Editable Schemes of Work - Business Studies
Scheme of work
Following the announcement that from September 2012 (for two-year courses) GCSE specifications will move to linear assessment, this scheme of work has been adapted to help you implement the Edexcel GCSE Business Short Course or Full Course specification in a linear way. It can be used to deliver the teaching models presented in the Course Planner, but is not intended to be prescriptive and is provided in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.
Other course planning support
In addition to this revised Scheme of Work, we have also produced an updated course planner that offers examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at:
Teaching resource exemplars
The Schemes of Work contain suggestions for resources that you can use to support your teaching of this specification. These are suggestions only of material you may find useful and you are encouraged to use a wide range of resources that suit the needs of your students.
Edexcel Subject Advisor – Colin Leith
Colin Leith, the Economics and Business Subject Advisor, is available to help you with implementation of this specification.
You can contact him by e-mail at BusinessSubjectAdvisor@edexcelexperts.co.uk or by phone on 0844 372 2187.
Edexcel Additional Support
• Ask the Expert puts you in direct e-mail contact with Edexcel examiners. You can access this service via ask
• Edexcel's community pages are designed to enable you to access peer-to-peer support from fellow Edexcel teaching and delivery staff in schools and colleges. Visit:
Other Edexcel teaching resources
Pearson produces a range of paid-for Edexcel resources for this specification, including:
• Student books — full colour textbooks for each unit of the specification.
• Teacher guides – suggested answers and mark schemes for questions in the student books.
• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on an easy-to-use CD ROM.
• Exam Skills Practice workbooks — two separate write-in workbooks with activities designed to support C/D borderline students and to stretch your higher achievers.
You’ll find details of all of these at business.
Paid-for resources, including those endorsed by Edexcel, are also available from other publishers, including Hodder Education.
Edexcel’s paid-for resources, as well as those endorsed by Edexcel, are not a pre-requisite for the delivery of Edexcel’s specifications.
Year 10
Unit 1: Introduction to Small Business; Unit 2: Investigating Small Business
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|1 |Topic 1.1 Spotting a business|To be able to state what a |Students debate and discuss issues involved in spotting a business opportunity. |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |opportunity/ What is a |business does. |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |to Small Business, Chapter 1. |
| |business? | |Introduction to Small Business on a business giving motorcycle lessons — explaining |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |the nature of business, its resources, its customers, and evaluating why it might be|See ‘Introduction to Business Activity’ at |
| | | |successful. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/ |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|lesson/intro1.htm |
| | | |to help understand important terms in business, such as ‘market’ and ‘supplier’. | |
| | | |Students use different resources including the internet to look at what businesses | |
| | | |do. For example, they discuss what different businesses produce using photographs. | |
|2 |Understanding customer needs.|To be able to state why |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |customer needs are central to a|Introduction to Small Business on a cake-making business, explaining how the |to Small Business, Chapter 2. |
| | |business. |business used market research and evaluating whether this was successful. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For market research figures, see Business Case Studies for GCSE|
| | | |to identify different types of market research using images. |Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007) — Case Study 14,|
| | | |Students investigate market research figures produced by a business and explain what|Market Research. |
| | | |they show. |For customer needs, see resources from Edexcel eBus (GCSE |
| | | |Students discuss customer needs using case studies. |Business Studies Email Support Service): Sept 2006 — Heelys; |
| | | | |Feb 2007 — Look investigation, and March 2007 — Reggae lesson |
| | | | |starter. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|3 |Analysing customers. |To be able to identify |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |customers. |Introduction to Small Business on a hairstylist to explain how a business can use |to Small Business, Chapter 3. |
| | |To understand the types of |market mapping to identify target customers and a potential gap in the market, and |For brands and market mapping, see Business Active, Volume 3 |
| | |customers that are being |to evaluate whether this will help the business to be successful. |Number 2, Spring 2008, ‘What’s the use of branding?’, market |
| | |targeted. |Students choose different brands within a product range and construct a market map |mapping task. |
| | |To understand the position of a|related to price and quality. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |business in order to spot a gap|Students analyse the position of different businesses on a market map, using Edexcel|For knowing your customers, see |
| | |in the market. |GCSE Business ActiveTeach. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/competition/ |
| | | |Students use a series of resources looking at customers and market segments. For |lesson/customers1.htm |
| | | |example, they look at the Yellow Pages or Thomson Local Directory to identify 20 | |
| | | |different businesses and write down what type of customers these businesses might | |
| | | |have. They match market segments with types of business, using photographs and | |
| | | |examples. | |
|4 |Analysing competitors. |To be able to recognise the |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |importance of competitors in |Introduction to Small Business on a gym to identify and evaluate its strengths and |to Small Business, Chapter 4. |
| | |business planning. |weaknesses. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To be able to state at least |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For branding, see Business Active, Volume 3 Number 2, Spring |
| | |three potential strengths and |to explain the strengths and weaknesses of a taxi service compared to its |2008, ‘What’s the use of branding?’, pp 10–12. |
| | |three weaknesses of competitors|competitors. | |
| | |that might affect business |Students examine how strong brands can benefit competitors. | |
| | |planning. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|5 |Adding value. |To understand the meaning of |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |the term ‘added value’. |Introduction to Small Business on a garage to identify how a business adds value, |to Small Business, Chapter 5. |
| | |To be able to recognise added |whether it has a USP, and evaluate whether that USP will make the business |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |value in three examples of |successful. | |
| | |products. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach| |
| | | |to evaluate which businesses add most value from alternatives. | |
| | | |In groups, students take three products, break them down into their component parts,| |
| | | |and describe which raw materials were used and what other costs would have been | |
| | | |incurred in their production. They discuss why consumers are prepared to pay the | |
| | | |price for the product, and the main ways that the business adds value. | |
|6 |The options available in |To recognise that there are |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |starting up a business. |different options available in |Introduction to Small Business on franchising to calculate the costs, examine the |to Small Business, Chapter 6. |
| | |starting up a business. |factors affecting the choice of franchise, and evaluate which franchise a business |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To understand the main |should choose from two alternatives. |For advantages and disadvantages of franchising, see Business |
| | |principles of a franchise. |Students research existing franchises to compare their advantages and disadvantages |Active, Volume 1 Number 3, Jan 2006, ‘Is franchising a good |
