Editable Schemes of Work - Year 10 - Pearson

Edexcel GCSE 2009 Japanese

(Year 10)

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification

Scheme of work

This scheme of work has been produced to help you implement this Edexcel specification. It is offered as an example of one possible model that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs and is not intended to be in any way prescriptive. It is in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

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Edexcel GCSE Japanese (Year 10)

Edexcel scheme of work

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |1 |おなまえは?



Introduction to ひらがな:あーこ |To be able to greet people according to the time of day To be able to introduce themselves and others by name and nationality.

• To be able to ask about names and nationalities replying yes or no to questions.

• To recognise word order of Japanese including customs for names.

• To use the pattern (noun 1) は (noun 2) です・ではありません(か)。 |Teacher and students undergo flash card drills on the ‘cocktail party’ and ‘conference registration’.

Teaching about 30 vocabulary items a week will allow safe coverage of the Minimum Core Vocabulary List by the middle of year 11. |Use flash cards to trigger greetings and other politenesses (from the web or Microsoft).

• Use flash cards for flags (from the web or Microsoft).

• Use BBC video Japanese Language and People, eg Jan and the Japanese People Episode 1.

• L1 from Japanese for Busy People Book 1 by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 1995).

• At the Japan Foundation London Language Centre (.uk/language/) use the Chikara Resources for activities.

• Use flash cards from the web, eg ‘Hiragana Ganbatte’, ‘Hiragana in 48 minutes’.

• かな flash cards and workbook.

• Use primary school maths books (1cm square rules) as exercise books.

• For help with all aspects of teaching Japanese join the JLE-UK email discussion list at the Japan Foundation London Language Centre (.uk/language/). | |2 |電話番号は何番ですか。



ひらがな:たーほ |To be able to recognise the numbers 1-20.

• To ask for and give telephone numbers.

• To ask for and provide personal information as might be found on business cards.

• To be able to ask and tell ages of minors using 才

• To be able to ask and tell school year (British system and Japanese system). |Teacher and students play Bingo with the first 20 numbers.

• Students share phone numbers.

• Students consider:

Who am I?

|Use name cards, number cards, flash cards for jobs (from the web or Microsoft), かな flash cards and workbook

• Comparative chart for English and Japanese Education (JICC: Japan Information and Culture Centre) at:


• Myself 1, 4 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 2&3, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• Unit 2 in Obentoo Deluxe by Williams P, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2004).

• L2 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001). | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |3 |何時ですか。


ひらがな:まーん |To be able to ask for and tell the time.

• To be able to give simple starting/opening and finishing/closing times.

• To get an initial understanding of counters. |Students play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and ‘Bingo’.

• Students construct ‘our street’ map for time completion.

|Use flash cards for shops, bank, post office etc.

• For listening activities use BBC Japanese Language and People.

• Workbook L3 from Japanese for Busy People Book 1 by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 1995).

• Book 4, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• Unit 3 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• L3 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001).

• かな workbook and flashcards for revision.

• Interactive activities and drills at: csus.edu/indiv/s/sheaa/projects/genki/


• | |4 |何曜日ですか。



ひらがな:がーぽ |To be able to count up to 100.

• To be able to recognise the days of the week, days of the month and names of the months.

• To be able to ask and give dates of birthdays.

• To be able to use and recognise time words such as ‘last week’, ‘next month’, ‘everyday’ etc.

• To use でした・ではありませんでした. |Students play ‘Bingo’ to 100.

• Students make a birthday chart for the class.

• Students play ‘I want a Dad’ (adaptation of the farmer wants a wife for 父、母、兄、姉、妹、弟、ねこ、いぬ、ともだち(など)がほしい。).

• Students use limited family member vocabulary. |Calendar.

• Use flash cards family members.

• Use Day and Date magnetic cards for white board (can use かんじ).

• Remember dates of class members’ birthdays to practise お誕生日おめでとうございます

• Book 5, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• Unit 7 in Obentoo Deluxe by Williams P, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2004).

• L5 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001).

• かな workbook. | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |5 |数学は何曜日ですか。


ひらがな:っ,ゃ、ゅ、ょ and vowel lengthening |To be able to talk about their school timetable.

• To be able to talk about a weekend ‘timetable’. |Students create large ひらがな・ローマ字timetable for classroom wall and smaller copies for exercise books. |Use Timetable blanks (from school office).

