3 Paragraph Essay Planning Map - The Teacher Beacon

[Pages:10]Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

3 Paragraph Essay Planning Map

Introducon Thesis Body Paragraph


Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Event Spider

Direcons: Write the topic in the center rectangle and the events in chronological order. Use the connected horizontal lines for details.

Event 1

Event 2

Event 3

Topic Event 4

Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

BLT Paragraph Sandwich

Direcons: Use this bacon, leuce, and tomato graphic to write a paragraph containing 5-8 sentences Topic Sentence

Supporng Detail #1 Supporng Detail #2 Supporng Detail #3 Concluding Sentence

Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Narrowing a Wring Topic

Direcons: Write a general idea of what you want to write about in the broad top secon. Write just one part of your topic in the next secon. Write just one part of that topic in the next secon. Connue unl you have narrowed your topic to something that you can focus your wring on.

Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Poec Devices

Direcons: Define and give an example of each of these poec devices in the designated boxes. Write your own definion of poetry in the center box OR use that area is your teacher directs.







Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/

Name___________________________________________________Date______________________Class Period________

Responding to Literature

Direcons: Aer reading your selecon, choose _______ of the following sentence stems and complete them to write responses to what you have read.

Aer reading _______________________________________________________________ (Title of book, chapter, arcle, story, or poem)

by ________________________________________________________________________ (Author's first and last name)

I noced

A queson I have is I wonder why I began to think of It seems like

I can't really understand I'm not sure I know the feeling

I loved the way

I realized I was surprised If I were I discovered

Copyright 2012 by Chad Manis, Teacher-Wrien Eduware/


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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