| | |To be able to state at least |for the franchisee and franchisor. |idea?’, pp 14–16. |
| | |two advantages and two |Students discuss the Toni & Guy franchise from video material in Edexcel GCSE |For Rosemary Conley, see Business Case Studies for GCSE |
| | |disadvantages of a franchise. |Business ActiveTeach. |Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007) — Case Study 10,|
| | |To recognise the importance of |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|Rosemary Conley. |
| | |location in setting up a |to understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of franchising. |For Domino’s Pizza, see Business Active, Volume 2 Number 1, |
| | |business. |Students examine the factors affecting a franchisee, such as Rosemary Conley or |Sept 2006, ‘Delivering pizza’. |
| | | |Domino’s Pizza. |For starting up in business via a franchise, see BBC GCSE |
| | | |Students examine the factors affecting choice of a franchise from a variety of |Business Studies Bitesize Revision: Different Types of |
| | | |articles relating to starting up in business via a franchise. |Business; Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | | |Service): Jan 2007 — Franchising; and |
| | | | |startups.co.uk/6678842909145602420/start-a-franchise.html |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|7-8 |Topic 1.2 Showing |To be able to state at least |Students look at case studies in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |enterprise/What is |four features of being |Introduction to Small Business on horse-riding stables, a machine-repair business and |to Small Business, Chapters 7, 12 and 14. |
| |enterprise? |enterprising. |gift-wrapping services, to understand the skills required by entrepreneurs and evaluate |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To understand the difference |to what extent entrepreneurs will be successful. |For starting a business, see ‘What is Enterprise?’ at |
| | |between a good and a service. |Students take part in interactive activities from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach to |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/ |
| | |To understand how mind maps can|analyse the factors that make successful entrepreneurs, whether products are goods or |lesson/enterprise1.htm |
| | |be used by entrepreneurs to |services, and the features of mind maps. |For lateral thinking and creativity, see Edexcel eBus (GCSE |
| | |spot opportunities. |Students take part in a series of activities involving starting a business. For example, |Business Studies Email Support Service): Oct 2006 — Thinking. |
| | | |they make a list of the reasons why they think a person might want to start up a |For factors affecting business start-ups, see Business Active, |
| | | |business, ranking the reasons in order of priority. They design a poster advertising the |Volume 1 Number 1, Sept 2005, ‘Innovation and enterprise’, pp |
| | | |benefits of starting up a new business, taking into account the fact that it needs to |14–16; and Startups — Entrepreneur Skills at |
| | | |attract attention and include information about starting a business. |startups.co.uk/6678842907515998169/entrepreneur-skills.html|
| | | |Students take part in an enterprise task to encourage lateral thinking and creativity, | |
| | | |based on a scenario where they are stranded on a desert island with few resources. |See the ‘Entrepreneurship Masterclass’ run by Young Enterprise,|
| | | |Students read business articles and discuss the factors affecting business start-ups. |young-.uk |
| | | |Students take part in the Young Enterprise programme. | |
|9 |Being creative and |To understand the role of |Students look at case studies in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |enterprising. |creative thinking in business |Introduction to Small Business on businesses making greeting cards and wedding albums. |to Small Business, Chapters 8 and 9. |
| | |enterprise. |They identify lateral and ‘blue skies’ thinking, and questions that entrepreneurs might |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To be able to identify key |ask. They evaluate the importance of these questions. |For the circus activity, see Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business |
| | |questions that entrepreneurs |Students take part in interactive activities from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach on |Studies Email Support Service): Sept 2006 — Deliberate |
| | |ask. |‘thinking hats’ and questions that entrepreneurs ask. |creativity. |
| | | |Students take part in a ‘thinking hats’ activity from Edexcel eBus based on a circus that|For the business problem activity, see Edexcel eBus: Sept 2006 |
| | | |has to think creatively to solve a problem when a storm wrecks the circus tent. |— Penbrella: A business problem. |
| | | |Students take part in an activity from Edexcel eBus to help them think creatively about a|For short exercises in creative thinking, see Edexcel eBus: Nov|
| | | |business problem. |2006 — Unlock your creativity. |
| | | |Students take part in short exercises from Edexcel eBus based on different scenarios | |
| | | |designed to encourage creative thinking. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|10 |Invention and innovation. |To be able to state clearly the|Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |difference invention and |Introduction to Small Business on identifying innovation and invention, examining |to Small Business, Chapter 10. |
| | |innovation. |the benefits of patents, and evaluating continued innovation. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To understand the steps that an|Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For protecting inventions see ‘How to protect your invention’, |
| | |entrepreneur can take to |explaining the difference between invention and innovation. | |
| | |protect ideas and products. |Students investigate ways to protect inventions. |For Bratz dolls and copyright see |
| | | |Students discuss a summary of a copyright dispute between Mattel and the makers of |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/chron.pl?id=3245 |
| | | |Bratz dolls over who owns the copyright for the design of the doll. |For legal issues connected with start-ups, see |
| | | |Students research and debate the issues relating to invention and innovation, |startups.co.uk/6678842910853900731/legal-issues.html |
| | | |including copyright, patents and trademarks. | |
|11 |Calculated risk. |To recognise that business |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |involves degrees of risk. |Introduction to Small Business on an engineering business, identifying upsides and |to Small Business, Chapter 11. |
| | |To appreciate that business can|downsides and evaluating success using calculated risk. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |also bring rewards. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For measuring success, see ‘Business Success and Failure 1’ at |
| | |To understand how to balance |identifying upsides and downsides of a decision. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/ |
| | |out the risk–reward ratio. |Students research how businesses can measure success. |lesson/success1.htm |
| | | |Students research what business failure means, and the causes of business failure. |For business failure see ‘Business Success and Failure 2’ at |
| | | |Students look at a short case study from Edexcel eBus on a business start-up and |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/ |
| | | |discuss some of the issues that need to be considered. |lesson/success2.htm |
| | | | |For a start-up case study see Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business |
| | | | |Studies Email Support Service): May 2007 — Bernie’s start-up. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|12 |Topic 1.3 Putting a business|To be able to state at least |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |idea into practice/Business |three financial and three |Introduction to Small Business on two chemists, identifying financial and |to Small Business, Chapter 13. |
| |objectives. |non-financial objectives for |non-financial objectives and comparing the objectives of the two businesses. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |starting up a business. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For a business objectives mind map see |
| | | |classifying types of objectives. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/ |
