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5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan Hendricks Date: week 1 – Monday Subject: SSGrade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 40 minutesTopic of Lesson: Constitution day, Pledges, and flags TEKS/Objective(s):10.(A) ?identify the flags of the United States and Texas;(B) ?recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and the Pledge to the Texas Flag;(C) ?identify Constitution Day as a celebration of American freedom; andMaterials: I Pledge Allegiance by Pat Mora & Libby MartinezIpad or chromebook for recordingRubric Engage: Teacher will read the book, “I Pledge Allegiance” by Pat Mora and Libby Martinez Explore: The teacher will discuss some of the important points in their book: Why do we say the pledge of allegiance? (popcorn)Why is it important to know as a United States Citizen?(popcorn)Explain:. The teacher will read the book again, encouraging the students to pay attention to any words they don’t understand in the book and pay attention to what happens to the main character’s aunt. The teacher will instruct the students that every time they say the pledge of allegiance in the book, that the students will say it along with the teacher. After reading the book again, the teacher will ask the students: What does the word indivisible mean? (shoulder partner)Why was the pledge of allegiance written? (hu/su/pu) Why do you think her aunt wanted to move to America and be a citizen? (popcorn)The teacher explains how we also celebrate freedom on a special day called constitution day. This is a day where we celebrate people who have become U.S. citizens. Elaborate:Students will say the pledge as a class and practice doing it with correct form and posture in front of an audience of stuffed animals, as the characters do in their book. They will practice at least three or four times. Evaluate:Formative- students will answer the questions by referencing the book.Summative -the students will record themselves saying the pledge of allegiance and identify the special day we celebrate freedom as citizens of America. This will be graded by a rubric. 5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan Hendricks Date: Week 1 science M, TSubject: scienceGrade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 1 hourTopic of Lesson: Weather and season patterns TEKS/Objective(s):SC 8.(A) observe and describe weather changes from day to day and over seasons;(B) identify events that have repeating patterns, including seasons of the year and day and night;Materials: TimelineStickersAnchor chart paperSeasons picture book M- Engage: Does the weather ever change? (choral response)What are some different weather changes we see? (popcorn)Have you ever seen a weather reporter talk about the weather on tv?Have you ever seen your parents look at weather on their phone or in the newspaper? Weather changes are divided up into seasons. We are going to explore each of these seasons. M- Explore: Go outside and talk about the weather of the day. Teacher will ask questions such as:Is it cooler or hotter than it was yesterday?Is it cooler today than it was this summer? How about in the winter? Spring?Have you ever gone outside and it’s been super windy? Have you ever been in a big storm? What happens when it storms?T- Explain:. Teacher will have students on the rug to talk about the different seasons. The teacher will read a picture about seasons to prompt their thinking. For example, what kinds of weather patterns do we see in the summer? winter? fall? spring? (popcorn)Teacher will complete anchor chart divided into 4 for each season with student responses.T- Elaborate:Teacher will give each student weather and seasons worksheets and they will cut and paste the right activity or word into each category (see supp. mat. )Evaluate:Formative - Discussion/ anchor chartSummative - weather worksheets5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan HendricksDate: Week 1 Math M, T, WSubject: Math Grade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 3 hoursTopic of Lesson: 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and objects. TEKS/Objective(s):M 6. (A) identify two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares as special rectangles; (B) identify three-dimensional solids, including cylinders, cones, spheres, and cubes, in the real world; (C) identify two-dimensional components of three-dimensional objects; (D) identify attributes of two-dimensional shapes using informal and formal geometric language interchangeably;Materials: Video Bucket of shapesPaper platesPaper shapesPlaydoughLaminated shape cards: () 3-D bingo ( see below)M- Engage: Teacher will play video and have students practice drawing shapes in the air. ? Explore: Who can tell me a shape that was in our video (popsicle sticks)Teacher will have the following centers and students will be divided up evenly and rotate through them: (See Supp. Mat. for instructions)Shape pizza where students use paper shapes on a paper plate and design their own pizza.Bucket of plastic shapes and laminated papers with big shape(circle, square, rectangle, triangle). Students sort plastic shapes from the bucket onto each big shape it matches. Playdough and laminated shape cards- The students will use the playdough and