Ling-Ling Chinese

High School Course Syllabus World Language DepartmentChinese 102 Beginning Chinese II #0.5 CMSD creditsClass meeting times: MTTHF Period 6 (12:50-1:40)上课时间:星期一,二,四,五第六节课Classroom #312 教室#312Prof. Ling-Ling Shih施玲玲教授Email via Jupiter or llshih@Office办公室: Classroom 教室#312 办公室时间Office Hours: M & Th 星期一,星期四11:55 to 12:45 星期一M 2:40-3:30 星期三W & 3:35 to 4:25 Course Description课程介绍This course is a beginning level course (II). You will obtain a basic foundation in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. You will participate in listening, speaking, reading, writing exercises, complete grammar exercises and learn dialogues of progressive length and complexity. Supplementary materials such as songs, poems, tongue twisters, jokes, movies may be added to help you learn the Chinese language. You will also gain Chinese cultural knowledge and an international perspective. Pre-requisites: Chinese 101 Beginning Chinese ILearning Objectives 学习目标By the end of this course, you will be able to:Develop a command of Chinese at the mid novice level, based on the ACTFL proficiency Guidelines. Develop self-discipline, learning strategies and resource strategies.Gain an understanding of Chinese culture and a cross-cultural awareness.Course Materials A three-hole punched perorated notebook for in-class/homework assignmentsA Binder to keep all returned HW, quizzes, and tests.A black/blue Pens, a red pen, and a pencilAn Earphone headsetRequired Reading课程教材Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Part 1, Third Edition, Yuehua Liu and Tao-chung Yao, et al. Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company. 2009. Textbook (Simplified Characters)Workbook (Simplified Characters)Character Workbook (Simplified and Traditional Characters)Further Reading and ResourcesHandouts: to be distributed in class or posted on the website.Class Website: ling-Free Chinese-English Dictionary website: complete list of Chinese learning resources is available on my website: Ling- on the page of Chinese Learning ResourcesSchedule课程安排Please note that the following schedule may change to accommodate unexpected opportunities or unplanned events, as well as other needs. WkDateTopicPrior to class, complete…18/18 & 8/19Go over the syllabus.Review of Lesson 1 to Lesson 328/22-8/26Lesson 4 Hobbies 第四课爱好L4D1 Talking about Hobbies 谈爱好M, 8/22: L4D1学习第四课会话一生词L4 D1—Voc. (p.100-101)(Audio: L4D1 Vocabulary); Cultural topicsT, 8/23: L4 D1(2)Flash cards; Review Voc 做字卡,复习生词Listen to the Audio: L4D1 DialoguePair up, read, and comprehend L4 Dialogue1 (Txtbk p. 98-99 )学习第四课会话一的对白Go over the text with the teacher.Watch DVD (1st viewing)看视频Th, 8/25: L4D1Review L4 Dialogue 1复习第四课会话一的对话(TTBK p. 98-99) by pairing up students and performing the dialogue. (7min)Do WKBK L4D1, II. Speaking Exercise A: pair up activity. (8 min.)L4D1 II . A. Work as a group facilitated by the instructorL4D1 II. Speaking Exercise B: Pair up and come up with a script and perform in front teacher or class. F, 8/26: L4D1 Learn L4D1, G#1学习语法一: Word Order in Chinese (TTBK, p. 102) Learn L4D1, G#4 学习语法四:去 (to go)+Action (p.106)L4D1, Language Practice A(口语练习A): Subj+Time+V+Obj (p.107)L4D1, Language Practice B(口语练习B): 去+V (p. 107)Activity: Draw and Describe what you like to do during weekdays and weekends, using sentence patterns and new vocabulary we have learned today. (At least five sentences).T, 8/23: HW: 4D1 entire character Sheets due 给老师第四课会话一的汉字作业。