Mass Communication

| |Mass Communication | |

|Sr. No. |Core Areas |Percentage |

|1. |Introduction to Mass communication |10% |

|2. |International/Global Communication |5% |

|3. |Media and Society |15% |

|4. |Mass Media in Pakistan |10% |

|5. |Journalistic Writings |10% |

|6. |Communication Theories |15% |

|7. |Media Research |15% |

|8. |Development Support Communication |5% |

|9. |Advertising and Public Relations |10% |

|10. |Media Ethic and Laws |5% |

| |Total |100% |

| |Mass Communication (Detailed) | |

|Sr. No. |Core Areas |Percentage |

| | |10% |


| | | |

| |Concept – Definitions, need/ Importance/ Purposes. | |

| |Types of Communication. | |

| |Intra personal. | |

| |Interpersonal. | |

| |Group Communication. | |

| |Intercultutural Communication. | |

| |Mass Communication. | |

| | | |

| |1.3 Process of Communication. | |

| |Elements of Communication. | |

| | | |

| |1.4Basic Models. | |

| |1.4.1 Functions of Communication Models. | |

| |1.4.2 News Diffusion: The Curve Model. | |

| |1.4.3 The Lasswell Model. | |

| |1.4.4 Defleur’s Model of Communication. | |

| |1.4.5 The Osgood and Schramm Model. | |

| |1.4.6 The Hub Model of mass communication. | |

| |1.4.7 Katz and Lazarsfeld Two Step Flow Model. | |

| | | |

| |1.5Functions of Mass Communication. | |

| | | |

| |Hurdles of Communication. | |

| |Psychological Hurdles. | |

| |Physical Hurdles. | |

| |Effective Communication. | |

| | | |

| |Feed back. | |

| |Importance. | |

| |Types. | |

| | | |

| |Kinds of Mass media: print, broadcast. | |

| | | |

| |Effects of New Technology on Mass Communication. | |

|2. | |5% |


| | | |

| |2.1 The Historical Context of International Communication. | |

| |2.1.1 Communication and Empire. | |

| |2.1.2 The Growth of the Telegraph. | |

| |2.1.3 The Era of News Agencies. | |

| |2.1.4 The Advent of Popular Media. | |

| |2.1.5 Radio and International Communication. | |

| |2.1.6 The Cold War-from Communist Propaganda to Capitalist Persuasion. | |

| |2.1.7 The Demand for a New World Information and Communication Order. | |

| | | |

| |2.2 Approaches to Theorizing International Communication. | |

| |2.2.1 Free Flow of Information and New Information world order | |

| |2.2.2 Modernization Theory. | |

| |2.2.3 Dependency Theory. | |

| |2.2.4 Structural Imperialism. | |

| |2.2.5 Media Hegemony. | |

| |2.2.6 The Public Sphere. | |

| |2.2.7 Cultural Studies Perspective on International Communication. | |

| |2.2.8 Theories of Information Society. | |

| |2.2.9 A Critical-Political Economy for the 21st Century. | |

| | | |

| |2.3 Creating a Global Communication Infrastructure. | |

| |2.3.1The Privatization of Telecommunication. | |

| |2.3.2 Free Trade in Communication. | |

| |2.3.3 Liberalization of the Telecom Sector. | |

| |2.3.4 Key Players in the Global Satellite Industry. | |

| |2.3.5 The World of Telecommunications. | |

| |2.3.6 Implications of a Liberalized Global Communication Regime. | |

| | | |

| |2.4 The Global Media Market Place. | |

| |2.4.1 Convergence. | |

| |2.4.2 Global Trade in Media Products. | |

| |2.4.3 Global News and Information Networks. | |

| |2.4.4 Setting the Global News Agenda. | |

| | | |

| |2.5Communication and Cultural Globalization. | |

| |2.5.1 Globalization of Western Culture. | |

