Cover Letter Template - European Space Agency

ARTES Competitiveness & Growth Full ProposalPart 1Cover LetterProposal titleProposal Reference: reference numberNotes for the use of this template (to be removed from Full Proposal)Material presented in this plain style must not be removed nor modified, unless stated otherwise by an explanatory note.Parts highlighted in yellow may or may not need to be filled in, depending on the scope of the proposal (please refer to the related explanatory notes to determine if they apply or not). The product relates to:Space Segment developments (of any product to be used on a spacecraft).Ground Segment developments (of any ground-based element of a satellite communication system).Systems/Service: (of any integrated end-to-end solution composed of a combination of Space and Ground Segment products).Text in red font must be modified and/or completed by the Tenderer for the proposed activity (this supplementary information should be presented in plain typeface, i.e. not red, in the final version of the Full Proposal).Text in blue italics is used for explanatory notes and guidance to help you to develop the Full Proposal content. They should be removed from the final document before submission.A single Cover Letter shall be included covering all Development Phases for which support is being requested under the ARTES C&G Call for Proposals.Use of this Full Proposal Template is mandatory. The Tenderer shall not change the structure of this Full Proposal Template (i.e. the table of contents must remain unchanged) and adhere to its guidelines and requirements. However, the format and lay-out can be modified, e.g. to be in-line with the Tenderer’s corporate identity. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u 1Scope of the Proposal PAGEREF _Toc438197627 \h 32Validity Period PAGEREF _Toc438197628 \h 43Overview of the Proposed Activity PAGEREF _Toc438197629 \h 44Tendering Team and Price Breakdown PAGEREF _Toc438197630 \h 45Contact Details PAGEREF _Toc438197631 \h 66Prior Work PAGEREF _Toc438197632 \h 77Declarations on Key Acceptance Factors and Compliances PAGEREF _Toc438197633 \h 78Authorisation of Funding PAGEREF _Toc438197634 \h 79End-to-End System Demonstration Phase PAGEREF _Toc438197635 \h 710In-Orbit Demonstration PAGEREF _Toc438197636 \h 711In-Orbit Demonstration Embedded Case PAGEREF _Toc438197637 \h 812In-Orbit Demonstration Independent Case as a hosted payload. PAGEREF _Toc438197638 \h 913In-Orbit Demonstration as an Independent Case where the flight hardware represents the main purpose of the mission. PAGEREF _Toc438197639 \h 1014Ground Segment Demonstration Phase PAGEREF _Toc438197640 \h 1115Confirmed Business Case PAGEREF _Toc438197641 \h 1216“Smart contract” tool PAGEREF _Toc438197642 \h 12Cover LetterFrom:(insert the name of the Tenderer or use your letterhead)Date:(Tenderer to fill in the date of the Full Proposal)To:EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA)The European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Keplerlaan 1,2201 AZ Noordwijk, The NetherlandsAtt.:Mrs Monica MEZZADRI (IPL-PET) Subject:ARTES Competitiveness & Growth CALL FOR PROPOSALS ESA Ref.:AO/1-10167/19/NL/AFOur ref.:Proposal Title (proposal title) No. (proposal reference number) _______________________________________________________________Dear Madam,Scope of the ProposalWith reference to the above Call for Proposals we are pleased to present our proposal addressing the following Development Phases and Domains: Please indicate in the table below the development phase(s) (Definition, Technology, Product and/or Demonstration), for which financial support is being requested in the present proposal. Include/remove table rows as appropriate. Please also indicate, by placing an “X” in the relevant table cell(s), which Domain(s) (Space Segment, Ground Segment and/or End-to-End System) is/are being addressed in each development phase.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 1. SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1 Scope of the Proposed ActivityDevelopment PhaseSpace SegmentGround SegmentEnd-to-End System Definition Phase (remove this row if not applicable)XXXTechnology Phase (remove this row if not applicable)XXXProduct Phase (remove this row if not applicable)XXXDemonstration Phase (remove this row if not applicable)XXXThis proposal is a fully self-contained set of documents. It is understood that it will be the sole basis of the Agency’s evaluation and that any information in the Outline Proposal and any correspondence prior to the submission of the proposal will not be considered in the evaluation. The scope and price of the present proposal is identical to the Outline Proposal which was the basis for the Agency’s invitation to submit a Full Proposal. Validity PeriodThis proposal is valid for a period of