Mental Health & Addiction Resources in BC

Mental Health & Addiction Resources in BC

Anxiety BC - Provides a rich resource of self-help information and programs, as well as resources for parents and caregivers.

Phone: 604-525-7566

E-mail: info@

BC Mental Health & Addiction Services - programs and services, research, information and resources.

• BC Children's Hospital Family Resource Library

BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information – information, discussion forums, personal stories.

British Columbia Schizophrenia Society (BCSS)

Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) – The mandate is to ensure that mental health is placed on the national agenda so that persons with a lived experience of mental illness and their families receive appropriate access to care and support.

Canadian Association For Suicide Prevention (CASP) - A Canadian nonprofit organization dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide.

Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division

• Visions Journal – current and past issues available.

• Youth/Family Peer Support resources

• Youth and Mental Illness: Early Intervention Canada

Child and Youth Mental Health in BC - Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD)

Telephone 250 387-9749


• Child & Youth Mental Health Plan for BC (Feb. 2003)

• Local Child and Youth Mental Health Offices

• CYMH Programs & Resources

• FRIENDS for Life program

• Dealing with Depression: Anti-Depressant Skills for Teens

• Preventing Youth Suicide –1-800-SUICIDE - Call if you, or someone you know is in crisis.

Coast Mental Health – improves the lives of people with a mental illness by providing practical and pragmatic help such as housing, jobs, community, rehabilitative social and recreational opportunities, food, clothing and basic life skills training.

Phone: 604-872-3502

E-mail: info@

The Crisis Centre Phone: 1-800-784-2433

The FORCE: Society for Kids Mental Health – provides families support, resources and advocacy to receive assistance in caring for children and youth with mental illness.

Phone: 604-878-3400 or 310-6789    

E-mail: theforce@

Helping Overcome Psychosis Early (HOPE) - provide information about early identification and treatment of psychosis. A program for: youth living in Vancouver or Richmond, aged 13-30 and their families who are experiencing a first time problem with psychotic symptoms.

Phone: 604-225-2211

Internet Mental Health – DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, research, and links.

Kelty Resource Centre - a provincial resource centre working to link children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health and addictions.

Local Phone: 604-875-2084 Toll Free: 1-800-665-1822


Kids Help Phone - A national, bilingual, 24-hour toll-free confidential phone counselling, referral and Internet services for children and youth or their parents in English and French.

Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Medication Information: Child & Youth Mental Health & Addictions Program information page

Mental Health & Addiction Treatment Services available in BC

• Services for Children and Youth with Mood Disorders (PDF file)

• Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating Services in BC (PDF file)

Mental Health Act of BC

Mental Health Canada – Find a mental health professional, research and information about diagnoses, medication and more.

Mental Health Commission of Canada - a non-profit national body created to focus national attention on mental health issues and to work to improve the health and social outcomes of people living with mental illness.

Ministry of Health Services - Mental Health & Addictions

• Alcohol & Drug Information & Referral Service

Lower Mainland: (604) 660-9382 Toll-free: 1-800-663-1441

• BC NurseLine

Lower Mainland: 604-215-4700 Toll-free: 1-866-215-4700

• BC Partners Mental Health Information Line

Lower Mainland: (604) 669-7600 Toll-free: 1-800-661-2121

• Eating Disorders Resource Centre Lower Mainland: (604) 806-9000 Toll-free: 1-800-665-1822

• Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111 Deaf or hearing-impaired (collect calls accepted): (604) 875-0885

Mood Disorders Association of BC - A non-profit organization dedicated to providing support, education and hope of recovery for those living with a mood disorder or other mental illness.

Phone: 604-873-0103

E-mail: info@

National Anti-Drug Strategy: Talking With Your Teen About Drugs

Out of the Shadows At Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada

The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology Senate Committee report on mental health, mental illness and addiction services in Canada.

Parents Support Services Society of BC – A non-profit, volunteer-based society and registered charity working with parents and others to prevent child abuse and promoting healthy parent-child relationships by supporting parenting, families, and communities.

• Grandparent Raising Grandchildren page

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A legal guide

Parents Together - A mutual help/support program for parents experiencing parent/teen conflict or concerned with their teen's behaviour.

Psychosis Sucks - Fraser South Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program. The main objectives of the EPI Program are to increase understanding of psychosis, decrease stigma associated with having this disorder and provide direct treatment.

See website for contacts in the Fraser region.

• Psychosis Supports for Parents

• Get the Help Early

Youth in BC - Provides information and support to youth or 24-hour phone line

Phone: 1-866-661-3311

Youthspace.- chat, forum, e-mail counsellours and youth programs and services in Victoria, BC.


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