
ZETA RETICULI is a binary star system in the southern constellation of RETICULUM. ZETA1 and ZETA2From the southern hemisphere the pair can be seen as a naked eye double star in very dark skies. Based upon parallax measurements, this system is located at a distance of about 39 light-years (12 parsecs) from the Earth.The myths of Metatron are extremely complicated, and at least two separate versions exist. The first version states he came into being when God created the world, and immediately assumed his many responsibilities. The second claims that he was first a human named Enoch, a pious, good man who had ascended to Heaven a few times, and eventually was transformed into a fiery angel. Some later books adopt the first version, some the second, and in other literature both are combined. There are even two versions of the name Metatron, one spelled with seven letters, the other with six, lacking the Hebrew letter "yod." The Kabbalists explained that the six-letter name represents the Enoch-related Metatron, while the seven-letter name refers to the primordial Metatron. Despite the elaborate debate, the origin of Metatron's name is not clear. Many attempts have been made to explain it, but none of them is satisfactory, since the word has no real meaning or root in any language. Some authors think it may be derived from private meditations and visions, or even glossolalia. This article concentrates on the Metatron-Enoch versionMetatron is one of the most important angels in the heavenly hierarchy. He is a member of a special group that is permitted to look at God's countenance, an honor most angels do not share. In the literature, Metatron is often referred to as "the Prince of the Countenance."In the Babylonian Talmud, Metatron is mentioned only three times, but the references are important. All three relate to the problem of Metatron's immense power, which may have caused some people to confuse him with God. In later literature he was even mentioned as the "lesser Yahweh" -- a serious blasphemy for the strictly Monotheistic Judaism. Later, some authors tried to resolve the issue by showing how the Hebrew letters of the name of a mythical predecessor, the angel Yahoel (later to be entirely identified with Metatron), were the same letters as those in the name of Yahweh. Another legend states that God himself named him so, out of affection. A fascinating legend tells of a particularly interesting and famous Jewish heretic, Elisha ben Avuyah, who saw Metatron sitting by God's side, occupying the same type of throne. This made Elisha suspect that two equal powers operated in the universe -- God and Metatron. The legend continues to explain that he made a false assumption, which indeed cost Elisha his position within the Jewish community. According to these scholars, God permitted Metatron to sit because, as God's scribe, he recorded the good deeds of the Nation of Israel. This story works very well with two of Metatron's many heavenly tasks: a scribe and an advocate, defending the Nation of Israel in the heavenly court. Enoch, a pious teacher, scribe and leader of his people, is famed for the part he took in the tragedy of the fallen angels (see Watchers). Living during a time of great sins, around the flood, he had visited Heaven more than once. However, the time was ripe for a most significant trip. One night, two angels woke him up and commanded him to prepare for his journey. They took him on their wings, and showed him all the Heavens and their inhabitants, including a side trip to Paradise and to the place of punishment and torture of the sinners, which strangely enough was located not too far from paradise. He observed the activity of the sun and the moon, and made a visit of consolation to rebellious angels, the Grigori, succeeding in bringing them closer to God. After the tour, the great Angels Gabriel and Michael lead him straight to God's Throne.Sitting next to God, Enoch was instructed in wisdom, and using his skills as a scribe, prepared three hundred and sixty-six books. When he learned everything, a most significant thing happened. God revealed to him great secrets -- some of which are even kept secret from the angels. These included the secrets of Creation, the duration of time the world will survive, and what will happen after its demise. At the end of these discussions, Enoch returned to earth for a limited time, to instruct everyone, including his sons, in all he learned. After thirty days, the angels returned him to Heaven. And then the divine transformation took place. Additional wisdom and spiritual qualities caused Enoch's height and breadth to become equal to the height and breadth of the earth. God attached thirty-six wings to his body, and gave him three hundred and sixty-five eyes, each as bright as the sun. His body turned into celestial fire -- flesh, veins, bones, hair, all metamorphosed to glorious flame. Sparks emanated from him, and storms, whirlwind, and thunder encircled his form. The angels dressed him in magnificent garments, including a crown, and arranged his throne. A heavenly herald proclaimed that from then on his name would no longer be Enoch, but Metatron, and that all angels must obey him, as second only to God.“I had already completed my manuscript when a little book fell into my hands which I ought not to leave unmentioned: The Secret of the Saucers, by Orfeo Angelucci. The author is self-taught and describes himself as a nervous individual suffering from ‘constitutional inadequacy’. After working at various jobs, he was employed as a mechanic in 1952 at The Lockheed Aircraft Corporation at Burbank, California. He seems to lack any kind of humanistic culture, but appears to have a knowledge of science that exceeds what would be expected of a person in his circumstances.He makes his living now by preaching the gospel revealed to him by the Saucers. This is the reason why I mention his book.His career as a prophet began with the sighting of a supposed authentic UFO on August 4th, 1946.He was working in his free hours on a book entitled – ‘The Nature of Infinite Entities,’ which he subsequently published at his own expense. He described its content as ‘Atomic Evolution, Suspension, and Involution; The Origin of the Cosmic Rays’.On May 23rd, 1952, Orfeo Angelucci underwent the experience that gave him his calling. He had worked the nightshift, and as he was driving home in his car, he saw a faintly red-glowing, oval shaped object hovering over the horizon, which nobody else seemed to see. On a lonely stretch of the road, where it rose above the level of the surrounding terrain, he saw below him the glowing red disk ‘pulsating’ near the ground only a short distance away. Before it vanished, it released two balls of green fire from which a man’s voice issued, speaking ‘perfect English’.The voice bade him get out of the car, and explained to him that the lights were“…instruments of transmission and reception…”and that they were a“…species of sense-organs…”Suddenly, the area between them gradually formed into a luminous three-dimensional screen. On it, appeared the heads and shoulders of two persons, a man and a woman, ‘being of the ultimate perfection.’ They had large shining eyes, and despite their supernatural perfection they seemed strangely familiar to him. As suddenly as it had come the vision vanished, and the green fireballs reassumed their former brilliance.Afterwards, on going to bed, he noticed a burning sensation on the left side of his chest. There he found a stigma the size of a quarter, an inflamed circle with a dot in the middle.He interpreted this as the “symbol of the hydrogen atom”.He then heard the words:“The road will open, Orfeo.”-Carl Jung, 1955Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and the scientific director of the Manhattan Project. In July, 1945, Oppenheimer oversaw the detonation of the first atomic test -Codename: TRINITY."The whole world lit up." That's how Jack Aeby, who took the only color photograph of the event, remembers the explosion of the first atomic bomb, at Alamogordo, New Mexico, 60 years ago, at 5:30 in the morning, on Monday, 16 July 1945.J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientific head of the Manhattan Project that created the bomb and a student of Sanskrit literature, was suddenly reminded of a verse from the Bhagavad Gita:‘If the radiance of a thousand sunsWere to burst at once into the skyThat would be like the splendor of the Mighty One…’Richard Feynman, standing twenty miles from Trinity, as the site of detonation was called, was nearly blinded by the flash. One and a half minutes later, the sound of the explosion reached his ears.It was at about that moment that Oppenheimer, stationed far forward, recalled a second verse from the Gita:"I am become DEATH, the destroyer of WORLDS."Kenneth Bainbridge, the Harvard physicist who also worked on developing the atomic bomb, shared this sentiment but expressed it more prosaically. As Oppenheimer went around congratulating the assembled physicists on their success, Bainbridge shook his hand and looked him in the eye. "Now", he said, "we're all sons-of-bitches."Oppenheimer looked at Trinity and thought that he had become Death. Bainbridge saw the same spectacle and had a similar, less poetic thought. They were right. They were right because nuclear physicists, in part because they were at war but largely because the challenge was so seductive, thought more about what they could do than what would happen if they did it. “We strip away the tattered fabric of the universe to the juicy, dark meat, the nothing beyond time.We tear ourselves down atom by atom, till electron and positron,we become our own transcendent annihilation.” From: KING4To: wwwwasp.2012Cc: XXXXXXXXX@Sent: 6/17/12 18:14pmSubject: RE: RE: BIRDPLAY.Birdplay? Not bad.How’s this. ECHEOP.AVIARY. Late 80’s. AFOSI / SAD…JOHN LEAR: CONDORRICHARD DOTY: FALCONBOB COLLINSWILLIAM MOOREJAIME SHANDERASTANTON FRIEDMANCHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ GREEN HAL PUTHOFFJACQUES VALLEEGo ahead and post it. They’ll laugh you off the net…Besides, it’s all bullshit. I made damn sure of that.J.THE AVIARYU.S. UFOLOGY IN THE DISINFORMATION AGEa subjective recontextualization of existing informationchristianwhite.2012According to veteran Ufologists John Lear, William Cooper and several other researchers, the U.S. government may have made a 'pact' with a non-human race as early as 1933. According to some this 'race' is not human as we know it, yet it claims to have its origin on earth several thousands of years ago. Some sources allege that this predatory race is of a neo-saurian nature. This has led others to suggest that the dinosaurs which ruled the surface of the earth in prehistoric times may not have become entirely extinct as is commonly believed, but that certain of the more intelligent and biped-hominoid mutations of that race developed a form of intellectual thought equal to or surpassing that of the human race, and then possibly went into hiding.For instance, one branch or mutation of the supposedly extinct sauroid race, Stenonychosaurus, was according to paleontologists, remarkably hominoid in appearance, being 3 1/2 to 4 1/4 ft. in height with possibly grayish-green skin and three-digit clawed fingers with a partially-opposable 'thumb'. The opposable thumb and intellectual capacity is the only thing preventing members of the animal kingdom from challenging the human race as the masters of planet earth. For instance the ape kingdom possesses opposable thumbs yet it does not possess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans do. The dolphins possess intellects nearing that of humans but do not possess opposable thumbs or even limbs necessary to invent.Could there be an 'animal' which possesses both of these characteristics? The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect. According to researchers such as Brad Steiger, Val Valerian, TAL LeVesque and others this may actually be the same type of entity or entities most commonly described in 'UFO' encounters, as well as the same type of creatures depicted in early 1992 in the nationally viewed CBS presentation 'INTRUDERS'. According to John Lear and others, the government may have established a 'treaty' with this race, which they later learned to their horror was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the 'treaties' as a means to buy time while they methodically establish certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination.It is also alleged by certain deep-level intelligence agents that the Illuminati, or the 'Cult of the Serpent', iswillfully working hand-in-claw with this infernal race which has promised them part of the action once the'New World Order' is established. The Illuminati is allegedly in it for the power and 'technology' which thisnon-human race is supposed to give them in exchange for their cooperation. According to John Lear and others, many of the deep underground bases such as those below Dulce, New Mexico and Pine Gap, Australia are actually 'joint' areas where the technology exchanges have been carried out, as well as battles between the humans and 'grays' sparked by myriad disagreements. Could the Illuminati's plans for world domination be backed by an 'alien' vanguard? One unusual point that the following article makes is the apparent connection between the Illuminati's 'Club of Rome' and the so-called 'Greys'. One might ask themselves: If an alien species desired to establish control over a civilization, would they attempt an outright and immediate invasion and destruction of all resistance or would they instead attempt to manipulate situations behind the scenes in order to turn the inhabitants of the 'target' environment against each other, in order to decimate the population to the point that resistance would be minimal? The 'logical' choice, presuming that the 'aliens' are heartless vermin, would be the latter, and there is much evidence that the 'Club of Rome' has 'sold out' the human race to such alien powers in exchange for certain promises, and that this sold-out power group is carrying out an agenda of MASS GENOCIDE against the human race as a whole, in obedience to their draconian masters. If such an inhuman and alien race exists, then these genocidal 'policies' which the Illuminati-Club or Rome is carrying out no doubt originated from 'them'. As William Cooper has stated elsewhere, whether the 'aliens' exist or not makes no difference, since the 'idea' of the existence of a non-human alien race is part and parcel of the Illuminati's one-world totalitarian plans. This has been confirmed by several researchers. With this introduction, the activities taking place at such underground installations as the Pine Gap Facility may be better understood.From Dr. Jean Francois Gille, who moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico from France, comes a translationof a French document that exposes the relationship between several factors in the matrix of world affairs.The article, titled - 'PINE GAP BASE: WORLD CONTEXT', was written by Lucien Cometta and latertranslated into English by Dr. John Gille:In order to understand the case of the Pine Gap US base (near Alice Springs, Australia) better, I feelcompelled to give some explanations beforehand. I hope these explanations will help to increase thegeneral awareness of the extraordinary importance that facility has for mankind as a whole.The majority of people, all over the world, are not lingering in doubt as to whether UFOs and ETs arereal. They know they are real. Here in early 1989, no one questions their existence. The case for UFOsand ETs aroused passions, controversies and grandstanding for many years. Some of it has not been quite rational. The matter being relatively settled, public opinions should cool down. It is with a serene and clear mind that we ought to be thinking of our future relationship with the peoples from space. However, the public mind is not at peace. It vaguely feels that the governments are hiding "something real big", and it wonders where our leaders are going to lead mankind.During the process of research and study of UFOs and aliens, researchers who do not take theexplanations of the scientific establishment at face value have discovered unsettling facts; these facts have started the lifting off (of) the lid of the cover-up. The value and prestige of their sources of information do not leave any doubt about the truthfulness of these reports; the main outlines are summarized below.The United States has three major bases in Australia. One is in South Australia (Nurranger, nearWoomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales, and the third (and by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of the continent; not far to the west of Alice Springs(Northern Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface. This 'Top Secret' base is entirely financed by the United States Government, and is officially known asthe Joint Defense Space Research Facility. When the JDSRF was first initiated, its aim was scientific research for the supposed development of a space defense technology. It is now known that since its inception, its primary purpose was research into electromagnetic propulsion.What exactly is Pine Gap? As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament members donot know. Among the Cabinet members, only a small number of 'initiates' have a vague idea of what this is all about. The only information source available to the public is the cross-checking done by privateresearchers such as Jimmy Guieu, following statements made by the United States or Australian magazines (always very short and terse paragraphs), and anything the locals may notice.It is said that under Pine Gap is the deepest drilling hole in Australia - about 5 miles (more than 8,000meters). Such a hole is likely used as an underground antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts. Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary wave around the Earth. Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator to supply energy to a new type of transceiver. It seems too that there is a high-powered, high-voltage plasma accelerator which may be put to use to transmit electric current, or even to produce a 'death-ray', or quite simply to feed a plasma gun. All this is not as incredible as it sounds: it is now known that the US base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia (Harold E. Holt USN Communication Station), has an older type of the transceiver used at Pine Gap which is used to send electric current to submerged US submarines who trail a wire antenna. Itis known that electric currents transmitted in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells.Several times, locals have seen WHITE DISKS about 30' in diameter in the process of being unloadedfrom large US cargo planes at the airports serving Pine Gap. Those disks had the USAF emblem on them. It seems likely that disks are assembled and based at Pine Gap. The number of disks seen at night leaves no doubt in anyone's mind. An amazing quantity of furniture has been delivered by plane from the United States. The locals also say that an enormous amount of food is stocked in warehouses of what could well be a true multi-leveled underground city.On the other hand, Pine Gap is well known as one of the most important control centers for spy satelliteswhich circle the globe. An article published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine Gap installation, along with its sister installation in Guam, were used to control the photographic missions of the large American satellites in orbit above the Earth.Pine Gap has enormous computers which are connected to their American and Australian centralcounterparts, which collect all the information secured in these countries, not only about finance andtechnology, but on every aspect of the life of the average citizen. Those computers at Pine Gap are alsoevidently connected to similar mainframes in Guam, in Krugersdorp South Africa, and at the Amundsen-Scott US base at the South Pole.Let us say, incidentally, that the employees (more than 1200) of the US base in South Africa all claim tobe members of the US consular mission in that country. It may be worthy of note that the Amundsen-Scott Base at the South Pole is located on a sensitive magnetic spot of our planet, that it holds exactly the same assets as Pine Gap, and that all the information about most of the average citizens of Western Europe is stored there in memory banks tens of meters under the icepack.A statement made by the Australian premier about 1987, assuring that 'France must disappear from thePacific, from the Kerguelen Ridge, and from Antarctica' sheds light on the importance of this polar base for the Anglo-Saxon world.The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, andespecially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?The true point of the brainwashing of those individuals, along with the ruthless attempts to implement thecover-up of advanced military technology, will become clear at the end of this article. For me, it all began with the construction of the new Parliament building in Canberra, which cost billions of dollars. Australia has only 18 million inhabitants, yet it apparently treated itself to a building far beyond its means, supposedly to accommodate its government even if the old Parliament building was perfectly fine.This new building, enormous, immense and magnificent would easily fit the needs of the USSR or of theUnited States, which both have hundreds of millions of citizens to rule. That building puzzled me, and Istarted to talk about it until the day I bumped into an Englishman who told me that the Australian premier,Bob Hawk, was a Rhodes scholar, and as such he worked toward the setting up of a One WorldGovernment, and that this new Parliament building likely had something to do with it.Sometime after, I stumbled on a pamphlet published by the Human Rights Organization, which talkedabout a group of about a hundred people well-placed in high finance, politics, the judiciary branch and bigbusiness. This group was called the 'CLUB of ROME'. According to this pamphlet, the CLUB of ROME was pledged to a consortium which controls all international finance. A number of other groups similar to the CLUB of ROME are equally pledged to that finance consortium, AND ARE INFILTRATING THE VARIOUS POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING PROGRESS TOWARD THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF A ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP.The whole thing looked a little bit too preposterous to be true, it seemed to me. Nevertheless, a friend ofmine gave me an audio cassette taped at a lecture given by Peter Sawyer, a former high-ranking Australian civil servant, which exposed a certain number of facts he had noticed while in office. He talked, in particular, of a telephone exchange in Canberra called 'Deacon Center'. This exchange, built in concrete with allegedly four foot thick walls, cost hundreds of millions of dollars. It is outfitted with numerous computers, arrayed on four levels. When he tried to find out why such equipment was needed in a country of only 18 million, he discovered that those computers were connected to all the banks, to every post office, to all telephones, and to all of the police stations and customs houses; to every arrival and departure desk for air or sea travelers; and also and above all, to the other data centers collecting data on private citizens... in the United States as well as in Europe.That facility on Deacon street is therefore a Center where all the data pertaining to every citizen of theThese finance moguls devised their plan after World War I, and have been working since on an insidious undermining process aimed at economic destabilization all over the West. If those financiers are obviously labeled 'capitalists', it is a very deceptive label, though, for, in fact, they never stopped to pull the strings of the progressive parties, as well as those of the conservative parties. Their idea is logical, and lay, quite simply, in the destabilization of the countries of the West on the political,economic and religious levels. Economic destabilization is implemented through a slower but most efficient process. This process(already under way) will cause the entire financial system of the West to collapse. The people involved are the same people who cause the price of oil to go up and then, after convincing European neighbors toagree to these price rises, provide that the yield coming from the price rises will be paid to the 'International Reserve Bank', which is entirely at their command. The Reserve Bank hands the money over to a 'holding bank' who lavishly loans the money to Third World countries for usurious rates of interest. The holding bank receives the interest paid by the underdeveloped countries, then puts it into another holding bank which, in turn, invests the huge quantity of money on behalf of the Arabs.Those investments are made into thriving large businesses. In the meantime, only small interests are sent to Arab countries.Those who engineered the plan were perfectly aware that the leaders of the underdeveloped countrieswould be tempted to pocket a good part of the received money. The planet will find itself in a desperate predicament. Cash will lose all value, and the risks of a global confrontation will be high. At this point, the usefulness of bases like Pine Gap will become obvious. If a Global confrontation is going to break out, those bases will serve as a place of safety for the politicians and their staff, as well as the international financiers, their family and friends. If NO confrontation breaks out, the financiers will adapt a 'saintly' attitude AND OFFER SUBSTITUTIONOF ALL CURRENCIES BY PLASTIC CARDS, ENSURING 'TRUE EQUALITY' FOR ALL; THE ABOLITION OF ALL OWNERSHIP RIGHTS; by then officially creating a One World Government that will 'ensure peace'."None of the above has anything to do with science fiction. All of what I said in this text is TRUE, and doesn't give a very rosy picture of the future."PART ONETHE GRAND DECEPTION.“Those who control our MYTHS, CONTROL OUR MINDS.”-CONDORInformation concerning the U.S. government's cover-up of alienactivity on Earth, according to Milton William piled by David E. Stewart1301 W. 24th St. Apt. M20Lawrence, KS 660461-913-749-5914The UFO ConspiracyThis document was created using Microsoft Word 5.0 on aTandy 1000TL (IBM compatible) computer. The information con-tained herein comes mostly from the alt.conspiracy section ofUsenet, a worldwide computer messaging network accessed via theUniversity of Kansas Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8650 com-puter system. Other information was obtained by the editor viapersonal phone calls and other research.Editor's note: What follows is a transcript of a 45-minutelecture given by William Cooper on November 17, 1989, at the"Whole Life Expo" in Los Angeles, Calif. His speech was trans-cribed word-for-word from a microcassette recording. For those of you who don't know who I am, I was raised in amilitary family. My family, my ancestors, since they came tothis country, have been government people. We have served in themilitary, we have been patriots, we have fought in all the wars,we care about this country and believe in the constitution of theUnited States. We know, as many people don't know, that the Con-situation of the United States of America is the United States ofAmerica! And that's why we've always been ready to do the thingsneeded to preserve and protect it.When I left home I went into the Air Force, the StrategicAir Command. As a child I'd heard stories from my father and pi-lots, other pilots, my father was a pilot, about Foo-Fighters,UFOs, strange craft that were not made on this Earth. And as akid, you hear that in passing, and it's neat, and you giggleabout it, and you go out and play 'Space Man,' and you forget it.When I was in the Air Force I met men who had participated in aliencrashed-craft recoveries. Now this intrigued me, it interested me, but it was usually after quite a few bottles of beerthat these stories would come out, and sometimes the next morningI couldn't remember what the heck the guy said.When I left the Air Force I went into the Navy, and this iswhere everything began to happen for me. I had originally in-tended to just go from service to service and do something thatvery few people have ever done before. I was a very adventurous,very crazy young man, and I thought that that would be apretty exciting life. I volunteered for submarines, and while onthe submarine USS Tyroot, SS-416, on a transit between the Port-land/Seattle area and Pearl Harbor, which was our home port; thePearl Harbor sub base, as the port lookout I saw a craft, saucer-shaped, the size of a Midway class carrier, aircraft carrier, forthose of you who don't know how big that is; it's huge, come upout of the water approximately two and a half nautical miles offthe port bow, which is about 45 degrees to the left of the pointyend of the submarine. It tumbled slowly on its own axis, andwent up into the clouds. It appeared to be moving slowly to meat a distance of two and a half nautical miles, but in reality itwas moving pretty fast because it came up out of the water, did afew tumbles, and it was gone!I then reported it to the officer of the deck. I didn'ttell him what it was that I saw because my Daddy didn't raise nofools and in case nobody else saw it I didn't want to be the onlyloony on board the ship. So I asked the officer of the deck tohelp me cover that area, and he did, which is common for officersand lookouts to help each other while on bridge watch becausethey all hang together if something bad happens. After a fewseconds of watching, the same craft, or another craft exactlylike it, came down out of the clouds, tumbled again on its ownaxis, and went into the water.Ensign Ball, who was the officer of the deck, was literallyshocked! What could I say? Seaman Dejeralimo, who was thestarboard lookout, had also witnessed this, and Ensign Ball called the captain to the bridge who was followed by the chief quartermaster who brought a 35MM camera, and we watched for between seven and 10 minutes the same craft, or different craft thatlooked exactly alike, enter and leave the water. It was an incredible show. I don't know if they knew we were there, or if they even cared, but the craft did not glow, they were metal, they were machines without a doubt, they were obviously intelligently guided, they were huge, and having been in the Air Force and the Navy and knowing what it takes, I knew without a doubt, and know it today, that that machine was not made on the face of this earth. Because there's nothing that man can make, that can fly through the air at a speed like that, tumble on its own axis, and enter the water and effectively fly beneaththe sea.If you've ever been aboard an airplane and then gone aboarda submarine, I know there's probably some of you in this room whohave visited a submarine at one time or another, you can readilysee just without even any of the technicalities involved how difficult such a thing would be to do. Where would it be built, that size? It was absolutely incredible. It changed my life because then all the stories that I'd heard all my life I knew were true, and I began seeing the world in different light. It wasn't long after that I was trained by Naval security in intelligence. I was sent to Vietnam. I was assigned as a patrol boat captain, first in Da Nang harbor, given a crew, given a multi-million dollar patrol boat. My job was to gather intelligence from the people who lived around the harbor and the fishermen who transited the harbor, and maintain the safety and security of the harbor and the shipping. After about five months, I was sent up North to the DMZ, to a place called Qua Viet, on the Tacan River. Our base camp was at the river mouth. We were only three miles south of the North Vietnamese border and our job was to patrol the Tacan River from the river mouth toDang Ha, and then up the Quang Tree cutoff to Quang Tree City, again to get to know the people on the bank, gather intelligence, and to patrol every night and maintain the safety and security of the river and the river traffic.It was while there that I discovered that there was atremendous amount of UFO and alien activity in Vietnam. It wasalways reported in official messages as 'enemy helicopters.' Nowany of you who know anything about the Vietnam war know that theNorth Vietnamese did not have any helicopters, especially afterour first couple of air raids into North Vietnam. Even if theyhad they would not have been so foolish as to bring them over theDMZ because that would have insured their demise. Our troopswere fired on occasionally by these 'enemy helicopters', enemytroops were fired on occasionally by these 'enemy helicopters',and occasionally people would disappear. And on one instancethat I know for sure at least one entire village disappeared onenight because of alien activity. The reason they used the term'enemy helicopters' in messages and dispatches was that in Vietnam you could be overrun at any time, no matter where you were.They did not bring crypto encoding equipment into Vietnam, I'mtalking about the machinery. What we did is we had crypto tables, and once every 24 hours those codes would be no good.So that's what we used. We also, because of the inability to usecrypto transmitting equipment, had to devise code words such as'enemy helicopters'. When I left Vietnam I was eventually attached to the headquarters staff of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Makalapa, Hawaii, which is a little hilloverlooking Pearl Harbor, it's a beautiful white building upthere, and I was specifically attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet.It was during this tour of duty that, in the course of myduties, documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so incredible that it took me quite a while to adjust tothe fact that what I was seeing was real. Now for those of youwho don't understand how I could come to see this information,let me give you a little short course in security clearance andthe need to know and how you get to see classified information ifyou're in the military or in the government, it doesn't matterwhich, the rules are the same. Number One, you need a security clearance, and you've got to have clearance at the level that the information you want to seeis classified at. In this instance, it was classified 'Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information', which I came to find outlater is the highest security classification in the Nation. Toget that type of clearance, all you have to have is a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check, which takes about sixmonths and they send federal agents to your home, to your oldschools, to all your teachers, to your friends, to everybody youput down on your security clearance forms, to all your old ad-dresses, your neighbors, everybody that you've worked for, andit's embarrassing because they don't tell them what they'rechecking on. They just show them their identification and startasking questions and that's when you find out who's your friendand who's not, because a lot of people get scared and think,'Bill just robbed a bank and I'm not talking to him anymore.'Now once you get that it's called a 'B.I.' and for those ofyou who have received a copy of my service record look on thefirst page, the DD-214 where it says 'Security Clearance,' youwill see the term 'B.I.' That's a 'Bureau of Investigation'clearance. Now at that point, you have the clearance for every-thing including Top Secret and above. What determines what youget to see is your need to know, and the job that you have deter-mines what your need to know is.I was assigned to the Intelligence Briefing Team of theCommander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, who had toknow everything concerning his area of operations, which was onehalf of the Earth's surface; the Indian ocean, the Pacific ocean,and all the land masses in between. Believe it or not, if we goto war, if we ever go to war, it's the United States Navy thatstrikes the first blow and attempts to keep the enemy at baywhile we can get ourselves together, at least historically. Nu-clear weapons have kind of done away with that concept, but military commanders like to talk about it anyway.Because of this, and you have no conception of the amountof material and information that an area commander has to know;it's unbelievable, he has to keep track of this, he has tokeep on top of it. He has to know what's happening; he has tomake the right decisions. Because it's almost humanly impossiblefor anyone to do that, they have what's called a briefing team,and it's our job to make sure that he has the correct information, all the time, on a 24-hour basis. And every morning, between 8 and 9 a.m., we would give a briefing which covered everything that happened in the previous 24 hours, and everything scheduled to happen in the next 24 hours, and all the pertinent intelligence reports that we had received since the last briefing that he needed to know and that his staff members needed to know.Occasionally we would get messages marked 'Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information', and it would be coded in such a way thatall you had were answers to questions which you didn't know whatthe questions were so you really didn't know what the message wasall about.But eventually, I found myself in possession, holding two documents; one called 'Project Grudge' and another one called'Operation Majority'. Project Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it began talking about Germany's involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered in 1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were not successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they had been successful, we would not have won thewar, because you cannot beat those weapons! You cannot out flythose craft, you can't even think about it with conventional air-craft. If Germany had been successful, we would now have a German flag up in front of this podium.They did make some headway. When we went into Punta Mundy, we captured documents, we got some scientists, we got some hardware. The Russians also got some documents, some scientists and some hardware. It wasn't until 1947 that we were able to capture a craft and that occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. There were dead aliens recovered from the craft. In Project Grudge I saw photographs of these dead aliens, and of the craft; I saw photographs of live aliens; I saw photographs of autopsies,internal organs; I saw photographs of the alien designated 'E.B.'(or EBE) which was held in captivity from 1949 until June 2,1952, when he died. I saw the history of what they had been ableto at that time put together, from incidents in the 1800s, whichinvolved aliens and their craft.I saw the names of projects. I saw a project that was to fly recovered alien craft that had been recovered intact and un-damaged, and some of them were recovered intact and undamaged, and how that happened I have no idea. It was called 'Project Redlight', and first was conducted from the Tonopah Test Range in the Nevada test site and then was moved to a specially built area, ordered built by president Eisenhower, called 'Area-51', code named 'Dreamland' in the Groom Dry Lake Area of theNevada test site, by secret executive order. It doesn't existofficially, if you ask anyone, or if you write letters to thegovernment they will tell you it doesn't exist. However if you go out there at several places and see it, fly outside the boundaries and look down and see it, you know it's there, but according to the government it doesn't exist.The project to fly, test fly these craft, was ongoing untilsometime in 1962 when a craft blew up not far from the testsite, in the air, and the explosion was seen over a three-statearea. The pilots were killed, they had no idea what had happenedor why the craft blew up, but they put Project Redlight on holduntil a later date when the aliens supplied us with three craftand personnel to help us learn how to fly these craft. That project is ongoing, and we now have not only alien craft that we areflying, we have craft we have built, using the captured technology, and some of the UFOs that people report seeing in the UnitedStates, and maybe even elsewhere, are flown by United States personnel.That may come as a shock to you. We have technology way beyond the limits of what we have been told. A lot of our development technologically, since the end of World War II, has been due to the exchange of technology which occurs in the area called 'Area-51' on a regular basis…ongoing.When James Oberth, Professor Oberth retired, many of youdon't know who he is ... not too many space people in here. Professor Oberth was probably one of the greatest rocket scientists and Space commentators that ever lived. When he retired, the government gave him a special award; there was a press conference, all kinds of ceremony, and when he got up to speak he said, and I quote Professor Oberth, he said: “Gentlemen, we cannot take credit for all the technological developments thatwe have had in the last decade…We have had help” and that's where he stopped…One of the reporters raised his hand and said, “Professor Oberth, can you tell us what other country helped us?”He then said, “It was those little guys from out in space.” And then he got down and would not comment any further. Now this occurred in 1959. I can go on and on, but time doesn't allow it.I will tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there are allkinds of things going on all the time, we are making rapidprogress in exposing this. Since I have begun talking, peoplehave been coming out of the woodwork at a rapid rate, who knowand have pieces of this puzzle, and are helping us to put it together, because I don't have all the answers. I saw an awful lotof material, I have remembered an awful lot of it, I have probably, inmy remembering, made some mistakes, and I guarantee you they're minor ones, if I have.We have just recently, for those of you who didn't believe that The Jason Society of the Jason Scholars, the secret group, existed, we now have a letter from the Pentagon, with 51 names of the Jason Scholars, an admission from the Pentagon that they hold the highest security clearances in the nation, an admission from the Pentagon that they hold the protocol rank of Rear Admiral, and are treated as such on any military installation or in any government office. There are six Nobel Prize winners on that list, there are the elite of the elite of the scientific world, they are the only ones who really know the truth about the technology today and about the real science of physics, because the one that we're being taught all the time…If you send your kids to college to learn physics you're wasting your money because they're teaching them stuff that doesn't work, it's not true, it's not real. Gravity is not what we think it is. There is a Unified Theory! We already know what it is; it's what makes these craft work. It's absolutely incredible what's going on.How many of you keep up with Billy Goodman's show on KVEGout of Las Vegas? For those of you who don't, I would try tuningin on any night between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. It's 840 on your AMdial, and the subject every night are those subjects that noother media person in the United States will touch with a 10-footpole, every single night except Saturday night. It's the onlyshow that you can call in and talk to another caller, you've gotthree minutes to say whatever you want to say as long as youdon't cuss or swear or slander anyone, and every night they'rehelping to expose this."When John Lear and I first said what was going on out atGroom Lake everybody said, 'You're nuts, there's nothing going onout at Groom Lake!' The listeners of the Billy Goodman radio showput together an excursion and went up to Groom Lake and they all,ever since, every night, they go up there and watch them test flythe alien craft every night! The first night they had 100 people there. And 100 people saw four alien craft fly, doing things that no airplane and no helicopter can do. Now they don't tell us anymore that there's nothing happening at Groom Lake. What they tell us now is there's no such thing as aliens, it's all government secret projects. That's OK because we'll provethat wrong too eventually, it just takes a while. Because wherewe were, it's not where we're at, and I'm really happy aboutthat.Now, if you want to see what's happening right now, keepwatching your movies, keep watching your television commercials,your alien programs on television, read Whitley Strieber'sMajestic, which is a part of the contingency plan called'Majestic' to test the reaction of the population to the presenceaccount of aliens on the Earth. And I have just finished my study ofWhitley Strieber's book ‘Majestic’, and I'm going to tell you rightnow that most of the documents in there, that he says are fiction, are real documents that came right out of Project Grudge. It is part of the government's campaign to leak information out in ways that they can always deny that it's real.There's only one thing wrong with the information in that book,the stories of the characters in there I know nothing about.What I'm talking about are the supposed government documents thathe has in that book. I'm telling you tonight they're real.Those are some of the same documents that I saw in Project Grudgeback between 1970 and 1973, and where we have wondered before,now we know that Whitley Strieber is working for the government.And we had a suspicion anyway because in the front of his book hestates that he got information and was helped by the researchteam of Moore, Shandera, and Friedman. William Moore has publicly admitted on July 1 that he is an agent of the United States Government, and we know that the others are too.This is going to come out, and the reason they're doing itthe way they're doing it is they know eventually you're going tofind out that it's all true and real. They're desensitizing youso that you're not shocked, so that there's no collapse of society as we know it, so that the religious structure doesn't fall to pieces, so that the stock market doesn't go crazy, because these were their original fears. Now, there's nothing we can do about the last one because it's already happened, there will be a segment of the population that worships the aliens, even though they're no different than us; they're just from somewhere else, and they may look a little different. They are not gods. But there are already people worshiping the aliens and they predicted this would happen when they slapped the secret stamp all over all this stuff.You know, there's really nothing wrong with what's beenhappening except for three things. Number One, when they decided to keep it secret they needed tofinance it, they couldn't tell the public, so they couldn't tellCongress. They decided to finance it with the sale, importationand sale, of drugs. Now in the documents that I read, in Opera-tion Majority, it specifically stated that when George Bush wasthe president and CEO of Zapata Oil, he, in conjunction withthe CIA, organized the first large-scale drug importation intothis country from South and Central America by fishing boat, tothe offshore oil platforms of Zapata Oil, and then from thereinto the beach, thus bypassing all customs inspections and law-enforcement inspections of any kind. They are still bringing indrugs, to a limited extent, in this manner. Another manner is byCIA contract aircraft which, one of their bases of landing isHomestead Air Force Base in Florida. We have affidavitsfrom air controllers who have vectored the planes in, who havemade sure that they're not interfered with in any way. We haveaffidavits from personnel at Homestead Air Force Base who say theplanes have been met by Jeb Bush, who is George Bush's son. Wehave affidavits from people who work in the Gulf of Mexico, inthe offshore oil business, that yes indeed, the drugs are comingin, at least some of them, from the offshore oil platforms.From the audience came a clear statement,"Just say no?"Pardon…? Right! Just Say No! Well that's what we're goingto do ladies and gentlemen with your help. We are going to sayno, no more! And you have to do it, you have to act. You eitherhave to act or watch your country go down the tubes.Now, that's one of the things that's wrong. The next thing that's wrong is, to keep the secret, they killed a lot of people who tried to leak it out. And if I hadn't done it the way that I did it, you wouldn't be seeing me anywhere standing or walking on this Earth now. They killed President Kennedy and for those of you haven't seen the tape, I will show you, on the tape, who shot the President and why. Between '70 and '73, in Operation Majority it stated verbatim that President Kennedy ordered MJ-12 to cease the importation and sale of drugs to the American people, that he ordered them to implement a plan to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year. His assassination was ordered by the policy committee of the Bilderbergers. MJ-12 implemented the plan and carried it out in Dallas. It involved agents of the CIA, Division-5 of the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy was killed by the driver of his car, his name was William Greer, he used a recoilless, electrically operated, gas-powered assassination pistol that was specially built by the CIA to assassinate people at close range. It fired an explosive pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish poison into the brain, and that is why, in the documents, it stated that President Kennedy's brain was removed. If you've studied the case, you will find that indeed his brain disappeared. The reason for that is so that they would not find the particles of the exploding pellet or the shellfish poison in his brain which would have proved conclusively that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the assassin. In fact, Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a shot, he was the patsy.A lady in the audience asked the obvious question, "Why haven't you been assassinated?"If they were to kill me right now, what would you think?, Cooper posed."That it's the truth”, several people chimed.I've got them right where I want them. If they touch me,everyone who has ever heard me talk is going to be absolutely enraged and is going to know that everything I've said is true. As long as they don't touch me there's going to be some of you whoare always going to be wondering. But eventually we're going tobring enough proof out, and you're going to see an awful lot of it that's going to prove to you that it's true. “It's real. And it's happening.”****************************The close of 1988 saw American Ufology in chaos over the claims and counter-claims about MAJESTIC 12 (MJ-12), and the mysterious documents that were allegedly leaked to the public. The airing, in October 1988, of the two-hour TV special UFO Cover Up - LIVE only fanned the flames higher. In it, William Moore and Jaime Shandera - who had both gained fame for their investigations of the MJ-12 affair - introduced two men as American intelligence agents. Disguised electronically and given the codenames of ‘FALCON’ and ‘CONDOR’, the men stated as fact that the American Government was playing host to alien visitors. Memorably, ‘FALCON’ claimed the "grey aliens" liked strawberry ice cream. Within days of this broadcast William Cooper sent me his critique of it for publication on the ParaNet bulletin board system (BBS)2. He claimed that UFO Cover Up - LIVE, in tandem with the MJ-12 documents, was part of an elaborate disinformation scheme designed to lead UFO researchers away from the ‘real’ situation. That same month (October 1988) retired CIA pilot John Lear sent William Cooper copies of all his research into UFOs, including communications from ‘Val Valerian’ (allegedly, John Grace, an Air Force NCO on active duty who had a keen interest in UFOs) and the Dallas Revisited videotape made by Lars Hansson exploring the theory that John F Kennedy had been fatally shot by his driver. Hansson had sent it to Lear in the hope that Lear might help finance his JFK research, asking Lear not to pass it on to anyone. The fact that John Lear passed it on to Cooper had catastrophic consequences. William Cooper declared that he could confirm "150 per cent" of the ‘Lear Hypothesis’; a paper by John Lear containing allegations of the US Government’s alliance with ETs who, in exchange for advanced alien technology, were ‘allowed’ to abduct unwilling human subjects for experimentation and the harvesting of biological material. The confusing war of fantastic, paranoid and often contradictory claims between Lear and Cooper proved too much for ParaNet’s founder Jim Speiser. Speiser also mentioned he had been contacted by a 24-year-old ParaNet user named Jeff Felix whom he agreed to meet in a restaurant in Tempe, Arizona. Felix claimed to work as a cryptology technician for the National Security Agency (NSA) who, while "fooling around" on the NSA computer, had stumbled across files on secret projects called ‘Majestic’ and ‘Aquarius’. After consulting contacts who had a genuine intelligence background, Speiser put some testing questions to Felix at a second meeting several days later. Felix failed this simple test but referred to something he called "Project X-Calibur". When Speiser mentioned this to Cooper, he claimed to have heard of it but knew nothing more. Later that day, Cooper called Speiser back and, to Speiser’s surprise, proceeded to tell him that ‘Project Excalibur’ was real and concerned an MJ-12 project to obtain technology from the aliens. Speiser later said he began to think that Cooper and Felix "were scamming me behind my back". ParaNet, he said, was becoming "a home for unwed paranoids." **************Project Excalibur was a United States government nuclear weapons research program to develop a nuclear pumped x-ray laser for ballistic missile defense. It became part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Conceived by nuclear scientist Edward Teller, the concept involved packing large numbers of expendable x-ray lasers into a nuclear bomb. When it detonated, the bomb would fire laser beams in many directions. The intention was to shoot down enemy nuclear missiles.The plan was to place the whole apparatus on a satellite in orbit. It would have actually required many satellites in orbit, since there needed to be at least one between the U.S. and its enemies when a massive launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) occurred. The Soviet Union was the only foe technologically able to accomplish a massive simultaneous launch.Limited accounts in the unclassified press indicate that the device consisted of a small nuclear bomb surrounded by multiple rods made of a material that served as an x-ray gain medium, releasing x-rays when "pumped" by incident photons. Each rod would function as a separate x-ray laser. The x-ray laser would be optically pumped by the extremely high density of high energy photons that appear in the first nanoseconds of a nuclear detonation. The pumped medium would emit a pulse of coherent x-rays, in the direction of the long axis of the rod. The calculations showed that the extremely high gain and high energy pulse from the lasers would occur before the detonation destroyed the lasers and the rest of the satellite. If large numbers of gain media rods were used, each pre-aligned to point at a missile, then a large number of the missiles could be destroyed in one fell swoop.The project was proposed as a solution to the problems of using optical lasers in satellites to shoot down missiles: if a large nearly simultaneous launch of ICBMs occurred, the Space Based Laser could not destroy them all, since it was designed to fire upon one at a time. It was felt that the large optics of the SBL could not be re-positioned to point from one missile to the next quickly enough. A considerable amount of research went into rapidly re-targeting the Space Based Laser so that many missiles could be destroyed in time to deal with the massive attack. However, it remained out of reach, giving rise to the Excalibur approach, which was viewed as something of a desperate approach even by those who worked on the project.However, there were substantial gaps in the description of the Echelon Project, according to the newly discovered MJ-12 doc’s:PROJECT EXCALIBUR (PROWORD) AQUARIUS : Established in 1972. The mission of PROJECT EXCALIBUR is to develop a weapons system capable of destroying thealien underground base after the alien beam weapons have been incapacitated or destroyed. The alien underground base is located beneath an indianreservation near the small town of Dulce, New Mexico. The device must be capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of tufa / hard pack soil and sustain no operational damage. This type is commonly found in New Mexico where the alien base is located. Missile apogee must not exceed 30,000 feet AGL. Impact deviation will now exceed 50 meters. The device will carry a One Megaton Warhead.