• Link school in Japan: new/

• Book 7, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• かな workbook. | |6 |いくらですか。

。。。。をください。 |To be able to count up to 9,999,999.

• To be able to ask how much objects are and show an understanding of the price given.

• To be able to recognize demonstrative pronouns これ、それetc. and understand the difference between the two words for ‘that one’. |Teacher dictates the new vocabulary for students to practise writing skills. (Dictation should now become a common tool for teaching).

• Students play shop with common objects including clothes and food and play money.

• Students practise demonstrative pronouns with objects placed round the room: まる・ばつゲーム. |Use core GCSE Vocabulary list to choose objects.

• Tourist leaflets showing money can be colour photocopied and cut out: seejapan.co.uk

• Book 8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland.

• Unit 5 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• L7 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001).

• Self test kana knowledge at:

| |7 |いくつですか。 |To be able to count using the Japanese system for the first 10 objects.

• To be able to count flat things.

• To be able to recognise demonstrative adjectives この、その etc.

• To be able to ask for a number of objects and recognise the word order in the sentence.

• To be able to write simple sentences in ひらがな from dictation. |Students further the ‘shopping’ by playing ‘Post Office’ with Japanese stamps to practise as

• 何十円のきってを十まいください: revise countries and まで

• アメリカまでいくらですか. |Japanese stamps from pen friend letters.

• L2 in Ready Steady NihonGo! by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• Unit 7 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• Book 6&8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |8 |なんぼんですか。 |To be able to use other counters for objects in the GCSE syllabus.

• To recognise simple adjectives including colours and those needed for ‘hot’, ‘cold’ etc. to describe the weather. |Students take part in more shopping for coloured cups, crayons etc. to cover まい、本、さつ、だい.

• Students play ‘Connect 4’ with colours.

• Students colour a picture to instructions (or painting by oral numbers). |For games that can be used or adapted: Japanese

• Unit 7 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• L8 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001).

• Book 8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |9 |Review Week |Test and Peer Assessment. |Include Cultural Activities such as origami, a video such as Howl’s Moving Castle. |Use U-tube to find interesting video snippets related to activities. | |10 |どこに行きますか。


カタカナ:アーコ |To be able to understand the implications of the ます and ません  endings for verbs.

• To talk about where they go/will go, don’t/won’t go.

• To talk about when they do/don’t do the above using specific and general time expressions.

• To understand the use of the particles にand へ in these expressions.

• To be able to name and locate the four main islands of Japan and three or four major cities. |Dictation of core sentences to enhance かな use.

• Q&A with flash cards.

• Gap filling exercises. |Use flash cards for shops.

• Map of Japan.

• Calendar for general time words.

• asij.ac.jp/middle/ac/ml/jflsh/onlineResourcesGuide

• Myself 8 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 4, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• かな workbook. | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |11 |何で行きますか。


カタカナ:ターホ |To be able to talk about methods of transport.

• To be able to talk about companions.

• To understand the use of the particles in these expressions. |Q&A with flash cards.

• すごろく board with destinations, methods of transport and companions to stimulate conversation.

• Revise family member words. |For fonts and other related resources go to: .uk/language/teaching_resources.php

• For sentence writing use Chapters 6&7 Japanese for Busy People Work Book 1 by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 1995).

• Unit 9 in Obentoo Deluxe by Williams P, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2004).

• Book 4&5, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• かな workbook. | |12 |どこへ行きましたか。

カタカナ:マーン |To be able to do all the activities of weeks 10 and 11 in the past tense.

• To be able to work with 来ます and 帰ります.

• To use からafter a main clause to explain reason.

|Students start a diary; include date, day of the week and weather for each entry. |Isshoni Teachers Book 1 has diary pages for photocopying.

• Myself 12 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Unit 12 in Obentoo Deluxe by Williams P, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2004).

• Book 5, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• かな workbook. | |13 |クリスマスおめでとうございます。

Writing words in カタカナ |To understand the events of the Japanese calendar and how they compare/contrast with the British one.

• To understand how to use カタカナトto write foreign nouns and other 外来語. |Students make Christmas/ New Year cards. |For information on the Japanese calendar go to: gojapan.od/japanesefestivals/Japanese_Festivals.htm

• かな workbook. | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |14 |何がありますか。




Note: From now on the漢字prompt will appear but teachers are encouraged to make their own division of the 200 GCSE漢字into 20 sets of 10 new漢字to be learnt in each week that the prompt appears. |To be able to ask and tell about the existence of people and things.

