Knights of Columbus CMS - University of Scranton

Knights of Columbus CMSFinal ReportChris Ozoniak12/3/2010Submitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements ofMIT 490 – Senior ProjectsAdvisor: Dr. Benjamin BishopTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction3 1.1 Introduction31.1.a Functionalities/ Reasons for System31.2 Glossary3-41.3 Document Overview4-5Chapter 2: User Manual: Introductory Manual XE "Unit Testing" 52.1 How to Use the System5-72.2 Troubleshooting7-92.2.a Browser Incompatibilites82.3: System Reference Manual XE "Unit Testing" 92.4 Alphabetical Listing of Services92.5 Error Recovery102.6 Installation Information10Chapter 3: Requirements Specification XE "Unit Testing" 113.1 Introduction113.2 Glossary123.3 Document Overview123.4 System Model133.5 Functional Requirements13-153.5.a Roles13-153.6 User Interface153.7 Non-Functional Requirements15-163.7a System Non-Functional Requirements15-163.7b Assembly Non-Functional Requirements163.8 System Evolution16Chapter 4: System Design XE "Unit Testing" 174.1 Introduction174.2 Levels184.3 Sub-Pages19-324.3a About19-204.3b Members204.3c By-Laws214.3d Photos21-224.3e Newsletters22-234.3f Officers23-244.3g Council History24-254.3h Contact Information25-264.3i Events26-274.3j Links27-284.3k Insurance Information28-294.3l Grand Knight History29-304.3m Charter Members30-314.3n Form 10031-324.4 Back End324.5 User Management32-33Chapter 5: Testing Design XE "Unit Testing" 33-395.1 Introduction335.2 Glossary33-345.3 Document Overview34-355.4 Unit Testing35-365.4a Definition355.4b Front End Testing355.4c Back End Testing35-365.5 Module Testing36-375.5a Definition36-375.5b Front End Testing365.5c Back End Testing36-375.6 Subsystem Testing375.6a Definition375.7 System Testing37-385.7a Definition375.7b Testing the System37-385.8 Acceptance Testing38-385.4a Definition385.4b Front End Testing38-395.4c Back End Testing39Chapter 6: Index39-401 – Introduction1.1 IntroductionThe goal of the Knights of Columbus Content Management System (herein CMS XE "CMS" ) is to create a Web site that is easily manageable for the Knights of Columbus 5510 Council. It needs to be a Web site that is easily modified by members of the council in addition to the Webmaster. It also needs to have a more modern look and feel that will encourage users to be interested in the site. It will require integration with social media to increase traffic flow to the site. It is designed to help others learn more about the Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Columbus Council 5510. The Web site will feature various forms of content from the Knights of Columbus, including pictures and possibly videos. The site will be built using WordPress XE "WordPress" , a Content Management System. This Content Management System will allow members of the council to update and create new events, and to update other parts of the Web site. The management of the site will not involve any further coding beyond what is used to create the CMS. The ultimate creation of the site will be through HTML, PHP XE "PHP" , CSS XE "CSS" styling and photo editing software such as Gimp or PhotoShop for creating banners and images for the site.1.2 GlossaryChrome XE "Chrome" A free, simple, lightweight, and easy to use cross-platform Web browserContent Management System (CMS XE "CMS" ) XE "Apache Tomcat" CMS XE "CMS" - The collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment.CSS XE "CSS" Cascading Style Sheet – Style sheet language used to describe a Website’s visual presentationDomain Name Service XE "Domain Name Service" An?Internet?service that translates?domain names?into IP addresses. Because?domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember.Firefox XE "Firefox" A free and open source Web browserFlash XE "Flash" Multimedia platform used to add animation, video and interactivity to Web pagesJavascript XE "Javascript" Used by Webmasters to design interactive sitesLightBox XE "LightBox" Javascript Application used to display large imagesMySQL XE "MySQL" Open-source relational database systemPHP XE "PHP" Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP XE "PHP" is an HTML-embedded Web scripting language.Plugins XE "Plugins" Software component that adds specific potential to a larger software application, in this instance WordPress XE "WordPress" Themes XE "Themes" Preloaded CSS XE "CSS" themes for WordPress XE "WordPress" , can be customizedUser Interface XE "User Interface" The part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with.Widgets XE "Widgets" Similar to a plugin but it is designed to provide a simple way to arrange the various elements of your sidebar content Web-interface XE "Web-interface" A simple and straight-forward user interface used to interact with the system and underlying database. This is made of a set of interrelated pages