roll it and shape it to lay on top of the outline of the shape on the shape card they chose. T- Explain:. Describe the process by which students will analyze information found during exploration; Describe how they will reflect; Describe any knowledge or guidance provided by the teacher if needed; Identify the purpose/relevance hereTeacher will have an anchor chart in the shape of the shape. For example, the teacher will have an anchor chart in the shape of a circle. The teacher will ask students to look around the room that might be in the shape of a circle. ?The teacher could have them think of things at home, toys, and things outside.Students will popcorn ideas for each shape chart and the teacher or student could draw the picture. W- Elaborate:Describe the activity that will allow students to apply the content they have learned and if needed in a particular context; How will their understanding be extended?The teacher will ask students ?What is a 3-D shape? (shoulder partner)The teacher will explain 3-D shapes are objects that are made of shapes that are things that we can touch and hold in the real world.The teacher will take a cube and show students that each side of the cube is made of a 2-D square. We call the sides of a 3-D shape a face. ?The teacher will then show students a pyramid and ask students- Do you ?know what 2-D shapes a pyramid is made out of? How many faces does a pyramid have?We are going to play a game to identify 3-D shapes in the real world. 3-D bingo ?(see supp. mat. )The students will cover their spaces with the plastic shapes used in one of their centers.Evaluate:Describe either/both formative assessments that will be used; Will students evaluate themselves or will it be the teacher?Formative- anchor charts/ discussionSummative – creating a 2-D project (Friday)Center InstructionsPizza CenterThe teacher will have students in the center get a paper plate. The teacher will have a bag of different size circles, triangles, rectangles, square. The student will pick shapes from the bag of shapes and glue them to their paper plate.Once the student has completed their shape pizza they will glue a piece of construction paper to the back of the plate and write how many of each shape they used.Playdough centerThe student will take the laminated shape mat and the container of playdough to their desk. The student will roll out the playdough and lay it on the mat to mirror the shape mat. Big shapesThe student will choose a laminated shape mat (circle, triangle, rectangle, square). The student will have the bucket of plastic shapes and pick out the shapes that match their specific big shape mat. 3D Bingo Instructions: Teacher may cut out and provide a sheet for each student. The teacher will provide a handful of the plastic shapes from center time for students to use as bingo chips. The teacher will instruct students how to play 3D Bingo with standard Bingo rules. 5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan Hendricks Date: week 1 – Tuesday & Wednesday Subject: SS, ELAGrade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 4 hoursTopic of Lesson: Rules and safetyTEKS/Objective(s):SS 8.(A) ?identify purposes for having rules; and(B) ?identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school.ELA 11.(B) ?identify the meaning of specific signs (e.g., traffic signs, warning signs).19.(A) ?ask questions about topics of class-wide interest;Materials: Video- chart paperworksheetscenario list“What If Everybody Did That?” by Ellen Javernick T- Engage: The teacher will gather the students on the carpet and show students a video about different rules featuring the minions from “Despicable Me.” This video will teach students consequences of breaking rules, while relating to the student’s interest and engaging them with characters that are familiar and fun to watch. T-Explore: After watching the video, the teacher will explain that they are going to watch the video again, stopping after each rule to discuss. The teacher will play the video again, stopping the video after each rule, and ask: what happened in the clip? What rule was broken? Why is this rule important for us to follow? The teacher will call on students to respond and discuss. The students will be given five minutes to brainstorm with a shoulder partner and think of two rules that are important. To guide students in the right direction, the teacher can encourage students to use rules from the video or from their own classroom. Using the SU/HU/PU method, the teacher will allow students to share their rules with the class. As students share their rules they brainstormed together,the teacher will create an anchor chart of their rules that students have at home, school, and the public. W- Explain:.The teacher will gather the students at the carpet and display the anchor chart the students created the day before. The teacher will bring open discussion with the students about each rule and ask the students (drawing random popsicle sticks) why that rule is important and how it might look if we didn’t have that rule. Teacher will read the book “What If Everybody Did That?” by Ellen Javernick. The teacher will ask students to draw inferences from scenarios in order to assess student’s attention and engage them in the story. After reading the story, the teacher will