Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation ...

Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

Christine Scott Specialist in Social Policy

January 4, 2013

CRS Report for Congress

Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

Congressional Research Service



Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administers directly, or in conjunction with other federal agencies, programs that provide benefits and other services to veterans and their spouses, dependents, and beneficiaries. One of the benefits administered by the VA is Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for survivors of certain servicemembers and veterans. DIC is a monthly tax-free cash payment to survivors and dependents of servicemembers killed while on active military duty, and for survivors and dependents of certain veterans. Survivors of veterans who die from service-related conditions are eligible for DIC. Survivors of veterans who die from non-service-connected conditions may be eligible for DIC if the veteran was eligible for, or was receiving, disability compensation as totally disabled (a 100% rating) for a period of time (specified in statute) before the veteran's death. Several policy issues are associated with DIC, including the DIC offset of Survivor Benefit Plan (military retirement survivor) payments, often referred to as the "widow's tax"; adequacy of the payments for survivors compared with other retirement systems' payments to surviving spouses; the remarriage age of 57; length of time for a totally disabled rating for non-service-connected deaths to qualify for DIC; and maximum DIC payment for parents based on income levels that have not been adjusted for inflation. This report outlines the eligibility requirements and benefit levels for DIC and related policy issues. This report will be updated as needed for legislative changes and additional information.

Congressional Research Service

Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors


Eligibility Requirements .................................................................................................................. 1 Veteran Eligibility...................................................................................................................... 1 Recipient Eligibility................................................................................................................... 2 Surviving Spouses ............................................................................................................... 2 Surviving Children .............................................................................................................. 3 Surviving Parents ................................................................................................................ 3

Monthly Benefit Amounts ............................................................................................................... 3 Surviving Spouses ..................................................................................................................... 3 Surviving Children .................................................................................................................... 4 Surviving Parents....................................................................................................................... 4

Application Process ......................................................................................................................... 4 DIC Statistics for FY2011................................................................................................................ 5 Policy Issues .................................................................................................................................... 5

DIC and SBP Offset................................................................................................................... 5 DIC Percentage of Income Compared with Other Pension Programs....................................... 5 DIC Remarriage Age ................................................................................................................. 6 Disability Requirement for Non-Service-Connected Deaths .................................................... 6 Maximum Benefit for Dependent Parents ................................................................................. 7 Legislative History........................................................................................................................... 7


Author Contact Information............................................................................................................. 8 Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................... 8

Congressional Research Service

Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers directly, or in conjunction with other federal agencies, several benefits for surviving spouses, children, and dependent parents of deceased veterans to provide them with financial, educational, and emotional support. Among these various programs, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a monthly tax-free cash payment for eligible surviving spouses, children, and dependent parents.

DIC has been paid in some form (monthly cash payments or insurance benefits) to survivors since the Revolutionary War. There were modifications after each war until the 1950s, when the federal government mandated a more streamlined process that created the system used currently for survivors of veterans and military servicemen.

Several policy issues are associated with DIC, including the DIC offset of Survivor Benefit Plan (military retirement survivor) payments, often referred to as the "widow's tax"; adequacy of the payments for surviving spouses compared with the payments made by other retirement systems to surviving spouses; remarriage age of 57; length of time for a totally disabled rating for nonservice-connected deaths to qualify for DIC; and maximum DIC payment for parents based on income levels that have not been adjusted for inflation.

This report outlines the eligibility requirements and benefit levels for DIC and the policy issues associated with DIC.

Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility for DIC by survivors is based on (1) the eligibility of the veteran, which is determined by the circumstances of the veteran's death and his or her disability compensation rating; and (2) the survivor meeting certain criteria related to either relationship to the veteran, age, or income.

Veteran Eligibility

The recipients of DIC must be the survivors of qualifying veterans. By statute, a "veteran" is defined as a "person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable."1 DIC is paid to eligible survivors for three categories of veterans whose deaths fit one of the following circumstances:

1. veterans who died on active duty,2 active duty for training, or inactive duty for training;

1 38 U.S.C. ?101(2) 2 Active duty is considered to include (1) full-time service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard, other than active duty for training (38 U.S.C. ?101(21)(A); 38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(1)); (2) full-time service as a commissioned officer in the Public Health Service ( 38 U.S.C. ?101(21)(B); 38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(2)); (3) full-time service as a commissioned officer at the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Environmental Science Services Administration, or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (38 U.S.C. ?101(21)(C); 38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(3)); (4) service as a cadet at a military academy (38 U.S.C. ?101(21)(D); 38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(4)); (5) attendance by active-duty members at certain prep schools associated with military academies (38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(5)); and (6) authorized travel to or from such duty or service (38 U.S.C. ?101(21)(E); 38 C.F.R. ?3.6(b)(6)).

