PHP Scripts Mall

Advanced-classified-adsAdvance classified ads script is one of the highly recommended scripts in the market. In the market place everyone wants their product to in the best place, without the advertising the product no one knows the product. In order to help the product for a promotion and make business market to next level, we are providing the impressive ads-classified script. This script allows visitors to post their ads (free trials).1. Advantage of scriptThis classifieds script software will allow you to create own classified ads website, with our user friendly (UI) helps the user to under more easy even without computer knowledge person can able to understand the business login and help them to post the ads easily. Our advance classified ads script is an expressive script that lets you kick-start your firm with a free of posting the ads for free for some duration, this is not happing in other classified script in markets. If any firm wants to post the ads for long duration where he/she can need to pay for the ads by select the package and number of duration of ad need to be displayed. With this script admin can make money because include a payment system that allow users to post featured ads and pay for that. User can pay via offline or online (we can integrate any payment gateway like PayPal, cc avenue, Payu money etc... to our client). 1.1. Core featuresEasy to add advertisement and manage ads easy in user panel. User can post the free ads for as free trailUser need to select the package for featured list and long duration ads.Search by country, state and citySEO Friendly URLFlexible Layout DesignPromoting Ads via Social sharingAds details page layoutAds search location Report abuse2. Why you need to buyWe are having more than 15 years experience on the classified ads script, we have more than 300 plus product, but is still highly recommend script to many clients. We have finest developer and requirement analyses’ with great knowledge on the analysis the client requirements, with various analysis we have developed the classified ads script to make the script as one of asset and help the user to start promoting the product by using our script. We can assure you with our power design and business login in the script will give world class experience. 3. Features and functionality3.1 User functionalityUser can able to be the part of with a free of cost, there is not registration fee. After the registration user can login in to the site and view the user panel. User need to submit the user name and valid email id for email verification. User need to register with the emailUser need to fill name and With the valid passwordOnly valid email id is given, duplication email id will not allow in the system. 3.2 User Dashboard After login user can view the user’s dashboard, where user will get the overall details of list of ads the user have been posted. 3.1 Recent ListingsIn recent listing user can view list of recent ads have by the user, they view the ads name, categories, slip of confirmation, and make the feature ads. 3.2 Post adsUser can post ads in option where user needs to give list of valid information like title, ad type, price, description, categories, and image of an ads and location of ads. 3.3 Active ads and Inactive adsUser can view the list active and inactive ads that user have posted. If the user have posted the ads once the time limit is over it will be moved to inactive ads list. 3.4 Profile managementProfile management can be managed their own profile by updating the list of user, phone number, country location and profile image update. User name managementUser profile image managementChange password But email can’t be change by user. 3.5 Advertise-with-usThis is one of the important features that other script in market place cannot have in the script. We have providing the one of the best features to the client, like this feature. User can able to select the advertisement banner need to position on the site page each position contain different price in the ad slot. 3.5.1 Ad slot Ad slot help the user to place their ads where every they want in the site page , each postion have different cost varieties.728 x 90 Home Page $3 /per day 728 x 90 Above Footer $3 /per day 160 x 600 Listing Page $3 /per day160 x 600 Ad Detail Page $3 /per day336 x 280 Ad Detail Page $5 /per day728 x 90 CMS Page $1 /per day, it all can be managed by admin.3.6 Seller contact list User can give the contact request to the seller by giving the user’s name, user’s email id, phone number to the seller, email confirmation will be send to both and seller can abel to view the request in user profile. 4. Admin Functionality Admin will get all option to edit and add in to the system. Admin can view the list of option in the system. Easily accessible admin panel so admin can view all the site statistics on the dashboard. Admin have full authority to control the site.4.1 Admin dashboardOn the admin dashboard the admin can view the list of number of count of,Total number of userTotal adsPending adsApproved adsList of features added and total Ad slot List of membership4.2 User managementAdmin will have the authority of manage the entire user in the system, with this some features. User can manage by the admin all the functionality likes, Admin can view the user profileAdmin can add the user profileAdmin can edit the user profile Admin can activate the user and deactivate the user Search the user’s in the system. 4.3 category managementAdmin can able manage the full category with the some features.Admin can view the category Admin can add the category Admin can edit the category Admin can activate the category and deactivate the category 4.4 Ads management Admin can view the list of ads in the site with some features,Admin can view list ads in the scriptAdmin can add the own ads to the user by getting the money via offline Admin can edit the ads Admin can activate the ads and deactivate the ads based on the package the user has selected. 4.5 Ad slot managementAdmin can manage the list Ads slot of the site.User have the features of adding the ads to the site, where user have need to selecting the package based in the banner positionThe package will be managed and position will be managed by the admin Admin can also add the own features ads to the user by getting the money via offlineAdmin can edit the ads Admin can activate the features ads and deactivate the features ads based on the package the user has selected. 4.6 Buyer request At the time of posting the ads user can view the buy or sell the product. Ads will be posted in the script.Admin can view the buyer request list and seller response list on the ads.Even admin can also manage the list email share to the friends to the user. By giving the email id user can send ads to their friend 4.7 Report abuseUser has option of giving the red flag (Report abuse) ads (In order to remove the unwanted ads)Admin used to manage all the list of adsAdmin have option to block the list of ads that report as a abuse for any userOnce block notification will be sent to the user’s dashboard about the report abuse4.8 General settings CMS pageSocial linkVendor feed backAbout us Contact us Terms & Condition Privacy policy Testimonials FAQNews letters ................

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