ICD-10 coding guide - South Carolina Imaging

ICD-10 coding guide

I71.3 I71.4 R19.00






R19.06 R19.07


R09.89 R10.0 I21.3 B20 R41.82 I20.9 I20.0 R47.01 J80 J06.9 M12.80 M12.81 M12.82 M12.83

AAA w/rupture AAA w/o rupture Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? unspecified site Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? right upper quadrant Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? left upper quadrant Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? right lower quadrant Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? left lower quadrant Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? periumbilic Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? epigastric Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? generalized Abdominal/pelvic swelling, mass ? other specified site Abnormal chest sounds Acute abdomen Acute MI unspecified AIDS/symptomatic HIV disease Altered mental status (AMS) Angina, NOS Angina, unstable Aphasia ARDS ARD NOS Arthropathy/arthritis ? unspecified site Arthropathy/arthritis ? shoulder Arthropathy/arthritis ? elbow Arthropathy/arthritis ? wrist

M12.84 M12.85 M12.86 M12.87 M12.88 M12.89 M12.9 R18.0 R18.8 I25.10 J45.901

J45.902 J45.909 R27.0 J98.11 I48.91 M54.9 H53.8 M77.9 R00.1 G93.9 N63 N64.4 N64.89 R92.0 R92.1 R92.2 J40 J20.9 J42 M70.1 M70.2

Arthropathy/arthritis ? hand Arthropathy/arthritis ? hip Arthropathy/arthritis ? knee Arthropathy/arthritis ? ankle and foot Arthropathy/arthritis ? vertebrae Arthropathy/arthritis ? multiple sites Arthropathy/arthritis ? unspecified form Ascites, malignant Ascites, abdominal ASCVD Asthma ? unspecified with; (acute) excerbation Asthma ? status asthmaticus Asthma ? uncomplicated, asthma NOS Ataxia Atelectasis Atrial fibrillation NOS Backache NOS Blurred vision Bone spur NOS Bradycardia Brain lesion Breast ? mass/lump, NOS Breast ? pain, tenderness Breast ? other specified disorder Breast ? microcalcification Breast ? calcification Breast ? dense Bronchitis Bronchitis ? acute Bronchitis ? chronic Bursitis ? wrist Bursitis ? elbow, olecranon

For additional codes and when prompted by "-" or "." following an ICD-10 code, consult the ICD-10 coding book.

M70.3 M70.4 M70.5 M70.6 M70.7 M71.50 M75.5 M77.9 M77.3 C50.91C50.92I51.7 I65.2 I63.23 I65.23 Z45.2 Z49.0 I63.9 S13.9

S16.1 I50.9 R68.83 K81.9 K81.0 K81.1 K80.20 K80.21 K80.70 K80.71

M22.4N18.9 G89.4 R41.0 K59.00 T14.8 S00.93S20.2S30.0S30.1S40.02S50.1S80.0S80.1J44.9 I25.10

Bursitis ? elbow NEC Bursitis ? knee, prepatellar Bursitis ? knee NEC Bursitis ? hip, trochanteric Bursitis ? hip NEC Bursitis ? unspecified site, NEC Bursitis ? shoulder Bursitis ? foot Calcaneal spur Cancer, breast ? female (unspecified site) Cancer, breast ? male (unspecified site) Cardiomegaly, idiopathic Carotid stenosis Carotid stenosis ? with cerebral infarction Carotid stenosis ? bilateral Catheter check; vascular Catheter check ? non-vascular Cerebrovascular accident Cervical sprain/strain ? joints and ligaments NOS Cervical sprain/strain ? muscle, fascia, tendon CHF NOS Chills (without fever) Cholecystitis Cholecystitis ? acute Cholecystitis ? chronic Cholelithiasis, gallbladder Cholelithiasis, gallbladder ? with obstruction Cholelithiasis, gallbladder/bile duct Cholelithiasis, gallbladder/bile duct with obstruction Chondromalacia patellae Chronic kidney disease (CKD) Chronic pain syndrome Confusion NOS Constipation Contusion; NOS Contusion; NOS ? head Contusion; NOS ? thorax Contusion; NOS ? low back/pelvis Contusion; NOS ? abdomen Contusion; NOS ? arm (upper) Contusion; NOS ? arm (lower) Contusion; NOS ? knee Contusion; NOS ? leg COPD Coronary atherosclerosis (ASHD)