Th, 8/25: L4D1L4D1, G#1 taught by __________L4D1, G#4 taught by ___________(Please Note: 1. Workbook L4D1: Part I. & Part III (p. 59-62) will be due on the 2nd session of next week. I encourage you to get it done over the weekend. please go to L4D1 Audio for listening part; 2. Please study for Monday’s L4D1 quiz this weekend.这个周末请学习第四课会话一的生词,我们星期一有一个中文小考 ).38/29-9/2M, 8/29: L4D1 Voc. Quiz 第四课会话一中文小考Learn L4D1, G#2学习语法二 : Affirmative + Negative (A-not-A) Questions (II) (p.102-103) Learn L4D1, G#3 学习语法三: The Conjunction 那(么) Then; in that case (p. 104-105) L4D1, G#5 学习语法五:Question with 好吗(p. 106)Pair-Up Activity: A: Do you like to ______ (using A-not-A)B: No, I like __________.A: In that case, let’s _________, o.k?T, 8/30Review: L4D1, G1, G2, G3, G5 复习语法一,二,三,五。L4D1, Language Practice C(口语练习C): 因为。。。所以。。。because…therefore…) (TTBK p.108)L4D1, Language Practice D(口语练习D):Ask “你周末喜欢做什么?” to three students (TTBK p. 108-109) and Find out about what they like to do on weekends.Th, 9/1Watch DVD on L4D1 (2nd viewing)看视频 Learn “有的时候。。。, 有的时候。。。”Do WRBK # L4D1 IV. D (p. 65), and find a different partner and present to that person. (Audience write down what they hear)I will call on some students and you will be asked to introduce your classmate to us, and tell us what he likes to do and what he doesn’t like to do. (p. 63)Do L4D1 IV. C. Translation in class, if we have time left.F, 9/2: L4D1Learn L4D2 Vocabulary 学习第四课会话二的生词(p.111-112); Cultural topicsM. 8/29: L4D1 Quiz第四课会话一中文小考L4D1, G#2 taught by _________ L4D1 G#3 taught by _________L4D1, G#5 taught by _________ T, 8/30: HW: Workbook L4D1: Part I. & Part III due (p. 59-62), (No need to do part II, we did speaking in class). please go to L4D1 Audio for listening part).F, 9/2: HW: WKBK L4D1 Part IV (p. 63-65) due.(This weekend, do the HW on L4D2 character sheets due next class.这个周末请写第四课会话儿的汉字作业。)49/5-9/9Mon—Labor Day (No School)Lesson 4 Dialogue 2: Would You Like to Play BallT, 9/6: L4D2 Make Flash Cards, Review L4D2 Vocabulary Listen to L4 Dialogue 2 (Txtbk p. 110-111)(Audio for L4 Dialogue 2, go to L4D2)Pair up, read and comprehend the dialogue.Watch DVD L4D2 Dialogue (1st viewing) Go over the questions on WKBK L4D2 II. A. (p. 68) Th, 9/8: L4D2 L4D2 Quiz 第四课会话二中文小考Review the dialogue. (DVD, 2nd viewing)Do WKBK L4D2. II. Speaking Exercise A (p. 68)—Work together as a group facilitated by the instructor.L4D2, G#6 语法六:The Modal Verb 想 (want to; would like to)(p. 112-113) (Taught by ___________________)F, 9/9: L4D2Review L4D2,G6 复习语法六L4D2, G#7 语法七:Verb + Object as a Detachable Compound (p. 113) (Taught by _____________________)L4D2 Pair up with a classmate and practice the oral performance #1 for Lesson 4:Topic: You met a new friend: First, introduce yourself and ask each other’s name. Find out what your common interestsThen you try to invite him/her to do something together. The other person keeps rejecting your suggestion, and give excuses why he/she can’t do those activities or why he/she doesn’t like those activities.(Perform without looking at the script; but you need to turn in the script along with self-evaluation sheet to me in order to get a grade.)T, 9/6: HW due: L4D2 Character Sheets due. 