Dr. Stephanie

Relationship Repair for CouplesTrainingManualI want you to have an effective Relationship Repair Counter? because you will improve your chances to have a successful, long-lasting romantic relationship. One of the primary predictors for relationship and marital satisfaction and longevity is the effective resolution of relationship complaints. Today, we are going to sharpen your Relationship Repair skills and improve your love life in this cutting edge training!“Less Drama and More Success in Your Relationships” Relationship Repair for CouplesBehaviors That Tell Your Spouse That You Do Not Have a Relationship Service DepartmentPeople’s natural reaction is to “fight or flee” when someone else makes a complaint. However, this natural reaction is not helpful and it will not lead to a successful relationship. This is why business customer representatives are trained to not withdraw or attack when customers file a complaint. Instead, they are taught to properly service complaints in a manner that has been proven to diffuse anger and resolve the complaint.Training Exercise: Ask your significant other what behaviors they observe when you are reacting to a relationship complaint. Do you typically withdraw from their complaint and disregard it? Or, do you become aggressive and fight back? Talk about how you can both learn to calmly diffuse and respond to each other’s concerns.Please go to for information about how to receive Relationship Repair Training via an online Webinar or Live Event. Before and after you review and practice the Relationship Repair worksheets, read Relationship Repair for Couples, or attend webinars or live events you can grade your improvement at the Relationship Repair Counter? by taking the Free Online Relationship Quiz on the homepage at . ................

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