Congressional Research Service


Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

2. veterans who died due to service-connected disabilities;3 or 3. veterans who died from non-service-related causes not as a result of willful

misconduct and were receiving, or eligible to receive, disability compensation from the VA for service-connected disabilities rated at 100% subject to the following stipulations:4

? the disabilities were rated as 100% disabled for 10 years or more prior to death;

? the disabilities were rated as 100% since discharge or release from active duty for at least five years prior to death; or

? the veterans were prisoners of war who had service-connected disabilities rated at 100% for at least one year prior to death after September 30, 1999.5

The Veterans' Benefits Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-275) expanded the criteria for survivors of veterans who were prisoners of war and died from non-service-related causes by eliminating the requirement that the veteran had to have service-connected disabilities rated at 100% disabled for one year prior to death.

The VA determines the eligibility of veterans and their entitlement to disability compensation through evidence found in military department service records and circumstances of death.

Recipient Eligibility

The dependents of veterans are not generally entitled to all benefits administered by the VA, but some benefits are available based on the relationship the dependent may have had with the veteran. If the eligibility criteria for DIC related to the veteran's death are met, the survivors also have certain criteria to meet to be eligible for DIC. There are three different groups of recipients: spouses, children, and dependent parents of deceased veterans. Each group has specific eligibility requirements.

Surviving Spouses

A surviving spouse is eligible if he or she

? was married to the veteran for at least one year before the veteran's death,6 or

? has a child with the veteran, or ? if the veteran left the military due to a service-connected disability, the

marriage was within 15 years of the discharge;

3 A service-connected disability is defined in 38 U.S.C. ?101(16). 4 Eligibility for non-service-connected deaths of certain veterans rated totally disabled was added by P.L. 100-687. 5 38 U.S.C. ?1318. 6 This requirement does not exist for surviving spouses of a servicemember killed on active military duty.

Congressional Research Service


Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

? cohabited with the veteran for the duration of the marriage unless the couple underwent a period of separation that was not the fault of the surviving spouse; and

? has not remarried before reaching the age of 57.7

Surviving Children

Surviving children8 are eligible for DIC if they are independent of the surviving spouse, unmarried, and below the age of 18. If they are aged 18 to 23, they must be pursuing an approved course of education to be eligible for DIC.9 Children who are permanently incapable of supporting themselves at the age of 18 or older remain entitled to DIC.10

Surviving Parents

Surviving parents are required to provide evidence of financial dependence on the deceased veteran before becoming eligible for DIC. This evidence is gained through a calculation of countable income11 by the VA that cannot exceed the amounts outlined in the Income for VA Purposes (IVAP) tables.12

Monthly Benefit Amounts

Surviving Spouses

Surviving spouses receive monthly benefits at a current base rate of $1,195 if the veteran died on or after January 1, 1993.13 Otherwise, payment is based on the veteran's pay grade at the time of death with the current lowest rate being $1,215. A higher amount may be provided to the surviving spouse for several reasons:

? if the veteran, eight years before death, was receiving or entitled to receive disability compensation for a service-connected disability rated at totally disabled (100%)--an additional $258 a month;14

7 Congress passed the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, which allowed surviving spouses to remarry after the age of 57. P.L. 108-183; 38 U.S.C ??103, 1304. 8 Definitions of who is considered a "child" for the purpose of VA benefits are outlined in 38 U.S.C ?101(4). 9 Students receiving DIC are not able to concurrently receive education benefits under the G.I. Bill or from the VA Survivors' and Dependents Educational Assistance Program under 38 USC ?3562. 10 38 U.S.C ??1313, 1314. 11 Exclusions for countable income are outlined in 38 CFR ?3.272, available at . 12 The applicable rate table can be found at VA's website, at . 13 All benefits listed are adjusted for cost-of-living expenses coinciding with the percentage decided for Social Security benefits in accordance with 38 U.S.C ?1303. 14 Only the time period for which the veteran was married to the surviving spouse counts toward the eight-year requirement.

