Best starbucks secret menu frappuccino


Best starbucks secret menu frappuccino

The Starbucks secret menu is real, and it's spectacular. There's no end to the delicious, highly Instagrammable creations on the hidden menu, including everything from candy-inspired Frappuccinos to gem-colored refreshers. The world is truly your sippable oyster. The trick to mastering the Starbucks secret menu is in the ordering. Simply asking for "the Purple Drink" won't cut it (and will probably annoy your barista)--you have to be specific when it comes to what's in them. Ahead, we've rounded up 51 of the best secret Starbucks drinks, each with a note on exactly how to order them. 1. Blackberry Cobbler FrappuccinoOrder a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Add white mocha syrup (2 pumps for a venti, 1? for a grande, and 1 pump for tall).Add blackberries.2. Biscotti FrappuccinoOrder a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Ask your barista to blend a biscotti into your Frappuccino.3. Skittles FrappuccinoOrder a Strawberries & Cr?me Frappuccino.No classic syrup.Add vanilla syrup (2 pumps for a tall, 3 pumps for a grande, 4 pumps for venti) and raspberry syrup (? pump for a tall, 1 pump for a grande, 1? pumps for venti).4. Cap'n Crunch FrappuccinoOrder a Strawberries & Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 1 pump each caramel syrup, hazelnut syrup, and toffee-nut syrup.Add java chips.5. Pink DrinkOrder a Strawberry A?ai Refresher.Mix in coconut milk.Add fresh strawberries and blackberries.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Passion iced tea.Add soy milk, vanilla syrup, and berries.Order a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 1 pump hazelnut syrup.Ask your barista to add 1 Starbucks Birthday Cake Pop into the blender.Ask for ? cup milk combined with ? cup apple juice.Add 2 pumps each cinnamon syrup and caramel syrup.Add ice and blend.Order a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino (ideally made with whole milk for the best consistency).Add 3 pumps each toffee-nut syrup and caramel with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle.Order a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.Add white mocha syrup.Order a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 1?2 extra pumps raspberry syrup.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Strawberries & Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 2 pumps vanilla syrup, 1 pump raspberry syrup, and a splash orange-mango juice, if available.Order a Mocha Frappuccino.Add java chips and 1?2 pumps peppermint syrup.Order a Hot White Chocolate Mocha.Add java chips and chocolate chips.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Caramel Macchiato.Ask for raspberry syrup instead of vanilla syrup.Order a Caffe Misto.Add 1 pump each chocolate syrup and hazelnut with a caramel drizzle.Order 4 shots espresso.Add 4 pumps white chocolate syrup.Pour into grande cup with ice and fill with milk.Order a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.Add 2?3 pumps of mocha syrup and 1?2 pumps hazelnut with hazelnut drizzle.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order an orange-mango juice to the first line.Add milk to the second line.Use a cream base (4 pumps for a venti, 3 pumps for a grande, and 2 pumps for tall).Add classic syrup (4 pumps for a venti, 3 pumps grande, and 2 pumps for tall).Add ice and with whipped cream.Order half a Valencia Orange Refresher and half a Passion Tea.Ask for no water.Add peach syrup (6 pumps for trenta, 5 pumps for a venti, 3 pumps for a grande, and 2 pumps for tall).This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Iced Soy Caramel Macchiato (upside down).Add 1?2 pumps each vanilla syrup and cinnamon dolce syrup.Order a Hazelnut Frappuccino.Blend in a whole banana.Add cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for a venti, 2 pumps for a grande, 1 pump for a tall) and toffee-nut syrup (3 pumps for a venti, 2 pumps for a grande, and 1 pump for a tall).Order a Strawberries & Cr?me Frappuccino.Add vanilla bean powder, java chips, and a whole with whipped cream, mocha drizzle, and caramel drizzle.Order a Java Chip Frappuccino.Add 2 shots espresso for venti and grande, 1 for a tall.Add vanilla bean powder (4 scoops for a venti, 3 scoops for a grande, and 2 scoops for tall).Add caramel syrup (1 pump for venti drink, and ? pump for grande and tall) and vanilla syrup (2 pumps for a venti, 1? pumps for a grande, and 1 pump for tall).Note: This tasty Frap is available only in October and November.Order a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino.Add 1?2 pumps cinnamon dolce syrup.Blend in whipped with cinnamon dolce sprinkles.Order a Strawberries & Cr?me Frappuccino (made with orange refresher instead of strawberry puree).Add a scoop of vanilla bean powder.Add a pump each of raspberry syrup and peach syrup.Blend over ice.Order a Cool Lime Refresher with whole milk.Add cinnamon dolce syrup (1? pumps for a venti, 1 pump for a grande, and ? pump for a tall), vanilla syrup (3 pumps for a venti, 2 pumps for a grande, and 1 pump for a tall), and white mocha (3 pumps for a venti, 2 pumps for a grande, and 1 pump for a tall).Ask for whipped cream to be blended in.