that communicate with each other and the Web server.WordPress XE "WordPress" WordPress XE "WordPress" is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, Web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the?same?time. XAMPP XE "XAMPP" A free and open source cross-platform Web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server and MySQL XE "MySQL" database.1.3 Document OverviewThis document will describe the functionalities of the Knights of Columbus Content Management System and the reason for the system. It will also include an introductory manual on how to use the system, as well as a troubleshooting section. It will include a system reference manual. This system reference manual will include an alphabetical listing of services, help with error recovery and installation information (should the user decide they want to create a CMS XE "CMS" of their own).2- Introductory Manual2.1 How to Use the SystemThe user will utilize a Web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Internet Explorer and navigate to the Web site with the address . From here the user will be directed to the corresponding Web site using Domain Name Service. This will take them to the actual Knights of Columbus Web site. From here the user will be able to sort through a total of thirteen other pages. They include Members, By-Laws, Photos, Newsletters, Officers, Council History, Events, Contact Information, Links, Insurance Info, Grand Knight History, Charter Members, and the Form 100 page. If accessing the Members or the By-Laws page the user will be greeted with the following prompt.This prompt will keep users who do not have a username/password combination to these pages out of the sensitive material they contain. It will also be immune to SQL injection, which is a method used by hackers to infiltrate a system. If the user is accessing the Photos page they will have a rather intriguing tool at their disposal in the form of a LightBox XE "LightBox" plugin. The LightBox will enlarge the image on the page when clicked. In order to open the LightBox, the user will need to click a picture on the Photos page, and then a bordered/overlayed image will appear that is sized 400 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall. Lightbox is used by the user for a more well-rounded experience when dealing with images, the user is able to get a larger view of the image. In order to view the Newsletters the user may need to download a PDF reader if they do not currently have one installed on their machine. The other pages of the site are relatively simple in concept and have a very simple user interface. 2.2 TroubleshootingIn order to troubleshoot any issues that arise such as a LightBox XE "LightBox" not functioning properly on a certain browser or not at all, user feedback will be needed. An email address to contact the Webmaster will be provided, and a drop-down menu with a list of options of what the issue or problem is. There will also be a comment box available with a captcha to avoid spam from computer-generated content. The user will be able to provide the Internet Browser they are using, their operating system, and any other vital information, if the user is unaware of what they are using they can be navigated to a page that will tell them what they are using. This will allow less-tech savvy users to be able to troubleshoot their issues more efficiently.2.2a Browser IncompatibilityIn order to avoid issues with browser compatibility, the site is currently being tested on a number of platforms. On the Windows side, it is being tested on a Windows XP machine running Firefox 3.6, Internet Explorer 8, and Google Chrome 8. Also on the Windows side, it is being tested on a Windows 7 machine running the same Firefox 3.6, Internet Explorer 8, and Google Chrome 8. Both of these machines are capable of running Javascript XE "Javascript" , Adobe Flash XE "Flash" , and have PDF readers installed on them. The site is also being texted on a Mac system running Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.5 with Safari 4 as the main browser; it also has Firefox 3.6.12 installed. Lastly, the site is being tested on a Linux-based operating system Ubuntu Netbook Edition, this is running Firefox 3.6.12.Most of the issues with browser compatibility are due to Internet Explorer and its interactions with CSS XE "CSS" , particularly IE 6 & 7. Internet Explorer 8 has fixed some of the CSS issues but IE 7 accounts for 9.34% of the Web browsing and IE 6 still accounts for 5.24%. A complete chart can be seen here or at Browsers1Internet Explorer 827.01%2Firefox 3.624.22%3Internet Explorer 79.34%4Chrome 66.91%5Internet Explorer 65.24%6Safari 54.46%7Chrome 74.38%8Firefox 3.53.41%9Firefox 31.86%10Safari 40.92%Another user-related issue to attend to is Screen Resolution. More than 1/5 of total users are still using