AAA - Area Agency on Aging – An agency that was set up to ...



AAA - Area Agency on Aging – An agency that was set up to deal with the specific problems and needs of senior citizens.

ABC – Alliance for a Better Community

ACF – Administration of Children & Families (Federal Agency)

ADA – Federal statute that guarantees rights and access to people with disabilities.

ADL’s – Activities of Daily Living

ADL Evaluation – Activity of Daily Living. The ADL Evaluation assesses the ability to independently take care of one’s personal needs; to determine the patient’s present level of, and potential for performing his daily life tasks which include dressing, nutrition, homemaking, personal hygiene, communication, travel, and safety in the home.

ADS / ADT – Adult Day Service / Adult Development Training. A program which helps individuals with severe and/or multiple disabilities to develop and improve personal and vocational skill. Instructions areas may include communication, socialization, cognitive education, motor development, daily living skills and community education and recreation. This may also be known as Adult Development Training.

AFCAR – Automated Foster Care and Adoption Reporting

ASFA – Adoption & Safe Families Act

AHSI – Automated Health Systems, Inc. (Contractor for EPSDT Program)

AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. A fatal disease which attacks your immune system.

AMI – Alliance for the Mentally Ill.

AMR – Agreement of Mutual Responsibility (goal oriented agreement for TANF clients)

ATF – A place where day supports are provided to adults who need help in developing skills, with meeting personal needs, and with basic daily activities.

ATOD – Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs

ATOD Planning Council – This council is comprised of a minimum of eleven (11) or a maximum of fifteen (15) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners to provide citizen input to assist the Director and the Commissioners. The composition of this body is defined by law. The Department of Health (Office of D&A Programs – BDAP) is the Commonwealth entity responsible for the oversight of the ATOD Program.

ARC – Association for Retarded Citizens. A national agency with the state and county chapters to advocate services to the mentally retarded.

Abatement – A complete or partial cancellation by a Drug & Alcohol program or MH/MR office of a client’s financial liability for treatment/services as calculated by the service provider.

- A reduction or waiver of costs for mental health services for one year.

Accounts Receivable – (Fiscal Term) – Amounts due from a debtor for goods and/or services delivered.

ACTS – Federal & State Public Laws affecting the mentally & physically disabled.

ACT 148 – The State law establishing basic funding for Children & Youth and the mandate for counties to operate CYS and provide match.

Adjudicated – Client that has had a formal court trial & received a verdict of guilty or innocent.

Adolescent CRR – Group home for dependent adolescents who are emotionally disturbed. Homes are licensed & locally funded by MH and C&Y.

Adult Partial Hospitalization – Licensed by the Office of Mental Health to provide partial hospitalization service to individuals 15 years of age or older.

Adult Survivor – Refers to an adult who experienced sexual abuse as a child.

Aftercare – Services within each county to prevent unnecessary and prolonged institutionalization. Aftercare services make the return of people to their homes or communities easier, by helping them develop self-care, self-support, self-sufficiency and social competence. Aftercare services are mandated by state law as a county responsibility.

Aftercare services consist of those services furnished to persons who have been inpatient and may also entail appropriate community placement for those who have no homes or for whom immediate return home is inadvisable.

Agency – Entity (program, facility, which receives and is responsible for the Governor’s Council Funds) – D&A

Agreement – Non-specific term used to connote a legally binding document.

Aid to Education for all Handicapped Children Act (PL-94-142) – Federal Law which requires each State receiving funds under the Act to provide free & appropriate education to all disabled children aged 3-21. Education must be provided in the least restrictive setting that can meet the needs of the student. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must be developed for each student. Procedures are built into the Act so that parents & students can challenge a school’s program if it does not conform to the requirements of the Act.

Allocation, County – Amount of State drug & alcohol funds to be distributed by the Governor’s Council to county administrative units for operating D&A programs.

Ancillary Services – Activities that complement the provision of other services.

Audit/Financial – An independent review by a Public Accountant certifying that a facility’s financial reports reflect its financial status.

BAC – Blood Alcohol Content – Amount of alcohol in a person’s blood stream upon imbibing alcoholic beverages.

BDAP – Bureau of Drug & Alcohol Programs – Section of the PA Dept. of Health that oversees drug & alcohol treatment programs.

BDD – Bureau of Disability Determination

BC/BS – Blue Cross/Blue Shield – a private medical insurance program that provides outpatient & inpatient medical benefits to subscribers.

BH – Behavioral Health Services – Deerfield (formerly PH) – Partial Hospitalization – The provision of services, managed client activity, and supervised therapeutic individual or group exercises on a regular & predetermined schedule basis for part of a 24-hour period; for weekend, overnight, evening or day care. This service is for mentally ill or drug & alcohol consumers. (Currently being provided by Deerfield – Warren General Hospital).

An outpatient program provided on a planned & regularly scheduled basis for parts of days or nights, or parts of a week, which provides psychotherapeutic (group & individual therapy), psychiatric supervision & consultation, vocational consultation & evaluation, social & recreational programming, comprehensive treatment planning & case management services, which address the consumer’s overall needs (mental health).

BSU – Base Service Unit – A unit where intake into the MH/MR system is completed and Supports Coordinator Services are provided. This unit is responsible for ensuring continuity-of-care for each consumer & for maintaining a continuing relationship with the consumer & with any facility or provider at any stage of the consumer’s illness from intake to closure. This unit shall facilitate & coordinate the consumer’s movement from service to services.

Refers to the tasks/staff procedures involved in enrolling, tracking, & terminating consumers from agency services.