***********************Milton William Cooper, ‘BEHOLD A PALE HORSE’ :“The one thing that I find most difficult is to write about myself. It ishard to understand why some people thirst for knowledge about me. Itwas never my intention to be anyone's hero. I am certainly no greatexample upon which to base one's life. I consider myself a very averagenormal kind of guy. I have some pretty good points; I have some humanfailings. I am proud of some of my achievements, and there are things thatI wish I had not done. I'm not perfect, and I am not sure that I ever want tobe. But it is certain that I do not belong on anyone's pedestal. I am a manwith a message. And the message will be accepted by only a few. To thosefew who will understand, I am your brother. Maybe...we can change thefuture for the better.William Moore, in his disinformation publication entitled "Focus,"said that I am a fundamentalist preacher. Twenty years ago that wouldhave been a compliment, but today it implies sleaziness. That is why hesaid it. I am not, and have never been any kind of preacher. I am notstarting a church. I am not developing a religion. I do not belong to anyorganizations. I do not have an entourage. There is no cult and I am not acult leader. No one camps out around my house.People have called radio talk shows claiming to have first-handknowledge that I am a notorious radical right-wing extremist. Others havesaid they have proof that I belong to a white racist organization. Someonesaid that they found my name on a list of communist party members. Aman in Los Angeles, always the same voice, calls when I am on radioclaiming that I am an alcoholic. The truth is, most of my close friends andacquaintances consider themselves to be liberal democrats. My only politicalstance is Constitutional. My wife is Chinese. That rules out the racistpropaganda. I fought the communists in Vietnam. I will fight them again,if necessary, but only on United States soil. I used to drink a lot of alcoholin my younger days. As I became older the booze dwindled to a trickle.Now I do not drink much at all. Most of my friends have never seen metake a drink. Annie and I are fond of using wine in our cooking. The lies,no doubt, will continue.For the purpose of keeping everything in perspective, let's all understandthat attempts to assassinate my character will continue and in allprobability will become worse. Rather than let that get in the way, I wantyou to believe everything bad that you ever hear about me. See if that changesanything that I have been trying to tell you. See if it negates any of theproof. I believe that is the easiest way to handle those attacks. You who aresincerely interested in knowing will seek out me or those who are intimatelyclose to me. Those who do are the only ones who will ever really knowwho and what I am.My ancestors came from England, Scotland, and Ireland. I had relativeswho fought on both sides in the Civil War. And some who fought inthe Indian Wars. One of my ancestors was a horse thief in Texas. I don'tknow for sure, but I think he got hung for it. When I was a little boy I heardwhispers that there was some Cherokee blood in the family. Every time Iasked about it I was told to shut up. I never could figure out why everyonewas afraid to talk about the Indian blood. I thought, and still think, that itis something of which to be proud. I have since discovered that the oldfolks in my family, like the old folks in almost every family, thought therewas some stigma attached to being part Indian. In the old days on theAmerican frontier, people lived by hard rules. If you weren't accepted byyour neighbors you were more than likely to end up dead.My paternal grandmother's family, named Vance, traveled to Texas ina covered wagon and were some of the first settlers in the area of Odessa.My great grandfather Vance was a real cowboy who eventually became oneof the first oil-field workers. My great grandmother Vance told me that oneof their first homes was a dugout on the prairie. My great aunt Sisterowned a photo of her father, my great grandfather Vance, standing in frontof a saloon beside his friend. Both men had six-guns stuck in their belts.When she was about 84 or so she told me that my great grandfatherVance had gone off to do some work for a rancher. It was during aparticularly nasty Indian uprising. My great grandmother was a newlymarried young woman at the time. She rose early one morning and sawsmoke rising from the direction of one of her neighbors. Soon a war partyof five young braves rode up to her dugout. She told me that she wasscared to death but knew if she showed it they would kill her for sure. TheIndians were hungry. Great Grandma Vance made them get down off theirponies, dragged them inside and fed them. They didn't harm her. Afterfilling their stomachs they rode off in the direction where she saw smokerising later that afternoon. She said that she learned later that she was theonly one in the area that had not been burned out or killed. She was a verybrave woman.Great Grandma Vance died in a car accident just a short time aftertelling me that story. I thought it was a very strange way for her to die. Shewent from covered wagons to Fords and Boeing 707s. Grandma Vance sawjust about everything that ever was important in this world happen in herlifetime.My paternal grandfather's family also rode across the country in acovered wagon. They strayed a little north, however, and ended up in theIndian territory now known as Oklahoma. They were on the front lineduring the Oklahoma land rush and succeeded in staking out 320 acres onBig Bear Creek near what would eventually become Enid. A little townsprang up not too far away called Garber. They raised a lot of kids. Iremember my great grandmother cooking the biggest breakfast I had everseen. We slept in real feather beds that swallowed us up. We ran to theouthouse in the middle of the night because we were embarrassed to usethe chamber pot that Great Grandma kept handy under every bed. In themorning everyone would crowd around the wood stove in the kitchen orthe coal stove in the parlor trying to get warm.My dad had given me a .22 rifle for Christmas and Great Grandma'sfarm was the first place that I ever went hunting. I got up before the sunone morning, tiptoed downstairs, and headed out for the creek. About twohours later I saw my chance and shot a quail sitting up in a tree. I struttedproudly to the farmhouse holding that quail up for all to see. Luckily thefarmhand saw me first. He burst out laughing and asked me what Ithought I was doing with that sparrow. I ran off and buried that bird andnever said a word to anyone. I learned later that quails don't sit in trees.For those who may think this to be a terrible thing, I must tell you thatevery boy in those days was given a rifle and taught to hunt. Duringhunting season many a family managed to put aside some extra moneybecause the boys brought home meat from the hunt. That money savedwas sorely needed. It was considered a duty for a citizen to own a gun inorder to carry out the intent of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. Aslong as the citizens owned guns the government could never becomeoppressive.My mother's family came from Scotland and settled in North Carolina.They were hardworking and thrifty folk. Most of them were poor. Inever knew much more about my mother's family. I don't even rememberanyone talking much about them. I know that my grandmother, NellieWoodside, was forced to give up some of her children when her husbanddied. There was not enough money to feed all of the kids. My mother wasone of those chosen to live in a children's home until things got better. Noone ever talked about my mother's father. When I asked about my grandfatherI was told, "Red was no good, and you just mind your own business."I got the feeling that nobody liked him. He died before I entered thisworld.I was born May 6, 1943. I was reared in a military family. My father isUSAF Lt. Col. (Ret.) Milton V. Cooper. He prefers to be called Jack, thenickname given to him by the family when he was a boy. Dad began hisAir Force career as a young cadet flying biplanes and retired as a commandpilot with thousands of hours to his credit. I have a picture of him standingin front of an old biplane in his leather jacket and his cap with the earflapsjust like Snoopy wears.I can remember the pilots gathered around the kitchen table talkingabout the planes and telling stories. Sometimes they discussed strangethings called foo fighters or UFOs. When we were lucky they got out theprojector and showed Kodachrome slides. That was a special treat. By thetime I was eight years old, I think I had already seen and been inside everyplane the Air Force (which used to be the Army Air Force) had ever owned.I had flown in several. I had seen many of them crash and had friends whohad lost their fathers.I remember one night in the Azores at Lages Field. We were at thebase theater watching a movie when the projector ground to a stop, thelights came on and a plea was made for blood donors. We knew there hadbeen a disaster. Everyone went outside and looked down the hill at theflightline. It was literally consumed in flames. We could see men on firerunning through the night. A B-29 had crashed. I forget if it had beentaking off or landing; but I will never forget the scene that was spreadbefore me on that night. No one went back to the movie even though wehad only seen half. I was nine years old but felt much older. I had seenmany crashes, and I would see many more in the years to come. But I neversaw anything that could ever compare to the wreckage, the fire, the devastation,or the loss of life caused by the crash of that B-29. We left the Azoresa year later. As we climbed into the sky I looked out the plane window. Icould still see pieces of the wreckage where it had been pushed away fromthe runways. It was that incident that gave me an appreciation of thedangers that my dad faced on a daily basis. I knew then how lucky wewere to see him walk in the door. Aviation wasn't safe in those days,especially for military pilots. We all knew families that had lost someone ina crash.I didn't always love my father. He was a strict disciplinarian. My daddid not believe in "spare the rod" and his belt was put to use frequently inour family. I was a very sensitive but willful child. Rules didn't meanmuch to me until I got caught breaking them. Many times I was the focusof his anger. Like most kids, I didn't understand. I thought he was atyrant. Now I appreciate his upbringing. I know, beyond the shadow of adoubt, that without his strict discipline we most probably would haveturned out bad.Now I love my Dad. He is my friend. He is an independent, gregarious,feisty, tough, confident, adventurous, sometimes overbearing,handsome, big bear of a man. My mother told me that she fell in love withhim because he looks like John Wayne, and he does. I have watched himprogress from one who disdained any public show of affection to a manwho is just as likely to hug you as shake your hand. On the other side, hehas at times made me so angry that I could have punched him in themouth, but I never have. If s damn hard for anyone not to like him. He isalways up to some mischief, and I can guarantee you that no one is everbored around my father.My mother is a real Southern lady. They used to call her kind aSouthern belle. She is one of the last of a dying breed. Dovie Nell (Woodside)Cooper is the type of woman that men like to dream about whenthey're lonely. She is the kindest, gentlest, woman that I have ever known.I do not make that statement just because she is my mother. It's true. Shewas beautiful as a young woman and she is beautiful now. My mother isone of those people who, once she likes you, can't be driven away. She isloyal to a fault. I have seen her during the good and during the bad times.She never flinched, no matter what. It always surprised me that she couldbe so tough and yet so kind, gentle, and loving all at the same time. Woe toanyone who ever harms my dad or one of her children in her presence. Sheis the best cook who ever stepped foot in any kitchen that was ever built. Ilove my mother probably more than anyone else in this world.I have a brother Ronnie and a sister Connie. They are fraternal twinstwo years younger than me. We were closer than most siblings when wewere children because we spent so much of our life in foreign countries,where oftentimes we found ourselves unable to communicate except witheach other. We had school friends, but school was often many miles fromwhere we lived. We had few toys. Most of them were things that mothergave us such as spools, cigar boxes, string, or anything else that we couldfind to keep us occupied. Every Christmas was a delight because wealways got some REAL toys. Ronnie and I had a propensity to see howthings worked, however, so they never lasted long. Everything we wore,including shoes, was ordered from the Sears catalog. It was the wish book,and we never tired of looking through it. We alternately loved each other,hated each other, fought each other, and defended each other, as I guess allkids do.Ronnie, his wife Suzie, and their daughter Jennifer live in Garber,Oklahoma, where Ron sells John Deere farm equipment. Ron & Suzie builtthei r house with their own hands. As far as I know they intend to live inthat house until they die. Ronnie served as an officer in the Army. InVietnam he earned the Silver Star. We haven't seen each other since 1976after he came to visit me in the hospital after I lost my leg. Nevertheless Ilove him and I miss him a lot. Neither one of us can afford to travel muchunless it's business, but one of these days soon I'm going to surprise himunless visit. Connie has shown me pictures and Ron looks just like mygreat grandfather. Almost every picture I've seen shows Ron in chaps, aStetson, boots, and either near or on a horse. I guess that is about how itshould be, as Ronnie always wanted to be a cowboy when he was a child.Connie has really turned out to be a fine woman. When she was littleI sometimes liked her and sometimes didn't. Little boys don't usually havemuch use for little girls. Since we only had each other to play with,however, Ronnie and I loved her a lot; but little boys just can't ever admitanything like that. I remember Connie always followed me everywhere Iwent. I couldn't get rid of her no matter how hard I tried. Her devotionand loyalty made me love her all the more. Of course I pretended that shewas a pain in the ass. As we grew older and began to realize that there wasa really big difference between boys and girls Connie began to take on anair of mystery. From that time until I was about 18 she baffled me completely.I remember when she was around 13 or so she would throwtemper tantrums when she got angry. She would stomp her feet, scream,run to her room and then slam the door. Ronnie and I thought it was agreat show but couldn't for love or money understand why she did it.When we asked mom she would just shake her head and say, "Hormones."Connie grew up to be a beautiful woman and eventually married herhigh school sweetheart, Gus Deaton. They had two beautiful children,Janice and Chrissie. Janice is very much like Connie, loving and loyal.Chrissie is different. She's a redhead who loves to party. I guess Chrissierepresents a freedom of spirit more than anything else.Connie's marriage deteriorated and no one could figure out what washappening until Gus was diagnosed as having brain tumors. It was tragic.Everyone really loved Gus. As his disease progressed and he began to docrazy things, people just drifted away. I have always nurtured a veryspecial love for Chrissie. She never deserted her father. When no one elsecould stand to be around him, Chrissie chose to go and live with him "sohe won't be lonely," she said. Even now I get all choked up when I think ofthat little red-headed girl going to live with her sick father "so he won't belonely." His behavior was such that no one else could stand to be aroundhim. At least that is what I'm told. It wasn't Gus's fault that he became illand I've always felt it just wasn't fair to Connie, the children, or Gus. I'vesince learned that life is seldom fair.Connie eventually remarried and moved to Austin, Texas, where shehas established herself as a valuable employee of a large bank. Her husbandis an executive for McGraw Hill. His name, coincidentally, is Ron.We all really like Ron McClure, especially Dad, who has formed a closefriendship with him. My sister has really blossomed into a wonderfulwoman. She has become one of my dearest and closest friends. She hasgrown to be so much a part of me that even now I sometimes get a feelingto look behind me to see if that little girl is still there. I feel a great losswhen I see that if s only Sugarbear, my faithful dog; but then, I love himtoo, so can't complain.I graduated in 1961 from Yamato High School in Japan. That fall Ienlisted in the Air Force. I really wanted to go into the Navy but I hadalways had a tendency toward car sickness and seasickness. I attendedbasic at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and Technical School for Aircraft &Missile Pneudraulics at Amarillo Air Force Base.Upon completion I was ordered to the 495th Bomb Wing of theStrategic Air Command at Sheppard Air Force Base just outside WichitaFalls. The name was later changed to the 4245th Bomb Wing — don't askme why. In just a short time I had gone from a skinny kid who didn't knowmuch about anything, even though I thought I did, to an airman who hada Secret(!) security clearance and worked on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refuelingaircraft, and Minuteman missiles.I saw REAL atomic bombs. I worked around them on a daily basis.Because of that I had to wear a dosimeter just in case I was exposed toradiation. In those days we were the elite of the Air Force and we knew it.I received a Letter of Commendation for my work. In due time I wasawarded the National Defense Medal and the Air Force Good ConductMedal. (Actually, I think everyone was awarded the National DefenseMedal so that no one would be embarrassed standing in formation withnothing on their chest.)It was during this time that I met a couple of sergeants who kind ofadopted me. We went out to the clubs together and usually ended upchasing women and drinking a lot of beer. They told me several storiesabout being attached to a special unit that recovered crashed flying saucers.Sgt. Meese told me that he had been on one operation that transported asaucer so large that a special team went before them, lowering all telephonepoles and fence posts. Another team followed and replaced them. Theymoved it only at night. It was kept parked and covered somewhere off theroad during the day. Since we were always half-tanked when these storiescame out, I never believed them — sergeants were known to tell some talltales to younger guys like me.On November 22, 1963, I was on duty as CQ (Charge of Quarters) forthe Field Maintenance Squadron. Most of the men were out on the flightlineworking, the barracks orderlies had been assigned their tasks, the firstsergeant was gone somewhere, and I was alone. I turned on the orderlyroom TV to watch the live broadcast of the President's motorcade in Dallas.I was not prepared for what I saw. I stared in disbelief as the eventsunfurled in front of my eyes. I knew that something had happened, butwhat? I had seen and heard the assassination, but my mind was notaccepting it. I kept staving at the set to discover what it was that hadhappened when slowly the realization crept over me. A numbness spreadup my arms and legs. I saw what had happened! The hair stood up on theback of my neck and a chill went down my spine. President Kennedy hadbeen shot right in front of my eyes!At that point huge tears began to stream down my face. Waves ofemotion rushed through my body. I felt that I had to do something, so Ipicked up the direct line to the command center. I choked back the tears.When the command duty officer answered, I told him that the Presidenthad just been shot in Dallas. There was a pause, and he asked me, "Howdo you know he has been shot?" I told him that 1 had watched it ontelevision and then hung up the phone. I was numb all over.A few minutes later the command duty officer called back and ordereda red alert at DEFCON TWO (Defense Condition Two meant war wasimminent). The roar of jet engines could already be heard as the alert crewstaxied their planes toward the runway. I was scared shitless as I ran frombarracks to barracks routing out the night shift and those who had the dayoff. We had been told that we had about 15 minutes to launch all of ourplanes before the first atomic bomb would hit us in the event that theRussians launched an attack.I didn't even lock up the orderly room. I just jumped in the first car Isaw, rode to the SAC compound/ and reported to my red alert duty station.For the next three days I slept under the belly of a B-52 bomber staring atthe Armageddon that hid just inside the closed bomb-bay doors. Wethought the shit had finally hit the fan. It was a great relief when the alertwas ended. I left the Air Force with an honorable discharge in 1965.In December of the same year I joined the Navy. I had always lovedthe ocean. I had wanted to be a sailor since I was a little boy. Seasick or notI made up my mind to follow my dream. I was sent to the Naval TrainingCenter in San Diego for boot camp. Because of my prior Air Force experienceI was made the Recruit Chief Company Commander. I wasallowed to keep my same rank and pay grade. We had a good bunch ofguys in my company and we had a great company commander. ChiefCampbell, chief electricians mate. He turned the company over to me. Thechief was a good man. He was only interested in teaching us what weneeded to know and in keeping us out of trouble. Unlike most boot campinstructors, Chief Campbell had no axe to grind and wasn't trying to proveanything to himself or anyone else. He was truly our friend.During boot camp I volunteered for submarines (my sense of adventurewas very strong). I was accepted, and upon completion of basictraining, was ordered to the USS Tiru (SS-416) at the submarine base atPearl Harbor, Hawaii. Spitfire and damnation, no one could possibly bethat lucky! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read my orders. Here I wasfulfilling my dream of being in the Navy. I got exactly what I asked for thefirst time that I asked for it, which was extremely rare in any branch ofmilitary service. And to top it all off, I was being sent to Hawaii, the landof tropical paradise. I was in seventh heaven.I landed in Hawaii with no time to play and took a cab directly to thesub base. My submarine was nowhere to be found. I kept asking peopleuntil I found someone who told me that my boat (subs are called boats inthe Navy) was not at the sub base but in dry dock in the Pearl Harbor NavalShipyard. I hailed another cab.The cab driver dropped me off at the head of a pier that looked like ithad never been cleaned up after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It wascovered with what appeared to be hoses, huge electrical cables, rustingmetal of every conceivable size and shape that you can imagine. The airwas rank with the smell of diesel, welding fumes, paint, and steel. If thereis a hell on earth, I thought, this has to be it. I walked up the pier, over tothe edge, and looked down into the dry dock. There, stripped of all dignity,lying naked and cut cleanly in half, was my boat, the USS Tiru. Men werescrambling all over it. They looked like ants swarming over a dead grasshopper.Brilliant flashes of light brighter than the sun drove sparks highinto the air and then down in a beautiful flow to the bottom of the dock. Icouldn't believe my eyes. Someone actually expected me to go out to sea,then underwater, in what appeared to me to be a motley collection ofcut-up rusting metal scavenged from some satanic junkyard, stucktogether by demons with welding torches. My luck had just run out.I reported to the barracks barge moored in the water on the other sideof the pier and was given a hammock for when I had the duty; then I wassent to the sub base barracks where I was assigned a rack and a locker. Iwanted to go into Honolulu but quickly discovered non-quals did not rateliberty. It was getting worse.The next few months were spent sanding, painting, lifting, and learningthe boat. The men of the crew, except for the chief cook, were great.The chief cook was drunk every minute of the day and night. He didn'tlike me, so I didn't get much to eat. His dislike stemmed from my firstmorning when I walked into the galley and watched as the other crewmembers ordered their breakfast. When there was an opening I steppedup and asked for eggs over easy. That's when the chief hit the overheadand vowed that I would never eat a meal in his mess decks. He wasn'tkidding, either. The only time after that morning that I got anything to eatout of that galley was when the chief cook was ashore.To this day I still don't know what I did wrong. I could have gone tothe captain, but if I had done that I might as well have put in for a transferat the same time. It wasn't long, though, before I was able to locate wherehe hid his booze. I made his life miserable from that moment on. I won'ttell you what I laced his vodka with, but it wasn't anything you'd everwant to drink, believe me. I kept that chief so sick that he was transferredoff the boat for medical reasons. I didn't want to hurt him, but it was eitherget rid of him or starve to death. I made up my mind that chief or no chiefI wasn't going to go to sea on a boat that wouldn't feed me.I didn't relish going to sea with a drunk chief in charge of closing themain induction valve when the boat made a dive. When a submarine goesunderwater certain valves MUST be closed or the boat will flood withwater and everyone will drown. The main induction is the MOST IMPORTANTof those valves. It was the cook's duty to close it, because the valvewas in the galley on board the USS Tiru.I made two especially close friends while on the Tiru. A black seamannamed Lincoln Loving and an American Indian seaman we called Geronimo.The three of us were inseparable. Lincoln was best man at my firstmarriage. Of the three Geronimo was the most experienced seaman, so hetaught Lincoln and me. He knew everything there was to know about theboat, rope, paint, and a whole lot of other things that a man had to know tosurvive in the Navy. I knew the most about getting along in the military, soI taught Geronimo and Lincoln. Lincoln knew every really good spot onthe Island where we could have a good time, so he led the liberty party.Three things really stand out in my mind about the time that I spent onthe Tiru. The first was an incident that occurred during a test dive whilewe were creeping along at about 3 or 4 knots at a depth of 600 feet off theIsland of Oahu. Lincoln and I had just been relieved from watch and werein the after battery talking when we were knocked off our feet. We heard aloud CLANG forward and felt the boat lunge to port. Then we heard asound that made our blood run cold. I could literally feel the blood drainfrom my face as I listened to whatever it was that we hit scrape along thestarboard side of the hull. Lincoln and I froze. We held our breath as metalscreeched upon metal. I thought it would never end. No one moved,anywhere.Finally, after what seemed a lifetime, the boat lurched and the noisedisappeared aft. If it had pierced the hull none of us would be alive today.We never found out what it was. When we returned to Pearl, divers wentdown to have a look. When they surfaced they reported that the starboardbowplane was damaged and the hull was gouged all along the starboardside from bow to stern. We went in for repairs. In a couple of days we weregood as new, but I certainly had an entirely different perspective on life.The second thing that stands out happened to another boat that hadbeen out participating in torpedo attack exercises with another submarine.I remember seeing the boat entering the harbor with a large tarp over theconning tower. I could see something holding the tarp up on each side ofthe tower but I couldn't see what it was. Later, Geronimo, Lincoln and Iwalked over where the boat was berthed and looked under the tarp. Theother boat in the exercise had scored a direct hit! What we saw was atorpedo sticking completely through the sail. We started laughing. Thenwe looked at each other and decided that it wasn't so funny after all. Thissubmarine business was not quite as attractive as I'd thought.Number three happened during a transit between the Portland-Seattlearea and Pearl Harbor. I was the port lookout during the afternoon watch(1200 to 1600 hours). Geronimo was the starboard lookout. Ensign Ballwas the OOD (Officer of the Deck). We were doing 10 knots on the surfaceand the three of us were on the bridge in the conning tower. It was a brightday, but the sun was obscured by a low layer of clouds. It was cool. Wehad a bit of fun when someone below requested permission to put a manon deck forward to get something that was needed from the waterproofdeck locker. The locker was under the deck plate all the way up on the bownear the forward torpedo-room escape trunk. Geronimo and I laughedwhen Ensign Ball gave his approval. He really shouldn't have, because wewere running a pressure wave over the bow. When we saw who it wasthey had sent on deck we roared with laughter. We looked down over theside of the sail at the deck-level door just as it popped open and SeamanLincoln Loving stuck his head out. He didn't look happy.Lincoln reached down and put the runner in the safety track in thedeck, fastened the safety belt around his waist and, grabbing the handrail,stepped out on deck. He looked up at us with that "don't you laugh at me"look that he did so well. It took him a few minutes to get up the nerve tolet go of the handrail and begin to make his way forward against the windand the pitching deck. Gingerly, he crept forward until he was just at thepoint where the pressure wave was rolling off the deck when the bowheaved free of the water on its cyclical upswing.I could see that Lincoln was trying to time a run forward when thebow was out of the water. He made a couple of false starts, then ranslipping on the wet deck, disappearing into the access hole for the forwardtorpedo-room escape hatch. The bow plunged underwater and I foundmyself sucking air as I imagined the cold saltwater swirling around me. Itwasn't me, though, it was Lincoln. I gripped the top of the sail as I waitedfor the bow to swing up, hoping that Lincoln wouldn't panic.What we saw next could have been a clip from one of those oldKeystone Cops movies. Lincoln was flailing water so hard that it lookedlike he had 40 arms and 40 legs. It was only then that I realized that Lincolnhad joined the Navy but he didn't know how to swim. When he finallygathered a foothold, the half-drowned seaman exploded up out of that holelike a Polaris missile and ran back to the conning tower just as fast as hiswet leather soles would carry him.Ensign Ball, Geronimo, and I laughed for a good ten minutes. In fact,every time we saw Lincoln for the next two days we would burst outlaughing. Lincoln didn't think it was funny and didn't miss a chance toslug us every time we laughed.Lincoln went below. Geronimo and I began the unending task ofsweeping the horizon from bow to stern, then the sky from horizon tozenith, and then back to the horizon from bow to stern. Again and again,and then a pause to rest our eyes and chat for a few minutes. I askedEnsign Ball to call for some hot coffee. As he bent over the 1MC, I turned,raising my binoculars to my eyes just in time to see a huge disk rise frombeneath the ocean, water streaming from the air around it, tumble lazily onits axis, and disappear into the clouds. My heart beat wildly. I tried to talkbut couldn't; then I changed my mind and decided I didn't want to saythat, anyway. I had seen a flying saucer the size of an aircraft carrier comeright out of the ocean and fly into the clouds. I looked around quickly tosee if anyone else had seen it. Ensign Ball was still bending over the IMC.He was ordering coffee. Geronimo was looking down the starboard sideaft.I was torn between my duty to report what I had seen and the knowledgethat if I did no one would believe me. As I looked out over the oceanI saw only sky, clouds, and water.It was as if nothing had happened. I almost thought I had dreamed it.Ensign Ball straightened, turned toward Geronimo and said the coffee wason the way up.I looked back toward the spot, about 15 degrees relative off the portbow, and about 2-1/2 nautical miles distant. Nothing, not even a hint ofwhat had happened. "Ensign Ball," I said, "I thought I saw somethingabout 15 degrees relative off the bow, but I lost it. Can you help me lookover that area?" Ensign Ball turned, raising his glasses to eye level. I didn'tknow it at the time, but Geronimo had heard me and turned to look. Hewas happy that something had broken the monotony.I was just lifting the binoculars off my chest when I saw it. The giantsaucer shape plunged out of the clouds, tumbled, and, pushing the waterbefore it, opened up a hole in the ocean and disappeared from view. It wasincredible. This time I had seen it with my naked eyes, and its size incomparison with the total view was nothing short of astounding. EnsignHall stood in shock, his binoculars in his hands, his mouth open. Geronimoyelled, "Holy shit! What the — hey! did you guys see that?" Ensign Ballturned, and looking right at me with the most incredulous look on his face,said in a low voice, "This had to happen on my watch!" He turned, quicklypressing the override on the IMC and yelled, "Captain to the bridge,Captain to the bridge." As an afterthought he pressed the switch again andyelled, "Somebody get a camera up here."The Captain surged up the ladder with the quartermaster on his heels.Chief Quartermaster Quintero had the ship's 35-mm camera slung aroundhis neck. The Captain stood patiently while Ensign Ball tried to describewhat he had seen. He glanced at us and we both nodded in affirmation.That was enough for the Captain. He called sonar, who during the excitementhad reported contact underwater at the same bearing. The Captainannounced into the 1MC, "This is the Captain. I have the conn." The replycame back instantly from the helm, "Aye, Aye sir." I knew that the helmsmanwas passing the word in the control room that the Captain hadpersonally taken control of the boat. I also knew that rumors were probablyflying through the vessel.The Captain called down and ordered someone to closely monitor theradar. His command was instantly acknowledged. As the five of us stoodgazing out over the sea the same ship or one exactly like it rose slowly,turned in the air, tilted at an angle and then vanished. I saw the Chiefsnapping pictures out of the corner of my eye.This time I had three images from which to draw conclusions. It wasa metal machine, of that there was no doubt whatsoever. It was intelligentlycontrolled, of that I was equally sure. It was a dull color, kind of likepewter. There were no lights. There was no glow. I thought I had seen arow of what looked like portholes, but could not be certain. Radar reportedcontact at the same bearing and gave us a range of 3 nautical miles. Therange was right on, as the craft had moved toward the general directionthat we were headed. We watched repeatedly as the strange craft reenteredthe water and then subsequently rose into the clouds over and over againuntil finally we knew that it was gone for good. The episode lasted about10 minutes.Before leaving the bridge the Captain took the camera from the Chiefand instructed each of us not to talk to anyone about what we had seen. Hetold us the incident was classified and we were not to discuss it, not evenamongst ourselves. We acknowledged his order. The Captain and theChief left the bridge. Ensign Ball stepped to the 1MC and, pressing theoverride switch, announced, "This is Ensign Ball. The Captain has left thebridge. I have the conn." The reply, "Aye aye sir," quickly followed.Those of us who had witnessed the UFO were not allowed to goashore after we had berthed in Pearl. Even those of us who didn't have theduty were told we had to stay aboard. After about two hours a commanderfrom the Office of Naval Intelligence boarded. He went directly to theCaptain's stateroom. It wasn't long before we were called to wait in thepassageway outside the Captain's door. Ensign Ball was called first. Afterabout 10 minutes he came out and went into the wardroom. He lookedshaken. I was next.When I entered the stateroom, the Commander was holding my servicerecord in his hands. He wanted to know why I had gone from the AirForce into the Navy. I told him the whole story and he laughed when I saidthat after putting off the Navy for fear of chronic seasickness, I hadn't beenseasick yet. Suddenly a mask dropped over his face, and looking medirectly in the eyes he asked, "What did you see out there?""I believe it was a flying saucer, sir," I answered.The man began to visibly shake and he screamed obscenities at me.He threatened to put me in the brig for the rest of my life. I thought hewasn't going to stop yelling, but as suddenly as he began, he stopped.I was confused. I had answered his question truthfully; yet I wasthreatened with prison. I was not afraid, but I was not very confident,either. I figured I had better take another tack. Eighteen years with myfather and four years in the Air Force had taught me something. Numberone was that officers just do not lose control like that, ever. Number twowas that if my answer had elicited that explosion, then the next thing out ofmy mouth had better be something entirely different. Number three was,that his response had been an act of kindness to get me to arrive at exactlythat conclusion."Let's start all over again," he said. "What did you see out there?""Nothing, sir," I answered. "I didn't see a damn thing, and I'd like toget out of here just as soon as possible."A smile spread over his face and the Captain looked relieved. "Areyou sure, Cooper?" he asked."Yes sir," I replied, "I'm sure.""You're a good sailor, Cooper," he said. 'The Navy needs men likeYou'll go far with the Navy." He then asked me to read several piecesof paper that all said the same thing only with different words. I read thatif I ever talked about what it was that I didn't see, I could be fined up to$10,000 and imprisoned for up to 10 years or both. In addition I could loseall pay and allowances due or ever to become due. He asked me to sign apiece of paper stating that I understood the laws and regulations that I hadjust read governing the safeguard of classified information relating to thenational security. By signing, I agreed never to communicate in any mannerany information regarding the incident with anyone. I was dismissed,and boy, was I glad to get out of there.Not long after that incident I devolunteered from submarines. I wastransferred to the USS Tombigbee (AOG-11).The Tombigbee was a gasoline tanker. It was more dangerous than thesub. The Captain was crazy and the crew was a combination of idiots andmisfits. I once had to draw my pistol while I was petty officer of the watchto prevent an officer from being attacked by a seaman.The Tombigbee collided in the dead of night with a destroyer in theMolokai channel and several men died when the destroyer was almost cutin half. Every day aboard that ship was exactly like a scene right out of Mr.Roberts. I struck for quartermaster (navigation specialist) and managed toadvance to the rank of second class petty officer despite the obviousobstacles.I made two WESTPAC tours aboard the Tombigbee. They included atotal of 12 months off the coast of Vietnam. We came under machine-gunfire while anchored off Chu Lai. We had to do an emergency breakawayand leave the harbor. All we needed was one tracer round in one of thetanks, and KA-BOOM, it would have been all over. The Viet Cong gunnerprobably got busted because the stupid jerk missed the whole damn ship.HOW CAN YOU MISS A WHOLE SHIP?The only other time I felt threatened was when we went up to a smalloutpost at the DM2 called Cua Viet. It was a vision right out of hell. CuaViet sat on the southern bank at the river mouth of the Thack Han river. Werode at anchor and pumped fuel ashore through a bottom lay line. Everynight we could see the tracers from fire fights raging up and down the riverand along the DMZ. It was a real hot spot. Every once in awhile Viet Congor NVA rockets would slam into the camp. We would perform an emergencybreakaway and put to sea until the all clear was sounded.Everything was cool until our whacko Captain decided we were goinginto the river mouth. Did you ever try to put a pencil through the eye of aneedle? Thaf s about comparable to what we did. I'll never know how wegot that big ship through the narrow mouth of that river with no navigationalreferences whatsoever. We dropped anchor midchannel and theCaptain backed the ship right up to the beach and dropped the sternanchor into the sand. There we sat, a great big target full of gasoline. Wewere helpless in the mouth of a narrow river, with three anchors out, rightin the middle of one of the hottest combat zones in Vietnam. That nightseveral men in the crew wrote letters to the Chief of Naval Operationsrequesting an immediate transfer. No one slept. I don't know why theenemy didn't send in the rockets, but they didn't. I knew then that Godmust keep a special watch over fools. The next day we set to sea andstarted for Pearl. The Captain was relieved for incompetence later thatyear. Then I was transferred to school.I didn't know what school I had drawn. It turned out to be the NavalSecurity and Intelligence School for Internal Security Specialist (NEC 9545).The general training prepared me to set up security perimeters, secureinstallations and buildings, and safeguard classified information. Mytraining included special weapons, booby-trap identification and disarming,the detection of bugs, phone taps, transmitters and many other subjects.I was specifically trained to prepare and conduct Pacific-areaintelligence briefings. From the day I reported to school in 1968 until I leftthe Navy I worked off and on for Naval Security and Intelligence,Upon graduating I was transferred to Vietnam. I had volunteeredover a year before because I figured that my chances were better in the warthan they were on that screwed-up gasoline tanker. This was the first goodnews I'd had since leaving boot camp. I really wanted to fight for mycountry. I wasn't to find out what a real fool I was until a few years later.I landed at Da Nang and was bused to Camp Carter, the headquartersfor Naval Security and Intelligence in I Corps. I was interviewed byCaptain Carter, the commanding officer. The names turned out to be acoincidence. Captain Carter asked me if I thought I would make a goodpatrol boat captain, and I told him that I would. What else could I tell him?I thought he was joking when he told me I would have command of a boatand crew. He wasn't, and I did. Lt. Duey at the Harbor Patrol, a divisionof Naval Intelligence, allowed me to hand-pick a crew. He gave me firstchoice of four 45-foot picket boats that had just been unloaded from thedeck of a freighter. I and my new crew spent three days going over everyinch of that boat. We adjusted and fine-tuned everything. We sanded andpainted. One of the seamen even hung curtains in the after cabin. Wechecked and double-checked the engines. My gunners mate, GMG3Robert G. Barron, checked out weapons and we began to arm our vessel.I've got to tell you the truth — just looking at all those guns scared the shitout of me. I vowed right then and there that I would be the best damncaptain that ever commanded a combat vessel in wartime. I learned toexist an only 2 or 3 hours of sleep out of 24 and never ate until I knew thatmy crew had been fed.We spent a lot of spooky nights patrolling the Da Nang harbor andriver. One night a rocket hit the ammo dump at the river's edge near theDa Nang bridge, and it really looked as if the world was coming to an end.Another time we engaged the enemy in the cove at Point Isabella near themarine fuel farm and probably saved their butts. That engagement wasreported in The Stars and Stripes, the armed forces newspaper in Vietnam.The worst moments came, however, not from Charley but frommother nature. A full-blown typhoon roared across the Gulf of Tonkin. Tosave the boats we put to sea. The angels must have been laughing. What asight we must have made! I maneuvered our boat in between two giantcargo ships riding at anchor off Red Beach and learned quickly what fearwas really all about. The wind was blowing so hard that none of us couldgo on deck. That meant that the two of us in the pilot house were stuck onwatch and the men trapped in the after cabin had to man the hand pumps.The windows in the pilot house blew out and the rain felt like kniveshitting our skin. Water poured in, and I prayed that the men on the pumpswould not become exhausted. I could just barely make out the two tankers.I could tell they were in more trouble than we. When we were on the crestof the mountainous waves we looked down onto the top of the ships.When we were in the trough we seemed to be in danger of their crashingdown upon us. One of the freighters snapped a cable and steamed slowlyout of the harbor.The next morning the storm calmed and we moved into the river.Debris was floating down and we had to play dodge-the-tree-trunks untilwe spotted a sheltered pier in front of the Press Club. We carefully pulledthe boat alongside, tied fast to the pier, then collapsed from exhaustion.After awhile we drew straws to see who would remain on watch with me.The rest went into the Press Club. After a couple of hours the crewreturned and we went in. It was like nothing was going on outside.Reporters sat around drinking or eating. All around flowed conversationand laughter. We ordered a huge meal, signed Lt. Duey's name to thecheck, then went out to the boat. I don't know whose name the other guyssigned, but none of us had any money. I don't even know if Lt. Duey evergot the bill. I do know that it was one of the best damn meals that we everhad in that country.The next two days were spent in repairing the boat, cleaning theweapons, and checking everything. Then we went to the club, got stonedrunk, and slept for damn near a whole other day.Bob Barron volunteered for Cua Viet. I begged him to stay with us.Maybe we could all go up later together. He couldn't wait; he had to haveaction. We promised each other that if one of us bought the farm the otherwould drink a bottle of scotch in memory, then break the bottle on therocks. Don't ask me what that was all about. Men who think they mightdie at any given moment do stupid things and I was no different than most.About three weeks later we learned that Bob's boat had gone on TWOLIMA patrol on the Thack Han River one night and had never returned.No radio transmissions were ever heard. And for awhile no bodies werefound. Then one by one they popped to the surface along the bank. It wasa long time before we ever found the boat. When we did it was twisted uplike a pretzel. I say "we," because after I drank the bottle of scotch andbroke it on the rocks, I forced the issue and was transferred to the Dong HaRiver Support Group at Cua Viet.It was now a personal war. They had killed a part of me. Bob hadbeen my friend. His name is on the Vietnam Memorial. My boat engagedthe enemy more times than any other boat that ever patrolled that river.We kept the enemy off the river and I never lost another man. I wasawarded the Naval Achievement Medal with Combat V, the Naval CommendationMedal with Combat V, and the Combat Action Ribbon. Ourwhole organization was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, the NavalUnit Citation, and each of us accumulated various other minor awards,ribbons, and medals.One thing I didn't like about Vietnam was that it was very difficult tomaintain unit cohesion and morale when you had proven and trusted menleaving all the time at staggered intervals and green, unproven men arrivingto take their place. I noticed that I felt like I was deserting my crewwhen I was rotated home. I tried to extend my tour of duty, but they hadalready decided to phase out our forces and turn the war over to theVietnamese. If I had extended a month earlier, I was told, I could havestayed. My attitude at that point was a smoldering "SCREW IT!"The whole time that I was in Vietnam and especially on the DMZI hadnoticed that there was a lot of UFO activity. We had individual 24-hourcrypto code sheets that we used to encode messages, but because of thedanger that one of them could be captured at any time, we used specialcode words for sensitive information. UFOs, I was told, were definitelysensitive information. I learned exactly how sensitive when all the peopleof an entire village disappeared after UFOs were seen hovering above theirhuts. I learned that both sides had fired upon the UFOs, and they hadblasted back with a mysterious blue light. Rumors floated around thatUFOs had kidnapped and mutilated two army soldiers, then droppedthem in the bush. No one knew how much of this was true, but the fact thatthe rumors persisted made me tend to think there was at least some truthin them. I found out later that most of those rumors were true.I eventually found myself back in Hawaii. This time it was shore dutyat the headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet atMakalapa, a hill above Pearl Harbor.I had carried a Secret security clearance in the Air Force, and Secretwas required for submarines. When I checked into the Fleet AdministrationUnit, I was asked to fill out papers for another clearance. I did as I wasasked. I remember that one of the questions asked if I had ever belonged toany fraternal organizations. I looked down the list, circled the DeMolaySociety, and answered in the affirmative. I was assigned to the OperationalStatus Report office (OPSTAT) under Lt. Cdr. Mercado while I awaited theresults of my FBI background check for the upgraded clearance.About six months later I was called into the office of the Chief of Stafffor Naval Intelligence. I was asked to read the regulations covering thePersonnel Reliability Program governing those personnel who had accessto nuclear weapons, information on nuclear weapons, launch codes, andvarious other things having to do with nuclear weapons or anything thatcame under HQ-CR 44. I was asked to read and then sign a security oath,which I did. I was then told by Captain Caldwell that my security clearancehad been upgraded to Top Secret, Q, Sensitive CompartmentalizedInformation with access authorized on a strict need-to-know basis. He toldme to report to the officer in charge of the CINCPACFLT IntelligenceBriefing Team the following morning at 0400 hours. I did. What I learnedduring the time I spent with that briefing team is what led me on my18-year search that has culminated in the writing of this book. I was latergiven another upgraded clearance in the crypto category and served as thedesignated SPECAT operator when I was on watch in the command center.On the day that I learned that the Office of Naval Intelligence hadparticipated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and that itwas the Secret Service agent driving the limo that had shot Kennedy in thehead, I went AWOL with no intention of ever returning. My good friendBob Swan is the one who talked me into going back. Later, on June 1, 1972,the eve of my wedding, I told Bob everything that I knew about the UFOs,Kennedy's assassination, the Navy, the Secret Government, the coming iceage, Alternatives 1, 2, & 3, Project GALILEO, and the plan for the NewWorld Order. I believed it was all true then and I believe it is all true now.I must warn you, however, that I have found evidence that the secretsocieties were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat fromouter space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world governmentwhich they call the New World Order. I am still searching for thetruth. I firmly believe that this book is closer to that truth than anythingever previously written.I attempted to leak information to a reporter after my discharge. I wasforced off a cliff by a black limo in the hills of Oakland. Two men got outand climbed down to where I lay covered in blood. One bent down and feltfor my carotid pulse. The other asked if I was dead. The nearest man said,"No, but he will be." The other replied, "Good, then we don't have to doanything else." They climbed up and drove off. I succeeded in climbingup the bank where I waited until found. A month later I was forced intoanother accident by the same limo. This time I was to lose my leg. Twomen visited me in the hospital. They only wanted to know if I would shutup or if the next time should be final. I told them that I would be a verygood little boy and that they needn't worry about me anymore. Under mybreath I swore to spill the beans as soon as I could figure out how to do itwithout unit getting hurt again. It took 16 years, $27,000, a computer and a lotof envelopes, but now everyone knows.I went back to school after leaving the Navy and obtained a degree inphotography, served as the Chief Instructor of the Coastal School of DeepSea Diving, the head of the Mixed Gas Deep Saturation Diving Departmentand the underwater photography instructor for the College of Oceaneering,Admissions representative for Airco Technical Institute, AssistantDirector of Adelphi Business College, Executive Director of Adelphi BusinessCollege, National Marketing Coordinator of United Education &ExecutiveDirector of National Technical College. I also owned and operatedAbsolute Image Gallery and Studio of Fine Art Photography.In the spring of 1988 I saw a magazine that made reference to adocument discovered by the research team of Moore, Shandera, and Friedmanthat outlined the government's knowledge of a downed saucer, deadalien bodies, and an operation called Operation MAJESTIC TWELVE. Iknew that Moore and Friedman were government agents and the documentwas a fraud. I had never heard of Shandera. I knew this because Ihad seen a list of agents who were to initiate a contingency plan calledMAJESTIC that would lead investigators off the track when such a needarose.I decided that it was time for me to enter the arena and expose thecover-up and the disinformation. First it was necessary to convince theknown agents that I was just a kook who didn't really know anything. Iprepared some bogus information, mixed it with some true information,and passed it to Moore and Friedman through Jim Spieser, the operator ofa computer BBS network called Paranet. Spieser was told that the informationwas to go only to Moore or Friedman; no one else was to see it. Iwanted to buy time by convincing these agents to report me to their caseofficers as harmless, thus allowing me to get the real information out to thepublic. None of that information was intended to go to the public. Spieserturned out to be working with Moore, however, and posted the files on thecomputer networks. Spieser then went to Los Angeles, conferred withMoore for three days, then returned and barred me from the Paranetsystem.Friedman called and elicited my address, the name and address of myemployer, and a lot of other personal information. I knew that I was beingchecked out through the intelligence network and played along. Aboutone week after talking to Friedman two Defense Investigative Serviceagents showed up at my home and confiscated all my floppy disks. Theonly thing that prevented them from taking my computer was the fact thatit was an XT with no hard drive. I knew that my plan had worked, becausethey didn't take me.With the help of Annie and a few very close and trusted friends, Iprepared the real information, as true and correct as I could remember, andtogether we did a mailing that, all total, cost me $27,000. We sent thepackages to people all over the world. That is what prevented the governmentfrom arresting me or harming me. Any move by them would beinterpreted as total confirmation of everything that I had revealed. I alsouploaded the information onto computer bulletin boards all across theFriedman are government agents and that the Eisenhower briefing documentis a fraud. I was attacked by everyone. They insisted that Moore,Shandera, and Friedman were above reproach.I resigned effective April 15,1989, from the college where I was theExecutive Director after Jaime Shandera was seen poking around thegrounds. That story is included later in this book. The loss of income wasa serious blow. Stan Barrington, the head of the college security department,came to our aid. Stan gave us $5,000 to help out. I was deeplymoved by his faith and trust in me, and so I gave him 24% of whatever wasto come out of my efforts down the line. Neither of us ever expected much,and so far we have not been wrong. I have, however, paid Stan back hismoney, and now whatever he earns is extra. Stan is in charge of printinginformation and the sale of my papers and tapes. Stan Barrington is myonly authorized representative.Moore was proved to be an agent when by his own admission on July1, 1989, he stated he had participated in spying on fellow researchers, hadchanged documents, had put out disinformation, and had helped run ascam on Paul Bennowicz that had resulted in Mr. Bennowicz being confinedto a mental institution. Moore stated that he had been recruited by anintelligence agency and that he knew he had been recruited. He was awitting agent. No one acknowledged that I had been right.From that point on, my Annie and I were followed and harassed.Death threats began showing up on our answering machine. The phonewould ring several times during the night, but no one would reply whenwe answered. Sometimes a man would deliver another death ernment cars would park in front and well-dressed men watched thehouse. The strangest people began to show up at our door, sometimes inthe middle of the night. I purchased a .380 automatic for Annie and a 9-mmfor me. I taught Annie how to shoot, and she will not hesitate to kill anyonewho attempts to harm me, her, or our little daughter.Annie and Pooh (Dorothy's nickname) are the lights in my life. Annieand I were married on July 4,1989. Pooh was born on May 30,1990. Mymost touching memory of Annie is of the time after 12 hours of labor whenwe were finally in the delivery room. She had taken no drugs. She had notbeen given a spinal tap. She did everything naturally. She was drained ofenergy and was experiencing great pain. She was numb. After a reallyhard push she looked up at me with all the innocence and trust of a littlechild and asked, "Did the baby come yet?" It was very hard for me to tellher that the baby had not yet been born, but that is what I did. She seemedto waver for a moment, but only a moment. Annie quickly regained hercomposure. I could see the love in her eyes as she looked up at me. Isqueezed her hand. She took a deep breath and pushed Pooh's little headout into the world. The doctor suctioned the baby's mouth, then Anniegave her all, a push that seemed to come from her very soul — and littleDorothy popped out, announcing her presence with a great cry. I am soproud of Annie. She is my hero. And Pooh is my always and foreverfriend.At one point I became very upset with the intimidation. I went out tothe government car at the curb. I showed the man in the car my 9-mmpistol and told him that we were fed up with their intimidating tactics. Itold him that if he or anyone else wanted to know something about me,they should come to the house, sit down, have a cup of coffee, and I wouldbe happy to tell them anything that they want to know. I informed him thatif any further attempt was made to harass me or my family I would nothesitate to use my pistol. I then walked behind his car and wrote thelicense number down. He started the car, drove off, and we have notdetected any overt signs of surveillance since that day.They did not give up on us. No one knew the location of our newhouse when we moved to Arizona. However, when we drove into thedriveway, a government car showed up right behind us. The man got outand said he was lost and wanted to know who lived here. I asked him whyhe wanted to know. He stated that he was a census taker. He said it was hisjob to ensure that no one out here in the country was left out of the census.He asked my name. I told him to get off the property and to not ever comeback. He protested, but left when he saw that I was serious. (I merelyasked Annie to get my pistol out of the car.) Now, many people would saythat I was paranoid in this instance — until they discover that censustakers DO NOT DRIVE GOVERNMENT CARS.I was at the post office one morning when a county sheriff's deputyasked the clerk at the window next to the one where I was buying stampsif "William Cooper" had rented a box. I smiled as the clerk handed him myrental agreement and he copied the information. He didn't learn anything,as we live in the country where there are no addresses. The form had only"Stolen Blvd." listed — a lot of people live on Stolen Boulevard.We have been taken advantage of by every crooked con man, TVproducer, scriptwriter, author, and flim-flam expert that there is in thiscountry. I have learned that the TV and print-media reporters andproducers that I have met are a pack of liars. They are not objective anddon't give a damn about the truth. The only really open media left to thepublic is talk radio, and even talk radio won't discuss certain subjects. Mymaterial has been copied, changed, and even plagiarized. A lot of peoplehave used my material to make money without my knowledge or permission.A Hollywood producer wanted to buy the exclusive rights to mystory for ONE DOLLAR!Bill Hamilton begged me to let him include my material in his bookentitled Alien Magic. He pretended to be a friend and I let him. I asked forno money and he offered none. His entire book consists of other people'smaterial. He now accuses me of stealing "his" information. Bill Hamiltonturned out to be just another UFO flake. I have since learned that I am notthe only person of whom he has taken advantage.The most damaging scam was perpetrated by two old, has-been actorsturned con men, named Michael Callan and Douglas Deane. I doubtseriously that you will remember either one, Callan was a regular in thecheapy teen beach-blanket movies and Deane never got beyond bit partsand chorus lines. I got involved with them when another actor namedBruce Reed called and asked if I would consent to meet with him and afriend who preferred to remain anonymous. I agreed that they could cometo the house where we could talk on familiar turf. I was not eager to meetwith someone that I did not know, and especially with an anonymousperson away from familiar surroundings.Reed and friend showed up at my home, and the friend turned out tobe Michael Callan. They told me that they had read my material andwanted to help. What a joke that statement turned out to be! They told methat they knew how to get me in front of millions of people where I coulddeliver my message. Callan was slick; he told me he was only interested inhelping spread the information, but talked me into signing a five-yearmanagement contract that gave him a full 20% of the gross of all of myearnings no matter what the source. He swore that if he didn't showresults within six months he would tear up the contract.The first thing that Callan did was shaft his partner, Bruce Reed. Hecut Reed out of the action. To prevent me from finding out that he haddone it only to get Reed's half of the 20%, Callan told me that Bruce was adrug dealer. Callan said that the public would find out eventually, andReed's drug involvement would damage me. Everything Callan told meabout Reed turned out to be a lie.Stan Barrington called me next, wanting to know why I was trying todump him. I didn't know what he was talking about. It turned out thatCallan was trying to force Stan into giving up his 24% so that Callan couldform a 50-50 partnership with me. I told Stan that I had no intention ofdumping him. I told him that his 24% was his, that he could keep it, sell it,or give it away and that he did not need my permission. Stan felt muchbetter after that conversation and told Callan to go fly a kite. At that pointCallan began working on me to get rid of Stan. I refused. I also told himthat he had nothing invested and therefore did not warrant anything. Hisjob was to manage according to our contract.Douglas Deane entered the picture at the January 7,1989, lecture thatI gave at the Showboat Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Callan brought himto videotape the lecture so that we would have a tape to sell for thosethousands of people who pleaded with us to produce a tape. The agree-ment was that he would tape the event and the tapes would belong exclusivelyto me. In return, if the tapes turned out good, Deane would get acontract to produce future tapes. The tapes were terrible and I told bothDeane and Callan that I did not want tapes of that poor quality being soldto anyone. They did it anyway behind my back and began the process ofstealing my master tapes from all of my other lectures. At the same timeCallan drained all the business accounts. He borrowed $1400 from Stan toproduce tapes and then kept the money and the tapes.A producer in Germany booked me to do a lecture in that country. Tosecure the agreement he sent $3,000 to be used for two first-class tickets andas a guarantee that when I got there I would not be cancelled. The producercancelled when a German postal strike prevented him from advertisingthe event. Callan kept the man's $3,000. I did not find out about thatuntil after I fired Callan.At my lecture in San Diego at the Whole Life Expo I found out thatDeane was selling tapes and asking people to make checks out to "Need toKnow Productions," a phony company. I immediately fired Deane. Iinformed Callan that we were to do no more business with him whatsoever.I discovered that Callan was telling me that we were having tapesduplicated in Hollywood for $15 per tape, but in reality Deane was doingit on VCRs at his home in Arizona. I asked Callan to return all of my mastertapes for all my lectures. He refused and I fired him.When I got rid of Callan, he had stolen everything that we had. Wewere literally left penniless. He was in possession of all of our master tapesfrom all of my lectures. We were broke and homeless at that point. If it hadnot been for a few good friends in Minnesota, we would not have survived.We would be in the streets today. Callan and Deane continue to injure usby selling tapes from my lectures. We get nothing from those sales. Theyare the most despicable con men and thieves that you can imagine.I paid a visit to Deane's home one Saturday morning to ask him for mymaster tapes. He was not home, and after a polite conversation with hishandyman, I returned to my home. A few days later the sheriff's departmentcalled and asked me if I had been to Deane's home that same Saturday.I told him that I had. He asked me if I had tried to break in Deane'shome and I told him that I had not. He thanked me and that was the endof it. I had no idea what it was all about until I was served with aretraining order. It seems that Deane's guilty conscience had made himafraid that I would return. He slit his own tires, made a report to the sheriffthat I had done it, and then procured a restraining order from the localcourt. I have never been questioned or accused by the police or sheriffother than what I have already disclosed. I believe that their goal from thevery beginning was to try and destroy my efforts at educating the Americanpeople… …They damn near succeeded.”Milton William Cooper was reared in an Air Force family. As a child he lived in many different countries, graduating from Yamato High School in Japan. Since he has traveled through or lived in many different foreign countries, Mr. Cooper has a world view much different than most Americans. William served with the Strategic Air Command, United States Air Force. He held a secret clearance working on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refueling aircraft, and Minuteman missiles. William received his Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force in 1965. He later joined the United States Navy fulfilling a dream previously frustrated by chronic motion sickness. He served aboard the submarine USS Tiru (SS-416), USS Tombigbee (AOG-11), Naval Support Activity Danang RVN, Naval Security and Intelligence Camp Carter RVN, Danang Harbor Patrol RVN, Dong Ha River Security Group RVN, USS Charles Berry (DE-1035), Headquarters Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, USS Oriskany (CVA-34).Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam. William Cooper was awarded several medals for his leadership and heroism during combat including two with "V" for Valor.He served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet. William was the Petty Officer of the Watch and designated KL-47 SPECAT operator in the CINCPACFLT Command Center at Makalapa Hawaii. There he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.Cooper's first public appearance resulted when he uploaded a text on ParaNet, the international computer data service. The file alleges a fantastic sighting of a UFO while Cooper was a crewmember of the USS TIRU, a United States Naval Submarine, in 1966. According to Cooper, the sighting took place while he was on duty as the port lookout. Claiming that the sub's skipper immediately classified the incident, Cooper reported that when the submarine reached port, the witnesses were debriefed by Naval Security. During this time frame, John O. Lear, son of William "Bill" Lear of Lear Jet fame, had also been undergoing ParaNet scrutiny as a result of the release of his hypothesis concerning an alien threat. Lear's document had been released in December of 1987, and had created quite an uproar in its own right. John Lear alleged that the United States Government had entered into a relationship with possible ET intelligence and in exchange for super technology, gave carte blanche to the ETs to conduct experiments and abductions on unsuspecting human beings. Lear claimed that in addition, the ETs, with our government’s knowledge, were mutilating domestic animals such as cattle and sheep, and in some cases even humans were the victims. Because much of Lear’s information was a hypothesis, and little checkable information was forthcoming, many of the ParaNet members were asking very hard questions, and then in a number of instances, attacked Lear’s credibility. Cooper allied himself with Lear when he again visited the ParaNet system with the claim that he had just been terminated from his $75000.00 a year job as the Executive Director of a School. In October of 1988, Cooper contacted this writer via ParaNet with the request of a favor. Telling me at that time that "this is dangerous if anyone finds out", he asked me to accept the electronic transfer of a file into my computer, to be sent to Stanton Friedman with the information of who wanted Friedman to see it. The document included information about MAJI, MJ-1, THE BLUE TEAM, GRUDGE, and according to Cooper various other alledged secret government projects dealing with the alien presence. Agreeing to send the information to Friedman, (I never heard anymore about this until later when Cooper was barred from ParaNet because of claims of feeding false and fraudulent information) I basically forgot about this information until Cooper released additional files claiming that this was the final release. There were several "final" releases, for example in one Cooper claimed:"MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group... The JASON SOCIETY to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception..." In another that:"MJ-12 CANNOT BE USED AS A NAME FOR THE CONTROL GROUP AS IT WOULD CAUSE CONFUSION IN MEANING, i.e. IS IT REFERING TO MJ-12 THE PERSON OR MJ-12 THE GROUP..." In yet another release, Cooper claimed that "PROJECT: LUNA” was an alien base on the far side of the Moon and it was observed by various Astronauts, but then in one more "final release" he stated that it was actually the code name for an underground base near Dulce, New Mexico. In the later releases there are references to a number of names that were never mentioned in earlier releases. Names such as JOSHUA, and O.H. KRLL, or KRLLL, or CRLL, CRLLL, or even KRILL. This proves to be very important as the later investigation will show, when it comes to answering whether these claims will bear up under serious scrutiny.Cooper later claimed that the reason the documents were "different" was that he wanted to throw the government off his trail until someone would verify that what he said was the truth, and that "it does not matter who is wrong or right and who is wrong or if a project name is in the wrong place. “We must all band together and expose it now." In December, 1987 John Lear called up Jim Speiser and informed him of a paper he had just written. He sent a copy to Speiser and asked him if he would upload it to the Paranet BBS system. He also warned Speiser "If you don't get a call from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations upon transmitting the letter, I will buy you dinner at Caesar's Palace." Speiser did not get a call from the Air Force, but perhaps he should have. The Lear document was enough to scare hell out of anyone at first glance.Dated December 29, 1987 the Lear Paper began this way. "Note to the Press: The Government of the United States continues to rely on your personal and professional gullibility to suppress the information contained herein. Your co-operation over the past 40 years has exceeded our wildest expectations and we salute you!" After this small tidbit Lear proceeded with "...we must face the shocking facts. The "horrible truth" the government has been hiding from us over 40 years. Unfortunately, the "horrible truth" is far more horrible than the government ever imagined."