four months from the date of proposal submission to ESA with implicit extensions as per Article 37 points 3 & 4 of the Agency’s Procurement Regulations.We hereby acknowledge the right of the Agency during the validity period of this proposal to require us to provide evidence of any element of our proposal and to give additional detailed information, including on the price quotation. This includes the right for ESA to perform an audit if ESA deems it appropriate. Overview of the Proposed ActivityThe proposed activity (short introduction of the project and the contents of the proposal as a whole).This should be a brief introduction to the contents of the Proposal as a whole.The proposed start date for the activity is (start date).We hereby inform the Agency, that we will/will not start the work before contract award.Tendering Team and Price BreakdownOur Firm Fixed/Ceiling Price for the activity, in accordance with the funding conditions stated in the Call for Proposals, amounts to (total price) Euro all included, with the sole exception of any import duties and value added taxes in the Agency’s Member States. This price is based on a total cost of (total cost) Euro.The geographical distribution within the Tendering Team is indicated in the table below. Geographical Distribution within the Tendering TeamFor Contractor and Subcontractor(s) only, not for suppliers.NOTE: The term “Subcontractor” used herein refers to a project partner who is specifically identified as a Subcontractor and named as such in an ESA contract. A subcontract is a contract to be entered into by the Tenderer with a third party for a clearly defined task related to the Tenderer’s offer and which is sufficiently non-standard to require specifications/task descriptions to be generated specifically. A Subcontractor can himself place subcontracts. Subcontractor is responsible for one or more work packages.NOTE: Other industrial partners making a lesser contribution to the project with low risk can be proposed as external suppliers or service providers. Typically these partners supply fully manufactured items such as assemblies, devices, modules etc., or provide standard services that can be used without major modification (e.g. hire of facilities, computing/analysis services, manpower services including consultancies, foundries (ASICs, MMICs, etc.), plating of parts, services for procurement of HIREL parts, etc.). In this case they will not be explicitly named Subcontractors in a contract with ESA. However, the costs associated with these external service providers must be detailed in Exhibit A to form PSS-A2.Country (2-letter ISO code)Percentage of total activity pricecountry 1 xx %country 2xx %…xx %The details of the Tendering Team are as follows:Tendering Team and Price Breakdown InformationContractorSubcontractor 1Subcontractor ..Tenderer’s Complete Name and Legal Nature........................SMEyes/noyes/noyes/noLarge Space Integratoryes/noyes/noyes/noESA Entity Code 1 000 xxx xxx1 000 xxx xxx1 000 xxx xxxESA Business Unit Code (if applicable)8 000 xxx xxx8 000 xxx xxx8 000 xxx xxxCountry........................Price TypeFFPFFPFFPPrice and cost for Definition Phase (remove this row if not applicable)Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price and cost for Technology Phase (remove this row if not applicable)Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price and cost for Product Phase (remove this row if not applicable)Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price and cost for Demonstration Phase (remove this row if not applicable)Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Price €........Cost €........Total Price to ESA per Contractor/Sub€........€........€........Total Cost per Contractor/Sub€........€........€........Contact DetailsEntity and contact details for the Tenderer (potential Contractor) are given below:Tenderer DetailsEntity DetailsFull Name:(full name of the Tenderer)Address:(address of its seat)Telephone:........Nationality (according to ESA Convention criteria):........VAT Number:........Contact person to whom all communication related to the Full Proposal should be addressed:Name:........Telephone nr.:........Email address:........Postal address:................Author(s) of the Full Proposal:Name: ........Job Title:........Person who will be responsible for the technical management of any resulting contract, and who would be nominated as such in the contract:Name:........Telephone nr.:........Email address:........Postal address:................Person who will be responsible for the contractual management of any resulting contract, and who would be nominated as such in the contract:Name:........Telephone nr.:........Email address:........Postal address:................Person who will sign any resulting contract:Name: ........Job Title:........Contact