

Occupational Trade Area: Machinery Mechanics and Repairers

ISCO 7231

Job Title: Auto Mechanics Level 2

Competency Standard: Automotive Service & Repairer

nlvqf: 2

Draft Version

|Status |Responsible person |Date |

|Draft I Prepared BY | ON: | | |

|Draft Edit prepared BY | ON:; | | |

|Presented TO | ON | | |

|Presented TO | ON | | |

|Approved I for use BY | ON: | | |

|Approved II for use BY | ON: | | |

|Revision 1 DATE: | | |

|Revision 2 DATE | | |



| |FOREWORD |4 |

| |A.1 Project Title |4 |

| |A.2 Project Donor and Number |4 |





| |Unit 1: Participate in Workplace Communication |7 |

| |Unit 2: Practice Career Professionalism |10 |

| |Unit 3: Use More Complex Mathematical Concepts and Techniques |12 |

| |Unit 4: Prioritize and Organize Work |14 |

| |Unit 5: Demonstrate Awareness of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Procedures |16 |

| |Unit 6: Participate in Sustainable Development Related Activities |19 |


| |Unit 1: Apply Appropriate Sealants and Adhesives |21 |

| |Unit 2: Perform Maintenance Welding and Fabrication Works |25 |

| |Unit 3: Apply Specification and Manual of Instructions |29 |

| |Unit 4: Apply Technical Quality of Work |32 |


| |Unit 1: Perform Engine Servicing and Maintenance |35 |

| |Unit 2: Carry-Out Vehicle Underchassis Servicing and Maintenance |41 |

| |Unit 3: Perform Manual Transmission Servicing and Maintenance |50 |

| |Unit 4: Perform Electrical Servicing and Maintenance |54 |

| |Unit 5: Perform Engine Control System Servicing |61 |

| |Unit 6: Perform Vehicle Air Conditioner Servicing |65 |

| |ANNEXES |71 |

| |H.1 Award & Progression/Entry Requirements |71 |

| |H.2 Lao Automotive Sub-sector Code |71 |

| |H.3 Competency Standard Development Team. |73 |


In order to ensure that the LAO PDR grows competitively over the coming years, we need to establish a culture of excellence in everything that we do. This includes, particularly the Education & Employment sectors, as symbolized by Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET).

Research has shown that countries without a functioning and effective TVET system will lose out in the competitiveness ratings, with a consequence negative impact on growth etc.


Second Strengthen Technical Vocational Education & Training Project in LAO PDR


ADB Grant No. 0503-LAO


The Purpose of the Competency Standard for the Automotive Service and Repair Level 2 is to provide a framework for Competency-Based Training (CBT) Programs resulting in Competent Automotive Mechanics to support the automotive service and repair industry/sector in Lao PDR.

The Automotive Service and Repair Level 2 is defined in reference to the Prime Minister Decree Number 0036/PM published in 2011, the Ministry of Education and Sport Decree Number 4697/MoES11 published 9 December 2011, the Manual for Developing Competency Standards published December 2011 and the ASEAN Regional Qualification Framework in TVET.


This Competency, Standards/ Qualification of Automotive Service and Repair Level 2 provide a structured occupational outcome for domestic & commercial Automotive Mechanics.

Job description

This qualification covers the skills and knowledge in Basic, Common & Core Competencies required by the automotive service and repair industry/sector for Auto Mechanics Level 2 to perform engine servicing and maintenance, carry-out vehicle underchassis servicing and maintenance, perform manual transmission servicing and maintenance, perform vehicle electrical servicing and maintenance, perform engine control system servicing and perform vehicle air conditioner servicing.

This qualification is suitable for entry into the automotive service and repair industry/sector at NVQF Level 2 in Lao PDR.

Person deemed competent in this qualification:

• has theoretical knowledge in Auto Mechanic Level 2 qualification

• has a range of well-developed skills on auto mechanic level 2 qualification to perform preventive maintenance and simple repair.

• can perform basic and advance fabrication works using basic and advance tools and equipment.

• work on jobs requiring minimal supervision.

• be responsible for the entrusted tools and equipment.

• solve routine work problems using advance methods, tools materials and information.

Job roles/employment outcomes

The Certificate Level 2 in Automotive Service and Repair is intended to prepare new employees or recognize and develop existing workers who are performing electrical and mechanical service and repair tasks in the automotive service and repair industry/sector.

Employment outcomes targeted by this qualification is Auto Mechanics Level 2.


The qualification is in line with CBT principles and is suitable for a Lao PDR Apprenticeship pathway

Where common and core units of competency are packaged to suit a particular industry sector or occupational outcome, Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) might issue, for example, a:

Certificate 2 in Automotive Service and Repairer (specializing Auto Mechanic)

It should be noted that a qualification with a specialization does not change the title of the qualification.



This qualification may be accessed by direct entry. Credit will be granted towards this qualification to those who have completed Grade level 9 or 12 in Secondary Education under Laos Education System and/or having work experiences in auto Servicing trade Level 1 or equivalent.


Further training pathways from this qualification include Certificate III to IV within the Automotive Service and Repair training package qualifications.


This Competency Standard contains Units of Competency as detailed within. These Units form the basis for CBT Learning Program for Auto Mechanic. Each Unit contains the required Elements of Competency. Each Unit being able to stand alone when applied in a work situation

Each Unit can be amended in content or structure to meet the evolving needs of the Auto Mechanics. Changes and amendments to this Competency Standard will be made in line with the existing Quality Assurance Procedures as approved by the appropriate authority.

This Competency Standard is structured in line with the approved Manual for Developing Competency Standards, developed as a part of the SSTVETP program. For Quality Assurance purposes, each Unit is coded in line with the example below:

Code Example

|Occupation |Job |


|This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace |

|requirements |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Obtain and convey workplace information |Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources |

| |Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey|

| |information |

| |Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas |

| |Appropriate non- verbal communication is used |

| |Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and |

| |followed |

| |Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used |

| |Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely |

|Participate in workplace meetings and |Team meetings are attended on time |

|discussions. |Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without |

| |interruption |

| |Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols |

| |Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner |

| |Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working |

| |conditions of employment are asked and responded to |

| |Meeting outcomes are interpreted and implemented |

|Complete relevant work-related documents |Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly |

| |Workplace data are recorded on standard workplace forms and documents |

| |Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations |

| |Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon|

| |Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines|

Range of Variables


|Appropriate sources |May include but not limited to: |

| |Team members |

| |Suppliers |

| |Trade personnel |

| |Local government |

| |Industry bodies |

|Medium |May include but not limited to: |

| |Memorandum |

| |Circular |

| |Notice |

| |Information discussion |

| |Follow-up or verbal instructions |

| |Face to face communication |

|Storage |May include but not limited to: |

| |Manual filing system |

| |Computer-based filing system |

|Forms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Personnel forms |

| |Telephone message forms |

| |Safety reports |

|Workplace interactions |May include but not limited to: |

| |Face to face |

| |Telephone |

| |Electronic and two-way radio |

| |Written including: |

| |Memos |

| |Instruction and forms |

| |Non-verbal; including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams |

|Protocols |May include but not limited to: |

| |Observing meeting |

| |Compliance with meeting decisions |

| |Obeying meeting instructions |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Prepared written communication following standard formats of the organization |

| |Accessed information using communication equipment |

| |Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively |

| |Conveyed information effectively adopting formal or informal communication |

|Underpinning Knowledge |Effective communication |

| |Different modes of communication |

| |Written communication |

| |Organizational policies |

| |Communication procedures and systems |

| |Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilities |

|Underpinning Skills |Following simple spoken language |

| |Performing routine workplace duties following simple written notices |

| |Participating in workplace meetings and discussions |

| |Completing work-related documents |

| |Estimating, calculating and recording routine workplace measures |

| |Performing basic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division and |

| |multiplication |

| |Relating to people across social range in the workplace |

| |Gathering and providing information in response to workplace requirements |

|Resource Implications |Fax machine |

| |Telephone |

| |Writing materials |

| |Internet |

|Methods of Assessment |Direct Observation |

| |Oral interview and written test |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.021.02.1 |


|This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Integrate personal objectives with |Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the|

|organizational goals |profession. |

| |Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of managing oneself |

| |based on performance evaluation |

| |Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties |

|Set and meet work priorities |Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and |

| |objectives. |

| |Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and |

| |commitments |

| |Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as |

| |per established procedures |

|Pursue professional development |Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements |

| |Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement |

| |Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed |

Range of Variables


|Evaluation |It may refer to: |

| |Performance Appraisal |

| |Psychological Profile |

| |Aptitude Tests |

|Resources |Human |

| |Financial |

| |Technology |

| |Hardware |

| |Software |

|Trainings and career opportunities |Participation in training programs |

| |Technical |

| |Supervisory |

| |Managerial |

| |Continuing Education |

| |Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops |

|Recognitions |Recommendations |

| |Citations |

| |Certificate of Appreciations |

| |Commendations |

| |Awards |

| |Tangible and Intangible Rewards |

|Licenses and/or certifications |National Certificates |

| |Certificate of Competency |

| |Support Level Licenses |

| |Professional Licenses |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs) |

| |Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on|

| |performance evaluation |

| |Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the |

| |industries |

| |Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the |

| |qualification |

|Underpinning Knowledge |Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |

| |Company policies |

| |Company operations, procedures and standards |

| |Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity |

| |Personal hygiene practices |

|Underpinning Skills |Appropriate practice of personal hygiene |

| |Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |Communication skills |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |Case studies/scenarios |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Simulation/Role-plays |

| |Observation |

| |Third Party Reports |

| |Exams and Tests |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.021.03.1 |


|This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the application of mathematical concepts and techniques. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Identify mathematical tools and techniques |Problem areas are identified based on given condition |

|to solve problem |Mathematical techniques are selected based on the given problem |

|Apply mathematical procedure/solution |Mathematical techniques are applied based on the problem identified |

| |Mathematical computations are performed to the level of accuracy required for the problem |

| |Results of mathematical computation is determined and verified based on job requirements |

|3. Analyze results |3.1 Results of application is reviewed based on expected and required specifications and |

| |outcome |

| |3.2 Appropriate action is applied in case of error |

Range of Variables


|Mathematical techniques |May include but not limited to: |

| |Four fundamental operations |

| |Measurements |

| |Use/Conversion of units of measurements |

| |Use of standard formulas |

|2. Appropriate action |2.1 Review in the use of mathematical techniques (e.g. recalculation, re-modeling) |