BWMS – Beaty-Warren Middle School

Balance Budget & Emergency – Gramm-Rudman-Hollines Law (Deficit Control Act 1985)

Blue CHIP – Children’s Health Insurance Program

Bollinger, Inc. – Sheltered Workshop – Subcontracts to provide sheltered employment for the mentally disabled.

Breathalyzer – Machine that measures blood alcohol content.

CAAC – Committee created to provide OMR with guidance on behalf of the counties/joinders. Counties on the CAAC: Allegheny, Philadelphia, Bucks Luzerne/Wyoming, Franklin/Fulton, Delaware, Beaver, Cameron/Elk/McKean, Bradford/Sullivan, York/Adams, and Lancaster.

CAO – County Assistance Office – CBA – County Board of Assistance (Same office)

CART – Community Abuse Response Team

CASSP – Child & Adolescent Service System Project – CASSP involves activities that are designed to promote interdepartmental cooperation between agencies such as Children & Youth Services, Juvenile Court & Education, and to encourage parental participation in systems advocacy for children’s services. It is funded by Mental Health & targets emotionally disturbed youngsters.

CBO – Congressional Budget Office

CBT – Competency-Based Training – A collaborative effort of the PA Dept. of Public Welfare, Shippensburg University, and the Pennsylvania C&Y Administrators to offer a comprehensive, supervisory-based in-service training system that addresses the wide variety of attitudes, knowledge & skills necessary to provide family-centered, multi-cultured services to the children & families served.

CCAP – County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania

CCDBG – Child Care & Development Block Grant (Welfare Reform Consolidation)

CCR – Consolidated Community Reports

CCYA – County Children & Youth Agency (CAO term for CYS)

CDC – Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (Federal Agency)

CH/CLA – Community Home/Community Living Arrangement (Group Home). A home in the community in which care and support services are provided to one or more individuals. Services in the home include assistance in the activities of that daily living that support a person’s personal and intellectual development, physical and personal care, recreation and socialization in the community.

CHC - Community Health Center

CHI – Community Housing for Individuals (formerly CLA – Community Living Arrangements) – A house or apartment in the community in which a small number of persons with mental retardation live. CHI’s provide supervision, care & training. The goal of CHI’s is to give disabled persons an opportunity to be a part of the community & live a normal life-style. The County MH/MR Program provides a Core Team of Specialists to assist CHI staff in meeting the needs of these residents. There are also Adult Minimal Supervision CHI’s which are houses or apartments in which two or three mentally retarded adults live. Supervision is on a drop-in basis to assure the safety of the residents & to provide training and assistance in independent living skills.

CHIPP - Community/Hospital Integration Program Project - Funds are used to take some individuals who are ready for discharge, out of Warren State Hospital into Forest & Warren Counties and to provide them with needed supports to be successful in the community.

CMS – Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Formerly CHFA). The federal agency that administers the Federal Medicaid Programs including the Medicaid Waiver.

CPS – Child Protective Services

CPSL – Child Protective Services Law

CQI – Continuous Quality Improvement or I-Power

CRF – Community Residential Facility

CRR – Community Residential Rehabilitation (MH Residential) – Residential Program for mental health consumers similar to the MR/CLS Program.

CYAA – Children & Youth Adoption Assistance

C-3 – Refers to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Warren General Hospital

CWLA – Child Welfare League of America

C&Y – Children & Youth Program

C&Y Advisory Board – Comprised of members appointed by the County Commissioners to provide citizen input and assist the Director.

CYS – Children & Youth Services – Provides protection & supportive services to abused, dependent, & deprived children and their families.

Carryover – Program funds which have not been expended during the prior funding period. Revenues (income) in excess of expenditures which usually must be returned to the State or is deducted from next year’s payment.

Case Management – A process designed to ensure:

1. That the consumer and/or his/her needs are matched with appropriate services, whether these services exist in the MH/MR system OR

2. these services exist in the community at large,

3. continuity of care ensure that when a shift from one service to another occurs, the consumer and/or his/her needs are not lost in this shift.

Child – Individual who: (1) is under 18 years of age (2) under 21 years of age who committed an act of delinquency before reaching 18 years of age; OR (3) is under 21 years of age who was adjudicated dependent before reaching 18 years of age and while engaged in a course of instruction or treatment, request the court to retain jurisdiction until the course is completed.

Children’s Partial Hospitalization – Licensed by the Office of Mental Health to provide partial hospitalization & educational services to individuals under the age of 18.

Client Liability – That portion of the service cost that the consumer has an obligation to pay.

Commitment (201) – Any person 14 years of age or over who believes that he is in need of treatment & substantially understands the nature of voluntary [commitment] treatment may submit himself to examination and treatment under this act provided that the decision to do so is made voluntarily.

Commitment (302) – This is the involuntary emergency commitment which is basically a two-step process:

1. The consumer is brought for emergency examination involuntarily if specific criteria of clear & present danger to self or others are met,

2. If, upon medication examination, the consumer is felt to be a clear & present danger to self or others, admission for up to 120 hours in a designated facility occurs.

Commitment (303) – This is a process in which a consumer can be maintained in an inpatient facility for up to 20 days following an informal hearing before a Mental Health Review Officer. It is the usual means for extending inpatient hospitalization involuntarily. It may be invoked sequentially following a 302 commitment.

Commitment (304) – This is the means by which a consumer is maintained in involuntary hospitalized status for an extended period of time up to 90 days. Often, this is the type of commitment used when a consumer is sent to a state hospital.

Consultation and Education – This is one of the services mandated by the Mental Health Act of 1966. This service is designed to disseminate information on both consumer & program levels to agencies and groups in the community (Also referred to as C&E or CS – Community Service).

