Template for Program Restructuring Proposal

PROPOSAL FOR THE RESTRUCTURING OF AN ACADEMIC PROGRAMSubmitted by_________________________________ ________________________________ Name of College Name of Department / Academic Unit_________________________________ ________________________________ Date of Approval of Date of Proposal Submission Program Restructuring IntentTHE CURRENT ACADEMIC PROGRAM IS LEADING TO THE DEGREE OF:____________________________________________________Title of Degree as on Diploma____________________________________________________Title of MajorWith Concentrations In (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ________________________________ Subject Code Formal Degree Abbreviation _______________________________________________Proposed Date of Implementation of Restructured Program SUMMARY Change in Program Title: Yes ? No ?Current Title: _________________________________________________________New Proposed Title: ___________________________________________________Change in Degree Title: Yes ? No ? Current Degree Title: ___________________________________________________Proposed Degree Title: _________________________________________________Change in Major Title: Yes ? No ? Current Major Title: ___________________________________________________Proposed Major Title: _________________________________________________Change in offered Minor, if any: Yes ? No ? ; Change in Concentrations, if any: Yes ? No ?Curriculum Structure:Curriculum ComponentCurrent StructureProposed New StructureNumber of CoursesTotal Number of Credit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Number of Credit HoursGeneral Education Requirements: (Core Curriculum Courses)Required Courses in MajorElective Courses in MajorConcentrationMinorFree Electives (if Applicable)Others: ____________________Total:Number of New Courses: _____ Number of Courses to be Deleted: _____ Number of Existing Courses Shared with other Programs that Require Changes: _____Number of Existing Courses Not Shared with other Programs that Require Changes: _____Proposed Date of Implementation of Restructured Program: ____________________Student Enrolment and Graduation Data for the Past Five Years:Year (Current - 4)Year(Current - 3)Year(Current - 2)Year(Current - 1)Year(Current)Full Time StudentsPart Time Students Total Student FTE *GraduatesEstimated New Costs Generated by Program Restructuring:Cost ItemYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5One-Time Non-Recurrent CostsPersonnel CostsOperational CostsOthers: __________________Total:Accrediting Organization (if applicable): ______________________________________Target Date for Accreditation (if applicable): _________________Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Background Information About Current Program PAGEREF _Toc370542673 \h 11.1.General Program Information PAGEREF _Toc370542674 \h 11.2.Student Body PAGEREF _Toc370542675 \h 11.3.Program History PAGEREF _Toc370542676 \h 11.4.Program Organizational and Administrative Structure PAGEREF _Toc370542677 \h 11.5.Program Operational Objectives PAGEREF _Toc370542678 \h 11.6.Relation to University Mission and Strategic Plan PAGEREF _Toc370542679 \h 12.Current Program Specifications PAGEREF _Toc370542680 \h 22.1.Mission PAGEREF _Toc370542681 \h 22.2.Educational Objectives PAGEREF _Toc370542682 \h 22.3.Learning Outcomes PAGEREF _Toc370542683 \h 22.4.Delivery Mode PAGEREF _Toc370542684 \h 23.Rationale and Justifications for Program Restructuring PAGEREF _Toc370542685 \h 33.1.General Needs for Program Restructuring PAGEREF _Toc370542686 \h 33.2.Needs Based on Learning Outcomes Assessment PAGEREF _Toc370542687 \h 33.3.Needs Based on the Evaluation of Program Operational Objectives PAGEREF _Toc370542688 \h 33.4.Demand for the Program PAGEREF _Toc370542689 \h 33.5.Data From Office of Institutional Planning and Development PAGEREF _Toc370542690 \h 43.6.Overall Analysis of Current Program PAGEREF _Toc370542691 \h 54.Program Restructuring Details PAGEREF _Toc370542692 \h 64.1.Changes in Program General Information PAGEREF _Toc370542693 \h 64.2.Changes in the Program Organizational and Administrative Structure PAGEREF _Toc370542694 \h 64.3.Changes in Program Specifications PAGEREF _Toc370542695 \h 64.4.Changes in Admission and Graduation Requirements PAGEREF _Toc370542696 \h 64.5.Changes in Program Length (Total Number of Credit Hours) PAGEREF _Toc370542697 \h 74.6.Changes in Program Curricula PAGEREF _Toc370542698 \h 7 4.6.1.Changes in Curriculum Structure PAGEREF _Toc370542699 \h 7 4.6.2.Changes in the List of Courses of Curriculum Components PAGEREF _Toc370542700 \h 7 4.6.3.Changes in the Attributes of Existing Courses PAGEREF _Toc370542701 \h 10 4.6.4.Changes in the Course Mapping to Learning Outcomes PAGEREF _Toc370542702 \h 11 4.6.5.Changes in the Course Pre-Requisite Structure PAGEREF _Toc370542703 \h 12 4.6.6.Changes in the Study Plan PAGEREF _Toc370542704 \h 125.Implementation Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542705 \h 145.1.Implementation Highlights PAGEREF _Toc370542706 \h 145.2.Implementation Timeline PAGEREF _Toc370542707 \h 146.Impact of the Proposed Program Restructuring PAGEREF _Toc370542708 \h 156.1.Impact on Students PAGEREF _Toc370542709 \h 156.2.Impact on Faculty PAGEREF _Toc370542710 \h 156.3.Impact on Library Resources PAGEREF _Toc370542711 \h 156.4.Impact on Physical Resources PAGEREF _Toc370542712 \h 156.5.Impact on Assessment and Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc370542713 \h 156.6.Impact on Other Programs Offered Within the University PAGEREF _Toc370542714 \h 157.Plans for Resolving Issues and Minimizing Impact PAGEREF _Toc370542715 \h 167.1.Restructured Program Implementation Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542716 \h 167.2.Student Transition Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542717 \h 167.3.Faculty and Academic Staff Transition Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542718 \h 167.4.Faculty Development Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542719 \h 167.5.Assessment and Evaluation Plans PAGEREF _Toc370542720 \h 167.6.Arrangements with Other Related Programs PAGEREF _Toc370542721 \h 168.Financial Impact of the Change PAGEREF _Toc370542722 \h 178.1.Financial Benefits PAGEREF _Toc370542723 \h 178.2.Cost Analysis PAGEREF _Toc370542724 \h 17Executive Summary(Must be limited to one page or less)<< Briefly describe the proposed program restructuring and its proposed date of implementation. Provide a clear and concise statement of the nature and purpose of the change and briefly discuss the rational for the change including a brief indication of the need for such change. Briefly describe how the restructured program better contributes to the university mission and goals. Briefly describe faculty and program stakeholder's involvement in the restructuring proposal and describe the impact of the change on students and faculty. Briefly identify new resources needed to support this change initiative with an estimation of the financial costs. >>Background Information About Current Program<< Briefly describe and introduce the current program and provide a brief overview of the process followed in developing this program restructuring proposal as well as the people involved in the development and reviewing of this document. >>General Program Information << Program Title >><< Title of the Major and Concentrations if any >><< Name of College to host the new program >><< Name of Department hosting the program >><< Contact Person details >>Student Body << Briefly describe the student population currently enrolled in the program and the minor offered by the program, if any, and indicate the primary source of these students - e.g. high schools, transfer from other programs within the university, etc. >>Program History << Indicate the year the program was first implemented and briefly summarize major program changes since its implementation. >>Program Organizational and Administrative Structure << Briefly describe the current organizational and administrative structure of the program using text and organization charts. >>Program Operational Objectives << List the current program operational objectives and the associated key performance indicators with the specific targets that are used in evaluating the program success. >>Relation to University Mission and Strategic Plan << Briefly describe how the current program contributes to the university mission and how it maps and relates to the university strategic plan. Provide a mapping of the program operational objectives and key performance indicators to the specific objectives and key performance indicators of the key performance areas as defined in the university strategic plan. >>Current Program Specifications<< Briefly describe the current program specifications including the program mission, educational objectives, and learning outcomes. >>Mission<< State the current Program Mission. >>Educational Objectives << List the current Program Educational Objectives >>Learning Outcomes << List the program level Student Learning Outcomes for the current program >>Delivery Mode<< Describe the current program delivery mode >>Rationale and Justifications for Program Restructuring<< Briefly summarize the rationale for the program restructuring and provide a description of the approach and methodology used in defining the