open discussion with the students, asking what were some of the things they saw in the book? What happened? Why do you think that rule or law is important? Did you see rules in the story that we have on our anchor chart? Are there any rules in the book that we would like to add to our anchor chart? The teacher will call on students to respond and will add rules to the anchor chart if necessary. W- Elaborate:At the carpet, the teacher will narrate each scenario from prepared list (see supp. mat.) and ask students what rule was broken and how that affected the situation or person. Students will respond using the popcorn method. The teacher will say, “Not only do we have rules in the classroom, but we see rules every single day! On the way to school, to the grocery store, in a restaurant! These rules are usually to keep us safe or keep others safe!” The teacher will then display different signs (see supp. mat.): road, school, and caution signs one at a time, asking students what rule might apply to that sign. The teacher will ask students how they know the rule, where they have seen the sign before, and who has to obey that sign. The students will respond using the popcorn method. Being able to identify road, school, and caution signs is crucial for students to realize that there are rules in everyday life, as well as in school. Once the students have discussed and identified each sign, the students will return to their seats and will be instructed to complete the safety rules and signs worksheet individually. W- Evaluate:Formative- discussion and question/ answerSummative - worksheetScenario List Billy ran down the hall and fell and hurt his leg. Sandy yelled in the library and distracted storytime. Cayne left his toy on the floor and it got brokenKatie left her trash on the ground and the dog ate it. Dan played with his spaghetti and wasn’t done eating when it was time to line up. Signs Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan HendricksDate: Week 1 W, TH, FSubject: SC, SS, ELAGrade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 1 hr 30 minTopic of Lesson: objects in the sky ?TEKS/Objective(s):SC 8. (C) observe, describe, and illustrate objects in the sky such as the clouds, Moon, and stars, including the ????????Sun.SS 10.(D) use voting as a method for group decision making. ELA 14.(A) dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological sequence; andMaterials: video - - picturesobject picturesvoting chartsentence strips W- Engage: Teacher will play the sky video - will lead students in a discussion about things they saw in the video and when they see them outside. When do we see a rainbow in the sky?( popsicle sticks) What time of day can we see the stars? (choral)W- Explore: Interactive website for sky and moon - will have a picture of the different things in the sky such as Sun, moon, clouds, and stars. Students will describe each one and the teacher will write it on the board. Th- Explain:. Teacher will have different weather pictures and the students will describe what the weather is like in each picture using descriptive words for what is in the sky. F- Elaborate:Students would vote for their favorite object or weather pattern ?in the sky. ?The teacher will have a prepared anchor chart with divided sections with the moon, stars, clouds, and sun in each category. Students will vote by putting a tally mark in the category of their choosing. Once students have voted, students will be given a sentence strip and will be instructed that they will write a sentence describing why they voted for that object as their favorite. F- Evaluate:Formative- student descriptionsSummative- sentences Sun mooncloudsStars??? ??? ??? Weather PicturesStudent Sentence ChecklistStudent wrote a complete sentence.Student used capitalizationStudent used end punctuationStudent included the object they voted for in their sentence.5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan HendricksDate: Week 1 – Thursday & Friday Subject: SS, ELAGrade Level: Kindergarten ?Allotted Time: 4 HoursTopic of Lesson: jobs and authority figure in the homeTEKS/Objective(s):SS 7.(A) ?identify jobs in the home, school, and community; and(B) ?explain why people have jobs.9.(A) ?identify authority figures in the home, school, and community; and(B) ?explain how authority figures make and enforce rules.ELA 19.(A) ask questions about topics of class-wide interest; andMaterials: Video about jobs: ? question listAnchor chart paperTh- Engage: The teacher will gather students at the carpet and inform them that they are going to watch a video about different jobs that people have and learn about why people have jobs. The teacher will play the video: . After the video, the teacher will ask the students what are some of the things they saw people doing? What jobs did they see? Were any of the jobs a surprise? What would happen if we didn’t have some of these jobs? The teacher will call on students and draw random popsicle sticks to respond. Th- Explore: The students will interview their parents asking specific questions such as: “Who is the authority figure in our home?” “What jobs does each parent do in the home?” “What jobs do the children have in the home?” and “Why does everyone have jobs in the home?” The teacher will pull up the Google form that has been sent