| |2.2 Report error to immediate superior for proper action |

Evidence Guide

|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Identified, applied and reviewed the use of mathematical concepts and techniques to |

| |workplace problems |

| | |

|Underpinning Knowledge |Fundamental operation (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) |

| |Measurement system |

| |Precision and accuracy |

| |Basic measuring tools/devices |

|Underpinning Skills |3.1 Applying mathematical computations |

| |3.2 Using calculator |

| |Using different measuring tools |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |4.1 Calculator |

| |4.2 Basic measuring tools |

| |4.3 Case Problems |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |5.1 Authenticated portfolio |

| |5.2 Written Test |

| |Interview/Oral Questioning |

| |Demonstration |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.021.04.1 |


|This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in setting work goals, identifying processes involved, and developing |

|plans for individual tasks. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Set individual work goals |Objectives are consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with |

| |organizational aims |

| |Objectives are stated as measured targets with clear time frames |

| |Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the objectives |

| |Realistic and attainable are identified |

|Identify processes involved |Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized as directed |

| |Task/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance with set time frames |

| |achievable components in accordance with set time frames |

|Develop a plan for individual tasks |Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity |

| |Schedule of activities is coordinated with personnel concerned |

Range of Variables


|Objectives |Specific be able to determine tasks which should be done without being told |

| |General |

|Resources |Personnel |

| |Equipment and technology |

| |Services |

| |Supplies and materials |

| |Sources for accessing specialist advice |

| |Budget |

|Schedule of work activities |Daily |

| |Work-based |

| |Contractual |

| |Regular |

| |Confidential |

| |Disclosure |

| |Non-disclosure |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Set objectives |

| |Planned and scheduled work activities |

|Underpinning Knowledge |Organization’s strategic plan, policies, rules and regulations, laws and objectives for work|

| |unit activities and priorities |

| |Organizations policies, strategic plans, guidelines related to the role of the work unit |

| |Team work and consultation strategies |

|Underpinning Skills |Planning |

| |Leading |

| |Organizing |

| |Coordinating |

| |Communication Skills |

| |Inter/intra-person/motivation skills |

| |Presentation skills |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Tools, equipment and facilities appropriate to the proposed activities |

| |materials relevant to the proposed activities |

| |Work plan schedules |

| |Drawings, sketches or blueprint |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Direct observation/questioning |

| |Practical exercises on planning and scheduling work activities |

| |Third party report (collection of competency evidence) |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.021.05.1 |


|This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to avoid workplace hazards and risks. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Identify hazards and risks |Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are |

| |clarified and explained based on organization procedures |

| |Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to |

| |corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, |

| |workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures |

| |Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are |

| |recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures |

|Perform necessary preventive and control |Term of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are |

|measures |identified based on threshold limit values (TLV). |

| |Effects of the hazards are determined |

| |OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated |

| |personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS |

| |legislation |

Range of Variables


|Safety regulations |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Clean Air Act |

| |Building Code |

| |National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes |

| |Waste management statutes and rules |

| |Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards |

| |DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements |

| |ECC regulations |

|2. Hazards/risks |May include but not limited to: |

| |Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise, vibration, temperature, |

| |radiation |

| |Biological hazards – bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects |

| |Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, gases, vapors |

| |Ergonomics |

| |Psychological factors – over-exertion/excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue,|

| |direct pressure, varying metabolic cycles |

| |Physiological factors – monotomy, personal relationship, work out cycle |

|3. Contingency measures |May include but not limited to: |

| |Evacuation |

| |Isolation |

| |Decontamination |

| |(Calling designed) emergency personnel |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures|

| |Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance |

| |with company procedures |

| |Recognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies |

| |Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value _TLV |

| |Followed Occupational health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |

| |the workplace |

| |Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OHS procedures and |

| |practices |

| |Completed and updated OHS personal records in accordance with workplace requirements |

|Underpinning Knowledge |OHS procedure and practices and regulations |

| |PPE types and uses |

| |Personal hygiene practices |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control |

| |Threshold Limit value (TLV) |

| |OHS indicators |

| |Organization safety and health protocol |

| |Safety consciousness |

| |Health consciousness |

|Underpinning Skills |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control skills |

| |Interpersonal skills |

| |Communication skills |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |OHS personal records |

| |PPE |

| |Heath records |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Case Study/Situation |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.021.06.1 |


|This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to promote sustainable development and environmental protection |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Participate in specific environmental |Programs/Activities are identified according to organizations policies and guidelines |

|programs. |Individual roles/responsibilities are determined and performed based on the activities |

| |identified |

| |Problems/constraints encountered are resolved in accordance with organization’s policies |

| |and guidelines |

| |Stakeholders are consulted based on company guidelines |

Range of Variables


|Implement specific environmental programs |Programs/Activities are identified according to organizations policies and guidelines |

| |Individual roles/responsibilities are determined and performed based on the activities |

| |identified |

| |Problems/constraints encountered are resolved in accordance with organization’s policies |

| |and guidelines |

| |Stakeholders are consulted based on company guidelines |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of Competency | Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures|

| |Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance |

| |with company procedures |

|Underpinning Knowledge |OHS procedure and practices and regulation |

| |PPE types and uses |

| |Personal hygiene practices |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control |

| |Threshold Limit Value –TLV |

| |OHS indicators |

| |Organization safety and health protocol |

| |Safety consciousness |

| |Health consciousness |

|Underpinning Skills |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control skills |

| |Interpersonal skills |

| |Communication skills |

|Resource Implications | The following resources must be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |OHS personal records |

| |PPE |

| |Health records |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Case Study/Situation |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |



|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.122.01.1 |


|This competency unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in the selection and application of sealant/adhesives. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Identify appropriate |Sealant is selected in line with job requirements and |

|Sealant and adhesive |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Adhesive is selected in line with job requirements and manufacturer’s specification |

| |Sealant is checked for compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Adhesive is checked for compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification. |

|Prepare surface for |Surface materials are identified in accordance with workplace instruction. |

|sealant and adhesive application |Surface preparation is performed in accordance with workplace and manufacturer’s |

| |specification. |

| |Surface is kept clean and free of dust and foreign matters to ensure maximum adhesion or |

| |sealing. |

| |Contamination control technique is applied when performing surface preparation and |

| |cleaning. |

|Apply sealant |Appropriate tools are used to remove excess sealant in accordance with workplace |

| |instruction |

| |Sealant application methods and techniques are applied on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety requirements are observed and PPEs are worn in when applying sealant in accordance |

| |with workplace instruction |

| |Hazards associated with the use of sealant are identified. |

|Apply adhesive |Adhesive application methods and techniques are applied on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Appropriate tools are used to remove excess sealant in accordance with workplace |

| |instruction |

| |Safety and environmental protection requirements are observed and PPEs are worn when |

| |applying sealant in accordance with workplace instruction |

| |Hazards associated with the use of sealant re identified. |

Range of Variables


|Sealant |May include but not limited to: |

| |Gasket maker |

| |Polyurethanes |

| |Butyl sealants |

| |Silicone |

| |Polymers |

| |Silicon Body sealer |

| |Thermoplastic |

| |Prestite |

|Adhesive |May include but not limited to: |

| |Thermoplastic-based |

| |Polyurethane-based |

| |Solvent-based adhesive |

| |Water-based adhesives |

| |Rubber-based compounds |

| |Hot-melt |

|Surface materials |May include but not limited to: |

| |Steel |

| |Cast iron |

| |Aluminum/Aluminum alloy |

| |Brass |

| |Bronze |

| |Polymers |

| |PVC |

|Surface preparation |May include but not limited to: |

| |Removing grimes and dirt |

| |Washing with clean/hot water and soap |

| |Surface cleaning using solvent |

| |Surface `skinning using emery cloth |

| |Filing of uneven surface |

| |Machining using lathe, grinder or milling machines |

|Contamination control technique |May include but not limited to: |

| |Covering openings using clean cloth |

| |Installing appropriate plugs |

| |Working away from dust |

| |Storing materials on a clean surface area |

| |Working away from grinding machines |

| |Working on a dry surface or area |

|Appropriate tools |May include but not limited to: |

| |Spatula |

| |Straight edge |

| |Brush |

| |Roller applicator |

| |Drier |

| |Sprayer |

|PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) |May include but not limited to the following: |

| |Dust mask |

| |Gloves |

| |Safety eye glasses |

| |Goggles |

| |Safety shoes |

| |Gas mask |

| |Safety apron |

|Application methods and techniques |May include but not limited to the following |

| |Proper cleaning of surfaces |

| |Applying the recommended bonding time |

| |Applying the correct amount or coverage |

| |Applying the recommended bonding pressure |

| |Avoiding contaminants |

| |Selecting the recommended sealant or adhesive |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Checked the sealant for compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Checked adhesive for compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Performed surface preparation in accordance with workplace and manufacturer’s |

| |specification. |

| |Applied contamination control technique when performing surface preparation and cleaning |

| |Applied sealant application methods and techniques on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Applied adhesive application methods and techniques on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety requirements are observed and PPEs are worn in when applying sealant in accordance |

| |with workplace instruction |

| |Safety and environmental protection requirements are observed and PPEs are worn when |

| |applying sealant in accordance with workplace instruction |

|Required Knowledge |Different types of adhesives used in automotive industry and their applications |

| |Different types of sealants used in automotive industry |

| |Common adhesive and sealant terms |

| |Safety and environment precautions when working with adhesives and sealants. |

| |Methods and techniques of surface preparations |

| |Types and characteristics of material surfaces |

| |Adhesive processes |

|Required skills |Checking of the sealant compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Checking adhesive compatibility and fitness in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Performing surface preparation in accordance with workplace and manufacturer’s |

| |specification. |

| |Applying contamination control techniques when performing surface preparation and cleaning|

| |Applying sealant application methods and techniques on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Applying adhesive application methods and techniques on the surface in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Observing safety requirements and environmental protection |

| |Wearing the necessary PPEs when applying sealant in accordance with workplace instruction |

|Resource implication |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Workplace location |

| |Materials, tools and equipment |

| |Instructional materials relevant to the proposed activity |

|Method of assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Observation with questioning |

| |Written or oral examination |

| |Demonstration |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or in a simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.122.02.1 |


|This unit covers the competence required to carry out manual metal arc welding procedures. The unit includes identification and |