请给老师第四课会话二的汉字作业(If you want to listen to L4D2 Vocabulary, please go to L4D2) Th, 9/8: L4D2 Quiz 第四课会话二中文小考L4D2, G#6 语法六 taught by _________ L4D2, G#7 taught by _________ (I encourage you to begin working on WKBK L4D2 Part 1 & Part 3 (p.67-71) over the weekend, since it will be due soon next week.)59/12-9/16(Thurs—Early dismissal)M, 9/12: L4D21rd session: Do Oral Performance #1 for L4T, 9/13: L4D2Design a chart that shows what you would like to do this coming week. (similar to WKBK L4D2 IV. E Question)Write a report in Chinese based on the chart you show.Ask each other what they would like to do this weekend.Give students time to do WKBK L4D2 Part D. Translation. Th, 9/14: Review (early dismissal)F, 9/15: Test on L4我们考第四课!M, 9/12: Do Oral Performance #1 for L4 T, 9/13: HW: WKBK L4D2 Part I & Part III due (p. 67-71) (You do not need to do Part II for this assignment) (For the audio for the workbook listening part, please go to L4D2)F, 9/15: Test on L4 我们考第四课HW: WKBK L4D2 Part IV: A, C, D (72-74) due (E section is NOT required for this assignment).69/19-9/23zl Lesson 5 Visiting Friends第五课 看朋友Lesson 5 Dialogue 1 Visiting a Friend’s HouseM, 9/19: L5D1 L5D1 Voc. 学习第五课会话一的生词(TXBK, P. 124-126)(Audio: Audio: L5D1 Vocabulary); Cultural TopicsT, 9/20: L5D1Finish voc. Listen to L5 Dialogue 1, go to HYPERLINK "" Audio for L5D1Pair up the students and read and comprehend this dialogue (TTBK p. 122-123)Watch DVD on L5D1 看视频TH, 9/22: L5D1Review Vocabulary 复习第五课会话一生词Watch DVD on L5D1 (2nd viewing)看视频Do WKBK L5D1. II. Speaking Exercise A: pair up Do this exercise as a group. L5D1, G#1语法一: 一下 and( 一)点儿 Moderating the Tone of Voice (TXBK, p. 126 ) .L5D1, Language Practice A (口语练习A):一下 (TXBK, P. 129)L5D1, Language Practice D (口语练习D):点儿(TXBK, p. 132)F, 9/23: L5D1L5D1, G#2 语法二:Adjectives as Predicates (TXBK, p. 126-128 L5D1, Language Practice B (口语练习B):Adjectives as Predicates (TXBK, P. 130-140)L5D1, G#3 语法三: The Preposition 在 (at; in; on)(p. 128 )& L5D1, G#4 语法四The Particle 吧Language Practice C (TXBK, p. 131)T, 9/20: Complete at least one half of L5D1 Character Sheets. 写一半的汉字作业Th, 9/22: HW: L5D1 All Character sheets due. 给老师第五课会话一的汉字作业L5D1 G#1 语法一Taught by ____________F, 9/23HW WKBK L5D1, Part I & Part III due. (p.75-78)(Skip Part II for this assignment.) (Audio: go to L5D1)L5D1, G# 2 语法二taught by ________________L5D1, G# 3语法三 & G#4 语法四taught by ________________(This weekend studies for the L5D1 quiz next class. 这个周末请复习第五课会话一的生词。我们星期一有一个中文小考。)79/26-9/30M, 9/26: L5D1L5D1 Quiz 第五课会话一中文小考L5D1, Language Practice E (口语练习 E): Do you all know each other in your class? Introduce the one on your right to the person on your left (Group activity)L5D1, Language Practice F (口语练习F): Group Activity: 你想喝点儿什么?L5D1, Language Practice G(口语练习G):Survey the class你喜欢喝什么?A 还是B?T, 9/27: L5D1Do WKBK Part IV F. in class (p. 81): What to say to their hosts or guests when they are in China?Nice host--Good Guest--L5D1 II. Speaking Exercise B & C (WKBK L5D1 p77) This assignment is modified by teacher): (Oral Performance #2 on L5D1)Work in a group of threeScenario: You are visiting a friend. Here you met his/her family too. Imagine what would you say to your friend, what your friend would say when he has a visitor? You also met your friend’s family here.To be a good guest, what compliments would you make on your friend’s house.To be a good host, what do you need to do?Introducing?Offer drinks? What would you say to someone when you first meet them? Find out information about each other. (school, occupation, work, etc.)***(We will practice and do this oral performance in class.)Th, 9/29: L5D1Review All grammar points in L5D1Give you time to work on HW--WKBK L5D1 Part IV, especially Translation in class (p. 80). L5D2 Narrative: At a Friend’s HouseF, 9/30: L5D2Learn L5D2 Vocabulary (TTBK, p. 136) 学习第五课会话二生词(Please go to L5D2 to listen to these voc. List). Make flash cards.Listen to L5 Text 听第五课Part2课文(go to L5D2 for audio.Pair up and comprehend the textWatch DVD L5D2 (1st viewing)看视频Do WKBK L5D2 II. Speaking Exercise A ( p. 84 ), if we have time.M, 9/26: L5D1 Quiz第五课会话一中文小考!T, 9/27: Oral Performance #2 on L5D1F, 9/30: WKBK L5D1 Part IV. A, B, C, D & E due. (p. 78-81) (Part F is NOT required.)