Stating Cause and EffectThe following sentences are taken from an essay about life for impoverished girls around the world.CAUSE — EFFECTCAUSE (REASON)TRANSITIONEFFECT (RESULT)The girl had no education, and her family was pressuring her.Consequently,she married very young.She had unprotected sex.As a result,she had a baby at fourteen.She had no access to health education or medical clinics.Therefore,she was more likely to get HIV.There was poor sanitation in the village.As a consequence,she had health problems.The water was impure in her village.For this reason,she suffered from parasites.She had no shoes, warm clothes or blankets.For all these reasons,she was often cold.She had no resources to grow food.Thus,she was hungry.Her life was dangerous and difficult,soshe was fighting for survival.EFFECT — CAUSEEFFECT (RESULT)CONJUNCTIONCAUSE (REASON)The girl married very youngbecauseshe had no education, and her family was pressuring her.She had a baby at fourteenasshe was not protected.She was more likely to get HIVsinceshe had no access to health education or medical clinics.She had health problemsbecause ofpoor sanitation in the village. (noun phrase)She suffered from parasiteson account ofthe impure water in her village.? (noun phrase)She was often colddue tonot having shoes, warm clothes or blankets.? (noun phrase)She was hungryfor the reason thatshe had no resources to grow food.She was fighting for survivalsinceher life was dangerous and difficult.? (Lesson 1’s practice exercise)Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. Pollution is a problem in Ulaanbaatar. People in the ger districts must burn wood and coal to stay warm. There are a growing number of cars and trucks on the road. New construction sites kick up dust. (Lesson 2’s example cause-effect essay)What are the effects of raising a child in the countryside in modern-day Mongolia? One of the first questions for new parents is: Where will I raise my child? When it comes to health and connections to culture, the countryside can offer many things to today’s children. But when it comes to education and opportunity, the countryside is not always the best choice. In today’s world, raising a child in the countryside can have both positive and negative effects. A rural childhood can be a magical thing. Many countryside children enjoy an abundance of fresh air. They can also have an active, outdoorsy lifestyle. As a result, they are often healthier than big city children, who breathe polluted air in the winter and spend much of their free time playing computer games. Children in the countryside have many opportunities to take part in a traditional herding lifestyle. They are not distracted by the internet or computer games, and they can spend lots of time with older relatives. For these reasons, rural children may gain a deeper understanding of traditional Mongolian culture than their urban counterparts do. However, not all the effects of countryside living are good for children. Countryside children may have fewer opportunities than city children because the cities often have more resources and better-educated teachers. The city is the obvious choice for parents who value education above all else. A countryside childhood, then, has advantages and disadvantages. It can be a healthy, culturally rich experience for the child, but it can also restrict that child’s opportunities for the future. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to raising children in the city, as well. Many parents have tried to solve this problem by living in the city during the school year and sending their children to the countryside in the summer. In this way, perhaps today’s children can enjoy the best of both worlds.What are the effects of raising a child in the countryside in modern-day Mongolia? One of the first questions for new parents is: Where will I raise my child? When it comes to health and connections to culture, the countryside can offer many things to today’s children. But when it comes to education and opportunity, the countryside is not always the best choice. In today’s world, raising a child in the countryside can have both positive and negative effects. A rural childhood can be a magical thing. Many countryside children enjoy an abundance of fresh air. They can also have an active, outdoorsy lifestyle. As a result, they are often healthier than big city children, who breathe polluted air in the winter and spend much of their free time playing computer games. Children in the countryside have many opportunities to take part in a traditional herding lifestyle. They are not distracted by the internet or computer games, and they can spend lots of time with older relatives. For these reasons, rural children may gain a deeper understanding of traditional Mongolian culture than their urban counterparts do. However, not all the effects of countryside living are good for children. Countryside children may have fewer opportunities than city children because the cities often have more resources and better-educated teachers. The city is the obvious choice for parents who value education above all else. A countryside childhood, then, has advantages and disadvantages. It can be a healthy, culturally rich experience for the child, but it can also restrict that child’s opportunities for the future. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to raising children in the city, as well. Many parents have tried to solve this problem by living in the city during the school year and sending their children to the countryside in the summer. In this way, perhaps today’s children can enjoy the best of both worlds. (Lesson 2’s review exercise)1. Re-write using “since:”The city’s water purification system was old and out-of-date. Consequently, most people only drank bottled water.2. Re-write using “as a result:”New parents are often tired and stressed due to a lack of sleep.3. Re-write using “because of:”The student did not do well on the physics exam because he’d skipped most of his lessons that month.4. Re-write using “so:”The basketball team won the tournament handily since they made a habit of practicing every day. 1. Re-write using “since:”The city’s water purification system was old and out-of-date. Consequently, most people only drank bottled water.2. Re-write using “as a result:”New parents are often tired and stressed due to a lack of sleep.3. Re-write using “because of:”The student did not do well on the physics exam because he’d skipped most of his lessons that month.4. Re-write using “so:”The basketball team won the tournament handily since they made a habit of practicing every day. 1. Re-write using “since:”The city’s water purification system was old and out-of-date. Consequently, most people only drank bottled water.2. Re-write using “as a result:”New parents are often tired and stressed due to a lack of sleep.3. Re-write using “because of:”The student did not do well on the physics exam because he’d skipped most of his lessons that month.4. Re-write using “so:”The basketball team won the tournament handily since they made a habit of practicing every day. (Lesson 3’s review exercise)1. Re-write using “on account of:”He was injured and therefore unable to play in the tennis competition.2. Re-write using “therefore:”There’s a good chance she will get an A on the exam since she studies for hours every day.3. Re-write using “since:”The new law was unconstitutional; thus, it was necessary for the Supreme Court to strike it down.4. Re-write using “because of:”There has been a great deal of rain. Consequently, the reservoirs are full.1. Re-write using “on account of:”He was injured and therefore unable to play in the tennis competition.2. Re-write using “therefore:”There’s a good chance she will get an A on the exam since she studies for hours every day.3. Re-write using “since:”The new law was unconstitutional; thus, it was necessary for the Supreme Court to strike it down.4. Re-write using “because of:”There has been a great deal of rain. Consequently, the reservoirs are full.1. Re-write using “on account of:”He was injured and therefore unable to play in the tennis competition.2. Re-write using “therefore:”There’s a good chance she will get an A on the exam since she studies for hours every day.3. Re-write using “since:”The new law was unconstitutional; thus, it was necessary for the Supreme Court to strike it down.4. Re-write using “because of:”There has been a great deal of rain. Consequently, the reservoirs are full. ................

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