|confirmation of work requirement, preparation for work and the completion of welding and work finalization processes, including clean-up|

|and documentation. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Prepare for work |Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including job sheets, quality |

| |and quantity of materials |

| |Job specifications are read and interpreted |

| |OH&S requirements, including personal protection needs, are observed throughout the work |

| |Materials for repairs and replacements are selected and inspected for quality |

| |Hand, power tooling and safety equipment are identified and checked for safe use |

| |Products are determined to minimize waste material |

| |Procedures are identified for maximizing energy efficiency while completing the job |

|Carry out manual metal arc welding |Information is accessed from sources to enable welding to be performed in accordance with |

| |vehicle and equipment manufacturer/component supplier procedures |

| |Manual metal arc welding is completed using approved methods and equipment, according to |

| |type of material and repairs required |

| |Manual metal arc welding procedures are completed without causing damage to component or |

| |system |

| |Manual metal arc welding is carried out according to a standard that meets industry |

| |regulations/guidelines, OH&S requirements, legislation and workplace policy/procedures |

|Clean up work area and maintain equipment |Material that can be reused is collected and stored |

| |Waste and scrap is removed following workplace procedures |

| |Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable conditions in accordance|

| |with workplace procedures |

| |Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults identified in accordance with workplace |

| |procedures |

| |Maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications|

| |and worksite procedures |

| |Tooling is maintained in accordance with workplace procedures |

Range of Variables


|OH&S requirements |This may include: |

| |Protective clothing and equipment, |

| |Use of appropriate tooling and equipment |

| |Workplace environment and safety |

| |Proper handling of materials |

| |Use of fire-fighting equipment, |

| |Use of workplace first aid |

| |Hazard control and hazardous material and substances |

|Materials |May include: |

| |Steel |

| |Stainless steel |

| |Wrought iron |

| |Cast iron |

| |Aluminum alloy |

| |Bronze |

|Hand, power tooling and safety equipment |Hand tools may include: |

| |Wrench |

| |Hammer |

| |Steel brush |

| |Hand hacksaw |

| |Scriber |

| |Steel protractor |

| |Power tools and equipment may include: |

| |Electric arc welding machine |

| |Chain block |

| |Workpiece holder/rotator |

| |Bench vise |

| |Portable hand drill |

| |Angle Grinder |

| |Friction cutter |

| |Safety equipment may include: |

| |Gloves |

| |Goggles |

| |Face shield |

| |Welding mask |

| |Apron |

| |Safety shoes |

|Information |May include but not limited to: |

| |Diagrams/sketches |

| |Welding type/methods |

| |Method of welding joints |

| |Welding rod type and size |

| |Safety requirements |

| |Material/s to be used |

| |Welding position |

| |Signages |

| |MSDS |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Used work instructions to determine job requirements, including job sheets, quality and |

| |quantity of materials |

| |Observed OH&S requirements, including personal protection needs, throughout the work |

| |Completed manual metal arc welding procedures without causing damage to component or system |

| |Cleaned and inspected equipment and work area for serviceable conditions in accordance with |

| |workplace procedures. |

|Required Knowledge |OH&S regulations/requirements, |

| |Equipment, material and personal safety requirements |

| |Common automotive technology |

| |Types of metals |

| |Types of electrodes and their application |

| |Manual metal arc welding procedures |

| |Equipment maintenance procedures |

| |Workplace guidelines regarding acceptable tolerance levels to be considered as per job sheet|

| | |

| |Manufacturer/component supplier specifications |

| |Procedures for reporting faults and material defects |

| |Work organization and planning processes |

| |Workplace/enterprise quality processes |

|Required skills |Using work instructions to determine job requirements, including job sheets, quality and |

| |quantity of materials |

| |Reading and interpreting job specifications |

| |Observing OH&S requirements, including personal protection needs, throughout the work |

| |Completing manual metal arc welding procedures without causing damage to component or system|

| | |

| |Cleaning and inspecting equipment and work area for serviceable conditions in accordance |

| |with workplace procedures. |

| |Selecting materials for repair and replacement and inspecting for quality |

| |Carrying-out manual metal arc welding according to a standard that meets industry |

| |regulations/guidelines, OH&S requirements, legislation and workplace policy/procedures |

| |Maintaining tooling in accordance with workplace procedures |

| |Removing waste and scrap following workplace procedures |

|Resource implication |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Workplace: Real or simulated work area |

| |Appropriate tools and equipment |

| |Materials relevant to activity |

|Method of assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration with questioning |

| |Written/Oral examination |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.122.03.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in identifying, interpreting and applying service manuals, |

|maintenance procedures manuals, repair manuals and periodical maintenance manual. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Identify manuals and interpret data and |Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements. |

|specification |Information and procedures in the manual are interpreted in accordance with industry |

| |practices. |

| |Relevant sections, chapter of manuals/specifications were located in relation to the work |

| |to be performed. |

|Apply information accessed from manual |Data and specification are interpreted according to job requirement. |

| |Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer specifications. |

| |Manual data is applied according to the given task. |

| |All correct sequence and adjustment are interpreted in accordance with information |

| |contained on the manual or specification. |

|Store manual |Manuals are stored appropriately to insure prevention of damage. |

| |Manuals are stored properly for easy access and ready for updating of information required|

| |in the given task. |

Range of Variables


|Appropriate manuals |May include: |

| |Maintenance manual |

| |Operating manual |

| |Parts manual |

| |Service manual |

| |Manual of specifications |

| |Manufacturers schematic diagram |

|Information and procedures |May include but not limited to: |

| |Fits and tolerances |

| |Torque specifications |

| |Disassembly and assembly procedures |

| |Schematic diagrams |

| |Troubleshooting charts/instructions |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Identified and accessed appropriate manuals as per job requirements. |

| |Interpreted information and procedures in the manual in accordance with industry |

| |practices. |

| |Identified work steps correctly in accordance with manufacturer specifications. |

| |Applied manual data according to the given task. |

| |Interpreted all correct sequence and adjustment in accordance with information contained |

| |on the manual or specification. |

| |Stored manuals properly for easy access and ready for updating of information required in |

| |the given task. |

|Required Knowledge |Types of manuals used in automotive industry and their application |

| |Procedure/techniques in interpreting data and specifications. |

| |Knowledge and techniques in accessing data and specifications as per job requirements. |

| |Method of identifying symbols used in the manuals. |

| |Identification of units of measurements. |

| |Procedure of interpreting appropriate data and specifications. |

| |Procedure of applying data and specification accessed from the manuals. |

| |Techniques in storing manuals. |

| |Procedures in maintaining manuals |

|Required skills |Identifying and accessing appropriate manuals as per job requirements. |

| |Interpreting information and procedures in the manual in accordance with industry |

| |practices. |

| |Identifying work steps correctly in accordance with manufacturer specifications. |

| |Applying manual data according to the given task. |

| |Interpreting all correct sequence and adjustment in accordance with information contained |

| |on the manual or specification. |

| |Storing manuals properly for easy access and ready for updating of information required in|

| |the given task. |

|Resource implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Classroom/laboratory |

| |Appropriate manuals |

| |Operating manual specifications |

| |Repair manual |

| |Maintenance manual |

| |Parts manual |

| |Supplies and materials relevant to activity |

| |Instructional materials |

| |Reference books |

| |Professional emergency |

| |learning guides |

| |modules |

| |CD’s, VHS tapes, transparencies |

|Method of assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Written/oral examinations |

| |Direct observation |

| |Project method |

| |Interview |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.122.04.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to inspect work done by other staff, apply quality |

|standards to work, and protect customer property and interests. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Gather information to carry out inspection |OH&S requirements, including company regulatory requirements and personal protection needs|

| |are observed throughout the work. |

| |Pertinent information are sourced |

| |Different methods are analyzed and those most appropriate to the circumstances are |

| |selected and prepared |

| |Technical and/or calibration requirements for inspection are sourced and needed equipment |

| |is identified and prepared |

|Apply quality standards to work |Work is identified and confirmed for inspection in |

| |accordance with company quality procedures |

| |Quality Inspections are conducted throughout the course of the work to ensure quality |

| |standards are maintained |

| |Quality standards are applied during work completion to ensure the treatment of customer |

| |property meets industry and / or company standards |

| |Activities are coordinated throughout the workplace in accordance with company procedures |

| |Documents of work quality are maintained according to company requirements. |

|Achieve quality work |Damage to customer property is avoided through ensuring staff adherence to quality |

|outcomes |procedures and use of protective materials at all stages of the repair or service |

| |Communication pertaining to quality improvements and recommendations are to be done in |

| |accordance with company requirements |

Range of Variables


|OH&S requirements |May include: |

| |Safety equipment |

| |Personal protective equipment and clothing |

| |First aid equipment |

| |Hazard and risk control |

| |Elimination of hazardous materials and substances |

|Information |May include: |

| |Manufacturer/component supplier specifications |

| |Company operating procedures |

| |Supplier directories |

| |Parts catalogues |

| |Customer orders |

| |Service manual |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) |

|Quality Procedures |May include: |

| |3.1 Worksite quality system documentation |

| |3.2 Work instructions |

| |3.3 Safe work procedures |

| |3.4 Product specifications |

| |3.5 Equipment maintenance schedules |

| |3.6 Technical procedures |

| |3.7 Adopted or specifically prepared standards |

|Quality Inspections |May include: |

| |4.1 Periodic inspection during the job or observation at completion of the job to ensure |

| |all ordered parts have been fitted, components used meet manufacturer / component supplier |

| |specifications, invoicing complies with service / repair / parts order and contains |

| |sufficient details of labor and / or components used |

| |4.2 Reported and diagnosed problems have been confirmed as rectified thru test procedures |

| |and presentation of the vehicle or equipment after service/repair meets manufacturer and |

| |company standards |

|Communication |May include: |

| |5.1 Verbal |

| |5.2 Written |

| |5.3 Telephone or Electronic means |

Evidence Guide

|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Observed safety procedures and requirements |

| |Communicated effectively with others involved in or |

| |affected by the work |

| |Applied OH&S policies and procedures |

| |Identified quality procedures |

| |Inspected work undertaken by others |

| |Applied quality standards at work |

|Required Knowledge |Quality systems in a workplace |

| |Common automotive terminology |

| |Vehicle safety requirements |

| |Work planning processes |

| |OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material and personal safety requirements |

