Bedford County Public Schools 11th Grade Curriculum Map


|4.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in |5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share |6.1 The student will participate in and contribute to |

|a variety of settings. |responses in subject-related group learning activities. |small-group activities. |

|a. Present accurate directions to individuals and small |a. Participate in and contribute to discussions across content |a. Communicate as leaders and contributor. |

|groups. |areas. |b. Evaluate own contributions to discussions. |

|b. Contribute to group discussions across content areas. |b. Organize information to present in reports of group |c. Summarize and evaluate group activities. |

|c. Seek ideas and opinions of others. |activities. |d. Analyze the effectiveness of participants interactions. |

|d. Use evidence to support opinions. |c. Summarize information gathered in group activities. | |

|e. Use grammatically correct language and specific vocabulary to|d. Communicate new ideas to others. | |

|communicate ideas. |e. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. | |

|f. Communicate new ideas to others. |f. Demonstrate the ability to work independently. | |

|g. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. | | |

|h. Demonstrate the ability to work independently. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |5.2 The student will use effective verbal and nonverbal | |

|4.2 The student will make and listen to oral |communication skills to deliver planned oral presentations. | |

|presentations and reports. |a. Maintain eye contact with listeners. |6.2 The student will present, listen critically, and express |

|a. Use subject-related information and vocabulary. |b. Use gestures to support, accentuate, and dramatize verbal |opinions in oral presentations. |

|b. Listen to and record information. |message. |a. Distinguish between fact and opinion. |

|c. Organize information for clarity. |c. Use facial expressions to support and dramatize verbal |b. Compare and contrast viewpoints. |

|d. Use language and style appropriate to the audience, topic, |message. |c. Present a convincing argument. |

|and purpose. |d. Use posture appropriate for communication setting. |d. Paraphrase and summarize what is heard. |

| |e. Determine appropriate content for audience. |e. Use language and vocabulary appropriate to audience, topic, |

| |f. Organize content sequentially around major ideas. |and purpose. |

| |g. Summarize main points as they relate to main idea or | |

| |supporting details. | |

| |h. Incorporate visual media to support the presentation. | |

| |i. Use language and style appropriate to the audience, topic, | |

| |and purpose. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |5.3 The student will learn how media messages are constructed | |

| |and for what purposes. | |

| |a. Differentiate between auditory, visual, and written media | |

| |messages. | |

| |b. Identify the characteristics and effectiveness of a variety | |

|4.3 The student will learn how media messages |of media messages. | |

|are constructed and for what purposes. | |6.3 The student will understand the elements of media literacy. |

|a. Differentiate between auditory, visual, and written media | |a. Compare and contrast auditory, visual, and written media |

|messages. | |messages. |

|b. Identify the characteristics of various media messages. | |b. Identify the characteristics and effectiveness of a variety |

| | |of media messages. |

| |READING |c. Craft and publish audience-specific media messages. |

| |5.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. | |

| |a. Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and | |

| |phrases. | |

|READING |b. Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and |READING |

|4.4 The student will expand vocabulary when |differentiate among multiple meanings of words. |6.4 The student will read and learn the meanings of unfamiliar |

|reading. |c. Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and |words and phrases within authentic texts. |

|a. Use context to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words. |homophones. |a. Identify word origins and derivations. |

|b. Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and |d. Identify an author’s use of figurative language. |b. Use roots, cognates, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to |

|homophones. |e. Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other |expand vocabulary. |

|c. Use word-reference materials, including the glossary, |word-referenced materials. |c. Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and |

|dictionary, and thesaurus. |f. Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of |differentiate among multiple meanings of words. |

|d. Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of |texts. |d. Identify and analyze figurative language. |

|texts. |g. Study word meanings across content areas. |e. Use word-reference materials. |

|e. Use vocabulary from other content areas. | |f. Extend general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, |

| | |listening, reading, and writing. |

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| |5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of | |

| |fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. | |

| |a. Describe the relationship between text and previously read | |

| |materials. | |

| |b. Describe character development. |6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a |

|4.5 The student will read and demonstrate |c. Describe the development of plot and explain the resolution |variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. |

|comprehension of fictional texts, narrative |of conflict(s). |a. Identify the elements of narrative structure, including |

|nonfiction texts, and poetry. |d. Describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and |setting, character plot, conflict, and theme. |