R05 K76.89 M85.60 N28.1 N60.0N83.20 M50.3M50.1-

M51.36 M51.16

M51.34 M51.14

M23.9M23.3M23.2J34.2 M50.20 M50.10

M51.26 M51.16

M51.24 M51.14

K57.92 K57.93 K57.90 K57.91 R42 M19.90 M19.01M19.02M19.03M19.07M16M17I82.40N94.6 R13.10 R06.00 R30.0 R60.0 R60.0

Cough Cyst ? liver Cyst ? bone NEC Cyst ? kidney (acquired) Cyst ? breast (solitary) Cyst ? ovary Degeneration, cervical disc Degeneration, cervical disc ? with radiculopathy Degeneration, lumbar disc Degeneration, lumbar disc ? with radiculopathy Degeneration, thoracic disc Degeneration, thoracic disc ? with radiculopathy Derangement, knee Derangement, knee ? meniscus Derangement, knee ? due to old tear/injury Deviated nasal septum Displacement, cervical disc Displacement, cervical disc ? with radiculopathy Displacement, lumbar disc Displacement, lumbar disc ? with radiculopathy Displacement, thoracic disc Displacement, thoracic disc ? with radiculopathy Diverticulitis Diverticulitis ? with hemorrhage Diverticulosis Diverticulosis ? with hemorrhage Dizziness/lightheadedness DJD; unspecified DJD ? shoulder region DJD ? elbow DJD ? wrist DJD ? ankle and foot DJD ? hip DJD ? knee, bilateral DVT, leg, NOS Dysmenorrhea Dysphagia, unspecified Dyspnea Dysuria Edema ? leg(s) Edema ? localized

For additional codes and when prompted by "-" or "." following an ICD-10 code, consult the ICD-10 coding book.

R60.1 R60.9 M25.40 M25.41M25.42M25.43M25.44M25.45M25.46M25.47M25.48 I26.99 N40.0 J43.9 N18.6 Z80.3 Z82.49 Z82.62 K76.0 R50.9 R91.1 R91.8 R92.8 R93.2 R93.3 R93.7 M84.48R26.9 K21.9 K21.0 E04.1 E04.2 M20.1 Q66.6 M20.3Q66.3 R51 H90.5 H90.5 H90.5 R31.9 K92.2 I61.9 I62.00 K40.90 K42.9 K44.9

Edema ? generalized Edema ? unspecified Effusion, joint, unspecified Effusion, joint ? shoulder Effusion, joint ? elbow Effusion, joint ? wrist Effusion, joint ? hand Effusion, joint ? hip Effusion, joint ? knee Effusion, joint ? ankle and foot Effusion, joint ? other site Embolism, pulmonary (acute) Enlarged prostate Emphysema ESRD Family history ? breast cancer Family history ? other cardiovascular disease Family history ? osteoporosis Fatty liver Fever (with chills) Findings, abnormal ? solitary lung nodule Findings, abnormal ? other lung field finding Findings, abnormal ? mammogram Findings, abnormal ? biliary tract/liver Findings, abnormal ? GI tract Findings, abnormal ? musculoskeletal Fracture ? vertebral, pathological Gait abnormality (unspecified) GERD ? reflux GERD ? reflux ? with esophagitis Goiter ? uninodular (nontoxic) Goiter ? multinodular (nontoxic) Hallux valgus ? acquired Hallux valgus ? congenital Hallux varus ? acquired Hallux varus ? congenital Headache/facial pain Hearing loss ? central NOS Hearing loss ? perceptive NOS Hearing loss ? sensory NOS Hematuria, unspecified Hemorrhage ? gastrointestinal NOS Hemorrhage ? intracerebral (non-traumatic) Hemorrhage ? subdural (non-traumatic) Hernia ? inguinal NOS Hernia ? umbilical Hernia ? hiatal

Z91.81 N43.3 N13.30 I10 R93.9 N97.9 R91.8 S09.90S09.93S39.91S49.9-

S59.90S59.91S69.9S79.91S79.92S89.9S99.92T07 T14.90

J84.9 D25Z79.818 H54.7 J98.4 R59.1 M83.9 Z12.31 N28.89 R16.0 R22.0 R22.1 R22.2 R22.9 N92.0 N95.0 R41.3 G43.909 G31.84 M62.838 M62.81 R11.0 R91.1 R20.0 Z04.1

History of falling Hydrocele Hydronephrosis Hypertension NOS Inconclusive test ? due to excess body fat Infertility, female NOS Infiltrate, lung Injury, unspecified type ? head Injury, unspecified type ? face Injury, unspecified type ? abdomen Injury, unspecified type ? shoulder/arm (upper) Injury, unspecified type ? elbow Injury, unspecified type ? forearm Injury, unspecified type ? hand/finger Injury, unspecified type ? hip Injury, unspecified type ? thigh Injury, unspecified type ? knee/leg (lower) Injury, unspecified type ? foot Injury, unspecified type ? multiple NOS Injury, unspecified type ? unspecified type, unspecified site Interstitial lung disease NOS Leiomyoma, uterus Long-term drug therapy; estrogen Loss of vision, NOS Lung calcification Lymphadenopathy Malacia, bone (adult) Mammogram, screening Mass ? kidney Mass ? liver Mass ? head Mass ? neck Mass ? chest Mass ? superficial Menorrhagia Menorrhagia ? postmenopausal Memory loss Migraine ? unspecified Mild cognitive impairment Muscle spasm Muscle weakness (generalized) Nausea w/o vomiting Nodule, lung, solitary Numbness Observation following accident; transport

For additional codes and when prompted by "-" or "." following an ICD-10 code, consult the ICD-10 coding book.