| | | |Students create a mind map showing the overall issues relating to business |strategy/presentation/busobjectives2_map.htm |
| | | |objectives. |For case studies on business objectives, see BBC GCSE Business |
| | | |Students examine business objectives using case studies. |Studies Bitesize Revision: Business Objectives — pp 20–21; and |
| | | | |Business Case Studies for GCSE Business Studies by M. Hancock |
| | | | |(Pearson, 2007) — Case Study 8, Fitness Friends. |
|13-15 |Costs and revenues. |To be able to state a |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |definition of revenue, fixed |Introduction to Small Business on a pet cleaning service, involving the calculation |to Small Business, Chapter 15. |
| | |costs, variable costs, price, |of costs, revenues and profit. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |total cost and profit. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For the Chinese takeaway case study, see Edexcel eBus (GCSE |
| | |To state two ways in which a |using spreadsheets to calculate revenue and costs. They discuss how fixed and |Business Studies Email Support Service): 2005 — The Ho-li |
| | |new business might forecast |variable costs change, using graphs and an animation. |takeaway. |
| | |sales. |Students look at a short case study from Edexcel eBus on costs and revenues relating|For turnover targets see ‘How to best set a turnover target’ at|
| | | |to a Chinese takeaway business. | |
| | | |Students discuss setting turnover targets. |For profit and loss and a case study, see |
| | | |Students look at case studies on analysing improving revenue and profit. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/finance/ |
| | | | |activity/breakeven21.htm |
| | | | |Although break-even is not on this part of the specification, |
| | | | |students can use this case study as an introduction to the |
| | | | |concepts, which will be useful for students who go to follow |
| | | | |Unit 3 in Year 11. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|16-17 |Cash flow. |To understand the difference |Students look at case studies in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | |between cash flow and profit. |Introduction to Small Business on a T-shirt maker calculating cash flow, and on a |Introduction to Small Business, Chapters 16 and 17. |
| | |To understand the difference |travel agency, explaining the uses of a business plan. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |between a cash flow forecast |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For cash flow see BBC GCSE Business Studies Bitesize Revision:|
| | |and a cash flow statement. |using spreadsheets to calculate cash flow. |Cash Flow — pp 39–41; and |
| | |To be able to complete a cash |Student use a series of resources including practical activities on forecasting cash|ed.co.uk/educators/level2/finance/lesson/cashflow1.htm |
| | |flow forecast table. |flow. |For a cash flow simulation see |
| | |To identify at least four |Students use a large-scale simulation that enables them to input details into a cash|ed.co.uk/learn/business/accounting/ |
| | |factors that affect cash flow. |flow forecast and ‘run’ a business for a year, responding to possible changes in |cashflow/simulation/index.htm |
| | |To understand how poor cash |circumstances that affect cash flow. |For a cash flow case study see Business Case Studies for GCSE |
| | |flow can lead to business |Students estimate and evaluate cash flow using a case study. |Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007) — Case Study |
| | |failure. |Students analyse the features of a good business plan. |26, Peterborough United FC. |
| | |To understand the use of the | |For business plans see ‘How to write a business plan’ at |
| | |business plan in planning cash | | |
| | |flow. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|18-19 |Obtaining finance. |To be able to state at least |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |three different sources of |Introduction to Small Business on a manufacturer of drilling equipment, examining |to Small Business, Chapter 18. |
| | |finance for a new business. |reasons for obtaining finance and evaluating appropriate sources. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To recognise the difference |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For sources of finance, see |
| | |between short-term finance and |examining the most appropriate sources of finance for a business. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/finance/lesson/sources1.htm |
| | |long-term finance. |Students take part in a series of tasks and activities looking at different ways in |For Business Link material on finance and grants, see |
| | | |which businesses can raise finance, both for start-ups and for running the business.|.uk/bdotg/action/layer? |
| | | |For example, they consider how changes in interest rates affect repayments, and |topicId=1073858790&r.lc=en&r.s=m |
| | | |assess the suitability of different types of short- and long-term finance. |For obtaining business finance, see |
| | | |Students research and examine specific advice from Business Link on how to raise |startups.co.uk/6678842909123868795/ |
| | | |finance. |business-financing.html |
| | | |Students research a variety of ways of obtaining business finance. |For a case study on types of finance raised, see Business Case |
| | | |Students look at a case study examining the type of finance raised by a business. |Studies for GCSE Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | |They discuss how finance can be raised in different ways. |— Case Study 30, Tumble Tots. |
| | | | |For raising finance, see ‘Where to raise business finance’ at |
| | | | | |
|20 |Topic 1.4 Making the |To understand that a focus on |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |start-up effective/ Customer|the needs of the customer is |Introduction to Small Business on a clothing designer, examining the factors that |to Small Business, Chapter 19. |
| |focus and marketing mix. |essential to business success. |may affect its marketing mix and evaluating whether the mix would change if the |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To recognise the main elements |business was different. |For a PowerPoint presentation on the 7Ps that can be edited, |
| | |of the marketing mix. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|see ‘The Marketing Mix’ at |
| | |To be able to identify key |placing elements of the market mix into a mind map. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/ |
| | |elements of the marketing mix |Students research the 7Ps of the marketing mix. |marketing/presentation/mix.ppt |
| | |in different contexts. |Students take part in an activity considering how the elements of the marketing mix |For elements of the marketing mix, see ‘The Marketing Mix — |
| | | |are stressed by different companies. |Activity’ at ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/ |
| | | | |marketing/activity/mix.htm |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|21 |Limited liability. |To understand the principle of |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |liability. |Introduction to Small Business examining the advantages and disadvantages of limited|to Small Business, Chapter 20. |
| | |To be able to state the |liability for a scaffolding service. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |difference between limited and |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For limited liability, see ed.co.uk/ |
| | |unlimited liability. |comparing the benefits of limited and unlimited liability. |learn/economics/notes/liability.htm |
| | |To appreciate how the extent of|Students discuss the effects of limited liability for a sole trader and a limited |For guidelines on setting up different types of business, see |
| | |liability can influence |company, perhaps using video material from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach. |‘Setting up a Company’ at |
| | |decision-making on the type of |Students create a mind map on the principle of limited liability. |startups.co.uk/6678842911461046207/setting-up-a-company.htm|
| | |business organisation chosen by|Students consider guidelines on setting up different types of business organisation.|l |
| | |an entrepreneur. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|22 |Start-up, legal and tax |To recognise the importance of |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |issues. |an appropriate trading name for|Introduction to Small Business on a computer repair service, explaining why business|to Small Business, Chapter 21. |
