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Words Within Words - Words Their Way Sorts (Yellow)Sort 7: Short a Versus Long a in CVCeShort a (cat)Long a (cake)OddballLast, glass, fast, snap, sack, ask, grass, hand, mad, batMake, face, same, gate, name, page, rake, came, whale, madewhatSort 8: Short I Versus Long I in CVCeShort I (pig)Long I (Kite)OddballSwim, rich, stick, thin, flip, gift, clip, spill, kick, dishFive, drive, mice, dice, hike, nice, while, knife, nine, prizegiveSort 9: Short o versus long o in CVCeShort o (sock)Long o (bone)OddballRock, job, hot, spot, pot, chop, clockHome, stove, hose, cone, hope, those, joke, nose, broke, woke, hole, ropeCome, someSort 10: Short U Versus Long U in CVCeShort u (cup)Long u (tube)OddballJust, drum, bus, hunt, jump, shut, club, cut, such, plusUse, huge, June, cube, rude, flute, mule, cute, tune, tubeputSort 11: Short versus long reviewCVC shortCVCe LongOddballWhich, wax, skin, crab, lots, gum, drip, cropThese, mule, rule, note, safe, wife, cape, tide, vote, wipe, raceDone, haveSort 12: Final /K/ Sound Spelled –CK, -KE, or –K-ck-ke-kKick, sick, lock, duck, pack, lick, sock, truckTake, bike, shake, spoke, duke, strike, smoke, likeTook, shook, cook, look, bookSort 13: Short a and Long A (CVCe and CVVC)CVCCVCeCVVCOddballsBlack, rash, flash, campSpace, frame, place, blame, tale, maneRain, brain, paint, train, tail, main, chain, faintSaid, wantSort 14: Short o and Long o (CVCe and CVVC)CVCCVCeCVVCBox, knock, stop, dropRode, stone, chose, slope, wholeRoad, float, boat, goat, soap, foam, load, goal, toad, coat,Love, oneSort 15: Short u and Long u (CVCe and CVVC)CVCCVCeCVVCCVVCCrust, bump, skunk, trustCube, dude, pruneFood, bloom, smooth, broom, mood, moon, spoon, toothFruit, suit, juiceBuild, fromSort 16: Short e and Long e (CVVC)CVCCVVC –eeCVVC –eaNext, web, less, setSeem, keep, green, sleep, sweep, teeth, feet, weekEat, heat, team, speak, clean, weak, leaf, teachbeenSort 17: “The Devil Sort” Short e (CVC and CVVC) and Long e (CVVC)Short –e (CVC)Short –e (CVVC)Long –e (CVVC –ee)Long –e (CVVC –ea)When, sledDead, head, bread, breath, death, leadTrees, street, queen, sweetEach, reach, seat, dream, lead, steam, beach, eastgreatSort 18: Review for CVVC Pattern (AI, OA, EE, EA)Wait, trail, sail, railThread, read, deaf, meant, dreadNeed, sheep, wheel, three, sheets, cheekBeast, lead, neat, pea, cream, readToast, coast, moan, throatSort 19: Short A and Long A (CVCe, CVVC –AI, and Open Syllable –AY)CVCCVCeCVVC –aiCVV –ayOddballGlass, stand, pastTrade, brave, slave, shape, tasteNail, grain, aid, raise, gainDay, stay, play, clay, tray, may, gray, pray, saytheySort 20: Short o and Long o (CVCe, CVVC –oa, and open syllable –ow)CVCCVCeCVVC –oaCVV –owLong, stockFroze, globe, wrote, closeCoal, coach, roast, oat, loaf, roamShow, blow, slow, grow, flow, throw, row, snow, mow, knowwhoseSort 21: Short U and Long U (Open Syllable –ew and –ue)CVCCVV –ewCVV –ueThumb, plump, brush, stuck, junk, trunkNew, grew, chew, few, flew, knew, stew, blew, dew, crewBlue, flue, due, glue, trueTruth, do, sewSort 22: Short I and Long I (CVCe, CVCC –igh, and CV open syllable –y)CVCCVCeCVCC –ighCV –yQuick, quitWhite, twice, quite, fine, writeMight, high, night, bright, fight, flight, sight, sigh, rightWhy, cry, sky, fly, try, shyliveSort 