a screen resolution that is 1024 x 768 pixels. If the user is using a smaller resolution, he or she may have issues if the site is not properly designed for that particular resolution. One way to avoid this issue is to use a liquid layout that stretches to the current user’s windows size.Screen Resolutions11024x76821.98%21280x80017.93%31280x10249.36%41366x7688.32%51440x9007.81%61680x10504.92%71920x10802.79%81024x10242.73%9800x6002.15%101152x8641.91%2.3 System Reference Manual2.4 Alphabetical Listing of Services INDEX \z "1033" Chrome, 3CMS, 3, 4CSS, 3, 4Domain Name Service, 4Firefox, 4Flash, 4, 8Javascript, 4, 8LightBox, 4, 6, 7MySQL, 4PHP, 3, 4Plugins, 4Themes, 4Unit Testing, 2User Interface, 4Web-interface, 4Widgets, 4WordPress, 3, 4XAMPP, 42.5 Error RecoveryShould the system suffer a fatal error (ex. a server crash) the host will provide the most recent backup of the site. The Webmaster will also keep a version of the site that is updated weekly; this will most likely be through the use of a plugin.2.6 Installation InformationIf the user is intrigued enough by the concept of a CMS XE "CMS" they may be interested in setting up a Web site using a CMS themselves. The user should first explore the option of using Wordpress XE "Wordpress" .com so they can become familiar with the system, before creating one of their own. When they choose to do so they will need the following:Web server with PHP version 4.3 or greaterMySQL version 4.1.2 or greaterIn order to properly view the Web site the user may need to download Adobe Flash player for any video content. It can be downloaded from SpecificationAbstractThis document is the Requirements Specification document. It is intended for the user. It will be written in a simple language and will be oriented for the user. This will be followed by the system model which will explain the relationship between the user and the system. The next section will be the functional requirements. This will detail the services provided to the user. It will be cross-referenced in later documents. This will be followed by the user interface specifications. It details how the user will interface with the system. It will include the “look and feel” of the system. The next section will be the non-functional requirements. This will include the hardware or software that is necessary to complete the system. The last section is system evolution which will be made up of the assumptions the system is based on and what changes have been anticipated for maintenance.3.1: IntroductionI have managed and operated the Knights of Columbus 5510 Web site for well over a year. The current Web site is in need of a significant upgradeto reflect a more-modern look and operation. The Web site also needs a thorough redesign to improve the navigation through the Web site. The Knights of Columbus 5510 council needs a modern Web page to keep up with the needs of a changing Web environment. The site needs to be able to support the needs of members who are looking to become more active in Web site development and content. In this case, I have chosen to use a content management system XE "content management system" . The content management system I have chosen to use is WordPress XE "WordPress" . By utilizing this content management system, the Knights will be able to manage part of their business operations on the Web site, such as meetings, and perhaps even the minutes of these meetings. Within the Web site there will be a private page where members can login to and obtain the contact information of other members of the council.3.2 GlossaryContent Management System (CMS XE "CMS" ) XE "Apache Tomcat" CMS XE "CMS" - The collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment.CSS XE "CSS" Cascading Style Sheet – Style sheet language used to describe a website’s visual presentationMySQL XE "MySQL" Open-source relational database systemPHP XE "PHP" Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP XE "PHP" is an HTML-embedded Web scripting language.Plugins XE "Plugins" Software component that adds specific potential to a larger software application, in this instance WordPress XE "WordPress" ThemesPreloaded CSS XE "CSS" themes for WordPress XE "WordPress" , can be customizedWidgetsSimilar to a plugin but it is designed to provide a simple way to arrange the various elements of your sidebar content Web-interfaceA simple and straight-forward user interface used to interact with the system and underlying database. This is made of a set of interrelated pages that communicate with each other and the web server.WordPress XE "WordPress" WordPress XE "WordPress" is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the?same?time. XAMPP XE "XAMPP" A free and open source cross-platform web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server and MySQL XE "MySQL" database.3.3 Document OverviewChapter 