| |2.5.2 Concerns for Global Diversity. | |

| |2.5.3 Global English. | |

| |2.5.4 Regionalization and Localization in the Media. | |

| | | |

| |2.6 Communication Flow in Global Media. | |

| |2.6.1 Seeing the Big World on a Small Screen. | |

| |2.6.2 Global Culture’s Discontents. | |

| |2.6.3 Global Counter-flow of Television. | |

| |2.6.4 Media Exports from the South to the North. | |

| | | |

| |2.7 International Communication in the Internet Age. | |

| |2.7.1 The Dawn of the Internet Age. | |

| |2.7.2 From the ‘Free Flow of Information’ to ‘Free Flow of Commerce’. | |

| |2.7.3 Internet as a Political Tool. | |

| |2.7.4International Communication- Continuity and Change. | |

| | | |

| |2.8 Major World Media organizations. | |

| |2.8.1 CNN, BBC, FOX TV. | |

| |2.8.2 VOICE of America. | |

| |2.8.3 Reuters, APA, Others. | |

| | | |

| |Mass Media and Clash of Civilization. | |

| |2.9.1Role of Media in Conflict Resolution. | |

| |2.9.2 Clash of Civilization. | |

| |2.9.3 Concept of War and Peace Journalism. | |

|3. | |15% |


| | | |

| |3.1 Press freedom and its role for democracy. | |

| | | |

| |3.2 Role of media for women. | |

| | | |

| |3.3 Role of Media and Mass Awareness issues: | |

| |3.3.1 Education. | |

| |3.3.2 Environment. | |

| |3.3.3 Poverty Reduction. | |

| |3.3.4 Health. | |

| | | |

| |3.4Factor Influencing Media Contents: | |

| |3.4.1 Individual/Media Workers. | |

| |3.4.2 Media Organization. | |

| |3.4.3 Outside Media Organization. | |

| |3.4.4 Society. | |

| |3.4.5 Ideology. | |

| |3.4.6 Advertisers/Economic Power House. | |

| |3.4.7 Media Ownership. | |

| | | |

| |3.5Media and Violence | |

| | | |

| |3.6 Media and Globalization | |

| | | |

| |3.7 Media and Entertainment | |

| | | |

| |3.8 Media and Minority | |

| |3.9 Media and Children | |

|4. | |10% |


| | | |

| |4.1 Historical Background: | |

| |4.1.1Growth of the Muslim Press in the sub continent. | |

| |4.1.2 Role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, MoulanaHasratMohani. | |

| |4.1.3 Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar, MoulanaAbulKalam Azad, and Zafar Ali Khan. | |

| |4.1.4Press and the Pakistan Movement. | |

| | | |

| |4.2 History and Development: | |

| |4.2.1Press since independence. | |

| |4.2.2 Major Developments of Press in Pakistan. | |

| |4.2.3 Major problems and prospects of Press in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |4.3Government and Press: | |

| |4.3.1Government Press Relations. | |

| |4.3.2 The Print Media since 1947 to-date. | |

| | | |

| |4.4Electronic Media in Pakistan: | |

| |4.4.1 Growth & Expansion of Radio, Television and Film in Pakistan. | |

| |4.4.2 Growth of Cable television and its cultural and ethical dimensions. | |

| |4.4.3 Establishment of Pakistan Media Regulatory. | |

| |4.4.4 Authority (PEMRA). | |

| |4.4.5 Salient features of PEMRA Ordinance 2002. | |

| |4.4.6 Electronic Media in Private Sector. FM radio and Satellite Television. | |

| |4.4.7 Online Journalism: Development and future prospects. | |

| | | |

| |4.5 News Agencies: | |

| |4.5.1 Development of News Agencies. | |

| |4.5.2 Expansion, Working, Organizational, Structure and Future perspective in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

