

to come to St. Pius X Church for the Grade 8 that you are thinking about

The students were so thrilled to get presentation of scholarships. All of the sending to our school for the next

to take this bus ride with their peers parents of the students to receive

school year, please call our school

and then to sing and pray with all their scholarships received calls from me office at 402-551-6667 to set up a time

hearts at this Mass.

earlier in the month to come and see to come and visit, and, then register

The kindergarten through grade their child receive a scholarship. The your child/ren when you decide to

four students had Mass at 8:45 am. scholarships awarded were:

come to our school.

They were thrilled to be a part of the

Mercy High School ? Miqaela Davis

singing and praying was with such

and Sadie Weiner;

High School Youth Ministry

Janet Drvol, Director

St. Pius X Church Youth Group is a

about our faith, and have fun, too. All

gathering for all 9-12th Grade Students. are welcome! For more information,

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays please contact Janet Drvol at

of the month at 12:30. It is an

janetd@ or 402-558-

opportunity to meet new people, learn 8446.

Youth Group February 28: St. Pius X Youth Group meets this week. All high school students, new or returning, are invited to attend! Lunch begins at 12:30 pm.

Year of Mercy

Bearing wrongs patiently

It's easy to be patient when a person is nice, kind and humble, but the minute someone cuts us off in traffic our patience starts to wear thin. So while simple in theory, it is hard in practice.

Like all the other virtues it is only through practice that we will improve.

By practicing little acts of patience we may be more prone to be patient when the bigger upsets come our way. Here are some ways that might help:

? Work at being less critical of others ? Overlook minor flaws and mistakes ? Give people the benefit of the doubt

? Assume that people who may have hurt you did so because they are enduring pain of their own

? Pray for those who have wronged you.

Religious Education Ministry

Patty Griffith, Director

Need a morning to reflect on life and spirituality? Saturday morning, March 5th, from 9:00 to noon will give you that opportunity.

Ron Rolheiser's DVD, "Spirituality and the Two Halves of Life" will be viewed and discussed. Deacon Jim Nardini will facilitate the morning. Join him in the Parish Center.

Cost is your time and a food

in the worship space of the church that

donation to the pantry. The first 20 invite participants to experience

individuals who register will receive a through their senses some of what

free copy of Ron Rolheiser's book, "The Jesus experienced in his Passion.

Holy Longing." To register, contact Lisa Doors open at 6:30 pm on Monday,

at LCATJ3@ or call her at March 7th. They close at 8:00 pm.


It will take about 30 minutes to

A Family Reflection on Jesus'

complete the experience. If a child gets

Passion Families with children,

fussy, no problem! Cut out early.

couples, retirees, all are invited to a Questions? Contact Patty Griffith at

special evening to reflect on the Passion pattyg@.

of Jesus. This is a self-directed

reflection through seven stations set up

Spirit of St. Pius: Faith in Action

Hospitality Ministers

When we gather at church for Sunday worship, the first people we see many times are the ushers and greeters. It is these people who welcome both current parishioners and visitors to mass and other special liturgical events like funerals, talks, etc.

Just as you welcome people who come to your home, these folks do the same here at St. Pius X. This welcome reminds people that they are entering a special time. In this case, they are

entering a special time of worship where they will hopefully experience God's love. The warm greeting by our ushers and greeters says to people that they belong and that we are glad to have them.

We often speak of St. Pius X as being "A Place to Call Home". It is these hospitality ministers who are the first to extend a hand and welcome all with open arms. This simple `Faith in Action' gesture is one of extreme

importance. Often they are the only one to

actually speak to many who worship with us each week.

We are all called to be this for one another, whether formally or informally. If you would like more information on how you can get involved in this important ministry contact: Sr. Rosalie Riccobono, 401-558 -1847, or send and email to: rosalier@

Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 ? June 30, 2016 WEEKEND DONATIONS Feb. 20/21

This is week 34 of 52 weeks this fiscal year 2015-16.

Development Dialogue: Bequests to our

Parish and/or School, gifts of real estate,

Our Sunday goal is


Sunday Envelopes


Auto Ded.-2/22/16 Contrib. $19,585.91

stocks, bonds, and certificates of deposit can perpetuate your ideals and faith in our School or Parish. Please remember the ongoing and long-range needs that exist in

Deficit Reduction


our School and/or Parish. Please prayerfully

Children's Collection


consider remembering our School and/or

Plate Collection


Parish in your Planned giving. Please

Total Sunday Contribution $40,891.36

contact Bob Nowaczyk, SPSL's Development

This week's surplus

$20,929.36 Our Weekly Average YTD

Coordinator at 402-551-6667 for more

$18,850.50 information.

YTD Parish Stewardship Budgeted YTD Parish Deficit YTD

$640,917.08 Next week's 2nd Collection ? Outreach


Emergency for the Poor


Thanks for your help!


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