details for the Subcontractor(s) are given below:Delete this section if no subcontractors are proposedSubcontractor Contact DetailsSubcontractor 1Subcontractor 2Subcontractor …Subcontractor detailsName: ........................Address:................................................Contact person for the purposes of their Full Proposal to the ContractorName:........................Telephone nr.:........................Email address:........................Prior WorkPrior Work is/is not proposed.Declarations on Key Acceptance Factors and CompliancesForm A “Declarations on Key Acceptance Factors” has been duly completed and signed. Form B “Declarations on Compliances” has been duly completed and signed.The completed and signed Forms A and B are attached as Annex?A to this cover letter.Authorisation of FundingSigned letter(s) of Authorisation of Funding from the relevant National Delegation(s), authorising the Agency to fund the quoted price from their country’s contribution to the ARTES C&G Element, are attached as Annex B to this proposal cover letter.End-to-End System Demonstration PhaseInclude this section only if the Full Proposal includes an End-to-End System Demonstration PhaseUse sections REF _Ref484011788 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 10 through 14 to address the constituent parts of End-to-End System Demonstration (Space and Ground Segment).The users and other stakeholders involved in the Demonstration Phase have issued statements confirming their participation in the operational validation of the End-to-End System and indicating their interest in the future use of the product and/or commercial exploitation. These statements are attached as Annex X to this cover letter. In-Orbit Demonstration Include this section only if the Full Proposal includes a Space Segment (also known as Atlas) or an End-to-End System Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed.Support is being requested within the Demonstration Phase of a Space Segment activity for an Embedded Case/Independent Case as a hosted payload/an Independent Case where the flight hardware represents the main purpose of the mission.orSupport is being requested within the Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed. The in-orbit experiment will be implemented as an Embedded Case/Independent Case as a hosted payload/an Independent Case where the flight hardware represents the main purpose of the mission.In-Orbit Demonstration Embedded CaseInclude this section only if the Full Proposal includes a Space Segment (Atlas) or an End-to-End System Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed as an embedded Case.The end user (operator) of the flight item(s) is …….The Satellite Prime to whom the equipment will be delivered is …….We hereby confirm that:this is the first flight opportunity for the product.the performance data collected from the unit during integration testing, and over the first year in orbit of the items flown in the Demonstration Phase, along with any anomaly reports and investigations, shall be shared with ESA.the Satellite Prime has been informed that the Tenderer is seeking support for the flight hardware from ESA, and that the Satellite Prime has agreed, in principle, to the provision of the performance data of the unit(s) during integration testing and after one year in orbit.A statement from the Satellite Operator is attached as Annex X to this cover letter/will be provided prior to contract signature: Indicating the reasons for his interest in flying and using the product. Agreeing to provide in orbit data on the product performance to the Tenderer and ESA in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.Agreeing to inform the Tenderer and ESA of any anomalies related to the product and to provide visibility thereof (e.g. participation in non-conformance review board meetings) in case of ESA contract award to Tenderer.Confirming that the product is included in the procured satellite.A statement from the Satellite Prime is attached as Annex X to this cover letter/will be provided prior to contract signature:Agreeing to provide data relating to the performance of the equipment during spacecraft assembly, integration and testing to the Tenderer and ESA in the event of ESA awarding a contract to the Tenderer.Agreeing to inform the Tenderer and ESA of any anomalies related to the product and to provide visibility (e.g. participation in non-conformance review board meetings) in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.In-Orbit Demonstration Independent Case as a hosted payload.Include this section only if the Full Proposal includes a Space Segment (Atlas) or End-to-End System Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed flying as an Independent Case as a hosted payload.Support is being requested for a flight demonstration opportunity within the Demonstration Phase. The table below provides an overview of the flight opportunity.Overview of the Flight OpportunityStatementName of the spacecraft/mission: …Satellite operator(s):…Spacecraft manufacturer(s)…Launch provider:…Item(s) proposed to be flown in the Demonstration Phase:…Legal owner of the items once in orbit:The legal owner assumes liability for the flight item once in orbit. This may or may not be the same as the beneficial owner of the item.