|5. | |10% |


| | | |

| |5.1 News Writing: | |

| |5.1.1Definition/ Concept. | |

| |5.1.2 New Writing Structure/ Techniques. | |

| |5.1.3 Types. | |

| |5.1.4 News Values. | |

| |5.1.5 News Elements. | |

| |5.1.6 News Sources. | |

| | | |

| |5.2 Feature Writing: | |

| |5.2.1 Definition/Concept. | |

| |5.2.2 Structure/Techniques. | |

| |5.2.3 Types. | |

| |5.2.4 Purpose/Importance. | |

| | | |

| |Column Writing: | |

| |5.3.1Definition/ Concept. | |

| |5.3.2 Structure/ Techniques. | |

| |5.3.3 Types. | |

| |5.3.4 Purpose / Importance. | |

| | | |

| |5.4Editorial Writing: | |

| |5.4.1 Definition/ Concept. | |

| |5.4.2 Structure/ Techniques. | |

| |5.4.3 Types. | |

| |5.4.4 Purpose / Importance. | |

| | | |

| |Review Writing: | |

| |5.4.1 Definition/ Concept. | |

| |5.4.2 Structure/ Techniques. | |

| |5.4.3 Types. | |

| |5.4.4 Purpose / Importance. | |

|6. | |15% |


| | | |

| |6.1 Normative theories of Mass Communication: | |

| |6.1.1 Authoritarian Theory. | |

| |6.1.2 Libertarian Theory. | |

| |6.1.3 Social Responsibility. | |

| |6.1.4 Communist Theory of the Press. | |

| |6.1.5 Development Theory. | |

| | | |

| |6.2 | |

| |6.2.1 Opinion Formulation Theories. | |

| |6.2.2 Spiral of silence. | |

| |6.2.3 Agenda-Setting Theory. | |

| |6.2.4 Propaganda Theory. | |

| |6.2.5 Theory of Psychological Warfare. | |

| |6.2.6Media Hegemony. | |

| | | |

| |Uses and Effects Theories: | |

| |6.4.1Hypodermic needle theory. | |

| |6.4.2Uses and Gratification. | |

| |6.4.3 Cultivation Theory. | |

| |6.4.4 Social Learning Theory. | |

| | | |

| |6.5Theories for Attitude Change: | |

| |6.5.1 Cognitive dissonance. | |

| |6.5.2 Heardels Balance Theory. | |

| |6.5.3 Theory of Immiculation. | |

| |6.5.4 Elebrnationlikehood model. | |

| | | |

| |6.6Theories of Psychological Effects: | |

| |6.6.1 Psycho Analytic Theory. | |

| |6.6.2Symbolic Interaction and Behaviour view. | |

|7. | |15% |


| | | |

| |7.1Scientific Method of Inquiry: | |

| |7.1.1 Research and Scientific Methods. | |

| |7.1.2 Characteristics of the Scientific Methods. | |

| |7.1.3Procedures used in Scientific Method. | |

| | | |

| |7.2 Steps in Research Process: | |

| |7.2.1 Selecting a research topic. | |

| |7.2.2 Determining topic relevance. | |

| |7.2.3 Reviewing Literature. | |

| |7.2.4 Stating a hypothesis or research question. | |

| |7.2.5 Research design. | |

| |7.2.6 Collecting data. | |

| |7.2.7 Analyzing and interpreting data. | |

| |7.2.8Presenting results. | |

| | | |

| |7.3 Elements of Research Process: | |

| |7.3.1 Concepts and Constructs. | |

| |7.3.2 Variables. | |

| |7.3.3Measurement & Scales. | |

| | | |

| |7.4Sampling Methods: | |

| |7.4.1 Population and sample. | |

| |7.4.2 Probability and non-probability samples. | |

| |7.4.3 Sample size. | |

| |7.4.4 Kinds of Sampling Techniques. | |

| | | |

| |7.5 Kinds of Research: | |

| |7.5.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Research. | |

| |7.5.2 Basic and Applied Research. | |

| |7.5.3 Historical Research. | |

| |7.5.4 Descriptive Research. | |

| |7.5.5 Correlational Research. | |

| |7.5.6Experimental Research. | |

| | | |

| |7.6 Survey Research: | |

| |7.6.1 The nature of survey research. | |

| |7.6.2 Selecting a sample in surveys. | |

| |7.6.3 Designing survey questionnaires. | |

| |7.6.4 Administering questionnaire. | |

