McGilvary College of Divinity - INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS

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Payap University

McGilvary College of Divinity


M.Div. International Program

History and Mission

McGilvary College of Divinity was established in 1889 as a Bible School for the elders. Later it was developed into a college, preparing young people to serve God, mainly for the local churches of the Church of Christ in Thailand and the Thai society.

In 1974, the Church of Christ in Thailand consented with the Thailand Theological Seminary and the McCormick School of Nursing and Midwifery to establish Payap College. Afterwards, in 1979, the Thailand Theological Seminary was fully integrated into Payap College, known as McGilvary Faculty of Theology.

In 1989, the new seminary building was constructed replacing the old one and the opening ceremony was held on February 1, 1992.

In 2006, McGilvary Faculty of Theology was approved by the Payap University's Board of Trustee to raise its status to the "McGilvary College of Divinity". With this new status, the College will have greater freedom in devising programs at large to serve the Kingdom of God even more in Thailand and Southeast Asia.

McGilvary College of Divinity's Mission Statement

The McGilvary College of Diviniy is a significant theological institution committed to developing people for God's misson in local churches, church districts, church departments, schools and hospitals of the Church of Christ in Thailand, in Thai Society and the wider area of Southeast Asia.

Its objectives are:

1. To provide students with an academically sound theological training, nurturing them in faith and developing them for leadership in the Church of Christ in Thailand and beyond.

2. To engage students in theological training that is both academic and practical, in order that they may be wel qualified and equipped to serve the local churches, church districts, church departments and institutions of the Church of Christ in thailand and the wider area of South-East Asia capably and faithfully.

3. To develop and ecourage theological education within the Church of Christ in Thailand and beyond.

At the present time, the McGilvary College of Divinity fulfills the original purpose of its creation for the Church and answers current social and educational needs with programs leading to Bachelor and Master degrees in theology, philosophy and comparative religions. The Association for Theological Education in Southeast Asia (ATESEA) accredits the latter two programs. Dr. Satanun Boonyakiat is currently serving as Dean and the Rev. William J. Yoder is Dean Emeritus.

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The McGilvary College of Divinity, formerly the McGilvary Faculty of Theology, exists to prepare ministers for the Church of Christ in Thailand and other Christian churches who are capable of moral leadership in Asian societies.



Master of Divinity

Program Overview

A total of 90 semester credits of course work is required for the International Master of Divinity Program. The course work is divided into three major areas: biblical studies, 24 credits; theological, historical and ethical studies, 30 credits; and pastoral studies, 21 credits and 12 hours of free electives. In addition, the program also requires a student to have field education, a non-credit service learning component. Although Field Education is non-credit, it is equivalent to 4 credit hours. In their senior year, the students are required to take a 3-credit Senior Colloquium.

Free Electives (12 credits)

Courses may be chosen from the regular elective offerings of the program or course offerings at the University Graduate School as long as the requirements are met and the courses taken are not duplications of the courses already taken by the student in the International M. Div. program. They may also be the study of the Thai language as well as long-distance courses offered by other ATESEA-member schools.

Comprehensive Examination

Since the Master of Divinity is a Professional Degree, a thesis is not required. However, to qualify for graduation, a candidate for the International M. Div. Degree must pass a comprehensive-integrative examination in the fields of biblical studies, theological, historical and ethical studies, and pastoral studies. The examination, both oral and written, will be given a month before the end of the student's course-work.

Thesis Option

For students who are inclined to do research work, they may write a thesis in lieu of 6 credits of the required elective courses. For this purpose, a thesis supervisor will be assigned to supervise the student's research and writing. The topic of the thesis should be approved by the faculty before the student commences his research. It should be not less than 12,500 words and should follow the standard rules of research and thesis writing. The thesis should be submitted not later than six months after the student passes the comprehensive examination.

Course Numbering Legend

1. The first two letters have the following meanings:

TS - Theological Studies

CM - Church Music

2. The first number ("5") designates year a student may enroll for the course.

5 - junior (first year)

6 - middler (second year)

7 - senior (third year)

3. The second number ("2") refers to the area of study.

1 - Biblical Literature

2 - Biblical Languages

3 - Theology, History and Ethics

4 - Religion and Philosophy

5 - Pastoral Studies and Psychology

6 - Christian Education

7 - Field Education

4. The last number ("1") is the number of the course. An odd number usually indicates that the course is offered during the first semester and an even number is a second semester offering.

Course Structure

A total of 90 semester credits of course work is required for the International Master of Divinity Program.