| | |a business. |must keep records, and evaluating the suitability of the choice of business name. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To appreciate why accurate |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For business profiles, see for example ‘No. 31 Hair and |
| | |record keeping is important to |considering taxes paid by businesses. |Beauty’, on a small hairdressing business in the South West of |
| | |a business. |Students look at any of a series of business profiles on ed.co.uk examining a|England, at ed.co.uk/compfact/no31/no31index.htm |
| | |To understand the main taxes a |variety of aspects of running a business. |For a business profile of a small business selling spectacles, |
| | |small business will have to pay|Students research official guidelines on the taxes that businesses have to pay. |see ‘Spextacular’ at |
| | |— VAT, corporation tax, income |Students examine a series of links offering advice to small businesses, and specific|ed.co.uk/compfact/spex/spexindex.htm |
| | |tax and National Insurance |advice from Business Link on taxes, returns and payroll. |For a case study with accompanying worksheet and interactive |
| | |contributions. |Students consider a scenario from Edexcel eBus based on a businessperson who has not|quiz, see ‘Business Planning’ at |
| | | |paid taxes. |ed.co.uk/virtual/bank/business/planning/case_study.htm |
| | | | |For tax guidelines, see Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMR&C)|
| | | | |information for businesses on tax issues at |
| | | | |.uk/businesses/index.shtml |
| | | | |For Business Link’s small business advice, see |
| | | | |.uk/bdotg/action/layer?r.l1=1073858781&topi|
| | | | |cId=1073858805&r.lc=en&r.s=m and |
| | | | |.uk/bdotg/action/layer?r.l1=1073858805&topi|
| | | | |cId=1073858808&r.lc=en&r.s=m |
| | | | |For a scenario on unpaid taxes, see Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business|
| | | | |Studies Email Support Service): |
| | | | |Dec 2006 — A mess: 5 days to pay. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|23-24 |Customer satisfaction. |To give a definition of |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |customer satisfaction and |Introduction to Small Business on a plumber, explaining the factors leading to |to Small Business, Chapter 22. |
| | |customer service. |customer satisfaction, and evaluating customer service. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To be able to state at least |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach| |
| | |three benefits to a business of|assessing the features of good customer service. | |
| | |high levels of customer | | |
| | |service. | | |
| | |To be able to understand the | | |
| | |importance of repeat business | | |
| | |and how customer service and | | |
| | |customer satisfaction play a | | |
| | |role in securing repeat | | |
| | |business. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|25-26 |Recruitment. |To understand the key stages in|Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |recruiting employees to a |Introduction to Small Business considering how legal factors affect recruitment in a|to Small Business, Chapter 23. |
| | |business. |car conversion business. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To understand that both skills |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|Excellent recruitment role play – ‘Vacancies’ – can be found in|
| | |and attitude are important in |placing the stages in the recruitment and selection process in order. |the Nuffield GCSE Business and Economics teacher’s resource |
| | |the selection process. |Students explain the steps of the recruitment process and take part in a role-play |pack. |
| | |To appreciate that employing |related to interviews and selection. |For the recruitment process and role-plays, see ‘Recruiting |
| | |staff is governed by laws |Students research specific advice from Business Link on issues related to employing |Staff’ at |
| | |relating to race, sex, age and |people. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/hrm/lesson/recruit1.ht|
| | |disability. |Students research the role of training in the workplace. |m |
| | | |Students consider a case study on the recruitment process. |For Business Link’s advice on employing people, see |
| | | | |.uk/bdotg/action/layer?r.l1=1073858808&topi|
| | | | |cId=1073858787&r.lc=en&r.s=m |
| | | | |For a practical lesson idea on the role of training in the |
| | | | |workplace, see Teaching Business and Economics — the EBEA |
| | | | |Journal, Spring 2007, ‘Training — Illustrating the Benefits’, |
| | | | |pp 18–19. |
| | | | |For a case study on the recruitment process, see Business Case |
| | | | |Studies for GCSE Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | | |— Case Study 36, The AA. The AA is a large organisation, but |
| | | | |this case study usefully highlights the role of apprenticeships|
| | | | |in recruitment. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|27 |Topic 1.5 Understanding the |To understand that a market is |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| |economic context/ Demand and |made up of buyers and sellers. |Introduction to Small Business examining how changes in price affect demand for and |to Small Business, Chapter 24. |
| |supply. |To understand that the price of|supply of steel parts. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |a good is determined by the |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|See ‘The Nature of Markets’ at |
| | |interaction of demand and |classifying types of goods. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/markets/ |
| | |supply. |Students take part in a number of different types of activity from ed.co.uk |lesson/markets1.htm |
| | |To recognise that a shortage |covering the nature and functioning of markets, including interactive tasks, | |
| | |will lead to a rise in price |animations, a word search and a drag and drop activity. | |
| | |and a surplus to a fall in | | |
| | |price. | | |
| | |To be able to recognise the | | |
| | |difference between a goods | | |
| | |market and a commodity market. | | |
| | |To appreciate that changes in | | |
| | |commodity prices can affect | | |
| | |small businesses. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|28-30 |Interest rates. |To understand that interest is |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |For the case study on an electrical retailer see the Edexcel |
| |Exchange rates. |the payment made for a |Introduction to Small Business on an electrical retailer, explaining the effect of |GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction to Small |
| | |loan/received for savings. |changes in interest rates on the business and evaluating how it might react. |Business, Chapter 25. |
| | |To understand how changes in |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |interest rates can affect small|examining the effect of changes in interest rates. |For the main factors that affect a business, see ‘The Economic |
| | |businesses. |Students research a series of resources examining the main factors that affect a |Context of Business’, at |
| | |To understand that the exchange|business, including economic growth, the business cycle, employment and |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/external/ |
| | |rate is the price of acquiring |unemployment, and inflation. |lesson/context1.htm |
| | |a foreign currency. |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |For the effect of interest rates, see ‘Changes in Interest |
| | |To be able to calculate simple |Introduction to Small Business on a frozen food manufacturer, examining how changes |Rates’ at ed.co.uk/educators/level2/external/ |
| | |exchange rate conversions using|in the value of the pound can affect the business, and evaluating the extent of this|activity/influence11.htm |
| | |dollars, pounds and euros. |effect. |For the case study on a frozen food manufacturer, see the |
| | |To understand that changes in |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction to |
| | |exchange rates affect buyers |examining the effect of changes in exchange rates on imports and exports. |Small Business, Chapter 26. |
| | |from abroad and sellers to |Student use a resource from ed.co.uk that examines the role of exchange rates|For exchange rates, see ‘Businesses and Exchange Rates’ at |
| | |foreign countries differently. |in business. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/international/ |