| |Company quality systems and procedures |

| |Worksite environmental control measures |

| |Worksite reporting procedures |

|Required skills |Observing safety procedures and requirements |

| |Communicating effectively with others involved in or |

| |affected by the work |

| |Applying OH&S policies and procedures |

| |Identifying quality procedures |

| |Inspecting work undertaken by others |

| |Applying quality standards at work |

| |Working with others and in a team |

| |Using mathematical ideas and techniques |

| |Solving problems |

| |Communicating ideas and information |

| |Collecting, analyzing and organizing information |

| |Planning and organizing activities |

| |Disposing of wastes and fluid properly. |

| |Using technology |

|Resource implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Workplace: Real or simulated work area |

| |Appropriate tools & equipment |

| |Materials relevant to the activity |

|Method of assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Written/Oral questioning |

| |Demonstration |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |



|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.223.01.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to tune-up gasoline engine (carbureted), service gasoline |

|engine fuel system (direct injected), service gasoline engine cooling system, service gasoline engine air induction and exhaust systems |

|and perform gasoline engine overhauling in accordance with engine manufacturers specifications. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Tune-up gasoline engine (carbureted) |Valve tappet clearances are checked and adjusted in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Spark plugs are inspected and change where necessary in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Fuel filter is checked and replaced where required in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Air cleaner is serviced and replaced as per engine manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Contact point condenser is inspected and replaced where necessary |

| |Dwell angle and ignition setting are tested and adjusted where necessary in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Appropriate tools and instruments are used when performing gasoline engine tune-up in |

| |accordance with engine manufacturer’s specifications. |

| |Engine idle speed is adjusted in accordance with engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Advance mechanism and ignition timing is adjusted in accordance with engine manufacturer’s|

| |specification. |

| |Compression testing is conducted following specifications of engine manufacturer. |

|Service engine fuel system (direct injected) |Fuel injection nozzles (injectors) are checked, cleaned or replaced where necessary |

| |High pressure line is disconnected and installed in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instruction. |

| |Safety precautions are observed when servicing high pressure fuel systems |

| |Fuel pressure is checked following engine manufacturer’s instruction and in accordance |

| |with specification. |

| |Fuel leaks are checked and corrections are performed in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s and workplace instructions |

| |Fuel pump operation is checked and remedies are carried out where necessary |

| |Engine idle speed is adjusted in accordance with engine manufacturer’s specification |

|Service engine cooling system |Inspection of cooling system for leaks is performed following workplace and engine |

| |manufacturer’s instruction. |

| |Engine coolant condition is checked at reservoir and replace where necessary following |

| |engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Thermostat is checked for proper operation and setting |

| |Cooling fan condition is checked for proper operation and repair/replace where necessary |

| |Check water pump assembly operation and replace as required in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Radiator is checked for leaks and repair/replacement is performed as required. |

|Service engine air induction and exhaust |Air intake control system is checked in accordance engine manufacturer’s instructions and |

|systems |specifications |

| |Air intake control components are adjusted or replaced where necessary in accordance with |

| |engine manufacturer’s specifications. |

| |Exhaust system components are checked and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s instructions and specifications |

| |Exhaust system components are repaired or replaced following workplace and engine |

| |manufacturer’s instructions. |

|Service engine mechanical components |Remove partial engine assembly components in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions |

| |Engine mechanical system servicing and maintenance are performed in accordance with engine|

| |manufacturers procedure and specification |

| |Safety and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing gasoline |

| |engine repairs and overhauling |

| |Contamination control is observed when performing gasoline engine overhauling and repair |

| |works. |

| |Cylinder head assembly components are removed and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s instruction |

| |Oil pan and crankcase components are removed and serviced following engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions and specifications |

| |Gears, pulleys and components are removed and serviced following engine manufacturer’s |

| |instruction and specification |

| |Cylinder and piston assembly/components are removed and serviced following engine |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specifications |

| |Crankshaft assembly and components are removed and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Engine parts and components condition are inspected following workplace and engine |

| |manufacturer’s specifications |

| |Engine parts and components are serviced and replaced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Engine parts and components are assembled in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions and specifications |


|Appropriate tools and instruments |May include but not limited to: |

| |Socket wrench |

| |Screw driver set |

| |OBD II scan tool |

| |Timing light |

|Engine coolant condition |May include but not limited to: |

| |Coolant level |

| |Coolant quality |

| |Cooling fins condition (clogged) |

| |Thermostat setting |

|Partial engine assembly components |May include: |

| |Air conditioning system components |

| |Cruise control actuator assembly |

| |Battery assembly |

| |Steering assembly and components |

| |Engine mounting brackets |

| |Flywheel sub-assemblies |

| |Intake and exhaust manifold and components |

| |Flywheel assembly and components |

| |Transmission assembly and components |

| |Generator and charging system components |

| |Engine cooling system components |

|Safety and environmental protection |May include but not limited to: |

|requirements |Wearing of necessary Personal Protection Equipment at work |

| |Proper disposal of lubricants and chemicals |

| |Use of proper lifting equipment |

| |Proper use of hand tools and power tools |

|Contamination control |May include but not limited to: |

| |Performing overhauling and repairs in a dust-free environment |

| |Performing overhauling and repairs in a moisture free environment |

| |Wrapping engine parts with clean cloth or plastic |

| |Storing parts and components in a clean and moisture free storage bins. |

| |Labelling parts and components |

|Cylinder head assembly components |Includes the following: |

| |Cylinder head cover |

| |Intake and exhaust valve assembly and components |

| |Camshaft assembly |

| |Timing chain assembly/components |

| |Camshaft journal/main bearings |

| |Cylinder head block |

|Gears, pulleys and components |May include: |

| |Timing gears |

| |Oil seals |

| |Crankshaft pulley |

| |Timing belt tensioner |

| |Drive gears |

|Cylinder and piston assembly/components |May include; |

| |Cylinder liner |

| |Piston |

| |Piston pins |

| |Connecting rod |

| |Connecting rod bushing |

| |Connecting rod bearings |

|Crankshaft assembly and components |Includes the following: |

| |Crankshaft pulley |

| |Crankshaft |

| |Crankshaft main bearings |

| |Crankshaft journal bearings |

| |Oil seal |

|Engine parts and components condition |May include but not limited to: |

| |Cracks |

| |Damage |

| |Worn out |

| |Bent |

| |Overheated (Burnt) |

|Engine manufacturer’s specification |May include but not limited to: |

| |Dimensions |

| |Clearances |

| |Backlash |

| |Surface finish |

| |Bore diameter |

| |Fits and tolerances |

| |Dis-assembly and assembly procedures |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Checked and adjusted valve tappet clearances in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Tested and adjusted dwell angle and ignition setting where necessary in accordance with |

| |engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Checked, cleaned or replaced fuel injection nozzles (injectors) where necessary |

| |Adjusted engine idle speed in accordance with engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Checked cooling fan condition for proper operation and replace where necessary |

| |Adjusted or replaced air intake control components where necessary in accordance with |

| |engine manufacturer’s specifications. |

| |Checked and serviced exhaust system components in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions and specifications |

| |Repaired, serviced and replaced engine parts and components in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Principles of operation of gasoline engines, Components and their functions |

| |Procedure of checking and adjusting valve tappet clearances |

| |Technique of inspecting and changing spark plugs |

| |Method of checking and replacing fuel filter in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Procedure of servicing and replacing air cleaner |

| |Procedure of inspecting and replacing contact point condenser where necessary |

| |Method of testing and adjusting dwell angle and ignition setting |

| |Procedure for adjusting engine idle speed |

| |Procedure of adjusting advance mechanism and ignition timing. |

| |Method and technique of conducting compression testing |

| |Method of checking, cleaning or replacing fuel injection nozzles (injectors) |

| |Procedure of disconnecting and installing high pressure line. |

| |Safety precautions when servicing high pressure fuel systems |

| |Specified engine fuel pressure |

| |Fuel pump operation and troubleshooting |

| |Procedure of adjusting engine idle speed |

| |Principles of operation of cooling system |

| |Method of checking engine coolant condition |

| |Procedure of checking thermostat for proper operation and setting. |

| |Method of checking cooling fan condition for proper operation |

| |Procedure of checking and replacing operation of water pump assembly. |

| |Air intake control components adjustment and replacement procedure. |

| |Exhaust system components checking and servicing in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions and specifications |

| |Removal procedure of partial engine assemblies and components |

| |Procedure on Engine overhauling and repairs |

| |Principles of Contamination control |

| |Procedure of Cylinder head assembly components removal and servicing |

| |Oil pan and crankcase components and their operating principles |

| |Methods and techniques of Gears, pulleys and components removal and servicing |

| |Procedure of removing and servicing gasoline engine components |

| |Procedure of gasoline engine servicing and overhauling |

| |Method and techniques of repairing, servicing and replacing engine parts and components |

| |are |

|Underpinning skills |Checking and adjusting valve tappet clearances in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Inspecting and changing spark plugs where necessary in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Testing and adjusting dwell angle and ignition setting where necessary in accordance with |

| |engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Checking, cleaning or replacing fuel injection nozzles (injectors) where necessary |

| |Disconnecting and installing high pressure line in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instruction |

| |Checking fuel pressure following engine manufacturer’s instruction and in accordance with |

| |specification. |

| |Adjusting engine idle speed in accordance with engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Checking cooling fan condition for proper operation and repair/replace where necessary |

| |Adjusting or replacing air intake control components where necessary. |

| |Checking and servicing exhaust system components in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Repairing, servicing and replacing engine parts and components in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Assembling engine parts and components in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instructions and specifications |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools and equipment in performing the tasks |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables |

| |Safety equipment |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine maintenance |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually or in |

| |group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.423.02.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to service vehicle suspension systems and components, |

|service steering system, service brake system, service clutch system and service intermediate and final drives. |


| |((Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Service vehicle suspension systems and components |Front suspension system problems are checked and faults are identified in accordance|

| |with vehicle manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide. |

| |Service and repair procedure for front suspension is carried out following the |

| |vehicle manufacturer’s instruction/guide. |

| |Front suspension components are checked and replaced where necessary in accordance |

| |with manufacturer’s specifications |

| |Front wheel alignment is carried out in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |specifications |

| |Proper tools and equipment are used when performing front suspension repair and |

| |maintenance activities in accordance with workplace requirements. |

| |Front wheel Alignment and adjustment procedure is carried out in accordance with |