Consumer – OMR client, or direct recipient of MR Services.

Contingent Commitment – (Fiscal Term) – Commitment of monies which have not yet been allocated & which is contingent upon future appropriations from the funding source.

Co-Payment – Refers to a $.50 per service hour charge to consumers on Medical Assistance, who receive mental health services.

Core Indicators Survey – Part of a national initiative among states to capture common quality management metrics so that information can be shared between the participating states.

County Match – Stipulated funds provided by the counties to complement funds received from the State government unit for a grant, etc. The objective of the match is to create a financial & operational interest in the funded program.

County Over-Match – Funds received from the local authorities (County Governments) which are above the county match obligation.

Cyclical – Relating to the varying periods of mental illness in which an individual may improve greatly, then cycles into another period of illness. Cycles are irregular & unpredictable.

D&A – Drug & Alcohol Program – Warren County Human Services has adopted the term – “Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs” Program.

DATF – Drug Awareness Task Force

DARE – Drug Abuse Resistance Education

DDAN – Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Network – Pennsylvania’s Protection & Advocacy system as mandated by the Developmentally Disabled Assistance & Bill of Rights Act of 1975. DDAN is an independent agency which advocates for the legal & human rights of developmentally disabled persons.

DDP – Division of Data Processing

DDPC – Pennsylvania’s Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. The Council works to coordinate & integrate services between state & private human service agencies.

DIS – Department of Information Systems

DEA – Federal Drug Enforcement Administration – Federal agency responsible for enforcing the drug laws.

DHHS – The Federal Department of Health & Human Services

DPW – Department of Public Welfare – A Pennsylvania state department administers human service programs, distributes federal & state funds to local agencies, & develops programs to respond to the human service needs of the Commonwealth’s residents. (Except Drug & Alcohol Program).

DSM IV – Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition) – This is used by psychiatrists & psychologists to standardize diagnoses of mental disabilities.

DUI – Driving Under the Influence

Dx – Diagnosis

Deficit – The excess of expenses over revenues (income) during an accounting period. Frequently the opposite of “carryover”.

Detoxification – A treatment approach that provides services during the period of planned withdrawal from substance abuse.

Diagnosis-Related Groups DRG’s – A classification system which groups clients with similar diagnoses (diseases) based upon service characteristics through use of ICD-9 CM codes.

Disbursement – The outlay of cash only.

Domiciliary Care Home – A private home which provides room, board, & personal care for persons who are mentally retarded, elderly, or physically disabled, or who may have been mentally ill. Dom Care homes usually accommodate three to four residents & are certified by the Area Agency on Aging staff.

Drug Free – A treatment approach that does not include any chemical agent or medication as the primary part of the treatment. Temporary medication may be prescribed in a drug free modality, i.e., short-term use of tranquilizers, but the primary treatment method is not chemotherapy.

EAP – Employee Assistance Program – A program provided through your employer that offers personal work-life consultative services that address: work; family; financial; personal wellness; healthy relationships; & legal issues.

EI – Early Intervention – (ECD – Early Childhood Development Program; also known as Infant Stimulation) A program which assists developmentally disabled infants & preschool children to develop to their optimal potential.

EMSHS – Eisenhower Middle/Senior High School

EOC – Economic Opportunity Council

EOE – Equal Opportunity Employer

EPSDT – Early Prevention, Screening, Detection & Treatment

ER – Emergency Room

ES – Emotional Support

Emergency Services – A 24-hour day/ 7-days week coverage for receiving & processing petitions for involuntary commitments & for handling crisis/emergency calls for mental health.

Education & Information – The provision of activities & factual data aimed at the development of decision-making skills, goal setting, values awareness & clarification, personal motivation, meaning & purpose, & development of communication and inter-personal skills and to increase knowledge & understanding about drugs & alcohol and their effect.

Eligible Expenses – Those expenses that are reimbursable by the Office of Drug & Alcohol Program or the Department of Public Welfare as defined in “Eligibility Guidelines, Section III of the Fiscal Management Guidelines” of BDAP or Chapter 4300 MH/MR Fiscal Manual, Section 4300.41 “Allowable Cost Standards,” or the 3170 Regulations C&Y.

Emancipated Minor – An individual under the age of 18 who has been legally determined an adult in the eyes of the law.

Everyday Lives – Having a life which is typical of the general population and includes: being part of the community; living among family and friends but having the option of living alone; feeling safe and secure; having choice in life decisions; having control over one’s life; having dignity and status; and being recognized for abilities and gifts.

Expenditures – Cash disbursed for goods delivered or services rendered.

Expenses – Combined expenditures & encumbrances incurred in the current fiscal period.

FBMH – Family-Based Mental Health Program

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency

FFCE – Foster Family Care Agency (including CYS Agencies)

FFP – Federal Financial Participation – When a public assistance, medical assistance client payment is eligible for approximately 57% federal funds & 43% State match.

FFS – Fee-For-Service – A method by which services may be purchases. The relevant costs (and ultimately, the fee which will be paid) is arrived at by negotiation between the county office & the service provider.

FSA – Family Support Act (1988)

FSP – Family Service Plan

FSS – Family Support Services – Services available to families to help them keep their mentally retarded family members at home in an independent living arrangement. The services provided include family aid, family education, respite care, recreation, homemaker services, transportation & equipment. These state-funded services are provided by the County MH/MR Program, through the Base Service Unit.

FY – Fiscal Year

Family Driven Model – A way to provide FSS (Family Support Services) by providing a stipend to the family with which they can then buy the services they need.

Fee Rate – The predetermined rate or unit cost by which service providers are reimbursed for services rendered.