|a. Explain the author’s purpose. |patterned poetry. |b. Make, confirm, and revise predictions. |

|b. Describe how the choice of language, setting, characters, and|e. Describe how an author’s choice of vocabulary contributes to |c. Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the |

|information contributes to the author’s purpose. |the author’s style. |meaning of a text. |

|c. Identify the main idea. |f. Identify and ask questions that clarify various points of |d. Describe cause and effect relationships and their impact on |

|d. Summarize supporting details. |view. |plot. |

|e. Identify the problem and solution. |g. Identify main idea. |e. Use prior and background knowledge as context for new |

|f. Describe the relationship between text and previously read |h. Summarize supporting details from text. |learning. |

|materials. |i. Draw conclusions and make inferences from text. |f. Use information in the text to draw conclusions and make |

|g. Identify sensory words. |j. Identify cause and effect relationships. |inferences. |

|h. Draw conclusions/make inferences about text. |k. Make, confirm, or revise predictions. |g. Explain how character and plot development are used in a |

|i. Make, confirm, or revise predictions. |l. Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to |selection to support a central conflict or story line. |

|j. Identify cause and effect relationships. |monitor comprehension. |h. Identify the main idea. |

|k. Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to |m. Read with fluency and accuracy. |i. Identify and summarize supporting details. |

|monitor comprehension. | |j. Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language.|

|l. Read with fluency and accuracy. | |k. Identify transitional words and phrases that signal and |

| | |author’s organizational pattern. |

| | |l. Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout |

| | |the reading process. |

| | | |

| |5.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of | |

| |nonfiction texts. |6.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a |

| |a. use text organizers, such as type, headings, and graphics, to|variety of nonfiction texts. |

| |predict and categorize information in both print and digital |a. Use text structure such as type, headings, and graphics to |

| |texts. |predict and categorize information in both print and digital |

|The student will read and demonstrate |b. Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge|texts. |

|comprehension of nonfiction texts. |as context for new learning. |b. Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge|

|a. Use text structures, such as type, headings, and graphics, to|c. Skim materials to develop a general overview of content and |as context for new learning. |

|predict and categorize information in both print and digital |to locate specific information. |c. Identify questions to be answered. |

|texts. |d. Identify the main idea of nonfiction texts. |d. Make, confirm, or revise predictions. |

|b. Formulate questions that might be answered in the selection. |e. Summarize supporting details in nonfiction texts. |e. Draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and |

|c. Explain the author’s purpose. |f. Identify structural patterns found in nonfiction. |implied information. |

|d. Identify the main idea. |g. Locate information to support opinions, predictions, and |f. Differentiate between fact and opinion. |

|e. Summarize supporting details. |conclusions. |g. Identify main idea. |

|f. Draw conclusions and make simple inferences |h. Identify cause and effect relationships following transition |h. Summarize supporting details. |

|using textual information as support. |words signaling the pattern. |i. Compare and contrast information about one topic, which may |

|g. Distinguish between cause and effect. |i. Differentiate between fact and opinion. |be contained in different selections. |

|h. Distinguish between fact and opinion. |j. Identify, compare, and contrast relationships. |j. Identify the author’s organizational pattern. |

|i. Use prior knowledge and build additional |k. Identify new information gained from reading. |k. Identify cause and effect relationships. |

|background knowledge as context for new |l. Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to |l. Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout |

|learning. |monitor comprehension. |the reading process. |

|j. Identify new information gained from reading. |m. Read with fluency and accuracy. | |

|k. Use reading strategies throughout the reading | | |

|process to monitor comprehension. |WRITING | |

|l. Read with fluency and accuracy. |5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to |WRITING |

| |describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade. |6.7 The student will write narration, description, exposition, |

| |a. Identify intended audience. |and persuasion. |

| |b. use a variety of prewriting strategies. |a. Identify audience and purpose. |

| |c. Organize information to convey a central idea. |b. Use a variety of prewriting strategies including graphic |

|WRITING |d. Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea. |organizers to generate and organize ideas. |

|The student will write cohesively for a variety |e. Write multiparagraph compositions. |c. Organize writing structure to fit mode or topic. |

|of purposes. |f. Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and |d. Establish a central idea and organization. |

|a. Identify intended audience. |voice. |e. Compose a topic sentence or thesis statement if appropriate. |

|b. Focus on one aspect of a topic. |g. Vary sentence structure by using transition words. |f. Write multiparagraph compositions with elaboration and unit. |

