ART 115 Basic 2D Design

| |Portland State University • Department of Art |

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| |Contemporary Studio Practice |

| | |

|ART 492/592 | |

|CRN 60210/60235 | |

|4 credits | |

|Spring 2009 |In this studio-centered course, students develop a self-directed, unified body of work as a culminating |

|T, R 9:00-11:50 NH 293 |project for their art studies. Our format is that of an open lab where we concentrate on developing a |

| |research-based, sustained investigation. Students will be asked to consider their work in the context of |

|Pat Boas |current concerns in art and contemporary culture. Readings, slide shows, field trips, critiques and |

|503 725-8980/AB 126 |presentations will provide a basis for the studio work, which may be executed in any media and in any |

| |combination of image, text, object, environment, video, live performance and/or sound. |

|office hours: | |

|T,R 1-1:30 drop-in; |Open only to senior Art Practice majors, graduate and post-baccalaureate students. |

|W 1:00-2:00 by appt | |

|call 725-3515 to schedule | |

|Prerequisites |Advanced Painting, Art 490/590, 491/591 or a minimum of two of the Advanced Sculpture Topics courses (Art |

| |494, 495, or Art 496) or a combination of Advanced Painting and Advanced Sculpture Topics courses. |

| |Portfolio required. |

|Objectives |Execute self-directed studio work based on research and experimentation |

| |Gain knowledge of and ability to apply basic research methods to studio production |

| |Develop the ability to articulate the basic themes and concepts of personal artwork |

| |Develop an increasingly sophisticated critical vocabulary for evaluating your work and the work of others |

| |Gain exposure to local, national and international contemporary art across disciplines |

|Course Requirements |Studio Work Research and experiment with ideas, imagery and materials to complete a cohesive body of |

| |work, generally 6-10 pieces, depending on media, scope and scale. In-depth exploration, consistent |

| |activity and timely progress is expected. Be prepared to discuss your work in the context of relevant |

| |contemporary and/or historical art. |

| |Presentations Introduce yourself through a brief presentation in which you discuss a sampling of your |

| |work (5 pieces) to set a context for your investigation over the term. Additionally, a “show and tell” |

| |presentation on a non-art influence will be given during the sixth week. |

| |Proposal The proposal for the work you plan to complete over the term, in which you outline subject |

| |matter, conceptual strategies, media, source materials/references and research plan, serves as a point of |

| |departure and functions as your personal contract for the course. It is normal for your ideas and |

| |intentions to shift as your work progresses. |

| |Course Blog Follow the CSP course blog, contemporarystudiopractice., for resources and |

| |information pertinent to the class |

| | |

| |Individual Course Blogs Begin and maintain a personal class research blog to record and share ideas, |

| |imagery development, research, responses to readings, discussions, critiques and field trips, as well as |

| |the general evolution of your studio work. |

| |Artist Research Conduct regular research of contemporary artists relevant to your work via art journals, |

| |NY Times Friday reviews (available weekly in class), e-flux, websites and other sources and post to your |

| |personal class blog. Many artists and most galleries and arts organizations have websites. If you run |

| |across something that sounds interesting, google it! You will be required to speak about the artists you |

| |research at specified class meetings (see course schedule). |

| |Media/Materials The materials you choose should reflect your ideas. Be inventive and experiment with new|

| |combinations and techniques in order to expand your vocabulary but also try to choose materials that you |

| |will have easy access to and know how to handle. Be conscious of the space/storage limitations of the |

| |studio and the time limitations of the course. Use and dispose of materials with environmental |

| |responsibility. |

| |Bibliography No specific text is required for the course, however, you will be expected to develop a |

| |research bibliography to accompany your studio proposal. Contribute to class discussion by posting |

| |articles of interest on the class blog. |

| |Punctual attendance; clear, focused preparation; active participation in class discussions and critiques. |

