What Next? - Jeff Highsmith | Human Swiss-Army Knife ...

-635-3810001018540000053733703215005A?–B–???C–?–?D–??E?F??–?G––?H????I??J?–––K–?–L?–??M––N–?O–––A?–B–???C–?–?D–??E?F??–?G––?H????I??J?–––K–?–L?–??M––N–?O–––53670209337675What Next?Use your curiosity and imagination to drive your learning adventure. Information and help are all over the place. Think of a project you want to do, and find the help and knowledge to do it.If you want to do more electronics or robotics, check out the tutorials and supplies at , , and If you are interested in programming more, try the fun and free coding activities at 00What Next?Use your curiosity and imagination to drive your learning adventure. Information and help are all over the place. Think of a project you want to do, and find the help and knowledge to do it.If you want to do more electronics or robotics, check out the tutorials and supplies at , , and If you are interested in programming more, try the fun and free coding activities at 525145222885Making Good Solder JointsLearn to spot the common soldering mistakes, and you will quickly learn to solder. Many beginners forget to heat both the pad and the pin, ending up with solder on only one of the two things they are connecting. Make sure the soldering iron touches both, and apply the solder to the opposite side of the joint. A good solder joint looks like a little volcano with the sides sloping down.00Making Good Solder JointsLearn to spot the common soldering mistakes, and you will quickly learn to solder. Many beginners forget to heat both the pad and the pin, ending up with solder on only one of the two things they are connecting. Make sure the soldering iron touches both, and apply the solder to the opposite side of the joint. A good solder joint looks like a little volcano with the sides sloping down.5367020213995Learning Morse CodeThe first time you try translating Morse Code, it may seem impossibly fast. First concentrate on identifying which are dots and which are dashes. Once your ears learn the difference, write down the dots and dashes as you hear them. Write fast and leave spaces on your paper where there are spaces between the sounds. After the Morse Beepy plays the longer, lower-pitched sound after the message, it will go to sleep. Then take your time translating the symbols you wrote using this chart of Morse Code.00Learning Morse CodeThe first time you try translating Morse Code, it may seem impossibly fast. First concentrate on identifying which are dots and which are dashes. Once your ears learn the difference, write down the dots and dashes as you hear them. Write fast and leave spaces on your paper where there are spaces between the sounds. After the Morse Beepy plays the longer, lower-pitched sound after the message, it will go to sleep. Then take your time translating the symbols you wrote using this chart of Morse Code.5429254679950ProgrammingThe microcontroller we used on the Morse Beepy has been programmed to do what we want. For this project, we programmed it to send riddles in Morse Code.The microcontroller has a list of messages in its memory. Each riddle counts as one message, and the riddle’s answer counts as one message. Like this:Message 1: Riddle A questionMessage 2: Riddle A answerMessage 3: Riddle B questionMessage 4: Riddle B answerAnd so on…It also has a place in its memory called a variable where it records the number of the message to play next. When we first program the Morse Beepy microcontrollers, that variable has the first message’s number stored in it (1). After playing that message, it adds one to the variable, or resets the variable to “1” if the variable is greater than the total number of messages.Simplified, the programming goes something like this: When the microcontroller wakes from sleep: Play greeting or “CQ CQ CQ”. Play the next un-played message. Record that message as played.If that was the last message:Set the first message to be next.Play low-pitched sound.Go to low-power sleep mode.00ProgrammingThe microcontroller we used on the Morse Beepy has been programmed to do what we want. For this project, we programmed it to send riddles in Morse Code.The microcontroller has a list of messages in its memory. Each riddle counts as one message, and the riddle’s answer counts as one message. Like this:Message 1: Riddle A questionMessage 2: Riddle A answerMessage 3: Riddle B questionMessage 4: Riddle B answerAnd so on…It also has a place in its memory called a variable where it records the number of the message to play next. When we first program the Morse Beepy microcontrollers, that variable has the first message’s number stored in it (1). After playing that message, it adds one to the variable, or resets the variable to “1” if the variable is greater than the total number of messages.Simplified, the programming goes something like this: When the microcontroller wakes from sleep: Play greeting or “CQ CQ CQ”. Play the next un-played message. Record that message as played.If that was the last message:Set the first message to be next.Play low-pitched sound.Go to low-power sleep mode.68465702649855P?––?Q––?–R?–?S???T–U??–V???–W?––X–??–Y–?––Z––??0–––––1?––––2??–––3???––P?––?Q––?–R?–?S???T–U??–V???–W?––X–??–Y–?––Z––??0–––––1?––––2??–––3???––835977526498554????–5?????6–????7––???8–––??9––––?.?–?–?–,––??––:–––??????––??––????–(–?––?)–?––?–@?––?–?4????–5?????6–????7––???8–––??9––––?.?–?–?–,––??––:–––??????––??––????–(–?––?)–?––?–@?––?–?5664202043623Things were moving while solder cooledNot enough solder on padToo much solderOKOKImage by were moving while solder cooledNot enough solder on padToo much solderOKOKImage by Beepy00Morse Beepy15811508877301004070359474200ButtonThis button wakes the microcontroller from sleep so it can run its program.ButtonThis button wakes the microcontroller from sleep so it can run its program.42291009563100005562600639127500145732559626500013239767705725004070358058785LightThe Light Emitting Diode, or LED, converts electricity into light.LightThe Light Emitting Diode, or LED, converts electricity into light.290539555530750078308208224520SoundThe piezo buzzer converts electricity into vibrating motion, which makes sound.00SoundThe piezo buzzer converts electricity into vibrating motion, which makes sound.488632511858625003505205713095BrainsWe give the microcontroller a list of instructions to follow, turning the power to the buzzer and the LED on and off at the right times to create Morse Code.00BrainsWe give the microcontroller a list of instructions to follow, turning the power to the buzzer and the LED on and off at the right times to create Morse Code.5396230846772500203708010968355Hidden ConnectionsThe circuit board connects everything together, using flat strips of copper instead of wires. These flat strips are hidden under a protective purple mask, except where they meet the components for soldering. Simplified versions of their paths are shown by this schematic.00Hidden ConnectionsThe circuit board connects everything together, using flat strips of copper instead of wires. These flat strips are hidden under a protective purple mask, except where they meet the components for soldering. Simplified versions of their paths are shown by this schematic.78041506162675PowerThe battery supplies energy to the circuit.PowerThe battery supplies energy to the circuit. ................

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