(这个周末请复习第五课会话二的生词。我们星期一有一个中文小考!)810/3-10/7Mon, 10/3: L5D2 L5D2 Quiz第五课会话二中文小考!Review L5 Part 2’s text (Watch DVD, 2nd viewing) 复习课文Do WKBK L5D2 A (p.84 ) ,as a group.Pair up activity: Do WKBK L5D2 B (p. 84)T, 10/4: L5D2L5D2, G#5语法五:了 (I)(TTBK, p.137-138)L5D2, G#6 语法六:The Adverb 才 (Not until)(TTBK, p.139)L5D2, Language Practice H (口语练习H): 了 (TTBK, p. 140)L5D2, Language Practice I(口语练习I): 才 (TTBK, P. 140)Th, 10/6: L5D2L5D2, Language Practice J (口语练习J):Find out what your partner did last night (TTBK, P. 140-141)L5D2, Language Practice K (口语练习K): It was Little Wang’s birthday yesterday (TTBK, p. 141)Do WKBK IV. Part E. Translation in class. F, 10/7: Reiview L4 & L5 Review Lesson 4 & Lesson 5 复习第四课和第五课Mon, 10/3: L5D2 Quiz第五课会话二中文小考!T, 10/4L5D2, G#5 语法五Taught by ___________L5D2, G#6 语法六Taught by ___________Th, 10/6: HW due: WKBK L5D2 Part I & Part III due (p. 83-86) (You do NOT need to do Part II for this assignment.) (Audio for workbook dialogues: go to L5D2) 910/10-10/14M, 10/10: Teacher PD Day (No Students)T, 10/11: Test 中文考试:我们考第四课和第五课! (This test covers both Lesson 4 & Lesson 5)Lesson 6 Making Appointments 第六课 约时间Lesson 6 Dailogue 1 Calling One’s TeacherTH, 10/13: L6D1L6D1 Voc. (TXBK, p. 152-153) 学习第六课会话一的生词(to hear the voc. List, go to Audio: go to L6D1);Cultural notesF, 10/14: L6D1L6D1 Voc.—Cont., cultural notes Listen to L6 Dialogue1 (Audio: go to L6D1) Pair up and read/comprehend this dialogue (TTBK, p. 150-151). 学习会话Watch DVD on L6D1 (1st Viewing)看视频9th Wk, 1st Session: Test 第四课和第五课中文考试HW due: WKBK L5D2 Part IV (p. 86-88) F, 10/14(I encourage you to complete at least one half of L6D1 Characters Sheets. (Listen to voc, go to Audio for L6D1) 写一半第六课会话一的生词1010/17-10/21 Weds: PSAT TestingThurs:Parent-Teacher Conference (No Classes)M, 10/17Review L6D1, Vocabulary 复习第六课会话一的生词Watch the DVD (2nd Viewing) 看视频Do WKBK L6D1, Part II Speaking Exercise A: Pair up.Do this exercise as a groupL6D1, G#1 语法一:The Preposition 给 (p. 154)L6D1, Language Practice A:给(口语练习A): (TXBK #156)T, 10/18L6D1 Quiz 第六课会话一中文小考Review what we have learned.L6D1, G#2 语法二:The Modal Verb 要 (will; be going to) (p. 154-155)L6D1, Language Practice 要 (TXBK, p. 156)L6D1, G# 3 语法三:The Adverb 别 (don’t)(TXBK, p. 155)List three “don’t” for our classroom rules? “上课的时候,别。。。”F, 10/21 L6D1, Language Practice C(口语练习C):要是(TXBK, p. 157-158)L6D1, Language Practice D(口语练习D): 要是 (TXBK, p. 158-159)L6D1, Language Practice E(口语练习E): “Hello, Is Jason there” (Jason 在吗?)First: caller finds out your partner is there.Second: the recipient asks the caller to identify him/herselfThird: Caller uses the phrase, “if it is convenient, I would like to go to your house this evening to watch TV.Fourth: The friend says he is busy; he is going to ___________ (e.g., watch a movie with a girl friend) . He proposes another night.Fifth: Caller accepts it and sets a time before saying goodbye.M, 10/17: HW due:Turn in the entire L6D1 Character Worksheets 给老师第六课会话一的汉字作业。L6D1, G#1 The Preposition 给 (p. 154), taught by _______________T, 10/18L6D1 Quiz第六课会话一中文小考L6D1, G#2 语法二:The Modal Verb 要 (will; be going to) Presented by _________________L6D1, G# 3 语法三:The Adverb 别 (don’t)(TXBK, p. 155), presented by __________.1110/24-10/28M, 10/24: L6D1 T, 10/25: L6D1 Oral Performance #3 for L6D1Pair Activity: Call your teacher and ask if the caller is your teacher.Tell her that you would like to make an appointment with her.Your teacher indicates that she is busy at the time you suggest.Ask your teacher when she will be available.Decide a time and place to meet.If you are finished with the oral, you can use the time to work on your HW: WKBK L6D1 Part IV A, B, C., which will be due tomorrow (p. 98-101). (Note: D section is NOT required),Th, 10/27: L6D2 VocSpeaking/Writing Exercise in class: WKBK L6D1, IV. D. (Dictation. 