• To be able to ask and tell simply where things are.

• To understand the こーそーあーどfor location.

• To talk about more than one thing using と and や.

• To understand the Japanese floor counting system. |Teacher and students play ‘What’s in the bag?’ and ‘Who’s in the room?’ (with slowly revealed OHP picture).

• Teacher can revise buildings shops etc. with students as gap filling exercise using department store reception (review shopping). |Use flash cards for rooms in a house.

• Use the floor plan of a department store, for example at: mitsukoshi.co.jp/store/fcs/english/1210/index.html

• Myself 11 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

• 漢字workbook, eg Basic Kanji Book: Volume 1, Bonjinsha. | |15 |はこの中になにがありますか。

漢字 |To be able to ask and tell about relative location using の上に、の下に、の前に、の後ろに etc. |Students draw objects on a desktop to dictation, where one students draws an arrangement and then tells other students, eg ‘There is a telephone in the middle of the desk; there is a book to the left of the telephone; under the book there is a notebook,’ and so on.

• Students can build towers of pictures, arrange picture cards; describe a room; describe a street; seat students in the room. |Use all flash cards used so far!

• Myself 11 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |16 |何をしますか。

漢字 |To be able to make very simple question and answer sentences using direct object and verb.

• To understand the particle を. |Teacher dictates core sentences to revise かな

• Teacher initiates Q&A with flash cards. |Use two うちわ: one painted ‘O’ and ‘X’; the other painted 1999 and 2020 to illicit positive and negative, past, present and future.

• Myself 8 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Unit 10 in Obentoo Deluxe by Williams P, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2004).

• L10 in Japanese for Young People by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 2001). | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |17 |いつしますか。



漢字 |To be able to ask and tell about: When an action takes place; Where an action takes place; With whom an action takes place.

• To understand the use of the particles に、で、と in these sentences. |Teacher continues Q&A drill with flash cards and すごろくboard.

• Teacher encourages students to start building their own vocabulary memory cards to drill with the ‘Sheffield Game’.

• Teacher and students undertake sentence-building games.

• Students do further diary writing. Once students are able to write the date on their work in漢字 start to add weather descriptors to both the board and in their books. |Myself 9 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 4, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |18 |発表予習

|To prepare a talk of not more than 4 minutes using as much language they have learnt as possible.

|Students can include: Initial greeting; Self introduction including name, pupil status, age; Daily routine including timetable examples for set days of the week and weekend routine; Location of shops they visit; Something about their house. |Classroom hints from Japan Foundation newsletters are available at: jpf.go.jp/j/japanese/survey/tsushin/hint/backnumber.html

| |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |19 |発表会

漢字 |To give a talk (30 x 5 =150 minutes). |Students’ efforts should be judged by other students using GCSE guidelines or a special scheme devised by the teacher to suit the class.

• Alternatively, students can describe a celebrity, producing a written version for class display as well as the spoken version. (see week 20). |Record their efforts to play back to them in a year’s time! | |20 |Review/Cultural Week

漢字 |To write up a talk as a 作文using as many 漢字as possible.

• To focus on school life in Japan for cultural input and relaxation. |Students use 原稿用紙. |Useful information at: .uk/language/teaching_resources.php | |21 |だれに電話をしますか。

漢字 |To be able to include an indirect object in questions and answers.

• To understand the use of the particle に

• To be able to use simple adverbs of frequency. |Students play detective-style games/exercises by compiling short written questionnaires for each other and exchanging them.

• Teacher introduces Japanese word-processing skills. |Global IME to convert computers to write Japanese. | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |22 & 23 |どんな車ですか。




漢字 |To use the patterns: adjective + noun; noun はadjectiveです. And for both types of adjective in the present affirmative, negative and interrogative.

• To be able to connect two adjectives. |Students undergo flash card drills with ‘Who has the black dog?’

• Students play ‘Connect 4’ vocabulary games.

• Students give fashion show with commentary on multicoloured hats, long/short coloured scarves etc.(to review clothing vocabulary).

• Students describe a landscape. |Use mini flash cards Language Games (photocopiable resource).

• Borrow a dressing up box from the drama department.