| | | |Students look at a case study from Edexcel eBus covering issues such as cash flow |lesson/business2.htm and ‘External Influences’ at |
| | | |and exchange rates. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/external/ |
| | | | |activity/influence14.htm |
| | | | |For the case study on cash flow and exchange rates, see Edexcel|
| | | | |eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support Service): March 2007 |
| | | | |— Going straight. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|31 |Business cycle. |To provide a definition of |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |‘economic activity’. |Introduction to Small Business examining how changes in economic activity affect a |to Small Business, Chapter 27. |
| | |To be able to recognise that |supplier of parts for mechanical diggers. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |the level of economic activity |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For resources on the main factors affecting a business, see |
| | |changes over time. |considering how business activity in the UK has changed in recent years. |‘The Economic Context of Business’ at |
| | |To be able to state how |Students use a series of resources from ed.co.uk examining the main factors |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/external/ |
| | |different stages in the |that affect a business, including economic growth, the business cycle, employment |lesson/context1.htm |
| | |business cycle might affect |and unemployment, and inflation. | |
| | |different small businesses. | | |
|32 |Stakeholders. |To be able to provide a |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Introduction|
| | |definition of the term |Introduction to Small Business explaining the stakeholders of a house maintenance |to Small Business, Chapter 28. |
| | |‘stakeholder’. |service. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To be able to recognise the key|Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach|For stakeholder issues, see ‘Knowing your Stakeholders’ at |
| | |stakeholders in a number of |examining how stakeholders of a recycling service are affected by the business. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/ |
| | |small business contexts. |Students research the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders, how conflicts can|lesson/knowing1.htm |
| | |To be able to state the basic |arise as a result of business decisions, and the ways that these can be resolved. |For lesson ideas to develop a practical understanding of the |
| | |rights and responsibilities of |Students research and discuss the interests of different stakeholder groups, using |interests of different stakeholder groups, see Teaching |
| | |different stakeholders. |case studies and other resources. |Business and Economics — the EBEA journal, Summer 2007, |
| | |To understand and identify at | |‘Stakeholders — Do you have a voice?’, pp 14–17. |
| | |least five possible areas of | |For a case study on stakeholder groups, see Business Case |
| | |conflict between stakeholders | |Studies for GCSE Business Studies by M. Hancock (Pearson, 2007)|
| | |in a business. | |— Case Study 7, BSkyB. The focus here is on a large business, |
| | | | |but the context might be useful to help students to understand |
| | | | |the main groups of stakeholders. |
|Week |Content coverage/learning outcomes |
|33-39 |The move to linear assessment (first assessment 2014) means that all examinations will be taken at the end of the course. In addition to regular ‘topic tests’, it is advisable to use this time at the end of |
| |Year 10 for mock examination opportunities for Units 1 and 6. In addition, some centres might use the summer term to familiarise students with Unit 2 (controlled assessment) by providing a dummy run before |
| |completing the actual assessment. A suggested breakdown for these weeks is as follows: |
| |1 week: mock examination for Unit 1 using a past paper/SAMs. There will be further opportunities for Unit 1 mock exams in Year 11. |
| |2 weeks: practice Unit 2 controlled assessment. The purpose behind the practice task is to familiarise students with the assessment criteria for Unit 2 and to enable them to experience what it is like to |
| |complete the work in the 6 hour/3 hour timings. It is important that this experience is used in a very formative way. Guidance is available at gcse2009. |
| |2 weeks: complete the Unit 2 controlled assessment task. The task must be submitted for moderation in May in Year 11 and you need to ensure that the correct task is used for the year of moderation. |
Year 11
Unit 3: Building a Business
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|1-4 |Topic 3.1 Marketing |To understand that marketing involves |Students undertake an introductory activity from the |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |The meaning of the term ‘marketing’? |anticipating, understanding and satisfying |Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Building a |Building a Business, Chapter 1. |
| | |customer needs at a profit. |Business in order to discuss marketing issues. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business|Biz/ed Network is a free social networking site for |
| | | |Studies Student Book Building a Business to explain and |teachers to share resources, upload files and video |
| | | |assess market research issues in a safari park. |clips, take part in discussion, submit and comment on |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|blogs, and create and edit wikis. New resources are |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach to understand the stages of |constantly being added. For activities and case |
| | | |market research. |studies on marketing issues see |
| | | | |ed.co.uk/educators/ |
| | | | |16-19/business/marketing/presentation/ |
| | | | |research_map.htm |
| | | | |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/marketing/pre|
| | | | |sentation/ |
| | | | |research.ppt |
| | | | |ed.co.uk/educators/ |
| | | | |16-19/business/marketing/activity/ |
| | | | |research.htm |
| | | | |For a related case study, see Business Case Studies |
| | | | |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, |
| | | | |2007), Case Study 14: Market Research. |
| | | | |For related information see Edexcel GCSE Student Book |
| | | | |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | | |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Unit 3.1 pages |
| | | | |126–9. |
| |Topic 3.1 Marketing |To understand the nature of market research,|Students investigate market research resources on | |
| |Market research |the difference between qualitative and |ed.co.uk. | |
| | |quantitative research and how such research |Students research case studies covering a variety of | |
| | |can be used to inform the marketing mix. |market research issues. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|5 |Topic 3.1 Marketing |To understand the difference between product |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Product trial and repeat purchase |trial and repeat purchase. |Studies Student Book Building a Business for examining and|Building a Business, Chapter 2. |
| | |To understand the purpose of both. |evaluating methods of encouraging product trial and repeat|See Edexcel GCSE Business Studies ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |purchases. |Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|Service): September 2005 — The iPod. |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach to consider the key issues in |4 Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |repeat purchasing. |Service): May 2006 — Launch of the crème egg bar. |
| | | |Students research case studies examining product trial and| |
| | | |repeat purchases. | |
|6 |Topic 3.1 Marketing |To understand the principles behind the PLC; |Students look at a case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Product life cycle |to recognise and explain the different stages|Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining the|Building a Business, Chapter 3. |
| | |of the PLC using different contexts. |nature of the product life cycle of Bisto and evaluating |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |To understand the meaning of the term product|its position on the Boston Matrix. |For presentation materials on product life cycles and |
| | |portfolio. |Students take part in interactive questions on product |the Boston Matrix see ed.co.uk/educators/ |
| | |To understand the role of the Boston matrix |life cycle using the PLC diagram from Edexcel GCSE |16-19/business/marketing/presentation/ |