M85.8M81.0 M80.0-

Z13.820 R52 R10.9 R10.11 R10.12 R10.13 R10.31 R10.32 R10.33 R10.84 M79.60M54.9 R07.9 R07.89 R07.2 R07.89 R68.84 M25.50 M25.51M25.52M25.53M25.54M25.55M25.56M25.57N23 M79.60M79.64M79.67M54.5 M54.2 G89.3 R10.2 M54.6 R00.2 R20.2 I73.9 Z85.51 Z85.3 Z86.718 Z85.118 Z85.46

Observation following accident ? other accident Osteopenia Osteoporosis Osteoporosis ? age related, with current pathological fracture Osteoporosis ? screening Pain NOS Pain, abdominal Pain, abdominal ? right upper quadrant Pain, abdominal ? left upper quadrant Pain, abdominal ? epigastric Pain, abdominal ? right lower quadrant Pain, abdominal ? left lower quadrant Pain, abdominal ? periumbilic Pain, abdominal ? generalized Pain, arm Pain, back Pain, chest Pain, chest ? wall Pain, chest ? precordial Pain, chest ? pressure/tightness Pain, jaw Pain, joint Pain, joint ? shoulder Pain, joint ? elbow Pain, joint ? wrist Pain, joint ? hand/finger Pain, joint ? hip Pain, joint ? knee Pain, joint ? ankle/foot Pain, kidney Pain, leg Pain, hand/finger Pain, foot/toe Pain, low back/lumbar Pain, neck NEC Pain, neoplasm-related Pain, pelvic (female) Pain, thoracic spine Palpitations Paresthesia Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) NOS Personal history - bladder cancer Personal history - breast cancer Personal history - DVT Personal history - lung cancer NEC Personal history - prostate cancer

Z86.73 J90 J18.9 J93.9 J95.811 J93.0 S27.0M71.2R76.11 Z78.0 J81.1 J81.0 J84.10 M54.10 M54.12 M54.14 M54.15 M54.16 M54.17 I70.1 N19 N17.9 N18.9 R06.03 J96.90 J96.0J96.1M54.3M41.9 R56.9 R06.02 M75.4J32.9 J01.90 J32.9 R47.81 R16.1 M43.12 M43.14 M43.15

M43.16 M43.17 M43.19

M47.812 M47.22

Personal history ? transient ischemic attack Pleural effusion ? NEC Pneumonia, unspecified Pneumothorax Pneumothorax ? postprocedural Pneumothorax ? tension (spontaneous) Pneumothorax ? traumatic Popliteal cyst/Baker's cyst Positive PPD Postmenopausal state (NOS) Pulmonary edema NOS Pulmonary edema NOS ? acute Pulmonary fibrosis Radiculopathy Radiculopathy ? cervical region Radiculopathy ? thoracic region Radiculopathy ? thoracolumbar region Radiculopathy ? lumbar region Radiculopathy ? lumbosacral region Renal artery stenosis Renal failure ? unspecified Renal failure ? acute Renal failure ? chronic Respiratory distress Respiratory failure ? unspecified Respiratory failure ? acute Respiratory failure ? chronic Sciatica Scoliosis Seizure NOS Shortness of breath Shoulder impingement Sinusitis; unspecified Sinusitis ? acute Sinusitis ? chronic Slurred speech Splenomegaly Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? cervical Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? thoracic Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? thoracolumbar Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? lumbar Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? lumbosacral Spondylolithesis (non traumatic) ? multiple sites Spondylosis, cervical Spondylosis, cervical ? with radiculopathy

For additional codes and when prompted by "-" or "." following an ICD-10 code, consult the ICD-10 coding book.

