Public Sector Business Case PDF Template Free …






Forewords Chapters 1. Introduction and background 2. Overview of the Five Case Model 3. Overview of the Business Case Development Process 4. Determining the strategic context and preparing the Strategic

Outline Programme (SOP) 5. Scoping the proposal and preparing the Strategic Outline Case

(SOC) 6. Planning the proposal and preparing the Outline Business Case

(OBC) 7. Procuring the proposal and preparing the Full Business Case

(FBC) 8. Reviewing the Business Case: SOC, OBC and FBC

Annex 1. The Use of Workshops for the development of the business case 2. The use of the Options Framework 3. Common Causes of Project Failure and their Remedies. 4. Overview of the SOC, OBC and FBC Structure and Content 5. Overview of the Systematic Approach: steps and actions 6. Glossary 7. Bibliography




The need to get the best possible value from spending public money will always remain a constant for those entrusted with spending decisions. The need to reduce overall spending resulting from the financial crisis of 2008 has sharpened this requirement. The continuing downward pressure on the availability of public sector finance together with the ever growing upward pressures of demand for public services will continue to further increase the need to make better use of the resources available, the challenge has never been greater.

In this context it is vital that capital spending decisions are taken on the basis of highly competent professionally developed spending proposals. This Treasury guidance which has been refined and tested over many years provides a clear framework for thinking about spending proposals and a structured process for appraising, developing and planning to deliver best public value. All of which is captured through a well prepared business case which supports evidence based decisions.

This latest version of the Treasury guidance provides a practical "step by step" guide to the development of business cases, using the Five Case Model ? using an approach which is both scalable and proportionate. It is recognised as best practice and is the Treasury's standard methodology. Experience has demonstrated that when this guidance is embedded in public sector organisations, better more effective and efficient spending decisions and implementation plans are produced. At the same time the approach when correctly understood and applied provides a more efficient planning and approval process saving between 30% and 40% in time taken and cost of production of business cases compared with unstructured approaches.

It provides a framework for thinking and a process for approval which is flexible and scalable along with a range of tools that can be applied proportionately to provide clarity in the decision support process. The approach also provides a clear audit trail for purposes of public accountability.

All centrally funded public spending proposals including those subject only to departmental approval are required to use the Treasury approach and all Major Projects considered by the Treasury and Cabinet Office, through the Major Projects Review Group and projects approved by the Treasury must be prepared and presented using the Treasury's Five Case Model method.

Now for the first time training in a correct understanding and use of the method will be widely available, links to which can be found via the Treasury web site. I am therefore very pleased to recommend the use of this guidance and the Treasury approved training and accreditation to all who are concerned with delivering best public value from capital spending decisions.

Sharon White Second Permanent Secretary HM Treasury



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