2 is titled “System Model”, it gives the relationship between user and the system components and the system and its environment in a graphical manner. Chapter 3 is the functional requirements of the system. It will detail the services provided to the user. It will also be cross-referenced to how the services will be provided in later documents. Chapter 4 is the User Interface Specification. It details how the user will interface with the system. Chapter 5 are Non-Functional Requirements, they include the necessary hardware/software to complete the system. Lastly, chapter 6 is System Evolution, it will overview the assumptions that were made upon which the system was built. It also outlines future use for the system.3.4 System ModelServerPCUserInternet4467225-635 The relationship between the user(s) and the system is relatively simple in nature. The user will utilize a Web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer and navigate to the Web site with the address . From here the user will be directed to the corresponding Web site using Domain Name Service. This will take them to the actual Knights of Columbus Web site. From here the user will be able to sort through a total of thirteen other pages. They include Members, By-Laws, Photos, Newsletters, Officers, Council History, Events, Contact Information, Links, Insurance Info, Grand Knight History, Charter Members, and the Form 100 page. Chapter 3.5 Functional Requirements3.1: RolesThere will be three levels of access for the system. The first is the administrator-level of access. This level of access will allow for the manipulation of the layout of the site and other administrative features. This will not be used very often except by the lead web developer. The next level of access will be for members. Members will be able to add content to pages after logging into the content management system XE "content management system" . This content will be in the form of posts on the WordPress XE "WordPress" blog. This new post could be in the form of an upcoming event or just about anything. The last level of access is the guest, who will be able to view the Web site but not make any changes to it, they will fulfill the role of the normal user on other Web sites. The login for administrative level access and member access will look something like this. The administrator will be able to modify theme XE "theme" s, widget XE "widget" s, and gadgets, while the regular member will not be able to see this. The image below displays that someone with administrative access will be able to see in his or her menu.Chapter 3.6 User interface The majority of the users who will be using the system are not the most technically savvy people. Therefore, it is vital the user interface of the system be as simplistic as possible. Using WordPress XE "WordPress" the user interface will remain simplistic but reflect a modern look that is similar to standards among other popular Web sites. Hyperlinks will be used to navigate between pages. A navigation bar most likely consisted of an ordered list will be used to navigate between the thirteen pages. Categories will be along with traditional pages, posts can be tagged with these categories for easy organization, for example a tricky tray can be put under the “events” tag. Chapter 3.7 Non-Functional Requirements3.7a System Non-Functional RequirementsThe hardware necessary to run the system will include a PHP XE "PHP" and MySQL XE "MySQL" server that is capable of running WordPress XE "WordPress" . It will be necessary to have a server capable of running at least PHP version 4.3 or higher and MySQL 4.1.2 or higher. The Web site will need to be run on a relatively fast server, with an emphasis on stability, consistency, and speed. An older computer should still be able to run the site well, as there will be minimal external software used, most likely no Adobe Flash or anything embedded within the site.3.7b Assembly Non-Functional RequirementsThe site is currently being developed on a local machine running XAMPP XE "XAMPP" running an Apache Web server and MySQL XE "MySQL" , once hosting has been set up the site will be migrated from the local machine to the remote server. Chapter 3.8 System EvolutionOver time the system will need to be updated. However, it should be a relatively simple process. Installing updates for WordPress XE "WordPress" is often as simple as a few clicks of a mouse. Maintenance may still be needed occasionally. The one issue is going to be handing this system off to another user should I no longer manage it. With WordPress being fairly simple, this shouldn’t be a difficult task.System Design4.1 IntroductionThe goal of the Knights of Columbus Content Management System is to create a Web site that is easily manageable for the Knights of Columbus 5510 Council. It needs to be a Web site that is