rationale for the restructuring. >>General Needs for Program Restructuring << The general needs for restructuring the current program should cover, but not be limited to, the following:University needs: Briefly describe how the new restructured program will better contribute to the university mission and goals and how it will better academically complement and support other existing programs and/or advance the study of the subject area.Market needs: Provide evidence of employers' need for graduates with different or better skills and abilities that are not currently offered to the full satisfaction of employers by the current program. Briefly describe how the restructured program will provide for such needs.Efficiency: if applicable, briefly describe how the structured program will provide for better efficiency in the teaching, research, and/or community service mission of the program and the university.Subject area needs: Briefly describe new development and trends in the subject area that justify the restructuring of the program.Accreditation needs: If applicable, briefly describe the accreditation standards that justify program restructuring. >>Needs Based on Learning Outcomes Assessment << Briefly summarize the learning outcome assessment results and findings and discuss how they justify and impact the program restructuring proposal. >>Needs Based on the Evaluation of Program Operational Objectives<< Briefly summarize the evaluation results for the achievement of the program stated operational objectives and associated key performance indicators listed in section 1.5 and discuss how they justify and impact the program restructuring proposal.. >>Demand for the Program<< The student, employer and other type of demands for restructuring the current program should be developed in the following:Employer Demand: Provide evidence of employer demand for graduates from the restructured program in the form of anticipated openings. Evidence should include:Results of employer surveys,Current labor market analysis (local, regional, and international), andFuture workforce projections.Student Demand: Provide evidence of student demand for restructuring the existing program, normally in the form of surveys of current and potential students and enrollment in related programs at the university or at other educational institutions in the country and/or the region. >>Data From Office of Institutional Planning and Development<< Data from the office of institutional planning and development should include but not limited to the following:Student enrollment and graduation trends for the past five years.Transfer Students into and out of the program for the last five years.Employment history of student who graduated from the program for the past five years or last 25 graduates, whichever is smaller.In addition to student enrollment in the major offered by the program, enrollment data should also include data on the number of students from the program who are enrolled in minors offered by other programs. Tables 3.5.4 might be used to record required data. Tables 3.3.3 might be used to record data on the number of students from other programs enrolled in the minor offered by the program, if any. Tables 3.5.1 to 3.5.5 may be used to record data on student enrollment in the major and minors.Table 3.5.1 Enrollment Trends for Past Five Academic YearsYear(Current - 4)Year(Current - 3)Year(Current - 2)Year(Current - 1)Year(Current)Full-time StudentsPart-time StudentsStudent FTE*Graduates* FTE = Full-Time EquivalentTable 3.5.2 Transfer Students for Past Five Academic YearsYearNumber of Student Transfer into the ProgramNumber of Student Transfer out of the programYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Table 3.5.3 Placement of Students Who Graduated From the Program (For Past Five Years or last 25 graduates, whichever is smaller)YearMatriculatedYearGraduatedCertification / Licensure(If Applicable)Initial or Current Employment / Job Title / Other Placement123...25Table 3.5.4 Enrollment Trends of students from the program in minors offered by other programs for the Past Five YearsMinor NameYear – 4Year – 3Year – 2Year – 1Current YearTable 3.5.5 Enrollment Trends in the minor offered by the program for the Past Five YearsAcademic yearFull-Time Students (FT)Part-Time Students (PT)Total Student FTE*Number of students who completed the minorList student majors (number of students from each major)e.g. English(23); Statistics(7); ...Current YearYear – 1Year – 2Year – 3Year – 4* FTE = Full-Time Equivalent>>Overall Analysis of Current Program << Briefly analyze the current program by conducting a SWOT analysis to identify the current program Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Briefly compare the current program with top regional and/or international programs in the discipline. >>Program Restructuring Details<< Present the purpose and specific objectives of the proposed program restructuring. Show how the proposed restructuring will improve on the current program and that it is consistent with the university mission and goals and is in line with the university strategic plan.Provide in the following subsections detailed description of changes in the program required by the program restructuring proposal. Add other sub-sections as needed to fully describe all changes required by the program restructuring proposal. >>Changes in Program General Information<< Provide brief description of the scope of the proposed changes by listing all types of proposed changes including changes in:Program TitleTitle of the Major, minor(s), and Concentration(s), if anyName of Department hosting the programName of College hosting the program…, etc.>>Changes in the Program Organizational and Administrative Structure<< Provide detailed description of proposed changes in the program organizational and administrative structure. >>Changes in Program Specifications<< Provide detailed description of proposed changes in:Program MissionEducational ObjectivesLearning OutcomesProgram Delivery Mode>>Changes in Admission and Graduation Requirements<< Provide detailed description and rationale for proposed changes in the program admission and graduation requirements. >>Changes in Program Length (Total Number of Credit Hours) << Provide detailed description and rationale for proposed changes in the program length including a comparison with top regional and international programs in the discipline. >>Changes in Program Curricula<< Briefly describe the process used in defining curriculum related changes and provide evidence that faculty and other stakeholder groups were involved in the curriculum restructuring process. Identify faculty and other groups that were involved in reviewing and approving the proposed changes in the program curricula. >>Changes in Curriculum Structure<< Provide detailed description and rationale for proposed changes in the curriculum structure including changes in concentration areas and in the program offered minor, if any. Clearly indicate whether new concentrations areas or new minor are proposed and provide relevant details. In addition to the narrative part, Table can be used to record required information. Table in Curriculum StructureCurriculum ComponentCurrent StructureProposed New StructureNumber of CoursesTotal Number of Credit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Number of Credit HoursGeneral Education Requirements: (Core Curriculum Courses)Required Courses in MajorElective Courses in Major Required Courses in ConcentrationElective Courses in ConcentrationMinorFree Electives (if Applicable)Others: ____________________Total:<< Please include in appendix A the current Degree Requirements for the program and the new proposed Degree Requirements using the proposed format. Course Details file for all courses in the restructured curriculum should be added in Appendix B using the proposed format. >>>>Changes in the List of Courses of Curriculum Components<< Provide detailed description and rationale for proposed changes in the curriculum components of the program. Provide the current and proposed list of courses in each of the proposed program curriculum. In addition to the narrative part, Tables to can be used to record required information. >>Changes in Required/Elective Courses in the Major<< Provide the current and proposed list of courses in each of the Major Required and Major Elective Courses of the program curriculum. >>Table in Major Required CoursesCurrent Major Required CoursesProposed New Major Required CoursesCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleTable in Major Elective CoursesList of Current Major Electives CoursesNew List of Proposed Major Elective CoursesCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleChanges in Required/Elective Courses in Currently Existing Concentration Areas<< For each of the currently existing concentration areas, if any, provide the current and proposed list of required courses of the concentration area as well as the list of current and proposed elective courses of the concentration area. >>Concentration Area Title: ___________________________________Table in Concentration Area Required CoursesCurrent List of Concentration Required CoursesNew list of Required Courses in ConcentrationCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleTable in Concentration Area Elective CoursesCurrent List of