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Windshield Survey of Free Soil, MichiganChristian MerzFerris State UniversityWindshield SurveyWindshield surveys are designed to gather information regarding a client’s environment by assessing the community in which they reside in. This survey is a subjective process by which the nurses use to understand the community by viewing what appears before their eyes while looking at the physical community (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012, p. 177). The purpose of this assignment is to “complete a windshield survey that identifies aspects of the community that could affect health” within Free Soil, Michigan (Ferris State University, 2014). CommunityThe word community can have a number of different meanings. According to Harkness and DeMarco (2012) communities are recognized as geographic areas or borders where people live together (p. 177). People around the world live in different kinds of formed communities that may include suburbs, rural, and urban areas. Another form of community is known as the phenomenological community. This type of community is a group of people who have same values, goals, and interests (Harkness and DeMarco, 2012). An example of a phenomenological community could be a religious group or a social network like Mothers against drunk driving (M.A.D.D). Members among this group are linked together because they share similar beliefs and goals. They are not linked because of a physical boundary or a designated place. Community Health “The health of the community depends on individual health as well as the social, physical, and political aspect that enables individuals to live healthy lives” (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2011, p. 26). After completing a windshield survey in the small rural town, I identified a few health risks individuals may encounter. First, the closest hospital is seventeen miles away. When a medical emergency happens, the amount of time it takes to access emergency health care can be the difference between life and death. The second health risk includes no public access to transportation. This service includes available taxies, dollar ride, or bus services. People may not have dependable transportation to necessary health care appointments or to buy food. The third health risk within this area includes oral health. The primary water sources in rural areas include well water. Well water is not treated with fluoride unlike city water. Fluoride has been proven to protect against tooth decay and decreases the risk in developing cavities. The last health risk identified within the Free Soil Township includes substance abuse use. The bar and grill within the township was promoting cocktail specials. Large consummation of alcohol and liquor can become a serious addictive behavior and a health risk. Community as ClientCommunities around the world are not created equal. They come in different sizes, cultural back grounds, and social classes. For this reason it is important to assess the health of the community when deciding to promote health among a society. According to Minkler (2004), “changing the health behavior of communities rather than individuals is based on the premise that community or organizing and community building are central to community health education and prevention” (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2011, p. 312). Community Health care professionals use their knowledge, expertise, and resources to empower the community. Healthy People 2012Healthy People 2012 is a national consensus plan identifying focal areas that need active and specific plans and implementations based on levels of illness and death that account for the physical, psychosocial, and financial suffering of citizens (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012, P. 30). Healthy People 2012 indicator includes improving access to health care. This plan also aims to improve the percentage of people with health insurance coverage. A direct patient nursing role may include in home assessments that identify health risks and recognizing basic needs. Nurses may also be required to collaborate with physicians to provide direct care to patients within the home settings. Non-direct community nurses may interact with the general public but they do not provide medical treatment. Some responsibilities may include providing transportation to and from medical appointments, case management, and preparing patients for anticipated medical events. ConclusionWindshield surveys are one of the many tools professionals can use to gain knowledge about a clients environment. They are used as a quick way to acquire knowledge concerning strengths and weakness about the community. Much like a jigsaw puzzle, community health is only one piece to the many factors that play in important role in individual health. ReferencesFerris State University. (2014). Community Nursing 233. Windshield survey assignment info. Retrieved , G. A., & DeMarco, R. (2012). Community and public health nursing, evidence for practice, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Michigan Surgeon General’s. (2010). Health Status Report. Retrieved from Township Association. (2013). Free Soil TWP., Mason Co. Retrieved from Pender, N. J., Murdaugh, C. L., & Parsons, M. A., (2011). Health Promotion in nursing practice (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Housing & Zoning Homes within the area were built in the 1970’s up till 2013. Several houses were two story single family’s homes. There were no apartment complexes observed within the area. (reported by the 2010 census) TransportationTransportation within the village limits includes cars, SUV’s, Trucks, bicycles, motorcycles’ and Tractors. There was no public transportation. People were also observed riding bikes or walking on sidewalks. Race & EthnicityI observed the minority of people within this area were Caucasian. One African-American male adult and three Native Americans were observed leaving the gas station. According to the 2010 Census Interactive Population search 822 people reside in Free Soil Township. Open SpaceTwo parks open to the public. The first park included benches, picnic tables and swings. The second park was fenced in with a pavilion and multiple wooden picnic tables, children’s playground and basketball courts. Within both parks the grass was cut and green live trees. Homes in the area also had designed areas for farming and livestock that included cows and horses. Service CentersIdentifiable community service providers included Gas Stations, retail bike shop, retail clothing store, Post Office, Bar and Grill, and Fire Department, heating and cooling repair business, well drilling company, Free Soil/mead Fire Department.Religion & PoliticsThis community has three Churches within the town ship area. They include different religious that were Catholics, and Methodist.Boundaries The township of Free Soil is located in Mason County, Michigan. The land consist of thirty eight square miles were five hundred sixty six house unites are located reported by the census in 2010. Stores & Street People People were out in their yards grilling, children playing in the park, and a person walking their dog. People in the area appeared to be active. There were two gas stations, two small business, heating and cooling repair business, well drilling business, post office, and one restaurant. Health & MorbidityAccording to MapQuest the closes hospital is 17 miles to West Shore Medical Facility to access emergent care. There are no pharmacies, family practice, or urgent care centers located within the Free Soil Township. CommonsThere is open access to parks. No open schools or colleges in the township. Signs of DecayThe township appeared to be well up kept. The paved roads were well taken care of without pot holes and the grass was cut along sides of the road and free of trash. I noticed a one vacant home and house trailer that appeared to be abandoned as the yards were overgrown and no tracks in driveways. There were also a few houses for sale.MediaDue to the location of the township cable television is not available for this area. Most houses had satellite dishes located in their yards for entertainment and internet. People were also using cell phones within the township. Newspapers were available to by outside the gas station. ................

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