| |workplace and vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation and specification. |

| |Shock absorber and coil spring repair procedure is carried out in accordance with |

| |workplace instruction and vehicle manufacturer’s specification |

|Service steering system |Steering wheel free play is checked in accordance with vehicle manufacturer’s |

| |servicing specifications |

| |Steering problems/symptoms are identified following workplace and vehicle |

| |manufacturer’s troubleshooting instructions. |

| |Servicing and maintenance procedures for steering system is carried out in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s specifications. |

| |Steering assembly components are serviced and maintained in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s instructions and specifications |

| |Power steering servicing and maintenance procedures are carried out in accordance |

| |with workplace and car manufacturer’s instructions. |

| |Rack and pinion servicing and maintenance procedures are carried out in accordance |

| |with workplace and car manufacturer’s instructions and specifications. |

|Service brake system |Braking system problems and symptoms are checked and rectified in accordance with |

| |car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Brake fluid bleeding procedure is carried out in accordance with workplace and car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instructions and specifications |

| |Brake pedal sub–assembly adjustment is carried out in accordance with workplace and |

| |car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications. |

| |Brake master cylinder sub–assembly is serviced in accordance with workplace and car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Front brake components servicing and maintenance are carried out in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications. |

| |Rear brake components servicing and maintenance are carried out in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Proportioning valve assembly is checked and serviced in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification. |

|Service clutch system |Clutch system problems and symptoms are checked and rectified in accordance with car|

| |manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Clutch pedal sub–assembly adjustment parameters are checked in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specifications. |

| |Clutch system components are checked and maintained in accordance with workplace and|

| |car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

| |Clutch system components servicing and maintenance procedures are carried out in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

|Service intermediate and final drives |Drive shaft problems and symptoms are checked in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing procedures and specifications. |

| |Drive shaft components are inspected and maintained in accordance with workplace and|

| |car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification. |

| |Drive shaft components servicing and maintenance procedures are carried out in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

|Service wheels and tires |Wheel and tire servicing and maintenance procedures are carried out in accordance |

| |with workplace and car manufacturer’s specifications |

| |Depleted tires are checked and vulcanized where practical in accordance with |

| |workplace procedures |

| |New tires are installed in accordance with workplace procedures |


|Front suspension system problems |May include but not limited to: |

| |Bottoming |

| |Swaying/pitching |

| |Wheel shimming |

| |Abnormal tire wear |

|Front suspension components |May include: |

| |Coil spring seat |

| |Front coil spring insulator |

| |Coil spring |

| |Coil spring bumper |

| |Shock Absorber Assembly |

| |Stabilizer |

| |Front suspension arm |

| |Ball joint assembly |

|Tools and equipment |May include but not limited to: |

| |Socket wrench set |

| |Combination wrench set |

| |Allen wrench set |

| |Screw driver set |

| |Pry bar |

| |Vise grip |

| |Coil spring compressor |

| |Wheel alignment machine |

| |Ball peen hammer |

| |Mallet |

| |Pin punch |

|Wheel Alignment and adjustment procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Tire inspection |

| |Measuring the vehicle height |

| |Checking/inspecting toe-in and adjust |

| |Checking/inspecting wheel angle |

| |Inspect camber, caster and steering axis inclination |

| |Adjust camber |

|Shock absorber and coil spring repair procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Remove front wheel |

| |Disconnect front stabilizer link assembly LH |

| |Disconnect front flexible hose |

| |Remove front shock absorber with coil spring |

| |Fix front shock absorber with coil spring |

| |Remove shock absorber assembly front LH |

| |Inspect shock absorber assembly front LH |

| |Install front shock absorber with coil spring |

| |Install front flexible hose |

| |Install front stabilizer link assembly LH |

| |Install front wheel |

|Steering problems/symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Hard steering |

| |Poor return |

| |Excessive play |

| |Abnormal noise |

|Servicing and maintenance procedures |May include but not limited to: |

| |Inspection of steering wheel |

| |Performing measurements |

| |Checking conditions of steering components and maintaining where necessary |

| |Performing steering angle adjustments |

|Steering assembly components |Includes the following: |

| |Steering wheel |

| |Steering column |

| |Universal joint |

| |Steering intermediate shaft |

|Power steering servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited to: |

|procedures |Inspecting power steering pump drive belt |

| |Checking of power steering fluid level and adjusting |

| |Air bleeding of power steering fluid system |

| |Checking power steering fluid pressure |

| |Checking the steering effort (force) |

| |Changing of power steering fluid |

|Rack and pinion servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited to: |

|procedures |Servicing tie rod end sub–assembly LH and RH |

| |Servicing steering intermediate shaft |

| |Servicing pressure feed and return tube assembly |

| |Servicing front suspension arm sub–assembly LH and RH |

| |Servicing front suspension crossmember sub–assembly |

| |Servicing rack & pinion power steering gear assembly |

| |Servicing and maintaining tie rod end sub–assembly LH and RH |

| |Servicing steering rack end sub–assembly |

| |Servicing power steering control valve |

|Braking system problems and symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Low pedal or spongy pedal |

| |Brake drag |

| |Brake pull |

| |Hard pedal but brake inefficient |

| |Noise from brakes |

|Brake fluid bleeding procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Filling reservoir with recommended brake fluid |

| |Bleeding master cylinder |

| |Bleeding brake lines |

| |Checking and topping-up fluid level in reservoir |

|Brake pedal sub–assembly adjustment |May include but not limited to: |

| |Checking and adjusting brake pedal height |

| |Checking and adjusting pedal free play |

| |Checking and adjusting pedal reserve distance |

|Brake master cylinder sub–assembly |Includes the following: |

| |Brake booster assembly |

| |Brake master cylinder |

| |Brake master cylinder reservoir |

| |Brake master cylinder repair kit |

|Front brake components |Includes the following: |

| |Flexible hoses |

| |Front brake disc |

| |Front disc brake cylinder |

| |Disc brake pads |

| |Brake cylinder repair kit |

|Front brake components servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited to: |

| |Removing front brake components |

| |Checking and replacing disc brake piston |

| |Checking and replacing disc brake piston seals |

| |Inspecting and replacing disc brake lining pads |

| |Inspecting and replacing brake disc |

| |Checking and replacing bush dust boot |

| |Checking and replacing cylinder boot |

|Rear brake components |Includes the following: |

| |Brake drum |

| |Rear brake shoe |

| |Return spring |

| |Tension spring |

| |Parking brake strut |

| |Parking brake shoe lever |

| |Rear wheel brake cylinder assembly |

|Rear brake components servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited: |

| |Checking and replacing brake fluid |

| |Inspecting and servicing rear brake drum sub–assembly |

| |Checking and maintaining rear brake automatic adjust lever LH and RH |

| |Checking and replacing front and rear brake shoes |

| |Inspect rear drum brake shoe lining thickness and maintain or replace (LH and RH). |

| |Maintain or replace rear wheel brake cylinder assemblies |

| |Check and maintain brake parking brake shoe lever sub–assembly |

|Clutch system problems and symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Grabbing/chattering clutch |

| |Spongy clutch pedal |

| |Noisy clutch |

| |Slipping clutch |

| |Clutch does not disengage |

|Clutch pedal sub–assembly adjustment parameters |May include but not limited to: |

| |Pedal height |

| |Pedal free play |

| |Clutch release point |

|Clutch system components |Includes the following: |

| |Clutch master cylinder |

| |Clutch pedal support sub-assembly |

| |Clutch pedal sub assembly |

| |Clutch release (secondary) cylinder assembly |

| |Clutch unit assembly |

|Clutch system components servicing and maintenance|May include but not limited to: |

|procedures |Checking and maintaining clutch pedal assembly |

| |Checking and maintaining clutch master cylinder assembly |

| |Checking and maintaining clutch release (secondary) cylinder |

| |Checking and maintaining clutch unit assembly and components. |

|Drive shaft problems and symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Wheel wanders |

| |Shimmy front wheel |

| |Noisy drive shaft |

|Drive shaft components |Includes the following: |

| |Front axle hub bearing (LH and RH) |

| |Rear axle hub bearing (LH and RH) |

| |Front drive shafts (LH and RH) |

| |Rear axle hub (LH and RH) |

|Drive shaft components servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited to: |

|procedures |Inspecting and servicing front axle hub bearing |

| |Inspecting and servicing rear axle hub bearing |

| |Removing and maintaining front axle hub LH and RH |

| |Maintaining front stabilizer link assembly LH and RH |

| |Maintaining tie rod end sub assembly LH and RH |

| |Maintaining front suspension arm sub–assembly LH and RH |

| |Inspecting and maintaining front and rear axle (drive shaft) assembly |

| |Inspecting and maintaining front axle hub sub–assembly LH and RH |

| |Inspecting and maintaining lower and upper ball joint assembly LH and RH |

| |Inspecting and maintaining rear axle hub & bearing assembly LH and RH |

|Wheel and tire servicing and maintenance |May include but not limited to: |

|procedures |Inspecting tire condition |

| |Rotating tires |

| |Inspecting and wheel balancing |

| |Inspecting and adjusting wheel bearing backlash |

| |Inspecting axle hub deviation |

| |Vulcanizing tires |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Checked and identified faults of front suspension system problems in accordance with|

| |vehicle manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide. |

| |Checked and replaced front suspension components where necessary in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specifications |

| |Carried out front wheel alignment and adjustment procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation and specification. |

| |Identified steering problems/symptoms following workplace and vehicle manufacturer’s|

| |troubleshooting instructions |

| |Carried out power steering servicing and maintenance procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s instructions |

| |Checked and rectified braking system problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carried out front brake components servicing and maintenance in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carried out rear brake components servicing and maintenance in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Checked and rectified Clutch system problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carried out clutch system components servicing and maintenance procedures in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

| |Checked drive shaft problems and symptoms in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing procedures and specifications. |

| |Carried out drive shaft components servicing and maintenance procedures in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

| |Carried out wheel and tire servicing and maintenance procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s specifications |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Types of vehicle suspension systems and their application |

| |Components and functions of suspension systems |

| |Methods and procedures in inspecting and servicing of suspension system components |

| |Types of steering systems applied in vehicle and their application and advantages |

| |Principles of operation of manual and power steering systems. |

| |Components of manual and power assisted steering systems and their functions |