1. Major Required Courses 51 Credits

1.1 Biblical Studies 12 Credits

TS 511 - Old Testament Survey I

TS 512 - Old Testament Survey II

TS 515 - New Testament Survey I

TS 516 - New Testament Survey II

1.2 Historical, Theological, Ethical Studies 21 Credits TS 535 - Survey of Church History

TS 536 - Asian Church History

TS 541 - History of Religions

TS 631 - Christian Theology I

TS 632 - Christian Theology II

TS 634 - Principles of Christian Ethics

TS 731 - Understanding Theologies in Asia

1.3 Pastoral Studies 15 Credits TS 551 - Introduction to Christian Worship

TS 552 - Introduction to Pastoral Care

TS 565 - Christian Education

TS 653 - Principles and Practice of Preaching

TS 656 - Church Administration

1.4 Senior Colloquium 3 Credits

1.5 Field Education 0 Credits


2. Major Elective Courses 27 Credits

2.1 Biblical Studies  (select any 4) 12 Credits

TS 521 - Introduction to New Testament Greek

TS 522 - Intermediate New Testament Greek

TS 523 - Introduction to Biblical Hebrew

TS 611 - Pentateuch

TS 612 - Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

TS 613 - The Major Prophets

TS 614 - The Minor Prophets

TS 615 - The Synoptic Gospels

TS 616 - The Gospels and Epistles of John

TS 617 - The Letters of Paul

TS 712 - Biblical Theology

TS 713 - Biblical Hermeneutics TS 721 - Biblical Exegesis

2.2 Theological, Historical and Ethical  (select any 3) 9 Credits TS 639 - Christian Social Ethics

TS 732 - Issues in Modern Theology

TS 733 - Modern Theologians

TS 735 - Gender Issues in Theology

TS 736 - Theology and the Arts

TS 737 - History of Christian Thought

TS 738 - History and Theology of Ministry

TS 739 - Ecumenics

TS 742 - Buddhism and Christianity

TS 744 - Sociology of Religion

TS 745 - Psychology of Religion

TS 746 - Philosophy of Religion

TS 800 - Independent Study

 2.3 Pastoral Studies  (select any 2) 6 Credits CM 591 - Introduction to Church Music

TS 655 - Liturgy and the Sacraments

TS 753 - Mission and Evangelism

TS 754 - Spirituality

TS 755 - Denominational Studies

TS 758 - Issues in Pastoral Care and Counseling

TS 759 - Clinical Pastoral Education

 3. Free Elective Courses 12 Credits

Study Plan

First Year

| First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |

| Old Testament I |    3 | Old Testament II |    3 |

| New Testament I |    3 | New Testament II |    3 |

| Church History |    3 | Asian Church History |    3 |

| Intro. to Christ. Worship |    3 | Intro. to Pastoral Care |    3 |

| Christian Education |    3 | History of Religions |    3 |

| Field Education |    0 | Field Education |    0 |

| Total Credit Hours |  15 | Total Credit Hours |  15 |


Second Year

| First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |

| Christian Theology I |    3 | Christian Theology II |    3 |

| Princ. and Pract. of |    3 | Intro. to Christian |    3 |

|Preaching |    3 |Ethics |    3 |

| Pastoral Studies Elect. |    3 | Church Admin. |    3 |

| Biblical Studies Elect. |    3 | Biblical Studies Elect. |    3 |

| Free Elective |    0 | Free Elective |    0 |

| Field Education | | Field Education | |

| Total Credits Hours |  15 | Total Credit Hours |  15 |


Third Year

| First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |

| Understanding Theol. in |    3 | Biblical Studies Elect. |    3 |

|Asia |    3 | T/H/E Studies Elect. |    3 |

| Biblical Studies Elect. |    3 | T/H/E Studies Elect. |    3 |

| Pastoral Studies Elect. |    3 | Senior Colloquium |    3 |

| T/H/E Studies Elect. |    3 | Free Elective |    3 |

| Free Elective | | | |

| Total Credit Hours |  15 | Total Credit Hours |  15 |

Grand Total Credit Hours: 90

Requirements of Applicants

1. Students must have completed an undergraduate degree (B.A. or its equivalent)

from an accredited or government-recognized institution.

2. Students must have completed their baccalaureate degree with no less than 2.50

(C +) grade-point average.

3. Since English is the medium of instruction, each applicant must show proficiency in

the English language. Proficiency can be demonstrated by one of the following;

1. The student’s primary language is English.

2. The student holds a baccalaureate degree in which English was

the medium of instruction.

In either 1 or 2, the MCD reserves the right to request, upon the

recommendation of the faculty, further English language testing

of students who appear to be weak in some language skills.

3.3 The student presents an acceptable score on a standard test of

English Proficiency: either a score of 500 or higher is required on

the written Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a

score of 180 or higher on the computer-based TOEFL, or IELTS

score of 5.0.

**Students who meet English proficiency standard will be allowed to register for a full course load. Those who are unable to meet the standards will be required to take instruction in English as a foreign language.

Procedures for Admission

The following may be used at the discretion of the M. Div. International Program Committee in determining the acceptance of students.

1. Applicants must submit a completed application form to Payap

University with required attachments.

2. Applicants may be required for interview or written examination by the


3. Applicants must submit official transcript and other record of applicant’s

previous university studies.

4. Students must have emotional maturity and clarity of educational purpose.

5. Students must have high moral character and good standing in the church.

6. Students must have good physical and mental health.

Duration of Study

The International Master of Divinity Program has a length of study from three years to a maximum of five years. Starting with the date of initial registration, students must complete this program within five (5) years.

Course Registration

Students can register for no more than 15 credits in a normal semester or according to the conditions of their particular program.

Requirement of Graduation

The International Master of Divinity Program will submit the students name to the Board for consideration of receiving a degree when he/she has fulfilled the following conditions:

1. Plan A: Thesis Option

Students who study under Plan A must complete and pass the curriculum requirements of 90 credits that include 54 credits in required courses, 18 credits in major elective courses, 6 credits in free elective courses and 12 credits in thesis writing. They must:

1.1 Earn the cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (from 4.0 grading system).

1.2 Fulfill and pass the thesis requirement and arrange for its publication in a national/international recognized academic journal with prior screening of the external committee, or present the whole or a portion of the thesis in a national/international academic conference.

2. Plan B: Non-Thesis Option

Students who study under Plan B must complete and pass the curriculum requirements of 54 credits in required courses, 24 credits in major elective courses, 6 credits in free elective courses and 6 credits in independent study. They must:

2.1 Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (from 4.0 grading system).

2.2 Pass a written and oral comprehensive examinations (The written comprehensive examination will cover the major elective courses).


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