| |7.6.5Analyzing survey results. | |

| | | |

| |7.7 Content Analysis Research: | |

| |7.7.1 The nature of Content Analysis. | |

| |7.7.2 Uses of content analysis. | |

| |7.7.3 Steps in content analysis. | |

| |7.7.4 Limitation of contents analysis. | |

| | | |

| |7.8 Use of Statistics in Research: | |

| |7.8.1 Descriptive statistics. | |

| |7.8.2 Inferential statistics. | |

| |7.8.3 The logic of hypothesis testing. | |

| |7.8.4 Statistical tests for significance of difference. | |

| |7.8.5 Statistical tests of relationships. | |

| | | |

| |7.9 Research Reporting and Ethics: | |

| |7.9.1Research reports: mechanics and writing styles. | |

| |7.9.2 Research ethics: general principles. | |

| |7.9.3 Ethics in data analysis and reporting. | |

| |7.9.4 Rules of references, indexing, footnoting. | |

| |7.9.5The use of SPSS, Excel, PowerPoint for data analysis and presentation of graphics, tables and | |

| |figures. | |

|8. | |5% |


| | | |

| |8.1Evolution of Development Support Communication: | |

| |8.1.1 Growth of term “Development” | |

| |8.1.2 Philosophy of development support communication. | |

| |8.1.3Needs of development support communication. | |

| |8.1.4 Difference between communication, development communication, development support | |

| |communication and development journalism. | |

| |8.1.5 Factors for successful development support communication. | |

| | | |

| |8.2Models of Development Support Communication: | |

| |8.2.1 Dominant Paradigm for Development. | |

| |8.2.2Alternative Model of Development. | |

| | | |

| |8.3Development Support CommunicationAnd Change in the Social Setting: | |

| |8.3.1 Strategies for introducing change. | |

| |8.3.2 Sources of change. | |

| |8.3.3 Types of change. | |

| |8.3.4 Change of social values and beliefs. | |

| |8.3.5 Power of influence. | |

| |8.3.6 Social stratification. | |

| |8.3.7 Obstacles to change. | |

| |8.3.8 Reducing resistance to change. | |

| | | |

| |8.4Problems of Development Support Communication: | |

| |8.4.1 Financial constraints. | |

| |8.4.2 Unqualified practitioners. | |

| |8.4.3 State owned media. | |

| |8.4.4Environmental factors affecting development communication: | |

| |Political environment. | |

| |Economic environment. | |

| |Socio-cultural environment. | |

| |Administrative and organizational Environment. | |

| | | |

| |8.5Using Mass Media for Development Support Communication Print Media: | |

| |8.5.1 Newspaper. | |

| |8.5.2 News Letters. | |

| |8.5.3 Folders, Leaflets and Pamphlets. | |

| |8.5.4 Fact Sheet. | |

| | | |

| |8.6Broadcast Media: | |

| |8.6.1 Radio. | |

| |8.6.2 Television. | |

| | | |

| |8.7 Non-broadcast Media: | |

| |8.7.1 Exhibits and displays. | |

| |8.7.2 Posters. | |

| |8.7.3 Slides and film script. | |

| |8.7.4 Overhead transparencies. | |

| | | |

| |8.8 Static Media: | |

| |8.8.1 Motion pictures. | |

| |8.8.2Exhibits and Displays. | |

| | | |

| |8.9Evaluations the DSC Programme: | |

| |8.9.1 Evaluation in DSC. | |

| |8.9.2 Elements of Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.3 Reasons of Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.4 Types of Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.5 Monitoring and Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.6 Steps of Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.7Evaluation Plan. | |