easily modified by members of the council in addition to the webmaster. It also needs to have a more modern look and feel that will encourage users to be interested in the site. It will require integration with social media to increase traffic flow to the site. It is designed to help others learn more about the Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Columbus Council 5510. The Web site will feature various forms of content from the Knights of Columbus, including pictures and possibly videos. The site will be built using WordPress, a Content Management System. This Content Management System will allow members of the council to update and create new events, and to update other parts of the Web site. The management of the site will not involve any further coding beyond what is used to create the CMS XE "CMS" . The ultimate creation of the site will be through HTML, PHP, CSS XE "CSS" styling and photo editing software such as Gimp or PhotoShop for creating banners and images for the site. AboutBy-LawsMembersPhotosNewslettersLevelsOfficersContact InformationCouncil HistoryKnights of Columbus Content Management SystemLinksEventsInsurance InfoForm 100Charter MembersGrand Knight HistoryLevels and User Interface: IndexWhen a user goes to the homepage, either from , or from another part of the site, they will be shown the Knights of Columbus’ latest news through a news feed, and 14 links that will navigate the user through the site. The user has the option to go through the 14 pages, About, Members, By-Laws, Photos, Newsletters, Officers, Council History, Contact Information, Events, Links, Insurance Info, Grand Knight History, Charter Members, and the Form 100 page. Subpage: AboutWhen the user chooses to go to the About section, they are brought to a page with a brief description of what the Knights of Columbus are. The user will obtain knowledge about what the Knights of Columbus do for their community as well as a brief history of how the Knights of Columbus was started.Subpage: MembersThe Members page is designed to be only accessible by members of the Knights of Columbus 5510 Council. A correct username and password will be required in order to obtain any access to the site. This page will be immune from hacker attempts to infiltrate it through SQL injection or other techniques. The Members page includes sensitive data about members of the council, such as their telephone numbers and home addresses so it is vital that this information be as secure as possible.Subpage: By-LawsThe By-Laws page, similarly to the Members page also contains sensitive information to the council. A username and password that are different than the Members’ page will be required to obtain any access to the page. The By-Laws page contains all the rules the council sets for itself or the Knights of Columbus Supreme have set.Subpage: PhotosThe Photos page will be one of the more involved pages of the site. It will include several plugins, the first is a photostream plugin. The plugin will allow for a Flickr gallery to be streamed through the site. It will include a quick gallery of recent photos, photosets, and most popular photos. A LightBox XE "LightBox" plugin will be installed on top of Flickr gallery that will allow for overlay of images on the current page. The user will be able to navigate through photos in the gallery using LightBox.Subpage: NewslettersThe Newsletters page will include all of the past newsletters that have been mailed out to members, rather than the pamphlet form they are mailed out in, these newsletters will be in a web-based form, such as Issuu or something that is embeddable into the site. The user will be able to navigate through an archive of older newsletters if the particular newsletter they are looking for is no longer listed on the Newsletters page.Subpage: Officers The Officers page will include a current list of the Officers of the Council. The current page has the officers listed in a table, but I am considering making it a two-column display rather than a table.Subpage: Council HistoryThe Council History page includes a history of the Joseph F. Lamb Council, particularly how it was named and how it was formed. It also includes details on how and when it was instituted. It also details the numerous awards the council has received over its 46 year history. One example of this is Council 5510’s distinction of being the designer and creator of a new flag. The flag has red letters, which spell out “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”. The letters are on a white outline of the United States sewn onto a blue background with the Knights of Columbus emblem in the lower right hand corner. The flag is trimmed with gold fringe. This symbol of patriotism, attractively assembled by talented ladies of the Council, has been proudly carried in all parades and is displayed