| | |in analysing product portfolio. |Business ActiveTeach. |portfolio.ppt and ed.co.uk/ |
| | |To understand the links between the use of |Teacher and students discuss the PLC of the mini using |educators/16-19/business/marketing/ |
| | |the Boston Matrix and the PLC. |animations from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach. |activity/portfolio.htm |
| | | |Teacher gives a presentation on product life cycles and |For more on product life cycles see Business Active: |
| | | |the Boston Matrix — can be edited to suit. |Volume 2 Number 2, January 2007. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|7-8 |Topic 3.1 Marketing |Understand the meaning of the term ‘brand’. |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Branding and differentiation |To understand the role and importance of |Studies Student Book Building a Business for explaining |Building a Business, Chapter 4. |
| | |brands to different businesses (not just the |the use of branding on the mobile phone market, including |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |high priced brands!). |the iPhone and evaluating possible reactions of |For JVC branding see |
| | | |competitors. |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=307|
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|6 |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on assessing the nature of | |
| | | |generic products, brands and own brands. | |
| | | |Teacher and students discuss branding of JVC products | |
| | | |using video. | |
| | | |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on | |
| | | |branding. | |
|9-10 |Topic 3.1 Marketing |To understand the role of balancing the ‘4Ps’|Students look at case study analysing and evaluating the |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Building a successful marketing mix |in managing the marketing mix in a range of |marketing mix of KFC. |Building a Business, Chapter 5. |
| | |contexts. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on evaluating the marketing mix |For material on marketing mix see |
| | | |of a low calorie drink. |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=297|
| | | |Teacher presents animation of pricing in the music |9 |
| | | |industry from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach. |For relevant case studies, see Business Case Studies |
| | | |Students study video of an effective promotion used by |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | |Innocent (fresh drinks manufacturer) from Edexcel GCSE |— Case Studies 16–20. |
| | | |Business ActiveTeach. |See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |Students study video illustrating the distribution by |Service): September 2005 — The iPod. |
| | | |Nichols plc (soft drinks manufacturer) from Edexcel GCSE |See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |Business ActiveTeach. |Service): September 2006 — Heelys. |
| | | |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on | |
| | | |the marketing mix. | |
| | | |Students look at marketing mix case studies. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|11 |Topic 3.2 Meeting customer needs |The role and importance of design in |Students look at case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Design and research development |differentiation. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on the |Building a Business, Chapter 6. |
| | |To understand how scientific principles can |Routemaster bus, explaining the effects of design and |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |be applied to research to help in the |evaluating whether changes to the design would be |For relevant case studies, see Business Case Studies |
| | |development of new products. |effective. |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | |Teacher and students undertake introductory discussion on |— Case Study 23, Nomique Ltd. |
| | | |Apple meeting customer needs from information in the | |
| | | |Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book Building a | |
| | | |Business. | |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel| |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach examining design features that | |
| | | |have been attractive to customers. | |
| | | |Students investigate case studies on design features and | |
| | | |research development. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|12-13 |Topic 3.2 Meeting customer needs |To understand traditional bar gate stock |Students look at case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Managing stock and quality |graphs. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on examining and |Building a Business, Chapter 7. |
| | |To understand the costs and benefits of using|evaluating stock control of a business that buys in metal |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | |JIT systems of stock control and where such |sheets. |Building a Business, Chapter 8. |
| | |systems might be appropriate (and where |Students look at case study in the Edexcel GCSE Business |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD (Chapter 7). |
| | |not!). |Studies Student Book Building a Business on examining and |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD (Chapter 8). |
| | |To understand the difference between quality |evaluating quality assurance at a business that provides |For material on quality control see |
| | |control and a culture of quality assurance in|guard services. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/production/ac|
| | |business. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|tivity/qualcontrol.htm and |
| | |To appreciate the importance of quality as a |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating a stock control|ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=332|
| | |means of differentiation and source of |graph. |1 |
| | |competitive advantage. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating the advantages |Service): September 2006 — From Drought to Flood. |
| | | |and disadvantages of a quality assurance system. |For relevant case studies, see Business Case Studies |
| | | |Students undertake activity on quality control. |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on |— Case Study 25, Responsive Designs. |
| | | |quality. | |
| | | |Students look at case studies on stock control and | |
| | | |quality. | |
|14 |Topic 3.2 Meeting customer needs |To understand the meaning of the term |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Cost effective operations and |‘productivity’. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on analysing and |Building a Business, Chapter 9. |
| |competitiveness |To understand how increasing productivity |evaluating cost cutting methods at a container loading |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| |Effective customer service |helps a business to improve competitiveness. |business. |For material on productivity see |
| |Consumer protection laws |To understand the meaning of the term |Students take part in an interactive activity from the |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=292|
| | |‘customer service’. |Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating the |2 |
| | |To understand the benefits of providing high |effects of changes in business practice costs and | |
| | |levels of customer service and the costs of |productivity. | |
| | |poor customer service. |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on | |
| | |To have a brief outline of the main customer |productivity. | |
| | |protection laws. | | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|14 (cont) | | |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | | |Studies Student Book Building a Business on assessing and |Building a Business, Chapter 10. |
| | | |evaluating customer service at a hotel. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For rules on customer service see |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating what might lead|sbinfocanada.od/ |
| | | |to good or bad customer service. |customerservice/a/custservrules.htm |
| | | |Students investigate the eight rules for good customer |For short scenario on customer service manager see |
| | | |service. |teamtechnology.co.uk/ |
| | | |Teacher presents a short scenario based on an individual |customer-service.html |
| | | |having been promoted to being a customer service manager |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | |who inherits a team that does not provide good customer |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | |service. |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), pages 50–5 and |