4300 Regulations – Chapter 4300 County Mental Health & Mental Retardation Fiscal Regulations.

Foster Care Program – Residential placement of children with families other than their own. A child is placed in a foster home if his natural family is unable to care for him. This is operated locally by the CY Program.

GA – General Assistance

Grant – An agreement between a governmental unit & another agency whereby the governmental unit provides funds to carry out specified programs, services, or activities.

HB – House Bill

HCFA – Health Care Financing Administration – The Federal agency within the Dept. of Health & Human Services (DHHS) that is responsible for administering the Medicaid Program. Now called the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

HCQU – Health Care Quality Units - A group of healthcare and management professional who help county mental retardation programs monitor and improve the overall health status of individuals receiving services in the county programs. There are 8 HCQUs in Pennsylvania.

HHS – US Department of Heath & Human Services

HCSIS – Home & Community Services Information System – HCSIS is a web enabled information system that services as the information system for DPW program offices that support the Home and Community-Based Services Waivers (including OMR and OSP).

HIPAA – Health Information Portability & Accountability Act – A federal law that has placed additional protections on individually identifiable health records including medical & behavioral health (psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse & mental retardation treatment) records.

HMO – Health Maintenance Organization – An affiliation of heath care specialists providing health care for the price of a monthly insurance premium.

HRP – Health Risk Profile – An instrument utilized by HCSIS and designed to screen he overall health of individuals that receive MR services.

HSDF – Human Service Development Fund – Originally funded by DPW and now most recently via supplemental appropriations H.B 1480, monies under the HSDF are for the development of innovative social service programs to meet specific needs of the unemployed, elderly, disabled & special needs children. It is a block grant and has more flexibility to expend than other funds we receive.

HSRI – Human Services Research Institute – National organization that performs demographic studies of health services.

HUD – The Federal Department of Housing & Urban Development.

Habilitation – Development of skills & abilities through education & training.

Health Choices - Family Care Network (Managed Care for CAO Families)

Host Home / Foster Home – Al alternative family care setting which provides for the child’s basic needs, as well as his developmental, social, psychological & educational needs. Host home is the MH/MR term for foster care.

ICF – Intermediate Care Facility (AAA Program)

IDC-9-CM – International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification – A statistical coding classification system used to measure the incidence of disease, injury & illness.

ICF / MR – Intermediate Care Facility for People with Mental Retardation – Facility providing residential living programs & medically related care which meets standards set by DHHS. These services involve no County dollars. The ICF is a facility which can be operated by the State or privately and is licensed by the Department of Health. Most ICF’s/MR are large facilities serving 40-400 individuals, however, there are also some ICF/MR that are homes of 4-8 people in the community.

ICM – Intensive Case Management – A program designed to ensure the continuous care & support of mentally ill consumers by assisting them in accessing appropriate mental health, social & education services in order to lead a more stable & healthy life in the community. Caseworkers have small caseloads so that they can spend more time with consumers with greater needs.

IEP – Individual Education Plan.

IFSP – Individualized Family Service Plan (Early Intervention)

ILP – Independent Living Program

IM4Q – Independent Monitoring for Quality – Part of the larger Monitoring for Quality (M4Q) initiative; the IM4Q application will allow data capture and reporting for two quality management measures in OMR: the Core Indicators Survey and the Independent Monitoring Survey.

I&R – Information & Referral – Provision of information concerning the MH/MR system or CY system and its services & the referral of consumers based on their presented service request to appropriate service providers, both within MH/MR Service System or CY system and other service system areas in the community. An attempt in the I&R is made to match the consumer’s service request needs with the appropriate service.

IOP – Intensive Outpatient

ISP – Individual Support Plan – A plan for each individual developed with the person and the people they choose, which will include specific services and supports, their frequency and duration. The Individual Service Plan will be the foundation for the individual budget.

ITP – Individual Treatment Plan (MH/MR Plan) - A written action plan based on assessment data, that identifies the consumer’s clinical needs, the strategy for providing services to meet those needs, treatment goals, and objectives, and the criteria for terminating the specified interventions.

IU – Intermediate Unit – A consortium of special education & ancillary services for purchase by local school districts. We are served by IU5 in Warren and IU6 in Forest County.

IV – Intravenous – Injection of a substance into a person’s veins (as in IV drug user).

IWPP – Individual Written Program Plan – Early Intervention & Intermediate Unit term.

IHP – Individual Habilitation Plan – A written statement defining goals for a developmentally disabled person & the means of attaining & reviewing those goals. The IHP must be approved by the developmentally disabled person or his/her guardian. IEP’s and IPP’s are similar plans.

Independent Living – A living situation in which there is no supervision and resident lives independently.

Independent Monitoring Team – Team of individuals chosen to complete IM4Q monitoring survey. They are contracted by the county but are not county employees.

Inpatient Diversion Program – A program designed to primarily prevent unnecessary hospitalizations; reduce the length of stay when hospitalizations are necessary; and assist the severely & persistently mentally ill (S&PMI) to maintain independent living.

Inpatient Hospital – The provision of medical & nursing services 24-hrs. a day in a hospital licensed by the Dept. Of Health as a hospital & accredited by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals as an acute care or general hospital. The consumer resides in the hospital setting.

Inpatient Non-Hospital – The provision of services 24-hrs. day – The client resides at a facility other than a hospital. This services is typically provided by D&A programs in the form of residential rehabilitation.

Intake – The Intake Unit at WCHS has been in operation since 1993. All program intakes are completed by the Intake Unit: MH; ATOD; MR; C&Y; Perinatal; MH Voluntary & Involuntary commitments; Child Abuse/Neglect investigations. Assessments are completed in the consumer’s home or at the agency. Assessments are completed prior to transfer to one of the noted departments.