at all proper functions.Subpage: Contact InformationThe Contact Information page is relatively simple in nature. It contains the address for contacting the council, a PO Box number, a phone number to reach the council, and the email address of the Grand Knight.Subpage: EventsThe Events page contains a newsfeed and a calendar of all upcoming events for the council. The calendar is able to be navigated through by month, and a mouseover will allow the user to see more details about that upcoming event. The Events page will also be linked into the main news feed on the homepage.Subpage: LinksThe Links page contains links that allow the user to easily access other Web site related to the council. The first link is to the Knights of Columbus Supreme, . The site contains information about the Knights of Columbus at the highest level. It includes information about the Knights of Columbus, what they do, how to become a Knight, and information about Knights of Columbus insurance. The next link is to the New Jersey Knights of Columbus site, . It contains a page of State Officers and Directors. It also contains a list of Programs, Forms and Manuals, and Councils, Chapters and Assemblies. The next link is an email address for Knights in Action Columbia Magazine. The next link is to the Diocese of Paterson’s official Web page. The next link is to Catholic Charities. The last link is to the Department for Persons with Disabilities (DPD)’s site, . The Knights of Columbus 5510 often has fundraisers for DPD.Subpage: Insurance InformationThe next page, Insurance Information has information from the Council’s Worthy Insurance Agent; it includes useful information about the Knights of Columbus’s insurance policies. It includes contact information and a business card from the Insurance Agent himself.Subpage: Grand Knight HistoryThe Grand Knight History page includes text of the past Grand Knights of Council 5510, and the years of their service. It also includes a small image of the individual Grand Knight.Subpage: Charter MembersThe Charter Members page includes an image of all the charter members of Council 5510.Subpage: Form 100The Form 100 page is used for downloading an image of the Form 100 document which is used when applying for membership to the Knights of Columbus.BackendAs mentioned previously, WordPress has the ability to install plugins that will be used for viewing pictures, calendars and other features. LightBox XE "LightBox" 2 is used to overlay images on the current page. It is useful when paired with an image gallery tool.Each page of the site is created separately through the menu of WordPress, within each page a new post can also be created. Posts will be displayed in a descending way of order from most recent to oldest. Older entries will be placed in an archive.User ManagementWordPress and other Content Management Systems allow for specified roles and user abilities. In this case there will be two levels of access, an administrator level, and a contributor level. The administrator will be able to configure various settings of the CMS XE "CMS" and will be able to add pages and posts. The contributor will only be able to update the site through the creation of posts or the modification of content on the various pages.Ch. 5: Testing Design5.1 – IntroductionThe goal of the Knights of Columbus Content Management System (herein CMS XE "CMS" ) is to create a Web site that is easily manageable for the Knights of Columbus 5510 Council. It needs to be a Web site that is easily modified by members of the council in addition to the webmaster. It also needs to have a more modern look and feel that will encourage users to be interested in the site. It will require integration with social media to increase traffic flow to the site. It is designed to help others learn more about the Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Columbus Council 5510. The Web site will feature various forms of content from the Knights of Columbus, including pictures and possibly videos. The site will be built using WordPress XE "WordPress" , a Content Management System. This Content Management System will allow members of the council to update and create new events, and to update other parts of the Web site. The management of the site will not involve any further coding beyond what is used to create the CMS. The ultimate creation of the site will be through HTML, PHP XE "PHP" , CSS XE "CSS" styling and photo editing software such as Gimp or PhotoShop for creating banners and images for the site.5.2 GlossaryAcceptance Testing XE "Acceptance Testing" Acceptance Testing XE "Acceptance Testing" is the last step before the system or application is completed. It is tested by the end users who will be using the system. This type of testing gives the end users the confidence the system being delivered meets their requirements.Back