| | | |Students look at case studies on effective customer |124–7. |
| | | |service. |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | | |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|Building a Business, Chapter 11. |
| | | |Studies Student Book Building a Business on examining and |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |evaluating the effects of consumer legislation on |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | |businesses. |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Unit 3.2 pages |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating how laws might |154–7. |
| | | |affect a business. | |
| | | |Students look at case studies on consumer protection laws.| |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|15 |Mock exams |
| |Unit 1 exam – based on past papers/SAMs |
| |Unit 3 exam – based on Topics 1 and 2 drawn from past papers/SAMs |
|16-17 |Topic 3.3 Effective financial management |To understand the main aspects of financial |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Cash flow |management, such as credit terms, de-stocking|Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 12 |
| | |as a means of managing cash flow more |evaluating cash flow at a restaurant. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |effectively. |Teacher and students undertake introductory discussion on |For material on cash flow see |
| | |To understand and analyse ways of increasing |the financial management of a business operating |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=324|
| | |cash inflows and reducing cash outflows and |children’s play areas. |2 |
| | |the effect on cash flow positions in a |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | |variety of contexts. |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating how changes in |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | |a business might affect its cash flow. |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Unit 4 pages 182–95.|
| | | |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on | |
| | | |cash flow. | |
| | | |Students look at case studies on improving cash flow. | |
|18 |Topic 3.3 Effective financial management |To understand how increasing revenues and |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |How to improve profit |reducing costs helps to increase profit. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 13. |
| | |To understand the impact of both changing |evaluating profit at a nightclub. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |prices and influencing costs on profit. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel| |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating how changes in | |
| | | |revenues and costs might affect its profit. | |
| | | |Students investigate revenue and costs spreadsheets from | |
| | | |Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|19-20 |Topic 3.3 Effective financial management |To understand the role and purpose of |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Break-even analysis |break-even analysis. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 14. |
| | |To be able to draw and interpret break-even |evaluating break-even at a bakery. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |charts. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For material on breaking even see |
| | |To understand how break-even points change |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating a break-even |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/accounting/le|
| | |when prices and/or costs change. |chart. |sson/profitloss2.htm and |
| | | |Students investigate break-even spreadsheets. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/accounting/pr|
| | | |Teacher presents animation showing how changes affect |esentation/ |
| | | |break-even graphs at a box making business. |breakeven.ppt |
| | | |Students undertake activity on profits and losses |For relevant case studies see Business Case Studies |
| | | |incorporating break-even. |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | |Teacher gives presentation on break-even analysis — can be|— Case Study 27, Reggae Reggae Sauce. |
| | | |edited to suit. |See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |Students look at case studies on break-even. |Service): October 2005 — Break-Even Test. |
| | | | |See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | | |Service): October 2005 — Break-Even Exercise and Ho Li|
| | | | |Takeaway. |
| | | | |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | | |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | | |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Unit 4.3 pages |
| | | | |208–17. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|21-22 |Topic 3.3 Effective financial management |To understand the main ways in which |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Financing Growth |businesses finance growth. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 15. |
| | |To be able to distinguish between the |evaluating suitable sources of finance at a mobile phone |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |different internal and external sources of |company. |For case studies on appropriate finance see |
| | |finance and be able to relate these to |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/accounting/ac|
| | |different contexts. |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on investigating sources of |tivity/ |
| | | |finance. |sourcefinance.htm |
| | | |Teacher presents series of cases where students have to |For finance mind map see |
| | | |decide and justify what sort of finance would be |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/accounting/pr|
| | | |appropriate. |esentation/ |
| | | |Students investigate sources of finance mind map. |sourcefinance_map.htm |
| | | | |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | | |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | | |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Unit 4, pages |
| | | | |218–25. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|23 |Topic 3.4 Effective people management |To understand the main types of |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Organisational structures |organisational structures used in business |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 16. |
| | |and their purpose. |evaluating the organisational structure of a newspaper |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | |company. |For material on organisational structures see |
| | | |Teacher and students undertake introductory discussion on |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/strzategy/pre|
| | | |how a car hire business manages its human resources. |sentation/busorg.ppt and |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/strategy/pres|
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on examining organisational |entation/orgfunctions1.ppt and |
| | | |charts. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/strategy/pres|
| | | |Teacher shows video investigating the organisational |entation/ |
| | | |structure of Fitzgerald Lighting, a lighting manufacturer.|orgstructures.ppt |
| | | |Teacher gives presentations on organisational structures —|See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | | |can be edited to suit. |Service): February 2006 — Hierarchy and |
| | | |Students look at case studies on organisational |Communications. |
| | | |structures. |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | | |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | | |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), pages 28–31. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|24 |Topic 3.4 Effective people management |To understand the meaning of the term |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |Motivation theory |‘motivation’. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 17. |
| |Communication |To understand the importance of managing |evaluating motivation at a national chain of shoe shops. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| |Remuneration |motivation in the workplace. |Students take part in an interactive activity on Maslow |For relevant case studies see Business Case Studies |
