Franklin IB News

FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOLInternational BaccalaureateProgramme NEWS69532511430300 N. Gertrude Ave.Stockton, CA 95215(209)933-7435 X 8268Important Dates:Back to School Night: 9/4Club Day: 9/10Freshmen Fun Day: 9/11Clash of the Classes: 9/12Senior Retreat: 9/19-9/21SAT: 10/11ACT: 10/25Group 4 Showcase: 11/7Awake-A-Thon: 11/7IB Coordinators: Ryan Sedillo, Diploma Program James, Middle Years 933-7435 Ext. 8268?Coordinator’s Corner: Hello and welcome back parents and students to Franklin High! I am thrilled to resume the position as Diploma Programme Coordinator, and I am anticipating the 2014-2015 school year to be another great success. The Senior Diploma Candidate students will be embarking on their annual Senior Retreat in Volcano this month, so parents please return all necessary forms and permission slips to the IB office. This is always a very memorable time and we are excited to offer it once again this year! Exam registration for May 2015 has already begun and it is very important that if you believe your family will qualify for Exam Fee assistance, please have your child request a reduced price lunch form and return it to the IB office as soon as possible. If your family did not qualify last year, you may qualify this year if your circumstances have changed in any way. It is highly recommended that if your reduced lunch price forms have expired or if you didn’t qualify for a fee reduction last year that you submit a new form this year right away. I hope to meet each and every one of you at the Back to School Night informational meeting for Diploma Programme students Thursday, September 4th 5:00 in the main auditorium. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you or have you stop by for a visit. We could not do anything without your support so thank you!--Ryan SedilloQuote of the Month:“A closed mouth does not get fed.”-AnonymousWe’ve Moved!You can find the new IB Office in C112. The dedicated coordinators teach 1st period, but any time after that you can find them working tirelessly in the IB Office; 2nd through 6th period!Boost Learning and SpiritFrom fundraisers to the theater to the classroom- our Boosters have made a lot of things possible for our students! As this year opens up, we’d like to take this moment to cherish and honor our hardworking IB Parent Boosters. We thank our Boosters for all that they do, from supporting IB students in the class to home!IB Club: What do you (yes, you, dear reader) want the IB program at Franklin to be like? Do you have ideas for interesting fundraisers that you would love to make happen? Are you great at communicating to your class what’s going on in the program? We at the IB Club want you! We need students to get involved and spread the word about IB. Attend meetings and find out what our next fundraiser is going to be (and even vote for ones you’d like us to do!) The IB Club is about you, the IB student, and we’re eager to find out just what our students want! Meetings are in the new IB Office (C112) at lunch on Wednesdays; be there or be square!Advocate Yourself A vital skill in life, and in the class, being able to speak up for yourself is a greatly valued asset. If you’re having trouble getting the hang of things, say so! Teachers can’t read your mind, and parents can’t either (as much as it seems like they can). The only one who knows if and when you need help is you, so learn to take advantage of the resources around you! Back To School NightCalling all parents and guardians! Back to School Night is on September 4th and it is vital that you attend! Learn about what your child(ren) have been doing, what sort of things they’ll be learning, and how you can best support them so they can reach their full potential! Academic success starts at home, so start here! IB will hold a pre-Back to School Night Information Session from 5:30-6:00 PM in the large auditorium on September 4th. We’ll see you there. Clash Of The Classes: An all-day, fun-filled event where classes go head to head and compete for the title of Best Class Ever in the History of Forever (okay, maybe not that, but close enough)! Competition ranges from intellectual to physical, and shades in between, so bring your game face and show your peers what you’re made of. Hoist your gleaming gold trophy and cheer as glory washes over you! Winners will feast on barbeque and splash around in the glistening waters of the Fountain of Victory while bards sing ballads dedicated to your triumph. Well, the barbeque is open to everyone, and so is the pool, but victory is a delightful side dish, and your class does get a trophy. Compete with us, have fun, and ring in the new school year right on September 12th!Freshmen Fun Day: Starting high school is a little frightening, even to the bravest of us, and students may feel that they’re caught in a sea of assignments without any help. Even students who joined IB in middle school can feel that freshman year is difficult and, well… lonely. Fear not! No IB student is ever truly alone, and to demonstrate this, IB is hosting a Freshmen Fun Day! What’s a Freshmen Fun Day? It’s a day when you’re pulled out of class and placed into tribes. IB Seniors head each tribe, and together you compete against other tribes at events planned and thought up by fellow IB students. There are even workshops dedicated to helping you (Community Service ideas, tips for success, etc)! We want our program to grow stronger, and most importantly, for you to succeed as a student, so put your best foot forward and join us on September 11th! Check out the updated and sleek new IB website!<; Learn about C&S/CAS ideas and stay on top of what’s going on. Students are advised to sign up for the PSAT, to get a feel for the real deal. SAT and ACT test dates are coming up, so head to the counselor’s office for details and fee waivers (if applicable)!Group 4: Group 4 is an exciting, collaborative, group assignment based around a theme; a theme that changes each year! This year’s seniors are investigating “A Day in the Life of a Franklin Student.” Seniors have already been placed in groups, picked a topic, and discussed how to go about investigating their Research Question. For some groups, polls and data collecting will be their investigation; for others, participant journals and ranked scales (all confidential, of course!) No matter the question, seniors are expected to work together and demonstrate their findings in a showcase. The showcase is the highlight of a group’s day, a chance to show off all of their hard work and teach younger students at the same time. Be sure to check it out on November 7th!Attention IB Seniors! Senior Retreat is inching closer; are you ready to go? Are your bags packed, parents notified, phone in hand and mind already thinking of how to win Capture the Flag?Well slow down there! To be eligible, you need to:a. be a full diploma candidateb. have your Extended Essay turned in c. have a meeting with your Advisor. Now are you ready? Don’t forget, your parents/guardians can donate to the IB Boosters and not only is that money tax deductible, it goes towards funding the IB program (from books to trips like this!) ................

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