| |Servicing and maintenance procedures for steering systems and components |

| |Types of braking systems and their applications |

| |Principles of operation of different types of braking systems |

| |Components of braking systems and their functions |

| |Methods of brake systems servicing and maintenance |

| |Principles of operation of clutch systems |

| |Components of clutch system and their function |

| |Procedures of clutch system and component maintenance and servicing |

| |Principles of operation of drive shafts |

| |Types of intermediate and final drives and their applications |

| |Procedures of drive shaft components servicing and maintenance |

| |Types of wheels and tires and their applications |

| |Maintenance and repair procedures for tires and wheels |

| |OH&S and environmental requirements when working with vehicle underchassis systems |

| |and assemblies. |

|Underpinning skills |Checking and identifying faults of front suspension system problems in accordance |

| |with vehicle manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide. |

| |Checking and replacing front suspension components where necessary in accordance |

| |with manufacturer’s specifications |

| |Carrying out front wheel alignment and adjustment procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation and specification. |

| |Identifying steering problems/symptoms following workplace and vehicle |

| |manufacturer’s troubleshooting instructions |

| |Carrying out power steering servicing and maintenance procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s instructions |

| |Checking and rectifying braking system problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carrying out front brake components servicing and maintenance in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carrying out rear brake components servicing and maintenance in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Checking and rectifying Clutch system problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing procedures and specifications |

| |Carrying out clutch system components servicing and maintenance procedures in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

| |Checking drive shaft problems and symptoms in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing procedures and specifications. |

| |Carrying out drive shaft components servicing and maintenance procedures in |

| |accordance with workplace and car manufacturer’s servicing instruction and |

| |specification |

| |Carrying out wheel and tire servicing and maintenance procedures in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s specifications |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools in performing the tasks. |

| |Necessary equipment in performing the tasks. |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved. |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables. |

| |Safety equipment. |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine maintenance. |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually |

| |or in group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.323.03.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to service manual transaxle lubrication system, carry out |

|manual transmission servicing and maintenance and carry out shift control maintenance and servicing. |


| |((Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Service manual transaxle lubrication system |Transaxle oil is inspected in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification |

| |Transaxle oil seal is checked ad replaced if necessary in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Transaxle oil seal servicing procedure is carried out in accordance with workplace |

| |and car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

|Carry out manual transmission servicing and |Manual transmission components are inspected in accordance with workplace and car |

|maintenance |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Recommended tools and equipment are used when performing manual transmission |

| |servicing and maintenance works |

| |Manual transmission servicing procedure is carried out in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification. |

| |Recommended specification parameters are applied in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction. |

| |Contamination control is observed when performing manual transmission servicing and |

| |maintenance |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing manual |

| |transmission servicing and maintenance works. |

|Carry out shift control maintenance and servicing |Floor shift cable for transmission control shift is checked and replaced in |

| |accordance with workplace and manufacturer’s instruction |

| |Floor shift cable for transmission control shift is adjusted in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |


|Transaxle oil seal servicing procedures |May include but not limited to: |

| |Draining of transaxle oil |

| |Removing of front drive shaft assembly LH and RH |

| |Removing and replacing transaxle case oil seal |

| |Removing and replacing transmission case oil seal |

|Manual transmission components |May include but not limited to: |

| |Front transaxle case oil seal |

| |Input shaft front bearing |

| |Input shaft assembly |

| |Differential case assembly |

| |Differential case rear tapered roller bearing |

| |Transmission Case Oil Seal |

| |Gear shift fork |

| |Reverse idler gear sub–assembly |

| |Output shaft assembly |

| |Gears |

| |Synchromesh |

|Tools and equipment |May include: |

| |Set of socket wrench |

| |Set of Allen wrench |

| |Set of screw drivers |

| |Pry bar |

| |Dial indicator |

| |Vernier caliper |

| |Micrometer |

| |Steel rule |

| |Feeler gauge |

| |Chain block) |

| |Portable lifter (mechanical/hydraulic) |

|Manual transmission servicing procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Inspect and service clutch release bearing assembly |

| |Inspect and replace manual transmission output shaft |

| |Inspect and replace gear shift forks |

| |Check and adjust gear thrust clearance |

| |Check and adjust gear radial clearance |

| |Inspect and service transmission clutch hub |

| |Inspect and replace gear needle roller bearings |

| |Inspect and replace driven gears |

| |Inspect and replace synchronizer rings |

| |Inspect and service transmission hub sleeve |

|Specification parameters |May include but not limited to: |

| |Dimensions |

| |Fits and tolerances |

| |Clearances |

| |Thickness |

| |Backlash |

| |Tightening torque |

| |Oil viscosity |

| |End (Thrust) play |

| |Axial play |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Inspected transaxle oil in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Carried out transaxle oil seal servicing procedure in accordance with workplace and |

| |car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Inspected Manual transmission components in accordance with workplace and car |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Carried out Manual transmission servicing procedure in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

| |Applied the recommended specification parameters in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction |

| |Observed contamination control when performing manual transmission servicing and |

| |maintenance |

| |Checked and replaced floor shift cable for transmission control shift in accordance |

| |with workplace and manufacturer’s instruction |

| |Adjusted floor shift cable for transmission control shift in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Types of manual transmission and their applications |

| |Procedure of inspecting transaxle oil |

| |Method of checking ad replacing transaxle oil sea |

| |Method of inspecting manual transmission |

| |Recommended tools and equipment used when performing manual transmission servicing |

| |and maintenance works |

| |Servicing procedure of manual transmission |

| |Car manufacturer’s recommended specification parameters for manual transmission |

| |assembly/servicing. |

| |Principles of contamination control and its benefits |

| |Operation and components of floor shift cable for transmission control shift |

| |Servicing procedures for floor shift cable transmission control. |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements when performing manual transmission |

| |servicing and maintenance |

|Underpinning skills |Inspecting transaxle oil in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Carrying-out transaxle oil seal servicing procedure in accordance with workplace and|

| |car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Inspecting Manual transmission components in accordance with workplace and car |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

| |Carrying-out manual transmission servicing procedure in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

| |Applying the recommended specification parameters in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction |

| |Observing contamination control when performing manual transmission servicing and |

| |maintenance |

| |Checking and replacing floor shift cable for transmission control shift in |

| |accordance with workplace and manufacturer’s instruction |

| |Adjusting floor shift cable for transmission control shift in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s specification. |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools in performing the tasks. |

| |Necessary equipment in performing the tasks. |

| |Required measuring and checking instruments |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved. |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables. |

| |Safety equipment. |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine repair and overhauling. |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually |

| |or in group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.523.04.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to service car instrument panel, service car lighting |

|system and components, service car ignition system, carry- out starting system servicing and maintenance and carry-out charging system|

|servicing and maintenance |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Service car instrument panel |Warning lights and buzzers of car Instrument panel are identified in accordance with|

| |car manufacturer’s instruction |

| |Problems and symptoms are diagnosed as it appears from the car instrument panel |

| |following car manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide |

| |On-vehicle inspection and diagnostics in relation to instrument panel faults are |

| |carried out in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety precautions when performing instrument panel inspection and servicing is |

| |observed in accordance with car manufacturer’s servicing instruction manual. |

|Service car lighting system and components |Car lighting systems are checked and serviced in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |Servicing procedures for car lighting systems are carried out in accordance with car|

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Head light aim adjustment is carried out in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Vehicle ideal condition/position is set before performing headlamp and fog lamp aim |

| |adjustments. |

| |Appropriate electrical rating/capacities of safety controls and accessories of |

| |Lighting systems are used for replacement in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |specification. |

|Service car ignition system |Ignition system components are inspected and serviced in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Spark plug test procedure is carried out in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Ignition coil is checked and replaced in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |specification |

| |OH&S and environmental requirements are observed in accordance with workplace |

| |requirements and policies. |

|Carry- out starting system servicing and |Starting system components are checked and serviced in accordance with workplace and|

|maintenance |car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Starter motor servicing procedure is carried out in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

| |Starter motor overhauling procedure is performed in accordance with workplace and |

| |car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |OH&S and environmental requirements are observed when performing starter system |

| |maintenance and repair |

|Carry-out charging system servicing and |Charging system components are checked and serviced in accordance with workplace and|

|maintenance |car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Generator/alternator servicing procedure is carried out in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

| |Generator/alternator overhauling procedure of is performed in accordance with |

| |workplace and car manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |OH&S and environmental requirements are observed when performing charging system |

| |maintenance and repair |


|Problems and symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Check Engine warning light does not light up |

| |Discharge warning light does not light up. |

| |Brake warning light does not light up |

| |ABS warning light does not light up |

| |SRS warning light does not light up |

| |Open Door warning light does not light up |

| |Fuel Level warning light does not light up. |

| |Low Oil Pressure warning light does not light up. |

| |Window washer level warning does not lights up |

| |Shift indicator lights do not light up. |

| |Turn indicator light does not light up. |

| |High Beam indicator light does not light up |

| |O/D OFF indicator light does not light up. |

| |TRAC indicator light does not light up |

| |SLIP indicator light does not light up. |

| |Tachometer, Fuel Gauge and Water Temperature Gauge do not operate. |

| |Fuel Gauge does not operate or abnormal operation |

|On-vehicle inspection and diagnostics |May include but not limited to: |

| |Speedometer inspection |

| |Inspection of output signal of vehicle speed |

| |Tachometer inspection |

| |Fuel receiver gauge inspection |

| |Fuel level warning inspection |

| |Engine coolant temperature receiver gauge warning light inspection |

| |Seat belt warning light (driver’s seat) Inspection |

| |Low oil pressure warning light inspection |

| |Brake warning light inspection |

| |Brake fluid level warning switch inspection |

| |Driver’s seat belt warning buzzer inspection |

| |Inspect key reminder warning buzzer |

|Safety precautions |May include but not limited to: |

| |Disconnecting battery terminals before starting to service and maintain where |

| |necessary |

| |Use of appropriate personal protection equipment |

| |Use of proper and recommended tools, materials and equipment |

| |Observing environmental protection requirements |

|Car lighting systems |Includes the following: |

| |Head lamps (LH and RH) |

| |Fog lamps (LH and RH |

| |Rear combination lamp assembly |

| |License plate lamp assembly |

| |Center stop lamp |

| |Turn signal flasher lamp assembly |

| |Back-up lamp assembly |

| |Luggage compartment lamp assembly |

| |Room lamp |

| |Glove box lamp |

|Vehicle ideal condition/position |May include but not limited to: |

| |The area around the headlight is not deformed. |

| |The vehicle is parked on a level surface. |

| |Tire inflation pressure is in the specified value. |

| |A driver is in the driver’s seat and the vehicle is in a state ready for driving |