Intermediate Care/Skilled Nursing Facilities – A facility that is licensed and certified to operate under Federal regulations pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act. These facilities are required to provide 24-hr. services including a wide range of programs geared toward enhancing resident’s maximum independent living capabilities and their ultimate return to a less restrictive living arrangement as opposed to long term care facilities & services.

Intervention – The provision of therapeutic intervention to persons experiencing crisis of a drug or alcohol-related nature. No treatment regimen is adopted & referral is provided if the need for long-term treatment is indicated. Activities include drop-in centers, hotline, & occupational programs.

Invoice – The request for payment or reimbursement.

JCAHO – Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations

JPO – Juvenile Probation Office or Officer

Juvenile Act – State law establishing dependency and delinquency for children & youth under the age of 18, and in some circumstances under age 21.

Juvenile Correction Facilities – Facilities operated by the County or the State for the purpose of treatment, rehabilitation & supervision of youths adjudicated & convicted of crimes & sentenced by the courts to be in need of such treatment.

Juvenile Detention Centers – Facilities for the detention of juveniles, 17 years & younger, for the purpose of either housing of minors accused of crimes but not yet adjudicated or for the housing of juveniles who have been convicted of crimes & sentenced to the detention center by the courts. This is most, if not always, a locked facility.

LEC – Learning & Enrichment Center

LMP – Life Management Plan – A written individualized plan stating long-range services to be provided by a Base Service Unit to a mentally retarded consumer. The LMP may be called a Service Plan or Habilitation Plan. Some regions in PA use an Individualized Habilitation Plan, which is a short-term version of the LMP.

LS – Learning Support

Liability Regulations – Community Mental Health, ATOD, & Mental Retardation Consumer Liability Regulations – Used to determine what, if any, amount each client will be responsible to pay for treatment or other services.

M4Q – Monitoring for Quality – An integral part of HCSIS that will collect data and track outcome trends from each of the quality management initiatives: Waiver Monitoring, the Health Risk Profile and Incident Management process.

MA – Medical Assistance – The federal program which provides, within restrictions medical (and certain medically-supervised) care to certain needy persons; administered by the stated DPW; a fee-for-service reimbursement program which pays prescribed fees for approved services to licensed/approved service providers; a significant amount of services are made available to all of our consumers through this program.

MADD – Mothers Against Destructive Decisions

MAID – Medical Assistance Identification Number

MAST – Warren County School District SAP Program

MCO – Managed Care Organization

MDT – Multi-Disciplinary Team (CPS) – A group of clinical staff composed of representatives from different professions, disciplines or service areas.

MH – Mental Health

MH/MR – Mental Health/ Mental Retardation

MH/MR Board – Comprised of thirteen (13) members appointed by the Governing Board to provide citizen input and assist the Director. The composition of the board, terms of service, duties, etc. are defined by the MH/MR Act of 1966.

MHRO – Mental Health Review Officer – An attorney appointed by the Court to hear proceedings under the MH/MR Acts (302, 304, etc.)

MHRT – Mental Health Response Team – A team of multi-disciplinary, multi-skilled first responders that will provide interventions in the initial phase of disaster recovery until situations have stabilized; they will also provide/insure referral & follow-up. There is a County MHRT (4 members) and a State Hospital MHRT (5 members).

MIS – Management Information System – System to maintain consumer demographics & service date for planning and accountability for services rendered.

MR – Mental Retardation – Having below average intellectual functions along with limitations in two or more of the following areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, functional academics, leisure, and work.

MR Diagnosis: 1. Mild Mental Retardation: A term used to describe the degree of retardation present when intelligence scores are 50-55 to approximately 70; many mild retarded (educable) individuals who function at this level can usually master basic academic skill, whereas adults at this level may maintain themselves independently or semi-independently in the community.

2. Moderate Mental Retardation: A term used to describe the degree of retardation where intelligence test scores range from 35 or 40 to 50 or 55; many trainable individuals function at this level; such persons usually can learn self-help, communication, social, and simple occupational skills but only limited academic or vocational skills.

3. Severe Mental Retardation: A term used to describe the degree of retardation where intelligence test scores range from 20 or 25 to 35 or 40; such persons require continuing and close supervision but may perform self-help and simple work tasks under supervision; sometimes called dependent retardation.

4. Profound Mental Retardation: A term used to describe the degree of retardation present when intelligence test scores are below 20 or 25; such persons require continuing and close supervision, but some may be able to perform simple self-help tasks; profoundly retarded persons often have other handicaps and require total life-support system for maintenance.

5. Unspecified Mental Retardation: A term used when retardation is present, but there is great uncertainty about level.

MR Supports: 1. Natural Supports: Unpaid assistance to an individual. These supports can be provided by family and friends to move, go to the grocery store, carpool to work, or budget and pay bills.

2. Community Supports: Services or organizations available within the individual’s community. Examples: YMCA, membership organizations, transportation services, job training services, advocacy groups, religious organizations, senior services, or adult education services.

MSW – Master of Social Work

MYP – Multi-Year Plan – A strategy designed and utilized by the Office of Mental Retardation, with input from the PAC, to move its organization and the services it delivers toward a higher and a more efficient quality, self-determination, individual choice, better access to services and more community support.

Mainstreaming – The principle of integrating disabled persons into our society, particularly in education, to increase the amount of everyday contact a child has with average children. This term applies to Early Intervention Programs and other special education programs.

Maintenance – A term that describes a funding type received by Forest/Warren Counties MH/MR from State DPW. It is typically referred to as the “general operating fund type” or “base” allocation amount.

