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Big fish hidden object games free download full version for pc

also with playstation 5 and xbox series x making rounds, pc remains the platform to play on if you are looking for the best in terms of visual quality. with features such as the deep nvidia learning super sampling and directx 12 radius tracking, game pcs have horse features and power to push games with the best graphics to their limits. we have selected 11 games that show the power of a game pc completely deceived. you will need a heavy system to perform most of the titles below, not to mention performing them in optimal settings. If you're just entering the game of the pc, make sure to read our roundup of the best desktops in the game, and if you want to build a computer by yourself, read our guide on how to build a pc.kill creed valhalla killer creed valhalla still uses the anvilnext 2.0 engine that odyseey and origins used, and on the pc, the three games are very close when it comes to general visual quality. we are giving this slot to vahalla not only because it is one of the best games of murderer creed -- as well as the most recent -- but also because it offers a nice change of setting from the games they have proceeded. as provided by a modern, ubisoft open-world game, assassin creed valhalla looks great, but it is the snowy environment of the game that makes it stand apart from origins and odyssey. valhalla has no radius tracking or many of the visual features that other games of this list will show (valhalla is oando un motor since 2014,all). Despite this, Valhalla remains a visual powerhouse that can rise against any of the games in this list, especially with HDR on. Read our Assassin's Creed Valhalla review Godfall Godfall is not a great game, but it is definitely a nice one. There is almost nothing interesting about Godfall from a game perspective. It is a self-proclaimed "looter-slasher," and quite secure, the game rotates to slice and force the bad guys to earn better booty. It is not that this system is bad -- just look at Borderlands 3 and Destiny 2 -- it is only that the fall of God does nothing to deepen it. If you're an action fan, you played Godfall first. You haven't seen Godfall before, though. With ray-traced reflexes and enough particle effects to make you sick in your stomach, Godfall is a game that goes beyond just being visually impressive. Although Godfall may not hook you up for hours like Borderlands 3, it is still a fun time in short bursts. And that's when it looks better, too. Godfall has a beautiful visual design, although the developer Counterplay Games decided to reuse much of that visual design throughout the game. Read our review Godfall Battlefield V Although the Battlefield franchise has always been known for excellent images, it was not until Battlefield 3 that the series began to push in a hyperrealistic direction. Battlefield V is no different, although it has a single advantage over its predecessors:Bomber lens flares and far greater-of-life explosions burst out of screen with ray-tracing on, but you will need an extremely powerful computer to make all those reflections. Battlefield V does not require much in its basic configuration (you can switch with a GTX 1050 and the sixth generation Core i5). With direct X ray-tracing, however, the recommended specifications are a 2? gen Ryzen 7 or 8? gen Core i7, as well as a RTX 2080 and 16GB RAM. Just put, if you are running Battlefield V with ray-tracing and hitting the consistent frame rates, you have a powerful crazy computer. If this doesn't count for bragging rights, we don't know what it does. Read our Battlefield V review Control 505 Games From Max Payne to Quantum Break, Finnish developer Remedy Entertainment has always been pushed forward the graphics envelope, and its latest version, Control, is no different. It is a perfect showcase for how ray-tracing can elevate an environment, with bouncy lighting out of every possible surface within the Oldest House. Although Control has a stark visual style, the environments themselves do not have too much in progress (besides a lot of concrete, that is). With the excellent Remedy lighting system, the cement also looks good. The great reason we love Control graphics is DLSS 2.0 (a common thread in multiple entries in this list). The technical details behind DLSS are, frankly, a little dry. In short, however, DLSS uses machine learningclimb your games. If you have Control running at 1440p, for example, DLSS will make the game at 1080p and then it will scale it to 1440p based on the references that has A.I. The final result is simple: The games work with higher frame rate and resolutions with less system resources, and Control is an excellent showcase of this. Read our Metro Exodus Metro review in 1440p with DLSS and enabled ray tracking. The feared "but can run Crysis" question continues until this day, despite the fact that Crysis released in 2007. For PC game circles, the benchmark for computing power was quickly replaced by Metro 2033 when it was released in 2010, and the series remained a pillar of PC performance ever since. The last entry, Metro Exodus, is suitable for all current graphic trends, including real-time ray-tracing, per-object blur movement, and the liberal use of tessellation. Metro Exodus is Crysis for 2020. Everything is reduced to rendering. Although there are enough some low-resolution textures in the game, they rarely deduct from the experience given how much else it is going on. Metro Exodus is a visual masterpiece, and even if seeing it running on console is nothing less than mesmerizing, the game looks and feels at home on PC. If you want to see how next-generation images appear before PS5 and Xbox Series X hit the market, Metro Exodus is for you. Read our review Metro Exodus Final Fantasy XV Say what you want about Final Fantasy XV as a game -- wedid not take us kindly to it in our roundup of the best Final Fantasy games -- but there is no deny that it is a visual powerhouse. The installation size alone tells