Concentration Elective CoursesNew list of Elective Courses in ConcentrationCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleConcentration Area Title: ___________________________________Table in Concentration Area Required CoursesCurrent List of Concentration Required CoursesNew list of Required Courses in ConcentrationCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleTable in Concentration Area Elective CoursesCurrent List of Concentration Elective CoursesNew list of Elective Courses in ConcentrationCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleDetails of Newly Proposed Concentration Areas, if any are proposed<< For each of the new concentration areas proposed in the restructured program, provide the list of required and elective courses proposed for the concentration area. >>Title of New Proposed Concentration Area: ___________________________________Table Courses in New Concentration AreaNew list of Required Courses in New Concentration AreaCourse IDCourse TitleTable Courses in New Concentration Area New list of Elective Courses in ConcentrationCourse IDCourse TitleChanges in Required/Elective Courses in the Minor<< Provide the current and proposed list of courses in each of the Minor Required and Minor Elective Courses of the program curriculum. >>Table in Minor Required CoursesCurrent Minor Required CoursesProposed New Minor Required CoursesCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleTable in Minor Elective CoursesList of Current Minor Required CoursesNew List of Proposed Minor Elective CoursesCourse IDCourse TitleCourse IDCourse TitleChanges in the Attributes of Existing Courses << Provide detailed description and rationale for proposed changes in the program courses including addition of new courses, deletion of existing courses, and changes to existing courses. In addition to the narrative part, Tables to can be used to record required information. Master course Syllabus for all courses in the restructured curriculum should be added in Appendix C using proposed format. >>Courses to be Added to the Degree Requirements of the Restructured Program << Provide in the table below, the list of courses to be included in the degree requirements of the restructured program which are not currently included in the existing degree requirements of the program. These courses may be new courses or existing courses offered in other degree programs. Course Details file for all courses in the restructured curriculum should be added in Appendix B using proposed format. >>Table List of Courses to be Introduced in the Degree Requirements of the ProgramCourse Id.Course TitleNb. of Credit HoursNb. of Contact HoursCourse Prerequisites/ Co-RequisitesCurriculum Component (Major required/elective; Concentration …)New / Existing Course Theo.Lab.Courses to be Deleted from the Current Degree Requirements of the Program << Provide in the table below, the list of courses currently included in the degree requirements of the program which are to be removed from the degree requirement of the restructured program.Table List of Courses to be Deleted from the Degree Requirements of the ProgramCourse Id.Course TitleNb. of Credit HoursNb. of Contact HoursCourse Prerequisites/ Co-RequisitesCurriculum Component (Major required/elective; Concentration …)Offered in Other Programs (Yes/No) Theo.Lab.Courses to be Updated << Provide in the table below, the list of courses currently included in the degree requirements of the program which are to be maintained in the restructured program but with updates in one or more of the course attributes. Course attributes include: Course title; Course Id; Course credit hours; Course contact hours; Course designation (lecture, lab, Internship, ...); Course Level (UG, Master, …); Grade Mode; Prerequisites; Registration restrictions; and Course Description. Course Details file for all courses in the restructured curriculum should be added in Appendix B using proposed format. Table List of Existing Courses which Attributes are to be Updated Current Course Id.Current Course TitleCurrent Attribute to be UpdatedOffered in Other Programs (Yes/No)TypeCurrent ValueNew Proposed ValueFor each of the courses listed in the above table, please provide a brief rationale providing justifications for the proposed changes in course attributes. >>Changes in the Course Mapping to Learning Outcomes << Provide a matrix showing current mapping of current courses to learning outcomes and another matrix showing the new proposed mapping of courses in the restructured curricula to the revised learning outcomes as defined in section 4.3 of this document. In addition to the narrative part, use Tables and to record the above required