听写:老师说,你写)。Review L6复习第六课F, 10/8: L6L6 Test 第六课中文考试Lesson 6 Dialogue 2 Calling a Friend for Help11th Wk,: L6D2 L6D2 Voc. (TXBK, p. 162)学习第六课会话二的生词 (to listen to Voc., go to Audio for L6D2)To listen to L6 Dialogue 2 , go to Audio for L6D2.Pair up the students, read and comprehend the dialogue.学会话If we have time, watch DVD on L6D2 (1st Viewing)看视频M, 10/24:HW due: WKBK, Part I & Part III (p.93-98) (No need to do Part II for this assignment.) (to listen to workbook dialogues, go to Audio for L6D1)T, 10/25:Oral Performance #3 in class.Th, 10/27: HW: WKBK L6D1 Part IV A, B, C., which will be due tomorrow (p. 98-101). (Note: D section is NOT required),F, 10/8: L6L6 Test 第六课中文考试(Please write L6D2 Chinese character homework and study L6D2 Vocabulary. We have a quiz on L6D2 next Tuesday. 这个周末请写汉字作业,准备星期二的小考)。1210/31-11/412th Wk, 1st Session: L6D2Review L6D2, Voc. 复习第六课会话二生词Watch DVD on L6D2 Dialogue 看视频(TXBK, p. 160-161) (2nd Viewing)Pair up activity: Do WKBK L6D2 I. Speaking exercise, A (TXBK, p. 103) Do the same exercise as a group.L6D2, G# 4 语法四:Time Expressions (TTBK, p. 163-164)12 Wk, 2nd Session: L6 D2, Quiz 第六课会话二小考Review G#4 Time Expression Language Practice #I Ni +Time Expression 要做什么? (TTBK, p. 167)L6D2, G#5 语法五The Modal Verb 得 (dei3, must) (TTBK, p. 164-165)L6D2, Language Practice # J(口语练习J)要是我。。。,你得。。。(compare this sentence patter with 要是你。。。,我就。。。)L6D2, Language Practice # G (口语练习G)(TTBK, p. 166-167)12th Wk, 3rd Session: L6D2, G#6 语法六Directional Complements (II) (TTBK,p. 165)L6D2, Language Practice #F(口语练习F): A跟B+V(O),A does something with B (TTBK, p. 166)L6D2, Language Practice #H(口语练习H): A 跟B见面(A meets with B) (TTBK, p. 167)12th Wk, 4th Session:L6D2, Language Practice #K (口语练习K):Role Play: My girlfriend/boyfriend is not home. 我的男/女朋友不在。Practice for Oral Performance #4 for L6D2,WKBK II, B. Scenario: (interpersonal)You call your partner for a favor and promise a treat in return. (要是。。。,我就。。。)You would like to meet him/her tonight. (跟。。。见面)However, he/she is going to _____________. (e.g., see a movie with her friends).He/she promises to call back after returning home. (回来以后。。。给X打电话)12th, 1st Session: L6D2 Character Sheets due. 请给老师第六课会话二的汉字作业。L6D2, G# 4 语法四Time Expressions, presented by ________ (p. 163-164)12 Wk, 2nd SessionL6 D2 Quiz第六课会话二小考L6D2, G#5 语法五The Modal Verb 得 (p. 164-165) , presented by ___________12th Wk, 3rd Session:L6D2, G#6语法六 Directional Complements (II) (TTBK,p. 165)Presented by ___________WKBK L6D2 Part I Listening & Part III Reading due (p. 103- 107) (Part II not required for this assignment). (for the Audio for workbook dialogues, go to L6D2 )12th Wk, 4th Session:To practice and complete Oral Performance # 4 for L6D2 in class1311/7-11/11Tues: Teacher Prof. Dev. Day (No Students)Fri: Veterans Day (No School)13th Wk, 1st Session: L6D2 Complete Oral Performance # 4 for L6D2.Go over L6D2 Part IV. Section D. Translation13th Wk, 2nd Session: L6 Test 第六课中文考试13th Wk, 1st Session:HW due: WKBK L6D2 Part IV A, B, C, D, E (Section F is NOT required) (p. 107-110)13th Wk, 2nd Session: L6 Test 第六课中文考试1411/14-11/18Lesson 7 Studying Chinese 第七课 学中文Lesson 7 Dialogue 1 How Did You Do on the Exam14th Wk, 1st Session: L7D1L7D1 Voc. (TXBK, P. 178-179) (Audio: go to L7D1 Vocabulary) 学习第七课会话一生词14th Wk, 2nd Session: L7D1L7D1 Voc. (finish the list) Listen to L7 Dialogue 1, (Audio for L7D1 Dialogue)Pair up activity: read and comprehend this dialogue (TTBK, p. 176-177)14th Wk, 3rd Session: L7 D1Review voc. 