you everything you need to know. Final Fantasy XV needs about 150GB of space to install, and once the dirty work is done, it takes more than 100GB on the hard drive. We will also put the most powerful machines in control (we could not hit 4K at 60 frames per second with a 1080 Ti, too). If they have the power, however, there are few games that look good as Final Fantasy XV. Even if you don't have the power, you can endlessly change your graphic settings. From the amount of RAM you're dedicating to Nvidia HairWorks textures, Final Fantasy XV has an environment for everything. Read our review Final Fantasy XV Call of Duty: Modern Warfare/Warzone The Call of Duty series has always focused on performance compared to images, making each voice as good as possible while maintaining a solid 60 fps, even on consoles. The 2019 modern war and the free-to-play add-on Warzone are not different. However, due to focusing on performance, it is easy to forget how the Call of Duty series arrived. Going back and playing the original modern warfare, it is clear that the Activision blockbuster series has grown over superior resolution textures and better lighting effects. The level of detail in Modern Warfare is surprising, even as the colors are portrayed in the game. Combined with ray-tracing, Moderna depth in the game world that few titles can rival. The visual style is only enhanced by sound design, with both elements working together to bring a visceral sense of realism. Read our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review Red Dead Redemption 2 If you want to see what your PC is made, start Red Dead Redemption 2. Notoriously under-optimized at launch, Rockstar's open-world epica also beat the most proud graphics cards in presentation. From the launch, Rockstar has released several performance patches, but you will still need a heavy plant to see Arthur Morgan in his full glory. As is the case with most other console doors, the visual buff at Red Dead Redemption 2 comes down to two things: Higher rates and resolution. There are others, not so obvious improvements, though. Drawing distances, for example, are much better on PC, with fine details even on distant mountains. The same applies to tessellation on tree and foliage, as well as global lighting and environmental occlusion. These environmental effects cannot be the bread and butter that makes Red Dead Redemption 2 look so well, but add a level of realism, and for a game entirely focused on this, there is nothing better. Read our Red Dead Redemption 2 review Hitman 2 Hitman 2 is one of the few games in this list that will push the GPU and CPU to their limits. 2016 Hitman wasn't the most well-optimized game, stretching the chip limits at the time when players withthe equipment was getting less than 30 fps in some sections. Luckily, I interactive solved these performance issues with hitman 2. visually, the games look equal; However, with the performance improvements of hitman 2, it ends up looking better overall. the screenshot above shows how beautiful look hitman 2, but you do not get a sense of how stress a cpu until you start the game. the hitman franchise is known for huge maps with countless unique ways to break down your goal. this means a lot of npc and interactive elements, pushing your pc as it makes not only character patterns and animations, but also intelligence behind them. read our hitman 2 review the witcher 3: wild hunt a 2015 game on a list written in 2020? Yeah. the witcher 3 looks good as it did five years ago, and this is saying something (bloodborne released also in 2015, and that the game is more than a bit rough around the edges by modern standards.) is the dedication of cd projekt red to the pc as a platform that allows the witcher 3 to shine. It is a scalable game, with a slip of rendering effects to push even modern pcs to their limits. fight in an area, though: textures. no matter how many graphic options you turn on, the textures of witcher 3s still seem like they were five years old. certainly look good, only not in the realm of "best graphics of all time." no epic rpg pc is over some mod, however, and the community was hard at work updating the3. the very popular hd reworked project has almost 1,000,000 downloads on nexus mods, replacing the simplest geometry and textures of the base game with beautiful 4k scans. the results are amazing. most of the computer graphics change verge in the cinematic territory, where the modder takes a liberal amount of artistic license. like some popular skyrim mods, the hd reworked project maintains the exact look and feel of the basic game, only with some slightly higher quality images. read our the witcher 3: wild hunting review cyberpunk 2077 if a cd projekt red game from 2015 can make this list, then there is no reason why one from 2020 should not be able to. Cyberpunk 2077 is now blurred in controversy, with basic versions ps4 and xbox one that run worse than many doors nintendo switch. on pc, however, cyberpunk 2077 is the game of the future promised to us by cd projekt red for years. aesthetically, the game is impeccable, with high quality and detail of the texture; but that must be provided by an open-world aaa rpg released in 2020. is the world design of cd projekt red that makes cyberpunk 2077 such a looker. night city is a dynamic metropolis, from the rural outskirts of holy domingo to the lively streets of the city of heywood. a number of surprisingly accurate highways connect cyberpunk positions 2077. The incredible attention to detail makes the city feel real at night; the beautiful direction of art of cd projekt red is only the cherry on top. Cyberpunk 2077 is a game fromand also requires a PC from the future. Even on the latest graphics cards of 30 Nvidia series, Cyberpunk 2077 can absolutely kill your machine (especially if you activate ray tracking). The game will continue to look better as the PC hardware improves, and it is just the game that the PC game is waiting for. Recommendations of publishers

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