End XE "Back End" An application or program that serves indirectly in support of the front-end services, usually by being closer to the required resource or having the capability to communicate with the required resource.Content Management System (CMS XE "CMS" ) XE "Apache Tomcat" CMS XE "CMS" - The collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment.CSS XE "CSS" Cascading Style Sheet – Style sheet language used to describe a website’s visual presentationModule Testing XE "Module Testing" Module testing is similar to unit testing. It is the idea of testing the smallest piece of software or Web site (IEEE 1008).MySQL XE "MySQL" Open-source relational database systemPHP XE "PHP" Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP XE "PHP" is an HTML-embedded Web scripting language.Plugins XE "Plugins" Software component that adds specific potential to a larger software application, in this instance WordPress XE "WordPress" Subsystem Testing XE "Subsystem Testing" A subsystem test verifies that two or more units of code are interacting correctly to produce the desired result.System Testing XE "System Testing" System Testing XE "System Testing" tests the system as a whole, rather than the individual pieces. This test is done from the user point of view.Themes XE "Themes" Preloaded CSS XE "CSS" themes for WordPress XE "WordPress" , can be customizedUnit Testing XE "Unit Testing" Unit testing is a procedure a developer takes during which they test individual software components as they are being developed.User Interface XE "User Interface" The part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with.Widgets XE "Widgets" Similar to a plugin but it is designed to provide a simple way to arrange the various elements of your sidebar content Web-interfaceA simple and straight-forward user interface used to interact with the system and underlying database. This is made of a set of interrelated pages that communicate with each other and the web server.WordPress XE "WordPress" WordPress XE "WordPress" is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the?same?time. XAMPP XE "XAMPP" A free and open source cross-platform web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server and MySQL XE "MySQL" database.5.3 Document OverviewThis document will demonstrate the various ways testing is performed throughout the development process of the Knights of Columbus CMS XE "CMS" . The testing is divided into five different sections: unit testing, module testing, subsystem testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Each section will explain what the specific test is, how it is done, and how it is related to the Knights of Columbus CMS.5.4- Unit Testing XE "Unit Testing" 5.4a DefinitionUnit testing is a procedure a developer takes during which they test individual software components as they are being developed. With the Knights of Columbus Web site being created through a CMS XE "CMS" , like WordPress XE "WordPress" , the backend has already been tested and checked for inconsistencies. The database is created in the initial setup of the CMS by creating a table in the Front End of the database (in this case MySQL XE "MySQL" ). 5.4b Front End TestingUnit testing on the Front End of the Web site is the most important factor for testing. The Web site the user sees requires everything to be checked for proper function. If a problem arises it could be from various sources, such as an issue with the CSS XE "CSS" , HTML, JavaScript or a plugin. This means the pages must be checked for consistency and must be free of quality issues. If the pages are checked on a consistent basis they become considerably easier to repair when issues arise. If the site is checked routinely, fixes should be relatively simple.5.4c Back End XE "Back End" TestingBack End XE "Back End" testing is how the user interface (herein UI) interacts with the database structure. It is built into WordPress XE "WordPress" through the Administrator panel. It controls all of the pages, categories, tags and other necessities of the Web site. These are in the form of tables within the database. Some of these tables are wp_users, wp_posts and wp_comments. These tables set the Back End for what appears on the Front End of the site.5.5- Module Testing XE "Module Testing" 5.5a DefinitionModule testing is similar to unit testing. It is the idea of testing the smallest piece of software or Web site (IEEE 1008). Any unit of the site is tested and compared with unit specifications. Each module in the Knights of Columbus CMs is thoroughly tested for issues like browser compatibility.5.5b Front End TestingModule testing on the Front End occurs through the user of an internet browser. For the Knights of Columbus the browsers the system will be tested on are Microsoft Internet Explorer, which contains about 46.45% of all users (as of September 2010) Mozilla Firefox (29.33%), Chrome (9%), Safari (5.49%), and mobile browsers which make up about 4.5% of internet browsers. If issues arise, the CSS XE "CSS" must be modified to work with the different display of the Web site an internet browser may have. 5.5c Back End XE "Back End" TestingModule testing on the Back End XE "Back End" occurs when the content is checked to make sure it is within the correct module. WordPress XE "WordPress" automatically displays content in certain forms based on how the chosen module. In this case, content will be arranged differently on the Back End as compared to the Front End. The Back End of this CMS XE "CMS" has a large influence upon the Front End, and thorough testing must be done for each. If something in the Back End influences the Front End, and seems to be incorrect, work on the CSS XE "CSS" and the other parts will need to occur.5.6 Subsystem Testing XE "Subsystem Testing" 5.6a DefinitionA subsystem test verifies that two or more units of code are interacting correctly to produce the desired result. In this case since the Knights of Columbus site is hosting on an outside server, this is unnecessary.5.7- System Testing XE "System Testing" 5.7a DefinitionSystem Testing XE "System Testing" tests the system as a whole, rather than the individual pieces. This test is done from the user point of view. In this case, we would test that each page works individually and together, the navigation is correct, all the links work correctly, and all plugins are configured and working correctly. Systems tests should be configured so that users with less of a technical background are able to complete it.5.7b Testing the SystemIn order to complete a system test, there must be some form of content within the Web site. The content that is entered to the site should be related to the respective page it will be displayed on. When testing for the photos page occurs, the Lightbox 2 application should be displayed correctly and a “Close” X button should close the Lightbox 2 window that has appeared. We must also test the other functions and plugins that have been installed into the CMS XE "CMS" . In this case, there is the Calendar plugin. Under the events page we should find a calendar, we should make sure all the events display correctly. This calendar along with all the other plugins and CSS XE "CSS" should be tested for cross-browser compatibility. 5.8- Acceptance Testing XE "Acceptance Testing" 5.8a DefinitionAcceptance Testing XE "Acceptance Testing" is the last step before the system or application is completed. It is tested by the end users who will be using the system. This type of testing gives the end users the confidence the system being delivered meets their requirements. For the Knights of Columbus CMS XE "CMS" , this process first began when the need for a more modern site became apparent. The members of the council listed their needs and it is an ongoing process. When the council ultimately decides on a finished product that fits their needs, the acceptance testing will be complete.5.8b Front End TestingThe Front End testing of the Knights of Columbus is accepting the finished design of the Web site. The layout of the site must be fully complete and functional. It must meet all the specifications and requirements that the council agreed to so that the Web site can be finished. Everything about the site must be accepted, from the CSS XE "CSS" to the WordPress XE "WordPress" template and design. If it is not approved then the council must reconvene and go over what needs to be changed. 5.8c Back End XE "Back End" TestingIf the Knights of Columbus Council 5510 decided that the Web site is suitable then the Back End XE "Back End" will be accepted as well. Since WordPress XE "WordPress" creates and manages most of the Back End on its own, the only things left are the page titles, categories and tags. If there is an issue in this area, it will be simple to correct within the control panel of the CMS XE "CMS" . There are no current plans for Beta testing, other than the official first release. Feedback is planned to be accepted for the site’s initial release both from the members of the council and from the public who use the site as well. The feedback will be used to make any necessary changes to the Web site.Ch. 6: Index INDEX \z "1033" Apache Tomcat, 3, 11Chrome, 2CMS, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 17, 32content management system, 11, 13CSS, 2, 3, 7, 12, 17Domain Name Service, 3Firefox, 3Flash, 3, 7Javascript, 3, 7LightBox, 3, 5, 6, 20, 31MySQL, 3, 12, 15PHP, 2, 3, 12, 15Plugins, 3, 12theme, 14Themes, 3User Interface, 3Web-interface, 3widget, 14Widgets, 3Wordpress, 10WordPress, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16XAMPP, 3, 12, 15 ................

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