23: Short I and Long I (VCC) with Short O and Long O (VCC)VCC –iVCC –iVCC –oVCC –oOddballFilm, fist, windFind, wild, child, kind, mind, blind, windLost, moth, soft, costMost, told, cold, both, roll, scold, gold, post, ghostFriendSort 24: Review of Long Vowel PatternsCVCCCVVCCVCeCV and CVVSold, bold, grind, bind, lightBleed, steep, sneak, school, jail, soak, pool, feastWave, tone, slide, sceneGlow, clue, dry, crow, drew, waySort 25: AR, ARE, and AIRArAreAirOddballPart, start, harm, sharp, darkCare, pare, stare, bare, fare, hare, squareHair, stair, fair, pair, chairPair, wear, bear, where, heartSort 26: ER, EAR, EERErEarEerEar=urOddballHer, perch, herd, fern, germ, clerk, termHear, fear, spear, clear, near, dear, yearDeer, steer, cheer, peerHeard, earth, learnThere, herePear, wear, bearHear, fear, spear, clear, near, dear, yearEarth, heard, learnheartSort 27: IR, IRE, IERIrIreIerOddballGirl, first, dirt, third, bird, birth, shirt, fir, whirl, swirl, thirst, chirp, skirt, twirlFire, wire, tire, hireDrier, pliers, flier, crierFur, theirSort 28: OR, ORE, OAR, W+OROrOreOarW +orOddballForm, fork, horn, north, corn, stormMore, store, shore, tore, wore, soreBoard, roar, oar, soarWork, word, world, wormFour, floor, doorSort 29: UR, URE, UR-ETurnSureBurn, hurt, curl, church, hurl, burst, churn, curb, surf, purr, were, curve, nurse, purse, curse, blurt, urgePure, lure, cureFollow this with a pattern sort which will look like this:UrUreUr_eOddballTurn, burn, hurt, curl, church, hurl, burst, churn, surf, purr, curb, blurtSure, lure, pure, cureCurve, nurse, purse, curse, urgewereSort 30: Review of AR, SCHWA-Plus R, and ORArSchwa +rOrJar, hard, yarn, marchEarn, search, pearl, worth, worst, spur, sir, lurkThorn, worn, hoarse, horse, core, chore, boar, bore, score, snore, warm, warnW + or = urW + or = orW + ar = orW +ear = airWork, word, worm, world, worth, worseWore, worn, sworeWar, warn, warm, swarm, wart, warp, dwarfWear, swearSort 31: Long O, oi, oyOOiOyWhole, bowl, stole, loan, cloak, chokePoint, join, soil, spoil, coil, foil, moist, joint, boil, coin, broil, oilBoy, soy, joy, toyNoise, choice, voiceSort 32: oo, ooOoOoOddballSoon, cool, fool, noon, groom, root, tool, troop, hoop, stool, proof, roostGood, brook, crook, wood, hood, stood, hook, soot, woolCould, would, should, routeSort 33: AW, AU, OAwAuOOddballSaw, paws, straw, lawn, claw, draw, law, hawk, crawl, dawn, shawlCause, caught, fault, pause, sauce, taught, haul, haunt, vaultCross, cloth, frost, songlaughSort 34: WA, AL, and OUWaAlOuWatch, warsh, wand, wasp, swap, swatSmall, almost, also, walk, stall, salt, calm, talk, stalk, bald, chalkThought, bought, brought, fought, ought, coughthoughSort 35: OU, OWOuOwOddballOut, cloud, round, ground, found, shout, count, mouth, south, couch, scoutHow, down, growl, clown, owl, brown, drown, frown, gown, plow, townTough, rough, throughSort 36: Silent Beginning Consonant Kn, Wr, GnKnWrGnOddballKnife, knack, known, knot, knob, knit, knight, knee, kneel, knelt, kneadWrite, wrap, wreck, wrist, wreath, wrong, wren, wringGnat, gnaw, gnomeRap, ringSort 37: Triple R-Blends SCR, STR, SPRScrStrSprScreen, scram, scrape, scratch, scrap, screamStrong, straight, strange, stretch, strict, string, stripe, struck, strength, stress, strap, streamSpring, spray, sprout, spread, sprainSort 