…The following table indicates whether or not the parties identified in the table above have been informed that support is being sought from the Agency for a flight demonstration opportunity.Notification of Parties Involved in the Flight OpportunityInformed that support is being sought from the Agency for a flight demonstration opportunity?Satellite operator(s):yes/noSpacecraft manufacturer(s)yes/noThe period of initial in-orbit operation to demonstrate technology feasibility and to retire the technological/commercial risks addressed by the Demonstration Phase is … years. This has been assessed to be adequate for the purposes of the demonstration in [provide reference to full proposal section].We make the following additional statements in relation to the flight demonstration opportunity.All of the following statements are mandatory for a Demonstration Phase. Any statement that is not confirmed (by answering “no”) may prevent a contract/CCN being placed to initiate a Demonstration Phase activity.Additional Statements Relating to the Flight OpportunityRef.StatementConfirmed1We have entered into a firm agreement with the provider of the flight opportunity:yes/no2The entity who will assume ownership of the flight item(s) at the time of launch has been informed that all liability for the flight item(s) will reside with them:yes/no3The performance data collected from the unit during integration and testing, and over the initial period of operation in orbit of the items flown in the Demonstration Phase, along with any anomaly reports and investigations, shall be shared with ESA:yes/no4The Spacecraft Manufacturer has agreed, in principle, to the provision of the performance data of the unit(s) during integration and testing and the initial in-orbit operation period.yes/noA statement from the Satellite Operator is attached as Annex X to this cover letter/will be provided prior to contract signature: Confirming that the resources needed for operation during the in-orbit demonstration will be available to the flight hardware. Agreeing to provide in orbit data on the flight hardware performance to the Tenderer and ESA in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.Agreeing to inform the Tenderer and ESA of any anomalies related to the flight hardware and to provide visibility thereof (e.g. participation in non-conformance review board meetings) in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.Confirming that the flight hardware is included in the procured satellite.A statement from the Spacecraft Manufacturer is attached as Annex X to this cover letter/will be provided prior to contract signature:Agreeing to provide data relating to the performance of the equipment during spacecraft assembly, integration and testing to the Tenderer and ESA in the event of ESA awarding a contract to the Tenderer.Agreeing to inform the Tenderer and ESA of any anomalies related to the flight hardware and to provide visibility (e.g. participation in non-conformance review board meetings) in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.In-Orbit Demonstration as an Independent Case where the flight hardware represents the main purpose of the mission. Include this section only if the Full Proposal includes a Space Segment (Atlas) Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed flying as an Independent Case where the flight hardware represents the main purpose of the mission .Support is being requested for a flight demonstration opportunity within the Demonstration Phase. The table below provides an overview of the flight opportunity.OverviewStatementSpacecraft Name/designator …Type/make of Spacecraft …Spacecraft manufacturer(s)…Payload Manufacturer(s)…Launch provider:…Company responsible for operating the satellite…Intended State of registration for the spacecraft (as per UN data base)…Company responsible for registering the spacecraft with the above state.…The state through which any RF frequencies shall be licenced …The company responsible for filing the frequencies licences.