information. The revised Mapping should indicate the level of contribution of each course to the learning outcome using the Introduced (I), Developed (D), Mastered (M) level descriptor. Table Current Mapping of Current Courses to Current Learning OutcomesCourses SLOsSLO 1 SLO 2SLO 3SLO 4SLO 5SLO 6...Major Required CoursesCourse # Course Title…Major Elective CoursesCourse # Course Title…Table Mapping of Courses in Restructured Curricula to Revised Learning OutcomesCourses SLOsNew SLO 1 New SLO 2New SLO 3New SLO 4New SLO 5New SLO 6...Major Required CoursesCourse # Course TitleMI…Major Elective CoursesCourse # Course TitleD…>>Changes in the Course Pre-Requisite Structure<< Provide a course matrix or flowchart showing the current sequence of courses in the curricula based on the current course prerequisites. Discuss the proposed restructured sequence of courses and provide a course matrix or flowchart for the new restructured curriculum. Discuss how the proposed restructured sequencing ensures:Increasing complexity in: (1) the understanding of theories, principles, and practices; (2) the levels of analysis and development skills; and (3) the application of theories and principles within the curriculum; andCoherence and linkage between courses. >>Changes in the Study Plan<< Provide a sample semester-by-semester sequence of courses a student enrolled in the current program might take. Table can be used to show the study plan for the current program. Provide a sample semester-by-semester sequence of courses a student enrolled in the restructured program might take. Table can be used to show the study plan for the restructured program. Table Study Plan for the Current ProgramFIRST YEAR ([ ] credit hours)SECOND YEAR ([ ] credit hours)Fall SemesterFall SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr Hrs Course # Course Title Cr Hrs Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Spring SemesterSpring SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr HrsCourse # Course Title Cr HrsTotal Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]THIRD YEAR ([ ] credit hours)FOURTH YEAR ([ ] credit hours)Fall SemesterFall SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr Hrs Course # Course Title Cr Hrs Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Spring SemesterSpring SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr HrsCourse # Course Title Cr HrsTotal Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Table Proposed Study Plan for the Restructured ProgramFIRST YEAR ([ ] credit hours)SECOND YEAR ([ ] credit hours)Fall SemesterFall SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr Hrs Course # Course Title Cr Hrs Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Spring SemesterSpring SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr HrsCourse # Course Title Cr HrsTotal Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]THIRD YEAR ([ ] credit hours)FOURTH YEAR ([ ] credit hours)Fall SemesterFall SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr Hrs Course # Course Title Cr Hrs Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Spring SemesterSpring SemesterCourse # Course Title Cr Hrs Course # Course Title Cr HrsTotal Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Total Credit Hours in Semester [ ]Implementation PlansImplementation HighlightsImplementation Timeline Impact of the Proposed Program Restructuring Impact on StudentsImpact on FacultyImpact on Library ResourcesImpact on Physical ResourcesImpact on Assessment and EvaluationImpact on Other Programs Offered Within the UniversityPlans for Resolving Issues and Minimizing ImpactRestructured Program Implementation PlansStudent Transition PlansFaculty and Academic Staff Transition PlansFaculty Development PlansAssessment and Evaluation PlansArrangements with Other Related ProgramsFinancial Impact of the Change Financial BenefitsCost AnalysisAppendix AProgram Degree RequirementsMajor in …A minimum of XX credit hours are required to complete the major in …, including the following:A minimum of XX credit hours in core curriculum requirementsA minimum of XX credit hours in major requirementsA minimum of XX credit hours in concentration requirements. A minimum of XX credit hours in minor requirements.A minimum of XX credit hours of free electivesCore Curriculum Requirements (33 CH)Common package (15 CH)Course ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleSocial/Behavioral Sciences package (3 CH)Courses in CCP defined Social/Behavioral Sciences package Humanities/Fine Arts package (6 CH)Courses in CCP defined Humanities/Fine Arts package. Students must complete a minimum of 3 Credit Hours from courses listed in the Qatar and Gulf