• Myself 4,5 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 3&5, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |24 |どんな車でしたか。


漢字 |To use the patters in week 22 in the past affirmative, negative and interrogative. |Students play ‘The holiday from hell!’ using picture comparison. |Myself 12 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 5, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |25 |だれがだれに何をあげますか。

漢字 |To be able to talk about giving and receiving gifts.

• Review: to add adverbs and time expressions to the sentences.

• To describe the gifts (simple, single adjectives only but plus modifying adverbs).

• |Students embark on ‘Pass the Parcel’ sentence building.

• Writing the ‘secret’ Christmas list.

• Students revise family member vocabulary and the names of everyday objects. |Myself 11 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 12, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |26 |何が好きですか。


漢字 |To be able to ask about/express likes and dislikes.

• To be able to understand adverbs such as よく、あまり、ぜんぜん、etc.

• To be able ask and answer ‘why’ questions using どうして and から. |Students work in pairs on conversations stemming from the ‘secret’ Christmas list leading to short feedback.

• Students discuss favourite music and other hobbies. |Myself 6 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 2, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |27 |Depending on the position of Easter the review lesson may come before week 24 or after |To enable the students to spend a week on vocabulary and漢字. |Mini quizzes; last man standing; 漢字Olympiad etc. |Kanji Gold.

• Ask students to search the web for Japanese quizzes. | |28 |コンサートに行きませんか。


漢字 |To be to able to invite someone to join you for something (a trip, meal etc).

• To be able to accept/decline such invitations politely.

• To become familiar with activity verbs for sports particularly those

using する.

• To be able to arrange where and when to meet.

• To be able to understood the various uses of the particles にand で. |Students find a partner to play circulating matching game.

• Gap filling exercises in pairs.

• Written grammar exercises involving particles. |Town 3 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Unit 1 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• Book 6, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |29 |パーティーに来ませんか。

漢字 |To be able to invite someone to your home.

• To be able to accept or decline such an invitation politely.

• To offer to do something for someone.

• To be able to accept or decline such an offer politely.

• To understand the uses of がat the end of a main clause. |Students role-play invitation scenes: a) face to face b) on the telephone c) by card (written exercise) and revise asking for things. |Japanese for Busy People Book 1 Teachers Book, page 145.

• Teachers Book, page 145 from Japanese for Busy People Book 1 by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (Kodansha International, 1995).

• Unit 1 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006). | |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |30 |日光に行きたいです。

漢字 |To be able to and say what you would like to do.

• To be able to say what you would not like to do.

• To be able to say and understand ‘years’,

eg 1482.

|Students devise plans for the future: tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.

• Students organise grammar notes. They start their own ‘grammar pages’ and organise their grammar notes: in addition to a page for each particle they can have a ‘stem followers’ page to include: ます、ません、ました、ませんでした、ましょう、たいです、たくないです. The page should start with a note about how to form the ‘stem’.

• Students make reservations きっぷをよやくしたいです

|Myself 10 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Unit 4 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006).

• Book 8, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |31 |犬がいます。


漢字 |To be able to ask and tell about owning/having things and people.

• To be able to ask and tell about possessions, your family and events.

• To be able to count people. |Students complete chart asking about existence/number of family members to reinforce idea of double vocabulary for family words.

• Students draw a family tree and write descriptions of family members (Revising linking adjectives). |Mini biographies from penfriends

• Tuttle Activity Books for Young Japanese Learners: My Homestay Family

• Myself 4,11 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Unit 2 in Obentoo Supreme by Fukunaga A, et al (Thomson Nelson, 2006)

• Book 3, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland).

| |

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |32 |Adverbs |To be form adverbs from adjectives and use to ask and tell about how, when, where etc. |Teacher and students undergo grand adjective brainstorm: use two colours to record two types of adjective; review grammar of adjectives and linking. Explain transformation into adverbs and dictate exemplar sentences to practise かな and 漢字

• Students play ‘Grow the sentence’; give the verb and let students add a part of speech depending on a card drawn at random (direct object, subject, adjective, adverb etc). |Myself 9 from the Chikara Resources at: .uk/language/

• Book 6, Nihongo Kantan, by Zimmermann U, et al (Department of Education and Science, Ireland). | |Bonus weeks | |To reinforce work done during the year. |Students choose one area of the reading and writing topics to work with per lesson. | | |

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This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

Y10 Week |Content coverage/

key questions |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources | |

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