| |8.9.8 Criteria for Evaluation. | |

| |8.9.9 Design for Evaluation Studies. | |

| |8.9.10Conduct of the Evaluation. | |

|9. | |10% |


| | | |

| |9.1Advertising and Introduction: | |

| |9.1.1 Definition of Advertising. | |

| |9.1.2 Evolution of Advertising (till the new developments). | |

| |9.1.3 Scope and Functions of Advertising. | |

| |9.1.4 Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising. | |

| |9.1.5 Advertising in Pakistan: Problems & Prospects | |

| |(the need of law should also be emphasised). | |

| |9.1.6 Ethics in Advertising. | |

| | | |

| |9.2Organizing the Advertising Industry: | |

| |9.2.1 Advertising Department: | |

| |The Need of Advertising Department in an Organizational Structure. | |

| |Requirements for Organizing an Advertisement Department. | |

| |9.2.2 Advertising Agency: | |

| |Advertising Agency: Function & Organization. | |

| |Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency. | |

| |9.3Kinds of Advertising: | |

| |9.3.1 Classified Advertising. | |

| |9.3.2 National Advertising. | |

| |9.3.3 Local Advertising. | |

| |9.3.4 Retail Advertising. | |

| |9.3.5 Trade and Professional Advertising. | |

| |9.3.6 Industrial Advertising. | |

| |9.3.7 Association Advertising. | |

| |9.3.8 Public Service Advertising. | |

| | | |

| |9.4Media of Advertising: | |

| |9.4.1 The Media Selection. | |

| |9.4.2 Factors Influencing the Media (Objectives, Budget, Audience Size. | |

| |9.4.3 Characteristics, Geographical Scatteredness and Social Cultural miliew). | |

| |9.4.4 Media Mix. | |

| | | |

| |9.5Copy Strategy and Preparation: | |

| |9.5.1 Setting Objectives and Definition. | |

| |9.5.2 Structure of an Advertisement Copy. | |

| |9.5.3 Copy Attributes. | |

| |9.5.4 Visualization and Layout. | |

| |9.5.5 Print Production. | |

| |9.5.6 Writing the Commercial Slogans. | |

| |9.5.7 Appeal Strategy. | |

| | | |

| |9.6Planning and Managing Advertising Campaigns: | |

| |9.6.1 Fundamentals of an Advertising Campaign (Goal, Baseline, KAP Survey, Pre-testing, | |

| |Implementation). | |

| |9.6.2 Requirements for Preparation of an Advertising Campaign. | |

| |9.6.3 Contents and Organization of the Advertising Plan. | |

| |9.6.4 Determining Consumers needs and Behavior Promotion. | |

| |9.6.5 Product Analysis. | |

| |9.6.6 Market Analysis. | |

| |9.6.7 Diffusion of Advertising Message. | |

| | | |

| |9.7Evaluation of Advertising Campaign: | |

| |9.7.1 Essentials of Effective Advertising Programme. | |

| |9.7.2 Techniques for Measuring the Effects of Advertising Campaign. | |

| |9.7.3 Basis of Primary DATA Gathering. | |

| | | |

| |9.8 Concept of Public Relations: | |

| |9.8.1 Definition and Importance of PR with reference to image building. | |

| |9.8.2 Evolution & Growth of PR. | |

| |9.8.3 Basic Concepts and Tools of PR. | |

| |Publics. | |

| |Press Agent. | |

| |Advertising . | |

| |Propaganda. | |

| |Publicity. | |

| |E-Mail. | |

| |Satellite. | |

| |Visual News Services. | |

| |Fax Services. | |

| |Courier Services. | |

| |Mailing Services. | |

| |9.8.4 What is Crisis Situation? | |

| |9.8.5 Use of PR in Crisis Situation with examples from developing countries and Pakistan. | |

