Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020


Course Title

Office of Early Health and Safety Modules Learning

Office of Early Core Competencies for


Practitioners (2017)

Office of Early Learning

Implementing the Florida Standards in Preschool Classrooms: 3 Years Old to Kindergarten (2018)

Office of Early Learning

Implementing the Florida Standards in Early Learning Classrooms: Birth to Kindergarten (2018)

Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020

Course Description

These learning modules satisfy School Readiness pre-service training requirements as outlined by Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C. and can also be completed to meet annual in-service training requirements. There are eight modules.


Hours 12 hours 1.2 CEUs

How to Access Training

Early Learning Florida: Go to and click "Create Account."

This interactive course provides an overview of the Florida Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Practitioners. The Florida Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Practitioners is a set of knowledge and skill standards that define what early care and education practitioners that work directly with children should know and be able to do in order to facilitate child growth and development and partner effectively with families. Through an interactive presentation, participants will become familiar with the Standards and understand the elements of quality instruction in preschool classrooms.

The goal of the Implementing the Florida Standards in Early Learning Classrooms: Birth to Kindergarten course is to support early childhood teachers in implementing the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards, which is a comprehensive document containing age-appropriate information and reflections about how young children explore, create and think.


$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

DCF ? Training Management System (TMS): For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to DCF ? Training Management System: DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020


Course Title

Course Description

Cost Hours

How to Access Training

Office of Early Learning

Office of Early Learning Office of Early Learning

Office of Early Learning

Implementing the Florida Standards in Infant and Toddler Classrooms: Birth through 2 Years (2018)

Integrating the Standards: Phonological Awareness (2017)

Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors (2018)

Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom (2009)

The goal of the Implementing the Florida Standards in Infant and Toddler Classrooms: Birth through Two Years course is to support infant and toddler teachers in implementing the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards, which is a comprehensive document containing ageappropriate information and reflections about how young children explore, create and think. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in hands-on activities supporting developmentally appropriate instruction in PA as well as explore all the stages of development. This course is recommended for all preschool educators and is required for all VPK instructors with a Child Development Associate (CDA) or Florida Child Care Professional Certificate (FCCPC). This course provides participants with background information on emergent literacy and demonstrates instructional practices, which are useful in the preschool classroom. This course is appropriate for preschool educators and provides instructional strategies for increasing language and vocabulary with young children. Participants will view videos of instructors implementing the strategies with children in the classroom setting. Additional activities and resources are also provided to support teachers as

$10 5 hours DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please 0.5 CEUs go to

$10 2 hours 0.2 CEUs

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to


Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020


Course Title

Course Description

Cost Hours

they begin to use the language and

vocabulary strategies in their own


Office of Early Mathematical Thinking for Participants will gain early math knowledge $10 5 hours


Early Learners (2015)

and practical information about how to

0.5 CEUs

structure the classroom environment and

plan activities to integrate math concepts

and skills throughout the learning day. The

course uses the six mathematical thinking

areas outlined in the Florida Early Learning

and Developmental Standards: 4 Years Old

To Kindergarten (2017) and the 5 evidence-

based recommendations for meeting the

challenges of teaching math to young

children presented in the What Works

ClearinghouseTM practice guide.

Office of Early Working to Create Positive This interactive course is designed to provide $10 4 hours


Learning Environments:

preschool educators with specific strategies

0.4 CEUs

Preventive Strategies (2017) for creating a positive learning environment.

Participants will be presented with

information that will support them in

providing responsive and reciprocal care-

giving, instruction in creating safe, secure

and supportive environments, and

developing classroom structures that

promote pro-social skills.

Office of Early Developing the Socially and This interactive course, intended for

$10 4 hours


Emotionally Competent Child preschool educators, highlights the

0.4 CEUs


importance of supporting children's

developing social and emotional

competence. An emphasis is placed on

strategies intended to promote the skills


How to Access Training

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020


Course Title

Course Description

Office of Early Learning

Office of Early Learning

Office of Early Learning

Office of Early Learning

English Language Learners in the VPK Classroom (2007)

How to Administer the Florida VPK Assessment (2017)

VPK Assessment Instructional Implications (2017)

VPK Director Credential Course (2016)

necessary for young children to effectively navigate their social world. Participants will be presented with specific approaches for teaching emotional literacy and friendship skills, as well as strategies to support preschoolers as they learn to manage anger and disappointment. This course is for preschool educators to use as they develop culturally sensitive learning environments for children and build relationships with families who are English language learners. Although this course is designed with English language learners in mind, there are numerous best practices that can be used with all young children. Participants will learn the purpose of the VPK Assessment and how to administer, record and score each of the assessment measures through hands on activities and engaging video clips. This training is appropriate for educators who administer the VPK Assessment. Participants will review the VPK Assessment online reporting system score types, reports and instructional resources for planning instruction based on VPK Assessment data. This training is appropriate for educators who administer the VPK Assessment. This course offers future directors professional development on the importance of maintaining a balance between management and leadership in a


Cost Hours

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

$10 3 hours 0.3 CEUs

$10 2 hours 0.2 CEUs

$10 5 hours 0.5 CEUs

How to Access Training

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

DCF ? TMS: For information and registration please go to

Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020


Course Title

Course Description

Cost Hours

How to Access Training

VPK setting and how to establish a high

quality VPK education program by creating

and sustaining an effective learning


MyTeachstone Online Training ? Participants may take either or all of the Infant and Toddler or Pre-K Learn Abouts but must complete each training within the related

age group to receive a certificate of completion.

INFANT/TODDLER Dimensions Learn Abouts ? Must take all (12) modules to receive a certificate of completion for 2 hours of training.

Teachstone myTeachstone Learning

Teachers learn about specific dimensions FREE 15

Access available with a subscription to

Training, LLC Resource: Learn about

using classroom video examples (Available

minutes myTeachstone or by contacting your local ELC or

Relational Climate

in English and Spanish).


Regional Facilitator.

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Teacher Sensitivity

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Facilitated Exploration

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about Early

Language Support

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Positive Climate

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Negative Climate

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Regard for Child



Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Behavior Guidance

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Teacher Sensitivity

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Facilitation of Learning and


myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Quality of Feedback

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Language Modeling

PRESCHOOL Dimensions Learn Abouts ? Must take all (10) modules to receive a certificate of completion for 2.5 hours of training.

Teachstone myTeachstone Learning

Teachers learn about specific dimensions


Access available with a subscription to

Training, LLC Resource: Learn About

using classroom video examples

minutes myTeachstone or by contacting your local ELC or

Positive Climate

(Available in English and Spanish)


Regional Facilitator.

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Negative Climate

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Teacher Sensitivity

myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Regard for Student


myTeachstone Learning

Resource: Learn about

Behavior Management


myTeachstone Learning Resource: Learn about Productivity myTeachstone Learning Resource: Learn about Instructional Learning Formats myTeachstone Learning Resource: Learn about Concept Development myTeachstone Learning Resource: Learn about Quality of Feedback myTeachstone Learning Resource: Learn about Language Modeling

Early Childhood Online Professional Development May 2020



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