to each of the student’s parents. (sent out Monday of this week). The teacher will go over the sheet provided by each parent and then give the student time to give summary about what they learned from their parents. F- Explain:. Given the information the students have just discussed the teacher will have them dictate what should go on a home authority figure anchor chart (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, brother, sister)F- Elaborate:Do any of you have any jobs or chores at home( shoulder partner)?What kind of work do your parents do when they get home? (hu/su/pu)The teacher could popcorn ideas and add them to the anchor chart. Evaluate:Formative- Discussion/ surveySummative- role play their authority figure doing a job in the home. Role Play ChecklistAuthority figure is chosen and seen through actingStudents correctly identifies a task the chosen authority figure would do. Interview Your Parents!Who is the authority figure in our home?What tasks does each parent do in the home?What tasks do the children have in the home?Why does everyone have jobs and do tasks in the home?Do you think your home functions better or worse when everybody in the family has a job or task assigned to them? Why? 5E Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan HendricksDate: week 1 Math Thursday Subject: Math Grade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: I hour Topic of Lesson: classifying and sorting 2-D and 3-D shapes TEKS/Objective(s):6.(E) classify and sort a variety of regular and irregular two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of orientation or size; andMaterials: Video - CubePyramidSphere Paper Square, circle, triangleGame- Sorting worksheetT chart Engage: teacher will play this 3-D shape video to get students thinking about 3-D shapes they see everyday. Explore: The teacher will have a cube and a paper square. The teacher will ask students:Which one is the 3-D shape? (Choral) How do we know that the cube is the 3-D shape? (popcorn)The teacher should be looking for answers like it has more than one side, we can hold the cube, the cube is made up of squares. The teacher will follow this pattern of instruction with sphere and pyramid. Looking for responses such as it has more than one side, it is made up of numerous triangles, we can hold it in our hands. ?Explain:. The teacher will have a T chart labeled 2-D on one side and 3-D on the other. The teacher will ask students to list attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes to list on their chart. The teacher will have students turn to the smartboard. The teacher will display on the board. Students will be called by pulling random popsicle sticks. Students will come to the board and drag the shape to either the 2-D or 3-D box. Elaborate:The teacher will have students return to their tables and get out their scissors and glue sticks. The teacher will pass out the sorting 2-D and 3-D worksheet (see supp. Mat. ) The Students will cut out of the objects and shapes at the bottom of the paper. Once the objects are cut out the students will decide whether the picture is a 2-D or 3-D shape. The students will then glue the objects on the side labeled 2-D or 3-D. Evaluate:Formative- ?attributes list Summative- ?sorting worksheet??? 2-D3-DSorting 2-D and 3-D shapesProject-Based Lesson Plan TemplateName: Rachel Sirman & Jordan HendricksDate: Week 1 math Friday Subject: Math Grade Level: Kindergarten Allotted Time: 1 hour Topic of Lesson: create 2-D shapesTEKS/Objective(s):6.(F) create two-dimensional shapes using a variety of materials and drawings.Purpose (Value/Relevance):Students take the attributes they have learned about 2-D shapes and apply them by making their own using recyclable materials. This will show them we can be good citizens by reusing materials.Materials: Recyclable materials ScissorsGluePaperPencilsRulerPreparation: ??Review what they have been learning all week about 2-D shapes and objects.Such as shape attributes and different objects that relate to triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles. What shape is this(holding up things around the classroom)? (choral response)Practice and Process:. Teacher will have students sit on the carpet and she will demonstrate how to draw and create a 2-D shape out of recyclable materials. The will ask students - Why do you think we are using recyclable materials for our projects? (popcorn)The teacher answers by saying: ?It is important as a good citizen to recycle as much as possible and try and get as much use out of objects before we throw them away. Performance:After watching the teacher the students will work independently making their own shapes using recyclable material. The teacher will have students return to their seats. The teacher will have a bowl of paper pieces cut out of recyclable materials in the middle of each table. The students will be given a piece of construction paper and asked to pick one of the shapes they have discussed( circle, square, triangle, or rectangle) and make it out recyclable materials. Evaluation :Formative- choral responseSummative- created shapesCreating Shapes ChecklistStudents has used recyclable materialsStudent has created Circle, square, triangle, or rectangle. ................

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