…Item(s) proposed to be flown in the Demonstration Phase:…The period of initial in-orbit operation to demonstrate technology feasibility and to retire the technological/commercial risks addressed by the Demonstration Phase is … Months. This has been assessed to be adequate for the purposes of the demonstration in [provide reference to full proposal section].We make the following additional statements in relation to the flight demonstration opportunity.All of the following statements are mandatory for a Demonstration Phase. Any statement that is not confirmed (by answering “no”) may prevent a contract/CCN being placed to initiate a Demonstration Phase activity.Additional Statements Relating to the Flight OpportunityRef.StatementConfirmed1The company confirms that the spacecraft shall meet all space debris mitigation requirements as set out in ISO 24113: Space systems - Space debris mitigation requirements. As interpreted by the state of registration for the spacecraftyes/no2The entity who will assume ownership of the flight item(s) at the time of launch has been informed that all liability for the flight item(s) will reside with them:yes/no3The performance data collected from the unit during integration and testing, and over the initial period of operation in orbit of the items flown in the Demonstration Phase, along with any anomaly reports and investigations, shall be shared with ESA:yes/no4The Spacecraft Manufacturer has agreed, in principle, to the provision of the performance data of the unit(s) during integration and testing and the initial in-orbit operation period.yes/noThe Spacecraft Manufacturer and operator has agreed, in principle to inform the Tenderer and ESA of any anomalies related to the flight hardware and to provide visibility (e.g. participation in non-conformance review board meetings) in case of ESA contract award to the Tenderer.yes/noGround Segment Demonstration PhaseInclude this section only if the Full Proposal includes a Ground Segment or End-to-End System Demonstration PhaseThe users and other stakeholders involved in the Demonstration Phase have issued statements confirming their participation in the operational validation of the Ground Segment product and indicating their interest in the future use of the product. These statements are attached as Annex X to this cover letter. Confirmed Business CaseInclude this section only if it is planned to develop a product with a “confirmed business case”. To be eligible for the support for “confirmed business case”, the following conditions must be satisfied:You have received a commercial order from a customer for the product to be developed. A positive return on investment is anticipated based on this commercial order alone (i.e. it is not dependent upon any other product sales).The product has reached an appropriate level of maturity, such that performance specifications and commercial terms and conditions have been released by the customer of the development to be undertaken.Provide evidence that the business case for the proposed product is confirmed, e.g. letter of confirmation from the customer stating that the Tenderer has been selected as a supplier, or a copy of the supply contract.Note that the commercial opportunity must be judged as credible by ESA. Our proposed activity has a “confirmed business case”. (Name of Tenderer) confirms that they have received the commercial and technical requirements from (name of customer).Our financial analysis for the proposed activity demonstrates that a positive return on investment is secured based on this commercial order alone.We have received written confirmation of our customer’s/s’ commercial order for our proposed product. The customers and the types of documents received are identified below:List your customers and the documents received from them. The documents is/documents are attached as Annex X to this cover letter.“Smart contract” toolMore information on the “Smart contract” tool is provided in Part 7, section 1.Guidance on how to use the tool can be found here: The “Smart contract” tool files can be accessed here:The completed Word and Excel files generated from the Smart Contract Tool are uploaded under the “Other” proposal element in esa-star. sign and date the cover letterDone and signed for, and on behalf of .....................Signature: .............................. Name and title of the signatory: (full name and function) duly authorised to commit the tendering entity and its proposed Subcontractor(s) for this purpose.Annex AForm A: Declarations on Key Acceptance FactorsCfP Reference: AO/1-10167/19/NL/AF, ARTES C&G Element Proposal Title: ………………………………………………………………………………… By submitting this Form A as Annex to the cover letter of the Full Proposal reference [insert reference of your Proposal……], I/we the undersigned herewith officially declare that the Full Proposal fulfils the Key Acceptance Factors as listed hereunder and accepts that the Full Proposal will be excluded from further evaluation if it turns out that the Full Proposal is not in line with any of the declarations given in this form: Key Acceptance FactorsPlease tick all the boxes to confirm that you meet the requirementsThe Tenderer and any Subcontractor(s) satisfy/ies the qualification requirements established under Part 1 A “Eligibility Requirements” paragraphs b) to i) of the Agency’s General Conditions of Tender (see Part 2B-1 of the GCT).