复习生词Watch DVD on L7D1 看视频Pair up: Do WKBK L7D1, II Speaking Exercise ADo WKBK L7D1 as a group14th Wk, 4th Session: L7D1L7D1, G#1 语法一Descriptive Complements (I) (TTBK,p. 179-180)L7D1, Language Practice #A(口语练习A) : Verb得+Complement (TTBK, p.185)L7D1, Language Practice #D (口语练习D): Compare your relative strengths with a partner (TTBK, p. 186) using descriptive complementsL7D1, Language Practice #E: Q & A: using descriptive complements (口语练习E)(TTBK, p. 187)L7D1, G#2 学语法二The Adverbs 太 and真 (really) (TTBK, p. 180-181)Language Practice #B: 太。。。了and 真 (TTBK, p.185) 14th Wk, 2nd Session: Complete at least one half of the L7D1 Vocabulary sheets.写一半第七课会话一的汉子作业。14th Wk, 3rd Session: HW due: The whole L7D1 vocabulary sheets due 请给老师第七课会话一的汉字作业14th Wk, 4th Session: 学语法一L7D1, G#1 Descriptive Complements (I) (Presented by __________)L7D1, G#2 学语法二The Adverbs 太 and真 (really) (Presented by _________________)(Review L7D1 Voc. for the Monday Quiz over the weekend.复习第七课会话一的生词。我们星期一有一个中文小考!)1511/21-11/25Weds-Fri: Thanksgiving Break 15th Wk, 1st Session: L7D1 Quiz 第七课会话一中文小考 Watch a Movie (Part I)看电影15th Wk, 2nd Session: Watch a Movie (Part II)看电影15th Wk, 1st Session:L7D1 Quiz第七课会话一中文小考15th Wk, 2nd Session: L7D1 Workbook Part I & Part 3 due (p. 111-113) (Part II speaking NOT required for this assignment). (For workbook narrative and dialogue p. 111, go to L7D1)1611/28-12/216th Wk, 1st Session: L7D1Review G1 & G2 复习语法一和语法二 by doing the following:Review G1 by doing WKBK IV. Part G (p. 118) in class.L7D1, G#3 语法三The Adverb 就 (I)(TTBK, p. 181-182)L7D1, G#4 语法四Double Objects & G#5 Ordinal Numbers (TTBK, p. 182-183)L7D1, G#6 语法六有(一)点儿(somewhat, rather; a little bit) (TTBK, p. 183-184)L7D1, Language Practice #C (口语练习C):有一点儿(TTBK, p. ;186)16th Wk, 2nd Session: L7 D1: Oral performance DayPractice & Perform Oral Peformance #5 for L7D1 in class Scenario: Discuss the result of your recent Chinese test with your partner and your Chinese learning experiences: Discuss the result of your recent Chinese test/quiz with your partner. Comment on how you did in learning the grammar in this ment on how you did in reviewing the ment on how well/fast you write Chinese character. **Those who finish oral performance can work on the homework due tomorrow.Lesson Dialogue 2 Preparing for a Chinese Class16th Wk, 3rd Session: L7D2Learn L7 D2 Vocabulary 学习第七课会话二生词(TTBK, P. 190)( Please go to L7D2 to listen to these voc. List) ; make flash cardsListen to L7 Dialogue 2 (got to L7D2 to listen to the dialogue)Pair up and comprehend the Dialogue.学第七课会话二Watch DVD L7D2 (1st Viewing)看视频16th Wk, 4th Session: L7D2Review the Vocabulary 复习生词Watch DVD L7D2 (2nd Viewing)看视频Do WKBK L7D2 II. A (p. 119)Do WKBK L7D2 II. B (p. 120)16th Wk, 1st Session: L7D1L7D1, G#3语法三 The Adverb 就 (I)Presented by _________L7D1, G#4 语法四Double Objects & G#5 Ordinal Numbers (Presented by ___________)L7D1, G#6 语法六有(一)点儿(somewhat, rather; a little bit) (Presented by _____________)16th Wk, 2nd Session: L7 D1: Oral performance DayPractice & Perform Oral Performance #5 for L7D1 in class16th Wk, 3rd SessionHW due: WKBK L7D1 Part IV due (The G section is Not Required). (p.115-117) (This weekend do character HW and prepare for L7D2 quiz. 这个周末1)请写第七课会话二的汉字作业;2)请好好准备第七课会话二的小考)1712/5-12/917th Wk, 1st Session: L7D2L7 D2 Quiz (第七课会话二小考)L7D2, G#7 语法七:怎么 (how; how come) in questions (p. 191)L7D2, Language Practice E (语法练习E): 怎么 (TTBK, p. 193)L7D2, Language H(语法练习H): Use “怎么。。。?