*************************John Lear has requested that the following file be published on ParaNet.It is our philosophy to encourage debate on paranormal issues, nomatter how controversial, and we welcome his input. the informationcontained in this file has not been verified by ParaNet, no do theopinions expressed herein necessarily reflect those of theAdministrator or other ParaNet staff members. We can state, however,that John is who he says he is, and has numerous contacts in sensitivepositions that could conceivably allow him access to information ofthis type.Statement Released By:John LearDecember 29, 1987John Lear, a captain for a major US Airline has flown over 160different types of aircraft in over 50 different countries. He holds 17world speed records in the Lear Jet and is the only pilot ever to holdevery airline certificate issued by the Federal AviationAdministration. Mr. Lear has flow missions worldwide for the CIA andother government agencies. A former Nevada State Senate candidate, heis the son of William P. Lear, designer of the Lear executive airplane,the 8-track stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler Corporation. Learbecame interested in the subject of UFO's 13 months ago after talkingwith United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landingat Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens walkingup to the Wing Commander.Note to the Press: The government of the United States continues torely on your personal and professional gullibility to suppress theinformation contained herein. Your cooperation over the past 40 yearshas exceeded our wildest expectations and we salute you."The sun does not revolve around the Earth" "The United StatesGovernment has been in business with little gray extraterrestrials forabout 20 years."The first truth stated here got Giordano Bruno burned at the stake inAD 1600 for daring to propose that it was real. The second truth hasgotten far more people killed trying to state it publicly than willever be known.But the truth must be told. The fact that the Earth revolves around thesun was successfully suppressed by the church for over 200 years. Iteventually caused a major upheaval in the church, government, andthought. A realignment of social and traditional values. That was inthe 1800s.Now, about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced we must againface the shocking facts. The "horrible truth" the government has beenhiding from us over 40 years. Unfortunately, the "horrible truth" isfar more horrible than the government has ever imagined.In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us to thealiens. And here is how it happened. But before I begin, I'd like tooffer a word in the defense of those who bargained us away. They hadthe best of intentions.Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939. GeneralJames H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to inspect a flying saucerthat had crashed there in Spitzbergen.The "horrible truth" was known by only a very few persons: Thy wereindeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying mantises and who weremore advanced than us by perhaps a billion years. Of the original groupthat were the first to learn the "horrible truth", several committedsuicide, the most prominent of which was General James V. Forrestal,who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospital window. GeneralForrestal's medical records are sealed to this day.President Truman quickly put a lid on the secret and turned the screwsso tight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are ajoke. Have I ever got a surprise for them.In 1947, President Truman established a group of 12 of the top militaryscientific personnel of their time. They were known as MJ-12. Althoughthe group exists today, none of the original members are still alive.The last one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the Army, in1984. As each member passed away, the group itself appointed a newmember to fill the position. There is some speculation that the groupknown as MJ-12 expanded to at least several more members.There were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940s, one inRoswell, New Mexico, one in Aztec, New Mexico, and one near Laredo,Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border.Consider, if you will, the position of the United States government atthat time. They proudly thought of themselves as the most powerfulnation on Earth, having recently produced the atomic bomb, anachievement so stupendous, it would take Russia 4 years to catch up,and only with the help of traitors to Democracy. They had built a jetaircraft that had exceeded the speed of sound in flight. They had builtjet bombers with intercontinental range that could carry weapons ofenormous destruction. The post war era, and the future, seemed bright.Now imagine what it was like for those same leaders, all of whom hadwitnessed the panic of Orsen Wells' radio broadcast, "The War of theWorlds," in 1938. Thousands of Americans panicked at a realisticallypresented invasion of Earth by beings from another planet. Imaginetheir horror as they actually viewed the dead bodies of thosefrightening looking little creatures with enormous eyes, reptilian skinand claw like fingers. Imagine their shock as they attempted todetermine how these strange "saucers" were powered and could discoverno part even remotely similar to components they were familiar with: nocylinders or pistons, no vacuum tubes or turbines or hydraulicactuators. It is only when you fully understand the overwhelminghelplessness the government was faced with in the late 40s that you cancomprehend their perceived need for a total, thorough and sweepingcover-up, to include the use of "deadly force". The cover-up was sosuccessful that as late as 1985, a senior scientist with the JetPropulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, Dr. Al Hibbs, would lookat a video tape of an enormous flying saucer and state on the record,"I'm not going to assign anything to that phenomena without a lot moredata". Dr. Hibbs was looking at the naked emperor and saying, "Hecertainly looks naked, but that doesn't prove he's naked".In July of 1952, a panicked government watched helplessly as a squadronof "flying saucers" flew over Washington, D.C., and buzzed the WhiteHouse, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. It took all theimagination and intimidation the government could muster to force thatincident out of the memory of the public.Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean War and several moresaucers were retrieved by the Air Force. Some were stored atWright-Patterson Air Force Base, some were stored at Air Force basesnear the location of the crash site.One saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in transportationso enormous that it was buried at the crash site and remains theretoday. The stories are legendary on transporting crashed saucers overlong distances, blocking major highways, sometimes driving 2 or 3lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet indiameter.On April 30, 1964, the first communication between the aliens and theU.S. Government took place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.Three saucers landed at a pre-arranged area and a meeting was heldbetween the aliens and intelligence officers of the U.S. Government.During the period of 1969-1971, MJ-12 representing the U.S. Governmentmade a deal with these creatures, called EBE's (ExtraterrestrialBiological Entities, named by Detley Bronk, original MJ-12 member and6th President of Johns Hopkins University). The "deal" was that inexchange for "technology" that they would provide to us, we agreed to"ignore" the abductions that were going on and suppress information onthe cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions(usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring ofdeveloping civilizations.In fact, the purposes for the abductions turned out to be:(1) The insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the nasal cavity ofthe abductee into the brain. The device is used for the biologicalmonitoring, tracking, and control of the abductee.(2) Implementation of Posthypnotic Suggestion to carry out a specificactivity during a specific time period, the actuation of which willoccur within the next 2 to 5 years.(3) Termination of some people so that they could function as livingsources for biological material and substances.(4) Termination of individuals who represent a threat to thecontinuation of their activity.(5) Effect genetic engineering experiments.(6) Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnanciesto secure the crossbreed infant.The U.S. Government was not initially aware of the far reachingconsequences of their "deal". They were led to believe that theabductions were essentially benign and since they figured theabductions would probably go on anyway whether they agreed or not, theymerely insisted that a current list of abductees be submitted, on aperiodic basis, to MJ-12 and the National Security Council. Does thissound incredible? An actual list of abductees sent to the NationalSecurity Council? Read on, because I have news for you.The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system isatrophied and not functional. Some speculate that they were involved insome type of accident or nuclear war, or possibly on the back side ofan evolutionary genetic curve. In order to sustain themselves, they usean enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from the tissue that theyextract from humans and animals. (Note: Cows and Humans are geneticallysimilar. In the event of a national disaster, cow's blood can be usedby humans.)The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide andapplied to the skin by spreading or dipping parts of their bodies inthe solution. The body absorbs the solution, then excretes the wasteback through the skin. The cattle mutilations that were prevalentthroughout the period from 1973 to 1983 and publicly noted throughnewspaper and magazine stories and including a documentary produced byLinda Howe for the Denver CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, were for thecollection of these tissues by the aliens. The mutilations includedgenitals taken, rectums cored out to the colon, eyes, tongue and throatall surgically removed with extreme precision. In some cases theincisions were made by cutting between the cells, a process we are notyet capable of performing in the field. In many of the mutilationsthere was no blood found at all in the carcass, yet there was novascular collapse of the internal organs. This has been also noted inthe human mutilations, one of the first of which was Sgt. Jonathan P.Louette at the White Sands Missile Test Range in 1956, who was foundthree days after an Air Force Major had witnessed his abduction by a"disk shaped" object at 0300 while on a search for missile debrisdownrange. His genitals had been removed, rectum cored out in asurgically precise "plug" up to colon, eyes removed and all bloodremoved, again, no vascular collapse. From some of the evidence it isapparent that this surgery is accomplished, in most cases, while thevictim, animal or human, is still alive.The various parts of the body are taken to various undergroundlaboratories, one of which is known to be near the small New Mexicotown of Dulce. This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility has beendescribed as enormous, with huge tiled walls that "go on forever".Witnesses have reported huge vats filled with amber liquid with partsof human bodies being stirred inside.After the initial agreement, Groom Lake, one of the nations most secrettest centers, was closed for a period of about a year, sometime about1972 or 1974, and a huge underground facility was constructed for andwith the help of the EBE's. The "bargained for" technology was set inplace but could only be operated by the EBE's themselves. Needless tosay, the advanced technology could not be used against the EBE'sthemselves, even if needed.During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly obviousto MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known thatmany more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than werelisted on the official abduction lists. In addition, it became obviousthat some, not all, but some of the nation's missing children had beenused for secretions and other parts required by the aliens.In 1979 there was an altercation of sorts at the Dulce laboratory. Aspecial armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number of ourpeople trapped in the facility, who had become aware of what was reallygoing on. According to one source, 66 of the soldiers were killed andour people were not freed.By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at the mistake they hadmade in dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly promoted "CloseEncounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T." to get the public used tolooking at aliens that were compassionate, benevolent and very much"space brothers". MJ-12 "sold" the EBE's to the public, and were nowfaced with the fact that quite the opposite was true. In addition, aplan was formulated in 1968 to make the public aware of the existenceof the aliens on Earth over the next 20 years to be culminated withseveral documentaries to be released during 1985-1987. Thesedocumentaries would explain the history and intentions of the aliens.The discovery of the "Grand Deception" put the entire plans, hopes anddreams of MJ-12 into utter confusion and panic.Meeting at the "Country Club", a remote lodge with private golf course,comfortable sleeping and working quarters, and its own private airstripbuilt by and exclusively for the members of MJ-12, it was a factionalfight of what to do now. Part of MJ-12 wanted to confess the wholescheme and shambles it had become to the public, beg their forgivenessand ask for their support. The other part (and majority) of MJ-12argued that there was no way they could do that, that the situation wasuntenable and there was no use in exciting the public with the"horrible truth" and that the best plan was to continue the developmentof a weapon that could be used against the EBE's under the guise of"SDI", the Strategic Defense Initiative, which had nothing whatsoeverto do with a defense for inbound Russian nuclear missiles. As thesewords are written, Dr. Edward Teller, "father" of the H-Bomb, ispersonally in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site, driving hisworkers and associates in the words of one, "like a man possessed". Andwell he should, for Dr. Teller is a member of MJ-12, along with Dr.Kissinger, Admiral Bobby Inman, and possibly Admiral Poindexter, toname a few of the current members.Before the "Grand Deception" was discovered and according to ameticulous plan of metered release of information to the public,several documentaries and video tapes were made. William Moore, aBurbank, California, based UFO researcher who wrote "The RoswellIncident," a book published in 1980 that detailed the crash, recoveryand subsequent cover-up of a UFO with 4 alien bodies, has a video tapeof 2 newsmen interviewing a military officer associated with MJ-12.This military officer answers questions relating to the history ofMJ-12 and the cover-up, the recovery of a number of flying saucers andthe existence of a live alien (one of 3 living aliens captured anddesignated, or named, EBE-1, EBE-2, and EBE-3, being held in a facilitydesignated as YY-II at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The only other facilityof this type, which is electromagnetically secure, is at Edwards AirForce Base in Mojave, California). The officer names as previouslymentioned plus a few others: Harold Brown, Richard Helms, Gen. VernonWalters, JPL's Dr. Lew Allen and Dr. Theodore von Karman, to name a fewof the current and past members of MJ-12.The officer also relates the fact that the EBE's claim to have createdChrist. The EBE's have a type of recording device that has recorded allof Earth's history and can display it in the form of a hologram. Thishologram can be filmed but because of the way holograms work does notcome out very clear on movie film or video tape. The crucifixion ofChrist on the Mount of Olives has allegedly been put on film to showthe public. The EBE's claim to have created Christ, which, in view ofthe "Grand Deception", could be an effort to disrupt traditional valuesfor undetermined reasons.Another video tape allegedly in existence is an interview with an EBE.Since EBE's communicate telepathically, an Air Force Colonel serves asan interpreter. Just before the recent stock market correction inOctober 1987, several newsmen, including Bill Moore, had been invitedto Washington, D.C., to personally film the EBE in a similar typeinterview, and distribute the film to the public. Apparently, becauseof the correction in the market, it was felt the timing was not right.In any case, it certainly seems like an odd method to inform the publicof extraterrestrials, but it would be in keeping with the actions of apanicked organization who at this point in time doesn't know which wayto turn.Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents, a few pages ofwhich leaked out several years ago and detailed the supersecret NSAproject which had been denied by them until just recently. In a letterto Senator John Glenn, NSA's Director of Policy, Julia B. Wetzel,wrote, "Apparently there is or was an Air Force project with that name(Aquarius) which dealt with UFO's. Coincidentally, there is also an NSAproject by that Name." NSA's project Aquarius deals specifically the"communications with the aliens" (the EBE's). Within the program wasproject "Snowbird", a project to test-fly a recovered alien aircraft atGroom Lake, Nevada. This project continues today at that location. Inthe words of an individual who works at Groom Lake, "Our people aremuch better at taking things apart than they are at putting them backtogether."Moore, who claims he has a contact with MJ-12, feels that they havebeen stringing him along, slipping him documents and providing himleads, promising to go public with some of the information onextraterrestrials by the end of 1987.Certain of Moore's statements lead one to believe that Moore himself isa government agent working for MJ-12, not to be strung along, butstring along ever hopeful UFOlogists that the truth is just around thecorner.Consider:1. Moore states emphatically that he is not a government agent,although when Lee Graham, (a Southern California based UFOlogist) wasinvestigated by DIS (Defense Investigative Service) for possession ofclassified documents received from Moore, Moore himself was not.2. Moore states emphatically that the cattle mutilations of 1973-1983were a hoax by Linda Howe (producer of "A Strange Harvest") to createpublicity for herself. He cites the book "Mute Evidence" as the bottomline of the hoax. "Mute Evidence" was a government sponsored book toexplain the mutilations in conventional terms.3. Moore states that the U.S.A.F. Academy physics book, "IntroductorySpace Science", vol. II, chapter 13, entitled "Unidentified FlyingObjects", which describes four of the most commonly seen aliens (one ofwhich is the EBE) was written by Lt. Co. Edward Therkelson and MajorDonald B. Carpenter, Air Force personnel who did not know what theywere talking about and were merely siting "crackpot" references. He,Moore, states that the book was withdrawn to excise the chapter.If the government felt they were being forced to acknowledge theexistence of aliens on Earth because of the overwhelming evidence suchas the October and November sightings in Wytheville, VA., and recentlyreleased books such as "Night Siege" (Hynek, J. Allen; Imbrogno,Phillip J.; Pratt, Bob: Night Siege, Ballantine Books, Random House,New York), and taking into consideration the "grand deception" andobviously hostile intentions of the EBE's, it might be expedient forMJ-12 to admit the EBE's but conceal the information on the mutilationsand abductions. If MJ-12 and Moore were in some kind of agreement thenit would be beneficial to Moore to tow the party line. For example,MJ-12 would say ... "here are some more genuine documents ... butremember ... no talking about the mutilations or abductions". Thiswould be beneficial as it would supply the evidence to support histheory that E.T.'s exist but deny the truths about the E.T.'s. However,if Moore was indeed working for MJ-12, he would follow the party lineanyway ... admitting the E.T.'s but pooh-poohing the mutilations andabductions. If working alone, Moore might not even be aware of the"grand deception."Time will tell. It is possible that Moore will go ahead and release thevideo interview with the military officer around the first of the year,as he has promised. From MJ-12's point of view, the public would beexposed to the information without really having to believe it. Mooreis essentially not as creditable a source as, say, the President of theUnited States. After a few months of digestion and discussion, a morecredible source could emerge with a statement that yes in fact this wasessentially factual. This scenario would cushion the blow to thepublic. If, however, Moore does not release the tape by, say, February1, 1988, but comes instead with a story similar: "MJ-12 has informed methat they are definitely planning a release of all information byOctober of 88. I have seen the plan and have seen the guarantee thatthis will happen, so I have decided to withhold the release of my videotape at this time as it may cause some problems with MJ-12's plans"This would in effect buy more time for MJ-12 and time is what theydesperately need.Now you ask, "Why haven't I heard any of this?" Who do you think youwould hear it from? Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw? Sam Donaldson? Wrong. Thesepeople just read the news, they don't find it. There are ladies whocall and interview witnesses and verify statements on coming over thewire (either AP or UPI). It's not like Dan Rather would go down toWytheville, Virginia, and dig into why there were 4 THOUSAND sightingsin October and November of 1987. Better that Brokaw or sondish ideas,regardless of how many people report sightings of 900 foot objectsrunning them off the road. In the case of the Wytheville sighting,dozens of vans with NASA lettered on the side failed to interestnewsmen. And those that asked questions were informed that NASA wasdoing a weather survey.Well, then, you ask, what about our scientists? What about Carl Sagan?Isaac Asimov? Arthur C. Clark? Wouldn't they have known? If Carl Saganknows then he is committing a great fraud through the solicitation ofmemberships in the Planetary Society, "to search for extraterrestrialintelligence". Another charade into which the U.S. Government dumpsmillions of dollars every year is the radiotelescope in Arecibo, PuertoRico, operated by Cornell University with -- guess who? -- Carl Sagan.Cornell is ostensibly searching for signals from Outer Space, a signmaybe that somebody is out there. It is hard to believe that relativelyintelligent astronomers like Sagan could be so ignorant.What about Isaac Asimov? Surely the most prolific science fictionwriter of all time would have guessed by now that there must be anenormous cover-up? Maybe, but if he knows he's not saying. Perhaps he'safraid that Foundation and Empire will turn out to be inaccurate.What about Arthur C. Clarke? Surely the most technically accurate ofScience Fiction writers with very close ties to NASA would have atleast a hint of what's really going on. Again, if so, he isn't talking.In a recent Science Fiction survey, Clarke estimates that contact withextraterrestrial intelligent life would not occur before the 21stCentury.If the government won't tell us the truth and the major networks won'teven give it serious consideration, then what is the big picture,anyway? Are the EBE's having done a hundred thousand or more abductions(possibly millions worldwide), built an untold number of secretunderground bases (Groom Lake, Nevada; Sunspot, Datil, Roswell and PineTown, New Mexico, just to name a few) getting ready to return towherever they came from? Or, from the obvious preparations are we toassume that they are getting ready for a big move? Or is the moresinister and most probable situation that the invasion is essentiallycomplete and it is all over but the screaming?A well planned invasion of Earth for it's resources and benefits wouldnot begin with mass landings of ray-gun equipped aliens. A properlyplanned and executed invasion by a civilization thousands and probablyhundreds of thousands of years in advance of us would most likely becomplete before even a handful of people -- say 12? -- realized whatwas happening. No fuss, no muss. The best advice I can give you isthis: Next time you see a flying saucer and are awed by its obviousdisplay of technology and gorgeous lights of pure color – RUN LIKE HELL!Soon on Paranet and then on the CompuServe Information Network, John Lear was being questioned by computer users all over the United States. When this writer was first exposed to the Lear paper after it appeared on Paranet, I telephoned Lear and spoke to him for several hours. Within a few days he sent me a large package of his material to support his hypothesis. Later Lear was to explain that he became interested in the UFO subject after speaking to several U.S. Air Force friends who had witnessed a UFO landing at the British/American base at Bentwaters-Woodbridge in 1980. He claimed that prior to this he never had an interest in the subject, although his father, William Lear, is on record as believing that UFOs were interplanetary. But with this released document now on the nation-wide BBS system, and soon to circle the globe, the circus was gearing up and the UFO research community was taking a nose dive into sensationalism-- and what is now called - the dark side. This is the beginning of what promised to be years of disinformation and factionalism that still divides the UFO field and its researchers.JOHN LEAR and the DARK SIDEby the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.In recent years new and even wilder strains of paranoia have sprouted along ufology's fringes. Inspiration comes not just from UFO rumors but from conspiracy theories associated with the far right end of the political spectrum. The two major figures in what has been called the "dark side movement" are John Lear, a pilot who once flew aircraft for a CIA-linked company, and Milton William Cooper, a retired Navy petty officer.According to dark-siders, a ruthless "secret government" controls the world. Among other nefarious activities, it runs the international drug trade and has unleashed AIDS and other deadly diseases as population-reducing measures. Its ultimate goal is to turn the Earth and surrounding planets into slave-labor camps. For some time this secret government has been in contact with alien races, allowing the aliens to abduct human beings in exchange for advanced alien technology.The aliens, known as the "grays" (because of their gray skin color), do more than abduct human beings. They mutilate and eat them as well, using the body parts to rejuvenate themselves. The secret government and the aliens labor together in vast underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, where they collect human and animal organs, drop them into a chemical soup, and manufacture soulless android creatures. These androids, who are then unleashed to do dirty work for the government/alien conspiracy, are best known to the rest of us as the Men In Black. With each retelling, with the appearance of each new and expensive book, video, or tape, the dark-side story gets crazier.In one version the conspirators travel into the future to observe the emergence of the anti-Christ in the 1990s, World War III in 1999, and the Second Coming of Christ in 2011. George Bush oversees the world's drug traffic. The secret government has maintained bases on Mars since the early 1960s. The conspirators employ drugs and hypnosis to turn mentally unstable individuals into mass murderers of schoolchildren and other innocents; the purpose is to spur anti-gun sentiment, resulting in gun-control legislation. Thus, Americans will be disarmed and defenseless when the secret government's storm troopers round them up and herd them into concentration camps.A small army of fervent believers all around the world has embraced these monstrous yarns, for which-no rational reader will be surprised to learn-not a shred of supporting evidence exists. The true sources of these lurid tales are not hard to find: They are a hodgepodge of elements patched together from saucer folklore, extremist political literature, and a 1977 British mock-documentary, Alternative 3. The purpose of this show was to satirize popular credulity and paranoia. Unfortunately, some remain convinced the show was sober fact, ironically serving only to give rise to fresh varieties of mass gullibility and fear.************************ALIENS AMONG USA UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode By John White Let's play "What If." Recently, John Lear provoked widespread discussion and debate in the UFO research community by his hypothesis that aliens ("Grey’s") and what is presumed to be a CIA/MJ-12 amalgam have had a long-time joint venture in which hidden underground bases for alien activities play a part. Lear characterizes this as nefarious. I agree with Lear and see aspects to the UFO abduction experience which indicate there may be even more vast and sinister dimensions to it than Lear has described. Here is the "worst case scenario" I project. The thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, where things are not always as they seem. In the case of the Grey abducting aliens, my judgment is this: they are diabolical and completely untrustworthy. I get a strong of sense of conspiracy by them--a vast, subversive plot of long duration and careful coordination which aims at nothing less than the complete enslavement of humanity. I see nothing--absolutely nothing--about their words and deeds which indicates anything but deceit, evasion, misdirection, manipulation, exploitation and total disregard for human values, personal property and our concept of respect for the inviolability of personhood. We humans consider kidnaping and violation of civil rights to be criminal, rape to be loathsome , brainwashing and mind control to be heinous, lying to be despicable, unauthorized surgical invasion of the body to be monstrous, and damage to personal property to be vandalism. The Grey aliens exhibit such behavior. On the other hand, I know of no behavior by them which is clearly intended to show respect for our personhood, property, civil rights, moral values and concern for truthful speech; they routinely violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture which emerges. It is not merely alien; it is profoundly evil in precisely the sense given in the Book of Revelation and other sacred scriptures which describe a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness for the salvation or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when abducting aliens say, "We're here to serve you," I take it to mean they have have cookbook recipes in mind. What follows is a summary of my thoughts on the topic. I acknowledge at the outset that it is indistinguishable from scaremongering science fiction novels; I also acknowledge that it has numerous underpinning assumptions which are open to challenge . (To name just two: are the alien abductions literally real or are they psychological projections from the mythic level of the human unconscious, created by overactive, distraught human minds, and are the MJ-12 documents authentic?) Moreover, the data on which I hang this scenario are few, tenuous and far from indisputable. I've deliberately stayed away from discussing this topic in my public statements on the UFO experience because the evidence for my position is difficult to describe to an audience which is not psychologically sophisticated nor parapsychologically educated. Most people would take the paragraph above as evidence of bizarre mental disturbance in me bordering on paranoia and religious fantasy, if not full-blown psychosis. However, I claim to have enough self-awareness and psychological/psychiatric understanding to say that such is not the case, but rather is the result of thoughtful observation and analysis leading logically to a plausible conclusion by a seasoned investigator of the paranormal. So if the issue of my sanity can be put aside, at least temporarily, l offer this statement as an hypothesis for discussion of the most perplexing--and potentially important--aspect of the UFO experience. I am "floating" it first among members of the Paranormal section of CompuServe's ISSUES Forum because you are among the most sophisticated, clear-thinking people I know in this field of wild stories, fuzzy data and wounded psyches. I welcome the most hard-hitting feedback. I don't claim to have the "final" answer to the UFO question. I only claim to offer the following with sincerity, the most rigorous thinking I can bring to it, and a wish to provoke further discussion and investigation along the line I'm developing. Of course, it's possible to be sincere but deluded. I am willing--indeed, eager--to be shown that is so in my case. Therefore, in hope of the most hard-hitting feedback, and in the interest of reality-testing, here we go with "What If." Let's begin with the humans and/or humanoids who have been reported by abductees to be present on UFOs, apparently working with/for the aliens. There are many such reports, most notably that by Travis Walton. If the Grey aliens have been conducting a genetic experiment or an interspecies breeding program for at least several decades--which Budd Hopkins' work indicates--then there could be humans who've been raised under alien control since infancy and who are thoroughly alien in their loyalties and psychology, although they certainly would be able to pass as "real" people. While seeming to be ordinary citizens, they would nevertheless be at least programmed, if not naturally inclined through psychological bonding, to identify with the alien culture. Such people could have been raised in an off-world site--say, a base on the moon or Mars or even a gigantic "mother ship" --and then reintroduced to human society, with sufficient training and ongoing support from aliens to make their way into careers in many fields. Depending on the scope of the aliens' work--which I take to be happening on an enormous scale--the abducting aliens/Greys could have hundreds or even thousands of their people infiltrated into science, industry, finance, politics, education, the military --with some undoubtedly in positions of great power and influence. These people could, in turn, have recruited others to various degrees, creating "cells" in the classic fashion of a resistance movement preparing to overthrow the establishment. More likely, though, they would have made their true identity known only to other "aliens among us" and committed true-human collaborators who have been voluntarily working with the aliens. This infiltration activity would not be limited to the USA. If the Grey aliens are doing it here, they're doing it everywhere. Of course, being scheming and untrustworthy, bent on planetary domination, they would not have told anything about this to MJ-12 or other official government/military groups they might have contacted over the decades. And if they contacted MJ-12 or its successors, we can be fairly certain they've contacted the Soviet Union and other major powers, but wouldn't have let each know about the others. The infiltration would represent a hidden agenda behind their relatively more open agenda with MJ-12. ("Open" is hardly the right word for an "Above Top Secret" operation, as the MJ-12 documents have been classified, but the alien infiltration of civilization would be above even that.) In parallel with that infiltration movement would be Manchurian Candidate-type programming of the abductees and alien-human/humanoids. In other words, if the Greys' ultimate intention is world control--which is my conclusion--they've got a couple of ways to get there. The last resort would be violent takeover, using naked warfare. That would certainly unite true humans in opposition, and even if the Greys conquered humanity, we would continue to resist by any and all means, even if our condition were reduced to the status of POWs at a Hanoi Hilton. No, the aliens would seek a bloodless takeover by conquering through propaganda and deception. Remember that American POWs in Korea and Vietnam were continually subjected to brainwashing because their bodies were captured but not their minds. The aliens would recognize that and, in order to make their victory complete, try to indoctrinate us, through covert means, to accept them as we walk down a garden path, rather than have to "re-educate" some five billion people in effect held captive as POWs. So, the more intelligent approach would be to co-opt the human race--subvert it through a cultural conditioning control system such as Jacques Valle suggests in Dimensions. The MJ-12 group and its counterparts in other nations would be the starting point. Here's where the plot thickens. In fact, it ties in with more mundane conspiracy theories in the political sphere which allege that the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations and other groups are the hidden powers and the secret establishments directing world affairs through international banking and control of the media, education, science and military/political institutions in order to set up a one-world social order with themselves at the seats of power. There are some plausible arguments for this made by responsible, credible thinkers and scholars such as Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton; there are also some absolutely bozo claims made by head-for-the-hills survivalists and fringe Christian fundamentalists. I try to assess them all to see what looks viable, weighing them against my standards of reason, logic and evidence. Now, it's perfectly clear, thanks to Irangate, that international conspiracies can and do happen; the question is to what degree and how well coordinated and controlled they are by the alleged secret powers. Until the last few years, I pretty much dismissed the notion of a generations-old international conspiracy to set up a one-world order controlled by international banking interests such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. I reasoned that if there were one conspiracy, there would be others, and the net result would be to negate or at least neutralize each other. No one would gain total control or unassailable ascendancy. The vagaries of world affairs were just too unpredictable; too many things could go wrong; people wouldn't stay loyal to such a cause all their lives; evidence of it simply couldn't be covered up forever. Then the Grey aliens came into view, and the situation took on a wholly different complexion. If the aliens have secretly planted their agents throughout civilization for decades and if they are pursuing contact with the top echelons of power here in the USA via MJ-12 and its successors--as suggested by reports of Project Aquarius, Project Sigma, Project Garnet and Project Snowbird in Jerome Clark's four-part review of UFO crash/retrievals in Fate earlier this year--then over the years they could have been playing out a hand that was strategized nowhere but in Hell. Look at the membership of those power groups such as MJ-12. They lead straight into the heart of the most disturbing "conventional" conspiracy theories about international finance and military/political intrigue. For example, consider the Skull and Bones Society at Yale. It is, from the political conspiracy theorists' point of view, the quintessential "evil empire" within the USA. George Bush, McGeorge Bundy, and a large number of the Trilateral Commission members and the Council of Foreign Relations were tapped by this secret society while they were undergraduates at Yale and were bound by an oath of secrecy to loyalty to the "Bones" purpose, which goes far, far beyond simple collegial fraternity and the typical "good ol' boy" network. The conspiracy theorists say that the aim of all this is to covertly create a new world order in which the secret establishment becomes the hidden power controlling global affairs--its economy, science, industry, religion, education, technology, et c., even while maintaining for the masses a facade of increasing freedom and prosperity for the world. Nationhood would wither away, but political power would not. It would be consolidated behind a screen through the fraternal bonds of men (Skull and Bones excludes women) whose aims and loyalty are not to any country or group except their own transnational cabal. Imagine that such a conspiracy has been going on for decades; that would explain US State Department approval of high-technology transfer from American industry to the Soviet Union, even when it ends up used against America in military situations, and multimillion dollar bank loans to the Soviet Union with no assurances sought that they won't be used to underwrite anti-American activities. Then imagine that the aliens not only know of the conspiracy and understand its operations, but have also cunningly schemed to infiltrate it and co-opt it by pretending to establish friendly but secret relations with it. What would be the nature of the directing intelligence behind the aliens' scheme? It seems to me that the Grey aliens alone are not smart enough or powerful enough to pull it off, despite their technological edge. I see it like this: The aliens are glad to let the human conspirators continue their work aimed at world domination because the humans don't realize the danger they've gotten into by making what is in reality a diabolical pact. The human secret establishment thinks it' s simply got an edge by making contact with the aliens because the aliens can provide advanced technology to help the power brokers advance their scheme; all they have to do is let the aliens continue with their "scientific" work of abducting people for "examination." But the aliens' intention is to be the power behind the power behind the throne. And the MJ-12 successors played right into their hands.When John Lear says the MJ-12 team is scared of what they've gotten into, he would be right if the people involved have begun to realize the magnitude of the deadly game they've been suckered into--which seems likely. Just as they see their "final" victory nearing--i.e., global affairs are tending well for the establishment of a one-world order, exactly as they've been working for over decades--the aliens trump them and in effect the secret establishment itself becomes subtly, secretly but inescapably enslaved, exactly as they sought to do to others. A delicious irony there--but don't laugh too loud about it because the situation, if I'm correct, is appalling. It's the Book of Revelation coming true: a titanic war in the heavens between the power s of light and the powers of darkness for the liberation or enslavement of all humanity. Now, return to those alien-raised humans and humanoids. If the aliens are as knowledgeable about human psychology, physiology and anatomy as UFO research indicates--i.e., reports show that they can completely control the human nervous system, effect instant healings, alter memory, perform precise surgical operations on the brain and visceral organs--then they are wholly competent to "program" human beings to react in certain ways upon signal. Under hypnosis, abductee Betty Andreasson stated repeatedly in The Andreasson Affair--Phase Two that she would reveal something in the future when the time is right as determined by the aliens; quite independently, her future husband, Bob Luca, received exactly the same mental programming from abducting Greys. Thus, the alien-humans would undoubtedly be programmed to rise up with violence and armed warfare if the aliens felt it necessary to achieve their aims in extremis. Imagine hundreds of thousands of Manchurian Candidates, each programmed to eliminate/assassinate designated leaders and officials so that the aliens' hand-picked candidates can come forward. Far out? Not in the shadowy world of subversion, political intrigue and life-or-death struggle for conquest of Planet Earth. Where do all the alien-humans come from? Many would undoubtedly be bred in vitro from sperm and ova, but many others would have been obtained the easy way--by kidnapping children. An estimated one million children are missing in the USA each year. Where could they all go? If just one percent of them were abducted by aliens, that's a sizable population to work with at off-world bases. If you will grant the plausibility of this admittedly fantastic scenario so far, it then makes sense to say that the Grey aliens are not the "ultimate" type of beings contacting us in this matter. They are alien, through I'm not convinced they're extraterrestrial. However, it appears there is another "race" behind the Grey aliens, covertly directing their activities. This "race" is not merely "alien"--it is evil. It is truly sinister, malevolent and unswervingly committed to the damnation of all humanity--and it is definitely not extraterrestrial. These intelligences have been characterized in ancient scriptures and sacred traditions as native to Earth, demonic, hostile to our very existence as free people and intent upon dominating us totally--physically, mentally and spiritually. St. Paul spoke of humanity contending with "powers and principalities." My reason, research and personal experience lead me to conclude that such entities are ontologically real, albeit paraphysical. I see the hand of such intelligences behind much of the UFO phenomenon. I will even name the chief entity, using its Judeo-Christian appellation: Lucifer/Satan. To say more than that in a meaningful manner, however, would take several more kilobytes. I am prepared to g et into the issue of Lucifer/Satan and its nature, purpose and role in the UFO experience, but that will depend on my assessment of the response to this discussion. In closing, I will say that, in my judgment, we humans are not alone against forces of darkness. I also see benign and even benevolent "alien intelligences" here as well, trying to assist us in this struggle for psychobiological integrity, spiritual advancement and true planetary unity, as Brad Steiger suggests in The Fellowship. We are surrounded by "angels unawares" who, as agents of godliness, seek in subtle ways to guide and protect us. For example, the beings of light whom people meet during near-death experiences (NDE) are providing tremendous support for humanity in what I see as a struggle between the forces of light and darkness. The light-beings' nature is clearly evident by the effect they have upon human lives. Completely unlike the abducting Grey aliens, the NDE light-beings produce no traumatic consequences on people whatsoever. Humans who meet them while in the near-death state report later that they sensed only unconditional love and forgiveness for misdeeds radiating wordlessly from these entities. Abducting aliens induce fear and long-lasting anxiety, disturbing dreams and a disturbed personality; NDE light-beings have an aftereffect which brings people a sense of ultimate peace, cosmic goodness, reverence for life, deepened spirituality, concern for fellow humans and the environment--a general revaluing of a materialistic, egotistic life-style in the name of God and Love. Here in America alone, an estimated 8,000,000 people have undergone an NDE. If America is the leading edge of a millennial demonic invasion, as I'm postulating, it is also the site of an even greater number of transformative, uplifting, inspiring encounters with entities traditionally called angels, saints and enlightened teachers. And such activity must be happening around the globe. Does this not indicate a colossal support system of metaphysical forces which intend salvation for humanity, building in opposition to what I have posited as a hellish plot aimed at complete enslavement of humanity and Planet Earth? "... when you stop to think that we're all God's children, wherever we may live in the world, I couldn't help but say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together" -Ronald Reagan White House transcript of "Remarks of the President to Fallston High School Students and Faculty", regarding ongoing talks with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. December 4, 1985***************************The genesis of this story actually begins in the dawn of the personal computer revolution. In late 1985 a young man named Jim Speiser became interested in the new device that was to take over the world. At that time the internet was virtually reserved for the real "computer geeks." Everyone else used public bulletin board services. (BBS)Almost without exception all BBS's in those early days catered to interest in and about computers. Speiser had a different idea, one that basically can be credited with helping put UFOs and other oddities on the internet. Speiser, living in Fountain Hills, Arizona, decided to operate a bulletin board, but his would be geared to the paranormal. Beginning on January 1, 1986, the Paranet Bulletin Board system would set the new computer operating public on its ear.Speiser attended the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) symposium in July, 1987, held in Washington D.C. At that time, the recently released MJ-12 papers were the current flavor of the month. Suddenly the UFO subject, after years of neglect, had become respectable. According to Speiser, one of the participants he met there was a very quiet John Lear. Lear was the son of Lear Jet founder, the "stormy genius" Wm. Bill Lear. What made John Lear an exciting addition to this gathering of the UFO faithful was his biography as a pilot and former contract employee of the Central Intelligence Agency. Holding every airman certificate issued by the FAA, winning numerous speed records in the Lear Jet, flying for a CIA contract airline during the Vietnam War, Lear, in a very low key way, brought a level of excitement and desperately needed respectability to the UFO field.By this time the MJ-12 papers were general knowledge throughout the UFO community. Lear included the MJ-12 Group as the all-around governing body keeping its eye on the alien presence. According to Lear, MJ-12 at first thought they made a good deal but as several more crashed "saucers" were retrieved, MJ-12 "found out" that the aliens were implanting 3mm devices in the nasal cavity of abductees. The aliens were also "programming" abductees to carry out post- hypnotic instructions at some point in the future, that some abducted humans were being "used as biological material" and food sources. Some humans were murdered by the aliens because they presented a "threat" to alien activity, and last but not least, the aliens were conducting genetic experiments on humans and using human females to "cross-breed" alien-human hybrids.One point that Lear stated as truth was the "fact" that these aliens were residing in underground bases. Two areas pinpointed were near Dulce, New Mexico and Area 51 in Nevada. Later in 1988, Lear sent me news clippings of a military project that was in the process of developing an earth penetrating nuclear missile which publicly was to "take out" Soviet underground command structures, but which Lear claimed was actually a defense measure to destroy the alien bases. The plot was thickening, but now he was coming under very intense questioning by not only computer users, but others in the research field. In the early 1960's, a subterranean nuclear blast occurred about 30 miles southwest of Dulce, New Mexico, right off of U.S. 64. This nuclear blast was conducted under the umbrella of project Plowshare, and was named Gassbuggy. It has recently been alleged that this particular subsurface nuclear blast was used to create a hollowed out chute or chimney for development of a substation for a super-secret tunnel system attached to an underground black book project base. According to Thomas Castello, a former Dulce base security officer -- this particular under-world city is a highly secret base operated by humans as well as reptilian aliens and their worker cast, the commonly encountered ‘grays’. It is here, apparently, that a multitude of experimentation projects are carried out. Primarily genetic experiments on kidnapped men, women, and children. There are a myriad of other specialty science projects taking place at the Dulce base including, but not limited to: Atomic manipulation, cloning, studies of the human aura, advanced mind control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, visual and audio wiretapping, the list goes on.Dulce, New Mexico is a strange place indeed. It's a sleepy little town perched upon the Archuletta Mesa, just south of the Colorado border in northern New Mexico. Tourists passing through sometimes see little more life in the town other than that of a scruffy dog lazily spread out along side of the dirt road. Some claim that upon entering the town, black vehicles with heavily tinted windows tailgate them until they are outside the city limits and "heading out of Dodge".In addition, several other sources, who wish to remain nameless, reported oddities in their work with operation 'Plowshare' during the 1960's. The project was created under the guise of the use of atomic bombs during peacetime, and forged ahead under the umbrella of "Natural Gas Exploration". In fact, several of these multi-kiloton blasts were used as a rapid way of developing huge sub-surface chambers for facility development. It is reported that the technology to clean radiation is available and already in use for such projects. For the first time ever, the floor plans to levels one and six of the Dulce Base were leaked to the public. These floor plans were reproduced from the originals that were handed to Thomas Castello's “friend”. This friend did not previously release the floor plans because they were being used as a verification device to the claims of abductees that say they were there. To date, the originals have verified and disproved many stories circulating the field of ufology. This friend of Thomas Castello's, however, believes that it is time to begin to reveal the missing pieces. Its layout, when inspected carefully, appears to be extremely strategically planned. From a vertical viewpoint, it resembles a wheel with a central hub and corridors radiating outwards like spokes. This 'hub' is the focal point of the entire base. It is surrounded by central security and extends through all levels of the base. I believe this core to be the Achilles heel of the entire facility. It probably contains fiber optic communications and power lines. This would justify its highly guarded and central location as well as explain its vertical continuation through all levels. With all communication lines and power lines focused towards the hub, it is possible that any one level could be completely "locked down" by its own security or the security hubs from either above or below its own level. This would provide maximum control over the entire facility. The 'spokes' or corridors radiating away from the central hub, lead to numerous other labs in five different directions. Connect the spokes and a pentagon is revealed in its design. From above, this base resembles the layout of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. complete with halls, walls and military insignias! Since we do not have the exact heading on its corridors, magnetic alignments are impossible to determine. When viewed laterally, its appearance takes on the look of a tree with a trunk at its center and its floors extending outwards like the branches. If this is a facility of science, then one could easily say that its lateral appearance is like that of the tree of knowledge The overall design of this facility reminds one of a multi-stacked subterranean Hopi Indian Kiva. Although I believe that it's somewhat of a disservice to the Hopi to even be spoken of in association with a cave of horrors like the Dulce base, its similarity in design should not be forgotten. In 1961, Thomas Castello was a young sergeant stationed at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nevada. His job was as a military photographer with a top secret clearance. He later transferred to West Virginia where he trained in advanced intelligence photography. He worked inside an undisclosed underground installation, and due to the nature of his new assignment his clearance was upgraded to TS-IV. He remained with the Air Force as a photographer until 1971 at which time he was offered a job with RAND Corporation as a Security Technician, and so he moved to California where RAND had a major facility and his security clearance was upgraded to ULTRA-3. The following year he met a woman named Cathy, they married and had a son, Eric. In 1977 Thomas was transferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico where his pay was raised significantly and his security clearance was again upgraded... this time to ULTRA-7. His new job was as a photo security specialist in the Dulce installation, where his job specification was to maintain, align and calibrate video monitoring cameras throughout the underground complex and to escort visitors to their destinations. Once arriving in Dulce, Thomas and several other new 'recruits' attended a mandatory meeting where they were introduced to the BIG LIE, that: "...the subjects being used for genetic experiments were hopelessly insane and the research is for medical and humane purposes.” Beyond that, all questions were to be asked on a need to know basis. The briefing ended with severe threats of punishment for being caught talking to any of the 'insane' or engaging in conversations with others not directly involved with one’s current task. Venturing outside the boundaries of one’s own work area without reason was also forbidden and, most of all, discussing the existence of the joint Alien/U.S. government base to any outsider would generate severe and, if necessary, deadly repercussions. Thomas did his job as his superiors demanded. At first his encounters with actual gray and reptilian beings in the base were exhilarating, but soon he became acutely aware that all was not what it appeared to be. Thomas slowly began to sense that there was an underlying current of tension existing between some of the personnel and himself. Once in a while he would walk around the corner, interrupting serious discussions between coworkers and, as Thomas was a security officer, these talks would die off into a short murmur and individuals would part company. One particular part of his job was to go into various areas of the base and align the security monitoring cameras when it was necessary. This afforded him the opportunity to venture out and witness things that would stagger the imagination. Later he was to report seeing laboratories that investigated the following: Auraic energy fields of humans; Astral or spirit-body voyaging and manipulation; Psi studies; Advanced mind control analysis and application; Human brain memory recognition, acquisition, and transfer; Matter manipulation; Human/alien embryonic cloning; Rapid human body replicating by use of energy/matter transfer (complete with an individual’s memory from the neural network computer memory banks) and other scientific advances. Once in a while Thomas would see some of the horrifying genetic creations that were housed in separate sections of the base. These, he knew, couldn't have had anything to do with mental illness or health research. Thomas didn't want to look any further. For every time he discovered more pieces to this underground maze, it became more and more overwhelming to accept. His curious mind, however, implored him to search for the truth regardless of his own desire to turn away in horror. One day, Thomas was approached by another employee who ushered him into a side hallway. Here he was approached by two other gentlemen that whispered the most horrifying words; the men, woman AND CHILDREN that were said to be mentally retarded were, in fact, heavily sedated victims of ABDUCTION. He warned the men that their words and actions could get them in big trouble if he were to turn them in. At this, one man told Thomas that they were all observing him and noticed that he too was 'uncomfortable' with what he was witnessing. They knew that Thomas had a conscience and they knew they had a friend. They were right. Thomas didn't turn them into his commanders. Instead, he made the dangerous decision to quietly speak with one of the caged humans in an area nicknamed "Nightmare Hall". Through their drug induced state, he asked their name and their home town. Thomas discreetly investigated the claim of this 'insane' human during his weekends out of the facility. He discovered through his search that the person had been declared missing in their home-town after vanishing suddenly, leaving behind their traumatized families, who followed dead ends and trailed flyers. Soon he discovered that MANY of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of men, women and children were actually listed as missing or unexplained disappearances. Thomas knew he was IN OVER HIS HEAD and so were several of his co-workers. All he could do, until somehow the situation changed, was to be alert and extremely guarded with his thoughts. The gray aliens' telepathic capabilities allowed them to 'read' the minds of those around them and if he revealed his intense anger, it would be all over for him and his new friends. In 1978, tensions within the Dulce base were extremely heightened. Several security and lab technicians began to sabotage the genetic experiments. Increasingly frail nerves and paranoia finally erupted into what is commonly referred to as the Dulce Wars. It was a literal battle between the reptilians and the humans for the CONTROL of the Dulce base. It was the reptilians more than the humans that were pushing the "Big Lie", and insisted on using humans in their experiments, AND those who did not survive the experiments were used as 'sources' for the liquid protein tanks which 'fed' both embryonic gray fetuses as well as full grown grays, as a source of nourishment. The initial "Dulce War" conflict began on Level Three. No one is exactly sure how it started, but we do know through Thomas' account that it involved base SECURITY FORCES armed with beam weapons known as "Flash Guns", machine-gun toting U.S. Military personnel, and the Gray alien species (that were playing both sides against each other). When the smoke cleared, sixty-eight humans had been killed, twenty-two were completely vaporized and nineteen escaped via the tunnels. Seven were recaptured and twelve remain in hiding to this day. Thomas returned to his post awaiting the planning of his own escape. But in 1979, the intense pressure brought upon Thomas by his job finally made him break the code of silence. He told his best friend, by a hand passed note, that he was working in a sub-surface, huge installation outside of Dulce, New Mexico. He also told his friend that he was working side by side with Gray aliens that consider themselves native Terrans and that the upside-down black triangle with the inverted gold colored T inside it was the insignia of the project. Thomas knew that he had to leave the job for his own peace of mind, however now that he knew the truth about the abductees being held below, it would be almost impossible to live a 'normal' life. He would always be under observation and threat until the day he died. He also was aware of the fact that old age may not be his downfall. His demise could easily be expedited by certain individuals. After one of his weekends away from the facility, he decided to return to work. This time through one of the less guarded air shafts, unannounced and into the base by way of secret passages. Once inside, he preceded to appear as if he was working his normal duties while taking charge of every thought as he passed by Grays. During this time inside the base, he removed still photographs of the facility and treaties signed, with authentic signatures, between California Governor Ronald Reagan, several other individuals and the Grays. Thomas also managed to retrieve a 7 minute black and white surveillance video of genetic experiments, caged humans, Grays, as well as schematics of Alien devices and complex genetic formulas. These items, he felt, were not only his chance to a seat at the bargaining table when the need arose, but also they were things that the public needed to know about. He made copies of the films, photos and paperwork, packed several 'packages' and instructed several different people who he trusted explicitly to bury or hide them until the right time. He was then made aware through certain sources that his wife, Cathy, and son, Eric, had been forcibly taken from their home to an undisclosed underground facility for 'safe holding' until he decided to return with the items. At this point, he knew that even IF he did return everything to the Dulce commanders, that his wife and son were probably NEVER going to be the same again, if even returned at all, after being manipulated by aggressive mind control. He also knew that he AND his family would most DEFINITELY become permanently missing due to some tragic accident. Thomas was at zero option. He quickly dissolved into a lonely life on the run. From state to state, border to border, motels to sofas. Always looking behind him and trying his best to look ahead.THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL COMES FROM PEOPLE WHO KNOW THE DULCE(UNDERGROUND) BASE EXISTS. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO WORKED IN THELABS; ABDUCTEES TAKEN TO THE BASE; PEOPLE WHO ASSISTED IN THECONSTRUCTION; INTELLIGENCE PERSONAL (NSA,CIA,FBI ECT.) ANDUFO / INNER-EARTH RESEARCHERS.THIS INFORMATION IS MEANT FOR THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUSLYINTERESTED IN THE DULCE BASE. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION BEADVISED TO "USE CAUTION" WHILE INVESTIGATING THIS COMPLEX.An ongoing investigation:"THE DULCE BASE" by Jason Bishop III This facility is a "GENETICS LAB" and is connected toLos Alamos, via a "Tube-Shuttle." Part of their research isrelated to the General Effects of Radiation (Mutations andHuman Genetics). Its research also includes other"Intelligent Species" (Alien Biological Life Form"Entities").In the revised September 1950 edition of "THE EFFECTS OFATOMIC WEAPONS" prepared for and in cooperation with the U.S.Department of Defense and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,under the direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,we read about how "complete Underground placement of Bases isdesirable". On page #381: "There are apparently nofundamental difficulties in construction and operatingUnderground various types of important Facilities. Suchfacilities may be placed in a suitable existing mine or asite may be excavated for the purpose".Centuries ago, Surface People (some say the Illuminati)entered into a pact with an "Alien Nation" (hidden within theEarth). The U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade Animalsand Humans in exchange for High Tech Knowledge, and allowthem to use (undisturbed) UNDERGROUND BASES, in the WesternUSA. A Special Group was formed to deal with the AlienBeings. In the 1940's, "Alien Life Forms (ALF)" beganshifting their focus of operations, from Central and SouthAmerica, to the USA.The Continental Divide is vital to these "Entities".Part of this has to do with Magnetics (Substrata Rock) andHigh Energy States (Plasma). [See: BEYOND THE FOUR DIMENSIONS(Reconciling Physics, Parapsychology and UFOs by KarlBrunstein. Also: NUCLEAR EVOLUTION (Discovery of the RainbowBody) by Christopher Hills.]This area has a very high concentration of LightningActivity, Underground Waterways and Cavern Systems, Fields ofAtmospheric Ions, ect, ect. These Aliens consider themselves "Native Terrans". They are an Ancient Race (descendent from a Reptilian Humanoid Species which cross-bred with Sapient Humans). They are untrustworthy manipulative Mercenary Agents for anotherExtraterrestrial Culture (The DRACO) who are returning to Earth (their ancient "Outpost") to use it as a staging area. But, these Alien Cultures are in conflict over whose Agenda will be followed for this Planet. All the whileMental Control is being used to keep Humans "in place", especially since the Forties. The DULCE Complex is a Joint US Government / Alien Base. It was the first built with The Aliens (others are in Colorado, NV, AZ.)Paul Bennewitz reports, about his study into the Dulcearea, "Troops went in and out of there every summer, startingin '47. The natives do recall that. They also built a road -right in front of the people of Dulce and trucks went in andout for a long period. That Road was later blocked anddestroyed.. The signs on the trucks were 'Smith' Corp. out ofParagosa Springs, Colorado. No such corporation exists now -no record exists..... I believe the Base - at least the firstone was being built then under the cover of a lumberingproject.... problem - they NEVER hauled logs. Only BIGEquipment".R&D AND THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX THE RAND CORP. became involved and did a study, for theBase. Most of the lakes near Dulce were made, via Governmentgrants 'for' the Indians. NAVAJO DAM is the main source for conventionalelectrical power, with a second source in EL VADO (also, anentrance). Note: If RAND is the mother of "THINK TANKS", then the"FORD FOUNDATION" must be considered the father. Rand secrecy is not confined to 'Reports', but onoccasion extends to Conferences and Meetings. On page #645 ofThe PROJECT RAND, proceedings of the DEEP UNDERGROUNDCONSTRUCTION SYMPOSIUM (March 1959) we read: "Just asairplanes, ships and automobiles have given man mastery ofthe surface of the Earth, Tunnel-Boring Machines... will givehim access to the Subterranean World". Note: The Sept. 1983 issue of "OMNI" (pg#80) has a colordrawing of "THE SUBTERRENE", the Los Alamos nuclear-poweredtunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deepunderground, by heating whatever stone it encounters intomolten rock (magma), which cools after the SUBTERRENE hasmoved on. These underground tubes are used by electro-magnetically powered "Subshuttle Vehicles", which can travelat great speeds. They connect the "Hidden Empire" Sub-CityComplexes. Also, the top-secret project code-named: "NOAH'sARK", uses "TUBE-SHUTTLES" in connection with a system ofover 100 'Bunkers' and 'Bolt Holes' which have beenestablished at various places on Earth. With other Basesinside the Moon and Mars. Many of these underground Citiesare complete with streets, sidewalks, lakes, small electriccars, apartments, offices and shopping malls. There were over 650 attendees to the 1959 RANDSymposium. Most were representatives of the Corporate-Industrial State, like: THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, AT&T,HUGHES AIRCRAFT, NORTHROP CORP., SANDIA CORP., STANFORDRESEARCH INSTITUTE, WALSH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, THE BECHTELCORP, COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, ECT,ECT. BECHTEL (pronounced BECK-tul) is a super-secretinternational corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some saythe firm is really a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" - a working arm ofthe CIA. It is the largest construction and engineeringoutfit, in the USA and the WORLD (and some say BEYOND). The most important posts in the US Government are heldby former BECHTEL Officers. They are part of "The WEB" (aninterconnected control system) which links the Tri-Lateralistplans, the C.F.R. the Orders of "Illuminism" (Cult of theAll-Seeing Eye) and other interlocking groups. SURVIVING THE FUTURE DULCE FACILITY consists of a Central "HUB", theSecurity Section, (also some photo labs). The deeper you go,the stronger the Security. This is a multi-leveled Complex.There are over 3000 cameras at various High-Securitylocations (exits and Labs). There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce.Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around DulceLake and even as far east as Lindrith. Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural CavernSystems. A person who worked at the Base, who had an "ULTRA 7"Clearance, reports: "There may be more than seven levels, butI only know of seven. Most of the Aliens are on 5-6-7 Levels.Alien housing is Level Five." 21st CENTURY POWER: "BIO-TECH" We are leaving the Era of expendable resources, like Oilbased products. The Power of the Future is Re-newableresources... "Biologically" Engineered. The Dulce GeneticResearch was originally funded under the cloak of "BLACKBUDGET" Secrecy. (Billions $$$$) They were interested in intelligent "Disposable Biology"(Humanoids), to do the dangerous Atomic (Plutonium) Rocketand Saucer experiments. We Cloned "our" own little Humanoids. Via a processperfected in the Bio-Genetic Research Center of the World,Los Alamos! Now we have our own disposable slave-race. Likethe Alien "Greys" (EBES), the US Government clandestinelyimpregnated females, then removed the hybrid fetus, (afterthree months) and then accelerated their growth in the Lab.Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is theninstilled - they are "Implanted" and controlled at a distancethrough RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions. Many Humans arealso being "Implanted" with Brain Transceivers. These act astelepathic "Channels" and telemetric brain manipulationdevices. The network-net was set-up by DARPA (AdvancedResearch Project Agency). Two of the procedures were, RHIC(Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM (ElectronicDissolution of Memory). The brain transceiver is insertedinto the head thru the nose. These devices are used in theSoviet Union and the United Stated, as well as Sweden. TheSwedish Prime Minister Palme gave the National Swedish PoliceBoard the right (in 1973) to insert brain transmitters intothe heads of human beings COVERTLY! They also developed ELF and EM wave propagationequipment (RAYS) which affect the nerves and can causenausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This isessentially the same as Richard Shaver's Cavern "Telaug"Mech. This research into biodynamic relationships withinorganisms ("BIOLOGICAL PLASMA") has produced a RAY that canchange the "genetic structure" and "HEAL". Shaver's Cavern"BEN-Mech" could HEAL!WARNING:MANIPULATION AND CONTROL FEAR, FRAUD AND FAVOR.The Pentagon, the CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, NSC, etc. seek to capitalize on the Beliefs of the American Public. The Secret Government is getting ready to 'stage' a Contact-Landing with "ALIENS" in the near future. This way they can 'CONTROL' the release of Alien related Propaganda. We will be told of an Inter-Stellar Conflict. But, what looks “REAL” may be "FAKE". What isdisinformation?RAND. ***********************In 1986, Lars C. Hansson, an investigative journalist with years of interest in the JFK assassination, met with two men named Perry Adams and David Evans. Adams and Evans had been working on a theory that the assassin who fired the fatal head shot into Kennedy had been Kennedy's own limousine driver, Secret Service Agent William Greer. At first incredulous, Hansson helped Adams and Evans attempt to enhance a copy of the Zapruder film. The film was already a fourth or fifth generation copy. They "washed the color" out of this copy in an attempt to enhance the contrasts. After proceeding to view the tape, they were amazed that just at the moment Kennedy was hit in the head, slamming his body back and to the side, what appeared to look like a pistol flashed by the Secret Service passenger, Roy Kellerman with the arm "holding the gun" by driver William Greer.Looking for financing to extend their research, Hansson read about Lear and his UFO interest in a newspaper article. Thinking that Lear was heir to the Lear fortune, Hansson gave a copy of the videotape to him in the hope that he would assist in financing their research. Hansson and Adams and Evans had rented a production studio to clean up the tape, and placed titles and narration on it by Hansson. Now called "The Truth Betrayed, Dallas Revisited," the video was very compelling at first view.THE TRUTH BETRAYED.All during 1988, Lear was coming under increasing questioning and even in some cases "attack" on Paranet and CompuServe. Members of the UFO research community were also quite divided over his paper. There were a number of errors in Lear's paper that people picked up on, such as calling the crucifixion site where Christ died the "Mount of Olives" instead of Calvary. It was to later come out that much of Lear's information about the weirder aspects of his paper came from one "Paul Bennewitz," a name that would figure greatly into the overall "disinforming of ufology."THE SECRET GOVERNMENTThe Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12By Milton William CooperMay 23, 1989PART I The Truman YearsDuring the years following World War 11 the government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change its future beyond prediction and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top Military Commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history. The United States had developed, used, and to date was the only nation on earth in possession of the Atomic Bomb which alone had the potential to destroy any enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history. We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by insect-like beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico.13 Crashed Alien Space Craft in U.S.A.Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft were recovered with 65 dead alien bodies, and one living alien. An additional alien craft had exploded but nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13 craft, one was found in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and another had crashed in Nevada. Three incidents also occurred in foreign countries. Of those, one was in Norway, and the last two were in Mexico. Sightings of UFO’s were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.Above Top Secret ClassificationAn alien craft was found on February 13, 1948 on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon had reared its ugly head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone then “in the know”. The ‘Secret’ classification immediately became an ‘Above Top Secret’ lid and was screwed down tight. The security blanket was even tighter than that imposed upon the Manhattan Project which developed the Atomic Bomb. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world.Project SIGN and GRUDGEA special group of America’s top scientists were organized and the name “Project SIGN” in December, 1947 to study the phenomenon. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in December of 1948. A low level collection and disinformation project called Blue Book was formed under GRUDGE. Sixteen volumes came out of GRUDGE including the controversial “GRUDGE 13″ which I and Bill English read and revealed to the public. “Blue Teams” were put together to recover the crashed disks with living or dead aliens. The Blue Teams eventually evolved into “Alpha Teams” under Project POUNCE.Truman Creates CIA by Executive OrderDuring these early years the United States Air Force and the CIA exercised complete control over the ‘Alien Secret’. In fact, the CIA was formed by a Presidential Executive Order, first as the ‘Central Intelligence Group’ whose express purpose was to handle the ‘alien presence’. Subsequently, the National Security Act (NSA) was established to oversee the intelligence community, especially THE alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council Memos and Executive Orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence information, and slowly but thoroughly legalized the direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad. On December 9, 1947, President Truman approved issuance of memo NSC-4, entitled “Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures” at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, as well as the Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, Kennan.Directive Defines CIA AuthorityUnder NSC-4 The Foreign and Military Intelligence Book 1, “Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental operations with respect to Intelligence Activities”, U.S. Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, page 49, stated: “This directive empowers the Secretary of State to coordinate overseas information activities designed to counter communism.” A top secret annex to NSC-4, is NSC-4A which instructed the Director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC-4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordination or approving these operations. It simply directed the Director (of the CIA) “to undertake covert actions and to ensure, through liaison with the Departments of State and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American Policy.”Covert Abilities ExpandedLater NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC-4A and expand their covert abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of convert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC10/2 validated illegal and extra- legal practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community “no holds were barred”. Under NSC-10/1, an Executive Coordination Group, was established to review (but not approve) covert project proposals. The ECG was secretly tasked only to coordinate alien projects. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until a project was over and successful. These actions established an effective buffer between the President and the information they gathered. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge of such activities to the public if leaks divulged the true state of affairs. This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding Presidents from any knowledge whatever of the alien presence other than what the Secret Government and the Intelligence Community wanted him to know. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of scientific minds of the day. The study panel was NOT called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10-5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive Orders set the stage for the creation of MJ-12 which would come along 4 years later.Secretary of Defense Forrestal Objects to Alien SecrecySecretary of Defense, James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy since he was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. President Truman asked him to resign his position for divulging to leaders of the opposition party and to leaders of the Congress the alien problem. He expressed his fears to many other people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. His actions were interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital. In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death becoming one of the first victims of a cover-up.Living Alien Rescued at Roswell, New Mexico, 1949The living alien that had been rescued from the 1949 Roswell crash was named “EBE”. Its name had been suggested by Dr. Vannevar Bush as an acronym for Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and for over a year would give only the expected answer to questions asked by his interrogators. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At some point during the second year of captivity he began to open up and the information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the “Yellow Book”. Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I and Bill English were to view years later in Project GRUDGE 13.Alien Biological System Based on Chlorophyll ProcessIn late 1951 EBE became very ill and medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of his illness as they had no background about his biological structure from which to draw. EBE’s biological system was chlorophyll based and processed food into energy much the same as plants did. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert on botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to help EBE recover. Dr. Mendoza worked hard to save his life until EBE died in mid-1952. Dr. Mendoza became an expert on alien Biology. Meanwhile in the futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior alien race, the United States began broadcasting into the vast regions of space a call for help early in 1952. The call went unanswered as EBE’s life ebbed away but the project continued as an effort of good faith.Truman Creates NSA to Decipher Alien LanguagePresident Truman created the super-secret NSA National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4, 1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien’s communications and language, and establish a dialogue with them. This extremely urgent task was a continuation of an earlier effort and was code named SIGMA. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communications and transmissions from any and all devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human or alien, and to contain the secret of the alien presence from the public at large. Project SIGMA was successful. The NSA also maintains communications with the Lunar base and other Secret Space Programs.NSA is Above the LawBy Executive Order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That meant that if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law passed by the U.S.Congress, it is not subject to any of those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premiere agency within the intelligence community. Today NSA receives 75% of the budget allotted to the total intelligence community. The old saying “where the money goes therein the power resides” is true in this case. The primary task of the NSA today is still alien communications, but now also includes other alien projects as well. Whereas, the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse.U.S.A. Shares Alien Secret with Soviet UnionPresident Truman had been keeping our military allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society know as the “Bilderburgers” whose headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything, including the World Banking system. Banking system. The United Nation was considered then and is now, an international joke among the elite power structure.President Eisenhower tackles the Alien ProblemIn 1953 a new man occupied the White House who was used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method of command was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made the major decisions but only when his advisors were unable to come to a consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was, “just do whatever it takes”. He spent a lot of time on the golf course which was not at all unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during World War II…..a position which carries five stars on it. This President was General of the Army, Dwight David Eisenhower. During his first year in office 1953, at least 10 more crashed alien disks were recovered along with 26 dead and four living aliens. Of these ten downed craft, four were found in Arizona, two in Texas, one in New Mexico, one in Louisiana, one in Montana, and one in South Africa. There were hundreds of disk sightings reported in that year.Eisenhower and Rockefeller Join ForcesEisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He also knew that he could not do it by revealing the secret to the U.S.Congress. Early in 1953, the new President turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. Asking Rockefeller for his assistance with the alien problem was to be the biggest mistake Eisenhower ever made for the future of the United States and (probably most of all) for humanity. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began planning the secret structure of alien task supervision which would become a reality within a year. The ‘matrix’ for MJ-12 was thus born. Why had he turned to Nelson Rockefeller on this sensitive Top Secret issue? Nelson’s Uncle Winthrop Aldrich had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run for President. Consequently, the entire Rockefeller family brought forth the Rockefeller empire to solidly back Ike.Rockefeller Appointed Chairman of Advisory CommitteeWithin one week of Eisenhower’s election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for planning the reorganization of the government. New Deal programs went into one single cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new cabinet position in April of 1953, Nelson was named to the post of Undersecretary under Oveta Culp Hobby.Space Visitors Discovered by AstronomersIn 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space that were moving towards the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later astronomical evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. Project SIGMA intercepted alien radio communication. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project SIGMA and PLATO, a new project utilizing computer binary language in radio telecommunications, were able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project PLATO was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this alien race of space beings.Aliens from Plieades Warns U.S. about ‘Grays’In the meantime, a race of humanoid-looking aliens made contact with the U.ernment. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting over the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They stipulated that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons systems as the major condition to their offer. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology that they possessed at that time. They believed that we would only use their new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self-destruction and therefore must stop killing each other, stop polluting the planet, stop raping the Earth’s natural resources, and learn to live in harmony with each other. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. Therefore the overtures were rejected.Aliens from Orion Greet President EisenhowerLater in 1954, the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached with them. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we call Betelgeuse. They state that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President spirited away to the airbase and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.Treaty signed with Alien Nation Ambassador KrillPresident Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed between the U.S.A and the Alien Nation. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space whose name and title were “His Omnipotent Highness Krill”, (pronounce “Krill”). In the American tradition of disdain for royal titles, he was secretly called the “Original Hostage Krill”. You should also know that the alien’s flag is known at the “Trilateral Insignia”. It is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and second meeting were filmed which exist today in some vault.The Treaty stated: the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They could furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish MJ-12 with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would receive the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel with each other for the purpose of learning more about one another.Alien Personnel Exchanged & Underground Base ConstructedThe Alien “Guests” would remain on Earth and the human “Guests” would travel to the Alien’s point of origin for a specified period of time and then return exchanging personnel to their home planet. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation. And 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use of the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the four corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. Another one would be constructed in Nevada within the area known as S-4 located approximately seven miles south of the western border of Area 51 known as Dreamland. All alien bases are under complete control of the Naval Department and all personnel who work in these complexes received their paychecks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until larger amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the “Yellow Book” compiling historical and sociological data about the alien culture.Alien Space Craft Tested In Nevada: Project REDLIGHTMeanwhile, Project REDLIGHT was formed and experimentation of test flying alien-like aircraft was begun in earnest. A super TOP SECRET facility was built at Groom Lake, Nevada in the midst of the weapons testing range. It was code-named, DREAMLAND. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and clearance of all personnel required a “Q” clearance as well as Executive (Presidential) Approval. This is ironic due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an area known as S-4, and was code-named, “The Dark Side of the Moon”. (Remember the movie. . . Close Encounters of the Third Kind ?) The Army was tasked to form a super-secret organization to furnish security for all alien tasked projects. This organization became the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. The specific teams trained to secure the projects were called DELTA teams. A second project code-named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien (UFO) craft. Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years.Secret Fund Finances 75 Underground Bases in USAA multi-million dollar Secret Fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities. Presidents who asked about it were told the fund was used to build Deep Underground Shelters for the President in case of war. However, only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funneled through this office to MJ-12 and then out to the contractors and was used to build TOP SECRET alien bases as well as TOP SECRET DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases), and the facilities promulgated by “Alternative 2″, throughout the nation. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theater and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of its true purpose.The location and everything to do with these sites are considered and treated as TOP SECRET.The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House; it was and is laundered through a circuitous web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant could not follow. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and the end of this financial web knew what this money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon, of Texas, the Chairman of the House Appropriation Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee; and Representative Robert Sikes, of Florida, Chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controls the money in Congress and that a power struggle is underway to remove him from power. At the end of the line was the President, the Director of the Military Office, a Commander at the Washington Navy Yard, and the MJ-12.The money was authorized by the Appropriation Committee who allocated funds to the Department of Defense as a TOP SECRET item in the Army construction program. The Army, however, could not spend it and in fact did not even know of its intended purpose. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake Division of the navy Engineers who did not know its purpose either. Not even the Commanding Officer, who as an Admiral, know what the fund was for. Only one man, a Navy Commander, who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military office of the White House knew of its actual purpose, amount, and ultimate destination of the TOP SECRET fund.The total secrecy surrounding the fund meant that almost every trace of it could be made to disappear by the very group who controlled it. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of this secret fund. Large amounts of money were transferred from the TOP SECRET fund to a location at Palm Beach, Florida that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property which was owned by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard Officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret Payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son, John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is also unknown.Rockefeller assumes post as Cold War StrategistMeanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C.D. Jackson’s old position which had been called the Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy. With Nelson’s appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into the same position Henry Kissinger was ultimately to hold under President Nixon. Officially he was to give “Advice and assistance in the development of increased understanding and cooperation among all people”. The official description was a smoke screen for secretly he was the Presidential Coordinator for the Intelligence Community. In his new post, Rockefeller reported directly, and only, to the President. He attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and the National Security Council which was the highest policy-making body in the government.NSC-5410 Memo defines Scope of Majority TwelveNelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of a secret unit called the Planning Coordination Group which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March of 1955. The group consisted of different ad hoc members depending on the subject of the agenda. The basic members were Rockefeller, a representative of the Department of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence Agency. It was soon called the “5412 Committee” or the “Special Group”.NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence. In 1954 by secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the Press became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the Director of the CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J.Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the “Wise Men. These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves “The Jason Society”, or “The Jason Scholars” who recruited their members from the “Skull and Bones” and the “Scroll and Key” societies of Harvard and Yale, respectively.Key members from the Jason Scholars, Secret SocietyThe “Wise Men” were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The membership totaled twelve which included six individuals from governmental positions thus the name, Majority Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later on from the Trilateral Commission. Notable names as Gordon Dean, George Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and influential of the “Wise Men” who served on MJ-12 were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. It is significant to recall that President Eisenhower as well as the first six MJ-12 members from government state departments were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all the “Wise Men” attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen from “Skull and Bones” or “Scroll and Key” memberships during their college years.You will be able to quickly clear up this mystery by obtaining the book The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption “Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an airbase near Dunkirk”. I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post college and was not confined to only Harvard or Yale Grads. A chosen few were later initiated into the Jason Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were known as the “Eastern Establishment”. This should give you a clue to the far reaching and serious nature of these very secret college societies. The Jason Society is alive and well today, and now includes members within the Trilateral Commission as well. The Trilateralists existed secretly several years before 1973. The name of the Trilateral Commission as you remember was taken from the alien’s flag insignia known as the “Trilateral Insignia”.MJ-12 Known Under Many NamesMajority Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. However, under Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy it was erroneously called the “5412 Committee”; more correctly, it was called the “Special Group”. In the Johnson administration it became known as the “303 Committee” because the name 5412 had been compromised in the book The Secret Government. Actually NSC5412/1 was leaked to the author to hide the existence of NSC 5410. While under Nixon, Ford, and Carter the Special Group was called the “40 Committee”. And under Reagan, it became the “PI40 Committee”. Over all those years its purpose remained the same, only the name changed.Aliens Break Treaty, Mutilate Human Bodies, 1955By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to “MJ-12″ as agreed by Treaty, and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were continuing to manipulate masses of people through the occult movement, various cults, secret societies, witchcraft, magic, and religions. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft, it became blatantly apparent that our weapons were no match against their technology. Subsequently, in November of 1955 Eisenhower issued NSC-5412/2 establishing a study committee to explore “all factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age.” This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of intense scrutiny on the alien question.NSC-5412/2 Creates Contingency Plan to Study Alien ProblemBy secret Executive Memorandum, NSC-5411 (1954), Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to “examine all the facts, evidence, lies, and deception and discover the truth of the alien question.” NSC-5412/2 was only a cover that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important men. The first meetings began at Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up of 35 members of the Council on Foreign Relations, secret scholars known as the “Jason Society” or the “Jason Scholars”. Dr. Edward Teller was invited to participate. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the study director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was chosen as the group’s study director for the second 18 months. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study.THE STUDY GROUP MEMBERSGordon Dean, Chairman Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Study Director – 1st Phase Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director – 2nd Phase Dr. Edward Teller Maj.Gen. Richard C. Lindsay Mr. Hanson W. Baldwin Maj.Gen. James McCormack, Jr. Mr. Frank C. Nash Mr. Paul H. Nitze Mr. Charles P. Noyes Mr. Frank Pace, Jr. Mr. James A. Perkins Mr. Don K. Price Mr. David Rockefeller Mr. Oscar M. Ruebhausen Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin Mr. Caryl P. Haskins Mr. James T. Hill, Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Johnson Mr. MeNin J. Kelly Mr. Frank Altschul Mr. Hamilton Fish Armstrong Mr. Lloyd V. Berkner Mr. Robert R. Bowie Mr. McGeorge Bundy Mr. William A.M.Burden Mr. John C. Campbell Mr. Thomas K. Finletter Mr. George S. Franklin, Jr. Mr. I.I. Rabi Mr. Roswell L. Gilpatric Mr. N.E. Halaby Mr. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith Mr. Henry DeWolf Smyth Mr. Shields Warren Mr. Carrol L. Wilson Mr. Arnold Wolfers.Second Phase Meeting of ‘Study Group’The second phase meetings were also held at the Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia and the group became known as Quantico 11. Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat somewhere in Maryland for MJ-12 and the study committee that could only be reached by air so that they could meet away from public scrutiny. This secret meeting place is known by the code name “The Country Club”. Complete living, eating, recreation, library, and meeting facilities exist at the location. The study group was “publicly” closed in the latter months of 1956 and Henry Kissinger published what was officially termed the results in 1957 as “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” by Henry Kissinger, published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, New York.’In truth the manuscript had already been 80% written while Kissinger was at Harvard. The study group continued veiled in secrecy. A clue to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone. It seemed as if he were in another world which held no room for anyone else. These statements are very revealing into the nature of Henry’s personal dilemma. The revelations of the alien presence and their actions during the study must have been a great shock to his reality system. Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during the time surrounding there meetings. He would never again be affected in this manner no matter the seriousness of any subsequent event. On many occasions he would work very late into the night after having already put in a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce.Major Finding resulted from Alien Study: Economic CollapseA major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be told since it was believed that this knowledge most certainly would lead to economic collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic which would lead into anarchy. Secrecy thus was continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told then the Congress could not be told either; thus funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside normal government channels. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential non-appropriated funds.Second Major Finding: Genetic Experiments upon HumansAnother major finding was the aliens were using humans and animals for sources of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, and blood, as well as in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They also stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist. We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion.Current Weapon Technology Useless against AliensSince our weapons were literally useless against the aliens MJ-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until such time as we were able to develop a technology which would enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union, and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime plans were developed to research and construct two weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology which would hopefully bring us to parity. The results of the research were Projects JOSHUA and EXCALIBUR. Joshua was a weapon captured from the Germans which at that time was capable of shattering four inch thick armor plate at a range of two miles using low frequency sound waves. It was believed that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and their beam weapons. Excalibur was a weapon carried by missile not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL, not to deviate from designated target more that 50 meters, would penetrate 1,000 meters of tufa hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico, would carry a one megaton warhead, and was intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases. Joshua was developed successfully but never used to my knowledge. Excalibur was not pushed until recent years, and now there is an unprecedented effort to develop this weapon.Vatican Archives reveals ‘End Times’ Prophecy TrueThe events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. On suspicion that it was alien manipulation, an intelligence operation was put into motion to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the event. The United States utilized its Vatican moles that had been recruited and nurtured during WWII and soon obtained the entire Vatican study which included the prophecy. This prophecy stated that if man did not turn from evil and place himself at the feet of Christ, the planet would self-destruct and the events described in the book of Revelations would indeed come to pass. It stated that a child would be born who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and initiate a false religion beginning in 1992. By 1995 the people would discern that he was evil and was indeed linked with the Anti-Christ. World War III would begin in the Middle East in 1995 with an invasion of Israel by the United Arab nations using conventional weapons which would culminate in a nuclear holocaust in the latter part of 1999. Between 1999 and the year 2003 most of life on the planet Earth would suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of the Christ would occur in the year 2011.Aliens Confronted with Biblical ProphecyWhen the aliens were confronted with this finding they confirmed that it was true. (The reader is cautioned to remember that the alien’s hidden agenda is support by lying.) The aliens further explained that they had created the human species through hybridization and had manipulated the human race historically through religion, Satanism, witchcraft, magic and other occult movements. They further purported that they were capable of time travel and the events would indeed come to pass according to the text in Revelations if the current trends and attitudes persist. Later exploitation of alien technology by the United States and the Soviet Union utilizing time travel confirmed the prophecy.The aliens showed a hologram which they claimed was the actual crucifixion of Christ and allowed the government to film. We didn’t know whether to believe them or not. Were they using genuine religions to manipulate us? Or, were they indeed the source of our religions with which they have been manipulating us all along? Was this the beginning of the genuine END TIMES and the RETURN OF CHRIST which has been predicted in the Bible? No one knew the answer. A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the greatest scientific minds living then. They reached the conclusion that by the end of the century or shortly after the year 2,000 the planet would self-destruct due to increased population and man’s exploitation of the environment without any help from God or the aliens.Jason Scholars are asked to develop Alternative ScenarioBy secret Executive Order of President Eisenhower, the Jason Scholars were ordered to study this scenario and make recommendations called “Alternatives 1, 2, & 3.” Alternative One was the use of nuclear devices to blast holes in the Stratosphere from which the heat and pollution would escape into space. Change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due to the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear explosions would themselves create.Alternative Two was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race. The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet. Alternative Three was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to either confirm nor deny the existence of “Batch Consignments” of human slaves which would be used for the manual labor in the effort as part of the plan. The Moon, code named “Adam” would be the object of primary interest followed by the planet Mars, code named “Eve”. As a delaying action, all three alternatives would include birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to control or slow the growth of the Earth’s population.“The AIDS Virus is only ONE result of these plans.”******************"Always believe what Richard Doty tells you about UFOs."Former CIA Director Richard HelmsWithin the Upper Echelon of the alleged covert organization known as THE AVIARY, the operative known as FALCON was a key intelligence figure that most agree played a significant role in the leaked release of the supposed Majestic12 Documents, such as data concerning PROJECT:SNOWBIRD, which directly tied in to the DULCE mythos:(TS/ORCON) PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD): XXXXXX Originally established in 1972. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien aircraft. This project is continuing in Nevada. He is also rumored to have had control over the distribution of other alleged government disclosures dealing with the UFO reality through the late 80’s. FALCON was also said to be the possible originator of the first J-ROD information, purporting to be testimonial evidence of the capture and/or acquisition of an alien being (‘named’ J-ROD) being held alive at a facility in the confines of the highly classified Groom Lake Test Site, known in popular lore as AREA 51. Also, there were allegedly up to three, if not four other subsequent alien ambassadors (including the elusive O.H. Krill) who may have spent time at varying points as guests of the United States. However, most notably, FALCON was chiefly responsible for the alleged disinformation campaign against scientist and UFO witness Paul Bennewitz, which ultimately led to Bennewitz’s mental breakdown and institutionalization. ‘The Bennewitz Affair’, which took place in close proximity to the supposed DULCE Base Site, is one of the most crucial and controversial incidents, due to its notoriously devious events and its proximity to one of the iconic locations in the history of modern ufology. One well documented theory is that FALCON was AFOSI Master sergeant Richard Doty . There is a large segment of the UFO community who also believe that Richard Doty was FALCON and that it was part of his role to spread disinformation through the UFO community on every possible front.In 1979, Paul Bennewitz operated a small electronics company, called Thunder Scientific Corporation, in Albuquerque, New Mexico; he was a brilliant physicist and inventor. He also had an avid interest in UFOs, and was an investigator for APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization), the Arizona UFO group founded by Jim and Coral Lorenzen. From his home on the outskirts of Albuquerque, Bennewitz had, along with others, seen strange lights in the night sky over the Manzano Test Range outside Albuquerque. The lights seemed to appear almost every evening and to fly towards Coyote Canyon, also a part of the Kirtland Air Force Base area that included Sandia National Laboratory and Phillips Laboratory, both of which conduct ultra-top-secret government research.In early 1980, Paul Bennewitz became involved in observing and filming objects which he had sighted on the ground and in the air near Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano range; reportedly, his wife Cindy was also present to witness some of the first landings he witnessed and filmed in the Coyote Canyon area. Subsequently, on 24 October 1980 he contacted Major Ernest Edwards of the Kirtland Security Police who, over the period of the next few months, became concerned and requested the guards on the Manzano Weapons Storage Area to report to him any sightings of unusual aerial lights.At the beginning of August 1980, three guards reported sighting an aerial light which descended on the Sandia Military Reservation. Ernest Edwards reported the sighting to AFOSI Special Agent Richard Doty, unaware that Doty had already heard from Russ Curtis (the Sandia Security Chief) that a Sandia Security guard had sighted a disc-shaped object near a structure just minutes after the sighting by the three Manzano guards. Doty included these reports and several others in his formal report, forwarding it to AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) Headquarters in Washington DC.From this point on, many other persons became involved. Bennewitz was called to a meeting at Kirtland AFB at which several major Air Force officers and Sandia personnel were present, including a Brigadier General. Ernest Edwards has confirmed that the three guards under his command reported what was described, and that the meeting did take place. Richard Doty and Jerry Miller, Scientific Advisor for Air Force Test and Evaluation Center, Kirtland AFB, interviewed Bennewitz in his home on the edge of Manzano Base. They examined Bennewitz's films and tapes, and Miller, a former Project Bluebook investigator at Wright-Patterson AFB, determined that the films did show some type of unidentified aerial objects. They also noted the array of electronic surveillance equipment that Bennewitz had pointed at Manzano. AFOSI declined to investigate further, but scheduled an inspection of Bennewitz's data by personnel at Wright-Patterson. AFOSI also did a background check on Bennewitz. There is a document signed by Thomas A. Cseh, Commander of the Base Investigative Detachment, to confirm this. Finally there is the complete set of documents which were released by AFOSI Headquarters under cover of the Department of the Air Force, relating to the described events.Meanwhile, in 1979 or 1980 (the record of the year is unclear), Bennewitz and Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist and respected UFO researcher, had been investigating the story which a deeply troubled woman named Myrna Hansen told them. She claimed that she and her young son had seen a UFO while driving on a rural road near Cimarron, in northeastern New Mexico. With the patient's permission, Dr. Sprinkle began hypnotizing her, and over a three month period, Bennewitz and Sprinkle heard a very unusual story.Under hypnosis, Hansen said that not only had she seen several UFOs that day, but she had seen cattle being abducted – and she and her son had also been abducted by the aliens and taken to a secret underground base where they saw the cattle being mutilated and drained of their blood, and saw vats containing human body parts. She further said that some sort of implants were placed in the bodies of her and her son and that the aliens could control their minds through these devices.Bennewitz believed the woman's story, and he believed that it was connected somehow to the lights he was seeing over Manzano. He began filming the lights, amassing over 2600 feet of film. He also came to believe that he could receive signals from the craft that he observed. He built antennae and receivers to receive low-frequency electromagnetic transmissions that he believed came from the alien craft. Bennewitz called his "mission" Project Beta. Those who have seen the films and heard the tapes of the low-frequency radio transmissions insist that there is no doubt that Bennewitz was filming and recording real phenomena.Taking a step that ultimately led to his later troubles, Bennewitz wrote a computer program that he claimed could translate the alien radio transmissions. He now came to believe that he was intercepting the messages that the aliens were transmitting to mind-control devices such as those that Myrna Hansen claimed had been placed in her and her son.On 10 November 1980, Bennewitz presented his evidence again, this time to high ranking Air Force personnel including Brigadier General William Brooksher. In the report of this meeting, it is noted that Bennewitz was advised to apply for an Air Force grant to study the phenomena. Once again, however, the AFOSI declined to investigate the matter themselves.Bennewitz was not to give up so easily. Besides the regular reports he was sending to APRO, he was contacting US Senator Harrison Schmidt and Senator Peter Domenici, as well as other UFO investigators such as Linda Moulton Howe and John Lear.By 1982, APRO had decided to investigate Bennewitz's claims. They sent William Moore, one of their directors and a former schoolteacher turned writer and ufologist, to talk to Bennewitz. Moore had gained a degree of fame in the UFO field by co-authoring (with Charles Berlitz) The Philadelphia Experiment and The Roswell Incident.With this in mind Bennewitz began to put an increasing amount of time and effort into attempting to intercept and investigate more of the radio signals. Bennewitz’s activities came to the notice of certain members of the intelligence community, one of whom decided to approach Bill Moore, a former AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations ) Special Agent, asking him to monitor and report back on the activities of Bennewitz. In return, Moore, who had now become a UFO researcher himself, was provided with classified information about UFOs and aliens. Moore was not only successful in supplying the necessary information to the members of the intelligence community but also (reputedly) fed misleading information to Bennewitz. This made it possible to discredit Bennewitz - in other words declare him a crank - should he disclose any of the details contained in the classified messages he had intercepted. In fact, in a most unnecessarily cruel way, they succeeded in gradually causing Bennewitz to suffer an enormous nervous and physical breakdown. Meanwhile, according to leading Ufologists and other observers, Moore was rewarded by receiving The MAJESTIC-12 Papers. While all of this was ongoing, Moore disclosed what was happening to fellow Ufologist Jaime Shandera. In 1982, Moore and Shandera began to receive officially classified information regarding UFOs and whilst attempting to verify the material they came across several other members of the intelligence community who were willing to disseminate information. In order to protect the identities of these members of the intelligence community, Moore and Shandera decided to give them pseudonyms - as the first was designated "Falcon", the rest were given "bird names" - hence collectively they became to be known as "THE AVIARY".