…The Tenderer confirms, on his behalf and on behalf of its Subcontractor(s), to be compliant with the requirements listed in the “Certification of Free Competition” (see Part 2B-3 of the GCT).…The Tenderer confirms, on his behalf and on behalf of its Subcontractor(s), to be compliant with the requirements listed in the “Certification of Non-Benefit” (see Part 2H of the GCT).…The Tenderer confirms, on his behalf and on behalf of its Subcontractor(s), the acceptance of the conditions listed in the “Non Commitment of the Agency” (see Part 2B-11 of the GCT).…The Full Proposal cover letter and the Full Proposal contain a binding price.…The Full Proposal cover letter and the Full Proposal contain a Firm Fixed/Ceiling Price. …The Full Proposal cover letter contains a confirmation that the validity period is four (4) months from the date of Full Proposal submission with implicit extensions as per Article 37 points 3 & 4 of the Agency’s Procurement Regulations. …The Full Proposal contains a technical description.…A statement is attached to the cover letter, signed by the Delegate(s) representing the country/ies in which the Contractor (and if applicable its Subcontractor(s) reside(s), either authorising the Agency to fund the quoted price from their contribution to the ARTES Competitiveness & Growth Element or indicating their preliminary agreement to fund the quoted price subject to formal approval.…ESA has given its go-ahead for the submission of the Full Proposal based on the Outline Proposal.…The Tenderer has prepared its Full Proposal in line with the mandatory Proposal Templates.…The Full Proposal cover letter and its Annex A (Forms A and B) are signed by authorised representative(s) of the Tenderer.…Name:………………Current position in the Tenderer’s organisation:………………Signature:………………Date:………………Form B: Declarations on CompliancesCfP Reference: AO/1-10167/19/NL/AF, ARTES C&G ElementProposal Title: …………………………………………………………………………………By submitting the present Form B as an annex to the cover letter of the Full Proposal reference (reference of your Proposal), I/we the undersigned herewith officially declare that the Full Proposal is compliant with the following requirements as listed hereunder:Compliance StatementIndicate*?: “Compliant” or “Partially Compliant” or “Non-Compliant”The information provided to ESA for registration as potential supplier (individually for all entities involved in the Proposal) has been updated in the last 12 months.…With regard to the Agency’s Right of Audit (GCT Part 2 B7) of the Call for Proposals, the Proposal is:…The Proposal uses the Mandatory Templates of the SCT and complies with all requirements therein. …*If “partially compliant” or “non-compliant” provide a reference to the relevant Parts of the Proposal containing detailed information on the matter.Name:………………Current position in the Tenderer’s organisation:………………Signature:………………Date:………………Annex BAuthorisation(s) of Funding from National Delegation(s)Please enclose a copy of the letter from each relevant National Delegation.Annex XInclude if the proposal includes a Space Segment (Atlas) Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed flying as an embedded or Independent case as a hosted payload Statement from the Satellite Operator A statement from the Satellite Operator acknowledging support for a first flight opportunity of the product is attached.or (delete the inapplicable paragraph)A statement from the Satellite Operator acknowledging support for a first flight opportunity of the product will be provided prior to contract signature.Annex XInclude if the proposal includes a Space Segment (Atlas) Demonstration Phase or Technology Phase where an early in-orbit experiment is proposed flying as an Embedded or Independent caseStatement from the Satellite Prime/Spacecraft Manufacturer A statement from the Satellite Prime(s)/Spacecraft Manufacturer acknowledging support for a first flight opportunity of the product is attached.or (delete the inapplicable paragraph)A statement from the Satellite Prime(s) acknowledging support for a first flight opportunity of the product will be provided prior to contract signature.Annex XInclude if the full proposal includes any Ground and/ or End-to-End System Demonstration cases Statement from users and/or stakeholders Statements from users and/or stakeholders confirming their participation in the operational validation of the Ground Segment product and/or End-to-End System and indicating their interest in the future use and/or exploitation of the product are attached. ................

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