Allegory – a story that includes literal characters ...

Literature Terminology – Grade 9Story: “THE SNIPER”PLOT ELEMENTSExposition – Setting –Rising Action – Climax – Falling Action – Resolution – Story: “THE INTERLOPERS”Conflict - External Conflict –Internal Conflict –Types of Conflict:Man vs. Man vs. Man vs. Man vs. Protagonist – Antagonist – Story: “THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY”TYPES OF CHARACTERSFlat –?Round – Stereotype/Stock – character type that has been used frequently and is therefore easily recognized by the reader???Static Character –Dynamic Character – A character can be classified as two types: either round, flat, or type AND either static or dynamic.POINT OF VIEWNarrator – the voice or character telling a storyPoint of View –First Person Narrator – Second Person Narrator – the story is told directly to the reader, uses “you” (very rare)Third Person Narrator – Third Person Omniscient –Third Person Limited Omniscient – Third Person Objective (Camera View) – narrator knows only the words and actions of the characters, only reports what he sees and hearsStory: “THE SCARLET IBIS”Theme –Tone –Symbolism –Motif – a literary convention or element repeated within a work, unifies the piece and enhances the themeStory: “THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO”Mood –Irony – Verbal Irony – Situational Irony – Dramatic Irony –Story: “THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME”CHARACTER TERMINOLOGYMotivation – the personality traits, desires, beliefs, and values that determine a character’s thoughts, feelings, speech, and action.Characterization – Direct Characterization – Indirect Characterization – Foreshadowing –Flashback – a section of a literary work that interrupts the sequence of events to relate an event from an earlier timeAllegory – a story that includes literal characters, events, settings, or objects, which symbolize abstract ideas and work together to create a second, symbolic level to the story.Allusion – a reference to a literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passage. Mythology, the Bible, Shakespeare, and world history are common sources of allusions.Denotation – the dictionary definition of a wordConnotation – an association that a word calls to mind in addition to its dictionary definitionDiction – word choice. The diction of an author can greatly influence his ir her style and/or tone.Dialogue – conversation between charactersDialect – the form of a language spoken by people in a particular region or groupPOETRY TERMINOLOGYRhyme Scheme – Free Verse – poetry written without a regular rhythmic pattern or rhyme schemeBlank Verse – poetry written in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter Narrative Poetry – tells a storyBallad – a songlike poem that tells a story, often of romance or adventureEpic – a long narrative poem about the adventures of gods or a heroLyric Poetry – expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker, presents an experience or effectSonnet – a fourteen-line lyric poem with a single theme English/Shakespearean - ABABCDCDEFEFGGItalian/Petrarchan – ABBA ABBA CDE CDE Ode – long, formal lyric poem with a serious themeSimile – Metaphor –Personification – Alliteration – Onomatopoeia – a word that sounds like the noise it representsOxymoron – Hyperbole – Imagery – Apostrophe – a direct address to an absent or dead person, an abstract idea or a nonhuman object (speaking to a thing that cannot respond)Metonymy – the use of one item to represent another item with which it is closely relatedSynecdoche – the use of a part of something to represent the wholePlay: ROMEO AND JULIETTHEATER TERMINOLOGYSoliloquy – Aside – Monologue –Comedy – Tragedy – Tragic Hero – the protagonist in a tragedy, may evoke both pity and terror in the audience as he is a mix of good and badTragic Flaw – the error of judgment or problematic personality trait that leads a tragic hero to his downfall or demise Foil – a character who provides a contrast to another character, thus intensifying the impact of that other character ................

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