“ how come…? (TTBK, p. 195)17th Wk, 2nd Session: L7D2 L7D2, Language Practice F (口语练习F): 才vs. 就 (TXBK, p. 193)L7D2, Language Practice I (口语练习I):the usage of才vs. 就) (p. 195-196)L7D2, Language Practice G (口语练习G):真 (really)L7D2, G#8 语法八:The 的 Structure(I) & G9 The Use of Nouns and Pronouns in Continuous Discourse (p. 191-192)17th Wk, 3rd Session: Do WKBK L7D2 IV. D Translation in class Review L7 复习第七课17th Wk, 4th Session: L7 Test (第七课中文考试)17th Wk, 1st Session:HW L7 D2 Character Sheets due 给老师第七课会话二的汉字作业L7 D2 Quiz (第七课会话二小考)L7D2, G#7 语法七Presented by ________17th Wk, 2nd Session: WKBK L7D2 Part I & Part III due (p. 119-122 (This assignment does NOT include Part II) (Audio: L7 D2)L7D2, G# 8 & G#9 Presented by _____________(I encourage you to do L7D2 Part IV (p. 122-125), which will be due on 4th Session. Section F is NOT required).4rd Session: WKBK L7D2, Part IV (p. 122-125)(Part F is not required) 1812/12-12/1618th Wk, 1st Session: Review L4 复习第四课18th Wk, 2nd Session: Review L5 复习第五课18th Wk, 3rd Session: Review L6 复习第六课18 th Wk, 4th Session: Review L7 复习第七课1912/19-12/2319th WK: Project due and Final ExamFinal Week & Presentation Week Monday星期一: Project due 口头报告T-F: Final Exam期末考Fri: The End of Fall SemesterEnd of 2nd Marking Period2012/26-1/9 Winter Break1/9 Teacher PD Day (No Students)1/10 First Day of Spring Semester Class Evaluation You will be assessed on the following:Oral Performances (5 of them)10%Daily Work and Homework Assignments20%Class Participation 10%Quizzes (8 quizzes)10%Tests for each lesson (4 tests)20%Final Exam 20% (50% of the final exam is oral exam)Project10%**Please A rubric or further details on Project will be handed out in class.Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend classes on time. Absences without valid reasons and tardiness will affect your grade. Unexcused absences will result in 0 grade for in-class work. Regardless of the reason for your absence, it is the individual student's responsibility to find out the assigned homework for that day. Ten absences may result in a failing grade for this class. Participation: I expect all students to participate in classroom activities. Those who pay attention in class and actively participate in class will do better than those who don’t and will receive a good participation grade.Oral Performances: We will have one or two oral performances for each lesson this semester. You will work with a partner to come up with a script and perform WITHOUT READING the script in class. Each participant will need to turn in the self-evaluation form as well as the entire written script.In-Class Work & Homework Assignments: All homework and assignments should be turned in on time at the beginning of class. Late homework and assignments will receive a reduced grade and won’t be accepted after it has been graded and returned to students. In-class work will be collected and given credit by the instructor. So if you miss classes, you will miss credits for the in-class work and cannot be made up.Quizzes: These are quizzes on the vocabulary list from each dialogue, but a sentence from a dialogue will also be included in the quizzes. The lowest score will be dropped.Tests: We will have a test after learning a lesson (which covers two dialogues).Final Exam: It will be a comprehensive exam. This final exam has two sections: The Oral Section (50%) and Written Section (50%).Project/Oral Presentation: Final presentation at the end of the semester can be individual presentation