|c. Use a variety of pre-writing strategies. |h. Revise for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and |g. Select vocabulary and information to enhance the central |

|d. Organize writing to convey a central idea. |information. |idea, tone, and voice. |

|e. Recognize different modes of writing have |i. Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea. |h. Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard |

|different patterns of organization. | |coordination, and subordination in complete sentences. |

|f. Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the | |i. Revise sentences for clarity of content including specific |

|main idea. | |vocabulary and information. |

|g. Write two or more related paragraphs on the | |j. Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and |

|same topic. |5.8 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, |publish writing. |

|h. Use transition words for sentence variety. |capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and | |

|i. Utilize elements of style, including word choice |paragraphing. |6.8 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, |

|and sentence variation. |a. use plural possessives. |capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and |

|j. Revise writing for clarity of content using specific |b. Use adjective and adverb comparisons. |paragraphing. |

|vocabulary and information. |c. Identify and use interjections. |a. Use a variety of graphic organizers, including sentence |

|k. Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea. |d. Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives. |diagrams, to analyze and improve sentence formation and |

| |e. Use quotation marks with dialogue. |paragraph structure. |

| |f. Use commas to indicate interrupters. |b. Use subject-verb agreement with intervening phrases and |

|The student will edit writing for correct |g. Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line. |clauses. |

|grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence |h. Edit for fragments and run-on sentences. |c. Use pronoun-antecedent agreement to include indefinite |

|structure, and paragraphing. |i. Eliminate double negatives. |pronouns. |

|a. Use subject-verb agreement. |j. Use correct spelling of commonly used words. |d. Maintain consistent verb tense across paragraphs. |

|b. Include prepositional phrases. |k. Identify and use conjunctions. |e. Eliminate double negatives. |

|c. Eliminate double negatives. | |f. Use quotation marks with dialogue. |

|d. Use noun-pronoun agreement. | |g. Choose adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other |

|e. Use commas in series, dates, and addresses. | |adverbs. |

|f. Incorporate adjectives and adverbs. |RESEARCH |h. Use correct spelling for frequently used words. |

|g. Use correct spelling for frequently used words |5.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate | |

|including common homophones. |resources for a research product. | |

|h. Use singular possessives. |a. Construct questions about a topic. |RESEARCH |

| |b. Collect information from multiple resources including online,|6.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate |

| |print, and media. |resources for a research product. |

| |c. Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and|a. Collect information from multiple sources including online, |

| |communicate information. |print, and media. |

| |d. Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs. |b. Evaluate the validity and authenticity of texts. |

| |e. Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, and|c. Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and|

|RESEARCH |identification of information sources. |communicate information. |

|The student will demonstrate comprehension |f. Give credit to sources used in research. |d. Cite primary and secondary sources. |

|of information resources to research a topic. |g. Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism. |e. Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and follow |

|a. Construct questions about a topic. | |ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using |

|b. Collect information from multiple resources including online,| |information. |

|print, and media. | | |

|c. Use technology as a tool to organize, evaluate, and | | |

|communicate information. | | |

|d. Give credit to sources used in research. | | |

|e. Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own | | |

|words. | | |

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| |listen, draw conclusions, and share |listen, draw conclusions, and share |listen, draw conclusions, and share |listen, draw conclusions, and share |

|SOL 5.1, SOL 5.2, as well as |responses in subject-related group learning|responses in subject-related group learning|responses in subject-related group learning|responses in subject-related group learning|

|SOL 5.5l, SOL 5.5m, SOL |activities (SOL 5.1) |activities (SOL 5.1) |activities (SOL 5.1) |activities (SOL 5.1) |

|5.6c, SOL 5.6k, SOL 5.6l, and |use effective verbal and nonverbal |use effective verbal and nonverbal |use effective verbal and nonverbal |use effective verbal and nonverbal |

|SOL 5.6m will be incorporated |communication skills to deliver planned |communication skills to deliver planned |communication skills to deliver planned |communication skills to deliver planned |

|all year across contents as |oral presentations (SOL 5.2) |oral presentations (SOL 5.2) |oral presentations (SOL 5.2) |oral presentations (SOL 5.2) |

|students present projects, |reading strategies (SOL 5.5l and SOL 5.6l) |reading strategies (SOL 5.5l and SOL 5.6l) |reading strategies (SOL 5.5l and SOL 5.6l) |reading strategies (SOL 5.5l and SOL 5.6l) |