‘The Aviary’ was a group of individuals who, rather than being just a number of low grade intelligence agents, were working (or had worked) at very high levels with very high security clearances; it is almost certain that they became involved in the UFO phenomenon in the early 1970s and included both active and retired military and intelligence officers. It seemed that their primary objective was to make known to the general public, details of the government’s involvement with extraterrestrials and technology gained from crashed UFOs etc… However, it is probable that the members of The Aviary had joined forces in order to gather information on the Majestic-12. As members of the intelligence community, they had all been involved with or had contacts in the UFO field and their aim was to access secret files and gather information which would provide them with a greater understanding of that "above top-secret, shadow group" - the Majestic-12. It does seem that there was an "overlap" in the alleged membership of The Aviary and that of the Majestic-12 - in other words the Majestic-12 had successfully infiltrated The Aviary. This situation caused a division of opinion in the members of the Aviary, some wanting to publicize information regarding the US Government’s knowledge of UFOs and aliens, whilst the others opposing these feelings.It is highly probable that, in order to discredit some UFO researchers and to protect their own status, some of the members of the Aviary fed "disinformation" to gullible researchers - thus causing disarray and arguments amongst the UFO research community and protecting the activities of the Aviary. In fact amongst the electronic signals that Bennewitz intercepted, the following messages were included - probably disinformation deliberately transmitted so that Bennewitz would become increasingly paranoid:"Established constant direct communication with the alien… Subsequent aerial and ground photographs revealed landing pylons, ships on the ground… aliens on the ground in electro statically supported vehicles… charging beam weapons. The aliens are picking up and "cutting" people every night… whether all implants are totally effective I cannot predict… Conservatively I would estimate at least 300,000 people have been implanted in the U.S… at least 2 million worldwide." Presumably Bennewitz, being an acknowledged electronics and communications expert, was an astute man who was not easy to fool and it would be reasonable to assume that the original messages he intercepted were "genuine" and must, surely, have contained information about UFOs/aliens - otherwise why would the disinformation fed to him relate to "horrific" events involving the abduction of human beings and the insertion of "implants"? Surely disinformation is of no use or value if it does not "blend in" with valid facts. Where the truth began and ended in the information collected by Bennewitz is debatable but one thing is without doubt true - the content of the intercepted messages certainly caused Bennewitz to become a paranoid and deluded man who eventually suffered a colossal nervous breakdown in 1985. There is no doubt at all that the U.S. Military and Intelligence agencies have been involved in experimentation on human beings (without their knowledge or consent) for decades, so perhaps some of the more bizarre messages intercepted by Bennewitz could well have been more truthful than at first glance. According to Jaime Shandera, Ufologist and research partner to Bill Moore, when discussing The Aviary: "We wanted the information but didn’t want to reveal where we got our clues. To maintain anonymity, I gave Bill’s source the name "Falcon", the next source we used we called "Condor" and so on until we had 24 contacts from all levels of the government. It was my idea to use bird names." When asked if The Aviary regarded disinformation as its main objective, Shandera replied: "No, but sometimes you have to misdirect the truth in order to protect your source. Disinformation is an escape route; you can discredit an entire project by referring to the one bad apple you’ve planted". Researchers believe they now know the identities of some members of The Aviary, indeed one man, Commander C.B. Scott Jones - a retired Naval Intelligence officer, admits there was such a group and is endeavoring to persuade the U.S. Government to reveal more about their knowledge of UFOs. Scott Jones remarked: "I was in Naval Intelligence for 15 years and I never saw any documents relating to UFOS. I am skeptical about a lot of the evidence, I don’t find it compelling but I believe there is a very high probability that we’re being impinged upon by non-Earth intelligence. The Aviary has not met for years, the only exception being those who are just friends". Whatever the initial aims of The Aviary were, it does seem that the faction which wished to discredit Ufologists was, ultimately, the dominant influence on the actions of the group - Moore and Shandera being just manipulated pawns in a campaign of disinformation, design to devalue any genuine information collected by researchers.In the April, 1991 issue of FATE magazine, there appeared the following article written by Ann Druffel, titled: 'UFOLOGY'S "MR. CONTROVERSY"?' Following are some excerpts from this lengthy article: William L. Moore has admitted passing disinformation to ufologists. He made the startling announcement at the 35th MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Annual Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada, that he and his associate, Jaime Shandera, had been part of a disinformation scheme launched by the government against Paul Bennewitz, a scientist who had set out to prove that there was ongoing UFO activity at a military base adjacent to Bennewitz' New Mexico home. He admitted that he jumped in, he felt he had to find out what there was to find out. He found himself in the midst of a widespread effort on the part of several government agencies to collect data, to send this data up to higher agencies, and to disseminate DISINFORMATION among the public. Moore differentiated between 'disinformation' and 'misinformation’:”Disinformation is a diversion away from the truth; it necessarily has some truth sprinkled in. Misinformation is lies, or phony information.” At this point, Moore made it plain that the disclosures he and Jaime Shandera planned to make at this forum were with the express permission of the government agents with whom they had been cooperating for several years. THE INFORMATION, HE WARNED, WOULD BE A MIXTURE OF TRUE INFORMATION AND DISINFORMATION, FOR THAT WAS THE WAY THE GOVERNMENT WORKED, EVEN IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. He assured the audience he and Shandera had tried to sort out fact from fiction in order to share it with them... Perhaps the most blatant example of this concerns the Roswell, New Mexico, crash of 1947. In that situation, Moore is sure that something did crash on an isolated ranch near Roswell and that the air force put out a bulletin that they had recovered a 'flying saucer.' However, the next day this was denied and a cover story about a 'balloon' was disseminated as a cover-up, a story the government has stuck by for over 40 years. To date, after years of investigation by Moore, Stanton Friedman and others, 130 people have been contacted and interviewed in connection with the Roswell crash. More than 36 claim to have been first-hand witnesses to the situation, and some claim to have actually held the wreckage in their hands. "Some reported that dead alien bodies were recovered from parts of the wreckage which came down a few miles from the main object. These 130 source stories do not include numerous other statements made by persons whom the investigators judged to be less than honest and reliable. Moore thinks that writing THE ROSWELL INCIDENT opened a can of worms. In September 1980, shortly after the book was published, a source to which he gave the pseudonym FALCON contacted him with the offer to participate in government UFO studies. To this day, Moore is not sure what the government people's motives were or what they continue to be. Other government sources continued to contact him, and he and Shandera continued to give each source the name of a bird. In this way, the two could discuss the activities in which Moore was involved without having to worry about telephones being bugged or being overheard in public places. Bill Moore stated with a grin: “There are now 12 in The Aviary; all credible people, well-placed as employees, scientific consultants, or intelligence agents.”They are said to hold a variety of 'need to know' security clearances, and seem to know each other. FALCON’s identity still remains a mystery, but Bill describes him as very knowledgeable about UFOs. He went on to describe the main characteristic of each aviary member: “Hawk is a person well-connected in areas of study in ESP since the 1960s, with impressive credentials. Blue Jay is a person close to the President of the United States, capable of checking on information to determine its reliability. Partridge is a scientist privy to UFO information collected by the government. Chickadee is well-placed in the Pentagon and versed in scientific data. Heron is enigmatic and puzzling; he seems to 'speak in riddles.' Sparrow is the code name for Richard Doty, a former agent for the Air Force's Office of Scientific Information (AFOSI), and was the original go-between between Falcon and myself, and so on.”Later, Moore stated that Doty was a small man in the operation. The process, in his opinion, started originally from the National Security Agency (NSA) and high levels of the AFOSI. According to Moore's assessment, AFOSI holds prime responsibility for UFO data collection in the government. It is also responsible for planting information and disinformation on the subject. Of one thing Moore is sure. Government agents are faster at planting 'data' than civilians can check and verify it. Civilian UFO research finds itself in a pitiful state. Moore pinpointed the case of Paul Bennewitz as an example. The Department of Energy, the National Security Agency (NSA) and other government agencies were interested in Bennewitz' claim that he had intercepted low-frequency electromagnetic signals which he believed originated from UFOs. "Bennewitz was a reputable scientist; his only crime, according to Moore, was his claim that he was receiving signals from UFOs. To this date it is UNCLEAR whether or not the strange signals Bennewitz was picking up actually originated from secret government projects, and had no connection with UFOs... "According to Moore, he tried to diffuse all disinformation schemes containing references to,underground alien basesUFO involvement in cattle mutilationsgenetic research by aliens and government(so-called) 'hybrid' babiesrumors of 'aliens among us.He recognizes such incredible rumors--as the sort of thing that was fed to Paul Bennewitz and others. Disinformation, but even more so (Note: If such things as subterranean 'alien' activity, cattle mutilations, abductions, secret government-grey interaction, genetic experimentation, and alien infiltration do exist as many claim, and the reality of which Moore denies, could this attempt to label such ideas as 'government disinformation' be a form of disinformation tactic itself, explaining why the 'Aviary' and the NSA, etc., so readily allowed Moore to speak openly when this would not seem consistent with a group of intelligence agencies involved in DECADES-OLD cover-ups? Remember Moore's words to the effect that anything he might tell the public may be DISINFORMATION. Veteran aviator John Lear believes this to be the case, and suggests that such denials are part of a secret government-grey 'agreement' wherein the elite 'secret' government (not the U.S. Constitutional government) receives 'technology' in exchange for their promise to keep hidden from the public such activities as those listed above, including the malevolent nature of the 'greys' itself - Branton). "At the 1989 MUFON symposium in Las Vegas, Moore tried to defuse such stories, but they are still believed by some in the UFO community and by many members of the 'unsuspecting' public. (Moore) has come to believe that ETs are more than one race. Whether they are extraterrestrial or intradimensional... they have some stake in our existence. Their agenda is their own, and to date not even the government has been advised of it. When Moore asks The Aviary about this, he receives short and enigmatic answers. He has asked them about the question of UFO abductions, reports of which are flooding the UFO research field. "...Whatever aliens are doing on Earth, they are actively manipulating us as a race. They are also manipulating our awareness of them, and this is responsible for the various groups of humans in the UFO research field who are manipulating each other. But evidently some conditioning process is at work….”December 13, 1987John Lear1414 Hollywood BlvdLas Vegas, Nevada 89110Dear Steven:It was nice talking to you last night. I have enclosed the Dulce papersfor your information. Also enclosed is a transcript of the McCampbellconversation with Paul Bennewitz and project Beta. Also the Gary Stollmanstatement. What follows is my current hypothesis formed after my 2 weektrip through Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona talking to various individuals, some Air Force, some Sandia and some others. MJ-12 representing the U.S. Government made a deal with the EBE's (extra-terrestrial biological entities) or "Greys" around the period of 1969-1970-1971. The "deal" was in exchange for technology that they would provide to us we would ignore the abductions that were going on. The EBE'sassured us that these abductions were merely ongoing monitoring of develop-ing civilizations: (in fact these abductions have been for at least 3purposes: (1) insertion of a tiny probe about 3 millimeters in size into the brain for monitoring and programming purposes; (2) post hypnotic sugges-tion concerning an important event that will occur in the next 2 to 5 yearsand giving the subject someplace to go and something to perform at thattime; under our best hypnotic techniques we were unable to find out whenor where or what this event is, and (3) genetic crossbreeding between theEBE's and humans. In many of the abductee hypnotic regressions of womenwith unusual terminated pregnancies they have been shown these "cross-breeds", usually frail tiny beings with comparatively large heads, thinskin, very thin arms and legs. Since we weren't aware of these facts wewent along with the agreement but insisted on a list of the abductees to besubmitted periodically to the National Security Council and MJ-12. The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system is atro-phied and not functional. Some speculate that they were involved in sometype of nuclear war or possibly on the back side of a genetic curve. Inorder to sustain themselves they use an enzyme or hormonal secretionobtained from the tongues and throats of cows or humans. (Note: cows andhumans are genetically similar. In event of a national disaster cow bloodcan be used by humans). This secretion is mixed with H2O2 (hydrogen perox-ide) and another substance and is either spread on the skin, or the handsare dipped in the solution. The body then absorbs the mixture and excretes the waste back through the skin.The cattle mutilations that were prevalent throughout the period from 1973 to 1983 and publicly noted through newspaper and magazine stories andincluded a documentary produced by Linda Howe for the Denver CBS affiliatewere for the collection of these secretions and other items. The mutilationsincluded genitals taken, rectums cored out to the colon, eyes missing andthe tongue and throat cut with extreme surgical precision. The incisionswere made cutting between the cells, actually separating molecular structure. This is why no blood was found at all, yet there was novascular collapse. This has also been true in human mutilations,one of the first ones of which was Sgt. Jonathan P. Louette at theWhite Sands Missile Test Range in 1956, who was found three days after anAir Force Major had witnessed the abduction of Sgt. Louette by a "diskshaped" object about 0200 one morning. His genitals had been removed, rectum cored out in a surgically precise "plug" up to the colon, eyes re-moved and no blood remaining, with no vascular collapse. From some of theevidence it is apparent that this surgery is accomplished in most caseswhile the victim, animal or human, is still alive. The various parts aretaken to various underground laboratories, one of which is known to be2-1/2 miles northwest of the small New Mexico town of Dulce, 1 Km deepinside the Archuletta Mesa. This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facilityhas been described as enormous, with huge tiled halls that "go on for-ever". Several ink drawings of photos taken inside the facility wererecently released as the "Dulce Papers". The photos show large vats withpale meat being agitated in solution. An abductee in regression recalled"large test tubes with humans in them. I saw a baby in another".After the initial agreement between MJ-12 and the aliens, Groom Lake,one of this nation's most secret test centers in Nevada was closed for aperiod of 2 years (1972-1973) and a huge underground facility was con-structed for and with the help of the EBE's. The bargained-for techno-logy was set in place but could only be operated by the EBE's them-selves. Needless to say, the advanced technology could not be used againstthe EBE's in case of need.During the period of 1979 through 1983 it became increasingly obvious toMJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known that manymore people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed onthe official abduction list being supplied to the National Security Coun-cil and MJ-12 and that the abductions included much more that the "simplemonitoring of an advancing civilization". In addition, it became obviousthat some, not all, but some of the nation's missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens.In 1979, there was an altercation of sorts at the Archuletta laboratory.Delta Force was called in to try and free a number of people trapped inthe facility who had become aware of what was really going on. 66 of thesoldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror of the mistake they had madein dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly promoted "Close Encounters ofthe Third Kind" and "E.T." to get the public used to "odd-looking" aliensthat were compassionate, benevolent, and very much our "space brothers".They "sold" the EBE's to the public and were now faced with the fact thatquite the opposite was true. In addition, a plan started in 1968-1969to make the public aware of the existence of aliens on Earth over thenext 20 years, to be culminated with several documentaries to be releasedduring the 1985-1987 period of time. These documentaries would explain thehistory and intentions of the EBE's. The discovery of the "Grand Deception"put the entire plans, hopes, wishes, and dreams of MJ-12 into completeconfusion and panic.Meeting at the "Country Club", a remote lodge with private golf course andlavish sleeping and working quarters built by and exclusively for themembers of MJ-12, it was a factional fight of what to do now. Part of MJ-12 wanted to confess the whole scheme and shambles it had become to thepublic, beg their forgiveness, and ask for their support. The other halfof MJ-12 argued there was no way they could do that, that the situationwas untenable and there was no use in exciting the public with the "hor-rible truth" and the best plan was to continue the development of a weaponthat could be used against the EBE's under the guise of "SDI", the Strate-gic Defense Initiative, which had nothing whatever to do with a defensefrom Russian nuclear missiles. As these words are being written, Dr. Teller"father of the H-bomb", is in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test Sitedriving his workers and associates in the words of one, "like a manpossessed". And well he should for Dr. Teller was a member of MJ-12, alongwith Dr. Kissinger, Bobby Inman and possibly Admiral Poindexter, to namea few of the current MJ-12.Before the "Grand Deception" was discovered and according to the meticulousplan of metered release of information to the public, several documentariesand videotapes were made. William Moore, a Burbank, California-based UFOresearcher came into possession of a videotape through his contacts withMJ-12 who had taken a great interest in Mr. Moore's book, "The RoswellIncident", published in 1980. The book detailed the crash, recovery, andsubsequent cover-up of a UFO with 4 alien bodies. They decided to useMoore as one of several conduits to help in the gradual release of theexistence of aliens to the public. The video Mr. Moore had was an inter-view by 2 well known newsmen of a military officer associated with MJ-12.In the interview the military officer answers questions relating to thehistory of MJ-12 and the cover-up, the recovery of a number of flyingsaucers, the existence of a live alien (one of three living aliens, desig-nated or named EBE1, EBE2, and EBE3) being held in a facility designatedas YY-II at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The only other facility of this typeis at Edwards Air Force Base in Mojave, California. The officer namednames as previously mentioned plus a few others: Harold Brown, RichardHelms, Gen. Vernon Walters, and Von Karmon. The officer also relates thefact that the EBE's claim to have created Christ. The EBE's have some sortof recording device that has recorded all of the Earth's history and candisplay it in the form of a hologram. This hologram can be filmed butbecause of the way holograms work, it does not come out clearly. Thecrucifixion of Christ on the Mount of Olives has allegedly been put onfilm to show to the public. The EBE's claim to have created Christ inview of the "Grand Deception" could be an effort to disrupt traditionalvalues for undetermined reasons.Another videotape alleged to be in existence is an interview with an EBE.Since EBE's communicate telepathically, an Air Force Colonel serves as aninterpreter. Just before the recent stock market crash, several newsmenincluding Bill Moore had been invited to Los Alamos to personally filmand distribute to the public a similar type interview. Apparently, becauseof the market crash, it was felt that the timing was not propitious.Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents, the first fewpages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed a supersecretNSA project which has been denied by them until just recently. The Aquarius Project was the communication with aliens, specifically the EBE's.Within the Aquarius Project was Project Snowbird, a project to test flya recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada.Moore feels that MJ-12 has been stringing him along, promising to go public with some of the information on the extraterrestrials for too longa time. He has made the decision that if MJ-12 does not come forward withthe information and release it publicly by the end of 1987 then he, Moore,will go with "what he's got", i.e. the videotapes, remainder of theAquarius documents, and additional matter.Certain of Moore's statements leads one to believe that Moore himself is agovernment agent working for MJ-12, not being strung along, but stringingalong ever hopeful ufologists that the truth is just around the corner.Consider:1. Moore states emphatically that he is not a government agent, although when Les Graham (a Southern California-based ufologist) was investi- gated by the DIS for documents in his possession received from Moore, Moore himself was not.2. Moore states emphatically that the cattle mutilations were a hoax by Linda Howe to create publicity for herself. He cites the unobtainable book "Mute Evidence" as the bottom line on the hoax.3. Moore states that the U.S.A.F. Academy physics book "Introductory Space Science" Volumn II Chapter 13 titled Unidentified Flying Objects and describes four of the most commonly seen aliens (one of which was an EBE) was written by a Lt. Col. and Major who did not know what they we’re talking about and were merely citing "crackpots". He says the book was withdrawn to excise the chapter.If the government felt they were being forced to acknowledge the existence of aliens on Earth because of overwhelming mounting evidenceand taking into consideration the "Grand Deception" and obvious hostileintentions of the EBE's it might be expedient for MJ-12 to admit to EBE's but conceal information of the mutilations and abductions.If MJ-12 and Moore were in some kind of agreement then it would bebeneficial to toe the party line. For example "...here are some moregenuine documents but remember...don't discuss the mutilations orabductions". If Moore was indeed working as an agent for MJ-12 he wouldfollow the party line anyway...pooh poohing the mutilations and abductions.Time will tell. It is possible that Moore will go ahead and release the video interview with the military officer around the first of the new year.From MJ-12's point of view the public would be exposed to the informationwithout really having to believe it because Moore is not as credible asource as, say, the President of the United States. After a few months ofdigestion and discussion a more credible source could emerge with a state-ment that yes, in fact, the interview was essentially fact. This wouldcushion somewhat the blow to the public.If, however, Moore does not release the tape by, say, February 1, but comesinstead with a story similar to: "MJ-12 has informed me they are definitelyplanning a total release of all information by October 1988. I have seenthe plan and have seen the guarantees that this will happen. So I have de-cided to withhold the issuance of my videotape at this time as it may causeproblems", this would, in effect, buy more time for MJ-12, and time is whatthey desperately need.The rest of us have to wonder what the big picture is anyway. Are the EBE'shaving done a hundred thousand or more abductions and built an untoldnumber of underground bases (Groom Lake, Sunspot, Datil, Pietown,Northern Nevada, Roswell, just to name a few alien underground bases)getting ready to go back to where they came from? Or from the obviouspreparation are we to assume they are getting ready for some big move?Or, the most sinister and most probable situation is that the invasionis essentially complete and everything is over but the screaming.A well-planned invasion of Earth for its resources and benefits would notstart with mass landings and a lot of rayguns. A properly planned andexecuted invasion by a civilization thousands and probably hundredsof thousands of years in advance of us would be complete before only ahandful, 12 for instance, would even know. No muss, no fuss.Here is a list of some of the probable visitors to Earth from outer space.The only known home of these visitors is that of the EBE's and which isZeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the Southern Hemi-sphere approximately 38 light years away with a spectral class of G2,identical to our Sun.Three Types of EBE's (Greys) Grey-1: 3-1/2 ft. tall, large head, large slanted eyes. Worship technology. Don't give a damn about mankind. Grey-2: Same type, different finger arrangement, slightly differ- ent face. More sophisticated than Grey-1, use common sense, passive. May not need secretions. Grey-3: Same basic type. Lips thinner, more subservient to other two greys.Blonds, Swedes, Nordics Known by any of these monikers. Similar to Humans. Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break universal law of "non-interference" to help us. They could only intervene if any Grey activity would have adverse effect in another part of universe.Interdimensional Entity that can assume various shapes. Peaceful nature.Hairy Dwarfs 4 ft. tall, 35 lbs. Extremely strong. Hairy, neutral. Don't try to hurt intelligent life.Very Tall Race Look like humans but 7 or 8 ft. tall. Unit with Blonds.Humans Appearing Similar to Blonds (seen with Greys) Drones created by Greys. Child-like mentality.MIB's Men in black. Wear all black. Sunglasses. Very pale skin. Do not conform to normally accepted patterns. Extremely sensitive to light. May be a holographic image.That's all I have for you now except to tell you that Moore has shown thevideotape to 5 well known persons to judge reactions. One of those persons was Paul Harvey, well known news commentator and personal friend. Paul sayshe has seen the evidence but rejects the content. I talked with him brieflyover the telephone the other day to tell him that the video was essentiallytrue but there was some very important information that he should be awareof known as the Grand Deception. I told him that one thing, the story thatthe EBE's invented Christ, was probably not true. He said he didn't believethat part anyway. I told him it was important that he know "the rest of thestory" and that I would be in Chicago in a few weeks to brief him. He saidthat I was certainly welcome.A word about channeling and channellor’s. Pure, unadulterated crap. The Greyshave created this "Space Brother" nonsense to appeal to a certain segmentof the population who might otherwise dig for real information.Steve, I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear and hope this letter finds everybody in good health.Best Regards,(Signed John Lear)Note:John Lear is William Lear's son (Lear Jets) and works with the Department of Defense and flies for the CIA from time to time. Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron 415-935-5845 Just Say Yes 415-922-1613 Rat Head 415-524-3649 Cheez Whiz 408-363-9766 Reality Check 415-474-2602 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumors. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS.DULCE - Thomas Castello Speaks.DULCE is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico of about 900 population located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It’s not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret. The secret is harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. The secret is said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals. New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn into the mysteries of Dulce when called to investigate a mutilated cow in a pasture 13 miles east of Dulce on the Manual Gomez ranch. Gomez had lost four cattle to mutilations between 1976 and June 1978 when a team of investigators which included Tom Adams arrived from Paris, Texas to examine the site of the carcasses. Curious as to how cattle were being selected by the mysterious mutilators, an interesting experiment was conducted on July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gomez, and retired scientist Howard Burgess. They pinned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultraviolet light. They found a "glittery substance on the right side of the neck, the right ear, and the right leg." Samples of the affected hides were removed as well as control samples from the same animals. Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal. Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from UFOs. UFOs have been seen frequently around Dulce. Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found at the time of the reported mutilation. On April 19, 1988, I arrived in Dulce to visit with Gabe Valdez and inquire about the sightings, the mutes, and the rumors of an underground alien base. Snow was still on the ground. I checked into the Best Western Motel and called Valdez to make an appointment to see me at 9:30 PM. I found Gabe to be a very congenial host, offering to show me around the roads of Dulce that night and point out some various locations where he had found mutilated cows or had seen strange aerial lights. He made the astounding statement that he was still seeing unidentified aircraft at the rate of one every two nights. We took a look at the Gomez Ranch, the road by the Navajo River, and the imposing Archuleta Mesa. Gabe had found landing tracks and crawler marks near the site of the mutes, and was convinced that scientist Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Scientific Labs in Albuquerque, was definitely on the right track in his attempts to locate the underground alien facility in the vicinity of Dulce. No one knew for sure where the facility was located or how humans or aliens gained secret entry to the facility. I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments. Walter informed me that Paul had not only photographed UFOs, but had established a communication link with their underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had first come to prominence during the August, 1980, sightings over the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB. A Kirtland AFB incident report dated October 28, 1980 mentions that Bennewitz had taken film of the UFOs over Kirtland. Paul, who was president of the Thunder Scientific Labs which was adjacent to Kirtland gave a briefing in Albuquerque detailing how he had seen the aliens on a video screen. At the time, the aliens were transmitting signals to him from a base underneath Archuleta Mesa. Researcher William Moore claims that the government agents became interested in Bennewitz’s activities and were trying to defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he could absorb. Whether Paul’s communication with supposed aliens at the Dulce Base was part of this disinformation campaign is unclear. If we believe that Paul is the single source of reports on the Dulce Facility, then discounting Paul’s story and discrediting him could be a tactical maneuver. The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story. In a report entitled "PROJECT BETA," Paul states that he had spent two years tracking the alien craft; that he had constant reception of video from an alien ship and underground base view screen; that he had established constant direct communications with the aliens using a computer and a form of hexadecimal code with graphics and print-out; and claims to have used aerial and ground photography to locate the alien ship’s launch ports charged beam weapons. Paul claimed that the aliens were devious, employed deception, and did not adhere to agreements. He and Walter were working on a weapon that would counter the aliens. Have we crossed over from the land of the real world to the land of science-fiction? But then, bizarre phenomena may have its roots in a bizarre reality. As we continue our studies, the world of science-fiction will become the world of science-fact. Paul Bennewitz had investigated the case of abductee Myrna Hansen of New Mexico, who reported having been taken to an underground facility in May 1980. Christa Tilton of Oklahoma claims she had an experience of missing time in July, 1987, when she had been abducted by two small grey aliens and transported in their craft to a hillside location where she encountered a man dressed in a red military-type jump suit. She was taken into a tunnel through computerized check-points displaying security cameras. She reports having been taken on a transit vehicle to another area where she stepped on a scale-like device facing a computer screen. After the computer issued her an identification card, she was told by her guide that they had just entered Level One of a seven-level underground facility. Christa goes on relating how she was eventually take down to Level Five, where she reports having seen alien craft and little grey alien entities in some of the areas that she passed through. In one large room where she saw computerized gauges hooked to large tanks and large arms that extended from some tubing down into the tanks. She noticed a humming sound, smelled formaldehyde, and had the impression that a liquid was being stirred in the tanks. She was not shown the contents of these tanks. Christa has made drawings of much of what she claims to have witnessed during her abduction. These tanks were also depicted in a set of controversial papers called the "Dulce Papers," which were allegedly stolen from the Dulce underground facility along with over 30 black and white photos and a video tape. The mysterious security officer who took the papers claims to have worked at Dulce until 1979 when he decided that the time had come to part company with his employers. The rest of this chapter relates how this security officer met with a colleague of mine in order to tell us the truth about the aliens, the U.S. Government, and the Dulce Base. His intention was to come out of hiding and present hard evidence to back his claims. In late 1979, Thomas C. (Thomas Castello) could no longer cope with the awesome reality he had to confront. As a high level security officer at the joint alien-U.S. Government underground base near Dulce he had learned of and had seen disturbing things. After much inner conflict, he decided to desert the facility and take various items with him. Using a small camera, he took over 30 photos of areas within the multi-level complex. He collected documents and removed a security video tape from the Control Center which showed various security camera views of the hallways, labs, aliens, and U.S. Government personnel to take with him. Then, by shutting off the alarm and camera system in one of the over 100 exits to the surface, he left the facility with the photos, video, and documents. The "originals" were hidden after five sets of copies were made. Thomas was ready to go into hiding. But, when he went to pick up his wife and young son, he found a van and government agents waiting. His wife and child had been kidnapped. He had been betrayed by K. Lomas (a fellow worker). The agents wanted what Thomas had taken from the facility in order to get his wife and son back. When it became apparent to him they would be used in biological experiments and were not going to be returned unharmed, he decided to get lost. That was over ten years ago. How did Thomas get involved in all this covert intrigue? Thomas, now is his 50’s was in his mid-twenties, when he received top secret training in photography at an underground facility in West Virginia. For seven years he worked in high security photography in the Air Force. In 1971, he left and went to work for the Rand Corp. in Santa Monica, California. In 1977 he was transferred to the Dulce facility. He bought a home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and worked Monday through Friday. He commuted to work via a deep underground tube-shuttle system. At this time, a fellow researcher was working security in Santa Fe, N.M. and was privately investigating UFO sightings, animal mutilations, Masonic and Wicca groups in the area. Thomas had a mutual friend who came to Santa Fe in 1979 to visit both the researcher and Thomas. This visitor later viewed the photos, the video tape, and documents taken from the Dulce Base. Drawings were made from what was seen and later circulated in the UFO research community as the "Dulce Papers." Thomas alleges that there were over 18,000 short "greys" at the Dulce Facility, and that he saw reptilian humanoids. A colleague had come face-to-face with a 6-foot tall Reptoid which had materialized in his house. The Reptoid showed an interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on the wall. The maps were full of colored push-pins and markers to indicate sites of animal mutilations, caverns, locations of high UFO activity, repeated flight paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien underground bases. The multi-level facility at Dulce is reported to have a central HUB which is controlled by base security. The security level goes up as one descends to lower levels. Thomas had an ULTRA-7 clearance. He knew of seven sub-levels, but there may have been more. Most of the aliens supposedly are on levels 5, 6 and 7 with alien housing on level 5. The only sign in English was over the tube shuttle station hallway which read "to Los Alamos." Connections go from Dulce to the Page, Arizona facility, then onto an underground base below Area 51 in Nevada. Tube shuttles go to and from Dulce to facilities below Taos, N.M.; Datil, N.M.; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Creed, Colorado; Sandia’ then on to Carlsbad, New Mexico. There appears to be a vast network of tube shuttle connections under the U.S. which extends into a global system of tunnels and sub-cities. At the Dulce Base, most signs on doors and hallways are in the alien symbol language and a universal symbol system understood by humans and aliens. Thomas stated that after the second level, everyone is weighed in the nude, then given a uniform. Visitors are given off-white uniforms; jump suits with a zipper. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Any change in weight is noted; if over three pounds, a physical exam and X-ray is required. Scales are located in front of all sensitive areas and are built into the floor near doorways and the door control panels. An individual places his computer I.D. card into the door slot, then enters a numerical code onto a keypad. The person’s weight and code must match the card or the door will not open. Any discrepancy will summon security. No one is allowed to carry anything into sensitive areas. All supplies are put on a conveyor belt and X-rayed. The same method is used in leaving sensitive areas. All elevators are controlled magnetically; there are no elevator cables. The magnetic system is inside the walls of the elevator shaft, there are no normal electrical controls. Everything is controlled by advanced magnetics, including lighting. There are no regular light bulbs and the tunnels are illuminated by phosphorous units with broad structureless emission bands. Some deep tunnels use a form of phosphorous pentoxide to temporarily illuminate areas. The aliens won’t go near these areas for reasons unknown. Level 1 contains the garage for street maintenance. Level 2 contains the garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc maintenance. The studies on Level 4 include human-aura research, as well as all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis, and dreams. Thomas says that they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place an "alien entity" life-force-matrix within a human body after removing the "soul" lifeforce-matrix of the human. Level 6 is privately called "Nightmare Hall." It holds the genetic labs, where experiments are done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original form. There are multi-armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures as tall as 7-feet. The aliens have taught the humans a lot about genetics; things both useful and dangerous. The Grey and reptoid species are highly analytical and technologically oriented. They have had ancient conflicts with the Nordic humans from other space societies, and may be staging here for a future conflict. Intensely into computing and bio- engineering sciences, they are led to doing reckless experiments without regard for what we consider to be ethical and empathetic conduct toward other living creatures. Principal government organizations involved in mapping human genetics, the so-called genome projects, are within: the Department of Energy (which has a heavy presence on the Nevada Test Site)the National Institute of Healththe National Science Foundationthe Howard Huges Medical Institutethe Dulce Underground Labs which are run by the DOEThomas had revealed that the chief of the genetic experiments for Los Alamos and Dulce is Larry Deaven. According to Thomas, the alien androgynal breeder is capable of parthenogenesis. At Dulce, the common form or reproduction is by polyembryony. Each embryo can, and does divide into 6 to 9 individual "cunne" (pronounced cooney, i.e. siblings). The needed nutriment for the developing cunne is supplied by the "formula," which usually consist of plasma, deoxyhemoglobin, albumin, lysozyme, cation, amniotic fluid and more. The term "genome" is used to describe the totality of the chromosomes unique to a particular organism (or any cell within an organism), as distinct from the genotype, which is the information contained within those chromosomes. The human genes are mapped to specific chromosomal locations. This is an ambitious project that will take years and a lot of computer power to accomplish. Is the alien and human BIO-TECH being used to nurture and serve us, or is it being used to control and dominate us? Why have UFO abductees been used in genetic experiments? It was when Thomas encountered humans in cages on Level 7 of the Dulce facility that things finally reached a climax for him. Row after row of thousands of humans, human-mixture remains, and embryos of humanoids were kept in cold storage. He says, "I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. That began the Dulce Wars." reply posted on 26-3-2007 @ 10:56 PM by johnlearOriginally posted by hikix hmmm i read about Dulce and there really isnt too much info on the base.. so i believe i read about 95% of it. But John, was it you who brought all this to the public, or has anyone before you discussed Dulce? Of course the internet is only a little over a decade old in te public domain, so getting this info out to the public would be difficult b4 that, but im curious on where the Dulce story started.I mentioned in another thread, I was the one that published the "Dulce Papers". I made the pen and ink drawings from the originals which were drawn in pencil. The information that I copied from the original papers smuggled out by Thomas Edwin Costello was typewritten on my IBM Executive (the kind with proportional spacing.) Check it out. I stayed with Dr. Bennewitz and his wife at their home overlooking the Manzano Weapons Storage Area (Kirtland AFB) in the fall of 1987 for 2 days. I interviewed Col. Edwards (with Linda Moulton Howe), Gabe Valdez (drove an 8 hour 10pm to 6am shift with him) Jim McCampbell (who tape recorded an interview with Dr. Bennewitz about the Hansen incident) and Bill Moore. Dr. Bennewitz gave me the x-ray of Myrna Hansen's head showing the the chip and the photos he had taken of the dome shaped saucers operating from the MWSA. 2 other government employees confirmed the existence of Dulce one of whom told me he knew it as Section D. I was the one that originally copied the drawings and information and then sent it to friends. And, no, I didn't make it up. The drawings and text were published in Matrix I which was published by Val Valerian (John Grace).reply posted on 6-8-2006 @ 03:34 PM by johnlearOriginally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf John, a question for you. Have you ever been out to Dulce, or in the vicinity? if so, did you find any evidence that the base exists, or that there are alot of weird things going on there? I drove to Dulce in 1987 on a research trip. I had been with a UFO research group in Crestone, CO. for a few days and then drove to Roswell with Linda Howe to see Clifford Stone. I then drove by myself back through Albuquerque, up through Santa Fe and Espanola and up to Dulce. I checked in at a motel and called Gabe Valdez, a New Mexico Highway Patrol officer I had heard about. He told me that his patrol was from 10pm to 6am and I was welcome to come along. He picked me up at the motel at 10pm and when we shook hands he said, “Hey, I know you! You flew in here in a Lear Jet years ago with Dean Martin’s girlfriends and some steaks for Dean Martin.” I had forgotten but when I was flying charter out of Van Nuys in the early 70’s we got a call to take some fresh steaks and Dean Martin’s girl friend to Dulce where he was filming a movie. Getting the Learjet into that little Dulce strip was no easy task especially because it was around 7000 ft. altitude. Gabe took me on patrol, winding in and out, up and down little canyons and roads in the inky black darkness of that New Mexican night. We stopped and had some green chile and corn tortillas about 2am. During that 8 hours we talked about the underground base at Dulce, Bennewitz, Col. Ernie Edwards, Bill Moore, Richard Doty and everything else. The next day I rented a car and tried to drive up to the top of the Archuletta Mesa to see if I could find where the atomic craft has crashed a few years earlier. It was winter, the car didn’t have 4 wheel drive and I nearly slipped off the road into a canyon. I didn’t find any hard evidence the base existed but I was certain it did. INTERVIEW : WILLIAM MOOREBy: Gregory BishopI have known Bill Moore since 1988. In that time I have seen him go from prominence as the "discoverer" (along with Jamie Shandera) of the MJ12 documents to emerging as an even more controversial figure in the UFO community. This was the result of a speech he made at the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) convention in Las Vegas in 1989 wherein he intimated that most of what all the other researchers had been told by their government intelligence contacts was pure fabrication. The publisher of a well-known magazine left the room in tears, and I saw Bill English (one of the "aliens-are-eating-us-while-they-take-over-the-world" UFO personalities) run past me hollering "I'm going to get a fire hose!" The conference host came to the podium more than a few times to call for order. This initiation into the primate pecking-order of UFOlogy convinced me beyond a doubt that many members of MUFON were just like anyone else with a mouth full of words and an empty mind -- push the right buttons and they explode. What was it that caused so much emotion? I finally cornered Bill at his office in late January to find out in detail what "made him do it" and who really pulls the levers.At no time since I have known him has Moore been rude, evasive, or secretive (at least in the "I know something you don't" mold.) Only the most paranoid (or gullible?) person would suspect much ulterior motive in his conversation. To me he has been at all times intelligent and compassionate.Q: This has been gone over many times, but what is it that pissed off so many people in Las Vegas at MUFON 1989?MOORE: I think that they were outraged that someone would get up there and tell them that they'd been had.Q :You don't think that could have happened to you?MOORE: Sure it could have. And maybe it has. That was exactly the point. If they (government agencies) could manipulate a situation like the Bennewitz affair the way they did, and plant information which was at that point the hottest thing in the UFO grapevine, which a lot of people were really interested in and remain interested in to this day…Q: Bennewitz was the one who thought he was receiving highly secret transmissions from an air force base in New Mexico, and was scared by what he heard or thought he heard?MOORE: Yes. That was it. The whole story of Government/ alien involvement, treaties with aliens, underground bases, a plot to take over the planet, implants, two different races of aliens, one hostile and one friendly, etc. was all cooked up by the counter-intelligence people for the purpose of discrediting Bennewitz. He bought it, and a lot of other people in the UFO community bought it, and they continue to buy it today. All of that stuff was cooked up as part of the operation against Bennewitz. Bennewitz was meeting with everybody who was anybody and telling that story to anyone who would listen. John Lear, and ultimately through him to Bill Cooper, Bill English, Wendelle Stevens; they all revolved around that information. It was the kind of paranoia that they wanted to hear. And so here's John Lear, organizer and host of the conference in Vegas, one of the chief proponents of that kind of information, staking his so-called reputation on the fact that it was all true. Linda Howe has gotten in over her head over it, all those people prepared to tell their stories, and become important forces for good in the UFO research community. Then I get up and tell them, "Folks, you've been had. And here's how I know. It isn't that I've heard it, I was part of it. I was there. I watched it happen. I knew who was doing it, and I was privy to it."Q: Were you inferring by that statement that they could have found out the same thing if they did as you did?MOORE: No, they couldn't have. That was the point.Q: Why not?MOORE: Because they weren't a part of it. It was because I had allowed them to be hooked before I got up and said , "Hey folks, you've been had." I could have kept them informed all along.Q: That would have tainted any information that you were getting, though.MOORE: Well, of course. It would have destroyed my ability to get anything. I couldn't tell anybody. I was just as upset at what happened to Bennewitz as they were. But they couldn't begin to understand why. According to them, "I (Moore) did it to him." I didn't do it. I was only fortunate enough to be in a position where I could see it.One thing that I find the most outrageous...actually there are two things. One is that most of the people who are into UFO research are their own worst enemies. They sabotage their own efforts before they even get under way through ignorance in how to proceed. Through a preconceived position of "well this is what I'm going to find, so if I find anything that doesn't fit, I'll ignore it." and by broadcasting far and wide exactly what they're doing, and by their blind belief that in what the Freedom Of Information Act is going to get them. What happens is when you tell somebody what you know, it immediately shows up on the (UFO rumor) grapevine. If you've told your friends, you've told everybody. If there's anything to it, people who are custodians of the information can detect where it came from immediately, and will rush to protect it.Q: Why tell anyone?MOORE: Ego.Q: As "leaks" it makes them feel important?MOORE: To some extent.Q: They've told you this, or you're guessing?MOORE: I'm guessing. I think there's an organized plan to let some of this stuff out too. I just think honestly a lot of them don't know what to do with it.Q: Well, if they have access to the information, obviously they are supposed to be doing something with it.MOORE: The other thing that bothers me is that the greater portion of the UFO community exists to feed off itself. In other words, they don't want to find an answer--they want to find more questions.Q: Not to change the subject too quickly, but about a year ago I had talked to you and you said you had discovered what you thought was the answer to the men in black enigma, and you had published it in your magazine. Would you elaborate?MOORE: It basically stems from a covert group within the military community who are very good at playing games. And one of the games that they devised was this men in black thing in order to obtain information and leave behind a legacy of mystery which would be good cover for them. There is a group, I've worked with some of them. They recruit a lot of people from the prisons and make deals with them that if they will serve so many years, they'll be given a clean bill of health and a new identity. And somewhere way back when, they cooked up this men in black thing as a device for enabling them to get information out of people, particularly physical evidence without having to give them a government receipt for it. They were involved with Bennewitz.What they do is plan and base it on things that have worked in the past. If you are a professional cat burglar, with 30 years of experience, and the government says, "We need cat burglars. We have a use for such people--safe crackers, con artists, what have you. We'll make a deal with you. You come work for us, and we'll get you out of the slammer. You're our slave for seven years. You do your job well, and the time is up, we'll give you a new identity and a certain amount of money, and goodbye. If you fuck up, you go back to jail and the records show you were transferred briefly from one prison to another, it didn't work out, and you were sent back. You want to come work for us, or stay in jail? Take your pick." What do you do?...You come work for us. There's these people in Michigan. They've got some film we're interested in. Go get it. You're not to leave any indication that it was the government that got it. You're not to leave any traces as to who you are. If they won't give it to you outright, find some other way to get it, but get it." What do you do? You sit and plan with other people how you're going to do this. What they came up with was this whole men in black thing.Q: What about people who are visited before they even tell anyone about it?MOORE: Perhaps somebody knew what they had done, even though they hadn't told anyone. It may be that the image they got wasn't a UFO at all, but an experimental craft of some kind. Somebody saw them land. Who knows how the information ultimately gets to its destination? Once they have it, they decide, "What's the best response?" They tried to use me one time to get footage out of somebody who had it and wouldn't give it up. I couldn't do it. They wouldn't give it to me either (as a UFO investigator.) They ultimately got that film. I don't know how they got it, but I know they did. The assumption on the part of a lot of people is that, "If Bill Moore was knowingly involved in that kind of activity, automatically Bill Moore has to be the bad guy." I wouldn't do things like that. My point is if I hadn't cooperated, if I hadn't gotten to know how these things work, nobody would know about it to this day. You don't learn how to swim unless you get into the water. You can read all the books you want, you can listen to all the people you want, but until you get into the water, you don't learn how. It's the same way in projects like these. Until you get involved with them, you don't know what happens. When you do get involved, there are rules. And they're not your rules. You either play by them, or they very quickly find somebody else who will. Then they dump your ass out with a load of shit, and if you go public with the load of shit, you look like an idiot. This is what Linda Howe did. They do a complete psychological profile. They know exactly what they're dealing with, they know exactly what to feed him that he will believe, and they know exactly how to do it, and they do it.Q: You do realize that they could and might very well be doing this to you.MOORE: Sure. I've always known that.Q: But is it interesting and entertaining enough to continue to play?MOORE: First of all, there is something to the subject that is so important that they're devoting all this time and effort to it. They wouldn't devote it to stories about Hitler being alive in Antarctica. It says there's something there: What?Q: That's what I was about to ask.MOORE: I don't know. Whatever the secret is, it's such a high magnitude of importance and would have such an impact on the mundane day-to-day circumstances of our society that anyone who is gets close enough to see what it is says, "Oh my God. We can never tell anyone this. Because if we do, it will bring down the whole fabric of our society." That to me automatically suggests certain things.Q: Such as...?MOORE: Most of them either seem to have economic or religious implications.Q: And the only conclusion you draw from that is extraterrestrial contact of some sort?MOORE: No. Either there are aliens and they are coming here--there is a limited interaction with this race, and whatever lies behind that is of such earth-shattering proportions that if the truth came out about it it would shatter Christianity to its very foundations--maybe. Or somebody (plural) in a very highly placed position with a lot of assets at their disposal is desperately manipulating events to try and make it appear that way. I tend to favor the former more than the latter.Art Bell interviewing John Lear:LEAR: So here?s what happened, Art. Our first UFO recoveries were in the late ?30s. We made a couple in the beginning of the ?40s and then came Roswell, which the public found out about. We got 2 live aliens from Roswell. One died shortly thereafter and one lived till 1956. And we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth. Some are good and some are hostile, most are indifferent. We found out that we are the experimental product, if you will, of an alien race who we never met and we don?t know who they are. All we know is that the Greys are cybernetic organisms, glorified robots if you will, who work here at the behest of their employers monitoring us through abductions. We were never able to find out what the experiment is all about except that we have been externally corrected about 65 times. And they, the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There?s been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments. But nothing?s been proven or determined. Since 1938 we?ve lost over 200 aircraft due to UFO hostilities and thousands of soldiers in all kinds of different actions with aliens. Since that time several hundred thousand civilians have disappeared with no trace. Several thousand of those were eliminated by us because of their chance encounters with the aliens which we could ill afford to have publicized. A slightly more frightening phenomena known as "human mutilations" have occurred on a regular basis and are similar to "cattle mutilations". In that the human or humans are taken from the street, so to speak, and returned to the same area about 45 minutes to an hour later with their rectums cored out, their genitals removed, eyes removed from their sockets, and completely drained of blood. In all cases it appeared that the mutilation procedures occurred while the persons were still alive and conscious. One of our scientists speculates that apparently the human specimens had to be alive for the samples to be worth anything. Abductions occur on a daily basis throughout the United States to at least 10% of the population. When we were first made aware this we protested to the little grey being we had held in captivity at the YY-2 facility in Los Alamos, but a deal was struck that in exchange for advanced technology from the aliens we would allow them to abduct a very small number of persons and we would periodically be given a list of those persons abducted. We got something less than the technology we bargained for and found the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what we had naively agreed to. In 1954, President Eisenhower met with a representative of another alien species at Muroc Test Center, which is now called Edwards Airforce Base. This alien suggested that they could help us get rid of the Greys but Eisenhower turned down their offer because they offered no technology. At this point it became apparent to all involved that there was no such thing as a God, at least how the public perceives God. Certainly some form of computer recorder stores information and an occasional miracle is displayed by the aliens to influence a religious event. This so unnerved Eisenhower that he had "In God We Trust" put on paper money and coins and put in the Pledge of Allegiance to reaffirm the public belief in God. Shortly after this it was determined in meetings between the US and the Russians that the situation was serious enough that a cold war should be manufactured as a ruse to divert attention of the public away from UFOs towards some other scary threat like the H-bomb. It was also decided to keep the ruse secret from any elected or appointed officials within both the US and Russian governments as it took so long to vet these officials and the ruse was easier to manage if the top people didn?t know about it. UFOs & The Search for Higher Consciousness By John WhiteFor me, the most intriguing aspect of the UFO experience is the convergence of psychology and physics. As the study of inner space and outer space merges, consciousness--our own consciousness--becomes the key to understanding the situation. The UFO phenomenon simply leads us to still-larger questions. It is not enough to ask what they are, where they come from and what they want. Our ultimate questions concern cosmology and ontology: What is reality and how can we know it? These questions bring us slowly, but surely, to the realization that only by understanding the essence of ourselves can we understand the nature and structure of the cosmos, including the UFO phenomenon. It is a paradox recognized in all major religions, higher psychotechnologies and sacred lifeways: the deeper you look inside yourself, the more universal you become. Scientific and spiritual traditions, which are the objective and subjective aspects of our attempt to know reality, converge. They converge and reveal levels of consciousness far beyond what we ordinarily take for the limits of our awareness. Conceptualizing these higher dimensions is difficult. Recent models of the cosmos by physicists and parapsychologists are resorting more and more to the esoteric, hermetic, metaphysical and occult traditions, which claim to have long been aware of aspects of reality other than the physical-material. These traditions use terminology such as the astral plane, the etheric plane, the plane of Mind and so forth to denote hyperspaces--other space-time frameworks, other sets of dimensions--interpenetrating our own. Where are these hyperspaces? All sources agree: they are within us, even while they seem to be outside; and at the same time, they are outside (the physical body), even though we arrive there by "going within" ourselves. The cosmos, then, may be conceived as having different but interpenetrating planes of existence which are space-time frameworks in their own right. The higher planes are the native realms of angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and other evolutionarily advanced beings reported throughout history as interacting with humanity to guide and protect us. Protect us from what? Harmful inhabitants of the other planes. Outside the physical plane we humans inhabit is not all sweetness and light, according to these traditions. It is said there are objectively real but invisible intelligences which seek to penetrate human psyches in order to stop our evolution and enslave us to their will. It is said that these malevolent entities can and do sometimes materialize into our plane of existence in various alluring ways to entice us off the spiritual path. As a person evolves in consciousness and expands awareness, he or she passes through these different levels en route to the highest state of consciousness, called cosmic consciousness or enlightenment. Those different levels, in Judeo-Christian cosmology, are termed "the heavens." In Hindu and Buddhist thought, they are called "lokas." Though the terminology differs from culture to culture, the underlying unity of experience cannot be mistaken. Each level is said to have beings--presumably organized into some social structure--capable of materializing into other levels. As a person moves into those spaces, through whatever spiritual discipline practiced to purify consciousness and develop organs of higher perception, the boundary between "inner" and "outer" events dissolves and a single, unified view of reality is perceived. This is why there has been unanimity of reports from "soul travelers" to the highest regions.And what they report is this: We humans are confused about ultimate reality and our true identity. Both are something far greater than we ordinarily think and both are actually one. Now, consider what this means for human happiness and understanding. It means, first, there is a core truth to which we can penetrate--an Ultimate Answer which alone gives purpose, meaning and direction to our lives and our search for higher consciousness. Second, that truth is accessible to each of us on the basis of direct experience, without need for intermediaries. Third, in order to attain that truth, we must ascend in consciousness; we must personally evolve through our own efforts. And, finally, if many individuals evolve, the result could well be a collective change of society, a transformation of the species, a radical change in human nature.As I see things, precisely such a change is now occurring. Evolution has not stopped. A new race--a higher form of humanity--is emerging on the planet. My reason, research and personal experience lead me to this conclusion. And certainly it is not my conclusion alone. Others such as Nietzsche, Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, and Gopi Krishna, have proposed the same idea before me: human beings are also human becomings. The grand theme of history is the evolution of consciousness. It is a story of ever-more complex forms of life coming into physical being in order to express more fully the consciousness behind existence itself. As this applies to the current world scene, I maintain the many threats to life on this planet created by Homo Sapiens' intellect-gone-wild have caused such pressure on nature, that the life force--the intelligence governing creation--is mobilizing to resist the irrationality of humankind. How will it resist? The life force will resist "the disease called humankind" by bringing a higher form of life onto the planet--a form which will recognize the laws governing nature and live in accordance with them. The human race as we know it, in all its combative, divisive, exploitative, self-centered inhumanity-to-man, will go the way of the dinosaur. The widespread signs of world unrest and cultural collapse around us indicate that an historical epoch, a world age, is ending. Simultaneously, a great awakening is going on around the globe. It isn't merely a generation gap or a communications gap. A new species is awakening to its cosmic calling and--in the face of the threatening dominant species--is asserting its right to live.The planet-wide uneasiness and societal upheaval being seen today is fundamentally an expression of people straddling old and new worlds as they try to find out what species they belong to. The dominant species is ego-oriented, technology-mad and unconsciously bent on self-destruction through its materialistic addictions and their unforeseen effects on the biosphere. The emerging species, on the other hand, is life-embracing. It seeks to live in harmony, create a unified planetary culture founded on love and wisdom and, as Native Americans say, walk in balance on the Earth Mother. I have named the new species Homo Noeticus. In the course of people's effort to find their true identity, many errors and excesses will occur. The "gods from outer space" concept is a notable example of this. Now, there is nothing inherently implausible about the notion that more highly evolved life forms exist and have contacted us. Exobiology suggests that life will arise wherever conditions are not simply favorable but merely a little better than totally hostile. Since our sun is a relatively young star, there may be older star systems where organisms developed earlier than here and have become the more highly evolved inhabitants of supertechnological civilizations capable of space travel. They may even have come to Earth in UFOs, as the Hill Star Map and the Dogon oral history indicate. The immediate allure of contact with such civilizations is the possibility of learning from them. Imagine, for example, being given the means to build power sources such as those which propel UFOs. Some alien communications speak of "free energy devices" which tap space itself and could do away with the need for oil, coal, gas and nuclear fuels. This is an exciting vista. It promises--on the surface, at least--a new era of peace and prosperity such as people have dreamed of for millennia. Beneath the surface, however, this is more of the same narrow vision--the unquestioned faith in the power of science and technology to secure human happiness--which is endangering our species at this time. Thus, inherent in the possibility of alien encounters with aliens is a danger we must recognize beyond the mere idea of ferocious killers as expressed in the movie Aliens. We must recognize this danger if we are ever to truly build a "heaven on earth." For such knowledge as we might obtain from extraterrestrial contact still does not give us the most important type of cosmic connection--the type we need in order to deal with the problems of daily living.Our endless accumulation of scientific facts simply does not add up to wisdom and understanding of the human situation in its cosmic aspect. Every new bit of information, every new answer we get raises a dozen new questions. Gathering scientific data is an endless process, and unless we are properly grounded in the moral foundations of the universe, we will continue to find new ways of misusing science so that knowledge only leads to greater unhappiness, as we see most strongly in our present historically unprecedented threat to all life on the planet. As the spiritual teacher, Krishnamurti, said in speaking of our Faustian quest, "Knowledge is only a part of life, not the totality, and when that part assumes all-consuming importance, as it is threatening to do now, then life becomes superficial. More knowledge, however wide and cunningly put together, will not resolve our human problems; to assume that it will is to invite frustration and misery. Something much more profound is needed." What is needed? A transformation of consciousness. Only a change in the state of human consciousness will allow us to find the knowledge and wisdom necessary to survive the threats facing Homo Sapiens. For there is a type of knowledge beyond science--beyond even the science of super-technological extraterrestrial civilizations--which is nevertheless democratically available to every one of us. It is the core truth, the eternal message of all the world's sacred traditions. It is knowledge which anyone can obtain directly from the cosmos, without intermediaries, without being dependent upon benevolent superior beings, whether they are angelic messengers, Space Brothers, spirit guides, ascended masters, walk-ins or whatever. Call it God-knowledge, mystical union, attaining yoga, finding the Tao or achieving enlightenment. These terms all refer to the same thing: the fundamental apprehension of Cosmic Wholeness transcending any and all parts of creation and its creatures. This is the knowledge which gives purpose, direction and fulfillment to our lives by answering the ultimate questions which spiritual traditions and science alike have tried to answer: Who am I, and what is existence all about? That godlike state beckons to us through many manifestations today. Although the manifestations are most often vague and uncertain, the principal one has long been clearly recognized--and revered. I refer to the true spiritual teachers of history such as Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tse, Mohammed, Moses, Zoroaster, Guru Nanak, St. Teresa and other more recent figures such as Meher Baba, Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, Mira Bai and Da Love-Ananda. These illuminati, these godmen and godwomen, are the people who most clearly demonstrate the future of human evolution. These enlightened ones are forerunners of the "new breed," specimens of an advanced humanity. Their lives have been dedicated to showing those lower on the ladder of evolution that they have within themselves the potential for self-directed growth to a higher state of being. And none of them have claimed to be extraterrestrial. They have, however, claimed to be universal, and have said that all others can be also. How? To quote the Buddha's dying words, "By relying upon themselves only, and not relying upon any external help, not looking for assistance to anyone besides themselves." Or as Jesus put it, by seeking first the Kingdom of God within.That is why I caution against deluding ourselves with the glamour and mystery of UFOs and alien contact. The two principal reasons for this can be stated this way: First, the promise of alien contact is tantalizing yet beyond our control. We are wholly at the mercy of whoever or whatever is out there, subject to their whims, unable to communicate except when they want to allow it, and unable the verify the information they give us about themselves. Some of them could prove hostile rather than benevolent, just as many abductees' experiences already indicate. The guidance and warnings of sacred traditions and spiritual teachers about this matter should not be lightly disregarded. Remember that the Bible describes demons as fallen angels and Satan is said to disguise himself as an angel of light. We must beware of false gods. Second, we must be aware of True God. The greatest enemy and the greatest ally we have are still to be found in the depths of our own psyche, in the center of our own being. The proper attitude toward meetings with starfolk can only be that which is proper to have for human teachers and helpers. When our attitude assumes the character of a master-servant relation or a deity-worshipper relation, our own evolutionary potential is discarded and our cosmic calling is unheard. Properly understood, however, alien contact has value in the manner which the signs and wonders of Jesus had for the first Christians. They pointed to a still-higher source which is the creator of us all, and they demonstrated the reality of our own latent ability to become as Jesus was--and even more, as he himself acknowledged. The UFO experience can do the same thing for our time. We are rapidly entering the next phase of evolution. But evolution is essentially transcendence, and the source of all transcendence is the Transcendental. That is the source of our being, as well as our becoming. Whether our meetings with advanced life forms seem to come from outer space or inner space, we must recognize that they principally reflect to us that which we ourselves shall eventually become, and that all time and space, all worlds and their inhabitants arise from the Transcendental Source whose traditional name is God. Therefore, it is God alone to whom we should aspire in our search, recognizing that the distant goal of our evolutionary journey is also the fountainhead of our existence moment-to-moment along the path, and that what is working itself out in cosmic space and eonic time is, beyond space and time, already so right now. ***********************James Jesus Angleton is widely known as the long-serving Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counter-Intelligence at the CIA. The 2006 spy movie “The Good Shepherd” was loosely based on his career as the agency’s premier spy catcher, as were several other films and novels, most notably the 2007 three-part miniseries “The Company” starring Michael Keaton.Nicknamed “Kingfisher”, James Jesus Angleton was forced to resign from the CIA in 1975 after nearly twenty-five years’ service. He died fourteen years later in 1987, aged 69.What is not so widely known is that certain authors have used James Jesus Angleton’s name to bolster claims of a huge government cover-up regarding crashed flying saucers and a super-secret government cabal known as Majestic-12.One such writer is Captain Robert “Bob” Collins, co-author of the self-published book Exempt from Disclosure, first released in 2005. In the book, Collins claims that he has been in regular contact with the Miami grandson of James Jesus Angleton, who provided him with many of his grandfather’s personal notes that were allegedly taken during classified CIA briefings.