Business Directory - Free entry form


FREE Online Business Directory listing at .uk/businesssearch

|Business Name: | |

|Address: | |

|Town: | |Post Code: | |

|Main Contact Name: | |Telephone Number: | |

|Mobile Number: | |Fax Number: | |

|WEB Address: | |E-mail: | |

|Is your business on any of the following online social networks? (please ‘(’ ) | | | | | | |

| |Facebook | |LinkedIn | |Twitter | |

|Facebook | | | |Twitter | |

|Page Name: | |Linked In: | |Address: @ | |

|No. of Employees (at this address): |Full Time: | |Part-Time: | |Seasonal / Sessional: | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |VAT registered now or in the next 12 |Yes | |No | |

|Date Business Started | |months? | | | | |

|(dd/mm/yyyy): | | | | | | |

| |Limited Company |

|Ownership: | |

| | |

|Business Activities | |

|e.g. Manufacturing (description only): | |

| | |

| | |

|To help promote your business we hold your information on a database which forms the basis of an online Business Directory at |

|.uk/businesssearch. The database is also used to communicate information to businesses about the council and its partners’ services for |

|business. The council may also use the database to generate one-off tailored lists for businesses, for example, in sourcing products/services or for |

|marketing purposes. This will exclude personal/sensitive data; specifically: email addresses, social network details. |

| |

|Please tick the appropriate boxes below to indicate your preferences to us: |

| |

|Include our details on the online Business Directory and database: |


|We are happy to be contacted by the council and its partners, and to be included in business lists provided to third parties |

| |

|We do not wish to be contacted by the council and its partners |

| |

|Do not pass our details on to third parties (business lists) |

| |

|Do not include our details on the online Business Directory |

| |

|But include our details on the database so the council and its partners can provide us with updates (services & support) |

| |

|Signed: | |Date: | |

|Position in Company: | | | |

A downloadable version of this form is available to complete and email to us at: .uk/businesssearch


Mail to: West Lothian Council

Economic Development

West Lothian Civic Centre

Howden South Road


EH54 6FF

Tel 01506 283285



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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