|participate in cooperative |fluency and accuracy (SOL 5.5m and SOL |fluency and accuracy (SOL 5.5m and SOL |fluency and accuracy (SOL 5.5m and SOL |fluency and accuracy (SOL 5.5m and SOL |

|group work, literature |5.6m) |5.6m) |5.6m) |5.6m) |

|circles, and other types of |skim materials (SOL 5.6c) |skim materials (SOL 5.6c) |skim materials (SOL 5.6c) |skim materials (SOL 5.6c) |

|peer/adult interactions. |identify new information (SOL 5.6k) |identify new information (SOL 5.6k) |identify new information (SOL 5.6k) |identify new information (SOL 5.6k) |

| | | | | |


|SOL 5.4 will be embedded in |main idea for fiction and |text and previously read materials (SOL |figurative language (SOL 5.4d) |media messages (SOL 5.3a and SOL 5.3b) |

|Word Study, reading, and |nonfiction (SOL 5.5g and SOL 5.6d) |5.5a) |character development (SOL 5.5b) |free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry |

|writing activities. |supporting details in fiction and |author’s style (SOL 5.5e) |plot development (SOL 5.5c) |(SOL 5.5d) |

| |nonfiction (SOL 5.5h and SOL 5.6e) |points of view (SOL 5.5f) |draw conclusions (SOL 5.5i) | |

| |predictions (SOL 5.5k) |cause and effect for fiction and nonfiction|structural patterns in nonfiction (SOL | |

| |text organizers (SOL 5.6a) |(SOL 5.5j and SOL 5.6h) |5.6f) | |

| |prior knowledge (SOL 5.6b) |fact and opinion (SOL 5.6i) |compare and contrast (SOL 5.6j) | |

|* indicates research SOLs that|locate information (SOL 5.6g) |construct questions (SOL 5.9a*) |organize information (SOL 5.9d*) | |

|are now tested on the Writing | |collect information (SOL 5.9b*) |develop notes (SOL 5.9e*) | |

|SOL test but also need to be | |use technology (SOL 5.9c*) |give credit to sources (5.9f*) | |

|embedded in the Reading | |plagiarism (SOL5.9g*) |plagiarism (SOL 5.9g*) | |

|instruction | | | | |

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| |write for a variety of purposes by |write for a variety of purposes by |write for a variety of purposes by |write for a variety of purposes by |

|Click HERE for writing rubric |incorporating the Write From the Beginning |incorporating the Write From the Beginning |incorporating the Write From the Beginning |incorporating the Write From the Beginning |

|based on required Virginia |training (SOL 5.7) |training (SOL 5.7) |training (SOL 5.7) |training (SOL 5.7) |

|SOLs and grade level |correct spelling on commonly misspelled |correct spelling on commonly misspelled |correct spelling on |correct spelling on |

|expectations. |words (SOL 5.8j) |words (SOL 5.8j) |commonly misspelled words (SOL 5.8j) |commonly misspelled words (SOL 5.8j) |

| |continue practice typing |continue practice typing |continue practice typing |continue practice typing |

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| |apostrophes in contractions and possessives|interjections (SOL 5.8c) |plural possessives (SOL 5.8a) |use the research skills covered in the |

| |(SOL 5.8d) |commas to indicate interrupters (SOL 5.8f) |adjective and adverb comparisons (SOL 5.8b)|second and third nine weeks to compose a |

| |fragments and run-on sentences (SOL 5.8h) |hyphens to divide words at the end of a |quotation marks with dialogue (SOL 5.8e) |research paper or project |

| |conjunctions (SOL 5.8k) |line (SOL 5.8g) |organize information (SOL 5.9d*) |OR |

| |double negatives (SOL 5.8i) |construct questions (SOL 5.9a*) |develop notes (SOL 5.9e*) |compose smaller papers that review Social |

| | |collect information (SOL 5.9b*) |give credit to sources (5.9f*) |Studies and Science material for the |

|* indicates research SOLs that| |use technology (SOL 5.9c*) |plagiarism (SOL 5.9g*) |upcoming SOL tests |

|are now tested on the Writing | |plagiarism (SOL5.9g*) | | |

|SOL test but also need to be | | | | |

|embedded in the Reading | | | | |

|instruction | | | | |


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