“James Angleton Jr., Miami, FL, has been providing us with much needed support over the last few years. Many of the conversations have centered on his grandfather’s personal notes which number in the thousands of pages according to Jim.“Tim Cooper further reinforced the source of these notes from a 45-minute phone conversation with Angleton Jr. in March 2000.“He is holding his granddad’s papers, which his father gave him for safekeeping and some Dulles files which Angleton took from CIA headquarters.“The content of these alleged notes range from the sublime to the ridiculous. The first mention of the information contained therein concerns a top-secret government experiment involving teleportation:“As a further concluding remark to this chapter, both Tim Cooper’s father MSgt Harry B Cooper, now deceased and Jim Angleton’s grandfather (James Jesus Angleton, Section 2, Chapter 1), also deceased in 1987, have both described early government work involving teleportation experiments. One such set of experiments was said to have taken place at Wright-Patterson AFB in early 60s. Needless to say, those early experiments ended up in disaster where solid innate matter was turned inside out as did the animals they used in the experiments. Jim Angleton’s grandfather James Jesus who is mentioned above related the following with Jim reading from his CIA notes. Angleton writes: The first transport blew up a rat. It literally blew up into pieces. A visitor (Alien) helped them tweak the dimensions to send the rate from point “a” to point “b.” But as of 1979, they had not been able to make a rat move. However, in the ’90s, they were successful in moving water from point ‘a’ to point ‘b.’”Angleton Jr. provided the following information to Collins and several others, allegedly taken directly from the personal notes of Albert Einstein in 1952 and formerly in the possession of his late grandfather, but with their actual origins much closer in time. “The qualitative picture is a local field of positive cosmological constants contributing to the local metric field in a small boundary layer around the skin of the craft. The layer was controlled by the EM brainwave of the pilot. The pilot also has a Q* type of field. Dr. Einstein expanded… The fuselage of the craft was more liken to a high temperature super-conductor to which the occupants do not feel the g forces at high accelerations or sharp turns. There is a direct correlation to mind-linkage via headband and hand-panels. There is an exotic field surrounding the vehicle. The hull had super-conducting properties.““We watched the craft displace gravity via propagation by a magnetic wave. It resonated at first, ALF (Alien Life Form) our liaison, telepathically explained its basic propulsion stating that N in the equation (not shown) is the number of pairs in the super-conductor (these electron pairs contribute to the anti-gravity effect)…with a slowly changing component and frequency for the EM field.“Bob Collins comes close to recognizing the probable true source for the above quote in the very next paragraph. He writes:“This scene seems to be depicted in the 1951 movie, ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ (4) where in this case the scientist is Albert Einstein and the alien is ALF”.As we will see in the next section, Bob Collins himself is convinced the person he has been speaking to since at least February 2001 and probably earlier is the bona-fide grandson of the late James Jesus Angleton. It is little wonder why. Having the apparent endorsement of such a high profile figure -albeit twice removed- does wonders for your credibility and perhaps lessens the need to do a little fact checking.The information that has been attributed to James Jesus Angleton is both startling and worrying at the same time. Startling because the information itself is fantastical in nature, and worrying because of the apparent disregard of national security in leaving allegedly classified information laying around in a large collection of notes to be published at will by anyone who sees fit. This flies in the face of what we know about the real James Jesus Angleton, spymaster extraordinaire.With this in mind, we at Reality Uncovered decided to do a little fact checking of our own.Will the real Angleton family please stand up.The goal of our investigation couldn’t be simpler; Verify or disprove the existence of the grandson of the late James Jesus Angleton, said to be a living in Florida, Miami. What better way to start than to go straight to the source, i.e. the known family of James Jesus Angleton as documented in his obituary, printed in the New York Times of May 12, 1987.Excerpt:“Mr. Angleton is survived by his wife, Cicely d’Autremont; a son, James Charles Angleton, of Los Angeles, and two daughters, Guru Sangat Kaur, of Great Falls, Va., and Lucy d’Autremont Angleton, of New Mexico. He also leaves a brother, Hugh Angleton of Boise, and two sisters, Carmen Mercedes Angleton of Rome and Delores Guarnieri of Florence, Italy.”With the above information in hand, Reality Uncovered researcher “Wormwood” conducted a thorough genealogical search and found the contact details for all of the immediate family of James Jesus Angleton listed in his obituary. Reality Uncovered co-administrator “Access Denied” was volunteered to make contact with the family, and a few days later spoke with Lucy Angleton, daughter of James Jesus Angleton, on the telephone.Lucy confirmed to Access Denied that James Jesus Angleton didn’t have any grandchildren living in Florida, nor did he have any grandchildren by the name of James Angleton Jr., James Jesus Angleton Jr., James Angleton III or any other derivative of the name. Lucy also kindly put Access Denied in touch with another member of the family, a person related to one of her uncle’s, who confirmed the exact same thing.We now knew for sure that the information attributed to James Jesus Angleton must be bogus, so we set about finding out who the mysterious “grandson” really is.We already knew from Bob Collins’ statements in Exempt from Disclosure that James Jesus Angleton Jr. was alleged to be a banker working in Miami, Florida. This same information was told to us by Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green via email in response to questions by Ryan Dube of Reality Uncovered, and was also confirmed in an email exchange between the authors of this article and Jack Sarfatti, by way of Jack Sarfatti’s email discussion list.Extract from Kit Green email of January 20, 2007:“I have no idea what Collins means by the whole Angleton thing with the emails, address differences, and Broadbent. I had no idea that Steve was in touch with the Grandson. But, if it is the real Grandson, he could probably trust the man…the stories about what he found in his grandfather’s diaries are things I have only heard third hand. I do know:1. Collins is in touch, or was, with Angleton’s real grandson…the Vice President of the Bank in Florida. The same guy with the stories about what his grandfather and father told him, and the diaries.2. That guy was also in touch with me, over a year ago, about a serious medical condition in his family. In that discussion he referred to his Grandfather often (who I knew, but not well)…but never about the UFO and alien stuff. He also was in touch for a while with Hal, and Gordon, and others. What they forwarded to me from him about the Soap Opera (never a part of my discussions with him) was somewhat as tough to believe as some of the most sane of John Lear’s statements. So, for a while at least…Collins was in touch with the right guy.3. He had a falling-out with Collins over what Collins put in his book:He was furious. It was not that it was not true, and not that it wasn’t what he had said…but the same as others have had problems with. Bob and sworn secrecy and privacy…and broke the rules. I saw those emails.At that time, he broke off all contacts with Collins. I have no clue if he is back in touch or not. Or, if in touch, with the same and the real guy…”Extract from email to Jack Sarfatti’s discussion group by Jack Sarfatti, January 3, 2007:“For the record I never saw or had in my possession any official military record of Robert Collins. I never saw his DD-214. My information is based on e-mail hearsay from at least one reliable source. Be that as it may. Exempt from Disclosure has some interesting details including the connection to James Jesus Angleton JJA. I can confirm now that indeed it is almost certain that JJA’s grandson JA Jr has been running RMC [Robert M.Collins] in a significant way. JA Jr was and may still be a Sr VP Hemisphere Bank in Miami and is head of Former Intelligence Officer’s Association Chapter in Miami…”Using this information, it was a simple task to locate the email address and contact details for the James Angleton Jr. person alleged to be the grandson of JJA. His name and the corresponding bank email address was found on the website of the Miami-Dade Chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, later renamed to the Ted Shackley Chapter of the AFIO. The email address, James.Angleton@, confirmed the bank was indeed the Hemisphere National Bank[12] as mentioned by Jack Sarfatti in the email above. Hemisphere National changed its name to Republic Federal in early 2007[13], with James Angleton’s email address, James.Angleton@, also changing on the AFIO website to reflect the change. We also discovered another email address used by Angleton, namely Jim_Angleton@, which is present on his personal biography (see Appendix B) in an application[14] posted by the City of Miami and therefore a public record. Later, Collins confirmed both email accounts as being grandson Angleton Jr.’s.Back in early 2007, we discovered for ourselves that the James Angleton Jr. who was in contact with Bob Collins was indeed the same James Angleton Jr. who worked at the bank. A highly-charged discussion was taking place on Jack Sarfatti’s email discussion list concerning the distribution of plagiarized notes by Angleton Jr. which wound up in Exempt from Disclosure. I wrote to Angleton using the Hemisphere National Bank email address on February 12, 2007. He replied just a short time later:“Dear Mr. Broadbent,Thank you for introducing yourself. This email address is strictly used for business purposes. I am not interested in this topic and yes, some out there use my last name. Please do not forward their gossip. I hope you will understand the true spirit of this final communication for privacy as it is intended. All the best, Jim.”I replied one more time by asking him if he had a different email address he could use, to which he responded:“If you are referring to bantering by Dr. Sarfatti and Robert Collins, I have knowledge of their conduct. Other than this, the internet is full of frauds, wanna-be’s and crazies. For this reason is why I really do not reply back and refer it to my security department. Do you feel my life is in danger?”Less than a day later, on February 13th, Bob Collins sent this short one line email to the main discussion list:“Broadbent, JA Jr turned you off politely didn’t he? Please learn…..Rmc”My email to James Angleton was sent to him only and to no one else. The fact that Collins knew Angleton had “turned me off politely” proved beyond any doubt they were in contact with each other.To be on the safe side, I emailed Collins on May 30, 2009 and asked him some specific questions related to his Angleton contact:Stephen Broadbent wrote: [to Collins]Thanks for being so patient with me.When you have contacted Angleton in Florida, have you used thebank email address or only the msn email address? Have you spokento him on the telephone at the bank, or only at home? Did youhave any contact with Junior’s father who died in 2004?Thanks again,SteveCollins wrote: [to Broadbent]:All of thatThis email response confirms critical information. The Angleton Jr. that he is in contact with uses both the bank and email addresses, he has spoken to him both at work and home and furthermore confirms that Junior’s father died in 2004, information that would be essential in uncovering the true family history.To the casual observer however, it appeared the Florida James Angleton was who he alleged to be. The link to the Association of Former Intelligence Officers is a massive clincher for most people and that he also appears to be a respectable banker only serves to cement that. Upon hearing that James Angleton was actually not who he was alleged to be, Jack Sarfatti found it extremely difficult to believe based on the AFIO link alone:Fri 01/05/2009 00:53how do you explain this?We will come to the AFIO information shortly. A search at the Republic Federal Bank website confirms the man is indeed named James Angleton Jr. and also reveals that he is the Senior Vice President of Real Estate. This of course rules out the possibility of someone by another name simply using the Angleton name for their own purposes. Or so it would appear.Bob Collins, as we already know, was another, who was utterly convinced based on flimsy evidence, as the email exchange below will illustrate. He had earlier asked me “how could someone with no technical background just make that stuff up?”Broadbent email to Collins dated April 21, 2009:I agree with you about the technical background. That is of course assuming he didn’t have help preparing those notes – from someone with a technical background.The next question may seem strange at first glance, but who was it, who told you, that Angleton was JJA’s grandson?Collins’ reply dated Tue April 21, 2009 17:07:Stop making things up. You make no sense, the guy[s] a Banker, there would be no purpose as a Banker to make things up or get a tech person to help him, then that tech person would have to know something about super conductors, this is beginning to sound crazy. As for grandson look it up, it’s all over the Internet….do the research…..RmcHaving already learned the Angleton family had no such relation in Florida, we went trawling through the paper trail in order to prove it once and for all. I believe the term for this is known as “Doing the research”.Just who is the Fake Angleton?In order to trace the Florida Angleton family tree, we needed as many details as possible in order to make the search both accurate and less time consuming. Fortunately for us, we had RU researcher “Wormwood” on our side.Searches on the internet turned up two obituaries for the father of James Angleton Jr., which ties in with what we already knew: He died in 2004 of a brain tumor, as confirmed by several people and reported in several locations, but most notably by Bob Collins in the email exchange dated April 30, 2009 quoted further above.The February-March, 2007: “Showdown”, posting of Dan Smith’s Blog briefly mentions the same thing:“JA1 died in 1987. JA2 developed a brain tumor in ’01 and died in ’04.” There was also another reference by Kit Green to Angleton Jr. in another email to Broadbent about Angleton Sr.’s illness:” I exchanged a couple of emails once, with the grandson…nevermet, and never even talked on the phone…but we neverdiscussed a thing about the Grand-dad. It was all because he needed someinformation about progression of brain tumors. He was onlyinterested in me and me with him for NeuroRadiologicalreasons…never a snippet about UFO’s or anything like that.”Having located the obituaries for Angleton Sr., we now had the dates we needed in order to untangle the mysterious web that had been woven in Florida.As with any good story it has a beginning. As far as we can determine it started in 1989 with James Angleton Sr.’s claim of being the nephew of James Jesus Angleton in the Miami Herald article ANGLETON‘S OFTEN CONFUSED WITH EX-CIA CHIEF UNCLE. This was a strange find. We expected to see claims of him being the son of James Jesus Angleton, for Junior to be the grandson or no claims at all, but nephew? Research of public records into the Angletons who live in the Miami area, located the James Angleton Sr. referenced by this article. It also showed him as having a son named James Angleton Jr., thus proving the link between the two. It’s clear the reference in the Miami Herald is to Angleton Sr. due to his age as the article states he was an interpreter during the Korean War and the reference to his involvement as president of the Biscayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce points directly to Angleton Sr. as per his obit. However, the reference in Exempt from Disclosure states, its Angleton Jr., a Miami grandson, while the article refers to Angleton Sr. as a nephew not a grandson.Of course, this seems to indicate that Collins was speaking with the Angleton Sr. (son of JJA) not Angleton Jr. and Collins is using the same initials for all three of them. Others also noted this incongruence. Later Collins apparently straightened it out to James Angleton Sr. and James Angleton Jr. as son and grandson of James Jesus Angleton.As already noted, James Angleton Sr. passed away in 2004 with two obituaries being written. Again, in the obituaries we see references that match Olympia Ross’ clip ANGLETON‘S OFTEN CONFUSED WITH EX-CIA CHIEF UNCLE. Namely, Angleton Sr. was part of a “governmental intelligence agency for over 20 years”, president of the Biscayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce and served in the air force during the Korean War.Now we can deal with Angleton Sr.’s claim of being the nephew of James Jesus Angleton. We already know the James Jesus Angleton family has denied any relationship, but let’s further show how unlikely the relationship of Angleton Sr. being the son of James Jesus Angleton’s brother as stated in the Miami Herald.James Angleton Sr. (DOB: 1932) was a native of New Jersey according to his obit. His obit also lists Henry (DOB: abt 1929) and Eddie [Edward] Angelo (DOB: abt 1933) as his brothers. This adds another layer of confusion as the two brothers have a different last name. James was the middle child, thus Eddie couldn’t be from an earlier marriage. They all appear to be members of the Greek Orthodox Church. Certainly, James Angleton Sr. was deeply involved in the Greek Orthodox Church according to the obituaries.Yet, the real James Jesus Angleton’s family were a Catholic family. James Jesus Angleton’s father, James Hugh Angleton, was born in Illinois. James Jesus Angleton’s mother, Carmen, was born in Mexico. They lived in Italy when the father, James Hugh Angleton, worked for the National Cash Register. The family has no Greek background whatsoever, nor are they in any way Greek Orthodox and there no records showing that James Jesus Angleton’s family ever even lived in New Jersey. The same applies to his brother Hugh Rolla Angleton. James Hugh Angleton and his wife raised their first two children, sons, in Idaho, and that was also where the third child, Carmen, was born. In 1927, they moved to Dayton, Ohio where their fourth child, Delores, was born. Finally in December 1933, the family moved to Milan, Italy when James Hugh Angleton’s position changed within NCR.Now simple arithmetic comes into play. Not only does the claim by James Angleton Sr. that he is the nephew of James Jesus Angleton not have any support as far as public records and other references show, but a comparison of birth dates reveals an unavoidable fact. Not only did James Hugh and Carmen’s, second child, Hugh Rolla (DOB: June 1920), not have a son named James Angleton, but also Hugh Rolla would have only been eleven (11) years old at the time of Angleton Sr’s birth. Any other siblings would be even younger. Furthermore, James Jesus (DOB: 9 Dec 1917), himself, would have been only fourteen (14) years old when Angleton Sr. was born – not to mention he would have been only thirteen (13) years old when Angleton Sr. was conceived! Any claims by Angleton Sr. that he is the son or nephew of James Jesus Angleton just don’t hold up. As Angleton Sr.’s house of cards falls, so do the claims attributed to his son Angleton Jr.Spot the odd one out!From left to right: James Jesus Angleton, James Angleton Sr., James Angleton Jr.Still we are not done, during this investigation attempts were made to contact the Angleton Sr. Family in Florida. Unable to get in touch with Penelope (Penny) Kays Angleton, Angleton Sr.’s widow and Angleton Jr.’s mother, we found contact had been made by another researcher with one of the other family members. Unfortunately, the family member balked at explaining why Angleton Sr. had a different last name than his brothers, but did verify that James Angleton Sr. indeed had two brothers named Edward and Henry Angelo. Public records also show that the oldest brother also has an alias of Henry Angelo I and Henry Angelo III (this may be Henry’s son), which is another familiar touch as grandson Angleton has also been known as Angleton III.With these additional pieces of information, we gained Angleton Sr.’s marriage certificate by looking through the Florida marriage records available on . For 1954/55 we find the following record:James Angelo married Penelope Kays in 1955 Dade county, Volume 1527, Certificate #2599.We have a match. Penelope Kays is Penny Angleton’s maiden name and Angelo is the same surname as his two brothers, Henry and Eddie. James Angleton Sr. isn’t even an Angleton! Now who was the Angleton Sr.’s father? Checking New Jersey 1930 census records for an Angelo with only one child at that time named Henry born abt 1929 we find only one record, in Warwick, Orange, New York, with parents named as being Henry and Mary Angelo. Henry Angelo was from Greece.The final nail was fast approaching. We now know sometime after Angleton Sr.’s marriage and prior to 1973 James Angelo changed his and his family’s name to Angleton. It’s still a mystery as to why, with the best speculation being he wanted to anglicise his name for political and business purposes. He did run as a mayoral candidate under the Angleton name in the 1973 City of Miami Primary as per his obit and confirmed by the Miami-Dade County Elections Department.With all of the bits and pieces falling into place nicely, just one more document was needed in order to prove beyond any doubt that James Angleton Sr., and therefore James Angleton Jr., could not be related to the late James Jesus Angleton. The state of Florida make death certificates available as part of the public records. The required information was sent in along with the purchase order and a week later James Angleton Sr.’s death certificate (link removed per request) arrived and confirmed what we already knew. The surviving spouse’s maiden name is indeed Penelope Kays and Angleton Sr. was born in S. Orange, New Jersey to parents Henry and Mary Angelo. (Note: the death certificate is available and can be viewed on request by those wanting to see verification of this for themselves.) It may never be known why James Angelo changed the family name or why he claimed to be the nephew of James Jesus Angleton. The fact of the matter is he did and he was in no way whatsoever related to the late spymaster.Perhaps an even greater mystery is why Angleton Jr. decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, continuing the false claim of being a relative of James Jesus Angleton. We only know according to Caryn Anscomb:“The first known contact that JJA’s grandson, JA, Jr., had with a ufologist was with Richard Boylan in 1998.”We also know it was four to five months after Michael Wolf Kruvant’s death[26] that Collins is in contact with Angleton Jr. on or before February 2001. There is speculation that Boylan’s, ex-NSA informant, Jesse, is one and the same as Angleton Jr., and while there are some reasons to suspect this to be the case, no evidence has been firmly established. However, Tim Cooper was also in contact with Angleton Jr. by at least March 26, 2000, whereby, they had a 45-minute chat on the phone about how Mangold’s book irritated his family for years, which establishes Cooper’s involvement with Angleton by at least this date.Who is James Angleton Jr.? We know he is the V.P. of Real Estate for the Federal Republic Bank and his resume as listed by the City of Miami shows heavy involvement in community activities including the Miami Chapter of Association of Former Intelligence Officers. Other than the statement about twenty-five years involvement in real estate, little else is known about his career. As with the father, we dug deeper and revealed some startling surprises.“James Angleton Jr. has been named as a new board member for the Jackson Memorial Foundation’s Jackson Metropolitans. He will help the Jackson Mets raise funds for various high-tech projects and cutting edge treatments at Jackson. Angleton is vice president/senior real estate lender at TotalBank in Miami. He began his banking career in 1980 after graduating from the University of Miami with degrees in finance and political science.”Angleton Jr. was hired August 6, 2001 from TotalBank to a yet-to-be-created position with the United Teachers of Dade (UTD), which he left sometime in 2004 or earlier amid a huge scandal to head up a golf tournament company and then on to the Hemisphere National Bank.“Miami-Dade Union Drops Suit Against Whistleblower. When the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) reached a settlement with former president Pat Tornillo over the repayment of some of the dues he appropriated for his personal use, it received coverage in the Miami Herald. But there hasn’t been a peep about UTD and the American Federation of Teachers dropping their lawsuit against former UTD Chief Financial Officer James Angleton Jr., the man who called in the FBI when he discovered Tornillo’s crimes.After the FBI raid and the establishment of an AFT administratorship, Angleton was suspended without pay – even though at the time Tornillo was still collecting a paycheck. The union subsequently filed suit against Angleton, claiming it was the victim of Angleton’s “professional negligence” for not ferreting out Tornillo’s misappropriations sooner.That charge was an obvious frivolity, since Tornillo’s escapades were the subject of numerous reports on local television, and UTD was many months delinquent in paying its state and national dues because of its financial troubles. Angleton has moved on, and is currently the senior vice president of Hemisphere National Bank in Miami.” Indeed, what were the details in this lawsuit against Angleton? This was a hot news item that ran in the Miami Herald for a couple of years. Needless to say, Angleton Jr.’s and Albaum’s roles seem questionable. Just how can the Chief Financial Officer who handles the books and checks NOT know what’s going on? Albaum even admitted they saw the bills, but paid them anyway without question. What part of fiscal responsibility didn’t Albaum and Angleton Jr. understand? Rebecca Wakefield reached a similar conclusion in her article for the Miami New Times, “Hot for Teachers Share”.“…Actually, no matter who leads the union, its health requires a vigilant membership that demands transparency. Tornillo got away with so much for so long because others let him. Here are a few highlights from two lawsuits UTD and its parent, the American Federation of Teachers, filed against Tornillo and other former union officials and employees:One lawsuit, filed last year, charges that Tornillo, former union president Murray Sisselman, and their wives had been “systematically looting” union coffers since at least 1990, making off with more than three million dollars.James Angleton, Jr. met Tornillo when his bank (TotalBank) loaned the union money to build a headquarters on Biscayne Boulevard. In August 2001, Tornillo offered him a $135,000 gig as the union’s chief financial officer. Boss man had been siphoning union money for years. Why would he suddenly want to create a new position and hire an outsider who would inevitably discover the mess in the books?The answer, according to the lawsuit, was that Angleton was happy to cover up Tornillo’s malfeasance in order to enrich himself and his friends. He hired as consultants long-time friend David Albaum and Robert Heber, an ex-spy who helped Angleton start up the Miami chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (even, stupidly, listing the UTD building as a principal place of business). Albaum collected $288,043 for 18 months of advising his buddy. Heber got $48,084. “It is unclear what work Heber performed for UTD or Angleton,” alleges the lawsuit.Angleton made liberal use of signature stamps for both Tornillo and Johnson, thus getting around the necessary dual approvals for spending union money. He fired Grant Thornton, the accounting firm that had audited the union’s books for years, and hired another firm, Cummings-Grayson, which also proved inept and is also included in the UTD lawsuit.Angleton also, the lawsuit claims, mismanaged the construction of the union building to the degree that an $11 million project eventually cost $19 million. Angleton and Albaum loaned the sinking union money at mind-blowing rates — $76,000 interest over five months on a loan of $150,000. Another Angleton associate, attorney Richard Krinzman (a former Friends of WLRN board chairman), also loaned UTD money — $100,000, for which he received $10,000 in interest over just three months. Krinzman at the time was representing a developer in its attempt to buy a HUD building for the elderly that UTD owned. He also was the attorney for a company owned by Angleton and his father, a clear conflict of interest. To cover up all this and more, Angleton presented false numbers to the union’s executive board and local banks.By April 2003 the union’s serious financial problems were becoming known. So Angleton ran to the FBI and tattled on Tornillo. Then he gave the Miami Herald a compelling story about how sickly Murray Sisselman had confessed Tornillo’s crimes, picturesquely, over a meal at the Rascal House. Conveniently, Sisselman was dead and couldn’t confirm this version of events. After spending 18 months looking at its ledgers, the union decided in October to sue Angleton and Albaum.“Further back in the ’80s you will find that Angleton Sr. and Angleton Jr. were involved in real estate, motels and restaurants chains. The whole Angleton/Angelo family deals in real estate and construction. Both Angleton’s were activists for cleaning up Biscayne Boulevard, which was becoming a drug and red-light district. No doubt in part to protect their investments. Angleton Jr. also has done considerable charity work to his credit, but which also seems to be a requirement as entrance to and movement among the upper echelon of Miami society for political and business contacts.Just how did the Association of Former Intelligence Officers get into the act? In March 2001, James Angleton Jr. along with Robert A. Heber and Thomas R. Spencer Jr. incorporated the Miami-Dade Chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers at the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. This was after Angleton Jr.’s contact with Tim Cooper, Hal Puthoff and Bob Collins. The Chapter status was active until dissolved September 16, 2005. It was replaced by a more informal organization; the Ted Shackley Miami Chapter of AFIO, which is currently still active.This was apparently the same year, 2001, that Angleton Sr.’s brain tumor was discovered. Does this incorporation have any link to Angleton Sr.’s claim in his obituary with text given by the family of being part of a “governmental intelligence agency for over 20 years”, even though in the Olympia Ross article that government mission was “to locate, rehabilitate and repaint older buildings”. Then again, maybe it’s Spencer’s long-term desire to be a spook that brought him together with Angleton and Heber to create the Miami-Dade Chapter. Since both Angleton Jr. and Heber were implicated in the UTD scandal it might be of value to take a look at these two other individuals as Angleton Jr. has already been covered. The following biographies were found on the Internet.“Thomas R. Spencer, Jr.- CNP 1996; life member Association of Former Intelligence Officers 1; senior partner, Spencer & Klein, P.A. 2 ; author, Jury Trials in Commercial Cases, Florida Bar Journal, March 1982, “Florida Small Business Practice,” Florida Bar Journal, 1987, and other journal pieces; member, Dade County and American Bar Associations, Florida Bar Association, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Federalist Society 3, Federal Bar Association, International Bar Association, Republican Lawyers Association, and the Foreign Trade Association; founder and former chairman, Film Society of Miami, Inc., Miami Film Festival; president, University of Miami Alumni Association; life member, Atlantic Circle, and MartindaleHubbell Preeminent Lawyers of America.”Spencer was also one of the primary attorneys for Foutanga Dit Babani Sissoko, a West African multimillionaire philanthropist, who turns out to have fraudulently obtained his money.“A week before the dinner [with President Clinton], Mr. Sissoko had been arrested in Europe on a United States warrant and charged with trying to smuggle two Vietnam-era military helicopters out of Miami to Africa and offering a $30,000 bribe to a United States Customs agent.”Sissoko, was later convicted of gratuity a reduced felony count among other things, but not before he gave Spencer and the other two defense lawyers a $65,000 Mercedes Benz from stolen money, which Spencer, while shocked, will probably keep it because he paid taxes on it.”“Thomas R. Spencer Jr., of Spencer & Klein, has been elected to the board of directors of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) in McLean, VA. The AFIO is the national research and resource organization developing policy for the intelligence community, Congress and the public. Spencer practices in Miami and Washington, DC.”There is less information on Heber, but enough to wonder what he was being paid for when hired by Angleton Jr. for UTD work.“Robert A. Heber is former U.S. ARMY Aviator and Vietnam veteran who served as Enlisted, Warrant Officer, and as a Commissioned Officer with the final rank of Major in Military Intelligence. He served in Vietnam as an Aircraft Commander and Air Operations Officer for Headquarters II Field Force and also served as an Intelligence Officer with the Special Operations Group of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While with the CIA, he had experience in counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, para-military operations and the collection and dissemination of intelligence. He holds a TOP SECRET security clearance with the Department of Defense. His civilian career has included positions with the Sikorsky Aircraft and Pratt & Whitney divisions of United Technologies Corporation as well as with the Cessna Aircraft Company. He holds Commercial pilot ratings for single and multi-engine aircraft as well as helicopters and served as a combat helicopter flight instructor at the U.S. Army Aviation School on his return from Vietnam. Since his retirement from United Technologies in early 1997, he has been a management consultant providing aviation and security consulting services to various individuals and organizations including the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.” Heber had also incorporated DADE AVIATION SERVICES, INC. between 1992 and 1993 before it was dissolved as well as a couple of other organizations, GRYPHON INTERNATIONAL, INC. (2002 and currently active) and GRYPHON GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LLC (2005-2007).In 2004, Angleton Jr., is listed as president of the Ted Shackley Chapter. Speculatively speaking, he has a political reason for being associated with James Jesus Angleton via his father’s claim of being James Jesus’ nephew as he lists the Ted Shackley Chapter in his biography. It could also be of benefit to Heber in Homeland Security and intelligence work to have an association with the family of the famous CIA spymaster provided he is aware of the claim. This leads one to consider if Spencer and Heber are not only colleagues, but also most likely friends of Angleton Jr. Could they be at least close enough to know Angleton’s two brothers are named Angelo? Did they have knowledge that Angleton Sr. and Junior were passing themselves off as being related to James Jesus Angleton?If we back up to 2004 again we find another interesting event sponsored by The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and The Ted Shackley Miami Chapter of AFIO. The Chapter scheduled an event with Edgar Mitchell and Hal Puthoff. Puthoff is also a figure in Exempt from Disclosure. It was Puthoff who introduced Collins to the Angleton Jr., who claimed to be James Jesus’ Miami grandson back in 2001. Collins was even aware that grandson Angleton Jr. wanted Puthoff to come to Florida and talk about zero point energy. The event was cancelled due to a hurricane. However, it’s clear there was an earlier connection with Angleton Jr. and Puthoff. Angleton had also given copies of his alleged Einstein notes to Puthoff, as described in early 2007 at the Reality Uncovered forum:“JJA (Jesse Angleton Jr.) sent the excerpts of his alleged grandfather’s CIA notes to several people, allegedly four to six individuals starting in 2001. It was revealed to Jack’s thread that Hal Puthoff and Boylan were two of these folks. Bob was obviously a third. The identities of the remaining individuals have not been revealed.“When one considers the subject detail of these notes, you could be forgiven for thinking they were written with a very specific target audience in mind. Why would James Jesus Angleton be in possession of notes describing successful teleportation experiments in the 1980′s is anybody’s guess – considering he left the CIA years earlier. Another fringe technology to receive the Angleton/Einstein notes treatment is magnetic wave (“EM wave”) antigravity propulsion, a subject that crops up repeatedly around the message boards and email lists of the UFOlogy circuit.As with the actual identities involved in this story, the notes themselves do not stand up to closer scrutiny.For anyone who doesn’t know Jack Sarfatti, he is a cosmology physicist with a Physics BA from Cornell and a PhD from the University of California who runs a popular online discussion group that deals with a number of fringe physics and technology subjects. In 2006 during a discussion around the alleged notes that Bob Collins published in Exempt from Disclosure, Jack Sarfatti recognized that many of the physics concepts attributed to the “Einstein quotes” were actually concepts Sarfatti himself publicly wrote about in 1996.It didn’t take very long for several members of the email list to recognize that the notes quoted in Bob Collins book were actually direct, almost word-for-word copies lifted from Jack Sarfatti’s “QShip” writings from 1998, which can still be viewed online today.The specific quote identified as clear plagiarism came from page 158 in Collins’ book, and quoted earlier in this report. Before long, other members of the email list began identifying other sections of the alleged “Angleton Notes” that held text directly copied from Sarfatti’s earlier public writings.A few examples of clear plagiarism are shown below. Keep in mind that Angleton began releasing these “notes,” allegedly from the journals of his CIA grandfather, around 2001. Jack wrote his quotes in 1996 through 1998:JJA Jr: “Dr. Einstein expanded …. The fuselage of the craft was more liken to a high temperature superconductor to which the occupants do not feel the g forces at high accelerations or sharp turns. There is a direct correlation to mind linkage via headband and hand panels.” [23]Jack: “I mean his remarks that the fuselage of the craft is a high temperature superconductor, that the occupants do not feel high-g forces in sharp right-angle turns at very high apparent accelerations to the external observer, and that the ship is controlled in a direct mind-link between the pilot and the craft via the headband and the hand-imprint panels.”JJA Jr: “The qualitative picture is a local field of positive cosmological constants contributing to the local metric field in a small boundary layer around the skin of the craft. The layer was controlled by the EM brainwave of the pilot. The pilot also has a Q* type of field.Jack: “…the qualitative picture a local field of positive cosmological constant contributing to the local metric field in a small boundary layer around the skin of the space craft. The detailed structure of this boundary layer is somehow controlled by the EM brain-waves of the pilot in addition to the pilot’s Q* field, and other auxiliary EM fields and giant Q’s built into the ship’s architecture.”It became clear to everyone following the discussion that somewhere along the line, whatever excerpts Angleton Jr. was sending out to Collins and others were clearly *not* from any sort of secret CIA journal, but instead copied from existing public texts that had existed on the Internet for several years.Once the proof was laid out, a number of folks immediately jumped on Bob Collins, ignoring the fact that he was only quoting a source – Angleton Jr. Instead of going after Angleton Jr., the following writers accused Collins himself of plagiarism.Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green on February 11, 2007:“Explains a lot about the truth of the word Plagiarism. Jack is owed an apology.”When further pressed on the issue from a private researcher, Kit responded with a defense of Angleton Jr. – stating that he knows him personally and vouches for him, and accuses Collins of plagiarizing often, as he writes on February 12th:“The main problem I have with THIS explanation is that: a) I know Angleton, and he seems pretty straight-up…weird story but seems to not have a personality to steal language; Collins has done the same to me as seems he may have done here…often: Plagiarize.”Dr. Eric Davis: On February 22, 2007 Dr. Eric Davis decides to chime in as well. Could this be related to the fact that some of the Angleton notes reference teleportation – distributed around the same time Eric Davis released his Air Force teleportation paper?“All of these alleged claims are nothing but senseless, baseless rumors that have taken on a life of their own. But it looks like most of you have already figured this out while I was traveling at a conference. I am just now getting caught up on 600+ e-mails.Jack needs the freedom to get back to doing physics research because this kind of internet chatter must be totally distracting. And somehow Jack always ends up being on the receiving end of someone’s insane allegations.”Gene Loscowski: The following month, Gene Loscowski, – aka Gene Lakes, aka Paul McGovern, aka Nick Weston, aka Rick Doty aka Insert -name -here– a shadowy persona that exists only as an email identity and heavily involved in promoting the 2005 Serpo hoax, attempts to corroborate something Angleton had told Collins.“On 3/8/07, Sonata <Sonata@> wrote:Angleton also mentioned some operations were moved into the Utah mountains. The “metal” is that room temp super-conducting material……Rmc”Gene Loscowski wrote:“Heard this same story”When Bob Collins himself realized that the Angleton/Einstein notes contained extracts from Sarfatti’s text of 1998, he came up with an “explanation” for this very uncomfortable fact:Dan Smith writes:“Between 1998 and 2001 the bulk of his father’s notes were stolen from a warehouse. Some of the remaining notes were water damaged in a hurricane after 2001. Also, these notes had been reviewed by the FBI, before they were stolen.After being stolen, JA, Jr., attempted to retrieve the copies that he had already distributed. Some of these returned copies were then transmitted to Bob Collins and appeared in the 2nd edition of EfD. Somewhere in that confusion, it appears that some of Jack’s and Mondanese’s writings were collated into the copies of the original notes, and this is what had appeared in Collins’ book.” The above explanation is rendered absolutely meaningless when one considers the notes are not genuine in the first place as Angleton Jr. isn’t who he claims to be. The sole reason for Sarfatti’s own words being used in writings allegedly from 1952 is quite simple: They were copied, or in other words plagiarized, in order to lend some kind of credence to a bunch of concocted clap-trap.Earlier, before all of these plagiarism revelations in February 2006 – when RU researchers first suspected that the Florida man calling himself Angleton Jr. was not who he claimed to be – we asked Kit Green if he knew the man and whether anything he had to write was legitimate or not. Kit’s response, posted further above, indicated that Kit not only knows the Florida Angleton, but had personal dealings with him and his family.In the email, it could be argued that Kit provides a convincing case that the “real” Angleton grandson is a “stand-up” person – the same thing he said to other researchers as quoted above. This “defense” of Angleton Jr. also reveals the critical importance of his “grandfather’s” notes to the process, motives and agenda of the people who distribute UFO information to the public through people like Bob Collins, Bill Moore, Bruce Maccabee, Jamie Shandera, Stanton Friedman, and many, many others.We wanted to find out who it was that first introduced Bob Collins to Angleton in the first place, so we asked him via email. He responded within a few minutes:From: Mc [mailto:Mc@]Sent: 21 April 2009 15:51To: Stephen BroadbentSubject: Re: InformationI think it was Hal Puthoff, but that was in 2001. JA Jr is a banker in Miami. Sarfatti talked to him once and I several times….he doesn’t like to be pestered……RmcThis particular response forced us to review our emails from a couple of years ago where we interviewed Hal. In the 2007 interview, Hal was asked for his opinion on the plagiarism within the Angleton Notes. He replied:“That material (I got it from Collins) sure looked plagiarized to me from the get-go. On this Jack and I have always agreed. I just don’t know the source of plagiarism. I pointed this out to Collins right away, so the ball went back into his court.”He was quick to point out that he received the material directly from Collins, though the information from Collins and others would suggest he received it directly from Angleton. There was also no suggestion that he may have had a hand in introducing Angleton to Collins in the first place.Email from Bob Collins to a short email list on June 12, 2008:“Get off it, it’s not what I wish to believe, Angleton Jr. told me that story, I get very tired of being accused. He is the same Angleton that sent those Einstein notes to Hal Puthoff and I. Angleton also mentioned that guard you talk about who snapped to attention when Nixon showed up. Angleton Jr. said Be Be Rebozo , Jack Gleason, Angleton Sr. and Angleton Jr. were there.Angleton Jr. said his father told him to be quiet and NOT say a word; Jr said the Alien smelled really bad lying in that cylindrical coffin and wore a head band. He said the Alien was brought up to Homstead from a Navy Sub Base in the Caribbean don’t run around making proclamations or claim I know all the answers, but I get accused of that! I state the “facts” as I know them and stick to those “facts.” I don’t use HYPE or try to sensationalize the information, but I sure get attacked more often than not……Rmc”Regardless of who it was who first introduced Angleton to Collins and irrespective of who Angleton sent the notes to, it was very revealing to see all of the same names involved that we see in all other aspects of our investigation into the long-running scam that has infected certain areas of UFOlogy for over thirty years now.We did give James Angleton Jr. several chances to clarify his own part in this story. The following is an email sent to him in late April 2009 containing several specific questions:From: Stephen BroadbentTo: james.angleton@Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:01 AMSubject: Request for ClarificationHello Jim,You may remember I contacted you in early 2007.I am in the process of writing an article and would appreciate your cooperation with the following. I have several questions for you and all of them can be answered quickly and without any further ado.Are you the grandson of ‘James Jesus Angleton’, nicknamed ‘Kingfisher’, who was the Counter Intelligence (CI) Chief for the CIA, that was forced to retire Christmas Eve 1975 from the CIA? If not do you have any family relationship at all to James Jesus Angleton and if so what is it?Did you share or in any manner provide Bob Collins or his associates any information from James Jesus Angleton’s personal, handwritten notes, which may have been taken during CIA briefings (classified or not). Do you even have such notes?Did you share or in any manner provide Bob Collins or his associates any information from your father’s personal, handwritten notes? Alleged to be in the thousands. Do you even have such notes?Did you relay any of the following information (or similar) to Bob Collins or one of his associates with the understanding you are the grandson or another close relative of James Jesus Angleton?“As a further concluding remark to this chapter, both Tim Cooper’s father MSgt Harry B Cooper, now deceased and Jim Angleton’s grandfather (James Jesus Angleton, Section 2, Chapter 1), also deceased in 1987, have both described early government work involving teleportation experiments. One such set of experiments was said to have taken place at Wright-Patterson AFB in early 60s. Needless to say, those early experiments ended up in disaster where solid innate matter was turned inside out as did the animals they used in the experiments. Jim Angleton’s grandfather JJA who is mentioned above related the following with Jim reading from his CIA notes. Angleton writes: The first transport blew up a rat. It literally blew up into pieces. A visitor (Alien) helped them tweak the dimensions to send the rate from point “a” to point “b.” But as of 1979, they had not been able to make a rat move. However, in the ’90s, they were successful in moving water from point “a” to point “b.” Page 137, Exempt From Disclosure, 2nd Edition, Robert M. Collins, with Richard C Doty and Timothy S Cooper, 2006.Did you relay the following information (or similar) to Bob Collins or one of his associates with the understanding you are the grandson or another close relative of James Jesus Angleton:“Below is an extract taken from the hundreds of personal hand written notes taken during classified CIA briefings which belonged to James J Angleton who was fired/retired form the CIA in 1974…Graciously, the grandson James Angleton provided many of the notes to these authors.” Page 157, Exempt From Disclosure, 2nd Edition, Robert M. Collins, with Richard C Doty and Timothy S Cooper, 2006.In a previous email to me you wrote that you had:“…knowledge of their conduct. Other than this, the internet is full of frauds, wanna-be’s and crazies… Please do not forward their gossip.”The quotes I have pasted above are not gossip, but the actual context of a book. Any reply you give to this email can be seen as an opportunity to clarify or rebut such statements.If you wish to talk to me about this matter, you can contact me on xxxxxxxxxx.Best Regards,Stephen BroadbentDespite opening a dialogue and stating (several times) an intention to call, Angleton Jr. never did take the opportunity to answer those very simple questions in the email above.One must now ask the question what role Bob Collins has played in all of this. If he truly wanted to verify the information he had been given, it would have been a simple task for him to do exactly as we have done. The information we have uncovered is available both on the Internet and as part of the public record. A quick look at the ages of the three Angleton’s should have been enough to set alarm bells ringing. Sadly, as is the case with many of the other sources quoted in his book, once you start looking a little deeper into their identities and the claims attributed to them, everything simply falls apart at the seams. When pressed with this unavoidable truth, Collins becomes insulting and dismissive of any and all arguments he is presented with. Are those the actions of someone with a desire for reporting the truth or are they the actions of someone who is desperate to continue a pitiful charade on behalf of those behind the fantasy and the lies? In a very simple statement Collins himself has given the answer:“Get off it, it’s not what I wish to believe…”****************CIA UNAUTHORIZED | Spy Games: The Pandolfi-Green-Doty Affair leaked email stream Source: Dr. Ronald S. Pandolfi, CIAThe original email stream forwarded by CIA's Dr. Ron Pandolfi. None of the following material has been approved for release and publication here by PsycheLeaks. The material remains open-source until further instruction from CIA's Publication Review Board.09/01/2011 03:45:53 PM -0000() -- For the first time, releases the 2006 email stream from CIA, DIA, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence source Dr. Ronald S. Pandolfi, concerning the possible use of UFO stories as a cover to conduct espionage within the United States. Not included in this release are the emails from Dr. Kit Green and Rick Doty.According to the CIA:Reviewing the writings of former employees is not simply an option for the Agency; nor is it a service offered as a convenience. The Federal courts have approved the process, which stems from the DCI's statutory obligation to protect sources and methods. The courts have ruled, in effect, that prepublication review is the only way to carry out the DCI's statutory mandate consistent with the First Amendment. In addition, prepublication review is essential if the Agency is to uphold the validity of the secrecy agreement CIA staff employees and contractors sign as a condition of employment. Nor is it optional for the individuals who sign a secrecy agreement to seek a review. It is specifically required to protect the sources and methods of collection and analysis they will learn about and which, if revealed, could cost heavily in lives, resources, and continued access to critical national security information. The review requirement is spelled out clearly in the secrecy agreement, in which the signer agrees to submit for review any material that "I contemplate disclosing publicly or that I have actually prepared for public disclosure, either during my employment...or at any time thereafter, prior to discussing it or showing it to anyone who is not authorized to have access.... I further agree that I will not take any steps toward public disclosure until I have received written permission to do so from the Central Intelligence Agency.