or group presentation depending on the topic you choose. The list of topics and a rubric or further details on the project will be handed out in class. Note: Make-up oral performance/quizzes/tests/exam will only be granted for emergencies or extenuating circumstances. Doctor’s note or a parent’s note (with phone # to be reached) is needed for consideration. If you know you will be absent on a certain date, you should come to see me and make arrangement ahead of time; otherwise, a make-up should be arranged as soon as you return school, if you have an excused absence. Grading Scale The grading scale for high school courses follows the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s grading scale of:A 90.0 - 100.0%B80.0 - 89.9%C 70.0 - 79.9%D60.0 - 69.9%F0.0 - 59.9%Expectations and PoliciesArrive on time with required materials out and ready (homework assignments, textbook, workbooks, notebooks, writing utensils, etc.)Attend class regularly. Students who have unexcused absences will receive 0 grade for in-class work and missed quizzes/plete each assignment, and turn it in on time.Participate actively in all pair-, group-, and class activities and work cooperatively with your classmates and your instructor.Display a positive and respectful attitude towards your teacher, your fellow classmates and help create a positive learning environment for one another.Speak Chinese whenever possible in class and outside the class!To create a positive learning experience/environment for everyone, please follow the following rules: Don’t go to the restroom during the class time unless it is in the event of emergency (or by a medical note). Don’t eat or drink in class (except for drinking water, but do not ask to leave the classroom for water during the class time.)Unless given permission by your instructor, don’t use or play any PDA device (Cell phones, I-pods, laptops, etc.). They must be turned off and put them in your bag before class starts. Don’t leave them on the table.Don’t write anything on the desk. Don’t litter in class. Keep the classroom nice and clean.Before bell rings…Go to restroom and/or go to your locker to get the things needed for the class.Take your assigned seatSharpen your pencilGet your materials out and get ready for class.Put away all drinks, food, and turn off and put away all electronic devices During class…Complete the Bell work in your notebook within the first five minutes of class.Remain seated unless instructed to do otherwise.Do not talk to your peers during instruction.Get into small groups or with a partner quickly and quietly.End of Class…Stay seated in your desk and don’t leave the class until I say “Xia4 ke4 le 下课了” (The class is dismissed) or “zai4 jian4再见” (Good-bye).Please put your seat on top of the desk on Mon. and Thurs. before you leave. Before you leave, throw away your trash.The desk should be kept clean at all time.Academic integrity. All work at BHSEC Cleveland must be original, used for only one class, and be written by the student being given credit. All work must correctly attribute all citations and sources. Failure to adhere to these standards will results in a zero for the assignment. Subsequent instances of plagiarism will result in an automatic “F” in the class. Please refer to the BHSEC Cleveland Student Contract for the full academic honesty policy for additional details. Academic SupportIf you need academic support, including extra help with assignments, tutoring or office hour help, please ask. ................

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