Instructions for use of business card template

Instructions for use of business card template

Mended Hearts is providing this template for your use in order to help chapters maintain a more consistent format. Please keep the following things in mind when using this for your chapter:

1) This template will work with most Avery Business Cards which are 2 X 3.5 on an 8.5 X 11 sheet, 10 cards per sheet. They have too many different cards available to list here.

2) The official font used by Mended Hearts is Times New Roman. No other font should be used.

3) The name of the person, chapter, and Web site should always be set in Times New Roman Bold.

4) When possible (such as when you are working with a printer), the red that is used should be PMS 485 or 100%M + 100%Y. This is the official shade of red that is used by The Mended Hearts, Inc.

5) No colors but black or red should be used on the business card.

6) No additional graphics should be used other than the official Mended Hearts logo.

7) The height and width of the Mended Hearts logo must be kept at a ratio so that it always looks the same. It should not be pulled out of proportion so that it looks stretched out in any direction.

To use the template:

1) Microsoft Word is required in order to use the business card template.

2) The logo, line, and text are locked together within each card in order to keep any of the elements from floating around the page. If you try to move one part, you will move the entire card.

3) Click over the sample text in order to activate the text box. You will be able to use your own information here. What is listed is only a sample of what you might want to include. However, it is suggested you keep it simple so that your card does not become too cluttered to read. Some things to consider are:

a. How do you prefer for people to contact you? Are the phone number and email address more important than the mailing address?

b. Does your chapter have a permanent mailing address you can use? It would be preferable to use that rather than the address of someone’s home.

c. Do you want to include a contact name on the card, or have a generic card for your chapter that anyone (i.e. Visitors) would be able to use?

d. If you have a chapter Web site, you may wish to include it in addition to the national one.

4) Email addresses and Web sites should be printed as plain text, not blue underlined links. If your computer automatically formats the text in blue and underlined to indicate a hyperlink, take the following steps:

a. Right click over the link

b. Select “Remove Hyperlink”

c. The link should be reverted back to plain text. You may have to take this step for both email addresses and the Web site address.

5) Once you have one of the cards set up the way you want, you should be able to copy and paste that text into each of the text boxes so that they are all identical.

We hope that you will find this template a simple and easy-to-use way to provide business cards for those in your chapter that need them. It will also help to provide consistency across the organization. If you have any questions, please email info@ or call toll-free 888-HEART99 (888-432-7899).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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