Congressional Research Service


Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

? if the surviving spouse has dependent children--an additional $301 a month for each child;

? if the surviving spouse has a disability that requires aid and assistance-- an additional $301 a month; or

? if the surviving spouse is permanently housebound--an additional $141 a month.

Surviving Children

Surviving children under the age of 18, or under the age of 23 if they are students, who are independent of the surviving spouse, are entitled to DIC in the following current monthly amounts: one child receives $513, two children receive $738, three children receive $963, and more than three children receive $963 with an additional $183 for each additional child past three. If a child is permanently incapable of self-support before the age of 18, the child remains eligible for DIC past the age of 18.

Surviving Parents

Under current law, the maximum allowable DIC for surviving dependent parents is reduced for countable income above $800, or $1,000 if both parents are a married couple. Monthly benefits received by parents fluctuate by income.15 In the case of a sole surviving parent, the monthly DIC benefit ranges between $5 and $590. For parents who are still married to each other or have remarried other individuals, the range is between $5 and $401. For parents who are not living with each other or different spouses, the range is between $5 and $427.

Application Process

To claim DIC benefits, a survivor is to complete and submit to the local VA office VA Form 21534a and Department of Defense (DD) Form 1300, Report of Casualty.16 The effective date of DIC entitlement is the first day of the month that the death occurred for claims filed within one year of the death. After one year, the DIC entitlement starts on the date the claim is received by the VA.17

15 To see income level rate charts, visit . 16 To download VA Form 21-534a, go to this link, . For parental DIC, download VA Form 21-535 at . The Department of Defense Form 1300 is located at . 17 38 U.S.C ?5110.

Congressional Research Service


Veterans' Benefits: Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Survivors

DIC Statistics for FY2011

In FY2011, 355,474 spouses, children, and parents of veterans received approximately $5.2 billion in DIC.18 On average, each survivor received $14,529 in annual compensation. Children recipients received an average of $4,668 in annual compensation.19

Policy Issues

Several policy issues are associated with DIC, including the DIC offset of Survivor Benefit Plan (military retirement survivor) payments, often referred to as the "widow's tax"; adequacy of the payments for survivors compared with other retirement systems' payments to surviving spouses; remarriage age of 57; length of time for a totally disabled rating for non-service-connected deaths to qualify for DIC; and maximum DIC payment for parents based on income levels that have not been adjusted for inflation.

DIC and SBP Offset

The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is a form of insurance provided by the Department of Defense to military retirees that does not require service-connected death or disability for survivors to receive payments.20 A military retiree elects to have lower monthly retirement pay--the insurance premium for SBP is taken from retirement pay--to ensure that his or her survivors can receive a monthly payment after his or her death. However, this income is taxable, whereas DIC is tax-free. If the survivor of a military retiree is also eligible for and receives DIC, the SBP payment is reduced dollar for dollar by the DIC amount (but not below zero).21

DIC Percentage of Income Compared with Other Pension Programs

There is a disparity between the percentage of income a DIC recipient is paid and the percentages given to recipients of other retirement and pension plans. Currently, an eligible surviving spouse would receive a basic DIC benefit of $1,215 monthly. This is 41.0% of the basic compensation rate for a veteran with a spouse receiving disability compensation at the 100% disabled rating. This has called into question the adequacy of DIC payments.

Private pension plans are required to pay 50% of their benefit to surviving spouses, but retirees in some plans may elect to give their surviving spouses a larger percentage. As a result of the variance in pension plans, benefits, and survivor options, it is difficult to discern what the average pension benefit for a surviving spouse in the private sector might be. SBP recipients receive 55% of the military retiree's retirement pay.22 Federal employee pension plans provide 55% of

18 Department of Veterans Affairs, Annual Benefits Report Fiscal Year 2011. 19 Ibid. 20 For more information on the Survivor Benefit Plan, see CRS Report RL31664, The Military Survivor Benefit Plan: A Description of Its Provisions, by David F. Burrelli. 21 Survivors who remarry at the age of 57 or older may retain DIC benefits, and for them no other federal benefit including SBP can be reduced. 22 For additional information regarding veterans' pension programs, see CRS Report RS22804, Veterans' Benefits: (continued...)

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