| |(with a tank full). |

| |The vehicle has been bounced several times. |

|Electrical rating/capacities |May include: |

| |Wattage |

| |Voltage |

| |Ampere |

| |Wire size |

| |Capacitance |

| |Inductance |

|Ignition system components |May include: |

| |Spark plug |

| |Ignition coil |

| |Camshaft position sensor |

| |Crank position sensor |

| |Ignition switch |

|Spark plug test procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Checking the spark plug for thread damage and insulator damage. |

| |Checking the electrode gap. |

| |Inspecting ignition coil (with igniter) |

| |Testing spark quality of spark plug |

| |Using an ohmmeter, measuring the resistance between terminals |

|Starting system components |May include: |

| |Starter body (housing) |

| |Center bearing |

| |Planetary gears |

| |Armature |

| |Commutator |

| |Starter drive lever |

| |Starter solenoid |

|Starter motor servicing procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Inspecting starter assembly |

| |Inspecting starter relay assembly |

| |Disassembling starter assembly |

| |Servicing and replacing parts of starter motor and components |

| |Installing starter motor assembly |

| |Testing starter motor operation |

|Starter motor overhauling procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Repairing/maintaining service starter kit |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter yoke assembly |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter armature plate |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter commutator end frame cover |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter armature assembly |

| |Repairing/maintaining planetary gear |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter center bearing clutch sub–assembly |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter drive lever set pin |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter armature assembly |

| |Repairing/maintaining starter commutator end frame assembly |

|Charging system components |May include: |

| |Pulley |

| |Drive belts |

| |Drive end frame |

| |Bearings |

| |Rotor |

| |Stator |

| |Rectifier |

| |Regulator |

| |Brushes |

|Generator/alternator servicing procedure |May include: |

| |Replacement of generator/alternator assembly |

| |Checking and servicing drive pulley |

| |Checking and replacing drive belts |

| |Checking and replacing generator/alternator accessories |

|Generator/alternator overhauling procedure |May include but not limited to: |

| |Repairing/replacing generator pulley |

| |Repairing/replacing generator brush holder assembly |

| |Repairing/replacing generator regulator assembly |

| |Repairing/replacing generator holder w/rectifier |

| |Repairing/replacing generator rectifier end frame |

| |Inspecting/replacing generator regulator assembly |

| |Inspecting/replacing brush |

| |Repairing/maintaining generator rotor assembly |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Diagnosed problems and symptoms as it appears from the car instrument panel |

| |following car manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide |

| |Carried out on-vehicle inspection and diagnostics in relation to instrument panel |

| |faults in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification |

| |Carried out servicing procedures for car lighting systems in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Carried out head light aim adjustment in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Inspected and serviced ignition system components in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Carried-out spark plug test procedure in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Carried-out starter motor servicing procedure in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification. |

| |Carried-out generator/alternator servicing procedure in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Identification and information provided by Warning lights and buzzers of car |

| |Instrument panel |

| |Principles of operation of car Instrument panel |

| |Troubleshooting guide on problems and symptoms as it appears from the car instrument|

| |panel |

| |Procedure of on-vehicle inspection and diagnostics in relation to instrument panel |

| |faults |

| |Safety precautions when performing instrument panel inspection and servicing |

| |Fundamentals of electricity/electronics |

| |Types and functions of car lighting systems |

| |Procedure of checking and servicing of Car lighting systems |

| |Methods and techniques of head light aim adjustment |

| |Electrical rating/capacities of safety controls and accessories of car Lighting |

| |systems |

| |Operating principles of ignition system. |

| |Parts and functions of components of ignition system. |

| |Procedure of testing and servicing of spark plugs. |

| |Operation and maintenance of Ignition coil. |

| |OH&S and environmental requirements when performing maintenance and repair of car |

| |electrical systems |

| |Principles of operation of starting system and components |

| |Starter motor servicing procedure, methods and techniques. |

| |Starter motor overhauling procedure, methods and techniques |

| |Principles of operation of Charging system and components |

| |Generator/alternator servicing procedure, methods and techniques |

| |Generator/alternator overhauling procedure, methods and techniques |

|Underpinning skills |Diagnosing problems and symptoms as it appears from the car instrument panel |

| |following car manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide |

| |Carrying-out on-vehicle inspection and diagnostics in relation to instrument panel |

| |faults in accordance with car manufacturer’s specification |

| |Carrying-out servicing procedures for car lighting systems in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Carrying-out head light aim adjustment in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Inspecting and servicing ignition system components in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Carrying-out spark plug test procedure in accordance with car manufacturer’s |

| |servicing instruction and specification |

| |Carrying-out starter motor servicing procedure in accordance with car manufacturer’s|

| |servicing instruction and specification. |

| |Carrying-out generator/alternator servicing procedure in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction and specification |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools in performing the tasks. |

| |Necessary equipment in performing the tasks. |

| |Required measuring and checking instruments |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved. |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables. |

| |Safety equipment. |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine repair and overhauling. |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually |

| |or in group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |


|CODE: |723.7231.223.05.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to service intake air flow meter sub–assembly, service |

|camshaft timing oil control valve assembly, service throttle body assembly and service sensors and relays. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Service intake air flow meter sub–assembly |Intake air flow meter is checked and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Intake air flow meter inspection and servicing procedure is carried out in |

| |accordance with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Work safety is observed when performing air flow meter sub-assembly checks. |

|Service camshaft timing oil control valve assembly|Camshaft timing oil control valve assembly is checked and serviced in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s specification |

| |Camshaft timing oil control valve inspection and servicing procedure is carried out |

| |in accordance with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Work safety is observed when performing air flow meter sub-assembly checks. |

|Service throttle body assembly |Throttle body assembly is checked and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Throttle body assembly inspection and servicing procedure is performed in accordance|

| |with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Work safety is observed when performing Throttle body assembly inspection and |

| |servicing |

|Service sensors and relays |Sensors and relays are inspected and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Engine coolant temperature sensor inspection and servicing procedure is checked and |

| |serviced in accordance with engine manufacturer’s servicing specification |

| |Knock control sensor is checked and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s servicing specification |

| |E.F.I. Circuit opening relay is checked and serviced in accordance with engine |

| |manufacturer’s servicing specification |

| |E.F.I ECU relay is checked and serviced in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |servicing specification |

| |EFI Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) is checked and serviced in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s servicing instruction |

| |Work safety is observed when checking and servicing sensors and relays. |


|Intake air flow meter inspection and servicing |May include but not limited to: |

|procedure |Checking the intake air flow meter resistance |

| |Inspect the intake air flow meter operation |

| |Using appropriate checking and testing instruments |

| |Applying the recommended parameters when checking and inspecting |

|Camshaft timing oil control valve inspection and |May include but not limited to: |

|servicing procedure |Resistance checking |

| |Movement inspection |

| |Using appropriate checking and testing instruments |

| |Applying the recommended parameters when checking and inspecting |

|Throttle body assembly inspection and servicing |May include but not limited to: |

|procedure |Checking throttle body assembly operation and condition |

| |Check that throttle valve shaft is not rickety |

| |Check that each port is not stopped up. |

| |Check that throttle valve opens and closes smoothly. |

| |Check that there is no clearance between the throttle stop screw and throttle lever |

| |at the throttle closed position. |

| |Applying the recommended parameters when checking and inspecting |

|Sensor and relays |May include: |

| |Coolant temperature sensor |

| |Knock control sensor |

| |E.F.I. circuit opening relay |

| |E.F.I. ECU relay |

| |Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Carried out intake air flow meter inspection and servicing procedure in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Carried out camshaft timing oil control valve inspection and servicing procedure in |

| |accordance with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Performed throttle body assembly inspection and servicing procedure in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Inspected and serviced sensors and relays in accordance with engine manufacturer’s |

| |instruction and specification. |

| |Observed work safety when performing engine control system inspection and servicing.|

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Principles of operation of Intake air flow meter |

| |Servicing procedures of intake air flow meter |

| |Work safety requirements when performing air flow meter sub-assembly checks and |

| |servicing |

| |Principles of operation of camshaft timing oil control valve |

| |Inspection and servicing procedure of camshaft timing oil control valve |

| |Principles of operation of throttle body assembly |

| |Inspection and servicing procedure of throttle body assembly. |

| |Principles of operation of sensors and relays. |

| |Inspection and servicing procedure of engine coolant temperature sensor |

| |Principles of operation of Knock control sensor |

| |Principles of operation of E.F.I. Circuit opening relay |

| |Principles of operation of E.F.I ECU relay |

| |Principles of operation EFI Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) |

| |Inspection and servicing procedure of sensors and relays |

| |Work safety requirements when checking and servicing sensors and relays |

|Underpinning skills |Carrying-out intake air flow meter inspection and servicing procedure in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Carrying-out camshaft timing oil control valve inspection and servicing procedure in|

| |accordance with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Performing throttle body assembly inspection and servicing procedure in accordance |

| |with engine manufacturer’s instruction and specification. |

| |Inspecting and servicing sensors and relays in accordance with engine manufacturer’s|

| |instruction and specification. |

| |Observing work safety when performing engine control system inspection and |

| |servicing. |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools in performing the tasks. |

| |Necessary equipment in performing the tasks. |

| |Required measuring and checking instruments |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved. |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables. |

| |Safety equipment. |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine repair and overhauling. |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually |

| |or in group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines |


|UNIT CODE: |723.7231.723.08.1 |


|This competency unit includes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to check car air conditioning system operation, service car|

|air conditioning system, carry-out evaporator coil servicing and replacement, carry-out condenser coil servicing and replacement, |

|perform refrigerant compressor maintenance and replacement. |


| |(Italicized items are elaborated in the range of variables). |

|Check car air conditioning system operation |Operating condition of car air conditioner Components is checked in accordance with |

| |car manufacturer’s servicing instructions and specifications |

| |Air conditioner problems and symptoms are identified in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s troubleshooting and diagnostic instruction. |

| |Appropriate tools, materials and equipment are prepared and used in accordance with |