| |9.8.6 Duties of PRO. | |

| |9.8.7 Qualities of PRO. | |

| | | |

| |9.9 Organization of PR Set-up: | |

| |9.9.1 Organizing PR Set-up for Official and Non-official Organizations. | |

| |9.9.2 Including Public & Private. | |

| |Various Types of Public Relations. | |

| |9.9.4 International Public Relations Diplomacy. | |

| |9.9.5 PR Through Corporate Sponsorships. | |

| | | |

| |9.10 Origin & Development of PR in Pakistan: | |

| |9.10.1 Status and Development of PR Discipline in Pakistan. | |

| |9.10.2 PR Environment in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |9.11PR Programme Strategies: | |

| |9.11.1 Stages in PR Programme. | |

| |Assessment of the Situation. | |

| |Isolation of the Problem. | |

| |Establishing Policies. | |

| |Extending In-depth Research. | |

| |Determining Objectives. | |

| |Defining Publics. | |

| |Development of a Plan and Selection of the Media and the Techniques. | |

| |Planning Budget. | |

| |Execution of the Plan. | |

| |Assessing Results of the PR Campaigns. | |

| |Kinds of Results. | |

| |Methods for Assessment. | |

| |Advantages and Benefits of the PR Programme Strategies. | |

| | | |

| |9.12Public Opinion Formulation and Assessment: | |

| |9.12.1 What is Public Opinion and How it is Different from Individual Opinion. | |

| |9.12.2 Strategies of Public Opinion Formulation: | |

| |Agenda Setting | |

| |Spiral of Silence | |

| |9.12.3 How Public Opinion can be Measured. | |

| |9.12.4 Public Opinion and Attitude. | |

| | | |

| |9.13Persuasion: | |

| |9.13.1 Definition and explanation. | |

| |9.13.2 Components and steps in persuasion. | |

| |9.13.3 Functions and uses of persuasion. | |

| |9.13.4 Principles and techniques of persuasion: | |

| |Audience analysis | |

| |Source credibility | |

| |Appeal to Self-interest | |

| |Clarity of message | |

| |Timings and context | |

| |Audience participation | |

| |Practical hints for action | |

| |Content and structure of message | |

| |Persuasive speaking | |

| |9.13.5 Roadblocks to persuasion. | |

| |9.13.6 Ethics of persuasion. | |

| | | |

| |9.14Ethics in PR: | |

| |9.14.1 Definition and Importance of a Code of Ethics. | |

| |9.14.2 Code of Ethics of IPRS and some developed countries- France, Britian, and USA. | |

| |9.14.3 Need for framing and enforcing code of ethics for the PR disciple in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |9.15Production of PR Material: | |

| |9.15.1 Briefing of Newspapers. | |

| |9.15.2 Techniques for the preparation of Backgrounds and Curtain raisors. | |

| |9.15.3 Techniques of Writing Press Notes, Press Releases, Handouts, etc. | |

| |9.15.4 Organizing and Addressing Press Conferences. | |

| |9.15.5 How to Produce an In-house Journal. | |

|10. | |5% |


| | | |

| |10.1 History of Media Laws and Ethics: | |

| |10.1.1 Descriptive, Normative, and Meta-ethics. | |

| |10.1.2 Growth in Mass Communication ethics. | |

| | | |

| |10.2Ethics and Morality in Modern Perspective: | |

| |10.2.1 Introduction to ethical foundations and perspective. | |

| |10.2.2 Code of ethics in journalism. | |

| |10.2.3 Pros and cons of code of ethics in journalism. | |

| |10.2.4 Making ethical decisions. | |

| |10.2.5 Society for professional journalist code of ethics. | |

| |10.2.6 Morality and media. | |

| |10.2.7 Coverage of politics and ethical issues. | |

| | | |

| |10.3Privacy in Media: | |

| |10.3.1 Issues of privacy and media. | |

| |10.3.2 Privacy laws and media. | |

| |10.3.3 Protection of Public Rights. | |

| |10.3.4 Public interest issues and privacy. | |

| |10.3.5 Privacy practice in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |10.4 International Media Laws and Ethics: | |

