Editable Scheme of Work for GCSE Linear Unit 10, Section 3

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification as a linear course

Following the announcement that from September 2012 GCSE specifications will move to linear assessment, this scheme of work has been adapted to help you implement the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Short Course or Full Course specification in a linear way. It can be used to deliver the teaching models presented in the Course Planner, but is not intended to be prescriptive and is provided in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

Other course planning support

Course Planner

In addition to this revised Scheme of Work, we have produced an updated course planner that offers examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs.

SPaG Guide

Following the announcement that SPaG would be introduced into the assessment of GCSE Religious Studies qualifications, we have produced a guide to show how these have been implemented in the Edexcel specification.

Other Edexcel teaching resources

Pearson produces a range of Edexcel resources for this specification, including:

• Student books — full colour textbooks for each examined unit of the specification, plus student books for six of the 12 Controlled Assessment topics.

• Teacher Guides – lesson plans and activity worksheets in print format and as editable files.

• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on an easy-to-use CD ROM.

• Exam Wizard — instant access to banks of GCSE questions from past papers.

Textbooks have also been produced by Hodder Education to support this specification

Edexcel Additional Support

• Ask the Expert — puts you in direct email contact with over 200 of our senior subject experts.

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies

Unit 10 Section 3 Worship and Celebration

Edexcel Scheme of Work

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 1: |To identify the meaning of baptism for Roman Catholics.|Students role-play a baptism. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.1 |

|The meaning and importance of the |To understand the importance of baptism for Roman |Students imagine they are a parent writing to a priest |could be used. |

|sacrament of baptism for Roman |Catholics. |asking the priest to baptise their child. They give | |

|Catholics. | |reasons why they want their child to be baptised. | |

|Topic 2: |To identify the meaning of confirmation for Roman |Students discuss in small groups the meaning of |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.2 |

|The meaning and importance of the |Catholics. |confirmation — any student who has recently been |could be used. |

|sacrament of confirmation for Roman|To understand the importance of confirmation for Roman |confirmed can be asked to explain. | |

|Catholics. |Catholics. |Students write a shopping list of qualities that an | |

| | |adult Christian should have. They explain why | |

| | |confirmation is an important sacrament, using the | |

| | |shopping list to help. | |

|Topic 3: |To identify the meaning of reconciliation for Roman |Students discuss the meaning of the word |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Sections 3.3 |

|The meaning and importance of the |Catholics. |‘reconciliation’ so that they are clear reconciliation |and 3.4 could be used. |

|sacrament of reconciliation for |To understand the importance of reconciliation for |is a two-way process: both sides forgive and become | |

|Roman Catholics. |Roman Catholics. |friends again. | |

| | |Students consider why they think reconciliation is so | |

| | |important in general, and then write down four reasons | |

| | |why they think the sacrament of reconciliation is | |

| | |important (thinking about general reasons first). | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 10 Section 3: Worship and Celebration Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 4: |To identify the meaning of anointing of the sick for |Students draw a mind map with the words ‘Anointing of |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.5 |

|The meaning and importance of the |Roman Catholics. |the sick’ in the centre. They write as many connected |could be used. |

|sacrament of anointing the sick for|To understand the importance of anointing the sick for |ideas onto the mind map as possible. | |

|Roman Catholics. |Roman Catholics. |Students discuss the idea of the sacrament of the sick | |

| | |being strengthening for the sick person, but also for | |

| | |the community. | |

| | |In groups, students write down as many reasons as they | |

| | |can for Roman Catholics thinking that the sacrament of | |

| | |the sick is important, and then hold a vote in class to| |

| | |decide on the four most important reasons. | |

|Topic 5: |To identify the nature of the Mass for Roman Catholics.|If students are not familiar with the Mass, they watch |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Sections 3.6|

|The nature and importance of the |To understand the importance of the Mass for Roman |a video of it. |and 3.7 could be used. |

|Mass for Roman Catholics. |Catholics. |Students work out from this and from textbooks the | |

| | |various parts of the Mass and what happens in them. | |

| | |They complete a table or a cartoon strip. | |

|Topic 6: |To identify the meaning of the Eucharist in other |Teacher explains what the Eucharist is in other |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.8 |

|The meaning of the Eucharist in |Christian traditions. |Christian traditions. |could be used. |

|other Christian traditions. |To understand the importance of the Eucharist in other |In groups, students produce a poster in order to give a| |

| |Christian traditions. |presentation about what the Eucharist means in | |

| | |different traditions. | |

|Topic 7: |To identify the features found in Roman Catholic |Students visit a local church and take photographs of |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.9 |

|Why Roman Catholic churches have |churches. |the various features that they find. |could be used. |

|certain features. |To understand the reasons why churches have certain |They produce an information booklet or an informative | |

| |features. |PowerPoint presentation aimed at year 7 students to | |

| | |explain the importance of the features in a Roman | |

| | |Catholic church. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 10 Section 3: Worship and Celebration Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 8: |To identify the meaning of Christmas. |Students divide into three groups. One group designs a |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.10 |

|The meaning and importance of |To understand the importance of Christmas. |poster on the meaning of Christmas, the second group a |could be used. |

|Christmas. | |poster on the way Christmas is celebrated, and the | |

| | |third a poster on the importance of Christmas. | |

| | |Students present and explain their poster to the rest | |

| | |of the class. | |

|Topic 9: |To identify the meaning of Lent. |Students hold a discussion on the meaning of Lent and |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.11 |

|The meaning and importance of Lent.|To understand the importance of Lent. |why it is celebrated. |could be used. |

| | |Students draw adverts to encourage Catholics to become | |

| | |involved in Lent, giving reasons. | |

|Topic 10: |To identify the meaning of Holy Week. |Students draw and complete a table giving a description|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.12 |

|The meaning and importance of Holy |To understand the importance of Holy Week. |of what happens in Holy Week, and the reasons for these|could be used. |

|Week. | |events. | |

| | |The class holds a debate on the motion: ‘This house | |

| | |believes all Catholics should attend all the | |

| | |celebrations in Holy Week'. | |

|Topic 11: |To identify the meaning of Easter. |In two groups, students collect pictures and images of |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 10C Student Book, Section 3.13 |

|The meaning and importance of |To understand the importance of Easter. |Easter. They create two collages: one that shows the |could be used. |

|Easter. | |commercialised Easter, and one that shows the Christian| |

| | |Easter. | |

| | |In groups, students write down as many reasons as they | |

| | |can for Roman Catholics thinking that Easter is | |

| | |important, and hold a vote in class to decide on the | |

| | |four most important reasons. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 10 Section 3: Worship and Celebration Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

|Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|key questions | | | |

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Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 10 Section 3: Worship and Celebration Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012


Content coverage

Week by week content coverage

Exemplar resources

Learning outcomes

We are happy to provide this scheme of work for you to amend and adapt to suit your teaching purposes.

We hope you find this useful.

Editable scheme of work

Edexcel Linear 2009 Religious Studies Unit 10 Section 3: Worship and Celebration


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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