| | |To understand Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and|from Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach. |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | |its application to motivation in the |Students look at case study on motivation. |— Case Study 34, Saga Group. |
| | |workforce. |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on |For material on motivation and happiness see |
| | |To understand that motivation also comes from|motivation and happiness. |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=284|
| | |within and that ‘happiness’ at work is an |Students undertake activity based on Maslow. |8 |
| | |important source of motivation. |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|For material on Maslow see |
| | |To understand the purpose of communication in|Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|ed.co.uk/educators/level2/ |
| | |a business context. |evaluating communication in a call centre. |people/activity/people24.htm |
| | |To understand the main barriers to |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | |communication. |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on types of communication. |Building a Business, Chapter 18. |
| | |To appreciate the costs and benefits to a |Teacher presents video investigating communication at |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |business of good/poor communication in |Office Angels, a recruitment agency. |See Edexcel eBus (GCSE Business Studies Email Support |
| | |different contexts. |Students look at case studies on communication. |Service): February 2006 — Hierarchy and |
| | |To understand the main payment systems in use|Students undertake activity on organisational structures |Communications. |
| | |in businesses. |and communication. |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | |To understand the costs and benefits to |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | |businesses and employees of these different |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Communication |
| | |systems. |evaluating remuneration of lorry drivers |between functional areas, pages 40–5. |
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For material on organisational structures and |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on types of remuneration. |communication see |
| | | |Students look at case study on remuneration. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/strategy/less|
| | | |Students investigate podcast and interactive questions on |on/ |
| | | |pay and motivation. |orgcomms.htm |
| | | | |See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| | | | |Building a Business, Chapter 19. |
| | | | |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | | | |For relevant case studies see Business Case Studies |
| | | | |for GCSE Business Studies by Hancock M (Pearson, 2007)|
| | | | |— Case Study 37, Alton Towers. |
| | | | |For material on pay and motivation see |
| | | | |ed.co.uk/cgi-bin/chron/typein/typein.pl?itn=310|
| | | | |6 |
|25 |Mock exams |
| |Unit 1 exam – based on past papers/SAMs |
| |Unit 3 exam – based on Topics 3 and 4 drawn from past papers/SAMs. |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|26 |Topic 3.5 The wider world affecting |To understand the meaning of the term |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |business |‘business ethics’. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 19 |
| |Ethics in business |To understand the complexity of moral issues |evaluating ethics at Nike. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| |Environmental issues |in business using a variety of different |Teacher and students undertake introductory discussion on |For material on Coca Cola see |
| | |contexts. |how an oil business is affected by the wider world. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/external/acti|
| | |To understand the concept of trade-offs and |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|vity/ethics.htm |
| | |how this applies to ethics and profit. |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on the advantages and problems |For material on pressure groups see |
| | |To understand the role of pressure groups in |of taking an ethical approach for business. |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/external/acti|
| | |influencing business decision making. |Students undertake activity on Coca Cola. |vity/pressure1.htm |
| | |To understand that business activity has |Students undertake activity on pressure groups. |For related information, see Business Active, Volume 1|
| | |different impacts on the environment. |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|Number 2. January 2006. See the Edexcel GCSE Business |
| | |To be able to understand the difference |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Studies Student Book Building a Business, Chapter 21. |
| | |between short-term and long-term |evaluating environmental issues arising from the |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| | |environmental effects on the environment. |operations of an electricity generating business. |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on environmental problems and |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), pages 26–7 and |
| | | |solutions. |Environmental Constraints, pages 174–7. |
| | | |Students look at case studies on environmental issues. | |
|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |
| |key questions | | | |
|27 |Topic 3.5 The wider world affecting |To understand the concept of income |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |business |distribution. |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 22. |
| |Economic issues affecting international |To understand the difference between an |evaluating issues affecting international trade in shoes. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| |trade |export subsidy and import protection. |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For material on international business see |
| | | |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on the effects on internal trade|ed.co.uk/educators/level2/international/lesson/|
| | | |of tariffs, quotas etc. |business1.htm and |
| | | |Students investigate resources on international business. |ed.co.uk/educators/level2/international/lesson/|
| | | | |business2.htm |
|28 |Topic 3.5 The wider world affecting |To understand the role of government and the |Students look at case study from the Edexcel GCSE Business|See the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Student Book |
| |business |EU in regulating and controlling business |Studies Student Book Building a Business on explaining and|Building a Business, Chapter 23. |
| |The impact of government and the EU on |activity. |evaluating the effect on UK businesses of the EU. |See Edexcel GCSE Business ActiveTeach CD. |
| |business |To understand the meaning of the term |Students take part in an interactive activity from Edexcel|For material on the EU see |
| | |‘regulation’ and ‘legislation’ as it applies |GCSE Business ActiveTeach on the effect of regulation on |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/external/less|
| | |to business. |businesses. |on/euenviron.htm and |
| | |To appreciate the main ways in which |Teacher presents animation investigating the effect of the|ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/external/pres|
| | |government and the EU affects business — |EU on McBride, a manufacturer of soaps, shampoo and other |entation/euenviron.ppt |
| | |regulation, taxation and legislation. |cleaning products. |For material on regulation see |
| | |To be able to appreciate the impact of these |Teacher gives presentations and students undertake |ed.co.uk/educators/16-19/business/external/pres|
| | |on business activity in a variety of |activities on the role of the EU — these can be edited as |entation/regulation.ppt |
| | |contexts. |appropriate. |For related case studies see Edexcel GCSE Student Book|
| | | |Teacher gives presentation on regulation. |Applied Business by Carysforth C, Dransfield R, Neild |
| | | |Students look at case studies on the EU. |M and Richards C (Pearson, 2009), Employees — their |
| | | | |rights and responsibilities, pages 56–9 and The role |
| | | | |of government, pages 172–3. |
|29-32 |Revision programme – comprising exam technique and mock exams. Edexcel GCSE Exam Skills Practice workbooks (support and extend) can be used to address the exam technique for different questions. |
| |Unit 1 mock exam – based on past papers/SAMs |
| |Unit 3 mock exam – based on past papers/SAMs. |
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