[Letter from Dr. Christopher 'Kit' Canfield Green to STARstream Research contributing source Caryn Anscomb, regarding the leaked email stream forwarded by Dr. Pandolfi.]"Green, Christopher" wrote:Subject: Troubling voice mailDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 14:50:41 -0400From: "Green, Christopher" To: "caryn anscomb" I just received a voicemail -- when I saw where it was from I refused to answer the call -- from Dan Smith. Here it is:"Hello Kit. I spend last evening with Ron. He turned over all the Rick Doty Emails to me. They will be posted soon. Caryn is editing them."Ron may not have noticed what is in the set of emails. He has been very honest in telling me that from time-to-time (25%) he sometimes includes private material to Dan. And that later, when it is clear that private material was given to Dan by mistake, Dan returns it.Some time ago, Ron contacted me to discuss some material about a Police Officer in New Mexico. He in the emails, he and I soon switched from his personal to his government email account. I indicated, and he responded affirmatively, that such material was private from me to him, him to me, and me to the person he asked I intercede with. I do not know what the Police Officer's view was -- and he may not care if his emails are made public.I do. I take assurances of confidentiality seriously, especially to and from Federal Officers, State Officers, and myself.I hope private emails to and from me are not inadvertently in the set Ron gave to Dan, and that if so you are not part of a plan to publically release them.You, of course, may do whatever you choose -- this is hardly an international criminal offense.If, however, any emails that were private from me, or to me, or from the Police Officer to me for Ron -- as Ron requested -- and they relate to what I and the FBI has told me is an official investigation, I will naturally turn the set over to the Justice Department and the New Mexico State Police Internal Affairs office who is evaluating the case for the Justice Department, at the Police Officers' request.Ron is fully aware of this procedure, as he designed it. Ron and the Police officer have been cooperating with Internal Affairs, and the Justice Department, and have pledges from them of confidentiality. I am not sure, but I believe it is a federal offense, a felony, for a stated member of the Executive or State governments to disclose publically information they have requested as official under guise of confidentiality (Ron and I have that agreement about personal emails between just the two of us, for example), and have furthermore stated is official as part of a federal investigation. I may be wrong. But I am not a Lawyer, so I must do what Ron advises and promises.I will of course, also copy Ron of whatever of my and his government server-related emails on the investigation are made public. I have been asked to do that by the persons currently evaluating my Security Clearance as part of my routine 10-year review and pending polygraph.Otherwise, the word SMARMY does obtain. I prefer it not obtain to the above statements I have made, and will be certain to the best of my ability they do not ring hollow. I know what I do not know, and when matters impinge -- as Ron has been clear and certain about -- to relate to federal matters of national security -- I will not be inactive if I even have the slightest suspicion federal or state laws are being broken. I also know that my personal suspicions of possible illegal activity have zero weight here, and so while I am suspicious of certain persons in this mess acting in a disrespectful, and unethical manner -- I will not be the judge and jury and "release" material given in confidence by a suspected perpetrator -- be that perpetrator Dan, Ron, You, Me, or the Police officer. Private to me stays private unless all parties state otherwise.I do not state otherwise.I recommend to you, as a friend -- in no way as an "official" recommendation, that to the extent what Dan said on the voicemail is true, and to the extent you may be "editing" personal, private, communications from me, or Ron (especially from his dia.mil server), or the Police Officer -- you send the entire "release" to Ron -- and request that he send you an email from his dia.mil email account stating he is "o.k" with your releasing the material publically.I will tell you now, if the material includes any emails from me to Ron or return on this matter, you do not have my approval to release them, even if they are edited and my name is removed. That step does not release me, at least, from my ethics.And, after all -- my request to you, once again, is not official. It is a matter of personal ethics.kit[The following emails are those originally forwarded by Ron Pandolfi; they include only those sent by Ron. The replies from Dr. Kit Green and Rick Doty have been redacted due to personal information considered to be confidential.]From: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Sat 9/2/2006 2:29 PMTo: Green, ChristopherSubject: RE: PRIVATE: Search For Two DIA SourcesKit,I was not with you during the meeting you had with Barry Hennessey about Rick's polygraph records. The meeting you and I participated in included Barry Hennessey, Col. Weaver, and the CIA CI Director and did not involve any discussion of Rick's polygraph records. So the quote from Ms. Loscowski regarding what I did and the circumstances of the meeting could not have been correct.More likely the person who claimed to be Ms. Loscowski described what she had read on the Internet concerning the fabricated story that you and I had met with Barry Hennessy to discuss Rick's polygraph records. Therefore the lady who contacted you most likely was not Col. Weaver.Your expansion of the story of the two DIA employees visiting LANL and being known to others has me concerned.The names you provided do not correspond to any DIA employees.There are no people with those names that have TS//SCI clearances.If the story of the sources/visitors is true, they are falsely representing themselves as DIA employees, possibly to access sensitive facilities and acquire classified information for a foreign service.I am nearly certain that Rick fabricated this entire story, and that he is Mr. Anonymous, Ms. Loscowski, and the two DIA sources/visitors. If so, Rick may just be having a good time, and we need not be concerned for national security. If not, there may actually be a network of foreign agents penetrating some of our most sensitive facilities under the false flag of a DIA operation. Therefore please be very clear in describing the form of communications you had with Ms. Loscowski (e.g. phone, e-mail, etc.); how you acquired the additional background concerning the DIA sources visitors; and what you know of about the many people who know them.Ron-----Original Message-----From: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 7:06 PMTo: Green, ChristopherSubject: PRIVATE: Search For Two DIA SourcesKit,The search for the two sources includes: (1) requesting from DIA/I&W background on what they conducted and discovered; (2) electronic searches of various databases; and (3) personal interviews with theusual suspects. So far the trail is cold and damp. DIA/I&W conducted only a cursory review of standard locator databases, identified no such individuals, and had no interactions with security.A complete review of all databases indicates there are no DIA employees with those names. Usual suspects appear unaware of individuals using those names officially or otherwise.Unless you can acquire additional information from Rick such as electronic copies of the original e-mails reportedly from the DIA sources, I will close the search. Most likely Rick fabricated the information, the identities of the two DIA sources, and the Mr. Anonymous e-mails.Again I am drawn to the question why would Rick go to so much trouble for no apparent financial return?Hypotheses include: (1) financial returns to Rick not yet apparent; (2) financial returns to a network within which Rick is a member; or (3) non-financial motivations more difficult to discern.These are consistent with the original set of hypotheses suggested by COL Weaver.Any thoughts?RonFrom: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Sun 9/3/2006 9:48 PMTo: Green, ChristopherSubject: RE: PRIVATE: Search For Two DIA SourcesKit,Thanks for the additional information. I am still confused regarding the two DIA sources/visitors. The database I searched cross checks against all cover names.If the names you provided to the Chief Scientist were neither true nor official cover, then they might just as well have been random names out of the phone book. Unless of course someone has a hard copy list of unofficial cover names. Anyway I'll learn more next week when I meet with him and the DIA CI Director. Regarding my incorrect assumption that Gene was a woman, that was based on you referring to him as a "her" in your e-mail dated 1 September. I guess you just hit an extra key after the "e" in "he".Concerning your follow-on discussion with Col. Hennessey after I left the room, was the CIA CI Director still present? He was a close friend of Col. Hennessey and leaned on me pretty hard after Col. Hennessey complained.Ron----- Original Message -----From: Ronald PandolfiTo: 'RICK DOTY'Cc: Christopher GreenSent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 18:17Subject: RE: Keep me out of thisRick,I am not interested in whether you are involved in the UFO enigma and/or working for the CIA, DIA, OSI, or other US intelligence agency. What concerns me is whether you are working for a foreign intelligence service. That has been my sole interest in you from when I first heard your name and it has been the sole focus of my interactions with OSI and FBI concerning your behaviors and whereabouts.Recently Dr. Green relayed to me a claim attributed to you that two DIA employees had identified John Gannon as the source of the SERPO story and Mr. Anonymous.As I anticipated the two names you provided to Dr. Green are not those of DIA employees.The most likely case is that you invented these sources to cover your unauthorized access to sensitive facilities including Los Alamos and SANDIA where you may have attempted to access classified information.I am bringing to your attention this one current issue, but there are several other current issues and many past issues that suggest you could be involved with foreign intelligence services.I have been clear in my communications with Dan Smith regarding these interests.I would be glad to publicly dispute any claim that I have raised your name in connection with the UFO enigma and clarify that my only interest in you concerns national security. Let me also be clear that I have only marginal reason to suspect you are involved with a foreign intelligence service, and I would be glad to put this issue to rest if you would agree to cooperate. I am more that certain Dr. Green would be willing to facilitate such cooperation.RonFrom: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:12 PMTo: 'caryn anscomb'; 'Green, Christopher'; 'Dan Smith'Subject: RE: FMS?Kit,I really appreciate your response. Part of the problem is that Dan imposes a dimensional shift in his reporting of my conversations. Indeed I did raise the issue of you having some form of false memory syndrome and then did a superficial review with some of our mutual friends to reject this hypothesis. As you know, my analytical approach is to include as wide a range of initial hypotheses as possible, eliminate those that can be treated superficially or linearly, and then focus on those that require more complex parallel analyses. Dan shifted the focus from the complex possibilities to the superficial impossibilities. For example it is just as clear that you are not suffering from some sort of false memory syndrome as it is that a delegation of Americans did not visit a distant plant.Ron----- Original Message -----From: Ronald PandolfiTo: 'RICK DOTY'Cc: Christopher GreenSent: Friday, September 08, 2006 12:47Subject: RE: Keep me out of thisRick,There is no need for you to communicate further with me unless you agree to cooperate, and even then you should be addressing your e-mails to Dr. Green who agreed to facilitate your cooperation. Please understand you are not being accused of anything. You initiated this investigation when you provided Dr. Green with the names of two people you claimed to be DIA employees. Dr. Green provided me with those names in accord with his normal responsibilities. There is no crime in distributing the names of people who are not DIA employees. Nevertheless it does suggest you remain involved in potentially hostile intelligence activities. One concern is that you may have been fishing for the name of real intelligence officers. Please understand I am not accusing you of anything. I have posted nothing about you to the ATS forum or any other UFO related web sites. My only interest is whether you are working for a foreign intelligence service. In your e-mail you state that you have friends who work for certain intelligence services. Are these foreign services? Have you reported these contacts? Please do not respond to me on these or any other questions. Rather if you would like to cooperate, provide Dr. Green with an adequate answer as to why you provided with the false names and false links to John Gannon and I will gladly close out this issue.RonFrom: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 10:30 PMTo: 'caryn anscomb'; Green, Christopher; 'Dan Smith'Subject: RE: FMS?All,I just wanted to let you know that during the past few days I have been involved in several e-mail exchanges with Rick Doty. In those exchanges, Rick has claimed not to have accessed SANDIA, LLNL or sensitive military installations since his retirement from USAF. He also has claimed to have no involvement with UFOs since January 2006, no knowledge of the source of the names of DIA employees linked to SERPO or the identification of John Gannon as Mr. Anonymous. These claims appear to conflict with what most of us generally perceive as reality. Nevertheless I have no strong evidence that counters his claims. I would appreciate photos or other evidence that I could share with Rick that might seem to counter his claims. I certainly want to extend to Rick an opportunity to demonstrate he is not involved with SERPO or UFO stories as he claims. But if true, then who was it that escorted John L. into sensitive military facilities? Since I first heard of Rick Doty there have been perplexing stories of multiple Doty’s. Perhaps his dimensionally shifted twin it the culprit, but I would not know how to differentiate between such otherwise identical Dotys. Any suggestions?Ron----- Original Message -----From: Ronald PandolfiTo: 'RICK DOTY'Cc: 'Christopher Green'Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 21:33Subject: RE: Keep me out of thisRick,I very much appreciate you recommendation that I peruse the ATS forum. It contained excellent background information. Sometime next week I will consult with Dr. Green and attempt to come to closure on a few of the outstanding issues. I will post the public aspects of my findings on the ATS forum, provide you a personal copy if you provide a mailing address, and I will send an official copy to Capt. Pete Kassetas of the New Mexico State Patrol as identified on the ATS forum. I very much appreciate your assistance.RonFrom: Ronald Pandolfi [mailto:rspandolfi@]Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 9:36 PMTo: Green, ChristopherSubject: RE: FMS?Kit,I certainly don’t want you to have to take the time to relay information that is not needed. Therefore I am tying to keep the focus on just the issue of claims that DIA employees were in communications with Doty concerning the activities of John Gannon or any other personnel involved in classified work. I have independent evidence now that Doty has been using at least three separate e-mail accounts and false identities and that at least one of his objectives has been to elicit information concerning classified activities at sensitive facilities. Most likely he is just a kook, but he may be a dangerous kook. Your observations that he is intelligent, dedicated, hard working, and effective in his police work has me particularly worried. In his “ufo” work he appears very unsophisticated, sloppy, and lazy. That suggests his focus may not be on the UFO work, but rather on something we have yet to identify. I suspect he will try and contact you early next week. If he does, most likely he will ramble on about his lack of involvement with UFOs. Please remind him that the only way you or I can help him at this stage is if he explains how he obtained the names, to whom he provided them, and what he hoped to learn.Ron[The following emails are those originally sent to me by Ron Pandolfi requesting "damage control" over articles published by STARstream Research based upon the above email stream (and numerous messages not included here, to Ron Pandolfi from Rick Doty and Kit Green.]From Ronald Pandolfi Sat Feb 24 17:30:54 2007Gary,None of the e-mails I provided to Dan involved government activities. They involved personal communications between me, Dan, Kit, and Rick concerning fabricated e-mail accounts used to disseminate false documents about UFOs, SERPO, etc. for which government (intelligence) officials such as John Gannon were falsely implicated. Kit had brought this to my attention as a private matter requesting my assistance in tracking down the perpetrators. All signs indicated Doty was involved directly or indirectly. From the beginning I made it clear to Doty that I was not interested in any aspects of the subjects listed above, only the names of those who were involved in fabricating and disseminating the false documents, and that any information he provided concerning these documents I would publicly release via . I provided the documents to Dan with the understanding that he would provide them to Ryan Dube as earlier agreed. Kit subsequently reviewed the documents and requested that Dan not release them because doing so might hinder his personal investigations. Form the start this was a personal activity conducted at the request of an old friend and mentor, Kit Green, to protect another old friend and mentor, John Gannon from being falsely implicated in this nonsense. In the end it generated no conclusive findings. That said it certainly is possible that some of these e-mails have been modified and/or others fabricated. That is why I cannot respond to your vague questions more definitively.RonFrom Ronald Pandolfi Fri Feb 23 21:14:48 2007Gary,In response to your primary question, I did not identify Caryn as MI-6 nor did I request that information be passed to Rick Doty. This was most likely fabricated by Dan Smith based on a statement reportedly from Jack Sarfatti that he (Jack) had seen Caryn at a facility in London frequented by MI-6 officers. I did mention to Kit Green that I thought some of her (Caryn’s) questions were inappropriate. By that I meant she asked some questions about our real work in addition to the UFO soap opera. I never asked that any information be passed to Rick Doty.In response to your sub question specific to Rick Doty, during the past several years Rick appears to have fabricated many documents and distributed them via fabricated e-mail addresses that implicate senior government (intelligence) persons as the sources. Most often this information comes to my attention via Kit Green who was my mentor for several years and remains a close friend and colleague. If Dan or Caryn provided you with the e-mails I sent to Rick Doty, it should be clear that I repeatedly emphasized I have absolutely no interest in UFOs, SERPO, or any other issues of interest to Rick Doty or Dan Smith. My only concern was with indications that Rick had assumed the names of government officials using forged e-mail accounts to distribute his fabricated stories. In particular, there were implications that Rick had created an e-mail address appearing to originate from John Gannon, another of my former mentors. This caused Kit Green to confront Mr. Gannon with the documents in a manner that must have been both embarrassing and humorous, but also a time consuming burden.Rather than focusing immediately on the issue of concern, I first addressed what I suspected was false information, namely that Rick had informed Kit Green that he (Rick) had been meeting with current government (intelligence) officials who had provided him (Rick) with classified information. This clearly was not true, but it at least enabled me to give the “impression” that it was an “official” investigation. In fact it was purely a personal issue to protect John Gannon and other government officials from being falsely implicated in the sordid SERPO saga. It was after Rick Doty threatened to have the New Mexico State Police Association harass me that I took “strong arm” tactics which included contacting Ryan Dube who had posted a note on discussing similar threats by Rick Doty and suggested responses. After I learned via Kit Green that Rick had a very ill relative, I terminated the interaction with a request the he (Rick) cease distributing fake documents implicating government (intelligence) officials in his SERPO or other fabricated stories. For a time at least is seems Rick complied with this request. I then released to Dan to provide Ryan Dube with some of the e-mails which I thought might be of some use in their research as a way of saying “thanks” for the assistance Ryan provided me in dealing with Rick’s threats. Keep in mind that my concern was not that Rick had fabricated documents but that he had distributed them in ways that caused them to appear to have originated from government (intelligence) officials.In response to your sub question regarding Dan’s threat to land a plane on the White House lawn, I interpreted his statement as a joke and took no action. My personal view is that Dan is insane but not dangerous.I would be glad to assist in your efforts to “uncover the man behind the curtain.” Please retract your article and remove my name from your web page. Although a great deal of unconfirmed and largely false information is available about me over the Internet, it is best to minimize this exposure. Your actions in adding to the exposure were not helpful and could me at risk in conducting my real work.In the future, please ask questions as they arise. It is difficult for me to answer time-late questions accurately and completely. Also please keep in mind that I seldom attempt to publicly correct false information Dan provides via his blog or other venues. Dan is insane, but he also is a good friend. Therefore I tend to let him enjoy his delusional meanderings during which he occasionally has moments of inspirational clarity which I appreciate. I will privately correct false information.Where my memory is incorrect or incomplete, Kit Green can fill in as he participated in all of my communications with Rick Doty. Please do not include others in our communications or distribute any information from me without first removing my name.Sincerely,RonFrom Ronald Pandolfi Thu Mar 1 16:54:54 2007Thanks for taking the time to implement damage control. Below are some suggested changes. Kit may have additional suggestions. Ron“In the end it generated no conclusive findings. That said it certainly is possible that some of these e-mails have been modified and/or others fabricated. That is why I cannot respond to your vague questions more definitively.”Please be clear the e-mails referred to above are those from the researchers (me, Kit, Dan, etc.). As currently stated your sentence might be interpreted as referring to the SERPO e-mails. I suggest you delete the second sentence. It is out of context without inclusion of your questions which I referred to as vague. You might simply state that some excerpts form the e-mails attributed to the researchers might have been modified and others might have been fabricated.According to the SIO, "Rather than focusing immediately on the issue of concern ... [officials] addressed ... suspected ... false information ... [a former USAF counterintelligence officer] had been meeting with current government (intelligence) officials who had provided him with classified information. This clearly was not true, but it at least enabled [the government officials] ... to give the "impression" that it was an "official" investigation. In fact it was purely a personal issue to protect ... other government officials from being falsely implicated in the sordid SERPO saga ... "Please delete this entire paragraph. I can see you understand the importance of not revealing sources. It is even more important not to reveal methods as these potentially can be applied to multiple sources.*******************SUBJECT: E B E's FILE: UFO1037PART 18 Nonetheless it seemed unlikely that MJ-12, EBEs, and otherCover-up matters would pass away soon. The Dark Siders appearedwell on their way to starting a new occult movement in Americaand elsewhere. Among conservative ufologists, manylegitimate questions about conceivably more substantive mattersremained to be answered. A reinvestigation of the Roswellincident by Don Schmitt and Kevin D. Randle of CUFOS producedwhat appeared to be solid new evidence of a UFO crash and coverup. The emergence of Robert Lazar, who even a mainstreamjournalist such as television reporter George Knapp concluded istelling the truth as he knows it possibly suggested a degree ofsubstance to recurrent rumors about developments in Area 51 andS4. Even Moore's critics were puzzled by the extraordinaryinterest of intelligence operatives in ufologists and the UFOphenomenon, going back in time long before Bennewitz'sinterception of low-frequency signals at Kirtland and ahead tothe present. Why go to all this trouble and expense, with so manypersons over such a period of time, if there are no real UFOsecrets to protect? Moore says he is still working with the "birds,” who are asactive as ever. The birds tell him, he says, that disinformationis used not only against ufologists but even against thoseinsiders like themselves who are privy to the cover-up. Those incharge are "going to great lengths to mislead their own people."At one point the birds were told that there is no substance toabduction reports, only to learn later, by accident, that a majorhigh-level study had been done. "Even people with a need to knowdidn't know about it," he says. "The abduction mess caused a lotof trouble. There may have been an official admission of thecover-up by now if the abductions had not come into prominence inthe 1980s." As for the stories of ongoing contact between the U.ernment and extraterrestrial biological entities, he saysthere is, in his observation, a "pretty good possibility, betterthan three to one," that such a thing is happening. But I don'tthink we can communicate with them. Perhaps we only intercepttheir communications. Or maybe they communicate with us." He thinks he has found MJ-12. "It's not in a place anybodylooked," he says. "Not an agency one would have expected. Butwhen you think about it, it fits there" (Moore, 1990). Doty, now a New Mexico State Police officer, was decertified asan AFOSI agent on July 15, 1986, for "misconduct" related to anincident(not concerned with UFOs) that occurred while he wasstationed in West Germany. In August Doty requested a dischargefrom the Air Force and was sent to New Jersey to be separatedfrom the service. But then, Doty says, the Senior EnlistedAdvisor for AFOSI made a trip to the Military Personnel Center atRandolph AFB, Texas, and asked that Doty be reassigned toKirtland, where his son lived. In September, Col. Richard Law,Commander of AFOSI District 70, rescinded Doty's decertificationand assigned him to Kirtland as a services career specialist(i.e., an Air Force recruiter). When he left the Air Force inOctober 1988, he was superintendent of the 1606 ServicesSquadron. Doty remains close to Moore and uncommunicative withnearly everyone else. All he will say is that one day a book willtell his side of the story and back it up with "OfficialGovernment Documents" (Doty, 1989). ***********************************From REALITYUNCOVERED…Since 2006, I took part in a very long series of in-depth emails with Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green who we’ve mentioned here in this blog a number of times related to other Ufology research we’ve conducted into Serpo, MJ-12 and other matters. It is common knowledge that Dr. Green, a former CIA analyst, has had a life-long interest in paranormal phenomenon, and has been very active throughout the ufology community throughout the decades. In this article, I wanted consider a critical comment that Dr. Green made related to the "Core Story" to myself and to many others throughout the years.What Is The Core Story, Exactly?Ultimately, the core story isn’t anything significant at all.Picture this. You’ve got three scientists that much of the "mainstream" scientific community consider a bit "odd" because they have strong interest in very fringe and unorthodox topics like remote viewing, strange energy theories and UFO cults. In the early 1980s, these were three fairly young guys, sitting in a Denny’s Restaurant in the middle of the night, discussing philosophy and the nature of the Universe as they observed folks walking in and out of a coffee house across the road.Those three scientists were Hal Puthoff, Kit Green and Jacques Vallee. It was only a few years before Hal and Kit would "retire" from full-time government contracting or service, and would enter private industry – or, in the case of Hal, start his own business in the form of his privately funded Institute.This event was very significant, at least for Kit, as he mentioned it prominently throughout our discussions and defined the "core story" as nothing more than the basic elements of the phenomena that these three particular scientists could agree on. Kit has never elaborated greatly on those elements – but only a couple of years after that late night discussion, not only did Kit and Hal retire, but major events related to Roswell, MJ-12, Moore and Rick Doty rocked ufology forever.The Core Story or a Core Hypothesis?It’s important to recognize that these three men were also larger-than-life personas. Kit had just spent many years working on a major project within the CIA related to life sciences, Hal had just completed a long series of projects contracting for the CIA, DIA, Army and other government entities trying to prove that ESP and clairvoyance had some semblance of validity and usefulness for Intelligence data-gathering. Vallee had published many books on the subject of UFOs and Aliens (specifically UFO cults) and in his books and interviews clearly considered himself a leader in the valid side of the UFO research community. In fact, all three of these guys had that opinion of themselves. In their minds – the hypothesis they could agree on was clearly a significant and important one.The HypothesisWhile Kit may communicate with many people throughout ufology, he shares very little verifiable information – and certainly would not clearly elaborate on the core story other than to mention the titles (but not names) of folks who offered him evidence that supported it. Hal is secretive and quiet, except to a select few like Bob Collins, who he not only discusses these matters with, but he also introduces Bob to "inside sources" like the man (Angleton Jr) in Florida we recently discovered was presenting himself to Bob Collins as the true relative of CIA chief spy-master James Angleton (he is not.) Clearly Hal is not a good source for the true details either.This leaves Jacques Vallee, the prolific writer many within the field of ufology have come to admire and respect for his philosophy and unique perspective about the UFO and Alien phenomenon. In a 2006 interview in Alternate Perceptions Magazine, select quotes provide a few distinct elements of Vallee’s thought process during that time period (the early/mid 1980s). Jacques ValleeThe Alternate Perceptions Vallee InterviewIn this interview, Vallee stated:“The phenomenon presented by UFOs is far larger than current speculation about “aliens from space.” It raises questions about consciousness, about the nature of reality and about human history on the Earth.”“Ingo Swann and I had many discussions when he first came to SRI and began structuring the program, interviewing some of the Institute scientists. I told him I thought the problem would be best approached as an information processing problem rather than a signal transmission problem, as the physicists and engineers planned to do.”“Where I think that technology can be of help is in looking for patterns. And I did as much of that as anybody else.”From a 2007 article on OurStrangePlanet, Vallee writes:“Then there is a third level, the mythological or sociological level. At that level, the physical reality of the actual UFO is totally irrelevant. Proving that Jesus Christ never existed would have little effect on our society in terms of belief systems; …at this point, the influence of Jesus would remain even without a historical Jesus.”An Interview With Jacques Valleeby Brent RaynesJacques Vallee authored such UFO classics as Anatomy Of APhenomenon, Challenge To Science (which he wrote with his wifeJanine), Passport To Magonia, Messengers of Deception,Confrontations, Dimensions, and Revelations. This distinguishedFrench born scientist received his B.S. in mathematics at theSorbonne, an M.S. in astrophysics at Lille University, and aftermoving to the U.S. received his Ph.D. in computer science fromNorthwestern University. Vallee worked closely with the late Dr.J. Allen Hynek, former astronomical consultant to the AirForce's Project Blue Book. Their dialogues together in The Edgeof Reality (1975) are a thought-provoking delight to read.Vallee also co-developed the first computer-based map of Marsfor NASA, he later directed a project to build Arpanet, theprototype for the Internet, and since 1987 he has been a venturecapitalist with Euro-America, serving as an early-stage investorand director of many companies including SangStat Medical, abiotechnology firm in Menlo Park, California and Nantes, France;Accuray, a medical device company specializing in roboticsurgery; Ixys, a power semiconductor firm, and others.Editor: In the October-November 2001, UFO: The Science &Phenomena Magazine (Vol. 16, No. 5) your attendance at the 20thannual Society for Scientific Exploration was detailed. In thisarticle, which was a summation of a conference that alsoincluded perspectives of scientists in a variety of avenuestoward unexplained phenomena, including crop circles andparapsychology, it was noted how your public appearance was arare event. Furthermore, the article quoted you saying: "I'm notinterested in talking to ufologists anymore, because I don'tlearn anything from them." Recently, you made another rareappearance to talk about UFOs. The UFO conference sponsored bythe Association for Research and Enlightenment in VirginiaBeach, Virginia, on December 2nd and 3rd, 2005.Could you generally sum up for us the reasons why you have cometo have little tolerance towards mainstream ufologists and avoidparticipating in their conferences, but would take part in theseother two conferences just mentioned?Jacques Vallee: There was another part to what I said at thetime, namely that I learned more from witnesses than I did fromufologists. That remains true today. When I began this researchin the 1960s I learned a lot from groups like NICAP and APRO,that were trying to document and publish cases, and promoted anopen minded approach. This changed in the late 1980s whenufology turned into a set of dogmas (Roswell, abductions) withlittle room for open-minded research, and almost no fieldinvestigation any more. Much independent UFO research today hasgone underground and is done by isolated individuals, outside ofthe organized groups, as was the case with the =93InvisibleCollege=94 in the days of Allen Hynek. The ERA conference was arare opportunity to compare notes with colleagues I respect, ina sober setting.Editor: Speaking of the A.R.E.'s UFO conference, whatsignificant impressions, thoughts, or experiences did youperhaps come away with, and would you make any sort ofsuggestions or recommendations for future conferences of thisnature?Jacques Vallee: The phenomenon presented by UFOs is far largerthan current speculation about aliens from space. It raisesquestions about consciousness, about the nature of reality andabout human history on the Earth. I welcome every opportunity tomeet specialists in these disciplines and learn from them. Thatwas the case, for example, at the conference on Consciousness,Science and Religion held in Porto two years ago, where Dr.Eric Davis and I presented a new model for the study ofunidentified aerial phenomena. The ARE conference in VirginiaBeach was a similar opportunity, because attendees brought agreat deal of knowledge about psychic functioning and spiritualtraditions. We must take this knowledge into account if we aregoing to make any progress.Editor: During your A.R.E. presentation you described how youbecame initially interested and aware of UFOs after you and yourmother, as I recall, happened to see a UFO in your hometown inFrance, when you were a teenager. Would you care to share withour readers that experience again, and how it may have shapedyour later, evolving interest in things like astronomy and spaceexploration?Jacques Vallee: Our experience was similar to that of thousandsof witnesses in Europe during that period. The observationlasted about 10 minutes and was verified by a fellow student whosaw the object from his own house a mile away. He had time toget his binoculars and described it in identical terms: asilvery disk with a dome on top, hovering about 1,000 feet high.At the time, I convinced myself that the object was a prototypeof some kind. Of course we now know that there is no suchaircraft! I was already interested in astronomy and physics, butthe enigma presented by that sighting certainly influenced me:it taught me that there was much more to be discovered.Editor: From your pioneering Passport to Magonia (1969) toRevelations (1991), your books have tackled a wide-range ofcontroversial and complex aspects, taking in a comprehensiveglobal, cultural and historical perspective on these reportedevents, looking at paranormal, spiritual, folkloric, occult, andshamanic accounts. In Revelations you presented alternatives tothe popular extraterrestrial hypothesis (i.e., the Earth LightHypothesis, Control System, and the Wormhole Travel Hypothesis).You've stated something to the effect that you'd be prettydisappointed if all of this activity recorded down through thecenturies turned out indeed to be simply E.T. visitations.Please explain.Jacques Vallee: When you begin to study this phenomenon thefirst-degree ET hypothesis, (namely the idea that we are visitedby aliens from another planet in our galaxy that have justdiscovered us), seems like the best one. With the passage oftime and the accumulation of reports, including those frompeople reported psychic effects, it becomes clear that it is toolimited to explain the facts. As always in science, when such asituation presents itself, you must go back to basics and re-examine the data. We need to open the full spectrum of potentialhypotheses instead of simply selecting data that fit ourpreconceptions. As you know, I have done quite a bit of study ofpsychical research and of older traditions, includingRosicrucian and esoteric literature, in search of relatedmaterial. And it is all there, although modern adepts of thesetraditions seem to have forgotten all about it! Perhaps yourmagazine can reawaken them?Editor: At the A.R.E. conference I was interested to hear duringyour presentation of how back in the 1980s you had acted as aconsultant to the Stanford Research Institute's remote viewingprogram and learned that many remote viewers (a fact that wasnever publicized) had ascribed their talents to what we callUFOs. Please tell us a little more about this, and of yourinterest in the remote viewing subject.Jacques Vallee: I knew the founders of the project at theParapsychology Research group in Palo Alto before they joinedSRI. When their work began in 1971 I happened to be a seniorresearcher in one of the computer development labs there, so Ibecame an informal (unpaid!) member of the team. When it turnedout that many of their subjects had experienced UFOs, theybrought me into the project on a strictly confidential basis todocument that aspect of the problem. Ingo Swann and I had manydiscussions when he first came to SRI and began structuring theprogram, interviewing some of the Institute scientists. I toldhim I thought the problem would be best approached as aninformation processing problem rather than a signal transmissionproblem, as the physicists and engineers planned to do. I showedhim how software specialists handle data, either by directaddressing, indirect addressing, virtual addressing, etc. Ingogives me credit for orienting him to the idea of coordinateremote viewing, where geographic coordinates constitute theaddress. Later this was expanded to other forms of targeting,but the project never explored what I thought could have beenthe real breakthrough research, because they were under constantpressure from mission-oriented sponsors. Ten years later, wellafter I had left SRI, I was asked to come back into the projectas a consultant. I was briefed on Grill Flame and formallytrained by Ingo. I think I’m the only one from that team whohasn’t written a book about remote viewing!Editor: You have been very skeptical of the process of hypnoticregression being used to uncover presumably lost memories of UFOentity and abduction encounters. Can you explain why you feelthis way?Jacques Vallee: I have studied over 70 abduction cases, inconcert with psychiatrists trained in the use of the clinicalhypnosis. These specialists were uniformly horrified when Ishowed them what some ufologists were doing and claiming on thebasis of the regressions they were performing. In case aftercase, it becomes obvious that hypnosis is NOT a good way tobring back true memories. The psychiatric literature confirmsthis. In his famous book The Fifty-Minute Hour, Dr. Lindnerexplains why he considered, and then rejected, the use ofhypnosis when asked by the FBI to treat a senior engineer whoclaimed to travel psychically to other planets. Hypnosis canturn a possible fantasy into an experience that becomesirreversible. I have received pathetic letters from famous UFOabductees asking me to help them find a new form of treatment,because they continue to experience traumatic experiences thatdo not fit into the rigid abduction model. Unfortunately thesepeople cannot be re-hypnotized in a professional manner afterthey have been subjected to the ludicrous process routinelyfollowed in ufology today in the name of research. Thousandsof abductees have now been regressed hypnotically, and we knownothing more about the nature of the phenomenon, the allegedcraft, or the entities associated with them. I still believe theabduction experience is part of the witnesses reality, as Dr.Simon told me when we spent two days with Betty and Barney Hillat their place in New Hampshire, but hypnosis, in most cases, isneither the therapy of choice, nor the best way to explore whatreally happened to them.*************************** Birds of a Feather No Longer: Policy Split Divides "Aviary" UFO-Secrecy GroupbyRichard J. Boylan, Ph.D.Since a time apparently in the 1970s, a number of individuals with extremely high security clearances, who were working on various aspects of the UFO phenomenon, began to interact with each other on a regular basis to pool the information each had from their highly-compartmented assignments. The objective was to coordinate data, see the big picture about UFOs and extraterrestrial contacts with Earth, and to use this privileged information pool to gain access to additional secret data, to understand the policies of the elite, hyper-secret "Majestic-12" (MJ-12) UFO information-control and policy group, and to gain special influence through having this highly- privileged information. This elite group of perhaps 14 individuals working in National Security assignments eventually gave themselves code-names, using mostly bird names. Collectively, they came to be called "The Aviary”. A reader warning is in order: This affiliate network may exist as reported, or the accounts of this grouping may include disinformation generated by The Aviary themselves to obscure their membership. The relationship of The Aviary to "MJ-12" [actually, SSG, the National Security Council's Special Studies Group] (ultimate UFO information control and policy) is murky. It is the estimate of more than one UFO researcher that there is some overlap in membership; meaning that SSG has quietly infiltrated The Aviary to keep tabs on it. It has been reported by Dr. Michael Wolf, late of the SSG, that the MJ-12 Group is now designated as SSG, [Personal communication, 1999]. This hyper-classified group deals with the most sensitive compartmented information regarding Star Visitors, and is so covert a Special Access Program, that reportedly the President and Congress do not exercise control over SSG, and only know of its existence through indirect channels. Dick D'Amato, National and International Security Specialist for Senator Robert Byrd, and a member of the National Security Council (NSC), in 1991, stated that UFO information should be released, but that an incredibly powerful "black arm" of the government has been keeping it secret, and spending enormous sums of money illegally in this operation. D'Amato said that the NSC is trying to find out who these people are. [Personal communication with Jesse Marcel, Jr., M.D., Washington, D.C., 1991; as reported in eUFOria, the Black Hills UFO Network Publication, 2:2, May, 1995.] Ironically, the answer may be right under their noses. It is quite possible that SSG exists within a hyper-compartmented Special Access Program, yet with informal informational links to the National Security Council. [Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, 1983; L. Fletcher Prouty, The Secret Team, 1973.] While there may be some overlap between The Aviary and the SSG group, they remain two separate entities. SSG is clearly at the top; for SSG is the policy and decision group who have orchestrated the UFO Cover-Up since 1947, while simultaneously releasing little fragments of UFO/Star Visitor information, to gradually condition the American public to the slowly-dawning realization of UFO reality. The Aviary is the group of individuals with histories of working in UFO-related National Security projects who have obtained more complete information (and thus power) by closely coordinating the data, informants, and efforts each is involved with. Now, leaked reports from sources close to some Aviary members suggest that there is a split within the Aviary, (which may well mirror a split within the SSG group).On one side are those members of The Aviary who feel that the time has come when information about UFO reality and contacts with the Star Visitors should be broadly disclosed to the public. These "Good Guys" feel that the public is ready for this information, and generally can handle it. Others within the Aviary, on the "Dark Side", resist such disclosure. The Dark Side members do not want to lose the power which a UFO/Star Visitors information monopoly has given them. From their behavior, it appears that they do not welcome close public scrutiny of their role in the UFO Cover- Up. Additionally, one or two among them have reportedly engaged in not-properly-authorized, illegal, and sometimes injurious projects and operations. The split over disclosure versus maintaining the Cover-Up is creating a climate where there are increasing leaks, as the Good Guys try to force disclosure, and establish for themselves a track record of belated candor with the American public. It is important not to demonize all the reported members of The Aviary. Most are presumably well-intentioned scientists or (former) military or intelligence officers, with careers spanning the Cold War, and who no doubt sincerely believed that UFO secrecy was vital to maintain. Any crimes committed by those members of "Dark Side" persuasion will have to be determined in a proper military or civilian court of jurisdiction. The following is a list of reported members of The Aviary. - BLUEJAY: Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, MD, Ph.D., Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors; former custodian of the CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; received the National Intelligence Medal for his work on a classified project during the period of 1979-1983; recently reported to be White House UFO liason.- PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology, and current custodian of UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; involved in the White House Initiative, as UFO liaison, to expedite (at Laurence Rockefeller's behest) the release of UFO information to the public; and has been quietly leaking UFO information mixed with disinformation the past few years.- OWL: Hal Puthoff, physicist with the Institute for Advanced research in Austin, TX who specializes in Zero-Point Energy, a quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential for above- unity ("free") energy; formerly an Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and reported DIA researcher, (along with psi guru and fellow Scientologist Ingo Swann,) into parapsychological, psychotronic, remote-viewing, and mind-control projects, and reportedly involved in classified Star Visitor-technology studies.- RAVEN: (Identity not yet determined.) RAVEN appears to be a kingpin in The Aviary, and a Washington insiders' guessing game has sprung up, as devotees of UFO intelligence data argue for the probable identity of their favorite "candidate". [Possible candidates: Henry Kissinger, Ph.D., Edward Teller, Ph.D.; General Brent Scowcroft, etc.]- PENGUIN: John Alexander, Ph.D. in Death Sciences [Thanatology], Col., ("Ret."), U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security Agency (NSA). Colonel Alexander is director of the Non-Lethal (sic) Weapons Department, Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL], and has been reportedly involved in counter-intelligence remote-viewing, psychic-warfare, psychotronic and mind-control projects with military/security applications, while maintaining the cover of nonlethal military/crowd control physical-countermeasures research. Dr. Alexander has been serving as a Board Member, (along with INSCOM General Al Stubblebine and INSCOM Major Ed Dames), of PSI-Tech Corporation, involved in proprietary remote-viewing projects for hire.2003 Update Note: Colonel John "Penguin" Alexander was spotted several years ago by this author at a "retired" intelligence officers dinner function at Sixth Army Headquarters, The Presidio, San Francisco. Alexander had gained considerable girth. The Death-Sciences Ph.D. was accompanied by his life-partner, Victoria Lacas, dressed as always in faux-Goth all-black, (which does nothing to dispel rumors circulating in the ufological community about reported interest in sorcery.) This author has been informed that Col. Alexander is head of the Aviary, and that the Aviary is headquartered at Los Alamos, NM. This author has heard from a source that one or more members of the Aviary are believed to have been a party to MILABS operations, (rogue military-intelligence units' kidnapping, interrogation, terrorizing, gang-raping, drugging, and hypnotic mind-control programming of innocent civilians, and then implanting a false post-hypnotic "memory" that the episode was an "alien abduction".) - HAWK: Ernie Kellerstraus, security-cleared for UFO information, worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 1970's, and is reported to have lived with a Star Visitor for a while; reported to have worked with Dale Graff (*HARRIER*?) and Captain Bob Collins (CONDOR), Air Force Intelligence, to supply UFO information to widely-suspected disinformation operative and self-styled ufologist William Moore.- (Bird name unknown, [PARTRIDGE?]): Jacques Vallee, Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment's UFO investigative agency, later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek (who left and denounced the military's Project Blue Book as a disinformational smokescreen); prolific author on UFO subject, lately turning to metaphysical explanations for the phenomenon.- SEAGULL: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., research scientist in optical physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Lab, MD; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant, and prolific author and consultant expert on selected "leaked" or disinformational UFO cases/topics, such as the Gulf Breeze-Ed Walters alleged UFO photos, the Canadian "Carp UFO" hoaxed "incident", and the documented repeat UFO landings at the hyper-secure Manzano Canyon Facility at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories-Military Reservation.- CHICKADEE: Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence and other Agencies; with 30 years service in U.S. Intelligence overseas; involved in government research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) and other organizations; former Senate aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal, *and has tried to get Congressional Hearings held on UFOs; President, Human Potential Foundation; and "point-man" for Laurence Rockefeller on UFO matters, currently tasked to contact world leaders concerning upcoming public announcements of UFO/ET reality; recently convened the May, 1995 Washington, D.C. "When Cosmic Cultures Meet International Conference".- CONDOR: Capt. Bob Collins, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related intelligence operations; reportedly appeared clandestinely on 1988 Kodak-produced network television (dis-)information program "UFO Cover-Up Live", where Collins, *reportedly* along with "former" CIA contract employee and current UFO-conferences disinformation lecturer, John Lear, presented accounts of alleged "alien autopsies", UFO retrievals, and the government's awareness about UFOs and Star Visitor presence.- FALCON: Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM; and of allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz's electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28, 1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.- (bird-name unknown [SPARROW(?)]: William Moore, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; prolific UFO "author"; reportedly publicly admitted at a MUFON Conference to being an Air Force Intelligence operative involved in UFO-related disinformation projects.AVIARY AFFILIATES AUXILIARY:Besides the main members of The Aviary, ancillary helpers *reportedly* exist who are more or less "witting" of the purposes and membership of The Aviary, and choose to participate in a variety of supporting roles.- (Bird name unknown [HERON?]) Dale Graff, UFO-related technology specialist reported by Dan Smith (cf. infra) to be head of the "military" UFO Working Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory; rumored to be involved in psychotronic and ESP programs at Los Alamos; formerly was contracts overseer for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; then was chief of the DIA's Defense Technology/Special Programs department, before reportedly being fired by the DIA. Graff was at one time reported to be in contact with the human designate who communicates with a Star Visitors residing near Washington, DC in a subterranean facility (presumably beneath Andrews AFB/Naval Reservation).- (bird-name unknown [NIGHTINGALE(?)]): Jack Verona, shadowy liaison between Capitol Hill and Los Alamos National Laboratory, before having recently "disappeared"; reportedly Dale Graff's supervisor: formerly involved in Project Sleeping Beauty, which researched ways to disable enemy "target" personnel using directed precise-frequency radiated electromagnetic-energy fields.NIGHTINGALE is not British UFOlogist Anthony Dodd, who has revealed the disappearance in 1993 of a U.S. carrier destroyer during NATO sea exercises, during which a number of member countries' ships patrolled to find reported huge carrier-sized! Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs), which raced underwater at astounding speeds. Arguing against Mr. Dodd being NIGHTINGALE is the fact that after Dodd disclosed the U.S. destroyer's disappearance at a Nevada UFO Congress in December, 1994, he was beaten up outside the conference hall by two "enforcer" goons and told to shut his mouth up.)- (Bird name unknown, [BUZZARD?]): Gordon Novell, reportedly a free-lance enforcer involved in Zero Point Energy programs, and tied to Bob Bigelow, a shadowy Las Vegas casinos operator, who reportedly is investigating alleged Star Visitor energy technology and titanium aluminide mettalurgy for their investment potential. Bigelow had created a "National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) to direct a group of UFO technology-insider scientists. He has also reportedly acquired land south of Fort Duschene, Utah to operate a cattle ranch and study alleged "cattle mutilations" clustered there.(Bird name unknown, [WOODPECKER?]: Jaime Shandera, a small-time Hollywood film producer, who reportedly is associated with William Moore. Shandera alleged that he had mysteriously received film containing the "MJ-12 documents" at his door one day from source(s)unknown. (Moore is considered by some to be the author of the MJ-12 disinformation papers.) Shandera was featured on the 1989 Kodak Television UFO documentary, "UFO Cover-Up Live". Shandera is reported to be, along with Scott Jones and Dan Smith, one of the theologically-oriented and self-proclaimed pro-UFO-disclosure "progressives" among the Aviary.- CHICKEN LITTLE: Dan Smith, civilian UFO researcher/volunteer interlocutor between source(s) within the Central Intelligence Agency, the Congressional Intelligence Committees and the civilian UFO researchers. Smith has exchanged information with and networked with any UFO researchers he can persuade to listen to him, serves as a self-appointed interlocutor, and shares their and his own findings with his source(s) at CIA and Capitol Hill.