| |workplace and manufacturer’s requirements. |

| |Standard conditions are set when inspecting refrigerant pressure with manifold gauge|

| |set |

| |Safety precautions are observed when performing car air conditioning checks and |

| |inspection |

|Service car air conditioning system |Car air conditioning system servicing procedures are carried out in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Contamination of air conditioning system is avoided when performing car air |

| |conditioning system servicing and maintenance. |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing car air |

| |conditioning servicing and maintenance. |

|Carry-out evaporator coil servicing and |Evaporator assembly and accessories are removed and replaced in accordance with car |

|replacement |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Evaporator original and recommended replacement parts and components are installed |

| |when carrying out evaporator servicing and replacement in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety and contamination control is observed when performing evaporator servicing |

| |and replacement |

| |Damage to car panels and accessories are prevented when performing evaporator |

| |servicing and replacement. |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing |

| |evaporator assembly servicing and replacement |

|Carry-out condenser coil servicing and replacement|Condenser assembly and accessories are removed and replaced in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Condenser original and recommended replacement parts and components are installed |

| |when carrying out condenser servicing and replacement in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety and contamination control is observed when performing condenser servicing and|

| |replacement |

| |Damage to car panels and accessories are prevented when performing condenser |

| |servicing and replacement. |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing |

| |condenser assembly servicing and replacement |

|Perform refrigerant compressor maintenance and |Refrigerant Compressor assembly and accessories are removed and replaced in |

|replacement |accordance with car manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Original and recommended replacement parts and components are installed when |

| |carrying out refrigerant compressor servicing and replacement in accordance with car|

| |manufacturer’s specification |

| |Safety and contamination control is observed when performing refrigerant compressor |

| |servicing and replacement |

| |Damage to car panels and accessories are prevented when performing refrigerant |

| |compressor servicing and replacement. |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements are observed when performing |

| |refrigerant compressor assembly servicing and replacement. |


|Components of car air conditioner |May include but not limited to: |

| |Compressor assembly w/magnetic clutch |

| |Condenser assembly w/receiver |

| |Condenser cooling fans |

| |Evaporator assembly |

| |Heater coil assembly |

| |Pressure switch |

| |Filter-drier assembly |

| |Lines and tubings |

| |Refrigerant |

|Air conditioner problems and symptoms |May include but not limited to: |

| |Insufficient cooling temperature |

| |Bubbles present in sight glass |

| |No temperature difference between compressor inlet and outlet |

| |Immediately after air conditioning is turned off, refrigerant in sight glass stays |

| |clear |

| |When air conditioning is turned off, refrigerant foams and then stays clear. |

| |Refrigerant compressor does not operate |

|Appropriate tools, materials and equipment |Tools include: |

| |Set of socket wrench |

| |Set of Allen wrench |

| |Set of screw drivers |

| |Gauge manifold (System Analyzer) |

| |Flaring tool |

| |Swaging tool |

| |Thermometer |

| |Multi meter |

| |Refrigerant leak detector |

| |Materials include: |

| |Refrigerant |

| |Compressor oil |

| |Rags |

| |Brazing rod |

| |Brazing flux |

| |Nitrogen gas |

| |Equipment include: |

| |Recovery machine |

| |Vacuum pump |

| |Oxy-acetylene welding outfit |

|Standard conditions |May include: |

| |Temperature at the air inlet with the switch set at RECIRC is 30 – 35 °C (86 – 95 |

| |°F) |

| |Engine running at 1500 rpm |

| |Blower speed control switch at ”HI” position |

| |Temperature control dial at ”COOL” position |

| |A/C switch ON |

| |Fully open doors |

|Safety precautions |May include the following: |

| |Do not handle refrigerants in enclosed spaces |

| |Never heat refrigerant container or expose it to heat |

| |Be careful not to drop container and not to apply physical shocks to it |

| |Do not operate compressor without enough refrigerant in refrigerant system |

| |Do not open high pressure manifold valve while compressor is operating |

| |Be careful not to overcharge system with refrigerant |

| |Keeping off from rotating parts during live inspection/testing |

| |Keeping off from hot surfaces when performing live inspection/testing |

|OH&S and environmental protection requirements |May include but not limited to: |

| |Wearing of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) |

| |Hand gloves |

| |Face mask |

| |Goggles |

| |Apron |

| |Safety shoes |

| |Safety shoes |

| |Use of recovery machine |

| |Avoiding release of refrigerant to atmosphere |

|Air conditioning system servicing operations |May include but not limited to: |

| |Electrical control servicing and maintenance |

| |Leak testing |

| |Refrigerant system recovery |

| |System evacuation |

| |Refrigerant charging |

| |Hoses and lines replacement |

|Evaporator assembly and accessories |May include: |

| |Evaporator unit assembly |

| |Air ducts |

| |Cooling coil |

| |Expansion valve |

| |Blower motor |

| |Heating coil |

| |Defroster damper |

| |Suction and discharge hoses and lines |

|Condenser assembly and accessories |May include: |

| |Receiver-condenser coil |

| |Refrigerant pipes and hoses |

| |Refrigerant drier |

| |Condenser assembly |

| |Blower motor |

|Refrigerant Compressor assembly and accessories |May include: |

| |Compressor assembly |

| |Magnetic clutch assembly |

| |Suction and discharge hoses/lines |

| |Compressor oil |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Checked components of car air conditioner operating condition in accordance with car|

| |manufacturer’s servicing instructions and specifications |

| |Identified air conditioner problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s troubleshooting and diagnostic instruction |

| |Carried-out car air conditioning system servicing procedures in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Avoided contamination of air conditioning system when performing car air |

| |conditioning system servicing and maintenance |

| |Removed and replaced evaporator assembly and accessories in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Removed and replaced condenser assembly and accessories in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Removed and replaced refrigerant compressor assembly and accessories in accordance |

| |with car manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Observed OH&S and environmental protection requirements when performing refrigerant |

| |compressor assembly servicing and replacement |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Fundamentals of refrigeration and air conditioning systems |

| |Characteristics and function of refrigerants |

| |Components of car air conditioning system and their functions |

| |Procedure of checking and troubleshooting operating condition of car air |

| |conditioning system |

| |Tools, materials and equipment used in servicing of car air conditioning systems |

| |Safety precautions in performing car air conditioning systems servicing and |

| |maintenance |

| |Car air conditioning system servicing procedures |

| |Contamination control principles |

| |Operating principles of evaporator |

| |Procedure, methods and techniques in servicing ang replacing evaporator assembly and|

| |accessories |

| |Operating principles of condenser |

| |Procedure, method and techniques in servicing and replacing condenser assembly and |

| |accessories |

| |Principles of operation of refrigerant compressors |

| |Procedure, methods and techniques in servicing and replacing refrigerant compressor |

| |Refrigerant lines and hoses |

| |OH&S and environmental protection requirements when performing car air conditioning |

| |servicing and maintenance |

|Underpinning skills |Checking components of car air conditioner operating condition in accordance with |

| |car manufacturer’s servicing instructions and specifications |

| |Identifying air conditioner problems and symptoms in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s troubleshooting and diagnostic instruction |

| |Carrying-out car air conditioning system servicing procedures in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s instruction and specification |

| |Avoiding contamination of air conditioning system when performing car air |

| |conditioning system servicing and maintenance |

| |Removing and replacing evaporator assembly and accessories in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Removing and replacing condenser assembly and accessories in accordance with car |

| |manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Removing and replacing refrigerant compressor assembly and accessories in accordance|

| |with car manufacturer’s service manual instruction and specification |

| |Observing OH&S and environmental protection requirements when performing refrigerant|

| |compressor assembly servicing and replacement |

|Resource implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Necessary hand tools in performing the tasks. |

| |Necessary equipment in performing the tasks. |

| |Required measuring and checking instruments |

| |Required materials for the tasks involved. |

| |Cleaning materials/consumables. |

| |Safety equipment. |

| |Work station for performing preventive engine repair and overhauling. |

|Methods of assessment |Competency must be assessed through: |

| |Theoretical test |

| |Demonstration |

| |Observation |

| |Questioning |

|Context (condition) of assessment |Competency may be assessed on the job or simulated environment. |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken whether individually |

| |or in group |

| |Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with Lao PDR CBT assessment guidelines. |

G. Annexes:



H.2 LAO Automotive Sub-Sector Code

Sub-Sector Code:

0 No work category

1 General

2 Engine

3 Powertrain

4 Chassis & Suspension

5 Electrical

6 Body & Painting

7 Auto Airconditioning


|Unit No |Unit Title |

|0 |No category |




|723.7231.021.04.1 |PRIORITIZE AND ORGANIZE WORK |



|1 |General |





|2 |Engine |



|3 |Poser Train (Transmission) |


|4 |Chassis & Suspension |


|5 |Electrical |


|7 |Car Air conditioning |



SSTVET Project

|No. |Name and Surname |Organization/Company |Job expert/Position |

| |Dr. Bernadette Gonzales |SSTVET Project |Team Leader |

| |Mr. Emeterio Cedillo Jr. |SSTVET Project |International Expert |

| |Mr. Mai THAMMAVONGSA |SSTVET Project |National Consultant |

Resource Person / Methodologist

| |Mr. Bountham SITTHIMANUOTHAM |SSTVET Project |M & E Specialist |

| |Ms. Somphalang NGONPHETSY |VEDI |Head of Curriculum Development |

| | | |Section |

Resource Persons / Company & Industry

| |Mr. Boualoy SIRIPANYA |Lao Toyota Service Co LTD. Vientiane |Training Manager |

| |Mr. Phinlakone PHOMPHIPHAK |TNK Trading Co, Ltd. (MITSU LAO) |Service Advisor |

Resource Persons / Public & Private TVET Institutions

| |Mr. Bounlieng MANIVONG |Technical College of Vientiane Province|TWG member |

| |Mr. Amkha PHONPAKDY |Technical College of Vientiane Province|TWG member |

| |Mr. Khanh INTHAVONG |Khammouane Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Latsamee BAYLOUNGLATH |Khammouane Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Vaty INTHAVONG |Khammouane Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Bounthong XATHILATH |Savannakhet Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Soukhanthone PANPANYA |Savannakhet Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Phetsamay PHANSOPHA |Champasak Technical and Vocational |TWG member |

| | |College | |

| |Mr. Sayasack SISAMPHONE |Vocational Education Development |TWG member |

| | |Institute | |







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