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order half White Chocolate Mocha and half Regular Mocha Frappuccino.Add 2 pumps raspberry with whipped cream.Order a whole-milk steamer.Add 2?4 pumps each caramel syrup, toffee-nut syrup, and cinnamon dolce syrup.Add whipped cream and salted caramel bits.Optional: Add shots of espresso.Order a Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino.Ask for a whole banana and java chips to be blended in.Add vanilla bean with whipped cream and mocha drizzle.Order a Caramel Frappuccino.Add 1?2 pumps each caramel syrup and hazelnut syrup.Add java chips.Drizzle with caramel and mocha.Order a Passion Iced Tea.Add vanilla syrup and soy milk.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a White Mocha Frappuccino.Add 1 pump each cinnamon dolce syrup and hazelnut syrup.Ask for cinnamon sugar on top.Order a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Add freeze-dried blackberries.Line the cup with green mixed drizzle (white mocha sauce, toasted coconut syrup, and matcha powder).Top with whipped cream and additional drizzle or matcha powder.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Mix matcha powder into water and ice.Add your choice of milk and 1?2 affogato shots.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Caramel Macchiato.Add chestnut praline with a packet or two of honey.Order an Iced White Mocha.Substitute eggnog for milk.Add raspberry syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, 3 pumps for venti).Order a Green Tea Frappuccino.Add vanilla bean powder and a swirl of berry syrup at the bottom of with whipped cream and purple sprinkles.Optional: Add coconut syrup.Order a cream-based Frappuccino.Add a banana, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, and 2 pumps each mocha syrup, hazelnut syrup, and toffee-nut syrupTop with light caramel drizzle and light mocha drizzle.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a Matcha Green Tea Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 2 pumps chocolate syrup, 1 pump mint syrup, java chips, and honey.Order a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.Add 2 or more pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup.Order a Chocolate Frappuccino or hot chocolate.Add 1 pump each cinnamon syrup and toffee-nut syrupBlend and top with cream, chocolate sauce, biscuit bits, and marshmallows.Order a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino.Add raspberry syrup (1?1? pumps for a tall, 1??2 pumps for a grande, and 2?2? pumps for a venti Frapp).Top with whipped cream.Note: This is available only in October and November, when pumpkin syrup is available.Order a cream-based Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino.Add cinnamon dolce syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, and 3 pumps for a venti Frapp) and white mocha syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, and 3 pumps for a venti Frapp).Order a Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino.Add 6 pumps pineapple-ginger syrup.Add whipped cream.Order a Strawberries and Cr?me Frappuccino.Swap out classic syrup for raspberry syrup.Order a Mocha Coconut Frappuccino.Add 2 pumps caramel syrup.Request extra coconut flakes be blended directly into the concoction.Order half a Pink Drink and half a Purple Drink.Ask that both be made with coconut milk for best ombr? effect.Ask for extra blackberries.This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.Order a chai latte with whole milk and no water.Add cinnamon dolce syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, 3 pumps for a venti) and white mocha syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, 3 pumps for a venti), whipped cream, and cinnamon dolce.Sprinkle with cinnamon powder.Order a Cinnamon Dolce Cr?me Frappuccino.Add mocha syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps for a grande, 3 pumps for a venti).Ask for java chips to be blended in.Add chocolate whipped cream and cookie crumble as the finishing touch.Now that you know all the hidden gems on the Starbucks secret menu, you'll probably be hitting up your local 'Bucks sooner rather than later. For those days, however, when you want a high-quality coffee without stepping outside, check out our guide (below) on how to make Starbucks drinks at home!

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