Medicaid Waiver – A federal program that allows states to use Medicaid funds to provide home and community based services as an alternative to ICF/MR and Nursing Home care. Selected federal program and funding rules are waivered by the federal government in turn for specific state assurances to protect individual health and safety and to assure quality and financial accountability.

Medication Check – (also known as Med Check or Med Evaluation) – This is an interview of a consumer by a psychiatrist to assess to effectiveness of medication & chemotherapy regimens. It is usually a relatively brief interview. It may be scheduled or it may be done on an emergency basis.

Mental Health/Mental Retardation Act of 1966 – State law giving mentally retarded & mentally ill persons in Pennsylvania the right to adequate in the least restrictive setting. The Act requires the State and each County to create & maintain services to ensure this right. Individuals can bring an action in court to enforce rights guaranteed by the MH/MR Act of 1966.

Mental Health Procedures Act of 1976 – (Amended 1978) – This Act establishes rights & procedures for all involuntary treatment of mentally ill persons, whether inpatient or outpatient, and for all voluntary inpatient treatment of mentally ill persons.

NA – Narcotics Anonymous

NCANDS – National Child Abuse & Neglect Data System

NIAAA – National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism – The Department within US Health & Human Services which is responsible for overseeing Block Grant funding to States for the provision of alcohol abuse & alcoholism prevention & rehabilitation services. Since Block Grants removed programming responsibilities to the States, the Institute is primarily responsible for the research, development & dissemination of (new) knowledge in the field of drug abuse.

NIH – National Institute of Health (Good resource for information)

NIMH – National Institute of Mental Health – The federal department within the U.S. Department of H&H Services (located in Rockville, Maryland) responsible for the research, development & dissemination of (new) knowledge in the study of mental illness.

NOP – Non-offending Partner – refers to the mate of a sexual offender.

Non-Residential – Services that do no involve residential programming for clients, such as vocational rehabilitation, outpatient, etc.

OBRA – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

OCYF – Office of Children, Youth & Families – State agency within DPW which provides services aimed at assuring a healthy & safe living environment for children & youth.

OEO – Office of Economic Opportunity – locally the EOC

OHA – Office of Hearings & Appeals

OIM – Pennsylvania Office of Income Maintenance (Public Assistance cash grants).

OMAP – Office of Medical Assistance Programs

OMB – Office of Management & Budget

OMH – Office of Mental Health – This State office which oversees the provision of mental health services by the State’s community & hospital programs.

OMHSAS – Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

OMR – Office of Mental Retardation – A state program office within DPW, which sets policy, allocates funds and administers services for persons with mental retardation.

OT – Occupational Therapy – The science & art of directing man’s response to purposeful activity in the treatment of physical, psychological and/or social dysfunction.

OVR – Vocational Rehabilitation – The primary objective of vocational facilities is to assist consumers in the development of skills necessary for placement in a higher level vocational program & ultimately into competitive employment, or to maintain existing employment services.

Occupational Program – The provision of consultation, education, training & referral services to industry to assist employees whose job performance or education is deteriorating due to substance abuse.

Optioning – A service of the Department of Aging- Responsibilities include: Assessment of individuals to determine their need for nursing home care; assessment of individuals who are requesting Domiciliary Care or Personal Care Boarding Home/SSI Supplemental payment; provides in-home health services to support a limited number of individuals in the community as an alternative to nursing home placement. (One small phase of many programs available.)

Outpatient – The provision of services of short duration (less than three (3) hours a session) on a regular & predetermined schedule. The consumer resides outside the facility. Outpatient differs from Partial Hospitalization in that the Outpatient consumer receives services less frequently & does not have regularly assigned & supervised work functions.

Outpatient Services – Consist of the following: diagnosis, evaluation & treatment of persons with a mental disability, who reside outside of a mental health or mental retardation institution while receiving these services. (Consumers seen in the outpatient division of the Mental Health Program.)

PA – Public Act (followed by a number) – Used to identify pieces of state legislation before they are codified into the general statutes.

PAC – Planning Advisory Committee – An advisory body to the Office of Mental Retardation. Members include consumers, families, advocates, providers, and county staff. The Planning Advisory Committee authored the Everyday Lives, Multi-Year Plan, and Waiting List Plan documents.

PACDAA – Pennsylvania Association of County Drug & Alcohol Administrators

PACHSA – PA Association of County Human Services Administrators

PACT – Parents & Children Together – The CY program of intensive in-home family therapy & rehabilitation services to prevent placement of the child.

PAE – Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange

PAMH/MRP – Pennsylvania Association of MH/MR Providers

PARC – Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens

PC – Provider Council – A council made up of representatives of provider associations that provides OMR with feedback and recommendation, represents members, and facilitates communications with provider agencies.

PCBH – Personal Care Boarding Home – A personal care boarding home for adults means any premises operated for consideration where food, shelter, & personal assistance or supervision are provided for a period exceeding 24 consecutive hours for more than three adults who are not relatives of the operation & who require assistance or supervision in such matters as dressing, bathing, diet, or medication prescribed for self-administration but do not require hospitalization or care in skilled nursing or intermediate care facility.

PCP – Primary Care Physician (HMO)

PCP – Person Centered Planning – A process which helps individuals identify how they want to live their lives and what supports they need to achieve their desired outcomes. Individuals choose people who are important in their lives to be part of the process.

PCYA – Pennsylvania Children & Youth Administrators

PHP - Prepaid Health Plan (Managed Care)

PL – Public Law (followed by a number) – Identifies pieces of federal legislation. The first number is that of the Congress that passed the law; the second is the number of the Act.