- Undoubtedly, other "assets" and low-profile intermediaries of The Aviary are operating in the UFO-interest and general public communities, as its surrogate ears and mouthpieces. (c) 1995 Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., LLCDisclosure Pattern 1985-90 Written by Grant Cameron Tuesday, 25 August 2009 12:08 1985 - 1989Possible Target or Courier – Howard BlumNew Concepts IntroducedA secret working group called together in 1985 to study the hidden government aspects of the UFO phenomenaAccording to award winning New York Times reporter Howard Blum, "a senior official at the National Security Agency" gives him a strange lead. The official was helping him with a book he was doing at the time about the Walker spy case. The lead was "there’s been a lot of talk around the NSA about outer space. Weird stuff. UFOs. Heard they got some kind of all-star working group or something. A panel of hotshots zeroing in on UFOs. Going to get the truth at last."He approached Pulitzer winning New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh for help on the story. Hersh was upset that Blum would pursue such a story and appeared not to be interested. Two days later, however, he phoned Blum to confirm there was some secret working group working on UFOs but that Blum would have to get the story on his own.Blum managed to find one of the NSA members who sat on the super-secret inside group called the UFO Working Group. Blum is able to piece together the story from there.The UFO Working Group was a spin-off of the remote viewing program and more specifically the "coordinate remote viewing" CRV program. One version of the story as told by Blum states that the whole thing started during a meeting held in the secure vault of President Reagan’s Scientific Advisor George Keyworth in the fall of 1985. Dr. Hal Puthoff, then running the SRI remote viewing program, explained that Ingo Swann, a viewer, would demonstrate " A new perceptual channel through which individuals are able to perceive and describe remote data not presented to any known sense."A short series of precise geographical coordinates were read to Swann and he proceeded to describe a building that once the target was revealed turned out to be the country dacha of Mikhail Gorbachev.Following this, a demonstration took place to show how the displayed "scannate" technology could be used in antisubmarine warfare. Swann was shown a series of pictures of submarines, some American, some Soviet, some in dry dock, some not built yet. His job was to provide the exact coordinates of each submarine.As he was set to call up the coordinates of a Soviet Delta-class submarine in one of the photographs, he stopped and reported that he saw something above the submarine. Asked to draw it on a piece of paper he drew a classic image of a flying saucer.A report was made by the SRI team of the incident and sent to the DIA who was the "primary client." About this same time money from the Army for the CRV program was withdrawn, and the entire program moved to DIA.The Swann submarine incident led to a DIA/Navy Intelligence sponsored program to use scannate to search for soviet submarines. According to Blum’s information, the DIA was able to detect at least 17 UFO objects connected to Soviet submarines over the next 14 months. The project was called Project magnet and the DIA Directorate for Management and Operations supervised it.More importantly, the incidents of the "hovering UFOs" around submarines provided an inspiration to Col. John Alexander, then Director, advanced concepts US Army Lab. Command, Aldelphi, MD. He proposed that the DIA Project Aquarius viewers should view an area above Kickaboo, Texas. It was there that NORAD reported an unknown object had tripped a manmade electromagnetic fence extending up to 15,000 miles above the earth.The three viewers all were asked to view anything unusual at that latitude and longitude in the last 48 hours. By the end of the day all three CRV viewers had send back drawing of a UFO. With this addition evidence in hand Alexander convinced the DIA to set up a "top-secret working group to investigate the possibility that extraterrestrials were making contact with this planet."Based on this psychic confirmation of a UFO event obtained by radar, the UFO Working Group was formed in February 1985. Col. John Alexander sent out the invitations for others he had chosen to generate a top-secret review of the UFO situation.Col. John B. AlexanderArmen Victorian who squared off with Alexander during the period Howard Blum was researching the UFO Working Group, described Alexander’s role, and the start-up of the group this way,John Alexander's position as the Program Manager for Contingency Missions of Conventional Defense Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratories, enabled him to exploit the Department of Defense's Project Reliance "which encourages a search for all possible sources of existing and incipient technologies before developing new technology in-house" to tap into a wide range of exotic topics, sometimes using defense contractors, e.g., McDonnell Douglas Aerospace. I have several reports, some of which were compiled before his departure to the Los Alamos National Laboratories when he was with Army Intelligence, which show Alexander's keen interest in any and every exotic subject--UFOs, ESP, psychotronics, anti- gravity devices, near-death experiments, psychology warfare and non-lethal weaponry.Having received a lead on the group Blum decided to investigate the UFO Working Group. The story of what he discovered was written up in a widely distributed 1990 book, "Out There: The Government’s Secret Quest for Extraterrestrials."One UFO newsgroup reader described the Blum book as "the interesting process of turning bull shit into history." Many other UFO researchers quickly echoed that assessment, and the book ended up receiving little support from with the UFO community. In reality, those who claim to have been involved, claim the book is 90% accurate. These are the same people who were in the secure vaults when the 1985 meetings occurred.Blum described the UFO Working Group as a group trying to "settle this UFO question once and for all". The men trying to settle the question were a group of men who had each had some contact with black budget programs and government security.There are three views as to exactly what the UFO Working Group was. The first view is that they were a group who knew much more than the average researcher, but they were not the top-level group Blum made them out to be. They were a group scientists, military personnel, and intelligence analysts who basically sat around a table and shared anecdotal information and scuttlebutt they had heard directly or second hand through the black budget community or through the chain of command. They looked at the relationship of various programs to UFO program that all believed existed somewhere in the black budget of the United States government.The second view, exemplified by Howard Blum’s account is that the group was a highly classified compartmentalized group working inside the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Management and Operations which had been given great power to attack the UFO problem.The DIA ConnectionBlum makes a number of references in his book as to the UFO connection to the UFO Working Group. This DIA tie-in is interesting because it parallels stories being told at the same time by Bill Moore and others about the key role in the UFO hierarchy played by the DIA. (complete story)·The third view is the one put forward by researchers like Jacques Vallee who believed that "the Colonel Phillips secret group is not the real secret group. It is only the latest carrot dangled in front of a public always eager for new revelations... There is clearly an endless supply of such stories, and they are always volunteered to people who are prone to believing them but have no ability to check them."The UFO Working group, according to all accounts, was able to field CIA assets under cover to investigate UFO sightings. Blum pointed out one case in Wisconsin where two CIA officers were sent impersonating NASA engineers. This type of internal CIA investigation was possible because of President Ronald Reagan’s signing of Executive Order 12333, which allowed the CIA to operate within the United States under certain conditions.The UFO Working Group was a "group of insiders who were looking for the insider group." They were desperately seeking the crashed flying saucers, and MJ-12 group just like the rest of Ufology. They believed, according to some, that there was an unknown mysterious engineering project run by either Admiral Bobby Ray Inman or General John J. Sheehan. A lot of black budget money was known to be flowing in that direction. No one, however, seemed able to get anything concrete on the group.They had an advantage in seeking the answer in that they knew some of the black secrets of the government. In addition, they were able to talk to other high-ranking people who would speak to them because of their backgrounds.The UFO Working Group came together to work on the UFO problem, knowing that together they could share and achieve more than by working alone. They worked on four main problems;Investigating UFO ReportsInvestigating the MJ-12 DocumentsInvestigating the scuttlebutt of UFO crashed saucer stories being told by insiders and witnessesInvestigated global US intelligence assets being used to detect UFOsMany of the 17 men in the UFO Working Group would go on to become members of another top-secret chat group known as the Aviary. In fact, the UFO Working Group might just have been how the Aviary came together.This informal group became famous for their connections to researcher Bill Moore in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They went by bird names that allowed them to talk among each other without everyone knowing who they were. At least that was the plan.Many of UFO Working Group, turned Aviary, went on to become members of the National Institute of Discovery Sciences (NIDS), started up by Nevada billionaire Robert M. Bigalow. NIDS like the other two groups provided the members to share their common goal of understanding the truth of the UFO mystery.The head of the UFO Working Group given the name "Col. Howard Phillips" by Blum was actually Col. John Alexander (Penguin). Alexander was former director of non-lethal weapons testing at Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico. This is a fact that has been posted on UFO discussion boards only months after the book came out in 1996.Other members of the UFO Working Group included former CIA scientist Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green (Blue Jay); USAF Colonel Ron Blackburn, former microwave scientist and specialist at Kirkland Air Force Base; Dr. Hal Puthoff (Owl), former member of the NSA and one of the original researchers who developed the protocols for remote viewing with Ingo Swann; Dr Jack Verona (RAVEN), one of the Department of Defense initiators of the DlA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry;Ronald Pandolfi, chief scientist for the CIA (Pelican); Dr. Robert Wood at McDonald Douglas who would go on to become the chief researcher of the 3700 pages of documents leaked in the 1990s from six different intelligence sources; Hal McConnell from the NSA; and Major General Albert Stubblebine, the Commander of the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command.Ninety percent of the UFO Working Group meetings took place in the BDM secure vault in McCLean, Virginia. This is because group member General Stubblebine was the Vice-President of BDM at the time. Only one meeting occurred in the Defense Intelligence Agency secure vault.They were trying to become an official government sponsored group looking for the answer, but failed to get the funding. "They seem like a loose-knit, unofficial discussion group called together on the authority of Phillips, a self-appointed UFO guru within the agency," says Larry W. Bryant, who directs the Washington, DC, office of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)When ten sessions had been completed of the UFO Working Group John Alexander compiled the information they had gathered in a briefing book. It was presented to the then ready to retire defense authority. He, however, did not want the controversy. He denied the request to officialize the UFO Working Group into a formal government funded and operated group. The UFO Working Group folded but most of the members continued to interact in what became known as the Aviary.In the end of his book Blum concluded based on the material he had been fed, that he had not found the conclusive proof for UFOs. The actual UFO working group arrived at this same conclusion. In fact Blum became convinced that much of the governments silence was due to the vast amounts that it did not know.1986Potential Targets or Couriers - Len StringfieldCaptain Robert Collins approaches researcher Len Stringfield, while Collins is still stationed at Wright-Patterson. Collins phones him once a week. He offers highly technical papers, and "a meeting with a Colonel who possessed a lot of information."Stringfield refuses to reveal his sources, and Collins breaks off the correspondence and moves on to contact Bruce Maccabee.Collins told me "I found him too unreliable and dropped him."As to his connection with the Falcon, Collins stated, "Since being friends with Bill and having a strictly personal interest in UFOs I also knew and understood effective CI methods to cover the identity of a confidential source. Bill was familiar with these methods. Both the use of my name and Doty’s to cover the identity of "Condor" and "Falcon" worked very well for over 21/2 years. The tracks were covered just enough now so that it is doubtful that the real "Condor" or "Falcon" will ever be found. To this day I don’t know who they are and Bill won’t tell me!1987Potential Target or Courier - Lee GrahamLee Graham was an aerospace worker at Aerojet Electrosystems in Azusa, California who was shown documents like the MJ-12 and Aquarius by Bill Moore, prior to their public release. He eventually took the documents to his superiors and came under intense security by the Defense Investigative Service (DIS). Moore who provided the documents, however, was never investigated by DIS even though Lee Graham insisted an investigation should take place.In 1987 two men paid an intimidating visit to Lee Graham’s workplace. One of the men identified himself as FBI Special Agent William Hurley. The second man dressed in civilian clothes, who did not identify himself, turned out to be Major General Michael Kerby, USAF, who at the time of the visit was Director of the Air Force Legislative Liaison office.The bulk of the one-hour interview was encouragement and congratulations for disseminating the MJ-12 document to the public. In addition to this "pep talk," Graham was shown the then Top Secret designation of the F-117 ‘Stealth’ fighter, by Kirby who had been in command of the operational aspects of the fighter while he was stationed at Nellis AFB. This was an item of interest to Graham, who had been seeking it through FOIA requests for years.Strangely, Graham learned the identity of the man in civilian clothes from another mysterious figure in the UFO community. This man was C.B. Scott Jones, then a congressional aide to Senator Claiborne Pell. Jones provided Graham General Kirby’s identity, along with a biography and photograph of the general. He told Graham in the accompanying letter that Kirby was a "mutual acquaintance."When he was later confronted about how he would know about the mysterious drop-in at Graham’s worksite to discuss the MJ-12 document, Jones stated that the general had been at Senator Pell’s senate suite on a courtesy call, and he had mentioned the visit to Jones, knowing Jones’ "interest in these matters."When Graham filed FOIA requests related to his meeting with the FBI agent and General Kirby he discovered that he was being monitored by AFOSI Colonel Barry Hennessey in Washington, D.C. Interestingly, Hennessey was the boss of AFOSI officer Richard Doty who had been actively discussing MJ-12 with Bill Moore and Linda Howe prior to the mailing of the MJ-12 documents to Jamie Shandera in December 1984.In his 1983 meeting with Linda Howe, Doty had said ""My superiors have asked me to show you this," as he handed her the document identified as "Briefing for the President." The document had included discussion of MJ-12.In 1987, the mysterious Kirby/Graham meeting clearly shows Doty’s boss is now monitoring Graham who appears to have been given the job of disseminating the MJ-12 document within the security community.September 1987Potential Target or Courier – Whitley StrieberStrieber receives a private letter at his cabin, one of only two in thousands of letters from the public that were received at the New York cabin. The sender left a phone number, which Strieber phoned. The caller related a story of "evil greys" and "appealing blonds." The greys he said were trying to improve their race through the use of human genetic material. "We are in a war here, he told Strieber, "and you are on the front line."The caller maintained that "public acceptance" of the aliens by the government would be an "open sesame" that would allow the visitors to conclude the takeover. The caller described Strieber as an "enabler" who was working to counter the government "subtle holding action."When Strieber used a private detective to track the telephone and address of the caller it eventually led back to a Defense department exchange located in Colorado. Strieber phoned the number that was at the end of the mail drops, the person demanded to know how he had obtained the number. A couple days later the number was disconnected. The Boulder Colorado police threatened to charge the detective, who had tracked the number for Strieber, with a charge of impersonating an officer.November 1987Potential Targets or Couriers – Linda HoweFormer USAF Officer Robert Collins was "frantically" trying to get Linda Howe to meet with him in Albuquerque. At that meeting, also attended by John Lear, Collins showed the two some MJ-12 documents, primarily relating to a live alien allegedly held captive by the U.S. Government. According to Howe, Collins stated that he had worked "behind the scenes" with Bill Moore for years.December 1987Possible Target or Courier – John LearNew Concepts IntroducedPraying mantis aliensArea-51U.S. Government deal with aliensBased on information he was receiving from secret sources John Lear begins to tell stories that there is an underground base at Area –51 and that back engineering work on flying saucers is going on at the base. In addition to these concepts Lear added a number of new ones he had been told such as,The U.S. Government had made a deal for aliens technology in exchange for looking the other way on abductions and cattle mutilations.There was an underground base both at Area-51 and in Dulce, New Mexico where these alien interactions were taking place.The U.S. had recovered a whole series of downed UFOs. One was even buried.Late 1980sPotential Targets or Couriers – Robert Emenegger, Bill Moore, Linda Howe, and Whitley Strieber.Robert Emenegger is told by sources that he is about to get an invitation to meet with a "live" extraterrestrial in a New Mexico. This may be a distortion of the Linda Howe offer to interview the handler who lived with the live alien captured in 1949. Paul Shartle, who worked for DAVA at Norton Air Force Base, made the offer to Emenegger. Emenegger had never met Richard Doty who was promoting an interview with the "keeper."Writer Whitley Strieber was also told the "live Alien" story by Master Sergeant Richard Doty. He related the story in his book "Breakthrough:I interviewed Mr. Doty after his retirement, although he apparently told this story while on active duty as well. In my interview, Mr. Doty repeated the same tale that he has told many times, of the capture of a live alien, whom, he said, was a mechanic or engineer aboard a UFO. This being, he continued, had not been able to talk till Air Force surgeons had rebuilt his vocal chords, which was done in 1949. He stated that he had seen videotapes of the alien and is the originator of the now-famous story that aliens like strawberry ice cream.August and September 1988Potential Targets or Couriers – Len StringfieldLen Stringfield, after a long period of quiet in contacts from his sources, is contacted by 10 new sources all at the same time. "Each promised," wrote Stringfield, "that useful information about UFO crash crash/retrievals would soon follow. By the end of November most promises were filled, some were first-hand reports, some second. But, most importantly, some provided new backup information for cases cited in my previously published reports. Most rewarding was the timely emergence of persons serving in covert positions with substantive information in key areas of my work."October 1988New Concepts IntroducedNaval Observatory as headquarters for MJ-12A flow chart showing the hierarchy of the organization handling the UFO problem for the U.S. governmentMoore along with a few other people who had been involved with the underworld of UFO leakers put together a two-hour national documentary called "UFO Cover up Live." Richard Doty and Robert Collins act the back lighted interviews of Falcon and Condor. They relate the story of the extraterrestrials. The audience is told what they look like, where they are from, and bizarre facts like the fact they like Tibetan music and strawberry ice cream.The real Falcon, a man in his 60s is in the small studio audience for the show. Robert Coleman, who is also present for the live show recognizes the man and is surprised that he is involved.There were some 75,000 calls into the toll free number the night of the broadcast, but the number was less than expected. Moore, Friedman, and Shandera received a lot of criticism inside the UFO community for the Falcon and Condor interviews, and of course the idea put out that the captured aliens held by the U.S. government liked Tibetan music, and strawberry ice cream.1989Potential Targets or Couriers – John Lear and Las Vegas KLAS-TV reporter George Knapp.New Concepts IntroducedS-4Element 115Back engineering work at Area 51A man claiming to be a physicist named Bob Lazar appears on Las Vegas TV station KLAS. He claims to have worked at Area 51, in a section known as S-4, where he worked on back engineering efforts on 9 recovered flying saucers.Some in the field were led to believe the appearance of Bob Lazar was an effort by intelligence people to hide the testing of a radically new plane called the Aurora. In 1990 an uncovered financial analysis done for Lockheed corporation, showed that the plane was eating up almost a half billion dollars in funding.This concept is a no-brainer, and is symbolic of the problem with the whole disinformation theory related to UFOs.********************************************JACQUES VALLEEInterviewed by JEROME CLARK, FATE MAGAZINE 1978.Dr. Jacques Vallee, a French-American computer specialist with a background in astrophysics, once served as consultant to NASA's Mars Map project. Jacques Vallee is one of ufology's major figures - and also its most original thinker. Vallee, who holds a master's degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University, was an early scientific proponent of the theory that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. His first book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965), argued eloquently that "through UFO activity … the contours of an amazingly complex intelligent life beyond the earth can already be discerned." In Challenge to Science - The UFO Enigma (Regnery, 1966) he and Janine Vallee (who is a psychologist by training, with a master's degree from the University of Paris) urged the scientific community to consider the UFO evidence in this light. But by 1969, when he published Passport to Magonia (Regnery), Vallee's assessment of the UFO phenomenon had undergone a significant shift. Much to the consternation of the "scientific ufologists" who had seen him as one of their champions, Vallee now seemed to be backing away from the extraterrestrial hypotheses and advancing the radical view that UFOs are paranormal in nature and a modern space age manifestation of a phenomenon which assumes different guises in different historical contexts. " When the underlying archetypes are extracted," he wrote, "the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy-faith of Celtic countries … religious miracles… and the widespread belief among all peoples concerning entities whose physical and psychological descriptions place them in the same category as the present-day ufonauts." In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a "control system." UFOs and related phenomena are "the means through which man's concepts are being rearranged." Their ultimate source may be unknowable, at least at this stage of human development; what we do know, according to Vallee, is that they are presenting us with continually recurring "absurd" messages and appearances which defy rational analysis but which nonetheless address human beings on the level of myth and imagination. "When I speak of a control system for planet earth," he says, " I do not want my words to be misunderstood: I do not mean that some higher order of beings has locked us inside the constraints of a space-bound jail, closely monitored by psychic entities we might call angels or demons. I do not propose to redefine God. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual action has no power…." Vallee is also coauthor, with J. Allen Hynek, of The Edge of Reality (Regnery, 1975). A resident of the San Francisco area, he is completing a book which further develops his theories concerning UFO phenomena. We have talked together at some length about his beliefs. The following interview is a report of these conversations: Clark: Since the great autumn 1973 sighting wave public attitudes about the UFO phenomenon seem to have changed dramatically, to the extent that society may be entering a pivotal period in its perception of the problem. What do you think will happen now? Vallee: First, I expect increased government and scientific attention to it. More researchers will be pursuing the physical evidence aspects, conducting much more sophisticated investigations of traces left at landing sites and so on. The people moving into the field now are good physicists and good engineers who know what they are doing and who are convinced it is time for them to get involved. At the same time I expect that public opinion will change also. Initially it probably will move strongly toward the extraterrestrial explanation. Most people see only two ways to look at the problem - either it's all nonsense or we're being visited from outer space. The current spate of movies, books and magazine articles is going to push people toward the extraterrestrial hypothesis. After that I expect a backlash effect may push them in the other direction. I don't know where that's going to leave scientists who want to do research. Clark: You say that scientists are entering ufology in search of physical evidence. But is there physical evidence? And if there is, are they going to find it? What happens if they don't? Vallee: If I were speaking for them I would say, "Jerry, it's premature to ask those questions." One doesn't know the answers until one really looks - and so far nobody has looked very seriously. So far the people who have looked have been military types searching for enemy craft or direct threats to national security. Or they've been superficial investigators, dedicated civilians with good training but limited time and limited resources. But you're asking me what I think. I think there are physical data. They are very, very interesting. They may contain a message. My inclination is to look at the message both in a physical sense and in a symbolic sense, but that's because I'm an information scientist and not a physical scientist. I look for the meaning behind the object. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Recently Paul Cerny investigated a case in northern California in which two older persons saw a UFO take off. Afterwards they saw a sort of ring on the ground. Within the ring they found some molten metal and a pile of sand. Obviously here is physical evidence. Two tangible things - the molten metal, which turned out to be brass, and the sand. I took some of the latter to a geologist friend who knows about sand. He said it was highly unusual because it did not contain quartz and it was not stream sand or beach sand or residue from mining or anything else. It seemed to be artificial sand created from grinding together stones of different origin. Well, to a physicist that may not mean too much. It's an indication of something that turns out to be absurd. We can put it alongside other cases of physical traces and then we may start looking for patterns which might lead us to a better understanding of the modus operandi of whoever's doing all this. In that sense, yes, there is physical evidence. But if you mean physical evidence in the sense that we're going to discover somebody's propulsion system from it, I would have to say I don't expect that to happen. Clark: Can we infer from the existence of physical evidence, then, that there is a physical cause? Vallee: If the UFO phenomenon had no physical cause at all, there would be no way for us to perceive it because human beings are physical entities. So it has to make an impression on our senses somehow. For that to take place, it has to be physical at some time. Clark: So in other words there is such a thing as a solid, three-dimensional flying saucer. Vallee: No, I didn't say that. That may or may not be true. I don't think there is such a thing as the flying saucer phenomenon. I think it has three components and we have to deal with them in different ways. First, there is a physical object. That may be a flying saucer or it may be a projection or it may be something entirely different. All we know about it is that it represents a tremendous quantity of electromagnetic energy in a small volume. I say that based upon the evidence gathered from traces, from electromagnetic and radar detection and from perturbations of the electromagnetic fields such as Dr. Claude Poher, the French space scientist, has recorded. Second, there's the phenomenon the witnesses perceive. What they tell us is that they've seen a flying saucer. Now they may have seen that or they may have seen an image of a flying saucer or they may have hallucinated it under the influence of microwave radiation, or any of a number of things may have happened. The fact is that the witnesses were exposed to an event and as a result they experienced a highly complex alteration of perception which caused them to describe the object or objects that figure in their testimony. Beyond there - the physical phenomenon and the perception phenomenon - we have the third component, the social phenomenon. That's what happens when the reports are submitted to society and enter the cultural arena. That's the part which I find most interesting. Clark: Before we go into that, let's clarify your views on the nature of the physical aspect. When I asked you if there was such a thing as a solid, three-dimensional flying saucer, I was thinking in these terms: Let's suppose that somebody says he has seen a UFO, the bottom part of which was flat and circular. He says he saw the object come down, settle on the soil and then fly off again, leaving a flat circular impression. Doesn't that clearly suggest the presence - at least for the duration of the sighting - of a solid object whose physical structure was more or less as the witness perceived it? Vallee: Not necessarily. We have evidence that the phenomenon has the ability to create a distortion of the sense of reality or to substitute artificial sensations for the real ones. Look at some of the more bizarre close encounter cases - for example the incident from South America in which one man believed he had been abducted by a UFO while his companion thought he had boarded a bus which had suddenly appeared on the road behind then. It is conceivable that there is one phenomenon which is visual and another which creates the physical traces. What I'm saying is that a strange kind of deception may be involved. Clark: In other words the physical traces are placed there as ostensible confirmation of what the senses perceived? Vallee: Yes. It's comparable perhaps to the strategic deception operations of the British during World War II to fool the Germans. They created artificial tank tracks in the desert and in other ways simulated the passage of large armored divisions. They even caused dust storms to perpetuate the illusion, which the Germans found very convincing indeed. In the UFO context that might explain cases such as the one in California I mentioned earlier, in which the "physical evidence" left in the wake of the UFO appearance really seemed to have no clear, unambiguous connection with the perceived "object." Clark: What do you think happens during the "UFO experience?" Vallee: We don't know. There is no question that something happens. It seems as if an external force takes control of people. In the close encounters people may lose their ability to move or to speak; in the abduction cases, which are the most extreme example, they gradually enter into a series of experiences during which they lose control of all their senses. Do they experience what they think they experience? Suppose you, an outside observer, had been there. What would you have seen? Clark: I can think of several cases which might suggest I would have seen the same thing they saw. To cite an example, one of the famous Venezuelan humanoid encounters of late 1954 was independently observed by a doctor some distance from the scene. Vallee: Yes, I'm familiar with that incident and similar ones. But that doesn't alter my point. The doctor may have experienced the object as "real" but we don't know what the nature of that reality is. We know there are objects that contain a lot of energy in a small space. What do we know about what happens to the human brain when it's exposed to a great deal of energy? We know very little about that. We don't know much about the effects of electromagnetic or microwave radiation on the brain, nor about the effects of pulsating colored lights on the brain. The research into that is just beginning. What we do know is that you can make people hallucinate using either lights or microwave or electromagnetic energy. You can also make them pass out; you can cause them to behave strangely, put them into shock, make them hear voices or even kill them. Clark: Is there any way to penetrate to the reality of the experience, for example through hypnotic regression? Vallee: I'm not sure that what we learn under hypnotic regression is useful. Hypnosis is really a delicate technique and some of the people in our field who are using it are doing more harm than good. If the hypnotist doesn't have medical training - and most of these people have no medical training - the results may be disastrous for the witness. But if the hypnotist does have medical training and doesn't have any knowledge of the subject, he may ask the wrong questions. I think that may have happened in the famous case of Betty and Barney Hill. The hypnotist was extremely skilled but was not especially interested in UFOs and didn't know the background of the problem. Clark: What can we do, then? Vallee: I'm not saying that hypnosis has no role to play in UFO investigation, nor that it can't be helpful under certain circumstances when percipients are blocking from their memories something they have seen or experienced. The thing I really want to emphasize is that the investigator's first responsibility is to the witness and not to the UFO phenomenon. The average witness is in shock because he's had a very traumatic experience; what he's seen is going to change his life. Your intervention, the very fact that you're talking with him about it, is also going to have an effect on him. Now he may say to you, "I need help to understand what I saw," but in fact he needs more immediate help as a human being who is deeply troubled by a very disturbing experience. Unfortunately this element has been neglected. The more UFO investigators try to appear "professional," the more they ignore that human aspect - and by extension their own ethical obligations. I want to convince my friends in UFO research that whenever we have a choice between obtaining interesting UFO data and taking chances with the life of a human being, we should forget the UFO data. Another thing to keep in mind is that there are alternatives to the use of hypnosis. These involve putting the percipient into a state of relaxed revery or free association. There are several techniques that are equally as effective as hypnosis in bringing out the hidden details but are must less harmful. Investigators really haven't made use of these yet. Clark: What do you think of the abduction cases? Vallee: Again, I'm interested mainly in their symbolic contents. Let me explain what I mean. We live in a society that is oriented toward technology, so when we see something unusual in the sky we think of it in physical terms. How is it manufactured? What makes it tick? What is its propulsion system? We tend to assume that the physical phenomenon is its most important aspect and that everything else is just a side effect and much less important. But perhaps we're facing something which is basically a social technology. Perhaps the most important effects from the UFO technology are the social ones and not the physical ones. In other words the physical reality may serve only as a kind of triggering device to provide images for the witness to report. These perceptions are manipulated to create certain kinds of social effects. If that's true, then the abduction cases are quite revealing. I am not concerned with how many switches there were on the control panel or whether the percipient felt hot or cold when he was inside the flying saucer. Those questions may be totally irrelevant because maybe that person never actually went inside the object. But the report is extremely important for its symbolic content. It can help us understand what kinds of images are coming through. One might illustrate the difference in this way: An engineer observing a computer would want to look at the back and open up the boxes. He would want to take a probe and examine the different parts of the computer. But there is another way of looking at it; the way of the programmer, who wants to sit in front of the computer and analyze what it does, not how it does it. That's my approach. I want to ask it questions and see what answers I get. I want to interact with it as an information entity. In the case of the abductions I think we're dealing with the information aspect. I came to that conclusion because abduction cases, in close encounter cases in general, what the witness is saying is absurd. Clark: What do you mean? Vallee: I don't mean simply to imply that the account is silly. I mean it has absurdity as a semantic construction. If you're trying to express something which is beyond the comprehension of a subject, you have to do it through statements that appear contradictory or seem absurd. For example, in Zen Buddhism the seeker must deal with such concepts as "the sound of one hand clapping" - an apparently preposterous notion which is designed to break down ordinary ways of thinking. The occurrences of similar "absurd" messages in UFO cases brought me to the idea that maybe we're dealing with a sort of control system that is subtly manipulating human consciousness. Clark: But how do you prove that one is operating in a UFO context? Vallee: I've always been unhappy with the argument between those who believe UFOs are nonsense and those who believe they are extraterrestrial visitors. I don't think I belong in either camp. I've tried to place myself between those two extremes because there's no proof that either proposition is correct. I've come up with the control system concept because it is an idea which can be tested. In that sense it's much closer to a scientific hypotheses than the others. It may turn out that there is a control system which is operated by extraterrestrials. But that's only one possibility. There are different kinds of control systems - open ones and closed ones - and there are tests you can apply to them to find out what kind of control system you're inside. That leads to a number of experiments you can do with the UFO phenomenon, whereas the other interpretations don't lead you to anything. If you're convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrial, then about the only thing you can do is to climb to a hilltop with a flashlight and send a message in Morse code. People have tried that, I know, but it doesn't seem to work very well! The control system concept can be tested by a small group of people - you don't need a large organization or a lot of equipment - and you can start thinking about active intervention in the phenomenon. Clark: But what do you mean? Vallee: I hesitate to be too specific. I'm speaking, as I'm sure you understand, of the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations. It's a pretty tall order. We're assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you change the information that's carried back to that system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback. Clark: How does one go about investigating UFOs, taking into consideration the possible existence of a control system? Vallee: You should work outside any organized UFO group. ***************************The story of artificial telepathy research in the 1980s and 1990s centers on The Aviary and their leader, Col. John B. Alexander."The Aviary" is a collection of strange birds: a group of key scientists, military men and intelligence agents who share an intense interest in UFOs, telepathy, remote viewing, parapsychology, mind control and the creation of psychotronic weapons.They seem to work and flock together, and they are reportedly part of a secretive cell. Its members are codenamed after birds, hence they are called "the Birds" and their cell is called the "Aviary."The strange UFO slant on this group appears to be simple disinformation.Members of The Aviary have reportedly participated in MILABS operations -- black operations by rogue military-intelligence units that stalk, harrass, terrorize, kidnap, drug, gang-rape and mind-rape innocent civilians, using hypnotic mind-control programming to implant a false post-hypnotic "memory" that the episode was an "alien abduction."A well-designed program to torture civilians requires plausible deniability and a built-in means or method to discredit the victims. Certainly people who hear voices or run to the police complaining of an "alien abduction" are instantly discredited. Hence the UFO debate: are alien abductions real, or just some kind of psy-war cover for nefarious deeds by "men in black"?There is still a great deal of uncertainty over who belongs to the Aviary, and what their codenames really are:"The individuals involved expanded to include almost anyone that supports or debunks UFO research that is in any way connected to the government. Michael Persinger has been included, as well as Susan Blackmore for interviewing him. It has degenerated to the point that it's now an inside joke on the newsgroups, with people giving each other codenames like Pigeon and Dodo Bird."The Aviary in Order of Codename:BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.CHICKADEE - Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIACONDOR - Capt. Bob Collins, USAFHAWK - Ernie KellerstrausFALCON - Sgt. Richard "Dick" DotyMORNINGDOVE - UnnamedOWL - Dr Harold Puthoff – Parapsychologist, Ex NSAPARTRIDGE - Jacques Vallee, PhDPELICAN - Ron Pandolphi – Physicist CIAPENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-techRAVEN - Dr Jack Vorona – DIA DoDSEAGULL - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.SPARROW - William Moore, USAFThe Aviary in order of real name:COL. JOHN B. ALEXANDER - PenguinCAPT. BOB COLLINS - CondorSGT. RICHARD "DICK" DOTY - FalconDr. CHRISTOPHER GREEN - BluejayC.B. SCOTT JONES - Falcon or ChickadeeERNIE KELLERSTRAUS - HawkBRUCE MACCABEE - SeagullWILLIAM MOORE - SparrowRON PANDOLFI - PelicanDR. HAL PUTHOFF - OwlJACQUES VALEE - PartridgeJACK VORONA - RavenThe following are short profiles of the reported members of The Aviary.John Alexander (PENGUIN), Ph.D. in Thanatology [Death Sciences], Col. ("Ret."), U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security Agency (NSA). He is a former Green Beret, and completed his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, an expert in "out of body" experiences during near-death trauma.He entered the Army as a private in 1956, and retired as a Colonel in 1988. Commander, Army Special Forces Teams, U.S. Army, Thailand, Vietnam, 1966-69. Chief of Human Resources division, U.S. Army, Ft. McPherson, GA, 1977-79. Inspector General, Department of the Army, Washington, 1980-82. Chief of human technology, Army Intelligence Command, US Army, Arlington, VA 1982-83. Manager of tech integration, Army Materiel Command, US Army, Alexandria, VA, 1983-85. Director, advanced concepts, US Army Lab Command, Adelphi, MD, 1985-88.In December 1980, Colonel Alexander published an article in the US Army's journal, Military Review, "The New Mental Battlefield", stating that telepathy could be used to interfere with the brain's electrical activity. This caught the attention of senior Army generals who encouraged him to pursue what they termed "soft option kill" technologies. After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA.As director of the Non-Lethal (sic) Weapons Department at LANL, Alexander has been reportedly involved in counter-intelligence remote-viewing, psychic-warfare, psychotronic and mind-control projects with military/security applications, while maintaining the cover of nonlethal military/crowd control physical-countermeasures research.Along with INSCOM General Al Stubblebine and INSCOM Major Ed Dames, Dr. Alexander has been serving as a Board Member of PSI-Tech Corporation, involved in proprietary remote-viewing projects for hire.According to the National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS), a Department of Defense funded think tank which explores so-called fringe science and psychology, Dr. John B. Alexander serves as a "Discreet Project Scout."NIDS states: "Dr. Alexander, a staff member of the National Institute of Discovery Science, provides interface with Science Advisory Board Members. He joined NIDS when it was formed in 1995 shortly after retiring (a second time) from the University of California. . . . Dr. Alexander was chairman of the first three major US conferences on non-lethal weapons. His work has brought him international recognition and he has been a US delegate to three NATO studies on advanced weapons. He has written many articles on a wide variety of topics and co-authored The Warrior’s Edge. "Rumor has it that Alexander is head of the Aviary, and that the Aviary is headquartered at Los Alamos.Capt. Robert M. "Bob" Collins (CONDOR), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related intelligence operations; reportedly appeared clandestinely on 1988 Kodak-produced network television (dis-)information program "UFO Cover-Up Live", where Collins, *reportedly* along with "former" CIA contract employee and current UFO-conferences disinformation lecturer, John Lear, presented accounts of alien autopsies, UFO retrievals, and the government's awareness about UFOs and ET presence.Sgt. Richard C. "Dick" Doty (FALCON), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM; and of allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz's electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28, 1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.Dr. Christopher C. "Kit" Green (BLUEJAY), MD, Ph.D., Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors; former custodian of the CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; received the National Intelligence Medal for his work on a classified project during the period of 1979-1983; recently reported to be White House UFO liaison. Dr. Green has admitted that the CIA has compiled over 30,000 files on UFOs, 200 of which are extremely interesting. Green was a key CIA member in examining the UFO problem for several years: a former Scientific Advisor on the Advisory Board to the Directorate of Intelligence, CIA. He apparently has interests that extend into remote viewing, neurophysiology, and other highly interesting areas. Known for his stony silence.Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones (CHICKADEE), Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence and other Agencies; with 30 years’ service in U.S. Intelligence overseas; involved in government research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) and other organizations; former Senate aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal, *and has tried to get Congressional Hearings held on UFOs; President, Human Potential Foundation; and "point-man" for Laurence Rockefeller on UFO matters, currently tasked to contact world leaders concerning upcoming public announcements of UFO/ET reality; recently convened the May, 1995 Washington, D.C. "When Cosmic Cultures Meet International Conference."Ernie Kellerstraus (HAWK), security-cleared for UFO information, worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 1970's, and is reported to have lived with a Star Visitor for a while; reported to have worked with Dale Graff (*HARRIER*?) and Captain Bob Collins (CONDOR), Air Force Intelligence, to supply UFO information to widely-suspected disinformation operative and self-styled ufologist William Moore.Bruce Maccabee (SEAGULL), Ph.D., research scientist in optical physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Lab, MD; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant, and prolific author and consultant expert on selected "leaked" or disinformational UFO cases/topics, such as the Gulf Breeze-Ed Walters alleged UFO photos, the Canadian "Carp UFO" hoaxed "incident", and the documented repeat UFO landings at the hyper-secure Manzano Canyon Facility at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories-Military Reservation.William L. Moore (SPARROW), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; prolific UFO "author"; reportedly publicly admitted at a MUFON Conference to being an Air Force Intelligence operative involved in UFO-related disinformation projects.Ronald Pandolfi (PELICAN), CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology, and current custodian of UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; involved in the White House Initiative, as UFO liaison, to expedite (at Laurence Rockefeller's behest) the release of UFO information to the public; and has been quietly leaking UFO information the past few years.Harold E. "Hal" Puthoff (OWL), physicist with the Institute for Advanced research in Austin, TX who specializes in Zero-Point Energy, a quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential for above- unity ("free") energy; formerly an Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and reported DIA researcher, (along with psi guru and fellow Scientologist Ingo Swann,) into parapsychological, psychotronic, remote-viewing, and mind-control projects, and reportedly involved in classified ET-technology studies.Jacques Vallee (PARTRIDGE), Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment's UFO investigative agency, later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left and denounced the military's Project Blue Book as a disinformational smokescreen; prolific author on UFO subject, lately turning to metaphysical explanations for the phenomenon.Dr. Jack Vorona (RAVEN) one of the initiators of the DIA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry; Appears to be a kingpin in The Aviary. **********************************From: Grant Robert Cameron <gcameron@cc.umanitoba.ca>Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 06:03:22 -0600Fwd Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 09:57:53 -0500Subject: Re: Mass Suicide and AFOSIIn the unending day long coverage of the mass suicide in California, muchwas made of the UFO angle to the story, and of the question of how 39people could actually do such a thing.One comment was made that if 39 people had suddenly died of some strangedisease the government would have spent millions to find a solution,whereas in the case of cults the government has spent nothing.In this particular cult situation, perhaps exactly the opposite hashappened. Perhaps the government did spend money. The question is: Didthey spend money to make it worse?Any Ufologist who was around in the 70s, and who had even a generalknowledge of what was going on in the UFO community were aware of who Boand Peep were. Now we learn that Marshall Applewhite (then known as Bo)is the leader of the group that has suddenly become as famous inCalifornia as O.J.Most Ufologists are also aware that various government departments havefiles on UFOs - sometimes lots of files. Some are aware that departmentssuch as the FBI also have files on Ufologists. One formally prominentCalifornia Ufologist Bill Moore (co-author of the Roswell Incident) in1988 had an FBI file that was 61 pages long, and of which the FBI wouldonly release 6 pages to Mr. Moore. Stanton Friedman, another prominentresearcher, has stated the FBI won't even release his.The FBI has also has files on such unknown UFO personalities as Mrs.Francis Swan and others. The question is " Does the FBI have a file onBo and Peep?" I think it would be a safe bet. What did the FBI do withthat information? Who did they share it with? Did they track the groupup to March 26,1997 when the suicide headline appeared?One of the agencies that the FBI might have shared it's information withis the AFOSI or the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. Morethan any other agency this group seems to have a special interest inthose characters who make up the world of Ufology.Prior to 1969 the AF ran Project Blue Book which was supposed to be thegovernment effort to solve the UFO mystery. In Dec 1969 they shut downthe program stating that there was no evidence that UFOs wereExtraterrestrial, and naturally they didn't pose any threat to NationalSecurity. In 1985 they added that there were never any bodies or crashedflying saucers at WPAFB. End of story. Not quite.It appears from the evidence that the AFOSI still had some interest inthe UFO problem, but the focus seemed to have changed. While Blue Bookwas still operational the Air Force would deal with the evidence, andsend out a press release after every major sighting that the cause was aweather balloon, star, or whatever other natural phenomena popped intotheir heads that day. This ,however, required personnel, money, and anactive imagination to come up with something that won't have thereporters rolling on the floor.The approach after Blue Book was to deal with the messenger of thereport, or more importantly the researcher who was gathering the report.As you will see this worked much better.The AFOSI describes their role on their Internet page as criminalinvestigation and counter-intelligence. There's not much criminal aboutUFO investigation, so it would appear that the interest in UFOs lies inthe area of counter-intelligence.Robert M. Collins, a former Captain with the USAF (AFWL/AWPP) reports ina Usenet article " Disinformation & SA's Lying by the Book 92' " statesthat the Air Force has an office known as AFOSI/PJ - otherwise known asthe Pajama Gang, whose job it is to run counter-intelligence against theUFO community, and in particular those who are attracting attention.This is done according to Collins to protect the classified information.Now what has this to do with the suicides in San Diego? In Collinsarticle he mentions a document that was leaked to Bill Moore in 1983from the AFOSI/PJ office that Moore after some research determined tobe false. Because of Moore's prominent role in the publication of theRoswell Incident in the summer of 1980, he was contacted in Sept 1980 bya high ranking intelligence person connected to AFOSI who promised Moorea look inside the US government Top Secret UFO program.In 1989 at the MUFON conference in Las Vegas Nevada, Bill Moore told astunned audience exactly how he was used by AFOSI, named some of thepeople who had been targeted by AFOSI, and worst, what happened to someof those that were targeted.Of particular interest is Moore's description of what AFOSI did to PaulBennewitz. Bennewitz was a businessman whose building was just outsideof the Kirkland AFB. Bennewitz became involved in a sequence of eventsthat culminated in 1980 with recordings of strange electrical activitiesand films being taken of strange aerial phenomena rising out of theSandia Military reservation. When AFOSI was finished with him he wasconvinced that there was a war between good and bad aliens, aliens werekilling humans, and that the aliens were out to get him. He ended up inthe hospital, a broken man.Moore knows this because Moore played a part in destroying Bennewitz."My role in the affair," said Moore, "was largely that of a freelancerproviding information on Paul's current thinking and activities." Moorewent along with the efforts by AFOSI officer Richard Doty and his bossCol. Hennessey to destroy Bennewitz because as he stated, "I was in arather unique position. There I was with my foot...in the door of asecret counter-intelligence game that gave every indication of beingsomehow directly connected to a high level UFO project..."The AFOSI had played on Bennewitz's weaknesses and destroyed him.Bennewitz had quite a following of people interested in his pictures andtape-recordings. When it was all over Bennewitz and those who researchedhis material were discredited with their AFOSI stories of evil aliensabout to take over the world.In addition to Bennewitz, Moore rattled off a whole list of names ofresearchers who had been targeted by AFOSI, and stated that he was awareof three researchers who were doing the same thing as he was for AFOSI.The AFOSI seemed to be interested in everything that happened in theworld of Ufology, and also seemed to be determined to set each person orgroup on their ear with leaked stories or phoney documents. Theirinterest seemed to be to feed bizarre tales to the fringe element which inturn made all of Ufology like some kind of circus. The question is: Didtheir long list of hits include Bo and Peep, and their group offollowers? There is little chance that they didn't have a file on Bo andBeep who were actively recruiting in the 1970s, and again in the 1990s.Let's compare the beliefs of Marshall Applegate's San Diego cult to thestories that have been, and still are, being put out by un-namedGOVERNMENT sources.Applegate's group had a belief in a war between the aliens. There werethe bad aliens, called the 'Luciferians', and the good aliens thatthey told people they were going to help.As I have stated already Bennewitz was fed this story, but a moredetailed version of the story was told to Emmy Award Winning FilmProducer Linda Moulton Howe on the Kirkland Air Force Base on April9, 1983. AFOSI was, at the time, promising Linda Howe footage of aprearranged landing of a UFO at a US Air Force Base, and all sorts ofother unbelievable things for a movie she was producing for HBO. Thestory was told by AFOSI member Richard Doty while they were in hisboss's office. Howe was told that there has a war between the blondes(who Doty described as the bad guys) and the greys who he described asthe good guys. He went into great detail of how the war started and whowon.Applewhite's group believed that the end of the world was near and thatan alien ship hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet was coming to earth.Applegate's pitch to people was that this was the last chance. They madenumerous references to the Book of Revelations.In 1989 I made a phone call to Bill Steinman who was a very aggressiveUfologist in Los Angeles. Bill was noted for his ability to find peopleand his lack of fear in talking to them. He had 100s of hours of tapeand enormous files. He was famous for receiving the letter from Dr.Robert Sarbacher, formally of the Research and Development Board, inwhich Sarbacher confirmed the Americans had recovered a downed flyingsaucer.I was about to get down to business, when Bill said," Grant. I've quit.I'm destroying all my files. I don't wish to talk about UFOs anymore."I immediately contacted a researcher who had co-authored a book withSteinman and he told me Bill believes the world is about to end. It's tohappen in 2 years. He added that John Lear, another prominent researcherfrom Las Vegas was also quitting. The grey aliens had taken over, andaccording to Lear it was all over except the screaming.After a long search I finally got Steinman's source for this end of theworld tale - 6 un-named government sources. Lear also claimed numerousgovernment contacts, perhaps the same pare that story to one that is prominent at this very moment. Alsokeep in mind that March 24 was the day that Applewhite's followers madethe rounds telling people that they were " leaving."The present day tale is related by Richard Boylan a former clinicalpsychologist. Boylan claims to be in contact with a group of highranking government people "working on various aspects of UFO researchand policy." They are anonymous and usually go by various bird names,and are called the Aviary. Research done by various researchers identifymembers of the group to include Ron Pandolfi (CIA) John Alexander ( LosAlamos National Labs) Cmdr.C.B Scott Jones, PH.D, USN (Ret) former aideto Sen. Claiborne Pell, Dr. Christopher Green MD (CIA). Others haveclaimed to be in contact with the Aviary including former AF Capt. RobertM. Collins who has also published the following story that the Aviary isputting out to researchers.The story is supposedly told by the 'Beltway Throat' on behalf of theothers. Tell me this doesn't sound like it came out of Applewhite'smouth. "...the ETs will return in a formal pre-planned landing on April24, 1997 (Applewhite's date is March 24) in the Southwest USA, probablyon public land probably in the vicinity of White Sands missile range...(many of the Aviary are connected to the military and thus the spin onthe location) there is one 'Horseman of the Apocalypse left to arrive.The other three, War, Famine and Pestilence have unarguably alreadyarrived on earth. The remaining horseman is the 'White Rider Wearing theCrown', which is interpreted to mean the second coming..."Add to this comments by Robert M. Collins from his article (Collinsclaims contact with the Aviary as well) 'Yellow Book Report??'. "It isreported the predicted extraterrestrial landing on Thursday April24, 1997 is a precursor to a 1998 series of cataclysms. Furthermore, the1997 Landing is the last chance for the Powers that Be (humangovernments to allow their populations to know about theextraterrestrial visitation...** Have heard this same story reportedfrom other key sources."The examples could continue, but the point is that in ever case thesource of the story is someone connected to the United StatesGovernment.The media, in its chase for this story, must take a serious look at whatthe various government agencies knew about this group, and whether ornot they had any contact. History has shown that AFOSI has been involvedwith every major Ufologist in the last 25 years, and has shown a greatdesire to put a spin on every story.As for the field of Ufology. We must not accept information fromgovernment sources. When will we learn that lesson? Most researchersconsider UFOs to be the most highly classified secret in the country.How can they in the same breath believe that some government agent isgoing to violate his security clearance to tell them the 'UltimateSecret'?Hopefully the government didn't try to manipulate this cult. Pastevents, however, indicate that we better check the possibility closely.\Bill Cooper - I've read your recent interview (in the MUFON Journal) where you say you don't believe in MJ-12, so it made me wonder why you wanted this meeting.Jacques Vallee - THE INTERVIEW WAS DONE BEFORE I MET JOHN LEAR, BUT I WILL GRANT YOU THAT MY POSITION HASN'T CHANGED THAT MUCH. I BELIEVE THERE IS A UFO PHENOMENON WHICH IS PHYSICAL IN THE USUAL SENSE, BUT IT CAN MANIPULATE SPACE AND TIME IN WAYS I CERTAINLY DON'T UNDERSTAND; PERHAPS THERE ARE PEOPLE AROUND WHO UNDERSTAND IT.They do, but go on...I FURTHER BELIEVE, AS DO YOU, THAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE BEEN STUDYING IT FOR YEARS. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT MJ-12 IS REAL. THERE IS A HALL OF MIRRORS ONE ENTERS AS SOON AS THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY IS INVOLVED, AND WE'RE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. THEN I TALKED TO LINDA HOE AND FRED BECKMAN, BOTH OF WHOM RECOMMENDED THAT I LISTEN TO JOHN LEAR, WHO IS AN IMPRESSIVE FELLOW, AND HE SAID I SHOULD TALK TO YOU, AND HERE I AM. I became involved in the UFO question as a Naval Intelligence Man. In the period of 1971-72 I was ordered to brief several high-level officers about the contents of certain documents that were given to me. Those briefings had to do with the fact that a number of UFOs have been captured by the military and that their occupants have been working along with our scientists. We have entered into a treaty with them.YOU ARE GOING A LITTLE TOO FAST FOR ME. FIRST OF ALL, WHAT WAS YOUR POSITION IN THE NAVY? I was under Admiral Clarey, as a member of the Intelligence briefing team.WERE THE DOCUMENTS CLASSIFIED, AND AT WHAT LEVEL? They were classified Top Secret/S.I.WAS THERE A CODE WORD ATTACHED TO THEM? MAJIC, with a "J", was the code word. I am sure they changed it now.HOW LONG WAS THE BRIEFING, AND WHERE WAS IT GIVEN? There were several briefings, all of which took place at the Headquarters for Pacific Operations on the island of Hawaii. The building overlooks Pearl Harbor. The first briefing was a two-and-a-half-hour general overview, then there were periodic updates as new information came to light.WHY WERE THESE OFFICERS BEING BRIEFED? Because in their operational capacity, they had and immediate need to know. One, they might be required to recover some crashed disks in the future. Two, the UFOs might be misconstrued as offensive Soviet devices and fired upon, so they had to be aware of their existence.WERE THERE INSTANCES WHEN THE UFOS POSED A REAL THREAT? During the Vietnam War a UFO shot down a B-52. There were also cases when our troops were attacked by things they first thought were helicopters. There was some speculation at the time that the Russians must have entered the war on the North Vietnamese side, so it became a pretty serious matter.DID THE NAVY EVER PICK UP A DISK AFTER THAT? There was an incident in which I was an actual witness, involving the recovery of a craft that was later listed as a Soviet sub. I was in the command center when it happened, and I can assure you it was real.HAVE YOU YOURSELF EVER SEEN AN ALIEN? No.HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN PART OF A CRASHED DISK? No, but I know two different men who were assigned to guard crashed disks and who have spoken to me.HAVE YOU EVER SEEN UFOS YOURSELF? Once, in the late summer of 1966, I was on watch on board a submarine, the USS Tiru, SS-416, on the way to Seattle, and three of us saw a disk as large as an aircraft carrier rising out of the sea two and a half miles away on the port side. It rose and was lost in the clouds, then it came back down again.DID IT DISTURB THE OCEAN? Not really, the water would glide around it, as if it was drawn by a force field.WERE THERE BRIEFINGS GIVEN TO HIGH-ECHELON OFFICERS BEFORE 1971? There must have been, given the information in the documents. The text stated that the first secret project was established at Eisenhower's orders in 1953. Ike asked Rockefeller to help him in setting up an organization that could conduct a study without government agencies or Congress being aware of the situation. Rockefeller established it under the "Jasons", an elite intellectual group. The task force was composed of twelve men, including Kissinger, Dulles, Brzezinski, George Bush, and eight others, who became known as the the MJ-12 under operation Majority.WHERE DID THEY MEET? At a place called the Country Club. This way they could mention it openly without anyone knowing what they were talking about. It was a piece of land in Maryland which Rockefeller had set aside for the Jasons. It was only accessible through the air.AND THE INFORMATION THAT WAS KEPT SECRET HAD TO DO WITH UFOS SPECIFICALLY? With UFOs and with the Aliens. There are four types of aliens. There are two kinds of "Grays", including one race, not commonly seen, that has a large nose. Then there are the "Nordic" types, tall blonde Aryans, and finally the "Orange" ones.WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? I remember seeing several points of origin mentioned: Orion, the Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Barnard's star and Zeta Reticuli.YOU MENTIONED WE HAD A TREATY WITH THEM?Since 1964.WHY WOULD THEY GO TO THE TROUBLE OF ENTERING INTO A TREATY WITH US, SINCE THEIR TECHNOLOGY IS FAR AHEAD OF OURS? JOHN LEAR MENTIONED A BILLION YEARS. They needed the government to keep their presence secret. Remember, we had one of the Aliens in our custody. Our radar affected their navigation system and threw their craft off- balance.HOW ARE THEIR SHIPS POWERED? With a small nuclear reactor the size of a football. They use a space-time fold. I'm not a physicist, so I don't understand that. Apparently they have the ability to cloak themselves, to go invisible.WHAT KIND OF METAL DO THEY USE? In the early days it was pure magnesium. We couldn't duplicate it at the time, but now we could duplicate it in space, that's why there is so much interest in growing crystals in orbit. They use alloys that we can create on Earth but not with the same pliable structure. Do you know any of the astronauts? Ask any of the Apollo astronauts about the moon. What they saw there. There is an Alien base on the dark side of the moon.WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ALIEN THAT WAS CAPTURED? He died in 1952 after being ill for one year. The government tried to save him. They broadcast messages into space, asking that his people come and help. The result of that was the Holloman landing, on April 25, 1964, when another Alien came to work with our scientists. He gave us lots of information. The Aliens were desperate to have their presence on Earth kept secret. We agreed to that, in exchange for their technology. The Aliens were given permission to conduct abductions.WHERE ARE THE ALIENS NOW? At Area-51. Everybody thinks it is under control of the Air Force, because it's at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. But in reality Area-51 is under the Navy. The Navy has operational control of field activities on this project. That also includes Area-2, which was originally built as an underground storage area for the Atomic Energy Commission. ABOUT GROOM LAKE? Groom Lake is at Nellis, same thing. There is an Alien Technical Group at Nellis, and there is another one near Dulce, New Mexico, on an Indian reservation. HOW DO WE KNOW THAT'S TRUE? That's what the documents stated. It turns out there is a large magnetic anomaly where the base is. Perhaps ground-penetrating radar would show what's inside, allegedly it is all honeycombed with tunnels. The document explains how to get in, where the doors are. IS IT GUARDED? No, it's not guarded. That would only attract attention, they would have to explain what it is. But once you go in, you never come out. I can take you there if you want. WHAT WAS THE OTHER DOCUMENT? It was an outline on Operation Majority, which also covered Blue Book. HOW LONG DO THE ALIENS LIVE? They told us they lived four hundred and fifty years. The live Alien who was left on Earth after Holloman was named Krill. He gave lots of information, scientific data, some of which was published in the open scientific literature under the name O. H. Krill, after being sanitized. Very advanced stuff. Krill is still alive. Their biology is well-understood. They are air-breathing creatures like us, although the heart is connected to their lungs as a single organ. Their digestive system is atrophied. They are chlorophyll-based, plant-like, if you will. They absorb nourishment through the skin, and they excrete through the skin too. WHAT ABOUT THEIR BRAINS? They have two brains, separated by a bone partition, but going into the same spinal cord. DO YOU KNOW ANY DOCTOR WHO MIGHT HAVE ATTENDED THE ALIENS OR DONE AN AUTOPSY? Look up the name Dr. Guillermo Mendoza. He nursed the one Alien who died. He was a biologist, not an M.D. By the way, they did feed the Alien ice cream, which he could eat in small quantities through a membrane in his mouth, and he did like strawberry. And he was partial to Tibetan music. That part of the Seligman "Cover-Up" documentary was true. HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE? Among themselves, they communicate telepathically. They use a translation device with us. When they first came, they contacted our scientists in binary code. You know, I'm not a religious man. But if you look at the Bible, the Angels could be the Nordic types and the Grays could well be the demonic ones. After all, the Bible talks about a pact with the Devil in the last days, after Israel is reinstated. Leading to Armageddon. "This is the last chance to evacuate Earth." ................

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