| |Expect to work at least six hours per week outside class time |

|Evaluation |Your final grade will be based on the depth of your exploration and engagement with ideas as exhibited by |

| |your studio work, your active concern for extending your visual vocabulary and your involvement in the |

| |class. |

| | |

| |Studio Work/Proposal/Artist Statement 65 points |

| |Attendance/Participation 25 points |

| |Presentations/research posts 10 points |

|Art Jounals |ArtUS |Border Crossings |

| |Art Papers |Art News |

| |Artweek |Art on Paper |

| |Artforum |Parkett |

| |Art Journal |Art in America |

| |Art Review (free online subscription) |Frieze |

| |CVA |Art Journal |

| |Cabinet |Modern Painters |

| |Bomb |Tema Celeste |

| |Flash Art |NY Times Friday reviews |

Dates and information in this syllabus and the calendar below are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with handouts, assignment sheets and postings on the course blog for current information about this class.

|ART 492 CSP COURSE SCHEDULE • Spring 09 • Boas |

| |

|Attend PSU MFA Visiting Artist Lecture Every Monday Night |

|7:30 pm @ Shattuck Annex |

| |

|Week 1 |T Intro to course and syllabus; “Oranges & Sardines”, media presentation |

|3/31, 4/2 |R Student work presentations: (digital, slides or portfolio); studio set-up |

| | |

| |4/3 Handmade Nation Film Northwest Premier |

| |Northwest premier of Handmade Nation, the documentary companion to the book Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, |

| |and Design. A brief Q&A with director Levine will follow the screening. Museum of Contemporary Craft, 720 NW Davis Street, |

| |2nd Floor, 7:30 pm |

| | |

| |4/4 2 pm Craft Perspectives Panel: Handmade Nation |

| |Museum of Contemporary Craft, The Lab, Free and open to the public |

| |Susan Beal (West Coast Crafty, Susanstars), Jill Bliss, Kate Bingaman-Burt (Obsessive Consumption, PSU faculty), Garth |

| |Johnson (Extreme Craft) and Faythe Levine (Handmade Nation). Moderated by Namita Gupta Wiggers, curator, Museum of |

| |Contemporary Craft. |

| | |

| |4/5 3-5 pm Preview Opening: SRO Video: Guys Doing Guy Things |

| |The Art Gym, Marylhurst Univ. Film and video installations by Oregon artists Mike Bray, Dan Gilsdorf, Mack McFarland and |

| |Stephen Slappe. |

|Week 2 |T Reading: “The World in Three Aisles” (handout); research methods, work session |

|4/7, 9 |Proposals due |

| |R Group artist research roundup; work session |

| | |

| |Portland Art Museum Artist Talks from the Collection: Michael Knutson, Thursday, April 9, 6:00 P - 8:00 P |

|Week 3 |T In-progress group critique; Reading: Groys, “On the Curatorship” |

|4/14, 16 |R Field trip: Portland Art Museum, Rachel Whiteread; APEX: Chris Jordan, Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait |

|Week 4 |T Work session; bibliography due on blog |

|4/21, 23 |R Group artist research roundup work session |

|Week 5 |T Work session |

|4/28, 30 |R Mid-term critique |

|Week 6 |T Mid-Term critique continued |

|5/, 7 |R Field trip: The Art Gym, SRO Video: Guys Doing Guy Things |

|Week 7 |T Other-than-art Show and Tell: work session |

|5/12, 14 |R Other-than-art Show and Tell; work session |

| | |

| |Portland Art Museum Artist Talks from the Collection: Pat Boas, Thursday, May 14, 6:00 P - 7:00 P |

|Week 8 |T Group research roundup; work session |

|5/19, 21 |R In-progress group critique |

|Week 9 |T Work session |

|5/26, 28 |R Work session |

|Week 10 |T Individual meetings; work session; studio clean-up |

|6/2, 4 |R Individual meetings; work session; studio clean-up |

|Week 11 |Final critique; CD Portfolio, artist statement due |


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