PLF – Private Licensed Facility – A facility which provides long-term placement for about 70 mentally retarded persons who are severely or multiply disabled. For licensing purposes a PLE is considered a community residence; however, in operation it is similar to a small institution. There are about 4,000 persons, mainly children, living in approximately 40 PLE’s throughout PA. About 1/3 of these placements are funded by County MH/MR programs, 1/3 by out-of-state sources, and 1/3 are privately funded.

POS – Point of Service (Managed Care)

PSRP – Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Program

PP&A – Pennsylvania Protection & Advocacy, Inc. (For MH or MR abuse victims)

PPO – Preferred Provider Organization (Co-pay Waiver – Managed Care)

PSRP – Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Program

PSSF – Promoting Safe & Stable Families – Promoting Safe and Stable Families Services are short-term, intensive, in-home, crisis intervention services, that teach skills and provide supports for families in which a child is at imminent risk of out-of-home placement. These services are designed to support families in crisis in which children are either at risk of placement or have been placed outside their homes. P.S.S.F. services are effective as reunification services, as well as for placement prevention. The goal is to keep children safe and avoid both unnecessary removal and unnecessarily long separations from family in out-of-home care. P.S.S.F. also believes that reunifying children quickly with their families, when it is safe to do so, is as essential as preventing placement. P.S.S.F. works to promote family as the first priority permanency option for children.

PT – Physical Therapy

PUNS – Prioritization of Urgency Needs – Current process for categorizing a person’s need for services.

PUNS Categories

1. Emergency Need: Means a person needs services immediately. An example of this is when there is a death in the family and there is no other family member available to provide support.

2. Critical Need: Means a person needs services within one year. Some examples are when a person has an aging or ill caregiver who soon will be unable to continue providing support; there has been a death in the family or some other family crisis reducing the capacity of the caregiver to provide care; or a person has a single caregiver who would be unable to work if services are not provided.

3. Planning for Need: When a person’s need for service is more than a year away. Examples of this are when a person is eligible for services, is not currently in need of services, but will need service if something happens; or the person or the family has expressed a desire to move; the person is living in a large setting and needs community services; or the person or caregiver wants increased supports.

Pennsylvania Drug & Alcohol Control Act of 1972 – Act of April 14, 1972 (No. 63) P.L. 221 and The Reorganization Plan No. 4, Session of 1973.

Perinatal Program – Provides new parents with specific information about infant capabilities & characteristics and encourages positive parent/infant interaction. It provides support through the stressful first few weeks/months of parenting.

Prevention – (This is a drug & alcohol program component) – The promotion of functional positive intra and interpersonal skills, attitudes & behaviors impacting upon the formulation of substance dependency. The activities are directed at the total population. Programs with these goals & which are developed with local input can be directed at individuals, significant others (parent, teachers, siblings and/or the social context of the individual). Includes Education/Information Alternative Activities.

Program Funded – The funding of MH/MR or D&A facilities for their total personnel, operating & fixed asset expenses as predetermined by the funding source (as opposed to setting a fee rate for services).

Public Defender – Provides legal counsel to indigent defendants – When appointed by the Court, the PD must also furnish legal counsel to persons subject to commitment under the MH/MR Act of 1966.

QA – Quality Assurance – Monitors the quality & cost of client care & the use of available facilities in client care services. The ultimate objective is to provide a professional accountability system operating at all levels of service delivery.

QUAC – Quality Assurance Committee (Competency-Based Training)

RA – Residential Arrangements – (For additional information refer to CLA or CRR definitions)

RC – Regional Coordinators – RC’s are located in each regional office and are responsible for communications with counties, coordination of meeting logistics, facilitation, and acting as subject matter experts.

RFP – Request for Proposal – Document requesting program & budgetary estimates for a particular project or service from an agency according to stated specifications.

RPM – Regional Program Manager – The Director of each of the Office of Mental Retardation’s four regional offices.

RTC – Regional Training Center

RTF – Residential Treatment Facility


Western Region: Encompassing 46 counties and joinders: Western Region Allegheny, Armstrong-Indiana, Beaver, Bulter, Cameron-Elk-McKean, Clarion, Clearfield-Jefferson, Crawford, Erie, Fayette, Forest-Warren, Greene, Lawrence, Mercer, Potter, Venango, Washington, and Westmoreland.

Northeastern Region: Berks, Bradford-Sullivan, Carbon-Monroe-Pike, Lackawanna-Susquehanna-Wayne, Lehigh, Luzerne-Wyoming, Northampton, Schuylkill, and Tioga.

Southeast Region: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia.

Central Region: Bedford-Somerset, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Columbia-Montour-Snyder-Union, Cumberland-Perry, Dauphin, Franklin-Fulton, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lycoming-Clinton, Northumberland, and York-Adams.

Rehabilitative & Training Services – Are ancillary to mental health & mental retardation care provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis. These services consist of vocational evaluation, work adjustment training, job placement, and group living experiences to assist an individual to reach his/her best level of social & vocational adaptation. These services also consist of group programs for teaching or improving self-care, personal behavior, and social adjustment for individuals with a mental disability.

Respite Care – Short-term residential placement of a developmentally disabled person who is living with his/her family. The temporary placement outside the home allows the family some time away from the routine of caring for their disabled family member. Respite Care takes place in a CHI, CRR, or foster home, or provider chosen by family if “family driven model”.

Revenue – Cash income

SACWIS – Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System

SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions

SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - This is the federal office of the Dept. of Health & Human Services which performs certain coordinative functions across these service areas: there are National Institutes for each of the service areas which are the direct links to the programs administered by the states under the Block Grants program.

