May 10th Sunday school lesson

May 10th Sunday school lesson - Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus Walks on the Water


Jesus Walks on Water

22 Then Jesus made the followers get into the boat. He told them to go to the other side of the lake. He said he would come later. He stayed there to tell everyone they could go home. 23 After Jesus said goodbye to the people, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. It was late, and he was there alone. 24 By this time the boat was already a long way from shore. Since the wind was blowing against it, the boat was having trouble because of the waves.

25 Between three and six o’clock in the morning, Jesus’ followers were still in the boat. Jesus came to them. He was walking on the water. 26 When they saw him walking on the water, it scared them. “It’s a ghost!” they said, screaming in fear.

27 But Jesus quickly spoke to them. He said, “Don’t worry! It’s me! Don’t be afraid.”

28 Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 Jesus said, “Come, Peter.”

Then Peter left the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. 30 But while Peter was walking on the water, he saw the wind and the waves. He was afraid and began sinking into the water. He shouted, “Lord, save me!”

31 Then Jesus caught Peter with his hand. He said, “Your faith is small. Why did you doubt?”

32 After Peter and Jesus were in the boat, the wind stopped. 33 Then the followers in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God.”

Thought for the day

Peter was doing fine until he took his eyes off Jesus. As long as he had faith, he did impossible things to do without God’s help. He kept his eyes on Jesus and walked on water. When he looked around at the world, he started believing that the storm was going to defeat him. He lost faith. He took his eyes off Jesus, and he began to sink. If we forget that Jesus is right there to help us, we can let the storms of life cause us to sink. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can do mighty things for God by faith.

Then Peter uttered what is probably the shortest prayer in the Bible: Lord, save me. Everyone needs to say that prayer. We ALL need Jesus to save us. He is our only hope. Jesus told Peter he should not have doubted. When they got back in the ship, everyone on board came and worshipped Jesus, saying, “You really are the Son of God.” Whenever we do something with God’s help we need to remember to give Him the glory for it.

Activity: Float vs Sink.

Materials: Bucket of water, items that float, items that sink

• – Put the bucket of water on the table

• – Talk with the children about the items you have to put in the water

• – Have them vote, as each item is put into the bucket of water, if it will float or sink

• – Have the children take turns putting the items into the water to see if they will float

• – Ask them if we can float on the water (on our backs?)

• – What about walking on water? Can we do it? Why or why not?

• – Talk with them about the story you are going to learn

• – Jesus walked on water

• – He didn’t float on water (but that’s the closest thing we can emulate)






Works Cited

“ Matthew 14:22-33 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) Jesus Walks on Water.” Bible Gateway, Bible League International, 2006, passage/?search=Matthew%2B14%3A22-33&version=ERV.

“Jesus Walks On Water Bible Mazes: Bible Mazes.” ShareFaith, Share Faith, 2020, image/jesus-walks-on-water-bible-mazes.html.

“Jesus Walks On Water Coloring Coloring Page.” Sermons4Kids, Sermons 4 Kids, Inc., 2020, jesus_walks_on_water_coloring_page.

“Jesus Walks on Water Crossword.” Sermons4Kids, Sermons 4 Kids, Inc., 2020, walk_on_water_crossword.htm.

“Jesus Walks on Water Decoder.” Sermons4Kids, Sermons 4 Kids, Inc., 2020, walk_on_water_decoder.htm.

“Jesus Walks on Water Word Search.” Sermons4Kids, Sermons 4 Kids, Inc., 2020, walk_on_water_wordsearch.htm.

Kerlin, Jim. “Peter Walks On Water.” ChildrenSermons, Children Sermons, 6 Sept. 2013, peterwalks/.

Mollohan, Felicia. “Lesson: Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52): Free Children's Ministry Resources.” Ministry to Children, 26 Feb. 2015, lesson-jesus-walks-on-water/.


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