History Sub-package which is part of the Humanities/Fine Arts package.Natural Science/Mathematics package (3 CH)Courses in CCP defined Natural Science/Mathematics packageGeneral Knowledge package (3 CH)Courses in CCP defined General Knowledge packageGeneral Skills package (3 CH)Courses in CCP defined General Skills package ORSupplemental College / Program core requirements package (6 CH)ENGL 250 English for Communication IENGL 251 English for Communication IIMajor Requirements (XX CH)Course ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course title….Concentration in … (XX CH)Students must complete a minimum of XX credit hours in concentration requirements as detailed below. Concentration Core Requirements (XX CH)Students must complete a minimum of XX credit hours in … concentration core requirements from the courses listed below:Course ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course title….Concentration Electives (XX CH)Students must complete a minimum of XX credit hours in … concentration Electives from the courses listed below:Course ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course titleCourse ID and Course title….Minor Requirements (XX CH)Students must complete a minor offered at the university other than the minor in …. If the selected minor requires less than XX CH, the student must take additional free electives to complete the XX CH requirements. Free Electives (XX CH)Students must take XX credit hours from courses outside the … major.Appendix BCourse Details for New Courses or Courses Requiring Update on BannerPlease provide the information below for each course that needs to be either added or updated on Banner* * LC: Lecture; LB: Laboratory; LL: Lecture/Lab; SM: Seminar; SP: Senior Project; IN: Internship; TH: Thesis; IS: Independent study; FW: Field Work; PR: Preceptorship; SW: Studio Work; ST: Practicum and Student Teaching; CL: Clinical Practice ** FN: Foundation; UG: Undergraduate; DP: Diploma; MA: Master; CR: Certificate, PharmD: Doctor of Pharmacy, PhD: Doctor of PhilosophyCourse ID<Subject Code> <Number> <Add "(New Course)" if a new course>Original course title (in English)Original course title (in Arabic)Course Title as to be appeared in Banner (in English)(must not exceed 30 Characters)...Course Title as to be appeared in Banner (in Arabic)(must not exceed 30 Characters)...Program NameDepartment NameCredit (Contact) Hours<? CH> <(? Theory , ? Lab)>Course Designation*LC / LB / LL / SM / SP / IN / TH / IS/ FW/ PR/ SW/ ST/ CLCourse Level*FN / UG / DP / MA / CR/ PharmD/ PhDGrade ModeLetter Grade (A – F) / Pass/FailPrerequisitesList of Course Id'sCo-requisitesList of Course Id'sSequence OfferingFall / Spring / Fall & Spring/ Summer Registration Restrictions...EquivalenciesList of Course Id's if ApplicableCourse Description( Must be no less than 50 words and must not exceed 80 words )Appendix CCourse Master Syllabus Course Number:Course Title:Number of Credit Hours:Number of Contact Hours:Required or Elective:Catalog Description:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Prerequisites:--------------------------------Course Co-requisites:--------------------------------Textbooks(s):---------------References:--------------------------------Course Objectives:----------------------------------------------------------------Course Learning Outcomes:CO-Id: -----------------------------------------------------------Relationship of Course Outcomes to Program Level Student Learning Outcome(s):Course Outcome Student Learning Outcome(s)CO-IdSLO_Id, SLO_Id, ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Principal Topics Covered:Topic [Number of 50-minute Classes]1. ----- [ ]2. ----- [ ]3. ----- [ ]4. ----- [ ]5. ----- [ ]6. ----- [ ]7. ----- [ ]8. ----- [ ]Preparer of this SyllabusDate of PreparationAppendix DCurrent Curriculum MapPlease indicate for each course the level of coverage of each of the program level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) using “I” for Introduced, “D” for Developed, and “M” for MasteredSLO 1SLO 2SLO 3SLO 4SLO 5SLO 6SLO 7SLO 8Major Required CoursesCourse Id – Course TitleMajor Elective CoursesCourse Id – Course TitleI: Introduced, D: Developed, M: MasteredUpdated Curriculum Map Based on The Proposed ChangesPlease indicate for each course the level of coverage of each of the program level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) using “I” for Introduced, “D” for Developed, and “M” for MasteredSLO 1SLO 2SLO 3SLO 4SLO 5SLO 6SLO 7SLO 8Major Required CoursesCourse Id – Course TitleMajor Elective CoursesCourse Id – Course TitleI: Introduced, D: Developed, M: Mastered ................

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