SAMSHS – Sheffield Area Middle/Senior High School

SAP – Student Assistance Program/ Teen Suicide – Under this program funding is received from the State & Federal Government to provide prevention, education & treatment services to school-aged children within area school districts. This program involves the joint interaction of parents, school personnel, and community mental health and D&A specialists to enable students to receive the needed services with minimal disruption to their lives.

SB – Senate Bill

SCA – Single County Authority – The three part entity composed of (1) the Board of County Commissioners, (2) the Drug & Alcohol Planning Council referred to as a single unit; constitutes the contractual, advisory and administrative core for the provision of drug & alcohol prevention, intervention and treatment services in the County. There are 46 SCA’s in the Commonwealth. Warren County Human Services is our SCA.

SCSC – State Civil Service Committee

SEP – Supported Employment Program – MH/MR service where client is employed in the community and receives a job coach & supportive services to enable them to attain & sustain successful employment.

SM – Service Manager

SR – Social Rehabilitation

SSA – Social Security Administration

SSBG – Social Service Block Grant – funds received from the Federal Department of Social Services to be used for specific initiatives. (Title IX)

SSDI – Social Security Disability Income – Federal cash benefits and Medicare coverage to people unable to work for a year or more because of disability.

SSI – Supplemental Security Income – Monthly federal cash benefits to people who have a substantial disability and who don’t own much or don’t have a lot of income. Individuals that receive SSI get Medicaid and may be eligible to get food stamps.

SWAN – Statewide Adoption Network

Self-Determination – A movement which gives persons receiving services more control and responsibility in choosing how they want to live their lives.

Service Provider – The individual or group of individuals who directly provide services to a consumer. This is a general term used to denote projects, facilities or persons.

Services & Supports Directory – This directory would store information about providers within the MR system and would be accessible via the Internet by individuals, families and advocates to research information about the providers and the services that they offer. The directory is intended to expand individual’s ability to make informed choices.

Socialization Program – A program focusing on providing activities to enhance interaction with others

Specified Funds – Funds received during a given period for which the donor or contributor has documented stipulations for the specified utilization for such funds. These may also be considered donor-restricted funds.

Staffing – A discussion/problem-solving process in which several staff from one program or several programs discuss a specific consumer/family.

State Operated Facility (MR) – A facility which is run under the direct auspices of the Office of Mental Retardation. They are: Ebensburg/Altoona, Hamburg, Polk, Selinsgrove, and White Haven.

Supports Coordinator – Person who helps plan, locate, coordinate and monitor supports and services for an individual and who informs individuals of and helps individuals exercise his/her rights.

TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

TAP – Therapeutic Activity Program – An education and pre-vocational setting for mentally retarded adults.

TAWC – Transit Authority of Warren County

TEMS – Tidioute Elementary/Middle School

Title IV-B – Federal funds administered by the State for CY programs.

Title IV-E – Federal money to CY programs to pay 57% of placement services for eligible children. RMTS is a means of claiming services for reimbursement. Administrative costs are reimbursed 50%. Also includes adoption subsidy.

Title XX – Part of the Social Security Act

TSM – (Targeted Service Management) – A funding stream used to provide case-management services to individuals with mental retardation who are eligible for Medical Assistance.

T&SR – Training & Social Rehabilitation – Programs or activities designed to teach or improve self-care, personal behavior, and social adjustment for persons with a mental disability. These activities are intended to make community or independent living possible by raising one’s level of social competency and by decreasing the need for structured supervisors. Activities include: social education, adult activity centers, counseling, day & residential camps, socialization/recreational activities, preschool, homebound training & tutoring, home or family management, and indirect activities such as case conferences, charting progress notes, etc.

Target Population – The disability & age group specific subset of a risk population designated as the real or potential program recipients.

Third Party Payers – Six identified third-party payers who cover services Blue Cross Basic, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Major Medical, Commercial Insurance Carriers, Department of Public Welfare, Medicare, County MH/MR Program.

Tract 1 – Of the DUI treatment classification system – Social Drinker – Requires 12 hr. of education.

Tract 2 – Of the DUI treatment classification system – Presumptive Problem Drinker – 12 hrs. of education plus 12 hrs. of group counseling.

Tract 3 – Of the DUI treatment classification system – Problem Drinker – 12 hrs. of education plus 12 hrs. of group counseling plus 12-24 hrs. of individual counseling or AA meetings, sometimes detox.

Treatment Team – Staff from various professional disciplines who share the same consumer.

UDCS – Uniform Data Collection System – The automated data collection system by which the state collects & manipulates for management purposes data on all consumers served by those public funds administered by the Office of Drug & Alcohol Programs.

UR – Utilization Review – The process of using predefined criteria to evaluate the necessity & appropriateness of allocated services & resources to assure that the facility’s services are necessary, cost efficient, & effectively utilized.

Units of Service – A standard for measuring consumer-oriented services (generally hours or days).

Vendor – An entity that provides general goods or services. Distinguishing characteristics:

A. Providing the goods/services within normal business operations.

B. Providing similar goods/services to many different purchasers.

C. Operating in a competitive environment.

D. Program compliance requirements do not pertain to the goods or services provided.

WAHS – Warren Area High School

WGH – Warren General Hospital

WIC – Women, Infants, & Children (Food Supplement Program)

WSH – Warren State Hospital

WOW – Working on Wellness (See PSRP)

WPIC – Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic (in Pittsburgh)

YAHS – Youngsville Area High School

YDC/YFC – Youth Development Camp/Youth Forestry Camp

YEMS – Youngsville Elementary/Middle School

YSAP – Youth Service Alliance of Pennsylvania (Private Providers Association)


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