Town of Gawler - National Military Vehicle Museum


(The opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the Editor and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Committee. If they offend in any way, the Editor profusely apologises).


Come to the AGM, Tuesday 30th July 2013, and put forward your VOTES for YOUR Committee. Then your suggestions can be activated with the new Committee. Remember, if you're not financial, you cannot vote!


The editor unreservedly apologises for any distress unintentionally caused by a 'senior's moment' when remembering (or forgetting) a name when welcoming Ryan Vallis as a new club member. Perhaps whoever forwarded the previously published error to a non-member would be good enough to forward this apology too.


If you have a vehicle registered under Historic Vehicle Registration, and you haven't yet paid your subscription to MVPSSA for the year beginning 1 July 2013, YOU ARE UNREGISTERED even if your logbook was stamped at the recent vehicle inspection day, and/or if you haven't provided a signed Statutory Declaration to our Vehicle Registrar, YOU ARE UNREGISTERED even though your SA Registration Certificate indicates a later expiry date. All the renewal documentation was sent to you separately in May so that you would have sufficient time to comply and pay your annual subscription. Also, when sending in logbooks for stamping, please send a stamped addressed envelope, or $1.30 in stamps!


It would seem that many members who have their vehicles historically registered do not understand their obligations under the scheme. The main change effective of 1st July 2012 is that members must provide a statutory declaration declaring vehicle eligibility to the scheme and declaring any modifications that have been made to the vehicle since the last declaration or inspection. The reason for a statutory declaration is to take the responsibility for the eligibility from the club to the vehicle owner.

Here are some of the responsibilities of scheme vehicle owners.

Maintain financial membership of the club. Dues must be paid by the due date, 30th June

Not drive the vehicle on the road for more than 90 days each period of 12 months of registration. This would mean that a person can not save up the 90 days and use them next year.

Complete the necessary details before starting the journey and carry the log book in the vehicle

Not drive the vehicle on the road unless the clubs authorized person has completed the necessary details in the log book and on the registration papers which show the registration fees have been paid.

Maintain the vehicle in the same condition as was presented at inspection or as stated in the statutory declaration.

Present the vehicle for an inspection upon request of the club at a minimum of once every 3 years and provide the club once a year with a statutory declaration declaring the vehicle eligibility to the scheme

Cancel the vehicles registration when a change of ownership occurs or the person is no longer a financial member of the club and retuning the log book for cancelation

Points to remember,

Send or bring to a meeting both log book and statutory declaration and registration papers showing the receipt and the period of registration (1or 3 years)

If posting these items please enclose a stamped self addressed envelope. The cost of a pre stamped envelope from the post office is $1.30 The cost to the club of postage otherwise will be greater than the cost of a log book every 3 years

Make sure that you have proof that you are a financial member if presenting log books at times outside of club meetings

Thanking you for your help Peter and Don


What would members like to happen on that day, the Museum's 20th Birthday.

Also what type of Celebration/Commemoration, of the National Servicemen's Historical Society team, for their efforts over the years, as they are downsizing after 2013. Suggestions gratefully received Trevor Brown. trevload@  0418 829 320 or 83841695


We have received an invitation from the Commercial Hotel at Morgan, to organise a week-end vehicle run . If there are any takers, we will organise it. Please advise the Editor if you are interested.


A pharmacist walked into his shop to find a man leaning against the wall.

"What's wrong with him?", he asked his assistant.

"He came in for cough syrup, but I couldn't find any

so I gave him an entire box of laxatives."

"You idiot" said the chemist, "You can't treat a cough with laxatives."

"Of course you can" the assistant replied,

"Look at him.........he daren't cough now!!"


Past MVPSSA President Bob Moseley died recently as a result of an industrial accident. Our condolences to his wife Ada.

AACO 6x6


The Museum's International AACO 6x6 overnighting at Mt Ive Station on its return from the Adelaide / Pt Lincoln RACT Convoy, skilfully driven by Peter Dunn with ace navigator Shirley.


These are  classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K.  Newspapers.


8 years old, Hateful little bastard. Bites!  



1/2  Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour's dog.  


FREE PUPPIES.  Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd. 

Father is a Super  Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound.  


COWS,  CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale.  



Must sell washer and dryer £100.  



Worn once by mistake. 

Call Stephanie.  


FOR SALE BY  OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes. 

Excellent  condition, £200 or best offer. 

No longer needed, got married, wife  knows everything. 


Thought  from the Greatest Living Scottish Thinker--Billy Connolly.  

"If women  are so bloody perfect at multitasking, 

How come they can't have a  headache and sex at the same time?"  


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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