| |10.4.1 International media laws and ethics. | |

| |10.4.2 International media freedom and privacy. | |

| |10.4.3 International intellectual property law. | |

| |10.4.4 Other area relating to int. laws and ethics. | |

| |10.5 Web Journalism Ethics: | |

| |10.5.1 Ethical Issues of Web Journalism. | |

| |10.5.2 Web Plagiarism. | |

| |10.5.3 Web Self-Production. | |

| |10.5.4 Minimizing harm and being accountable. | |

| | | |

| |10.6 International Ethical Issues: | |

| |10.6.1 Coverage of blasphemy issues. | |

| |10.6.2 Coverage of Jihad. | |

| |10.6.3 Terrorism and Ethics. | |

| |10.6.4 Islam-phobia and the Western Media. | |

| | | |

| |10.7 Media Ethics: Islamic Perspective in Islamic Countries: | |

| |10.7.1 Media code of ethics in Islam. | |

| |10.7.2 Role of Muslim Media journalism. | |

| |10.7.3 OIC code of ethics for Media. | |

| |10.7.4 Pakistan Experience. | |

| | | |

| |10.8 Media Code of Ethics for Women and Children: | |

| |10.8.1 Portrayal of women in Electronic and Print media. | |

| |10.8.2 Women as consumers of media. | |

| |10.8.3 Women’s influence on media content as media audience. | |

| |10.8.4 Children’s portrayal as victims. | |

| |10.8.5 Media coverage of children and ethical issues. | |

| | | |

| |10.9 Media ethics and laws in Pakistan: | |

| |10.9.1 Pakistan media laws. | |

| |10.9.2 RPPO. | |

| |10.9.3 Defamation. | |

| |10.9.4 Contempt of court and new contempt law in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |10.10 PEMRA I : Legislation: | |

| |10.10.1 Pemra Legislation. | |

| |10.10.2 Pemra Ordinance 2007. | |

| |10.10.3 Pemra Rules 2002. | |

| | | |

| |10.11 PEMRA II : Rules and Regulations: | |

| |10.11.1 Radio Licensing. | |

| |10.11.2 Satellite TV Licensing. | |

| |10.11.3 Landing Rights Licensing. | |

| | | |

| |10.12 Ethics in Print Media: | |

| |10.12.1 Ethics in print media. | |

| |10.12.2 Accuracy and fairness. | |

| |10.12.3 Issues of Objectivity. | |

| |10.12.4 Printing of Photo. | |

| |10.12.5 Placement of Stories. | |

| | | |

| |10.13Ethics in Electronic Media: | |

| |10.13.1 Ethics in entertainment programs. | |

| |10.13.2 Ethics in Film. | |

| |10.13.3 Ethics in news and current affairs. | |

| |10.13.4 Accuracy and fairness. | |

| | | |

| |10.14 Ethics in Public Relations: | |

| |10.14.1 Approaches and application of public relation ethics. | |

| |10.14.2 Developing public relations ethics. | |

| |10.14.3 Public Relations and Corporate Speech. | |

| |10.14.4 Public Relations Ethics in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |10.15Ethics in Advertising: | |

| |10.15.1 Ethics and art of advertising. | |

| |10.15.2 Advertising and self regulation. | |

| |10.15.3 Advertising and public demands. | |

| |10.15.4 Ethical issues of advertising in Pakistan. | |

| | | |

| |10.16 Media Freedom and Self-regulation: | |

| |10.16.1 Libertarian and Social Responsibility philosophy of Media Freedom. | |

| |10.16.2 Pros and cons of self-regulation. | |

| |10.16.3 Self regulatory bodies. | |

| |10.16.4 Personal Commitment to media responsibility. | |

| |Total |100% |


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