38: Consonant Digraphs-Plus-R Blends and SQU (thr, shr, squ)ThrShrSquThree, thrill, throw, throne, thrown, threw, through, threatShred, shrink, shrank, shrunk, shriek, shrimp, shrupSquare, squawk, squint, squish, squash, squeeze, squirt, squeak, squirmSort 39: Hard and Soft C and GHard cSoft cHard gSoft gCard, code, cart, cub, calfCity, center, circle, cell, cease, centGave, golf, guess, guest, guide, guilt, gooseGiant, gem, gym, germ, gistHardSoftCard, cart, calf, gave, code, golf, goose, cub, guess, guest, guide, guiltCity, gym, gist, giant, cease, cell, cent, gem, germSort 40: Final E: -ce, -ve, -se, -ze-ce-ve-se-zeOddballs by sound of endingChance, prince, dance, fence, piece, peace, bounce, glanceMove, leave, twelve, glove, solve, prove, shovePlease, tease, choose, cheese, loose, houseFreeze, seize, snoozeLoose, houseSort 41: DGE, GEDgeGeR, l, or n + geEdge, badge, ridge, fudge, judge, lodge, bridge, ledge, dodge, hedge, pledgeAge, stage, rage, cage, hugeLarge, charge, sponge, bulge, range, change, surge, plungeSort 42: tch, chTchChR, l, n + chOddballCatch, witch, pitch, sketch, fetch, match, hutch, switchReach, roach, screech, coach, beach, speechLunch, torch, gulch, bench, branch, crunch, porchWhich, rich, muchSort 43: High-Frequency Words Starting with A- and Be-a-Be-Away, ago, again, ahead, around, about, alive, along, above, across, afraid, asleepBefore, because, begin, belong, between, behind, beyond, become, beside, believe, below, beganSort 44: ContractionsNotIsHaveWillCouldn’t, wouldn’t, aren’t, weren’t, don’t, doesn’t, hasn’tWho’s, there’s, here’s, where’s, what’sCould’ve, would’ve, should’ve, might’veThey’ll, that’ll, this’ll, who’ll, she’ll, he’ll, you’llSort 45: Plural Endings S and ES+s+esEyes, plants, pieces, places, pages, girls, months, houses, badgesInches, stitches, boxes, taxes, bushes, dishes, wishes, classes, glasses, dresses, lunches, flashes, coaches, speeches, bosses, richesShChSsXBushes, dishes, wishes, flashesInches, stitches, lunches, coaches, speeches, richesClasses, glasses, bosses, dressesBoxes, taxesSort 46: Three Sounds of the Past Tense ED/d//id//t/Prayed, rained, snowed, screamed, turned, mailed, cleaned, yelledWaited, loaded, needed, melted, started, twisted, handed, dustedPicked, jumped, walked, bumped, missed, passed, dressed, askedSort 47 and 48: Long –A HomophonesA_eAiEaAyEiOddballMane, pale, made, male, ale, pane, plane, waste, sale, hare, maze, daze, ate, wade, vane, stake, brake, bare, pareMain, pail, maid, mail, ail, pain, plain, waist, sail, hair, maize, wait, vain, rain, pairSteak, break, bear, pearDays, way, slayEight, weigh, weighed, weight, sleigh, vein, rein, reignThere, their, they’reSort 49: Long E HomophonesEeEaOddballSees, seen, sweet, beet, meet, feet, flee, steel, cheep, heel, need, creek, deerSeas, beat, meat, feat, flea, steal, cheap, heal, knead, creak, dearSeize, scene, suiteSort 50: Long I and Long O HomophonesI-eIghYOao-eOwOddballDie, write, time, side, site, aisleRight, sighed, sight, night, knightDye, thyme, by, buy, byeLoan, rose, groan, boardLone, close, boredRows, grownClothes, I’ll ................

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