M47.816 M47.26 M47.814 M47.24 S13.4S63.61S63.50S83.9S93.40Z95.1 Z95.0 I35.0 I05.0 K31.1 N35.9 M48.02 M48.04 M48.06R22.9 R22.0 R22.1 R22.2 R22.3-

Spondylosis, lumbar Spondylosis, lumbar ? with radiculopathy Spondylosis, thoracic Spondylosis, thoracic ? with radiculopathy Sprain ? cervical Sprain ? finger Sprain ? wrist Sprain ? knee Sprain ? ankle Status post CABG Status post pacemaker Stenosis ? aortic valve Stenosis ? mitral valve Stenosis ? pyloric (acquired) Stenosis ? urethra NOS Stenosis, spinal ? cervical Stenosis, spinal ? thoracic Stenosis, spinal ? lumbar Swelling, localized (skin) Swelling, localized (skin) ? head Swelling, localized (skin) ? neck Swelling, localized (skin) ? trunk Swelling, localized (skin) ? upper limb

R22.4R55 S83.209S83.25-


H93.1G45.9 Z36.8Z36.87 Z36.9 N39.0 N85.2 D25N93.9 R11.10 R11.2 R53.1 R29.810 M62.81

R63.4 R06.2

Swelling, localized (skin) ? lower limb Syncope/fainting Tear (current) meniscus Tear (current) meniscus ? lateral ? bucket-handle Tear (current) meniscus ? medial ? bucket-handle Tinnitus ? unspecified Transient ischemic attack OB screening OB screening, uncertain dates Ultrasound OB screening, unspecified Urinary tract infection Uterine enlargement Uterine fibroid Vaginal bleeding Vomiting Vomiting ? with nausea Weakness (generalized)Weakness (generalized) ? facial NOS Weakness (generalized) ? muscle (generalized) Weight loss Wheezing

For additional codes and when prompted by "-" or "." following an ICD-10 code, consult the ICD-10 coding book.


CT/CTA CPT coding guide


74150 74160 74170 74175 74176 74177 74178 74174

Abdomen w/o contrast Abdomen w/contrast Abdomen w/wo contrast CTA abdomen w/wo contrast (renal arteries) Abdomen and pelvis w/o contrast Abdomen and pelvis w/contrast Abdomen and pelvis w/wo contrast CTA abdomen and pelvis w/contrast (aortic aneurysm)

Aorta w/run off 75635 CTA run off study

Cervical spine

72125 72126

Cervical spine w/o contrast Cervical spine w/contrast


71250 71260 71275

Chest w/o contrast Chest w/contrast CTA chest (PE) (aortic aneurysm)


70450 70470 70496

Head w/o contrast Head w/wo contrast CTA head w/contrast

Lower extremity

73700 73701

Lower extremity w/o contrast Lower extremity w/contrast

Lumbar spine

72131 72132

Lumbar spine w/o contrast Lumbar spine w/contrast


70486 70487

Maxillofacial w/o contrast (sinus) Maxillofacial w/contrast

Neck/Soft tissue

70490 70491 70498

Neck w/o contrast Neck w/contrast CTA neck w/contrast

Orbits/IAC/Inner ear

70480 70481

Orbits w/o contrast Orbits w/contrast


72192 72193 72194

Pelvis w/o contrast Pelvis w/contrast Pelvis w/wo contrast

Stone protocol 74176 Abdomen and pelvis w/o contrast

Thoracic spine

72128 72129

Thoracic spine w/o contrast Thoracic spine w/contrast

Upper extremity

73200 73201

Upper extremity w/o contrast Upper extremity w/contrast

Urogram 74178 Abdomen and pelvis w/wo contrast

MRI/MRA CPT coding guide


74181 74183 74183 74185

Kidney, liver and pancreas w/o contrast Abdomen w/wo contrast Kidney, liver and pancreas w/wo contrast MRA abdomen w/ or w/o contrast

Brain/Head (IAC/pituitary)

70551 70553 70544

Brain/head w/o contrast Brain/head w/wo contrast MRA/MRV w/o contrast


77046 77047 77048 77049

MRI Breast, without contract, unilateral MRI Breast, without contrast, bilateral MRI Breast, without and with contrast, unilateral MRI Breast, without and with contrast, bilateral

Cervical spine

72141 72156

Cervical spine w/o contrast Cervical spine w/wo contrast

Lumbar spine

72148 72158

Lumbar spine w/o contrast Lumbar spine w/wo contrast

Lower extremity joint (hip, knee, ankle)

73721 73723

Lower extremity joint w/o contrast Lower extremity joint w/wo contrast

Lower extremity non joint (femur, lower leg, foot)

73718 73720

Lower extremity non joint w/o contrast Lower extremity non joint w/wo contrast

Orbits, face or neck

70540 70543 70549

Orbits, face or neck w/o contrast Orbits, face or neck w/wo contrast MRA neck w/wo contrast


72195 72195 72197 72197

Pelvis w/o contrast Pelvis w/o contrast (bony structures) Pelvis w/wo contrast Pelvis w/wo contrast (female pelvis)

Thoracic spine

72146 72157

Thoracic spine w/o contrast Thoracic spine w/wo contrast

Upper extremity joint (shoulder, elbow, wrist)

73221 73223

Upper extremity joint w/o contrast Upper extremity joint w/wo contrast

Upper extremity non joint (humerus, forearm, hand)

73218 73220

Upper extremity non joint w/o contrast Upper extremity non joint w/wo contrast


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