Conversion between Fractions, Decimals & Percent Worksheet

[Pages:1]Conversion between Fractions, Decimals & Percent Worksheet

3 10

Decimal = Percent = 7 20 Decimal = Percent = 7 8 Decimal = Percent = 0.781 Percent = 0.0045 Percent = 74% Decimal = Fraction = 8.8% Decimal = Fraction =

2 5 Decimal = Percent = 39 25 Decimal = Percent = 2 3 Decimal = Percent = 0.236 Percent = 0.00309 Percent = 85% Decimal = Fraction =

0.25% Decimal = Fraction =

3 4 Decimal = Percent = 7 50 Decimal = Percent = 5 9 Decimal = Percent = 0.655 Percent = 0.297 Percent = 30% Decimal = Fraction =

8.50% Decimal = Fraction =

1 2 Decimal = Percent = 24 100 Decimal = Percent = 3 15 Decimal = Percent = 2.19 Percent = 0.921 Percent = 39% Decimal = Fraction =

4.75% Decimal = Fraction =

7 1000 Decimal = Percent = 43 200 Decimal = Percent = 9 75 Decimal = Percent = 8.10 Percent = 0.56 Percent = 94% Decimal = Fraction =

35% Decimal = Fraction =

* Using scientific calculator to check your answers

Academic Success Center

Created by Ming Xu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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